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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1903)
Its lZ2iiJ r I To be given Away I CUT THE FUEL BILL IN TWO Coles Hot Blast Does It The gas that arises when coal is burned is used by the peculiar construction of Coles Hot Blast Other stoves al low the gas to go up the chim ney This difference is dollars to you as a coal user Come in any day and see a Coles Hot Blast The quicker the better for your coal bin ggv Pi You cant name an article in staple hardware that we havent got When you are looking for QUALITY come to us SOLE AGENT V FRANKLIN W WFMcFARLAND B WOLFE C H msmm3MK32Bm A C EBERT WILLARD ONE OF COLES TTAm V FRANKLIN Presided OF THE 1 CITIZENS A C EBERT Cashier BANK McCOOK NEB Sat p Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 DIRECTORS I Capital 5000000 Surplus 1000000 I I The First -National Bank of 1 I McCook offers to depositors 1 1 every facility which their I 1 balances business and re- I sponsibility warrant I Deposits 28000000 Loans 27400000 BLASI i 8 m l M At I I CBUBttffS STMB Tirsia Ah jycwagffifygicBaKasgKggE Oct 5 ee22a Any person over 18 years of age applying at W T Colemaift hardware store will be given a numbered ticket to this drawing ABSO LUTELY FREE The person holding the lucky ticket must be present at the drawing and must present the winning ticket within one hour after the drawing takes place or the f stove is subject to a new drawing at once 4 4 f 9 X f BOX ELDER E Clark is painting A T Wilsons house The Lytle machine is threshing for I N Shepherd Again the wedding bells are ringing in this vicinity Rev Satchell is attending conference this week at Lexington J B and W Y Johnson played with T M Campbell Monday Mrs E Clark and children departed Tuesday night for their home in Oregon Mrs Al Schlosser of Friend is visit ing her parents Mr and Mrs I II Harrison Elmer Shepherd of Osburncame down Tuesday evening to help his uncle Isaac Shepherd thresh Mesdames Martha W Y and J B Johnson and Miss Eliza spent Monday with Mrs Mahlon Campbell J H Huntwork had men at work Thursday and Friday of last week which greatly improved the condition of the roads in this vicinity Mr Stone who has been visiting his son and daughter Will Stone and Mrs J K Gordon returned to his home near Garnett Kansas Wednesday A W Campbell received the sad news last Friday of the death of his granddaughter Miss Blanche Eichey of Wymore It was a great shock to all her relatives here as she and her sister had visited them such a short time ago They went from here to Denver where Blanche was taken with mountain fever which was the cause of her death His Life Saved by Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy B L Byer a well known cooper of this town says he believes Chamber lains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy saved his life lasfsummer He had been sick for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery and could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy It gave him immedi ate relief says B T Little merchant Hancock Md For sale by L W Mc Connell druggist Home Visitors Excursions On Sept 1 8 15 and Oct 7 1903 the Burlington will sell tickets to certain eastern points at greatly reduced rates This is the chance you have been look ing for Enquire of the agent as to par ticulars CULBERTSON Mrs Mary Trimpy was shopping in McCook Monday J B Nnzulvort returned to Lincoln Moudtiy for n f ov dnys S E SolomoD had business in the county capital Friday J C Benedict of Trenton was doing business in this place Friday GGEisenhart returned from a weeks visit at Eklborn Wis Friday night O P Jones of Stratton was doing business in this burg the first of tho week Mrs J Hassler enjoyed a visit from her mother Mrs J R Boyer of Trenton the last of the week Misses Eppie Brown and Katie Jones of Trenton visited with Miss Isa Shu maker over Sunday Master Wayne Pfrimmer of Stratton visited his many young frionds here Saturday and Sunday Mr and MrsLoroyKlovenof McCook visited with Leroys sister Mrs J W Wray and family Saturday Mrs Mary England returned to her home at Albia Iowa Friday evening after a two weeks visit with relatives here Mr and Mrs J B Dinsmore came in Saturday evening and visited their niece Mariette Wcmple until Wednes day morning Mr and Mrs Frank Vastino returned to their home in Richland Iowa Mon day morning after a short visit with relatives here II II Berry of McCook conducted services at the M E church Sunday and Brother Mitchelmore of Iloldregu at the Presbyterian The dance in the Shumaker opera house Saturday night drew u large crowd Good order and good music were prevailing features of the evening Mrs L E Crews went up to Imper ial Friday morning to visit her niece Miss Bessie Crews who returned with her and took in the fair here Saturday A Cure For Dyspepsia I had dyspepsia in its worst form and felt miserable most all tho time Did not eDJoy eating until after I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured me Mrs W WSaylor Billiard Pa No appetite loss of strength ner vousness headache constipation bad breath sour risings indigestion dys pepsia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Ko dol represents the natural juices of di gestion combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive proper ties It cleanses purifies and sweetens the stomach Sold by L W McConnell BARTLEY Mr Payne is absent from home this week Miss Minnie Wolfe lef tMonday morn ing for Lincoln Mrs Henry Burton and Mrs Robert George were McCook visitors Saturday Oscar Lohr has secured a school south of McCook and will begin teaching next Monday We wish him success Mrs Hodges is in Omaha where she went several days ago to be at the bed side of her sick mother who died last week Miss Nettie Short entertained a num ber of her young friends at her home Saturday evening A pleasant time was enjoyed by all Rev and Mrs Meeker are attending M E conference at Lexington this state They made the trip overland from Bartley to Lexington The farewell party for Minnie Wolfe last Saturday night was a delightful one A host of her young friends were present and all report a good time John Clouse sustained a heavy loss by fire Monday morning about nine oclock His shop and tools with a lot of buggies and implements and several thousand dollars in notes and accounts which were in the shop at the time of the fire Mr Clouse was away at McCook when the fire occurred and no one knew in time to save the notes and accounts Mr Clouse has been an industrious honest busi ness man here for years and we sincere ly regret this great loss the earnings of many years of hard labor A Remarkable Record Chamberlains Cough Remedy has a remarkable record It has been in use for over thirty years during which time many million bottles have been sold and used It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of homes yet during all this time no case has ever been re ported to the manufacturer in which it failed to effect a cure When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears it will prevent the attack It is pleasant to take many children like it It con tains no opium or other harmful sub stance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult For sale by L W McConnell druggist DANBURY A fine boy to Dr and Mrs Robinson Sunday morning Mr Rico of McCook opened his con fectionrey today Success Murray Graham lost a valuablo horso by leaving the door of the wheat bin open Esbon Day and wife nee Ruth Ban tham of Lebanon wore visiting with us Friday Arthur McMahan and Miss Mattio Castor are to wed tomorrow Thoy havo our consent Mr and Mrs E M Woods have been under tho doctors caro for a few days but are better Will Millers boy set firo to his dads wheat Monday just to see it burn Ten acres were destroyed J L Sargent and family go to In dianola this afternoon to attend tho wedding of Miss Sylvia Dow Simonsons steamer sot out firo in tho Graham neighborhood and burned four stacks of wheat of Mr Fitts Finley Scarrow and wife leave tomor row for their homo in Wyoming after a two months visit with relatives Mrs Harvey Lyons died Sunday ovo ning at her son in lawsFred Wiggins The remains were laid away in tho Logan cemetery Alex Strain will visit the homo of his childhood in Ohio after an absence of f3 years He thinks that he will recognize his old schoolmates A few politicians are with us today boys All sane people over here vote tho Republican ticket Idiots are not al lowed to vote so you see its one sided Dame rumor says that Voorhis Van Pelt Archie Furmans devil is to marry in a fow days It looks as if tho Van Pelts and tho grasshoppers will take the country yot In the midst of death we are in life somebody is still poisoning dogs This business will bo kept up until somebody will set down hard on the too of a No 10 boot and dont you forget it There was a peculiar whistling noiso heard last night A few of tho oldest settlers recognized it as the whistle of an engine on the long forgotten Orleans and St Francis branch of the B M For Sale A few Registered Poland Cbina sows with young pigs also spring pigs of either sex Ben Baker farm five miles eastof McCook PO addressRedwillow 9 23 2ts W J Cox Stomach Trouble I have been troubled with my stom ach for the past four years says D L Beach of Clover Nook FannGreenfieId Mass A few days ago I was induced to buy a box of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets I have taken part of them and fori a great deal bettor If you have any trouble with your stom ach try a box of these Tablets You are certain to bo pleased with the result Price 23 cents For sale by L W Mc Connell Mr D P Daugherty well known throughout Mercer and Sumner counties W Va most likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor He was almost hopelessly afflicted with diarrhoea was attended by two physicians who gave him little if any relief when a neigh bor learning of his serious condition brought him a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured him in less than twenty four hours For sale by L W McCon nell druggist The Tribute Only SI 00 per year Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scotts Emulsion and by tak ing regular doses had srained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma terial Some pay more some less some get nothing for their money You get your moneys worth when you buy Scotts Emulsion We will send you a little free SCOTT BOVNE Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York 50c and 100 all druggists American Royal Live Slock Show Kansas City Missouri October 19-2-1 Tickets for abovo ocrasion on sale Octo ber 16th to 21 jl inclusive S1320 fpr round trip Return limit October 2Cth Seo tho agent for particulars 9 254t Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnolPs drug store MCCOOK NEBRASKA Offick Phone ICO Res Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities H P SUTTON McCOOK Graduate of Kansas City Lental College -v JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS E J MITCHELL NEBRASKA f AUCTIONEER Phonos OHio 17rosidonco 95 Free Phonographic concort H hour before salt opens Write or Phone for Terms and Date H L PREVOST DRNTIST Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska OR R OIINN DENTIST c PHONE 112 OHice over G ramus store McCook Neb JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales One jor cent on sales 10U0 and upward Correspondence solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska S2Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 McCOOK NEBRASKA SHICHESTERS EftGUSH PENN YROYAL PILLS 1I v y tS wu safe Always reliable ladled ask Drumrfst for CH XCHKSTER H i ItSl old metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Itefiinc danjeroui huI1I tutionnnnd imitation JJuyof yourUrugirist or send ic in stamp- for Particular TeI nioniaU and Keller Tor Iadie in Utter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by all DrujjtT5ts CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 Madiion Square IMIIJLA PA Mention this piper SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein J F Cor deal is plaintiff and Ephraim S Dutchet et al are defendants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sll to the hijh i bidder for cash at the front door of the cor honse in McCookRed Willow county Xebrasfe on the 12th day of October 100 at the liouo one oclock p m the following describedrear estate to wit The east half of the northwest quarter and the east half of the southwest quar ter of section 20 in township 2 north in ranse 30 west of the Sizth P M in Red Willow coun ty Nebraska Dated this 11th day of September 1H A C Crabtbee Sheriff S Morlax Attorney il TW Tcks Laxative Bramo Seven MDIion boxes sold in past 12 months iS mm 4fOi mm vs Mm Tablets TMs ssgssSarSs SaEBS5gffTgfH n Bay Cures Grip in Two Days JS pi on every i Q sjfr7zna box 25c I Flx il i i mi miii r i C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska CS Office In Court House Phone 18 1 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Oflico ovor McMillons drug store Residence 702 Main Avouue Residence phono XI OOico phone 28 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building Dr S C