The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1903, Image 6

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IVfcCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
William G Scctt prominent in mill
business at Paterson N J died from
loch Jaw
Lord Milner has declined to accept
the colonial portfolio in the English
v Henry D Lloyd well known writer
on economic subjects died at his home
in Winnetka 111
Dee Martin a Missouri bandit has
again eluded a posse of 200 men near
Ploumfield la after a two days
v Mrs Fannie P Muir wife of An
drew Muir a railroad contractor well
known in California dropped dead at
her home in St Paul
s The body of Bertha Page a young
society- woman who disapepared from
San Jose Cal three weeks ago was
discovered floating in the bay at Santa
The pope received in private audi
ence Bishop Henry Gabriels of the
diocese of Ogdensburg N Y and
spoke to him in tbs kindest way of
President Diaz of Mexico has sent
his portrait to Emperor William This
js the first time that the president of
a republic has sent such a present to
the emperor
Indianapolis has been selected for
the holding of the coming national
conference of the republican league
The date of the convention Nvill be
announced later
The Brooklyn Jockey club announc
ed that the value of the stake of the
Brooklyn handicap for 1904 would be
20000 guaranteed instead of 1OOO0
added as formerly
Emil Grams who shot and killed
his wife at the home of her son Her
man Palenburg Thursday hanged
himself with a piece of blanket in his
cell at Mankato Minn
Twelve hundred schools in Porto
Ilico were opened and 60000 pupils
were received Three times that num
ber of children were enrolled and tho
struggle for preference was very
John H Dolph the artist who has
sometimes been called the Landseerer
of America because of his work as an
animal painter died suddenly at New
York from heart disease He was 28
years old
The unveiling of Eberlains colos
sal memorial to Wagner who is rep
resented as sitting in an arm chair
the base showing sculptured incidents
in the Wagnerian operas took place
at Tiergarten
Ignatz Jacobs a Polish miner of
Lincoln 111 was in the Logan coun
ty court disfranchised for ten years
for selling his vote and was sentenc
ed by Judge Patton to ninety days in
the county jail
D E Cravens a wealthy Beaver
county Oklahoma ranchman has
been acquitted on the charge of mur
dering a neighbor with whom he quar
reled and as alleged killed in self
defense s rear ago
The property of the Maxwell Leath
er company of Chicago was placed in
the hands of Henry L Wilson as re
ceiver in bankruptcy The liabilities
are estimated between 75000 and
100000 and the assets at 25000
James E Bennett a striking deliv
ery wagon driver was shot at Kan
sas City by W B Francisco a non
union driver whom it is said Ben
nett and two companions had assault
ed Bennetts wound is not serious
H Melville Hanna brother of Sen
ator Hanna has given 100000 to the
Western Reserve university of Ohio
the income of which is to be devoted
to the promotion of instruction and
research in anatomy and kindred sub1
The civil service commission has re
ceived a call from the Philippine gov
ernment for 150 male teachers and
will hold examinations at various cit
ies on October 19 and 20 The sal
aries range from 900 to 1200 per
On the recommendation of Williard
H Brownson commander of the naval
academy Secretary Moody has author
ized the discontinuance of the rule
prohibiting smoking so far as it re
lates to the members of the first class
In the opinion of the secretary the
members of this class are quite old
enough to be relieved of such a restric
In reports on the production of lead
and zinc in the United States for the
year 1902 which have been prepared
for the geological survey the total
output of lead for the entire country
Is placed at 200000 short tons and of
zinc at 156927 short tons
The cornerstone of the new Fran
ces E Willard National Temperance
hospital in Chicago was laid on the 1st
the birthday of Miss Willard In
the presence of a distinguished com
pany of temperance advocates and
medical men
Preliminaries for Church Merger
ST LOUIS Mo Committees of
the Cumberland Presbyterian church
spent Wednesday in conferring on the
question of union of the two relig
ious denominations and it was an
nounced at night that all preliminar
ies had been completed and that each
body is ready for the joint confer
Fear to Release Pending Appeal
BERLIN The military authorities
refuse to release Naval Ensign Huss
aer who has appealed against the
sentence of two years confinment in
i fortress imposed upon him for kill
ing a friend who did not salute him
properly pending a final decision in
ais case as permitted under the code
Tor the reason that they apprehend
pussner may be attacked by those
who are indignant at the lightness of
bis sentence
Vr -
MM i iMiyjamm mi n
i irm i i wwrtMUfllOiwB
ill i mtmmm wmm PPBI
The Last of the Good Old Summer Time
From the Minneapolis Tribune
Immigration Inspectors Are Asked to
Explain the Detention of Consul
After Facts Causing Clerks Arrest
Consular Employe Who Killed Him
self May Cause Some Friction
WASHINGTON The Chinese min
ister is awaiting the return to Wash
ington of Secretary Hay when he
will file an official protest against the
treatment accorded his brother Lang
Hsun consul general to the Philip
pines and a party of women who ac
companied him by the immigration
inspector at San Francisco on their
arrival at that city lecently
N Although the inspector was in
structed to facilitate their landing
they were detained for some time
finally being permitted to land after
the minister had made representa
tions to the state department
The immigration officials claim that
their action in the matter was en
tirely justified in view of the fact
that only two ot the party had pass
ports which served as a means of
identification as the lav in such cases
requires Further they say there
were three members of the party
whose names had not been previous
ly furnished as entitled to the cour
tesies of the port These were Mrs
Chang Choh Fan wife of the Chinese
consul at Honolulu her daughter and
a maid The Chinese minister sub
sequently to giving advices concern
ig the intended arrival of his brother
and the two women at San Francisco
asked the state department to facili
tate the landing of the others at
Honolulu The immigration bureau of
ficials claim that inasmuch as other
Chinese arrived on the same steamer
it was necessary for the ministers
brother and his entire party to be
Identified and say that on this being
done they immediately were shown
every courtesy and their landing facil
The Chinese minister does not in
tend to drop the matter of the arrest
of Tom Kim Yung the Chinese con
sular clerk at San Francisco which
is said to have been the direct cause
of the young mans suicide until he
is fully satisfied that the whole af
fair has been probed to the bottom
Should the investigation which the
secretary of the Chinese legation
who was sent to San Francisco and
who vill report in person to the min
ister is now making confirm the in
formation already received here that
the arrest of Tom Kim Yung by the
San Francisco policeman was unpro
voked the minister will make a vigor
ous protest to the state department
Relatives of Tom Kim Yung have
emploved an attorney and he is as
sisting in the investigation
Uncle Sams Treasurer Submits Hio
WASHINGTON Ellis H Roberts
treasurer of the United States has
submitted to Secretary Shaw his re
port on the condition of the treasury
June 30 1903 and its operations dur
ing the last fiscal year The total
net revenue for the year was 560
396674 an increase of 38988439
over the year preceding and the to
tal expenditure 506009007 an in
crease of 35782034 The surplus
was 54297607 as compared with
91278375 n 1902 In the receipts
there was an increase of upward of
3000000 from customs and a falling
off of over 41000000 from internal
revenue the latter being the result
of legislation enacted with that ob
ject On the side of the expeditures
there was an increase in every impor
tan account except pensions and in
terest in which there were slight de
creases The expeditures for the two
military departments which amount
ed to 191237554 forming by far tho
heaviest outlay for any single pur
pose were upward of 21000000
greater tnan the vear before The ag
gregate income including besides the
revenues the receipts from bonds
notes and coin certificates was 1-
211394097 and the aggregate outgo
At the close of the year the treasury
held 893008869 in gold and silver
on deposit against outstanding cer
tificates and treasury notes besides
the 150000000 in gold which forms
the reserve against United States
Treasurer Roberts places the mone
tary stock of the country on June 30
1903 including gold and silver Uni
ted States notes treasury notes and
national bank notes but not certifi
cates at 2088149621 an increase of
1248S2963 for the year The in
crease in gold was 60137401 and in
national bank notes 56998559
Sent a Personal Message of Condo
lence to Lady Herbert
Roosevelt was deeply grieved when
informed of the death of Sir Michael
Herbert the British ambassador to
this country He and Sir Michael and
Lady Herbert were personal as well
as official friends and he has sent a
personal message of condolence to
Lady Herbert
Official Washington learned with
profound regret of the death of Sir
Michael Herbert The state depart
ment cabled Mr Choate the Ameri
can ambassador at London instruct
ing him to convey to the British for
eign office an appropriate expression
of the Washington governments sym
Two National Banks Fail
WASHINGTON The comptroller
of the currency has received telegrams
announcing the failure of two national
banks the Packard National bank of
Greenfield Mass of which Bank Ex
aminer Frank L Fish has been ap
pointed receiver and the Bolivar Na
tional bank of Bolivar Pa of which
Bank Examiner John B Cunningham
has been appointed receiver The
president of this bank telegraphed the
comptroller that his bank was insolv
ent and he had closed its doors
Booker Washington in Paris
PARIS Booker T Washington
head of the Tuskegee Ala institute
who is here has been besieged by
French reporters anxious to obtain an
expression of his views on the negro
questions In order to escape atten
tion Mr Washington is traveling un
der the name of Jones Mr Wash
ington declined to speak to the French
press representatives regarding his en
tertainment by President Roosevelt
some months ago
Tho new Swedish Baptist church at
Osceola was dedicated last Sunday
there being a very large attendance
The Independent Telephone com
pany expects to have its exchange in
Beatrice in working order within two
The twentieth anniversary and dedi
cation of the new building of the
Swedish Lutheran academy took place
at Wahoo
L G Todd of Cass county shipped
several carloads of cattle to South
Omaha which brought 575 the high
est price paid for cattle this fall
The Lincoln traction company in
response to the appeals of its em
ployes has raised the wages of firs
class conductors and motormen 1 cent
per hour
The district G A R reunion em
bracing Cherry Keya Paha Rock and
Brown counties will next year meet
in Ainsworth with Captain L Walker
president C W Potter secretary
Mrs Louise Lahann of Grand Island
a very elderly woman whose husband
died about a year ago and who has
since been making her home with her
son and daughter-in-law suicided by
Thomas Zimmerman brought a
fence post to Beatrice which has been
buried on his farm for more than forty
years It was cut from a wild mul
berry tree and is now in a good state
of preservation
The Farmers and Merchants bank
at Byron was robbed The safe was
blown open with nitro glycerin but
the residents of the town were not
awakened It is thought that about
2000 was taken
While at Kearney Charlie France of
Gibbon made the second attempt to
commit suicide by stabbing himselr
with a knife just below the heart and
also drinking concentrated lye It is
thought he will not recover
Dr Gilbert Robertson a veterinary
surgeon of Beatrice has vaccinated
500 head of cattle on the Kilpatrick
ranch as a preventive against the dis
ease known as blackleg which pre
vails among cattle in that section Dr
Robertson began the work of vacci
nating 300 more head a few miles
north of the Kilpatrick farm
Members of the board of education
of Leatrice are considering plans for
increasing the capacity of the schools
of the city which because of the rap
ialy increasing number of students
has become inadequate The enroll
ment at the opening of the school year
was 1616 and in one month it has
increased to more than 1S00
A case involving many very sensa
tional features was tried in the dis
trict court at West Point F W
Zuhlke a widower residing there and
an old business man was sued by Eric
Swanson a blacksmith for the aliena
tion of the affections of Swansons
wife Damages were laid at 5000
Plaintiff recovered 200 and costs
Deputy Game Warden J A Rainy
of Norfolk has proven his fidelity to
his oath of office and established a
precedent for the deputies of the state
by causing the arrest of a neighbor
and friend who had shot three quail
a few weeks too soon and insisting
upon his being punished to the full ex
tent of the law The man received
the limit 5 per bird x or 15 and
Long Pine is to have an electric
light and power plant the power to
run which is to come from Long Pine
John Ohlebusch a half witted farm
hand was arraigned in the district at
West Point on a charge of horse steal
ing Thfe testimony developed the
fact that the alleged theft arose from
a horse trade and that the taking of
the animal by the prisoner was an as
sertion of what he considered his
rights In the premises No criminal
intent was proven and Ohlebusch was
A book agent in Cass county has
been working the school teachers on a
library scheme to the extent that the
county superintendent C S Wortman
has sent out a circular warning them
against the man Mr Wortman stated
that the agent was going around tell
ing teachers that the county superin
tendent gives the books his highest
endorsement when in fact he had nev
er seen the agent at all and knew
nothing of the matter
George Watts of Goehner and Mrs
Janet Watts of Beaver Crossing se
cured a marriage license at Fremont
and were married The couple were
formerly husband and wife but were
separated by divorce proceeding
They are each 62 years of age
The new Masonic home for Nebras
ka will be opened in Plattsmouth at
an early day The order has recent
ly purchased a fine piece of property
in the western part of the city which
is considered an ideal location for the
purpose intended
General Nebraska News I
Treasurer Mortensen Has Little Over
a Quarter of a Million on Hand
LINCOLN Treasurer Mortensens
monthly report has been made public
lc shows a balance in the treasury of
something like 250000 The treasur
er has however prepared a list of tho
banks in which the money is on de
posit and the amount in each They
Farmers and Merchants bank of
Lincoln S SS5P0G
Bank of Commerce of Lincoln SSC9G
City National Bank of Lincoln 1215JC1
Columbia Natlona bank of Lin
coln 121707
First National bank of Lincoln 121605J
Commercial National bank of
Omaha 3216090
First National of Omaha 1112720
Merchants National of Omaha 12149
Omaha National 1210163
Union National of Omaha 1213123
United States National of Om
aha 1213103
First National of Alliance 320135
Battle Creek Valley bank 510820
Bank of Bazile Mills 15000V
Broken Bow State bank 106000
Custer National of Broken Bow 3027S
State Bank of Curtis i0T033
Dannebrop State bank 150875
Commercial State of Grand Is
Grand Island Banking company
Union State of Harvard
First National of Hastings 30025
German National of Hastings 11S272
First National of HoldreRe 294502
First National of Looinis 300O0O1
Citizens bank of McCook 411751
Newport State bank 2O0OCa
Norfolk State bank 5 05G
First National of ONeill 502SG3
Fkst National of Ord C505CO
Bank of Orleans 400000
Pierce County bank of Pierce
Packers National of South Om
Citizens National of St Paul
First State Bank of St Paul
4 11915
40 jOW
Farmers and Merchants of
Stromsburtc 40C4S7
Bank of Syracuse 301500
Valentine State bank 505013
Saunders County National of
Wahoo 509502
First National of Wayne 50CS00
West Point National TOMCJ
Wolbach State bank 1 5000m
City National of York 3f5J3i
First National of York -100449
Eeets Rich in Sugar
FREMONT The Standard Beet Su
gar company is handling a good many
beets from the western part of the
state this year Assistant Chemist
Connell states that they are running
exceptionally high this season Tho
average around Tremont he thought
might go as high as 11 per cent sugar
with a coefficient of purity well above
80 Specimens from beets raised on
irrigated lands ran as high as 23 per
cent sugar with purity coefficient of
91 The average yield per acre in this
vicinity will not be more than six or
seven tons Some fields were entirely
destroyed by water and will not be
Final Notice to Lessees
From the office of the land commis
sioner final notices are being sent out
to delinquent lessees of school lands
to the effect that foreclosures would
be made Oct 13 Under the new law
the cost of reinstatement is considera
ble and when the land is advertised
the lessee is shut out entirely The
effect of this or something has occa
sioned a less number of delinquents
than ever before in the history of the
state and the department had kept a
closer watch on the lessees than ever
Application for Water
LINCOLN Neb Lizzie M Kyner
of Long Pine has applied to the state
board of irrigation for right to use
waters of Long Pine creek for milling
and lighting purposes power to be
derived through a turbine wheel The
total cost of the proposed plant will
he 12000 It is proposed to operate a
modern electric light plant and fur
nish power to flour mills and other in
dustries The estimated horse power
is 100
Fish Cr Goes to Kansas
fish car left South Bend over the Rock
Island railroad for Langdon Kan car
rying in it enough oriental gold fish
to exchange for 5000 yearling big
mouth black bass now owned by a
private hatchery concern in that place
The exchange will be made on the ba
sis of 1 a pair for gold fish
and 30 per thousand for the bass
Must Go to Supreme Court
LINCOLN Neb In the case of
Worster vs the state board of health
an appeal from the decision of the
board which revoked the certificate
of Worster an Omaha dentist Judge
Holmes decided that the state board
of health is not inferior to the
trict court but is a part of the execu
tive branch hence the court had no
jurisdiction Worsters certificate
was revoked because of alleged unpro1
fessional practices
Englands Shakespeare Society
Sir Henry Irving has been choan
president of tho British Empire
Shakespearo society an organization
which aims to h3lp tho risinggenera
tion not only to study Shakespeares
works but to lovo them The bish
op of Ripon is one of the vice presi
dents and numerous notables in tho
theater world are prominently asso
ciated Tho society has about 1000
members its program being lectures
readings and presentations of entiro
Allens Foot Ease Wonderful Remedy
Have tried ALLENS FOOT EASE and
find it to be a certain cure and gives com
fort to one suffering wijh sore tender and
swollen feet I will recommend ALLENS
FOOT EASE to my friends as it is
certainly a wonderful remedy Mrs N
HGuilford New Orleans La
An island is not exactly a mole on
the face of the waters
A free show is better than a liberal
exhibition of temper
duce the brightest and fastest colors
Some women are so vain that they
are never happy unless making mis
chief between tho husbands and wives
of their friends
To Cure n Coiia in Wne clny
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure 25c
v An act of the legislature adjourn
Applause in one thing that is not
hurt by being handed around
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Defiance Starch it Is Im
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch It can be used cold
or boiled
She may be a thing of beauty until
you see her emerging from the surf
A womans mirror is her safest con
dont srorr your crOTnns
Use Red Cross Ball Bluo and keep them
white as snow All grocers Gc a package
Let the man who would reform the
world begin on his neighbors and he
vill soon see his finish
Dont you know that Defiance
Starch besides being absolutely supe
rior to any other is put up 10 ounces
In package and sells at same price
as 12 ounce packages of other kinds
a tins
giled clothing
NvA reputation extending over
YyAb sixty six yesrs and our
W i I
guararLo ore dcxck or
over carmeni Dewing ine
There are many imitations
Bo sure of the name
TOWER on the buttons
s33g 3
sou can save irom S3 to 5 yearly by
wearing W L Douglas 350 or 3 shoes
incy equal those
that have been cost
ing you from S400
to Sj00 Tho im
mense sale of W L
Douglas sios proves
their superiority over
all other makes
Soid by retail shoo
dealers everywhere
Look for nuuo and
price on bottom
That Iailfl is nine
Onatolt proves there is
value In Hondas shoes
Corona Is the highest
grade Pat Lcathcrraade
ri ct rn c j --
- w -Line cannot oeequalloHat anu price
Shoes by mail 25 rent extra Illnxtrateil
Catalog free N L DOUULAS Brocfcton JMass
Early in tnemcming at at 9
I night or whenever used Defiance S
B Starch will be found always the 9
I same always the best gj
Insist on having it the most for M
g your money ffl
m Satisfaction or money back fi
1 guaranteed It is manufactured H
j under the latest improved
I tions It is up-to-date It is the 8
best We give no premiums1 B
E We sell 16 ounces of the best 8
I starch made for 10 cents Other
brands are 12 ounces for 10 cents 8
awith a tin whistle I
I Manufactured by w
L Omaha Neb 8
V t
i 4