The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 25, 1903, Image 2
TO PUNISH THEM PROMISES MADE TO AMBASSADOR BY SULTAN ABOUT THE BALKAN SITUATION Sultan Said to Be Firmly Resolved to Avoid a War Expresaes Regret at Excesses Committed by Turkich Troops LONDON The Balkan nltuation presents few new features The Ger man emperors Influence at Vienna is aald to have been thrown in favor of allowing the sultan the utmost free- dom in suppression of the insurrec tion Both Turks and Macedonians claim the victories in the daily en counters A report from Sofia states that Bulgarian military preparations are reaching the state of perfection that will enable the concentration of 200000 men on the frontier within a week and that the stocks of provi sions weapons and ammunition are rapidly bocoming efficient According to a dispatch from Con stantinople to the Daily Telegraph the sultan is so firmly resolved to avoid a war that on the report that France was sending a fleet to Turkish waters and again when it was stated that Bulgaria was mobilizing he drafted a decree forbidding massacres iu Mace donia and conforming more extensive local administrative pledges than had been demauded by the insurgents themselves but on each occasion find ing the rumors unfounded the decree was rescinded It is believed how ever that should any power threaten a demonstration in Turkish waters the decree will bo signed t The Servian newspapers are discuss ing the probability of a reconciliation with Bulgaria on the basis of free trade between Servia and Bulgaria and a defensive alliance against the Turks A dispatch from the monastery of Itila adds the Daily Telegraphs cor respondent sars the Greeks are join ing the revolutionists in the district of Menlik CONSTNTINOPLE In an audience Willi M Zienoff the Russian ambassa dor Friday the sultan expressed his regret at the excesses committed by the Turkish troops in the villayets of Jtfonastir and Adrianople He said that orders had been sent to the au thorities concerned to prevent their repetition and he gave the Russian am bassador to understand that the guilty parties would be punished The German ambassador Baron Marschall von Bieberstein also had vi audience with the sultan who crowed himself most optimistic The latter declared that the insurrection was drawing to a close in fact it had alreadv been suppressed in some districts and the porte would there fore immediately issue proclamations announcing the resumption of the ap plication of the reform scheme Heroic Work of Hospital Nurses SALT LAKE Utah Heroic work on the part of the nurses and attend ants prevented a serious loss of life In a fire that started from a defective flue iu the Keough Wright hospital in this city shortly after noon Tuesday The loss will not exceed 10000 Two patients William Dalton and George Slack were so badly shocked by the excitement that their recovery is doubtful Grant Favors Army Canteen WASHINGTON D C The annual report of General Frederick D Grant commanding the Department of Texas which was prematurely published some weeks ago was made public at the war department -Friday General Grant favors the canteen and dis cusses the question of maintaining strong military stations along the Mexican border Plague Condition is oericus MARSEILLES The unofficial re ports make the plague situation seri ous The dead it appears includes four women and one roan whose bodies were covered with bubos Ieav ing little doubt as to the nature of the disease Insurgents Annihilated - SALONICA An insurgent band of 450 men was annihilated by the Turks September 14 between Istib andKra tova Another band which attacked the railroad near Demirhissar was re pulsed with loss St Louis Fair Finances WASHINGTON D C The com mittee appointed by the secretary of the treasury to examine the vouch- ers and verify the accounts of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition com pany has reported that the vouchers are in proper form and show as claim ed an expenditure on the part of the company of 10037910 The 5 000000 appropriated in the aid of the exposition is now available and been placed to the companys credit MISS RUTH BRYAN ENGAGED Announcement Made That She is to Wed W K Lsavitt LINCOLN The engagement of Miss Ruth Bryan daughter of W J Bryan to Mr W H Leavitt of new port R I was announced Wednesday evening The announcement was made at a party given by Mrs Mary Fitzgerald After the party Mr Leavitt and Miss Bryan attended the theater Mr Leavitt is an artist and among other things lie painted a portrait of Mr Bryan and it was while engaged in this work that he became acquaint ed with Miss Bryan He has been in Lincoln for the last three months a portion of the time a guest at the Bryan home This announcement disposes or two recent stories concerning the future of Miss Bryan one that she was en gaged to Captain Richard Hobson for merly of the navy and the other that she was intending to devote ber life to the work of Hull house in Chicago KILLS TEN THOUSAND Massacre at Kastoria by Turk s In describably Terrible SOFIA Bulgaria Further reports from Kastoria say the city is burning and that the massacre of its popula tion estimated to have numbered 10 000 persons was indescribably terri ble The Turks slaughtered indiscrimi nately Bulgarians and Greeks men women and children A Turkish war balloons is reported to have been seen hovering for the last three days close to the Bulgar ian frontier in the vicinity of Has kovo A severe fight has occurred at in the mountains of Kratovo be tween 2000 Turks and eighty insur gents It continued for eight hours The insurgents used bombs with deadly effect About 100 Turks are re ported to have been killed and many wounded The insurgents had two men wounded MILITARY ATTACHES ABROAD One Group of General Staff to Visit Other Countries WASHINGTON D C Announce ment has been made at the war depart that one group of general staff offi cers has been designated for duty as attaches abroad and will be given spe cial instructions in the military in formation divisions prior to their de- parture The following are designated as attaches Captains Sydney A Cloman Twenty- third infantry William G Haan artillery corps Horace M Reeve Third infantry Dennis E Nolan Thir teenth infantry The present scheme is to utilize one half the general staff in Washington and to distribute the other half among the various department headquarters and on special duty elsewhere THREE HUNDRED ARE KILLED Bulgarian Insurgents Worsted in Battle With Turks SALONICA Three hundred Bul garians have been killed in a fight be tween insurgents and Turkish troops between Okrida andDibra The Bul garian dead include many officers one of whom wore a Russian decoration A battalion of Redifs attacked the Christian gendarmes at Mitrovitza September 16 and several of the latter were killed and wounded The rest of the gendarmes took refuge at the Rus sian consulate where they are be sieged The situation at Mitrovitza is extremeljr critical The Bulgarian villagers who are opposing the Turkish forces in the neighborhood of Mclnik are estimated to number 1000 Battleship Maine All Right Now PHILADELPHIA The now battle ship Maine which has been undergo ing repairs at Cramps ship yards for structural weakness which developed under tests of her heavy guns left the works of her builders Friday and pro ceeded to the League Island navy yard The Maine which is in com mand of Captain H G Leutze will stop only long enough to take on a supply of provisions and coal and have her magazines stored with am munition She will then sail for Cule bra West Indies where she will par ticipate in the fail maneuvers of the Atlantic coast squadron The Maine will also undergo an official speed test St Joe Strike Declared Off ST JOSEPH Mo it W Steinbiss of St Louis secretary and treasurer of the National Building Trades coun cil who has been here for three days investigating the strikes of the union mechanics affiliated with the local Building Trades council on Friday called off every strike and several hundred mechanics will now return to work The strike has been on for nearly two months and building has been greatly hampered - sfcjwis as q Caf v CABINET BROKEN THREE MEMBER OF BRITISH MINISTRY RESIGN THEY ARE PROMPTLY ACCEPTED Mr Chamberlains Letter Setting Forth Reasons for His Resignation Official Announcement- as Made by the Associated Press LONDON The official announce ment of the resignation of Mr Cham berlain and two other members of the cabinet is made as follows Three prime ministers have ten dered their resignations which have been actepted by the king Right Hon Joseph Chamberlain secretary for the colonies Right Hon C T Ritchie chancellor of the exchequer and Lord George Hamilton secretary for India Here follows Mr Chamberlains let ter dated Birmingham September 0 in which he sets forth his reasons for his resignation For the present at any rate a preferential agreement with our colo nies involving any new duty however small on articles of food hitherto un taxed even if accompanied by a re duction of taxation on other articles of food equally universal in their con sumption would be unacceptable to the majority of the constituencies However much we may regret the decision however mistaken we may think it no good government in a democratic country can ignore it 1 feel therefore that as an immediate practical policy the question of prefer ence to the colonies cannot be press ed with any hope of success at the present time although there is a very strong feeling in favor of the other branch of the fiscal reform which would give further discretion to the government in negotiating with for eign countries for commodities and would enable our countiy to retalia tion if opposition was made to oui just demands If as I beieve you share these views it seems to me that you will be absolutely justified in adpting them as the policy of your government al though it will necessarily involve some changes in its constitution As secretary for the colonics dur ing the last eight years I have been in a special serse the representative of the policy of a closer union which I firmly believe to be equally neces sary in the interest of the colonies orirl nurualvoc T VrtUn If ic MftaciliV i today and may be impossible tomor row to make arrangements for such a union I have had unexampled op portunities of watching events and ap preciating the feelings oc our kins men beyond the seas I stand there fore in a different positiom than any of my colleagues and I think that I should justly be blamed if I remained in office and thus formally accepted the exclusion from my political pro gram of so great a part thereof I think that with absolute loyalty to your government and no fear ol embarrassing it in any way I can best promote the cause I have at heart from the outside and I cannot but hope that in a perfectly independent position my arguments will be re ceived with less prejudice than will attach to those of a party leader Ac cordingly I would suggest that you limit the present policy of the gov ernment to an assertion of our free dom in the case of all commercial relations with all foreign countries and that Jqu should agree to my ten dering my resignation of my present office to his majesty and devoting myself to the work of explaining and popularizing these principles of impe rial union which experience has con vinced me are essential to our welfart and prosperity Yours very sincerely JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN New Panama Canal Plan WASHINGTON D C The follow ing bulletin was posted at the state department Under date of the 14th instant Mr Beaupre telegraphs the depart ment of state that the report of the canal commission passed the senate unanimously Mellen Refuses to Talk NEW YORK President Mellen of the Northern Pacific railroad declined to discuss the statement that he is to resign from the Northern Pacific tc succeed President Hill of the IJew York New Haven Hartford road that the report is correct Lewis and Clark Exposition PORTLAND Ore The directors of the Lewis and Clark exposition which is to be held in this city in 1905 have apportioned 380000 for buildings and have asked the state commission to set aside 300000 the first state ap propriation for the same purpose This apportionment of funds it is be lieved will be sufficient to carry the exposition to the time the gates are opened For the Individual 1796 3 1872 3 1952 fe THE A R C A 0 E 3J VA INDEX WHERE OTHERS GIVE UP IS JUST WHERE WE GET OUR J SECOND BREATH J THIS ACCURACY REVIEW DEPARTMENT i for co operation in information to reduce mutually expensive mistakes It is for mechan ical commercial and professional people the employer employe and customer and consists of extracts taken by permission from the copy righted letters theleclures notebooks and libraries of Dr Earl 31 Pratt When you secure on any subject an idea personally useful to you and you wish to give it to him address him in care of The John Crerar Library JIarshail Field Building Chicago ITj is hunting the whole world over for information of every day use to yoz and he regrets his inability jiersonally to reply to contributors So far as possible he wishes to have in this space the very ideas you would like to find here You arc at liberty to send him any suggestion you may care to Ills Arcade Index libraries were started in ISZJ and now con- tain unpublished information dating buck to 1790 with systematic plans extending to JWi Your short story of some example of forethought de posited in the Arcade Index collection may jirove to le your best monument ON NEGLECTED SUBJECTS Carl went south and made some money then came back to his old village home purchased a central block of land and this is whai it was and what he did to it A dramatic man by buying several houses and lots secured the whole Iblock for his residence He spent a good deal of money on the place tlien abandoned it When Carl se cured the property it was a wilder ness of undergrowth of an unlimited variety It had a good brick barn and greenhouse which had been for a dwelling Carl lived in that while he tore down part of the big wooden residence and improved the place The best part of the -residence was sold and removed With a gang of men and horses he cut down trees dug up shrubbery and plowed the ground for grading and seeding At the end of a year or so he had up a modern house and was living in it One day while passing the place with my father I said to him that I would like to clean up some subjects the same as Carl had done to that place Father replied that such a thing would be possible There are so many good stories about Carl in my memory that it is a sign of brain gain on my part to be able to stop here and use the above one for what I intended it As another suggestion please let me say to you that together we might go at seme subject which is now in the dark and by union study let day light in on it While I have some subjects listed it might be better for you to think a little and make the first move after this introduction What do you want to know which you would be willing others should know I am willing to live in a barn while clearing up an overgrown subject and grading for improvements How can we prevent errors and mis takes mutually expensive to buyer and seller to employer and employe to publisher and reader When science or commerce neglect a live subject it falls into the hands of the fakir and is perverted What is the subject on which you vould like to see unrecorded and un classified useful information collected ind unbiased and impartial reports prepared The horse that can go in two two Dr so enjoys life a hundred times more than the twenty minute animal We all lose the best of life by lack of inimation One should be a quiet hus tler and do the many little duties like the click of a clock THE SOURCES OF PLUCK Regarding the sources of pluck a ew words are in order It may be iue to the last straw approaching and n desperation it is fought off and a lew kind of pluck acquired It may orae by anger or righteous indigna ion It ma3 come by better care of he health and a clearer view of the oal Danger love hope ambition tnd prayer invite pluck to come and emain Just before great battles some of the most successful com nandera In history have increased iheir pluck by appealing to their Crea fcr for help and favors On account of a lack of a solution fo a spontaneous perplexity we get excitea and thus increase complications Study ahead of necessity THE OIL SL1NGER MACHINE More than half of my life ago the cashier of a bank tapped on the whi tlow as I was passing and motioned me in He was a stockholder in a factory and offered me a place I had been seeking That was Thursday afternoon and the last day of high school for me The next morning at seven oclock I stood by a big chuQc as one of seventy workers My cloth ing was not suitable for any machine and the chuck machine was the worst one on clothing The boys smiled and predicted a change in my appearance very soon My work was to knurl the head of the long screw which moves the jaw of a monkey wrench In those days the chuck had to be stop ped and started for each screw as it started up the oil began to fly and the faster the chuck revolved the greater the penetrating power of the oil when it hit me In order to do the work 1 had to get in the way of the oil I did the work but traced the oil from my clothing to the chuck and the screw which came to me loaded with it The oil was secured in the thread cutting machine where a steady stream ran on the die some would have seen all this at first glance without thinking but I did not I even studied the bearings as the source of the trouble before find ing it on the screws When I did find the place of the trouble I put a bunch of waste there and laid the screws on it before putting them in the chuck the waste drew the oil off and the machine lost its name The machine lost its name because I was dissatis fied with conditions began tracing the trouble and found the remedy When a former workman at that chuck visited the factory and asked where oil had gone to on being told the plan he opened his eyes and said nothing He may have been thinking about the amount of oil he had taken home on his clothing There are both big and little opportunities in every shop and factory for better methods and originality mutually useful to em ployer and employe The daily experiences which cost you and others time or worriment or money jot down one a day or one a week anfl reread Much has been wasted Begin saving helpful ideas SOURCES AND ELIMINATION Nearly five years ago I took two earnest men of intelligence to a room in which was a blackboard and on that blackboard we three tried to draw an outline on the sources and elimina tion of trouble One of the young men copied the attempt and later lost it He tried to reproduce it from mem ory but never succeeeded I will give it as near as I can with additions The sources of trouble are ignorance sickness idleness carelessness dis honesty lack of training laziness in competency intemperance misfor tune disobeying law morbid curios ity gluttony and an unbridled tongue The elimination of trouble is to come about by education physical culture industry diligence righteousness energy-growing skill acquiring keeping away from crowds attending to your own business while helping those who are not able to return the compliment carefulness and forethought good shoes for your feet and healthful lit erature for your head Please send me what you think should be added to either of the above lists and as you look back to your younger days also give what you con sider the primary sources of desirable forces What part of your early life has proven most useful later on What do you know about food and digestion What is your ideal sys tem of diet WHAT DO YOU KNOW How to wisely discriminate when requested to give is something a good many of us would like to know more about When to give where to give what to give and to what to give are puz zles To sign or not to sign a subscrip tion paper and to give or not to give when asked to frequently come up for quick decisions All kinds of people come to the of fice and also greet us on the street seeking different sized sums for noth ing or something next to nothing cr something really worthy of our at tention and encouragement Recently a man replied After you find ninety nine in a hundred are frauds you begin to get discouraged Lost money and abused kindness are frequent sources of cynicism but it is a third mistake to let them be Do only the work you are forced to do and you jet degraded instead of promoted Bagagro in a Combine The beggars of Spain have formed a combinq and aro going to try to koep all of the 2 centimo pieces out of circulation by holding them when ever they secure any The object o this beggars trust Is to make people give a larger coin i Iowa Farms 54 Per Aero Cean taUnca crop till pild MULH ALL Sloax CUr I Warning She The temperature is falling He Oh well dont let that worry you Perhaps some one will catch it She If it falls far enough all fresh green things will catch It Youd better look out RED CROSS BALI HIUE Should be in every home Ask your grocer for it Large 2 oz puckugo only 5 ccntt Two Remarkable Families In Webster county W Va live two remarkable families Currence Greg ory has thirteen sons all over six feet tall and all weighing more thau 0 pounus They all vote the dem ocratic ticket Each boy owns a farm Mr Gregory is still young at 72 His wife does all the housework at 05 years The other family is that of Benjamin Hamrlck a near neigh bor of the Gregorys He is six feet five inches tall and has nine sons all over six feet tall They weigh from 155 to 226 pounds All In his farallj vote the republican ticket Hows This We offer Ono Hundred Dollar Kcward for any raM of Catarrh Unit cannot be curon by Halla CattarS Cure K J CHEXET CO ITopaToledo O Wo the undersigned novo known FJ Cheney foi the last 13 years and believe Iilm perfectly honorable In alt builnes i transaction and financially able U carry out any obligation made by their firm We jc Tbu ax Wholesale DniKKlnH Toledo O Waldixo Kisfjrvx Makvist Wholesale Drug gists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cnro Is taken Internally acting dlroctly upon the blood and mucous mirfacfs of thi Hygtetn Testimonials sent free 1rJcu 73c pel bottlu Sold by all DrUKKldtH Halls Family Tills arc the best Think Goats Bring Good Luck English medical papers are com menting on the remarkable survival of superstition at Cambridge where a dairyman possessed of a goat in sending the animal by request into and around the houses of his neigh bors in an area affected by the small pox The rustice superstition that goats bring good luck is widespread and the London Iancet quotes many instances When Your Grocer Saya ho does not have Defiance Starch you mny be Hure he is afraid to keep it until his stock of 12 oz packages are sold Defiance Starch Is not only better than any other Cold Water Starch but contains 16 oz to the package and sells for same money u 12 oz brands Tim Healys Tall Hat Tho appearance of Tim Healy In the house of commons wearing a new silk hat brought out the fact that for ten years since the fight on the home rule bill when his high hat was smashed Mr Healy had worn a hi hat sent him by the corporation of Alexandria He prized the hat high ly and wore it to its utmost limits Last week he was forced to buy a new tile and the present from the corpor ation of Alexandria is carefully pre served on a shelf as a relic of stren uous days for home rule The Family Jewel Mr Br Brown said the young man stammeringly I I want to ask your consent to my marrying your daughter I know Its asking a great deal shes the pride and comfort of your heart the jewel of the family and Young man interrupted the pros pective father-in-law five nights in the week on an average Im kept awake till midnight with banging on the piano cackling giggiine rat tling of the furniture and slamming of doors Im gettin darnation tired of it and anything that promises reliet is welcome Take her my boy and hurry up the happy day Texas Find3 a Remedy Fate Tex Sept 21st Texas hau seldom if ever had such a profound sensation as that caused by the intro duction recently of a new remedy for Kidney diseases This remedy haa already been tried in thousands of cases and in almost every case the results have been wonderful Henry Vaughan of Rural Route No 3 Fate says of it I suffered with Kidney Trouble for over 18 months I was very bad and could get nothing to help me till I heard of the new remedy Dodds Kid ney Pills I began to use these pills and very soon found myself improv ing I kept on and now I can say I am absolutely cured and frea from any Sj mptom cf my old trouble I am very glad I heard of thi3 wonderful remedy and I would strongly advise anyone suffering with Kidney trouble to try it for I know It will cure Preserve power a body by all means sound mind in in a ycur sound Avoid politicians who have a new specific for all public ills Love is the lever that lifts honor is the foundation that holds structure of the home and the 3Irs tvixsolow roonnnjr Syrap For rfctiGrea isethlne softeai th s suras reauces In tlaiamatiocauaye patn cures wica coll c 2 a bottle The world soon forgets a man who wins his laurels and then quits It doesnt cost any more to he cheer ful than sad and it does a heap more good A Guaranteed Cure for Piles Itching blind bleeding or protruding Piles positively cured or monev refunded ALLEN- DISCOVERY for PILES anew discovery that absolutely cures all kinds of Piles Prepared for Piles only All Drug Stores 50c Sent by mail on receipt of price Address Lock Box 852 LeRoy NY- Prudence is merely well trained com mon 3ense When 3ome men get their freedom in this glorious land of the free they are in ex convict class Ji a -I f Y