The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 23, 1903, Image 3

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JnSSigWittjtiCii S
t i i
I J t npwfw
fllA -v
uuano ni
inifci WW iLni0i
k irttwc TO
VSfflHTf CutttSVMHTn
Its tlio pcopln who f
il u u b I and It v a m u
curud vhllo tlii y doubt
who prulRtt Douiih 1IUh
the lllgllCHt I
Aching backs are cased
Hip back and loin painn
overcome Sivpllingof tho
limbs and dropsy filgna
They correct urine with
brick dust heilliiienl high i
i1xt linln In nnuuliiiv
vuivivu tAiu ill iunaujf
dribbling frequency bed
wetting DoauH Kidney
Tills rcmovo calculi and
gravel Hellene heart pnl
ji I tat Ion skyplcRsnefls
hoadacho nervousness
Tayurvime Jliss I
tried everything for n weak
bock nnd got no relief until
1 used Doans PIUs
r J N Lewis
ijt a -1
Ul 1 I l B
Kor frre trlnl box mall this coupon to
rostvr illltmrn Co Buffalo N V 1 alwie
vpai l Insufficient writo oddre3 on epa
rate Blip
Tho rewson yon ran
get thU trial fr I be
cause they crv Kidney
11U and it 111 prove it to
West Branch Mich
Doaii8 Kidney lillshittlio
case which was au unusual
denire to urinate had to
gtt up Ave or blx times of
a night I think diabetes
was well underway ihe
feet and ankles swelled
There was an intense pain
in tho back llw heat of
which would feel liko put
ting ones liand up to a
lamp chimney I havo
uwd the free trial and two
full boxes of Doans Pill
with the satisfaction of
feeling that I am cured
They are the remedy par
B F Ballaud
Winchester 22 Caliber Cartridges shoot when you want
tliem to and where you pcirtfyour gun Buy the time
tried Winchester make having the trade mark H
stamped on the head They cost only a few cents more
a box than the unreliable kind but they are dollars better
ixwuxmum r ft mi Xfr Wirff UffaTXTOfiT
last mountain mim lands
The Qaden of the Northwest
The wheat crop this year will average 30 bus per acre Good Water Ample
Fuel Good Roads Land in this favored district may be bought for
700 to 8
Buy direct from the owners Why pay agents commission We prefer to deal direct
with purchasers Write to us for particulars
Promptly cres all
afe IIHIflH
You caa save from 3 to 5 yearly by
wearing W L Douglas 350 or 3 shoes
They equal those
that have been cost
ing you from S400
to S500 iho im
menso salo of V L
Dougla 3 shoes proves
their superiority over
all other makes
Gold by retail shoe
dealers everywhere
Look for nauio and
price on bottom
That Bonglis uses Cor
OKxColtprorcs there Is
value in Donirlas shoo
Corona Is the highest
grade PatLcaUiormndo
Fast Colnr Eiielrls iixfti
tsafiSiv tgfesyTg
Ojt 4 Gilt Edge Line cannot lie equalled at price
Shoos by mail 25 cents extra Illustrated
Catalog free IV L DOUGLAS Brockton JIass
UT anyone ottered you a good
dollar for an imperfcel one
would you take il
If anyone offered you one good
dollar for 75 cents of bad money
would you take it
We offer you 16 ounces of the
very best starch made for 10c
No other brand is to good yet
all others cost 10c for 12 ounces
Ours is a business proposition
and cheapest
We guarantee safadot
Ask year grocer
ruaiu Neb-
N U Omaha
No 431903
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good
in time Sold bv drurcists
Has Women Servants Only
Lady Henry Somerset the English
temperance and womans rights advo
cate is consistent in all things She
keeps only women servants in her
houses and on her estates Tall wo
men nre her footmen a stout woman
is her butler and women have charge
of her stables
If so uselied Cross Boll BLic Itwilimako
them white as snow 2 oz package b cents
Would Pay the National Debt
Pedro Alvarado of Parral Mexico
has just offered to pay the entire na
tional debt of Mexico for the reason
as he explains that his millions came
from the soil of Mexico that the title
for the mines which he owns was giv
en by the government and that there
fore he can well afford to indulge his
patriotic desires Pedro is worth 40
000000 and while the Mexican gov
ernment has declined his offer there
is no question of his good faith in
making it
fGiWE Waterproof
m iKSttar Jkoof wtt A tsetMtr
Xy gffuwg 9tarnited JJtt yeuf dseUr SfA
edit jm pr T for prc Hit
KcUnSax Htt Nan Coomru
m tOcriwi Sorts rtft
sfJy rf5K
is extensively used everywhere in the
world wherever the in -le loader
2as given way to the breech loader
It is irade in the largest and best
equipped cartridge factory ia exis
This accounts for the uniformity of
its products
Tell your dealer U M C when
he asks What kind
-- Catalog free
Tfce Union Hetalllo Cartridae Co
Agency 31U Brondwar
ITow York City If Y -
SgKISfThompsont Eyt Wai
Chickamauga Forty Years Ago
Forty years ago was fought the hat
to that made the name Chickamauga
listoric In the character and number
ji troops engaged in the strategic
maneuvers that preceded the battle
and in desperate fighting on the field
Chickamauga was the great battle of
the West and one of the most remark
able conflicts of the civil war
The troops engaged were mostly vet
erans The men of the Union army
had fought under Grant and Buell at
Shiloh under Buell at Perryvillo
under Rosecrans at Stone River and
were organized in corps and divisions
commanded by such officers as
Thomas Crittenden McCook Slieridan
and Palmer The soldiers of the sev
eral divisions had the confidence that
comes with long association in cam
paigns and they had also that knowl
edge of the opposing army that came
of meeting it in several battles
On thei Confederate side there were
not only Braggs veterans of Perryville
and Stone River but Longstreets
splendid soldiers of Lees army and
many of the veteran regiments from
the rebel armies that had been operat
ing in Mississippi and Georgia Each
army had respect for its antagonist
and an overwhelming desire to win
On the Confederate side this desire
to win had been intensified by what
had gone before Bragg had fought at
Perryville and run away He had
fought at Stone River and retreated
yielding all of northern Tennessee to
the Unionists He had been outman
euvered at Tullahoma in June and
July 1SC3 and had yielded all of
southern Tennessee without a battle
Two months later Rosecrans had forc
ed the passage of the Tennessee and
compelled Braggs army to retreat
from Chattanooga which had been
pronounced impregnable and which
was to the rebel line in the West what
Richmond was in the East
When Bragg had retreated and
Rosecrans elated division had moved
on diverging lines in pursuit the Con
federate authorities formed a plan tot
crush the pursuing army Lee was
weakened that Longstreet might be
hurried to Bragg Troops were with
drawn from Shermans front and sent
toward Chattanooga and ori Sept 15
1863 the President at Washington and
the people throughout the country and
Rosecrans at Chattanooga saw that
the Army of the Cumberland was
threatened with destruction in the
hour of its greatest triumph
Rosecrans confronted with the prob
lem of holding Chattanooga and sav
ing ltis army recalled his divisions to
the line cf the Chickamauga river and
had them in supporting distance be
fore Bragg was ready to strike On
the night of Sept IS he shifted his
whole army anticipating the plan of
Bragg to crush his left and drive the
Union araiy away from Chattanooga
So on the morning of Sept 19 1S63
Bragg with an effective force of 71000
men was ready to attack Rosecrans
army of 56000 and was confident that
he would not only crush the Union
army btit reoccupy Chattanooga that
day Before he could attack however
Gen George H Thomas in command
on Rosecrans left which was not
where Bragg supposed it to be took
the initiative and made a furious at
tack on one of Braggs advance briga
ades This movement developed the
rebel position and at the same time
so disconcerted Bragg that he post
poned his general attack
Rosecrans with Braggs plans re
vealed made his dispositions accord
ingly His men knew they were out
numbered and fought with despera
tion On Saturday night Sept 19
the men of ihe Army cf the cumber
land felt they had been worsted fn
the hard fighting of the day they had
lost heavily in men and artillery but
they felt as they went into new posi
tions that Rosecrans was preparing
to hold fast
On the morning of the 20th forty
years ago the sore hearted soldiers
of the depleted Union army were hang
ing like a bulldog to the roads by
which Bragg must reach Chattanooga
The very flower of the rebel arrny
of the East and West was against
them but they clung to the roads
and gaps between the enemy and
Divisions were crushed charging
rebels ran over the generals head
quarters a line of battlo a mile in ex
tent melted away Gen Rosecrans
himself was swept from the field in a
rout of the regiments nearest him
and at a vital point in his line and
yet the bulldog Army of the Cumber
land held on to the roads and gaps
Assailed again and again the dirts
Ions under Thomas at the left and
My Lidy
3he wnlk3 unnoticed in the street
The caauol oyc
3ea nothing- In her fair or sweet
The world boc3 by
Unconscious that an angels feet
Are passing1 nigh
She little has of beautys wealth
Truth will allow
Only her prii eless youth and health
Her broad white brow
ret grows she on the heart by stealth
I scarce know how
She does a thouand kindly things
That no one knows
A loving womans heart she brings
To human Wees
And to her face the sunlight cling3
AVhcrecr she goes
And so she walks her quiet ways
Wltn that content
That only comes to iess days
And innocent
A life devoid of fame or praise
Yet nobly spent
Pall Mall Gazette
the brigades that had been cent to
re enforce him and tho regiments bat
talions and companies that had drifted
to him when their own divisions were
broken up clung to tho roads even
after Braggs men were in their rear
When night came the Army of the
Cumberland retired to the line of Mis
sionary Ridge but it still held the
roads and it still held Chattanooga
Tho supreme effort of cho Confederates
in the We3t had failed of its object
Tho great battle on the West had been
fought for Chattanooga and after the
tremendous struggle Rosecrans held
This was the fact that discouraged
the Confederates and gave new cour
age to the Unionists It is the fact
that is uppermost in the minds of the
surviving veterans of Chickamauga to
There were blunders on that field
There were mistakes of a mystifying
character on both sides But when
you ask an old soldier who fought
under Thomas or Palmer or Turchin
at Chickamauga forty years ago
Were you whipped ho answers
Well wo held on to Chattanooga
you know And that is the answer of
Monument to Vilders Brigade
The most imposing tribute on the
famous field of Chickamauga commem
orates Wilders Lightning Brigade of
mounted infantry which was one of
the most important factors in the
bloody fight
The survivors and friends of the
brave brigade have raised to it an
enduring testimonial which was dedi
cated on the fortieth anniversary of
the battle with solemn ceremonies
Eighty five feet high the massive stone
tower stands overlooking all the field
like a great lighthouse by day for it
can be seen all over Chickamauga
and is a guide to traveler and to
Within granite steps wind to tho
top which is a great stone balcony
and thus the monument is an observa
tion tower as well as a memorial to
Stone Tower Eighty Five Feet High
Wilders Brigade From the platform
may be observed a superb view of the
battlefield and the surrounding coun
try The Chickamauga celebrated in
song and story winds along its de
vious path Upon its once crimson
sodden banks are monuments of pris
tine pureness monuments of the red
marble of Tennessee and of marble of
shining black monuments of Indianas
fctone of solid granite and monuments
of bronze in all its many hues
Nme bronze tablets have been
placed within the monument and on
these in imperishable letters is the
complete roster of the regiments
which served in the brigade and the
history of the organization The up
per tablet has this simple inscription
Wilders Lightning Brigade
Mounted Infantry
Fourth Division Reynolds
Fourteenth Corps Thomas
Maj Gen Joseph j Reynolds com
mander of the division was himself
an Indiana hero and that state has
not been laggard in commemorating
her sons Excepting the Buckeye
state she has the greatest number of
monuments and markers on the field
thirty nine of one and seventy six of
the other
The Encampments at Boston
In addition to the Grand Army of
the Republic and the Womans relief
corps the Sons of Veterans have also
decided to hold their national encamp
ment in Boston next year Undoubt
edly ail these organizations will re
ceive a warm welcome from the citi
zens as there is no more patriotic city
in the United States than Boston and
what is more there is no state in the
country that has done more for the
Union soldier than has Massachusetts
Both Ways
After having destroyed Chinas war-
A Wealthy Motorman
Dennis R Creedon a well known
resident of East Orange N JJwho
owns property valued atnxcrly 50
D00 and who receives a good income
from It every year works every day
as a motorman of an drange trolioy
ar at a salary of190a day Mr
Creedon doe3 not do this because
ne needs the money he docs it be
ause his physicians advise him to
ake up some such occupation In the
jpen air He lives in a handsome
You can do your dyeing In half an
The Oldest Dunkard
The Rev Samuel Murray of Irving
on md is the oldest minister in the
Dunkard church both in years and
term of service He has just passed
his 97th birthday and has preached
fifty five years retiring from the pul
pit two years ago
No chromos or cheap premiums
but a better quality and one third
more of Defiance Starch for the same
price of other starches
Had First 510000 Cook
William K Vanderbilt made the
family name well known In Europe
some years ago by paying his French
cook 10000 a year And tradition
has it that it was William Ks daugh
ter Consttelo now Duchess of Marl
borough but then a child who was
so dissatisfied with this high priced
cooks way o serving a chicken that
he was summarily discharged It is
probable that there are several 10000
a year cooks emplovod by plutocratic
Americans now in society but nobody
minds such figures any more
Aik You Druggist forMens Foot Ease
I tried ALLENS FOOT EASE recently
and have just bought another suppl v It
has cured my corns nnd the hot bifrniniz
and itching sensation in mv feet which was
almost unbearableand I would not be with-
Vni7IrSn J Camden
W J Sold by all druggists 25c
Some mens sayings would fill many
volumes and their doings wouldnt fill
a postal card
Tolstois Present Life
Professor Edward A Stainer of
Grinnell college who has recently re
turned from a visit to Russia spent
some time on the estate of Count Leo
Tolstoi He says the count has been
exceedingly ill of late but is recov
ering and spends a portion of each
day working in his fields lie re
ceives many tourists whose visits he
does not crave yet he treats all with
courtesy He keeps in touch with
everything going on in Russia of a po
litical or socialistic nature but recog
nizes the fact that his age and in
firmities will not permit him to par
ticipate in public affairs or discus
sions of any sort He is still writing
however but dees not expect to under
take any extended literary labory
through fear that he will not live to
complete it
Filipino Basket Ball
Basket ball is a game that especially
appeals to Filipino boys but they do
not play it in the American style
In the first place the ball is really
a small hollow basket made of wick
er work and therefore extremely light
An equal number of boys line up on
either side and they kick the ball to
each other the trick being lo keep it
over on the other side Instead of
forcing it forward as boys do when
playing football here the rules of the
Filipino game demand a backward
kick so that the boy must look over
his shoulder and strike out with his
heels mule fashion
Sometimes Filipino boys have lively
skirmishes in which the ball does not
et all the kicks
Usually Make Sickly Men and Women
The spoiled child usually makes
a weak sickly man or woman be
cause such a youngster has its own
way about diet and eats and drinks
things that are unfitted for any stom
ach and sickness results
I was always a delicate spoiled
child and my parents used to let me
drink coffee because I would cry for
it says a Georgia young woman
mougni ii was uue to my going to
school so they took me out again
But I did not get anv better and my
headaches got worse and weakened
me so that I was unfit for any duty
Sometimes I would go a whole day
witcout any other nourishment than
a cup of coffee I
jLast spring I had a bad attack oi
the Grippe and when I recovered I j
found that coffee nauseated me so
I could not drink it and even a few j
swallows would cause a terrible burn-
ing in my stomach It was at this
time that a friend who had been much
benefited by ihe use of Postum i M
seateu tnac i try mis icod unnk 1
found it simply delicious and have
used it ever since and the results
speak for themselves I have gained
12 pounds and my nerves are as
steady as any ones
I consider myself well and strong
and I make it a point now to take a
cup of Postum with a cracker or two
as soon as I come home from school
in the afternoon Postum with crack
ers or a biscuit ma jiv luncheon
of my friends who know what it ha
done for me Mnmo tit oti -- rc
ships Japan now has the contract of
tum c Battle Creek f h
building some more for her The lit- Look in each packagVfor a copV0
tie yellow islanders seem to catch em the famous 1Ittle boo The RJd
going and coming Wellville
Ho Knew
Judgo Andenried of Philadelphia
was hearing a case tht procoedlug in
which brought to the front a man
named Goalcr A German lawyer rep
resented one of tho litigants and ho
persisted In mispronoup dnK Coalers
name calling him Jcsler Finally the
judge said The gentlemans name is
I Gesler not Jesfer You surely remem
ber the tyrant at whoso order William
Tell shot the apple from his own sontf
head Sure I do said the German
heartily is dl3 de man
Hows This
Wo ofTcr OnoIItimlroil Poltars Kcvrard for nny rao
of Catarrh tllut rnnuot lm cireu by Ilnlla Ontlarli
Core rJ CHENEY CO ITopHroleilo O
Wo tho iinilTiljrned Inn o known I J CUency for
tlio Inxt 13 nr and better n lilm perfectly tionomblo
In all liudlncHi transaction nnl flniin Inlly oblo to
carry out aur obltsritlonn made hy thulr ft nn
West Tiumx Wholeiilo lriiirtt Toledo O
WaMHnh Kinnas Usvij Wholesale Drun
Rlsta Toledo O
Halls CiUirrh Cure ts taicn Internally onlwr
directly up the Wood and mucous H irficct of tlio
system Teatmonlnln eeut free TiIjo 13c per
bottle Sold by nIntclts
Halls Family lllls aro tliu bcBt
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquairtcd with lac new
things of everyday use in tho market
and who is leasonably satisfied with
the old wo would suggest that a trial
of Defiance Cold Water Starch ho
made at once Not alono becauso it
is guaranteed by the manufacturers
to be superior to any other brand
but because each 10c package con
tains 10 oz3 while all the other kinds
contain but 12 ozs It is safe to say
that the lady who once uses Defiance
Starch will use no other Quality
and quantity must win
jllrs ltcslnivs oiTmi Hyrun
For children tccililun burtons tb j iint n tWc
pain cure tn rjllc Sic - botthi
Sometime- a mans shady character
keeps him in hot water
President Roosevelts Gold Plate
General Sherman used to say that
if the nomination for the presidency
were offered to him on a gold platter
he would decline it President Roose
velt has recently received an invita
tion on a geld plate It was not po
litical but it asked him to attend tho
mining congress in Lead S I next
Septemocr ihc plate was not big
enough lo eat a dinner trom as it
measured two and three fourths by
hve ineiies but it was large enotiqh to
show what kind of gold the Black
iiills produce
risos Cure canaot be too bihly spoken of no
a cough cure J W OBkien 32 Ttdrd Avi
N JMiuueapotis Jlinn Jan C 1000
Sympathy for the Phonograph
George W Peck ex governor of
Wisconsin and creator of tho most un
ruly boy in fiction was induced lo
diop a penny in the slot and lis en
to a phonograph That thing is al
most human said a gentleman from
the interior who was the governors
I am sincerely glad that it is not
entirely human answcicd Mr Peck
as the pennys worth of music still
vihratriil upon the atmosphere
This remaik caused a prolonged
why to proceed from tho other
Juse imagine mused tho sympa
thetic governor how the poor ma
chine would have suffered while a wo
man was transferring that awful
shriek Kto its interior
Lewis Single Bhider straight m cigar
No other braud of cigars is so popular with
the smoker Ilefius learned to lely upon
its uniform high quality Lewis Factory
Peoria III
A wise man knows all he tells but
he never tells all he knows
Remarkable Pension Applicattc n
Perhaps the most remarkable pen
sion application ever presented in
congress is that embodied in a bill in
troduced by Congressman Pearre of
Maryland It recites with great grav
ity and a wealth of circumstantial de
tail that the applicant when a child
in arms in 18151 was so frihgtcned by
Yankee invaders in Maryland that he
became paralyzed and has never been
able to do any work
Superior quality and extra quantity
must in This is why Defiance
j tA9 sjnflrj
g Hi
is taking the place of a
St Marks Tomb
The excavations in the catacombs of
St Cecelia in Rome havo revealed
what is believed to be a large under-
ground basilica that was used bv the
When I entered school my nervous- i early Christians A trace of the altar
ness increased and my parents and the Episcopal chair were found
There was also found in a state of ex
cellent preservation a number of an
cient pakvings including a Greek por
trait of Christ Three tombs were
discovered declared by archaeologists
to be those of St Mark St Marcel
inus who was martyred by Diocletian
and the famous Pope Demascus
A woman lovese a man in proportion
to his ability to make her angry
To prove the healing and
cleansing power of lxtlni
Toilet antiseptic we will
call a large trial package
with book of Instructions
absolutely free This is not
a tiny sample but a largo
package enough to con
vince anyone o its value
Women all over the countr
are praising Paxtine for wlujt
it nas done in local treat
ment nf fomuTA lll
all inflammation and
discharges wonderful as a
eleaning vactnl douche for sore throat nasal
catarrh as o mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the t th Send today a postal card
Mt iHi Kf box Satisfaction jruarint c
i l Columbus Ar
It certainly p vecTiny life for I
know coffee would have killed me in TH R B FTY FA R M E RS
time had 1 Continued drinking it i a3eInvteatf5ttlcintho State of Marylaad where
I have a young girl friend a I JtTSStfrJ
ographer who declares nothing j StTffi
strengthens and refreshes her like E badenhoop
Postum and she has a little oil stove Sec State Board of Immigration BALTIMORE MD
n her office and makes a cup of Pos- J
um at noontime I have recommend-
eu tnis wonderful beverage to many
extreme eoutheaparn aster Co 1 a je from Buffalo
to line House barn scales uribg pasture and 3J0
acre InJerploW fine farm 1aynlOjt on investment
11 COLLINS JiOOO Clark St Chicago Jill
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