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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1903)
u M V 4 e I j 2 fw H Schoo SHOES bought direct from the most reliable mak ers in this country for all ages of children We wish to call special attention to our line of Seamless Shoes for boys at 175 The Hisses Kangaroo Calf Shoe at 125 The Misses genuine welt Shoes at 175 We are glad to show this line to our trade for we feel they will appreciate this class of footwear at the exceeding low prices Remember our guarantee is on every pair of our shoea and if they go wrong we will cheerfully repair free of charge t I lis ant A m I I cms pa Qa fl f A E PETTY Proprietor EHIV 9H s m 5L 3b yiMMMJMMaiMMMMaciibwiiiili WWW IIMBIMI iminiiwirwiBiwiiwiiM f I Public Saturday October 10th Commencing at 10 oclock sharp the following property 35 milk cows 3 to 7 years old 25 2year old steers 55 spring calves 2 cultivators 1 corn planter j f f7 ri fSMgrnwk mps mae Endorsed by FirstNatl i Bankand business men S10000 In Roll Top Desks Bank Fixtures and 50 Typewriters Students can work forboard Send for free catalogue bound in alligator finest over published by a Business College Bead it and you will attend the N B C Kodol Dyspepsia Guro Digests what you eat 1 surry 1 disc 1 binder 1 side saddle 1 lot of household goods I NIcCOOK NEBRASKA McCook Nebraska 3ciJLC I I will sell at public sale at my farm seventeen miles southwest of McCook and eight miles northeast of Herndon Kansas on Many other articles and implements too numerous to mention TrTlTK if SlC n sums IQ and under cash sums over 10 a credit of one year will be given purchaser to give note drawing 6 per cent interest from date with approved security If notes are not paid when due to draw 10 per cent interest from date Five per cent discount for cash on sums over 10 No property to be removed until terms of sale are complied with FREE LUNCH AT NOON H H BERRY C F ELLIOTT Blue Front iiiiiiiippj Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 36 Rear Palmer House McCook Nebraska W H ACKERMAN Prop A C Onq A M LL B Pres Omaha Prof A J Lowry Princ i7 Low Rates West via Burlington Route 2500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle 2500 to San Francisco and Los Angeles 2250 to Spokane 2000 to Salt Lake City Butte and Helena Proportion ately low rates to hundreds of other points including Big Horn Basin Wyo Montana Idaho Washington Oregon British Columbia California etc Ev ery day until November 30 Tourist cars daily to California Personally conducted excursions three times a week Tourist cars daily to Seattle In quire of nearest Burlington Route agent It Goes Right to the Spot When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body the application of Bal lards Snow Liniment will give prompt relief It goes right to the spot said an old man who was rubbing it in to cure his rheumatism C R Smith Propr Smith House Tenaha Texas writes VI have used Ballards Snow Liniment injmy family for several years and have found it to be a fine remedy for all aches and pains and I recom mend it for pains in Jthe throat and chest 25c 50c and 1 at A McMill ens For a bilious attack take Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain For sale by LW McConnell druggist Petty Says- They are here That fine line of FALL AND WINTER SHOES for ladies and gentlemen Our line of School Shoes was never more com plete The Art of Pleasing is one of the accomplishments of THE MODEL SHOE STORE Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No 0 Central Timo ll15r M 2 540 am 12 820aM 1 1 955pm No 5 nrrivo8from onst at 8 p in main line west depaut No 1 Mountain Timo 1154 a m II 11V5p m 5 750 pm 13 825aM imperial line No 170 arrives Mountain Time 730 p m Nol75domrts 700 AM Sleopiup dining and reclining cliair cars teats free on through trains Tickots sold nnd bagguga chocked to any point iu tlio United States or Canadn For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nobrnskn or J Francis Qouoral Pas pengor Agent Omaha Nebraska Engine 231 is out of the shop Jacob Batt is a new helper in the clinkor pit Engine 3G6 a new compound arrived here Wednesday Judd Rude is a new helper to the ma chinists in the back shop L R Rarick is in the blacksmith shop now as a new helper John Kintsel resigned from the round house last Saturday C S Brickor general piece work in spector was here yesterday Fireman Charles Blackburn has re turned home from his visit to his parents at Eustis R H Dawson retired from C L Walkers gang of brush artists Monday by resignation Nick Wilson a member of the round house force resigned from the service early in the week Frank Marshall has joined the lusty lot of fellows in the blacksmith shop this week as helper Jacob Amen has resigned from the the boilermaking gang and intends to prepare himself for the ministry Fireman W S Bixler and family ar rived home Monday from spending a month in Illinois visiting relatives A F Mangless was summoned to Green Bay Wisconsin Tuesday night by news of the serious illness of- his sis ter E E Bishop representing the Pyle Electrio Headlight Co was here first of this week on business of the com pany Conductor C E Pope has been trans ferred to the McCook St Joseph run and the family expect to move to St Joseph the latter part of October Conductor C W Bronson has return ed to the main line passenger run out of McCook Conductor C E Pope suc ceeding to his run and will in time move to St Joe Brakeman R J Moore placed his res ignation with the company Thursday I lie will leave for Franklin Nebraska first of next week where he will engage with his father in the business of general merchandising they now having a nice and profitable business established in the academy town The many friends of Mr and Mrs Moore will join The Tkibcjse in wishing them prosperity in the new home and vocation ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs J M Tbamjiell was a Lincoln shopper Tuesday Miss Kate Kirchner returned to the city first of the week Mr and Mrs J H Murphy are back from their Lincoln visit Mrs L P Neilson and children are visiting in Ilastings this week Miss Grace E Smith arrived home from Missouri Wednesday night Duane E Smith has been absent from the city this week on business matters J A Wilcox is making some improve ments on his residence this week Its catching Mrs W S Morlan was in Arapahoe Thursday attending the funeral of an oldtime friend Mrs W W Archibald arrived home fore part of the week from a long visit to Chicago relatives R D Druliner has retired from W S Morlans office and will engage in the practice of the law on his own behalf in Benkelman PEReeder succeeds him Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Sept 291903 Crawford John Pratt Mrs E W Cunningham Y II Porter Clifford Graham R H Palmer Thelma Higgins Fred Scott Mrs Minnie Moore Arthur Wichniann Lena Miller James Wheeler Ruby L Neston Clarence White Clara Nelson N C Wall Pary Zimmerman Win When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Went ll Miles An Hour Berlin Sept 28 A high speed trial over the Zosson experimental electric railroad Saturday resulted in attaining a speed at the rate of over 117 miles per hour Every part of the 100 ton car was intact and the roadbed was not affected The fact that the machinery and road bed were not impaired gives every hope of attaining speed at the rate of 125 miles per hour Associated Press Mothers Who would keep their children in good health should watch for the first symptoms of worms and remove them with Whites Cream Vermifuge It is the childrens best tonic It gets diges tion at work so that their food does them good and they grow up healthy and strong 25c at A McMillens winili INDIANOLA Mrs Norman Baker is on the sick list Fred Billing of McCook was in town Wednesday Mr Kern and family wore Bartley vis itors Sunday Bill Shephard of Danbury was a town visitor Wednesday t Ed Smith painted the residence of Henry Ough this week The infant child of Mr aud Mrs Harry Folsom is very ill Miss May Blnckson of Bartley was an Indianola visitor Sunday Adam Grass of Lincoln was in town a few days this week on business Andy Dwyer wont up to Trenton Wednesday oyening for a short visit D W Shoenthal and family attended the big picnic at Edison Saturday -Mrs Ridgely visited at Bartley Wed nesday with her daughter Mrs Richie A H Bell is having his house re modeled and an addition put on to it 16 by 24 Prof Casner and wife now occupy the property lately purchased by Joe Car michael Miss Lela Fiddler came up from Bart ley Wednesday evening for a few days visit with Mrs Kern Frank Howe who has been helping to build the school at Arapahoe was in town a few days this week George Casner came in on No 5 Wed nesday evening to attend to the ship ping of his sugar beets Mr Phillips living southeast of town has purchased the O B Mosher proper ty and will shortly move into the same Sam Messner came up from near Dan bury Wednesday evening and took No 5 for Kansas City whither he goes on business Rev Owens Rev Martin and Mr J Kern started for conference last Tues day morning expecting to be gone four or five days Harry Whitmoro has bought the house just north of Barber Enfields known as tho Silvernail property After remodel ing a little he will occuppy it in the near future Mr Hopwood and family who came from Iowa last week visited here for a few days before moving onto their farm north of Bartley The basket social given by the young men of the M E church last Saturday evening was well attended and a neat little sum realized by tho sale of baskets Miss Bernice Barton of Chicago for merly of this place passed through here on No 2 Monday morning enroute from Washington where she has been visiting the homefolks Houses in Indianola are at a premium this fall and every day we meet some one who is looking for a house to live in Every old shanty in town has an occu pant oven families are living in the back rooms of their shops Miss Sylvia Dow was united in marri age last Wednesday evening to Mr D Legrew at the brides home Quite a number of their relatives and friends were present These young people will live south of town in A H Calkins pro perty Miss McCool and Miss Barr concen trated their forces and gave their pupils a picnic in the grove along the river Saturday morning their purpose being to gather leaves and grasses for draw ing purposes At noon they all ate their dinner in picnic style In the order of runaway teams Wm Karps takes the cake Detaching thenfc selves in some way from the fence where they were tied they ran through all the neighboring cornfields and gardens until they were captured a few miles from the starting point doing no great damage B ONLY V 4 INTFP siifolb Winter i Merchandi se IKKaiKEK33KC2xa is now arriving daily ffew goods for every department Come and New Clothing for men and boys Also the New Dress Goods Trimmings Underwear Hosiery Blankets Shoes Etc Etc The Price is Right if you buy it at 5k bQ il TSrWQr This happened last Saturday evening about 11 oclock Quite a number of young people met at the home of Dan Lehn last Monday evening to help Miss Gertie celebrate her sixteenth birthday Ices cakes and fruit were served and at a late hour the youngsters departed for their homes with the earnest desire that their hostess might have many happy returns of like nature Gertie was the recipient of some very nice presents from her guests The Salve That Heals without leaving a scar is DoWitts The name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves but DeWitts Witch Hazel salve is the only Witch Hazel salve made that contains the pure unadultera ted witch hazel If any other witch hazel salve is offered you it is a counter feit E C DeWitt invented witch ha zel Salve and DeWitts Witch Hazel salve is the best salve in the world for cuts burns bruises tetter or blind i bleeding itching and protruding piles Sold by L W McConnell McCook Tribune 100 ffei0ftiL fnn Weekly Inter Ocean 100 j IBP OUlO lOl UliO A Perfect Painless Pill is the one that will cleanse the system set tho liver to action remove the bile clear the complexion cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth The famous little pills for doing such woik pleasantly and effectually are DeWitts Little Early Risers Bob Moore of Lafa yette Ind says All other pills I have used gripe and sicken while De Witts Little Early Risers are simply perfect Sold by L W McConnell Liver Pills Thats what you need some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure con stipation and biliousness Gently laxative EXTRA For THE TRIBUNE and THE WEEKLY OCEAN 25c AH druggists Want your motistnrlie or heard a beautiful brown or rich black Then use BUCKINGHAMS DYEftKfiRn 50 cts of Druggists orP all Co Nashua n H 1 OF CHICAGO THE LEADING PAPER of the WEST Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new features Enlarged farm department forestry and floriculture care of the horse Home Health Club Mrae Michauds health and beauty hints new household ideas practical cookery latest styles for all ages best fiction full crop and market reports The Inter Ocean is the only western paper receiving in addition to the Associated Press reports the entire telegraph news service of the New York Sun and spec ial cable of the New York World besides daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents ALL THIS FOR ONLY FIVE CENTS EXTRA ar for 10 THIS OFFER OPEN ONLY A FEW WEEKS And is open to all subscribers who will pay their subscription one year in advance as well as to new subscribers to The McCook Tribune I i K H