The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 25, 1903, Image 8

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W II Benjamin wub a patron at Mc
Coolr Tuesday the 22nd
Tho frost of the 15th and 10th caught
many crops of fodder uncut
A eeks had about 1000 bushels of
tyo and 155 bushels of wheat
H I Peterson called the Grant Re
publican caucus for Monday evening
the 28th inst
C F Elliott and Ira Elliot had 7000
bushels of wheat and are hauling it to
Traor Kansas
Benjamin Bros nro harvesting- their
kafir and cane with a binder about 36
acres drilled in
Joe French did a part of August
Weschs threshing tho latter part of last
Week and first of this week
The Genuine vs Counterfeits
The genuine is always better than a
counterfeit but tho truth of this state
ment is never more forcibly realized or
more thoroughly appreciated than when
you compare tho genuine DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salve with the many coun
terfeits and worthless substitutes that
are on the market W S Ledbetter of
Shreveport La says After using
numerous other remedies without benefit
ono box of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve
cured mo For blind bleeding itching
and protruding piles no remedy is equal
to DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Sold
by L W McConnell
low Rates West
The Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows
Denver Colo and return 12 June 1
to September 30
Colorado Springs Colo and return
1240 June 1 to September 30
Pueblo Colo and return 1365 June
1 to September 30
Glen wood Springs Colo and return
2190 Juno 1 to September 30
- Ogden Utah and return 2790 June
t to September 30
- Salt Lake City Utah and return
2790 Juno 1 to September 30
Ask the ticket agent for particulars
Mr D P Daugherty well known
throughoutMercer and Sumner counties
W Va most likely owes his life to the
kindness of a neighbor He was almost
hopelessly afllicted with diarrhoea was
attended by two physicians who gave
him little if any relief when a neigh
bor learning of his serious condition
brought him a bottle of Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
which cured him in less than twenty
four hours For sale by L W McCon
nell druggist
Home Visitors Excursions
On Sept 1 8 15 and Oct 7 1903 the
Burlington will sell tickets to certain
eastern points at greatly reduced rates
This is the chance you have been look
ing for Enquire of the agent as to par
A Purgative Pleasure
If you ever took DnWitts Little Early
Risers for biliousnessor constipation you
know Avhat n purgative pleasure is
Thesefamous little pills cleanse tho
liver and rid tho system of all bile with
out producing unpleasant effects They
do not gripe sicken oi weaken but give
tone and strength to tho tissues and or
gans involved W H Howell of Hous
ton Tex says No better pill can be
U6ed than Little Early Risers for consti
pation sick headache etc Sold by
L W McConnell
Fearful Odds Against Him
Bedridden alone and destitute Such
in brief was the condition of an old
soldier by name of J J Havens Ver
sailles O For years he was troubled
with kidney disease and neither doctors
nor medicines gave him relief At length
he tried Electric Bitters It put him on
his feet in short orftr and now he testi
fies Im on the road to complete re
covery Best on earth for liver and
kidndey troubles and all forms of stom
ach and bowel complaints Only 50c
Guaranteed by L W McConnell drug
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
The Tribune Only 100 per year
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years It pays to use the
right stuff
Men of oak are men
health men whose
bodies are made of the sound
est materials
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con
stitution that will last for years
Scotts Emulsion is the right
Scotts Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and SlOO all druggists
V FRANKLIN President
A C EBERT Cashier
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
directors -
W -Mr ir
fsf y ty
Capital 5000000
Surplus 1000000
The First National Bank of
McCook offers -to depositors
every facility which their
balances business and re
sponsibility warrant
Deposits 28000000
Loans 27400000
Ko One Kbowi Origin of the Strange
A round robin is one of those
documents of which the name is fa
miliar to most people but which un
commonly few have ever seen or
signed Hvery one knows that the
thing which bears so singular a name
Is a communication letter remon
strance warning or the like the sig
natures to which are written around
the circumference of the circle which
Incloses the body of the epistle or
radiating therefrom like the spokes of
a wheel from a hub so that the re
sponsibility of signing Is equally
shared No one signatory can be ac
cused of being either the first on the
last to sign of being the leader or the
whlpper In
The most famous example on record
probably Is the remonstrance which
was sent to Dr Johnson in connection
with his epitaph on Oliver Goldsmith
The doctor had prepared an epitaph In
Latin but some of his friends who
had also been friends of Goldsmith
took exception to it on two grounds
the first being that It did not quite do
justice to the author of the Traveler
as a writer and particularly as a poet
and the second that It should be writ
ten in English The party of friends
were gathered around Sir Joshua
Reynolds hospitable if somewhat ill
served table and though they found
themselves in general agreement on
these two points no one had the cour
age to be willing to bell the cat or
in other words to take the lead in
tackling the formidable Johnson on
these two rather delicate matters At
last says Sir William Forbes it was
hinted that there could be no way so
good as that of a round robin as the
sailors call it which they make use
of when they enter a conspiracy so as
not to let it be known who puts his
name first or last to the paper
The idea was at once accepted the
address to Dr Johnson was prepared
and all signed it in the form propbsed
This very interesting paper is still ex
tant and is preserved among other
valuable manuscripts in the library of
in i iiaign nan near wigan tne seat or
the Earl of Crawford It begins We
the circumscribers and the signa
tures written around the circle which
incloses the address include thos of
Gibbon Burke Joseph Warton Sheri
dan Sir Joshua Reynolds George Col
man and half a dozen others which are
nowadays but little known Johnson
took the remonstrance in good part
but as to not writing the epitaph in
Latin declared that he would never
consent to disgrace the walls of West
minster abbey with an English in
scription The whole story is emi
nently characteristic both of Johnson
and his times
No one has yet been able to give a
satisfactory explanation of the strange
term round robin London Globe
Breaking It Gently
This is a true account of one persons
idea of breaking the news gently
The cook whose home was off in the
country appeared before the powers
above with a letter in her hand
Ill have to go home for a couple of
days mum she said My cousins
just written to me And she handed
over the crumpled bit of paper with an
audible sniff
Dear Mary it ran you had bet
ter come home at once Your father is
very sick And it continued with
many particulars of the illness
At the end was a postscript which
like the old joke of a womans r S
had the pith of the matter
So long as youll be driving up from
the village you may as well bring the
undertaker along with you in the wag
on New York Times
Sir Henry Irvines Wit
On one occasion Sir Henry Irvings
company having been called to the
theater for rehearsal found upon their
arrival that they Avere considerably
ahead of time As Sir Henry had not
yet arrived one of the actors in the
company who was noted for his ac
complishments as a mimic proceeded
to give a lively and elaborate imita
tion of Sir nenrys highly character
istic acting As he finished his dem
onstration a well known voice came
from the depths of the darkened au
Very good it said very good in
deedso good in fact that there is no
need for both of us in this company
VVIiat Is Known About Fish
Pliny the great naturalist who lived
at about the time of Christ reckoned
the whole number of known species of
fish at ninety four Linnceus the great
Swedish investigator of the eighteenth
century could classify 478 and he is
known to have been the greatest ich
thyologist of the age in which he lived
The progress made in that particular
branch since the time of Linnaeus
seems all the more wonderful for now
13000 species show up in the cata
logues of the fish specialists
An Experts Opinion
Priscilla Do you approve of long en
Mayme Well that depends If the
fellow has plenty of money and takes
you to everything a long engagement
is endurable otherwise it is better to
rush it through and start a fresh one
Detroit Free Press
The Height of Realism
So you went to see one of those old
New England plays Was it realistic
Indeed it was Why when the rain
storm came up Uncle Henrys corns be
gan to hurt him Magazine of Hu
A good many things trouble you
Here are the first two You eat too
much and you eat it too fast Atchlsoj
R Knowles was n Trenton visitor
Miss Edith Saotee spent Sunday with
her sister in McCook
Matt Newlon and Harry Lehman drove
to McCook Wednesday
A W Berry of McCook was doing
business in town Tuesday evening
Miss Myrtle Love visited her young
friend Miss Maggie WhittingtonFriday
Mr and Mrs Vastine of Richland
Iowa aro here visiting his brother Mac
and family
Mrs J L Magee came up from River
ton Friday morning for a few days visit
with her parents
James Ferrier returned from Ogdon
Utah Monday night where he was at
tending the irrigation congress
Prof F W Westfall the professor of
German at College View came in Thurs
day night to visit friends here
Lawrence Fellows who is working for
the McCook Milling Co spent Sunday
under the parental roof at this place
Mrs Win Baldwin is enjoying a visit
from her mother Mrs Mary England of
Albia Iowa who arrived Wednesday
J B Nagelvort chemist for the Grand
Island Co arrived in this city Monday
night and will be here during beet har
Mrs Frank Henderson returned to
her home in McCook Sunday evening
after a couple weeks visit with Her par
ents here
One of tho best games of ball played
by our home team this summer was
played on Trenton diamond Saturday
with Trenton nine Up to tho fifth inn
ing neither side had made a score but
in tho fifth Culbertson scored 7 At
the end of seventh inning tho game
stood 8 to 3 in favor of Culbertson Re
turn game will be played here during
the fair for 1000
Monday night about ten oclock a large
lamp hanging over the stage at tho court
house exploded Mr Snyder with a
company of young ladies had been prac
ticing for a play and all had gone homo
except Mr Snyder and M C Reynolds
when the accident occurred They suc
ceeded in throwing the lamp out and
extinguishing the flames on the stage
but the flames were sucked up through
the cupalo and it was seen at once that
it would be impossible to save the build
ing This is one of the oldest buildings
in town was erected in 1886 The loss
is about S2000 No insurance
The Pleasure of Eatingf
Persons suffering from Indigestion
dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will
find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and makes the stomach
sweet This remedy is a never failing
cure for indigestion and dyspepsia and
all complaints affecting the glands or
membranes of the stomach or digestive
tract When you take Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure everything you eat tastes good
and every bit of the nutriment that your
food contains is assimilated and appro
priated by the blood and tissues Sold
by L W McConnell
Distress After Eating Cured
Judge W T Holland of Greensburg
La who is well and favorably known
says Two years ago I suffered greatly
from Indigestion After eating great
distress would invariably result lasting
for an hour or so and my nights
were restless I concluded to try Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure and it cured me entirely
Now my sleep is refreshing and digestion
perfect Sold by L W McConnell
Some of the farmers are sowing their
fall grain
Reese Harrison returned from Den
ver last Tuesday
Chas Foye has been doing some re
pairing on Stephen Bolles house
P E Stone is helping T M Camp
bell take care of his feed and onions
R H Harrison and family spent Sun
day with Mailon Campbell and family
Nannie Campbell and Elmer Shep
herd visited with Maude Wilson and
brothers last Sunday
Postmaster and Mrs Peterson of Os
burn spent Saturday night and Sunday
with Rev and Mrs Satchell
Mr Stone of Garnett Kansas is here
visiting his son and daughter Will
Stone and Mrs J K Gordon
Miss Florence Younger begun a six
months term of school in the White
district last Monday morning
Mrs W B Wolfe is visiting her
daughter-in-law Mrs Minnie Wolfe
near Havana and expects to go to
Stockville to visit her daughter Mrs
Dauchy before her return home
What is Life
In the last analysis nobody knows
but we do know that it is under strict
law Abuse that law even slightly pain
results Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs resulting in consti
pation headache or liver trouble Dr
Kings New Life Pills quickly re adjusts
this Its gentle yet thorough Only
25 cents at LWMcConnells drugstore
Hancock Md For sale
Connell druggist
jUirrirBWtriliOiWWTHnrT ilrifrT
Miss Edna Cnthcnrt began teaching
W E Minor spent throo days in Mc
Cook last week
Miss Blanche Henderson was over from
Oberlin Saturday
Rov G Johnson will preach Sunday
Sept 27 at 11 a m
Housecleaning seoms to bo tho most
important work of today
A T Cathcart brought Miss Edna
over from McCook Sunday
Wo hear Jim Mott has rented a farm
near Oborlin and will move soon
A maro of O T Francis rolled into a
forked tree Sunday and broke a leg
Mrs Anna Earlo passed through this
plaoo euroute to Oborlin on Thursday
Mr and Mrs Ira S Peck and daugh
ter Ollie drove over from Oberlin Sun
O T Francis left via McCook Sun
day for Hamilton Iowa to visit his
MrsWE Minor and two little daugh
ters returned from Fullerton Neb
The heavy frost and freeze the loth
it is thought did much damage to tho
corn and water melons
The elevator has been overloaded with
wheat at this place for three or four days
on account of lack of cars
Willie Johnston of Davey Neb mov
ed into the section house last week He
expects to rent a farm soon
Levi H Tilton and Miss Delia Sincox
both of this place were quietly married
at the parsonage The McCook Tkibune
reported last week This wedding was
not a surprise Miss Sincox came here
6ome time ago from Iowa Mr Tilton
is a prosperous farmer of Beaver town
ship and well and favorably known by
the people here We extend congratu
lations and wish them a happy journey
through life
Stomach Trouble
I have been troubled with my stom
ach for the past four years says D L
Beach of Clover Nook FarmGreenfield
Mass A few days ago I was induced
to buy a box of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets I have taken part
of them and feel a great deal better
If you have any trouble with your stom
ach try a box of these Tablets You aro
certain to be pleased with the result
Price 25 cents For sale by L W Mc
His Life Saved by Chamberlains Colic
Cholera anu Diarrhoea Remedy
B L Byer a well known cooper of
this town says he believes Chamber
lains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy saved his life last summer He had
been sick for a month with what the
doctors call bilious dysentery and could
get nothing to do him any good until he
tried this remedy It gave him immedi
ate relief says B T Little merchant
by L W Mc-
safe Alwavs reliable Indies ask Druggist for
bold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Itefune dancrroux Mubvti
tutionand imitation Jiuvof your Druggist
or send hi stamps for Particular Testl
inonialH aria Keller Tor Ladle In letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials feoldbr
all Druggists
2100 Sladlson Square IHILi PA
Mention thla papur
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein J F Cor
neal is plaintiff and Ephraim S Dutchet et al
are defendants to mo directed and delivered I
shall offer at public ale and sell to tliohichest
bidder for cash at the front door of the court
house in McCookRed Willow county Nebraska
on the 12th day of October 1903 at tho hour of
one oclock p in the following described real
estate to wit The east half of the northwest
quarter and the east half of the southwest quar
ter of section 20 in township 2 north in ranee
0 west of the Sixth P M in Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska
Dated tins lltu nay or bepromoer iwm
A C Ckabtree Sheriff
WS Morlan Attorney
Margaret II Heade Wilson S Heade Carle
ton Clark Young a minor of about 8 years of
ae sole heir of Luto Young deceased Mary R
Shaw the south Yi southwest H section 24 and
east Y southeast section 23 township 1 range
30 in Red Willow county Nebraska and the
unknown owners of said land defendants will
take notice that on tho 29th day of August lttJ
C II Boyle plaintiff filed his petition in the
district courtof Red Willow county Nebraska
against said defendants and others the object
and prayer of which petition are to foreclose a
certain tax lien upon the eafc 4 southeast U
section 23 and south hi southwest ii section 24
township 1 range 30 in Red Willow county Ne
braska existing under a tax ale of said land
madeto plaintiff on the 22nd day of March 1S01
for the taxes upon said land for the year 193
to lfc99 inclusive in the sum of 22Gand for
the subsequent delinquent taxes upon said land
paid by plaintiff as follows to wit 1021 for
the taxes of the jear 1900 paid November 11
1901 942 for tho taxes of the year 1901 paid
July 23 1902 and 493 for the taxes of the year
1902 paid August 2d 190 and for an attorney
fee That no part of said land has been re
deemed from said tax sale that there is due tho
plaintiff the aforesaid sums with interest al
lowed by law for which sums and interest and
attorney fee of 10 per cent of the amount of the
decree in this action plaintiff prays for a decree
of foreclosure and sale of said premises
You are hereby required to answer said peti
tipn on or before the 12th dav of October 1903
C H Boyle Plaintiff
T Cure a Cold in On
Tflke Laxative Brent Qninme Tablets
Wen Mlffion boses sold in past 12 months This SKmatllTe
jjTsff iJt
Office over McConn ells drug Btoro
Offick Phone 160
Res Phone 131
Registered Graduate Dontist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
I Iflfl Jl
Phonos OIHca 17 residence 95
Free Phonographic concert Y hour
boforo hale opens
Write or Phone for Terms and Date
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
OHice over Grannis store McCook Neb
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Sixjcialty of ThorouKh Rred
Stock sules Ouoper cent on sales 1000 uud
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office
First door north of Commercial hotel
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
and Surgeon
Office over McMillans drug store Residence
702 Main Aveuuo Residence phone M Oflica
phone 28 Calls answered mKhtor day
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p p Building
Office Over Ludwicks Store
Telephone 126
can well be claimed of a book
that has received the
nea indorsement of the
Executive Departments of the
Government the TJ S
Supreme Court all the State
Supreme Courts all the State
Superintendents of Schools
nearly all of the College Presi
dents and Educators almost
The j NewandTEnlarcred
Edition5 of Websters Inter
national Dictionary of Eherlish
1 Biography v Geography Fic
tirm fv i lioc OOCA
pages with 5000 illustrations
25000 new words and phrases
have recently been added
under the editorship of W T
Harris PhD LLD U S
Commissioner of Education
bringing the work fully up to
a lest la Pronunciation which affords a
pleasant and instructive evenings enter-
Illustrated pamphlet also free
Springfield Mass
Cares Grip
In Two Days
S 7 T2
syTrznsif DOX 25C
- t