The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 23, 1903, Image 4

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t mnaomrani
16 jBWwrt Tw
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
RCIP A LwIrb No 612 moots first and
third Tliurednya of onch month McCounolls
hall tiWjp in E H IIcbeh W S
Gutkh Secretary
lodso No 107 munts on socond and fourth Mon
dny uveriincfl of onch month nt einht oclock in
McCoiinoll hall It W Dkvoe Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
802 moots second and fourth Thursday after-
noons ntJ oclock In McCounolls hall Mus
Tiwn SiiiuUEUD Oraclo Mhh Augusta Anton
For Justico of Supremo Court
For RcRonts of State University
CHARLES S ALLEN of Lancaster
For JudRO Fourteenth Judicial District
R C ORR of Hayes Center
County Clerk EJWILCOX
Treasurer B G GOSSARD
Clerk or the District Court R WDEVOE
County Judgo SLGREEN
Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCHER
County Assessor F PENO
Commissioner Second district
Judge Barnes and Congressman Burkett
The first political meeting of the cam
paign will be held in McCook Friday
evening October 30th with Judge J B
Barnes our next judge of the supreme
court and Congressman E J Burkett
of the First district as the principal
speakers of the evening The meeting
will be held in the Menard opera house
and will bo a rouser Both of the prin
cipal speakers for the occasion are able
campaigners and will give all who come
out to hear them something worthwhile
Pass the word along and help make this
the greatest meeting of the campaign
Dr S L Green can read his title
clear to the judgeship already
- One good term deserves another
Vote for E J Wilcox for county clerk
limits a competent official you desire
vote for Ben G Gossard for county
R W Devoe is well equipped for the
office he seeks vote for him for clerk of
the district court
The Burlingtons crop report just
circulated indicates that Nebraskas
corn crop will be 66 per cent of a full
For coronor Dr A C Harlan for
surveyor James Williams They will go
through with the rest of the boys by a
safe plurality
John- B Barnes the Republican
nominee for supreme judge will honor
the place he seeks by his manhood and
judicial ability Vote for him
An earnest and zealous county super
intendent has been Eugene S Dutcher
and another term is due him Voters of
Red willow county see that he gets it
Samuel Premer stands for substan
tial quality in manhood He will make
a good and careful commissioner for
the Second district See that you place
an X after his name
The candidates of the Prohibition
party in Nebraska are For judge of
the Supreme court George I Wright of
York foregentsof the State university
R V Muir of Brownville and C A
Barker of Lincoln
Remember the political meeting in the
opera house next Friday evening Octo
ber 30th Judge John B Barnes and
Congressman E J Burkett will be the
speakers That means something will
be doing on that occasion Come and
see and hear
Gray I
minimi n nil urn hi jjaaanHauKflBanawal
My hair was falling out and
turning gray very fast But your
Hair Vigor stopped the falling and
restored the natural color Mrs
E Z Benomme Cohoes N Y
Its impossible for you
not to look old with the
color of seventy years in
your hair Perhaps you
are seventy and you like
your gray hair If not
use Ayers Hair Vigor I
In less than a month your I
gray hair will have all the I
dark rich color or youth
5100 s bollle All drnjrlsts
If your drugcist cannot supply you
send us ono dollar and wo will express
you a bottle Bo sure andcive the name
of your nearest express office Address
J C AYER CO Lowell Mass
fenf crW
t w
- -
i sf 1
Absolutely Pure
There isnt anything in the way of A
C Crabtreo being his own wuccessor
Its a matter of majority
Pakties wishing to vote a bounty on
wild animals must vote the amendment
and the bounty also if they want it
to carry
Come to think about it about the
easiest way of Moing your duty and avoid
ing mistakes is to vote the Republican
ticket straight state judicial and
The president Monday issued a pro
clamation calling the Fifty eighth con
gress in extraordinary session on No
vember 9 at J2 oclock The proclama
tion states that the purpose of the ses
sion is to consider the commercial treat
ies between the United States and Cuba
which require approval of congress
As a member of the supreme court
commission Judge Barnes has borne
equal responsibility with Judge Sullivan
and has given equally good satisfaction
Nebraska being a republican state Judge
Barnes being a republican candidate and
all other things being equal there is no
good reason why he should cot be con
tinued on the supreme bench St Paul
Solomon Stilgebouer Jr is under
the doctors care
J L Sims shipped a car of hogs to
Kansas City Tuesday
A C Furman the barber has been
sick for a week and failed to get out the
News last week
A surprise birthday party was given
the landlady of Hotel Monroe Monday
evening All parties were surprised
Miss May Ferguson of Lebanon and a
Methodist deaconess of Omaha were vis
itors at the Sargent home this week
Preachers would do well whenpreach
ing funerals to read and emphasize Ro
mans 10th 9 10 verses to their auditors
Charley Gentry our genial black
smith is having a siege of sore throat
and fever He is some better at this
Died Monday at oclock p m of
brain fever the 16 months old son of
Howard Ruby Funeral Tuesday at 2
oclock Rev Pogue officiating
Lloyd and Jesse Naden were in at
tendance at their brother-in-laws funer
al The former is attending the Grand
Island college the latter Franklin
Died Tuesday at 4 oclock p m after
an illness of 33 days with typhoid fever
U S Leisure Fdneral was held Wed
nesday at 2 p m Rev Pogue conduct
ing the ceremony A wife and three
children are bereft of a husband and
Chauncey Messner and Miss Maude
Ruby are to be married tonight Solo
mon said that wisdom was better than
Rubies but Chauncey dont believe a
word of it
Brother Devoe called upon us this
week He will not only carry the party
vote but has many friends in the other
parties who are going to vote and work
hard for his success
I got a glimpse of our little delicate
county superintendent He did not
call at our place of business Suppose
he will have votes enough without mine
or he would have called Well we can
support Miss Quick or could if we
were a little younger
It Goes Right to the Spot
When pain or irritation exists on any
part of the body the application of Bal
lards Snow -Liniment will give prompt
relief It goes right to the spot said
an old man who was rubbing it in to
cure his rheumatism C R Smith
Propr Smith House Tenaha Texas
writes I have used Ballards Snow
Liniment injmy family for several years
and have found it to be a fine remedy
for all aches and pains and I recom
mend it for pains in the throat and
chest 25c 50c and SI at A McMill
Remember W T Colemans offer of
prizes for largest sugar beets See par
ticulars in another column
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
We should read not solely for the
pleasure to bo derived from the reading
but to learn and to learn wo should
read not books that we know and with
which our views are in harmony but
books with which wo are not familiar
books even with which we are not whol
ly in sympathy or accord It is always
pleasauter to meet our own sentiments
in print not to be under the necessity of
refuting even mentally the arguments
of anotherbut exercise gives usstrength
and therefore wo should seek rather than
avoid conflict Bacon in the terse Ian
guage of his day advises to read not to
contradict nor confute not to believe
and take for granted nor to find talk
and discourse but to weigh and con
Ruskin tells us that the author has
something to say which he perceives to
be true and useful or helpfully beauti
ful So far as ho knows no one has yet
said it so far as he knows no one else
can say it He is bound to say it clear
ly and melodiously if he may clearly at
all events
And again the same author says we
should study books with a true desire
to be taught by them and to enter into
their thoughts To enter into theirs
observe not to find your own expressed
by them If the person who wrote the
book is not wiser than you you need not
read it if ho be he will think different
ly from you in many respects
Very ready we are to say of a book
How good this is Thats exactly what
I think But the right feeling is How
strange that is I never thought of
that before and yet I see that it is true
or if I do not now I hope I shall some
day But whether thus submissively
or not at least be sure that you go to
the author to get at his meaning not to
find yours Judge it afterwards if you
think yourself qualified to do so but
ascertain it first And be sure also if
the author is worth anything that you
will not get at his meaning nil at once
nay that at his whole meaning you will
not for a long time arrive in any wise
Not that he does not say what he means
and in strong words too but he cannot
say it all and what is more strange will
not but in a hidden way and in para
bles in order that he may be sure you
want it I cannot quite see the reason
of this nor analyze that cruel reticence
in the breasts of wise men which makes
them always hide their deeper thought
They do not give it to you by way of
help but of regard and will make them
selves sure that you deserve it before
they allow you to reach it The met
al you are in search of being the auth
ors mind or meaning his words are as
the rock which you have to crush and
smelt in order to get at it And your
pickaxes are your own care wit and
learning your smelting furnace is your
own thoughtful soul Do not hope to
get any good authors meaning without
those tools and that fire often you will
need sharpest finest chiselling and
patientest fusing before you can gather
one grain of the metal
We should then read not to believe
and take forgrantednot tocontradict
nor confute but to weigh and con
sider We can almost believe that
Ruskin had Browning in mind when he
wrote the foregoing passage though
Browning is by no means the only auth
or who wrote obscurely
As Ruskin says too authors do not
purposely conceal thoughts It is rath
er the fault of language or the authors
unskillfulness that the meaning is not
clear Furthermore nothing is worth
while that does not have to be worked
Mrs Fred UnraLth
President Country Club Ucnlon
Harbor JIlcIi
After my first baby was born I did not
seem to regain my strength although the
doctor gave me a tonic which he consid
ered very superior but instead cf getting
better I grew weaker every day My hus
band insisted that I take Wine of Carduj
for a week and see what it would do fot
me I did take the medicine and was very
grateful to find my strength and health
slowly returning In two weeks I was out
of bed and in a month 1 was able to take
up my usual duties I am very enthusi
astic in its praise
Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs
of generation for the ordeal of preg
nancy aud childbirth It prevents niis
carr i age No woman who takes Wine
of Cardui need fear the coming of her
child If Mrs Unrath had taken
Wine of Cardui before her baby came
she would not have been weakened as
she was Her rapid recovery should
commend this great remedy to every
expectant mother Wine of Cardui
regulates the menstrual flow
1 In Mcdttcvn Clticw
Theru can be no doubt that ouo rea
son why cities did not grow so rapidly
In the seventeenth and eighteenth cen
turies ns in the nineteenth Is tL ex
cessively high death rate that pre
vailed during the earlier period The
flood ofjlrainigration mighty as it was
did little more than make good the
places of those citizens who fell vic
tims to grievous sanitary conditions
From the facts that can be obtained
It seems to have been universal1 true
that almost up to the beginning of the
nineteenth century the death rate of
large cities exceeded the birth rate
This was not because the birth rate
was abnormally low but because the
death rate was abnormally high In
the mediaeval city both birth rate and
death rate were far higher than at
present Infant mortality must have
mounted to a grewsome height The
uncleanlinesft and overcrowding of city
dwellers now largely relegated to the
slums of our great cities was the nor
mal state of nearly all classes of so
ciety in the London and Paris of Louis
and Elizabeth Professor Edwin O
Jordan in Popular Science Monthly
CnnMul ICiiipr David
This amusing anecdote of Lamartine
is related by the Baroness Bonde in
her volume of letters Shortly after
the revolution of February he Avrote
on the blank leaves of his pocketbook
the names of his protegees and sent
the list to be provided with places im
mediately Previously however it
seems he had scribbled David on
the page and the head of the cabinet
appointed the said David consul at
Bremen the postulant however never
came forward and though the poet did
not like being disturbed M IIet7l
was obliged to ask who was the David
on his list
He who danced before the ark
was the answer
Oh dear I have gazetted him to
How very singular I meant him
for a subject for meditation not for
nomination But you can cancel it
The raoniteur registered the chain
but few knew that the last consul ap
pointed to Bremen was King David
Wonderful Sense of Smell In Dors
It has often been proved that dogs
are able to track their masters through
crowded streets where it would be
impossible to attribute their accuracy
to anything except the sense of smell
alone Mr Romanes the naturalist
once made some interesting experi
ments as to this wonderful power as
exhibited in his own dog In these tesAs
the naturalist found that his duirb
friend could easily follow in the tracks
of his master though he was far oiit
of sight and that too after no less
than eleven persons had followed step
ping exactly in the tracks made by Mr
Romanes it being the deliberate inten
tion to confuse the senses of the poor
dog if possible Further experiment
proved that the animal tracked the
boots instead of the man for when Mr
Romanes put on new footgear the dog
failed entirely
Dan rerons Symptom
The story is told of a Scotch preacher
who gave his people long strong ser
mons and delivered them in a remark
ably deliberate manner Ono Sunday
he asked a friend who was visiting
him to occupy his pulpit in the morning
An were you satisfied wi my
preaching asked his friend as they
walked horns from the kirk
Weel s id his host slowly it was
a fair discorse Willm a fair dis
coorse but it pained me at the last to
see the folk looking so fresh and wide
awake I mistrust twasna sae long
nor sae sound as it should liae been
European Tuttooers
Tattooing is not by any means con
fined to savage peoples There are
races in Europe which make it a regu
lar practice and men women and chil
dren bear on their bodies ornamenta
tions that are as ornate and queer al
though not as extensive as are mark
ings on the bodies of the south sea
These European tattooers are among
the Albanians and Bosnians who live
in the famous and notorious Balkan
Ilnd Several Marts Gamins
I hope that Willie got a good mark
at school today remarked Willies
fond mother
He did not madam I am sorry to
say replied the grim visaged peda
gogue politely but I think I am safe
in promising you that if Willie turns
up at school tomorrow which he did
not do today he will receive several
Syracuse Herald
Friends In Aeed
I dont put much faith in proverbs
said Brown to Jones For instance
look at the oft quoted one A friend in
need is a friend indeed Now most of
my experience with friends in need has
been that thoy wanted to borrow Give
me the friends that are not in need
AVhere Diplomacy Is Xeedful
Praise is one of the most difficult o
things to deal out satisfactorily If
you do not praise a man as liberally as
he thinks he deserves he hates you if
you overpraise him he sets you down
as a sharper or a fool Boston Tran
Heating Stoves for Sale
One hard coal burner and two soft
coal burners Inquire of Mrs R B
Archibald for particulars
Cane toppers that take two rows at a
time Will trade for cane seed at W T
Yes Good for you and Youll Never Regret it
No What Habit Where What Do You Ask
Read tliese suggestions follow the example of
hundreds of satisfied customers call often and
Fleeced Lined Yestings
The newest up-to-date waist
goods in all the stylish colors
and patterns we are showing
in abundance and at the low
est prices ALWAYS
Fall Dress Goods
in all the new weaves and
shades with just the new trim
mings and velvets and silks you
and Kimona Cloths
Our stock in this line of ser
viceable goods was never more
complete and stands in promi
nence above all other stocks in
Outing Flannels and
We bought these goods early
this year securing them before
the big advance in prices and
we are giving our customers
the advantage of it The best
Standard Outing for 6c 8c ioc
and 1 2 Ac a yard and a big
stock of BLANKETS ranging
in price from 50c to 650 a
A Beautiful Set of
Dry Goods Carpets Shoes and Groceries of
Honest John
Those ladies and childrens SHOES are still going at the
greatly reduced prices before advertised
GET THE HABIT of calling No 16 when using phone
Phone 16
In ever half pound package
of our celebrated DEFIANCE
TEA there is one letter con
tained in the word defiance
and all persons obtaining these
eight letters will receive FREE
by freight a beautiful set of
dishes containing 56 pieces
rirs Q R Snyder
has received a set and her ex
pectations were filled beyond
mention it being a very fine
thin quality of China and beau
tifully decorated She is very
proud of the set as she well
may be and gladly displays
them to ladies interested
Miss M A Evans
has also secured the desired
number and many are needing
but one or two letters
Join the circle and win for
yourself one of these sets
What better habit could you
wish to form than one which
will bring you such good re
sults as does this one And in
fact a better habit you can
not get into than to buy all
en our catalog to page 5
There you will see samples of
tlie suits for men
we sell for
Beautiful Complexions
Are spoiled by using any kind of pre
paration that fills the pores of the skin
The best way to secure a clear complex
ion free from sallowness pimples blot
ches etc is to keep the liver in good
order An occasional dose of Herbine
will cleanse the bowels regulate the
liver and so establsh a clear healthy
complexion 50c at A McMillens
o nn
hXJ 9P
These suits are made by a manufacturing tailor who is so jeal
ous of his reputation that he wont permit us to mention- his name in
our advertisements unless we maintain his high prices We couldnt
do that If we did we would make more profit than our rules require
so we let this statement suffice The quality of tj materials is not so
much better but the patterns are so exclusive tie tailoring besides
having the perfection of other high grade clothing has been given in
numerable touches of elegance which have tre effect of classing it with
the kind your tailor could not make for less than 30
Gil 0 R D ErFTi LLEF 0 NT H EsF SU 1TS5
If you faavnt our catalog
Send for it at once
Sfe6mA6tg4m 1q
Cor 15th and Farnam
fnnrl1gipngMMgg1Tf UJJXJMJJIJJI L M
A Perfect Painless Pill
is the one that will cleanse the system
set the liver to action remove the bile
clear the complexion cure headache and
leave a good taste in the mouth The
famous little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and effectually are DeWitts
Little Early Risers Bob Moore of Lafa
yette Ind says All other pills I
have used gripe and sicken while De
Witts Little Early Risers are simply
perfect Sold by L W McConnell