The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1903, Image 8
I fl I JMMMy p00OOCOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO To FRANKLIN XjQcjarjftdScj W be CUTS THE FUEL BILL I TWO Coles Hot Blast Does It The gas that coal is burned arises when is used by the V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT peculiar construction of Coles Hot Blast Other stoves al low the gas to go up the chim ney This difference is dollars to you as a coal user Come in any day and see a Coles Hot Blast The quicker the better for your coal bin You cant name an article in staple hardware that we havent got When you are looking for QUALITY come to us SOLE AGENT o D Eg m H WFHcFARLAND B WOLFE C H fasSMrifee4 V iven riTiift5 TltrTrfer4ir TtBamrV -Hr fflar tit t5bt tfhr t fiaiyigogpryjjjy THR A C EBERT Cashier CITIZENS BAN OF McCOOK NEB A C EBERT WILLARB tys djktgjr j itL K Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 BBS DIRECTORS ygV VWiFMyiitHPVFVtf1 MMlBiHBBMMIIIlBBBMBBBBBBBflBg I Capital 50ooooo Surplus 1000000 I I The First National Bank of I 1 McCook offers to depositors I I every facility which their 1 a balances business and re 1 sponsibility warrant I I Deposits 28000000 Loans 27400000 1 W Mt3tflajtfWWWgiBrfWitwyiJi Away ONE OF At I CO EM A RFC CFuDC EKgnmHeBSBi iiraf Afiernoon Oct 15 If Any person over 18 years of age applying at g W T PftJprmnQ hnrri wire Qtnrp will he vrr I I A JJ X1XIH1M J JLLUJL 14 Y VIA W UlUJL V IT ill WV v 4i a numbered ticket to this drawing ABSO LUTELY FREE The person holding the lucky ticket must be present at the drawing and must present the winning ticket within one hour after the drawing takes place or the stove is subject to a new drawing at once m 4 a L Jones Crawmer have a new sign on their store Rev Meeker has returned to Bartley for another year Miss Rene Epperly returned from In dianola Tuesday morning Elder Nichols of Fairbury has been engaged to preach at the Christian church The scarcity of cars is causing much delay in taking care of the sugar beets at this place jpnenas or smitn gave mm a pleasant surprise on tho anniversary of his birthday last Friday evening Since A B Wilson has sold out we are again without a hotel We hope some one will soon open up another Frank Vickery Mr Hanson Guy Curlee and Charles McCullum went up on the Platte hunting They left here Monday night Sheriff Crabtree was in Bartley Tues day on his way to tako Mrs Pecan be fore the board of insanity at McCook There is no question but this woman is insane and has been for some time She should be cared for at the asylum where everything is arranged for that purpose His Life Saved by Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy B L Byer a well known cooper of this town says he believes Chamber lains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy saved his life last summer He had been sick for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery and could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy It gave him immedi ate relief says B T Little merchant Hancock Md For sale by L W Mc Connell druggist A Remarkable Record Chamberlains Cough Remedy has a remarkable record It has been in use for over thirty years duriDg which time many million bottles have been sold and used It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of homes yet during all this time no case has ever been re ported to the manufacturer in which it failed to effect a cure When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears it will prevent the attack It is pleasant to take many children like it It con tains no opium or other harmful sub stance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult For sale by L W McConnell druggist INDIANOLA Alex Brown of Daubury was a city visitor Tuesday Miss Grace Andrews spent Sunday with friends in Mrs Kate Irvln of McCook spent Sunday with home folks Miss Ida Bush and sister of Bartley were Indianola visitors Saturday F N Bentley visited the first of the week in the eastern part of the state Mr Boatman of McCook was in In dianola on business the lattor part of last week A number of our young people enjoyed a party at John Broomfields last Fri day evening A J Casner went to Omnha last Fri day morning on business returning Monday morning Rev Owens returned Monday even ing from Lexington whero ho had been attending conference Mr Hauxwell of Redwillow preached a very interesting sermon at the M E church Sunday evening Mrs Myrtle Mangus of McCook and Miss Daisy Noel of Denver visited Sun day with Mrs A Reynolds Master Arthur Long went to Republi can City last Saturday morning and visited a few day3 with relatives Miss Lelah Fiddler returned to her home in Bartley last Saturday morning after a short visit here with friends Jake Kern returned homo last Satur day evening from Lexington whero he was sent as a delegate to conference L Simmons the telegraph operator of this place went to Beaver City last Saturday morning for a short visit with the home folks Ed Smith Chester Stroekey Ward Quigley Roy Smith and Nick Uerling went to Omaha Monday morning to see the Mr Shouse our school janitor slip ped and fell on the steps of the school house Jast week and sprained his ankle in consequence had to lay off for a cou ple of days James McCIung Jr suffered quite an accident while riding a fractious horse Monday The animal stumbled and fell on him in such a manner as to injure him quite severely Simon Skinner of Trenton Neb who has been visiting his son at Giltner for sometime stopped off Monday evening and visited until Tuesday evening with his brother-in-law W II Smith and family As No 13 passed through here last Saturday morning sparks from the en gine set fire to some ricks of straw on Harry Whitmores farm east of town and before anything could be done the whole lot was consumed Miss Ren a Epperley returned to her home in Bartley Tuesday morning after a few weeks visit with relatives She was accompanied by her sister Mrs C McCord and baby who will visit a few weeks with home folks A Cure For Dyspepsia I had dyspepsia in its worst form and felt miserable most all the time DM not enjoy eating until after I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured me Mrs W W Saylor Hilliard Pa No appetite loss of strength ner vousness headache constipation bad breath sour risings indigestion dys pepsia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Ko dol represents the natural juices of di gestion combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive proper ties It cleanses purifies and sweetens the stomach Sold by L W McConnell BANKSVILLE Hay cutting and grain stacking is go ing on yet about here Peter and Fred Wesch are threshing their crop of grain this week O C Lohr commenced the Banks ville school No 51 Monday the 5th inst W O Russell was in the vicinity picking up cattle the latter part of last week R S Thomas the Traer merchant was in the neighborhood Monday look ing at stock The Pops of Grant precinct held their caucus last week but they didnt report results The threshers are still at APeters G C Boatman was a Banksville visitor Sunday The Reynolds machine is threshing for Wesches this week Miss Grace Relph is spending a week with relatives in Dawson county A M Benjamin and J H Relph were putting the finishing touches on grain stacking this week Stomach Trouble I have been troubled with my stom ach for the past four years says D L Beach of Clover Nook FarmGreenfield Mass A few days ago I was induced to buy a bos of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets I have taken part of them and feel a great deal better If you have any trouble with your stom ach try a box of these Tablets You are certain to be pleased with the result Price 25 cents For sale by L W Mc Connell Indigestion Causes Catarrh of ilie Stomach For many years It has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the Juice3 of natural digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach Kedoi Dyspepsia Gur relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a sense of fullness after eating Indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottles only Reeular elzo 1 00 holding 24 times the trial ilio which sells for SO cents Prepared by E O OeWITT CO Chicago IIL Sold by L W McConnell CULBERTSON A Y Wright was a McCook business visitor Saturday Mrs S E Solomon and son Ralph were in McCook Saturday Rev M S Satchell of Box Elder will fill the pulpit at the M E church the coming year Mr aud Mrs James Ferrier went to Omaha Tuesday evening to attend the Quite a number from hero attended the final day of tho fair at Hayes Get ter Saturday Misses Emma and Jessio Keller and Mrs Lizzie Bohn were shopping Cook Saturday E A Brittenham went to Hastings on business Friday night returning Saturday oveuing Roila Cathcart of McCook visited with his aunt Mrs If G Marks aud family over Sunday Miss Eva Gambsy came in from Lin coln Monday night to assist her brother in organizing a lodge here Miss Winnie Marks of Walsenburg Colo came in Monday evening to visit relatives and friends on tho Driftwood mis u u JMsenuart is enjoying a visit from lior mother Mrs N P Estes of Osceola Iowa who arrived Tuesday night Frank Lackey a former resident of this place stopped here on his way to Des Moines Iowa where ho is employed with an illustrated magazine company Mis Ethel Ileckman was pleasantly surprised at her home Saturday evening by a company of her young friends All those present report an excellent time Mr D P Daugherty well known throughoutMercer and Sumner counties W Va most likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor He was almost hopelessly alllicted with diarrhoea was attended by two physicians who ffave him little if any relief when a neigh bor learning of his serious condition brought him a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured him in less than twenty four hours For sale by L W McCon nell druggist The Salve That Heals without leaving a scar is De Witts The name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves but DeWitts Witch Hazel salve is tho only Witch Hazel salve made that contains the pure unadultera ted witch hazel If any other witch hazel salve is offered you it is a counter feit E C DeWitt invented witch ha zel salve and DeWitts Witch Hazel salve is the best salve in the world for cuts burns bruises tetter or blind bleeding itching and protruding piles Sold by L W McConnell ilflULafivn Scotts Emulsion is the means of life and of the en joyment of life of thousands of men women and children To the men Scotts Emul sion gives the flesh and strength so necessary for the jire of consumption and the repairing of body losses from anv wasting disease For women Scotts Emul sion does this and more It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to bear To children Scotts Emul sion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and bone and blood For pale girls for thin and sickly boys Scotts Emulsion is a great help Send forfree sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists K9 415 Pearl Street New York 5Cc and SlOO all druggists I American ftoyal Live Stock Show Kansas City Missouri October 19 24 Tickets for nbovo occasion on snlo Octo ber IGth to 21st inclusive 81320 for round trip Return limit October 20th Seo the agent for particulars 9 25 4t Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnell s drug store MCCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 160 Rks Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities H P SUTTON McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS Graduate of Kansas City Lental College 9 na si G NEBRASKA EJ Mitchell McCook Neb Live Stock Auctioneer I am in tho business because I love it and so licit jour patronage knowing Hint ly ni famil iar acquaintance with all kinds of common and pure bred stock I can mukn jciii a satisfied cus tomur H L PREVOST DRNTIST Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska GIINN DENTIST phoSB m Oflice over Grannis store McCook Nob JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goos anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales Ono per cent on saloa 1000 und upward Correspondence solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nebraska TAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hold C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon Oflico over McMillans drug store Residence 702 Main Aveuuo Residence phone KJ Office phone 28 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 McCOOK NEBRASKA GHSGHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL FILLS f -- - xiv - an- tS 2j w vi cfOa WW es old metallic boxes sealed th btaTnbS Take no other I to rime danseroux Mubxti tutionand imitations Uux of yourJDrugjnn or send Ic in stamps for Particular TeMI monialh and Keller Tor Lafiiei in 1000 ToniaIs Soldbr CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO uu Jiaouon quare flUIiA Mention tU paper PA SHERIFFS SALE Bj virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow countv Xebra ka under a decree in an action wherein J F Cor deal is plaintiff and Ephraim S Dutchet et al are defendants to me directed and delivered I Miall offer at public tale and sail to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court houe in McCookRed Willow county Nebraska on the 12th day of October 1903 at the hour of one o clock p m the following deribed real estate to wit The east half of the northwest quarter and the east half of the southwest quar ter of section 20 in township 2 north in ranco 30 west of the Sixth P M in Red Willow coun ty Nebraska Dated this 11th day of September IMS A C Ceabteee Sheriff Y b Moelax Attorney iw n i m MaBggaaanaiESBBagrgBE3gggsgaBaBBMBaB5eiBBB To Cur a Cold la One Bay SS I Take Laxative Brmo Cnf nine Tablets VJjf J every I 1 Seven Million boxes sold in post 13 months TMs SlgEatnT 2 SOX 25c I t t r P ft I J