The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 02, 1903, Image 1

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U --
Mrs Ralph Piatt Seeks Her Own
Grand Island Neb Sept 29 Spe
cial A stubborn fight is on over an es
tate of comparatively small proportion in
the probate court of this county The
latest action taken in it was that of yes
terday when the court granted the ad
ministrator a continuance of ninety days
in order that he might look up some
vorco evidence in the Philippines
Ralph Piatt son of ex Mayor Piatt of
this city an attorney located at Port
land Ore several years before the
Spanish war Ho joined the Oregon
regiment and wont to the Philippines
Ho returned ill and at a hospital at
Portland mot Miss Myrtle Fry his
nurse Love and marriage followed
The couplo were wedded here and soon
after their marriage returned to the
Philippines where Mr Piatt was said to
occupy the position of counsel to the
Chinese minister Differences arose be
tween him and his superiors and in the
iinal denouement Mr Piatt sued tho
Chinese official for 10000 but so far
nothing more has been heard of the
suit Mr Piatt and Mrs Piatt return
ed to this country and soon thereafter
separated When the attorneys father
and family removed to California Ralph
Piatt accompanied them He died
there some months ago Tho father
collected the life insurance and disposed
of tho sons personal property and in
the local probate court applied for and
received the administratorship of his
sons estate Debts were paid and the
administrator showed little was left
after them
On August 25 Mrs Ralph Piatt re
turned again from tho Philippines
whither she had gone after the separa
tion and had obtained a place in tho
custom service under Seth P Mobley
in order to protect her rights The ap
pearance of a widow was news to the
people of California Administrator
Piatt also considered it as news as he
alleges that his son while at California
received a letter from Mrs Piatt stating
that she had now received a divorce and
he was free to go and do as he pleased
This letter was not kept and the claim
apparently cannot be sustantiated in a
way necessary for a court to take cogniz
ance of it The attorneys for Mrs Piatt
in objecting to the motion for a continu
ance declared that if they were permit
ted to make counter affidavit they would
show that such a letter had never been
Mrs Piatts attorneys filed a motion
to have her interests in the estate set
aside It was upon this that the ad
ministrator and father asked for a con
tinuance in order that he could look up
the court records at Manila or in the
Philippines in order to secure evidence
of the divorce This was granted by
the court though the attorneys for Mrs
Piatt objected on the ground that the
theory of the letter was imagination and
such a continuance was a hardship up
on their client compelling her to remain
here away from her position in the
Philippines so much longer and if gran
ted provision should be made for tier
support while here The court found
however that if the contestant was not
the wife of the deceased at the time of
death she would have no right to sup
port out of the estate The attorneys
for Mrs Piatt further Hied a motion that
the administratorship be temporarily
withdraw This too was not granted
by the court on the same ground It
requiring thirty days each way for com
munication by mail to Manila tho nine
ty day continuance allows thirty day in
the Philippines to make the search for
the court records
Tho insurance money amounted to
2000 but there was other personal
property including a large amount of
Philippine curios weapons etc Lin
coln Journal
You Want the Best
For your money and its your fault if
you dont get it Thats why you
should come to our market Our mar
ket supplies only tho best Selected
meats too for those who want some
thing especially nice for the table Try
3 -
Test us Marshs Meat Market
Thomas Bennett Dies In California
Thomas Bennett a former resident of
McCook and an uncle of the Archibalds
of our city died in California August
31st last The deceased lived here for
many years only changing his residence
a few years since He was well and
favorably known to many of our readers
Let us supply you with your mustard
seed celery seed turmeric and spices
for pickles preserves etc
McConnell Druggist
Wanted Boarders and roomers Call
on Mrs Kichard Carroll near brick
school house
Call at W T Colemans and see the
new combined beet puller and topper
-the very latest improvement
Who Is your druggist
Cone Bros
Should be
Mr and Mrs E H Koon have moved
to Red Cloud
J J Foster left for his home Wed
nesday morning
Mrs E E Stayner of Holdroge was
a city visitor midweek
J G Stokes has gone to work in the
froight house for the winter
J R McCarl briefly visited the folks
in Lincoln close of last week
P A Wells was out from South
Omaha Sunday on business
Ervin Hopt rf Bartley has gone to
Chicago to take a course in civil engineer
Miss Minnie Rowell presided at the
convocation of tho Awl Os Tuesday
Mr and Mrs A P Thomson return
ed home Tuesday night from their visit
in Lincoln
Mrs W A McMay and daughter of
Danbury wore county capital visitors
Friday last
Mrs C A Kenady is down from Hol
yoke Colorado on a visit to her sister
MrsJE E DeLong
Mrs L E Cramer was up from Re
publican City a few days this week
visiting her husband
Mrs J E Sanborn is up from Hast
ings guest of her daughter Mrs L S
Watson part of this week
Mr and Mrs C T Watson were
guests of Mr and Mrs Russell McMillen
in Tecumseh over Sunday
T A ENDSLEYhas commenced tho
erection of a comfortable home on the
farm southeast of the city
Mr and Mrs T L Park camo down
from Denver close of last week and are
guests of her sister Mrs H A Beale
Mrs James Irwin accompanied her
husband from Pittsburg Kansas Tues
day and will visit relatives here a few
F II Strout now with tho Harvard
Milling and Power Co was home over
Sunday with the folks hisfirst visit in
six weeks
Marion Powell recently purchased
three carloads of fine steers up at Im
perial and shipped them to his feed
yards at Orleans
President Franklin of the Citizens
Bank commenced tho erection of his
new residence on North Main avenue
Tuesday of this week
Bert Doane who onceuponatime
played baseball with McCook has start
ed for Chicago to resume his studies in
the Northwestern University m
R W Haggard of Lincoln spent Sun
day in the city guest of Mr and Mrs
G A Noren Mrs Haggard who had
been visiting her parents for a week
past returned home with him Sunday
night on No 6
Mrs Frank Stillman of McCook
and her sister Mrs Bankson of Blue
Mound Illinois visited with Mr and
Mrs Jno Bellamy Wednesday They
were old neighbors in Illinois many
years ago Holdrege Citizen
Mr and Mrs Whitmer who have
been out from Panora Iowa for the
past week or so visiting his parents Mr
and Mrs Thomas Whitmer of Coleman
precinct left for home Tuesday night
He is the publisher of the Panora Ve
Miss Louella Thompson came over
from Bertrand last Saturday night and
has been spending the week here with
McCook friends She is keeping books
for W D Beyrer who is in the hard
ware business in Bertrand and doing
Mr Percy H Levin and Miss Belle
Jackson recently of the Colson Com
nanv were hannily wedded at Beaver
City on Tuesday the ceremony being
performed at the home of W H Sturde
vant by County Judge Sherwood
Arapahoe Mirror
Mrs Miss and Mr Fisk mother
sister and brother of Mrs Hubert Beach
of Boxelder came in from Colorado last
week after spending part of the summer
in the Centennial state and are visiting
on the farm near Boxelder on their way
home to Michigan
J E Kelley moved his office into his
own building the north half of the post
office building Tuesday The water
works office is also established in the
same room the ground floor His for
mer office has been rented by the Com
mercial hotel to which it is convenient
ly attached
V T 1XMrw Csk 1
Ducks Art Flying1 South
This oupht to remind vou of the
cold north winds and the fact that
you will needa good heating stove
Coles Hot
Oak with
every part
no equals
last or the Kiverside
entiduct that warms
the room alike have
twill pay you to see
W T Coleman
Brought Here For Burial
Ed Strine died in Anson Kansas last
Friday afternoon at 230 and his
remains were brought hero for inter
ment which occurred on Monday morn
ing from the Methodist church Elder
H H Berry conducting the services
Tho deceased was a half brother of
Benjamin Strino of our city Ho was 39
years of age single and lived with his
Among the relatives here to attend
the funeral wore the aged mother Mr
and Mrs David Strine of Anson Kan
sas Mr and Mrs Ed Walters of Shel
ton Nebraska
The remains were buried in Longview
We aro deeply grateful to all tho kind
neighbors and friends for every kindness
and the willing assistance rendered us
during the sickness and after the death
of our dear son and brother Charles Ed
ward Strine and take this means of ex
pressing our thanks to one and all
Mother Strine
Bbnjamin Strine
David Strine
Eugene Strine
Mr and Mrs Edwin Walters
McCook Neb Sept 30 1903
Cash Sugar Beet Premiums
On Octooer31st I will give cash prem
iums at my store as follows for the heav
iest and largest sugar beets grown on
upland and for the same grown on low
land The first cash premium will be
S300 second 200 on upland beets
Tho first cash premium for low land beets
will be S300 second 200 Beets are to
be delivered and placed on exhibition at
my store on or before Saturday October
31st Bring in your beets and let us
make an exhibition that will be attract
ive and that will at the same time show
the possibilities of this country as a
great sugar beet growing land
W T Coleman
Chances Fair For Recovery
John Kummer who was so severely
injured at Red willow crossing last Fri
day by being struck by passenger train
No 13 has been in a serious condition
this week and for a while his recovery
was in doubt indeed he was reported
dead on Monday The Tribune made
G I Dickenson is a now fireman this
Tho new depot at Ilnigler is about
Operator Ralph Foe visited in Red
Cloud Saturday
J DeRoin resigned from tho paint-
gang hrst of the weok
Engineer and Mrs S V Ives have
gone to Havolock for a while
Joseph Kubicok and Miss Mary visit
ed Red Cloud part of last week
nugh Taylor of Ilolbrook is the now
helper to Agont Cann at Danbury
Brakeman W S Ackerman and wife
have gone to Kansas City on a visit
Frank Marshall has retired from the
blacksmith shop service by resignation
Brakeman George Jackson is off duty
for a few days on account of an injured
Fireman A G
list this weok
Nash is on the sick
Also Fireman A F
Agent and Mrs George S Scotts lit
tle boy arrived Monday afternoon but
it was a girl
Trainmaster J F Kenyon went down
to St Joseph Thursday on business of
the company
Brakeman C S McElherron was
down from Denver Saturday between
trains 2 and 1
A E Smith has been transferred
from tho round house to tho boiler
makers force
W J Cox shipped one of his fine
registered Poland Chinas to Edgar by
express Wednesday night
Floyd Berry departed Wednesday for
LaJunta Colorado where he is employ
ed at his trade as machinist
Conductor George Bunting had way
car 101 vice Conductor M O McClure
who is taking a short layoff
Bert and Jim Irwin came home from
Pittsburg Kansas Tuesday on No 13
on a visit to the mother and brothers
G A Brooks who has been off ducy
a month on account of an accident re
turned to work on Monday of this week
W E Painter of the Lincoln offices
of the Burlington was at Western head-
diligent inquiry this morning however quarters Wednesday on company mat-
to the effect that he is considerably ers
proved and the chances are now regard
ed as fair for his ultimate recovery al
though internal injuries yet afford an
item of question and doubt
Some Went Over Forty Bushels
Readers of The Tribune are becom
ing familiar with reports of large yields
of wheat this fall but this one is one of
the best
Charles T Eller of Driftwood precinct
tells us that he has just completed
threshing out 5045 bushels of wheat
and that the general average which in
cludes the fall and spring wheat was SO
bushels per acre His fall wheat yield
ed 35 bushels per acre 20 acres of the
choicest averaging 414 bushels per acre
October Term of District Court
The bar dockets are out for the Octo
ber term of district court for Redwillow
county which will open in McCook on
Monday morning Oct 12th The dock
ets aro somewhat larger in size than
they have been made in the past which
fact will be appreciated by the attorneys
before the court There are 77 cases on
the docket of which seven are criminal
Farm and City Property For Sale
Two lots and two small residencps
west of city hall Will sell separately
or together
Also 160 acres of well improved land
3 miles east of McCook
Reason for selling leaving McCook
9- 25 2ts G A Noren Box 456
Window Glass
All regular sizes carried in stock or
will cut to order any size wanted
L W McConnell
We expect an ample shipment of our
well known and unequalled Izzer cotton
batts daily Price will be the same as
always heretofore viz 10c Our own
made best comforts filled with Izzers
will be turning out before another week
Wait for them 165 and up The
Thompson Dry Goods Co One price
plain figures cash only
Tho ladies of the Catholic church will
give a home talent concert Friday
evening October 9 for the benefit of
their new church
Childrensfleece lined underwear from
7c a piece up to 38c All wool from 40c
to 93c at the Thompson Dry Goods
Vanilla and lemon extracts our own
make absolutely pure
McConnell Druggist
Boys corduroy knee pants 50c at the
Thompson Dry Goods Company
Switchman Worth Humphrey has
gone to Afton Iowa on a visit and R
A Prigga has gone to Oxford to relieve
President Charles S Mellon of the
Northern Pacific has resigned and be
comes president of the New York and
New Haven
Conductor Eph Benjamin arrived
home Sunday night from his Lincoln
meeting with the grievance committee of
the trainmen
F C Scarborough and wite nave re
turned to Akron and W T Walcott has
returned to headquarters after relieving
him during his visit east
C C Cocher has gone to Hastings to
run on the Hastings Republican City
branch run and Wilber Fisk conies to
McCook to take his place
G E McBride and a Miss Gordon a
school teacher in Holbrook were mar
ried last week They have gone to
housekeeping in one of Mrs Smith Gor
dons dwellings
H T Williams an apprentice in the
boilersmakers force resigned on Thurs
day His place has been made good by
the addition of V Bowers to the gang
as an apprentice
Al McClintoc for years employed by
the Burlington atlnavale died in South
McAllister O T last week of typhoid
fever His remains were interred at his
home near Inavale
C S Knodle wife and two boys re
turned to Palisade a week or two since
fjom their stay on the Pacific coast
He was formerly Burlington agent at
Palisade He contemplates reentering
the railroads service
Master Mechanic Fred C Fuller will
shortly commence the erection of a two
story brick residence on the corner lot
south of C H Boyles residence It
will be a very creditable addition to the
f modern homes of the city
The first ten of the new D 4 locomo
tives have all arrived The second ten
have been assigned to service on the
Missouri lines The third ten is intend
ed for the Q system The fourth ten
making the total of 40 is expected to
come here They have all left the fac
tory Havelock Times
One of the most desirable homes
in McCook Eight rooms bath
room closets fruit shade lawn
etc Geo B Beery
Safety Deposit Boxes
The First National Bank people havo
completed arrangements for tho installa
tion of a nest of safety doposit boxes in
their vault for tho use of customers and
othors desiring a safe place in which to
keep their valuables Forty boxes of
different capacities havo been ordered
and will be placed sometime next month
This bit of enterprise will bo appreciated
in fact has been appreciated by quite a
number who have already given the
scheme their hearty endorsement by
subscribing for boxes Tho boxes will
bo of tho latest and best construction
with all the modern safe guards
Water Tax Fourth Quarter
Office of Water Works McCookNeb
Sept 20 1903 Water tax for tho fourth
quarter of 1903 becomes duo October 1st
Ten per cent will be added to all taxes
not paid before 4 o clock p m Thurs
day October 15 1903
i J E Kelley Superintendent
Office hours 8 a m to 5 p m Cen
tral time Office In room formerly oc
cupied by Thompson Dry Goods Co in
postofiice building
Paints and Oils
For barns sheds and out buildings
can furnish a mineral of different colors
that will not fade and makes a cheap
paint Wo carry tho best mixed paint
-The Lincoln Now is a erood time to
paint as oil is very low in price Let us
figure with you A McMillen
A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Made
Coles Original Hot Blast Stove will
save 25 on your seasons fuel bill It
burns the gas half of coal wasted with
all other stoves Come in and see it
W T Coleman sole agent See dis
play advertisement
Shorthand Class to be Started
A shorthand class will bo started on
Monday evening October 5th in the
east school building and all contem
plating taking lessons will please com
municate with L W Stayner
Estrays Taken Up
Taken up in my pasture in South Mc
Cook 2 cows 3 heifers 2 bull calves
Owner can have same by proving prop
erty paying charges
Henry Brening
Home Cooking Exchange
All day Saturday October 3rd at
Grannis store by the ladies of the Bap
tist church Come and see us
Heating- Stoves for Sale
One hard coal burner and two soft
coal burners Inquire of Mrs R B
Archibald for particulars
For Exchange
A nearly new soft coal heating stove
for a good wood stove
G A Noren Box 356
More Wall Paper Bargains
Coal gas is used for fuel and illumina
tion in many cities and towns in the
United States Stoves generally waste
the gas half of coal up the chimney
Coles Hot Blast burns it and cuts your
fuel bill in two come in and see it
work W T Coleman Solo Agent
It is the fuel that costs not the stove
Coles Hot Blast saves its original cost
in fuel each winter Call at our store
and we will show you how
W T Coleman is Sole Agent
There was a severe prairie fire south of
the city last week but The Tribune is
unable to get any particulars if there
was any damage
Tho largest line of steel ranges in the
city and at the lowest prices at
W T Colemans
Remember W T Colemans offer of
prizes for largest sugar beets See par
ticulars in another column
Regular meeting of the Dorcas society
next Friday instead of Thursday at Mrs
Bosworths at 230 oclock
Mens long slickers short slickers
slicker pants and slicker hate at the
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Fire destroyed a quantify of rye for
one of the Lyle brothers living north of
the city a few days ago
Anybody can take pictures with a
kodak Call at Cone Bros and see
The finest stock and lowest prices of
stationery at Cone Bros drug store
Childrens union suits 25c at the
Thompson Dry Goods Company
Handsomest line of dress goods at the
Thompson Dry Goods Company
White Pine and Tar the best cough
cure sold only by Cone Bros
stout corduroy pants 200 at
the Thompson Dry Goods Co
The Shakespere club will
studies October 6th
II it
Lost Lost
A largo black pointer dog White
toes on hind feet a littlo whito on
breast Nothing like him in this
part of state Liboral roward
Leavo word with
Tho applomen aro with us
Tho kids all want that big pencil tab
lot at tho Beo Hive
Are you a kodakor Buy supplies at
Cone Bros drug store
Wo pay the highest prico for buttor
and eggs at tho Bee Hive
Best shirting prints 4ic yard at tho
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Best table oil cloth 15c yard at tho
Thompson Dry Goods Company
Mens suits from 350 to S1250 at tho
Thompson Dry Goods Company
Wednesday evening Vera Fitzgorald
was the victim of a surprise party
Try No 13 for sprains and bruises
McConnell Druggist
Tho best lino of school shoes wo havo
ever offered our trado The Bee Hive
Your tablets pencils slates and all
kinds of school supplies at tho Beo Hive
The new postmaster at Culbortson is
Henry Kloven who succeeds S E Solo
Youll notice the difference in quality
as well as prico in our hosiery The Beo
Tho city authorities aro holding strict
ly to brick construction within the firo
limits now
Ladies dress skirts to measure at tho
Thompson Dry Goods Co 250 to 900
goods and all
The O O T young ladies club
will meet at tho home of tho Misses
Brady tonight
The Tribune understands that Ru
dolph Podolski lost about 250 bushels of
grain by fire recently
All tho amateur photographers are
much interested in tho new Daylight
Developing Machino at Cone Bros
For Rent Furnished room Four
dollars heated four blocks from post
office MrsGeorgeDLoIIew
W W McMillen harness maker has
just received a large shipment of wagons
and buggies Learn his prices before
The bricklayers are now at work on
the spire of the Catholic church so far
has the construction of tho edifice pro
M C Mitchell has been appointed by
the county commissioners sheriff of
Frontier county to succeed I A Adams
Our shoes are all new nothing out of
style or season Repairing cheerfully
done when shoes are defective at the
Bee Hive
For Sale A mowing machino and a
stirring plow See Mrs Lorinda Miller
at Mrs Heinleins south of Christian
Celebrated F C corsets in all grades
and styles at the Thompson Dry Goods
Co Money back after four weeks act
ual wear if dissatisfied
Look over the new line of harness just
received at W T Colemans A Con
cord Double Harness for 3000 Beats
them all Look and see
Read what Johnnie said to Pa in
James Cains advertisement elsewhere
in this issue It will interest and bene
fit you Do not overlook it
Upside down thats the way the fire
burns in Coles Hot Blast come in and
see it in operation
W T Coleman Sole Agent
The Lincoln Land Co will place on
the market the lots on the west side of
McDowell street thus eventually en
larging the limits of Little Russia
Fine line of wagons and buggies just
received by W W McMillen the har
ness maker His prices are as attractive
as his stock Get them before buvimr
Those Estate Oaks are beauties and
hold fire as long a time as any stovo
made and they all have ash pans too
W T Coleman
Strength and vigor come of good food
duly digested Force a ready-to-serve
wheat and barley food adds no
burden but sustains nourishes invigor
ates 9 11 tf
One hundred per cent dividends are
earned annually by Coles Hot Blast
Coal Stove for every family using it
Come in and we will show you how it
cuts your coal bill in two W T Cole-
resume its man sole agent See display advertise-
r l i