The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 23, 1903, Image 5

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5eS5psaarr i rslST
Plumber and
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Apent for Halliday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCpok - Nebraska
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Eear Palmer House
McCook Nebraska
H N Rccm jL J b 1 n I ii i iSl JS
A C Ong A M IiL B Pres Omaha
Prof A J Lowrv Princ
sa A HMinw
Endorsed hv First Natl
Bankand business men
S10000 in lioll Top Deks Bank Fixtures and
50 Tvppwritprs Students can work forboard
Sena for free ritalosrue bound fit alligator
finest ever published bv a Business College
Bead it and you will attend the N B
in k iiiiu m ii liinnftiiiiinriiiwwiniionnrtii
Given Away
Commencing Oct 24 and lasting until Dec 1
we are going to give to our customers
Jims Purchase a Paying- One
Chicago Oct 20 The 49th annual
report of the Chicago Burlington
Quincy railrond company issued yester
day fully justifies the wisdom of James
J Hill in buying that system and oper
ating it in harmony with the Great
Northern and Northern Pacific railroads
The financial statement shows an in
crease in gross earnings amounting to
88813133 and a net increase amounting
to S39S3536 The total gross earnings
were over 62000GOO and after paying
8834570 interest on the joint Burling
ton collateral bonds and dividends on
the stock not deposited as collateral the
company has a surplus amounting to
1491537 The companys surplus for
the year was 4491537 while at the
end of the previous fiscal year it was
1263389 The gross earnings increas
ed nearly 9000000 in the past year
while operating expenses and taxes in
creased 4859597
Recent Fast Runs
A number of fast runs by passenger
trains have been reported recently A
train on the Pennsylvania consisting of
General Superintendent Creigh tons
private car a passenger coach and en
gine is reported to have made the run
from Philadelphia to Altoona 233 miles
in 298 minutes including a stop at
Harrisburg and a couple of slow downs
On the Wabash a run of 69 miles in 64
minutes is reported from the middle
division of that road A train on the
Illinois Central made the run of 125
miles from Centralia to Champaign III
in 148 minutes Between Kinmundy
and Edgevvood 14 miles the train ran
at the rate of 87f miles per hour
Do You Want to Yawn
Feel cold shiverings aching in the
bones lack of energy headache and
great depression These symptoms may
be followed by violent headache high
fever extreme nervousness a condition
known as malaria Herbine cures it
Take it before the disease gets a fair
hold though it will work a cure in any
stage J A Hopkins Manchester
Kan writes I have used your great
medicine Herbine for several years
There is nothing better for malaria
chills and fever headache biliousness
and for a blood purifying tonic there is
nothing as good 50c at A McMillens
For a bilious attack take Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
quick cure is certain For sale by LW
McConnell druggist
Time Card
McCook Neb
In Latest Styles
Every Pair Made to Order
KuiiiiMMivtmtutiitUiJU UMu vmmjmxBwnwuixrKrxrtin miiua
A Beautiful Decorated iOl Piece Semi Porcelain
Dinner Set worth 1500
Also One 12 Piece Decorated Chamber Set
Such as have sold for 1000
And a Large SfSr Stand Lamp with Globe Shade
Standing 18 inches high
You can see these goods in our window and we shall
be pleased to tell about them
Hi i ii Miii 1 1 mi mil ii rMoimifliffrTinnrTHir
No 6 Central Time 1115 pm
2 540 am
12 820 am
14 955 P M
No 5 arrives from east at b p m
No 1 Mountain Time
1154 AM
1125 P M
750 PM
825 AM
No 17G arrives Mountain Time 6 40 p M
No 175 departs 700 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
A E PETTY Proprietor
McCook Nebraska
District Court Proceedings
Following wo give the proceedings of
the district court which has been in ses
sion in McCook for the past two weeks
noting tho cascB disposed of up to the
time of going to press this Friday noon
Tho murder case wherein Charles Mc
Millan is charged with tho killing of Lee
Jones of Bartley at Indianola May 30th
1903 has engrossed the entire time of
the court practically this wejk All
tho testimony was taken by yesterday
afternoon and tho caso closed except
tho arguments before the jury II W
Keyes opened for the state Inst night
and the defense was taken up before the
jury this morning by O II Tauner
and the arguments are now progressing
Lawyer Botter of Red Cloud followed
Tanner and County Attorney Eldred
took up the argument for tho state after
him W R Starr will close for the de
D W C Beck vs Samuel Premer
George L Mesker vs The Masonic
Temple Association
John A Gunn vs Jennie Russell
James K P Pine vs David Mangus
et al
The Steele Wedeles Co vs David Dia
mond ot al
William A McCool vs William O
In the mattor of the estate of James
Hetherington deceased
Western Land Co vs John Kolb etal
Edward B Cowles vs William II Car
uahan ot al
Robert II Thomas vs The Free3 and
Ilocknell Lumber Co
Russell L Loomis vs Maynard R
Loomis et al
Northwestern Life and Savings Co vs
Charles Blackburn
In the matter of the application of
Florence Parkinson and F B Pratt ex
ecutors of the last will and testament of
W J Purkinson deceased for license
to sell real estate
Harrison Harrison vs The County
of Red Willow State of Nebraska
Celeste H Douglass vs Hiram C Ri
der et al
Amasa Cobb ot al vs Sandwich En
terprise Co
Lincoln Land Co vs May Leavitt
Charles E Gibson vs Fanuio Cole
man Due plaintiff 586 and 10 per cent
J P A Black vs Louisa Russell et al
Due plaintiff 30943 and 10 per cent in
Western Land Co vsF PNicholson
Due plaintiff 54164 and 10 per cent in
terest Attorney fee 554
Western Land Co vs Margaret H
Heade Due plaintiff 9628 and 10 per
cent interest Attorney fee 962
Western Land Co vs Providence Mu
tual Investment Co Due plaintiff 6258
and 10 per cent interest Attorney fee
Charles H Boyle vs James II Patter
son et al Due plaintiff 96354 and 10
per cent interest
J F Cordeal vs Olaf Landgrenr Ida
Landgren et al Due plaintiff 31734
and 10 per cent interest
Bristol Savings Bank of Bristol New
Hampshire vs Anitistia Holmes et al
Due plaintiff S94570 and 10 per cent in
John Stevens vs Morritz Mohler et al
Due plaintiff 39031 and 10 per cent in
C H Boj le vs Margaret n Heade et
al Due plaintiff 14966 and 10 per cent
interest Attorney fee 1496
B M Vincent vs Geo F Cundiff et
al Ordered present sheriff to make deed
Samuel C King vs Richard M Wil
liams et al Sale confirmed and deed
ordered Surplus S870
J F Cordeal vs Ephraim S Dutcher
et al Sale confirmed and deed ordered
In the matter of the estate of Morritz
Mohler deceased Sale confirmed and
deed ordered
In the matter of the estate of John
Kolb deceased Sale confirmed and
deed ordered
James McAdams vs The City of Mc
Cook Judgment for defendant by jury
Gottlieb Duerling vs Joseph McBray
er et al Dismissed by plaintiff without
prejudice costs paid by plaintiff
John P Reiter vs Adolph Schmidt
Settled and dismissed as per stipulation
on file
Mrs J C Lafferty vs William A De
May et al Settled and dismissed
Alice Tague vs Joseph M Tague Di
vorce granted defendant
Frederick Plasmyere vs Julia A Al
len et al Agreed that plaintiff have
judgment for 100 and costs
The State of Nebraska vs James Cum
mings Defendant sentenced to pay a
fine of 100 and costs of suit
Joseph S McBrayer vs William Jeff
ries Dismissed without prejudice
Edward B Cowles vs Helen T Camp
bell Dismissed at plaintiffs cost
Jeannette R Cann vs The Bankers
Union of the World Judgment for 2
000 for plaintiff
J W Hoppe vs F Grandstaff Dis
State of Nebraska vs George Beck
State of Nebraska vs F Grandstaff
Nolle filed by county attorney
Elias Canaga vs Ellen Canaga Di
vorce granted plaintiff to pay costs
In the case of the State of Nebraska
vs Clarence Simpson the jury brought
I Arc i Mfliu jf 5 tNfe V ir W7iiv kKrfU I I III
if mm wwfir mmmm
3 WIMllllll I I
Dont these cool mornings remind you of
the fact that your boy needs
ew u
m by J R Parker Morning subject
The Significance of Christs Resurrec
tion Evening A Sermon to Please
Baptist Sermons 11 a m
n m Bible school 945 a m
TJ 7 pm Topic for Sunday evening
A Week in the Court room or the
Hatefulness of Hate Mid week prayer
meeting Wednesday at 8 pm Excellent
music A cordial welcome to all
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m orn ing prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 7 30 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Services both mor
niner and evening by Rev George A
Conrad of Park City Utah Sunday
school at 10 oclock Prayer and con
ference meeting on Wednesday evening
at 8 oclock It is expected that Rev
Conrad will also occupy the pulpit on
Sunday November 1st both morning
and evening Pulpit Committee
Methodist Sabbath school 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Ep
worth League at 7 p m Subject Civ
ic Righteousness Deut 117 II Sam
uel 233 Psalms 210 Prayer meeting
every Wednesday evening at 8 oclock
Subject for next Sunday morning
Peter evening Christ Sorrow
Come thou with us and we will do thee
good Mis3 Bertha Graham will sing
a solo at the morning service
M B Carman Pastor
wmi nr i - mw jjuij iimMiMjjEJUiJAMtiiLnjj
in a verdict of guilty but sentence has
not yet been passed by the court
In the case of the State of Nebraska
vs George Kelleck charged with rape
the verdict was guilty but sentence has
not yet been delivered by Judge Orr
Judge Fawcett of Omaha is in the
city to sit in cases wherein Judge Orr is
interested as an attorney
Quite a number of cases on the docket
have not been reached or have been
passed temporarily on account of the
all absorbing murder trial this week
and will not be determined until later
these1 will be noted in our next issue
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Science Services in the
Christian church Sunday afternoon at
3 oclock Next Sundays lesson sermon
subject EverlastingPunishment Cor
dial invitation to all
Christian Sunday school 10 a m
Preaching services at 11 a m and S p
and 8 p
1 Want vour moustache or beard a lipjintiful
brown or rich black Then use
DiinimnuflMo nVCforthe
Bring him in and let us fit him We have good
values and all sizes in Boys and Mens CIoth
ing Our prices are right
Stomach Trouble
I have been troubled with my stom
ach for the past four years says D L
Beach of Clover Nook Farm Greenfield
Mass A few days ago I was induced
to buy a box of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets I have taken part
of them and feel a great deal better
If you have any trouble with your stom
ach try a box of these Tablets You are
certain to be pleased with the result
Price 25 cents For sale by L W Mc
Low Rates West via Burlington Route
2500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
2500 to San Francisco and Los Angeles
2250 to Spokane 2000 to Salt Lake
City Butte and Helena Proportion
ately low rates to hundreds of other
points including Big Horn Basin Wyo
Montana Idaho Washington Oregon
British Columbia California etc Ev
ery day until November 30 Tourist
cars daily to California Personally
conducted excursions three times a
week Tourist cars daily to Seattle In
quire of nearest Burlington Route
Dieting Invites Disease
To cure dyspepsia or indigestion it is
no longer necessary to live on milk and
toasts Starvation produces such weak
ness that the whole system becomes an
easy prey to disease Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and digestive
organs to digest and assimilate all of the
wholesome food that one cares to eat
and is a never failing cure for indiges
tion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol digests what you eat makes the
stomach sweet Sold by L W McCon
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth Its
your liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure consti
pation headache dyspepsia
DUUftlNUnKm O UI Whiskers
ii mw
boj3 Ji uUHbLdo
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
i i I in mi i mi ii i mil mi i ii a i i i f
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 3
Wheat rft
Oats j5
Rye S5
Barley j
JloK3 5 2
Esks 175
Good Butter 20
Bulk Butter 1714
The Tribune Only 100 per year
Are Ton Mai
Boy Say Pa what do they
mean by saying Penny wise
and pound foolish
Father Why its where a
man loses a dollar to save a
Boy Well Pa were you
that way when you let your
hogs all die because you did
not want to pay out money for
Liquid Koal that James Cain
sells so much of
Father Johnnie dont talk
so much
Iriton Xov 2 1502
Tins is to certify that I used L K and am
well pleased with it I only had six hoys
et sick after ning it and before using it I
had from two to four Ket sick eacli day I
can cheerfully recommend it and would ad
vice any one who has hot cholrra among his
hogs to give it a trial F F Faringer
One hundred dollars deposited in
the following banks for any one who
finds any of the testimonials we pub
lish from time to time are not genu
ine City National Bank York Neb
Sheldon State Bank Sheldon Iowa
Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co
Oklahoma City O T
Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska
Oklahoma City O T-
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Use according to directions and if
it does not prove satisfactory your
money back
OneQnart Can S100
One Gallon 300