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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1903)
to Mi Si i A lb 1 hc TWENTY SECOND YEAR The Fusionlsts Name James L White The Populists and Democrats of tho Fourteenth Judicial district of Nebraska met in McCook Tuesday afternoon and after going through the usual and quite unnecessary formalities named James L White of Curtis Frontier county as their joint nominee for the office of dis trict judge IN THE DEMOCRATIC WIGWAM The Democrats wore chairmaned by A W Suiter of Trenton while R D Logan of Stockvillo took notes James L White of Curtis Frontier county was mado tho unanimous choice of tho convention for the district judge The candidato was allowed the privil ege of naming the chairman and secre tary of the central committe which was chosen as follows by tho different coun ties Chose A C Clayburg Imperial Dundy C C Barr Benkelman Frontier Charles Compton Curtis Furnas Gosper Hayes C C Hatch Hayes Center Hitchcock A W Suiter Redwillow J H Bennett UNDER THE POPULIST TENT I M Lmith read tho call and called the convention to order James HBay ston was mado temporary chairman and I M Smith temporary secretary This organization was afterward made per manent All the counties but Chase were repre sented in tho convention by full sets of delegates On tbo first informal ballot the names of James L White John T McClure J n Lincoln and C H Boyle were pre sented The first formal ballot resulted in the nomination of James L White of Curtis Frontier county Candidate White made a speech as did also John H Powers of Hitchcock county The following is the judicial central committee as named by the convention Chase S S Bishop Imperial Dundy Charles Walker Benkelman Frontier W C Reed Stockville Furnas Jonathan Higgins Gosper C F Smith Elwood Hayes W Shipley Palisade Hitchcock John H Powers Trenton Redwillow I M Smith McCook Loyal M Graham of Stockville was made chairman of the committee Cash Sugar Beet Premiums On October 31st I will give cash prem iums at my store as follows for the heav iest and largest sugar beets grown on upland and for the same grown on low land The first cash premium will bo 300 second 8200 on upland beets The first cask premium for low land beets will be 300 second 200 Beets are to be delivered and placed on exhibition at my store on or before Saturday October 31st Bring in your beets and let us make an exhibition that will be attract ive and that will at the same time show the possibilities of this country as a great sugar beet growing land W T Coleman Water Tax Fourth Quarter Office of Water Works McCookNeb Sept 20 1903 Water tax for the fourth quarter of 1903 becomes due October 1st Ten per cent will be added to all taxes not paid before 4 o clock p m Thurs day October 15 1903 J E Kelley Superintendent Office hours 8 a m to 5 p m Cen tral time Office In room formerly oc cupied by Thompson Dry Goods Co in postoffice building Struck By No 13 While driving over the railroad track at Redwillow this morning ahead of No 13 John Kummer was struck by the train but fortunately escaped seri ous injury His wagon was demolished The horses escaped injury Mr Kum mer was hurt some about the head and side but not seriously it is thought Farm and City Property For Sale Two lots and two small residencps west of city hall Will sell separately or together Also 160 acres of well improved land 36 miles east of McCook Reason for selling leaving McCook 9- 25 2ts G A Noren Box 456 A Hint for Advertisers The sworn circulation of The McCook Tribune for the six months ending on June 30th was an average weekly of 1059 papers The McCook city circula tion is almost 500 and will doubtless reach the half thousand mark by the close of this year Call atW T Colemans and see the new combined beet puller and topper the very latest improvement Who is your druggist Should be Cone Bros White Pine and Tar the best cough cureSold only by Cone Bros FOR SALE One of the most desirable homes in McCook Eight rooms bath- room closets fruit shade lawn etc Geo B Berry S w ffiK5X5XSYiXiXKYXaX8A2W S c Stlc00 Those Who Buy our meats and fish get the best the very best we can procure In fish you get the freshest and we give you the advan tage of the best price possible We handle all meats and prepare them for you in the best and cleanest way You can always get your choice cuts here Let us have an order from you for prompt delivery Marshs Meat Market Evangelistic Meetings in Christian Church Evangelist JR Parker will commence a series of meeting in the Christian church Sunday September 27th He is strongly endorsed by the state board Mrs Parker accompanies the evangelist and assists her husband in the work Come out and hear him When In Need of pepper allspice cloves cinnamon mace nutmegs caraway coreander mustard ginger capsicum cardamon turmerie curry orother spices or con diments it will pay you to call on McConnell Druggist For Sale A few Registered Poland China sows with young pigs also spring pigs of either sex Ben Baker farm five miles east of McCook PO addres3Redwillow 9 23 2ts W J Cox In their new location next door to McMillens drug store The Thompson Dry Goods Co will open for business tomorrow Saturday morning showing large lines of new goods at the most at tractive prices Your inspection invited The September number of the Amer ican Boy is filled from cover to cover with good things for the boys Pub lished by the Sprague Publishing Com i pany Detroit Mich S100 a year sam ple copies 10 cents each The ladies of the Christian church wish to announce that they will have all sorts of home cooked dishes on sale at Odells store every Saturday Remember W T Colemans offer of prizes for largest sugar beets See par ticulars in another column The largest line of steel ranges in the city and at the lowest prices at W T Colemans Wanted Boarders and roomers Call on Mrs Richard Carroll near brick school house RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS George D Burgess is home for a while C R Oliver was in Trentr n over Sun day Machinist apprentice John Archibald has resigned Fireman W B French is a Denver visitor this week Engine 268 is to go down on the Re publican City Oberlin line Dan Deane retired from the round house force last Friday by resignation Brakeman and Mrs J R Moore are visiting the folks near Macon this week Manager T A Erb of the Akron eating-house had business at headquarters Monday Brakeman G B Brooks was over from Oberlin part of tho week on a head quarters visit Supt Campbell went down to Lincoln Monday night on No 6 returning home on 1 Wednesday Agent W C Hanson of Bartley has a new assistant in the person of BJBrown I of Prairie View Kansas R H Trowbridge arrived home Sun day night from his long absence up in in the northwest country W L Swartwood the day stationary fireman resigned his post on Friday last M F Harrington succeeds him Brakeman PA VanCleve is a Wilson ville pilgrim this week and C A Deloy is at Franklin both visiting the home folks Switchman and Mrs S M Cook are away on a ten days visit to include Grgnd Island Omaha St Joe and Kan sas City Joseph Kubicek is down on the farm near Red Cloud visiting his two sons this week L R Scott assumed the position this week of front end inspector in the round house Fireman Anthony Mitchell has re signed from the service and expects to following farming It is feared that Arthur Richardson whose eye was injured by a piece of steel some time since will lose the sight of that eye E akeman M G Stephenson is visit ing Oberlin relatives while recovering from a slight disability Mrs Stephen son accompanies him H E Rude machinists helper in back shop handed in his resignation last Saturday JSchauerman machin ists helper followed suit on Monday Ralph D Fuller has been appointed into the railway mail service as a sub stitute clerk and left for Lincoln Mon day night to enter upon his duties as they may offer Fireman and Mrs Anthony Mitchell arrived home close of last week from their visit of about a month over in Illi nois near Lincolnwhere they visited his grandfather now 102 years of age Brakeman W H Starks is able to be about on crutches after a long illness on account of an accident on an engine some weeks ago K B Covey is also about somehis injured ankle improving Conductors McClure and Benjamin spent most of the week in Lincoln meet ing with the grievance committee of the trainmen Conductor Utter had the 55 and Conductor Bunting the 104 mean while Commencing on Monday the Republi can City Oberlin train service was ex tended to Red Cloud from Republican Thb train runs under the old plan as a mixed trainto Republican City and from there to Red Cloud as a freight MY Starbuck of the Pacific Junction Denver railway mail service was quite severely injured in Omaha first of the week by being violently thrown from the mail wagon to the sidewalk striking on his shin and splintering the bone be tween the ankle and knee somewhere Conductor T H Malen went down to Omaha last week to undergo a minor operation in a hospital there Conductor L S Watson has gone to Republican City to run opposite Conductor Quigley during Malens absence It is thought he will be able to return to duty in a week or two If You Shave you will appreciate a good lather brush We have the kind you like to use first class bristle The kind vou eret denends on the price you pay We have both good ones and I cheap ones Razor straps mugs shaving soap McConnell I Druggist For Exchange A nearly new soft coal heating stove for a good wood stove G A Noren Box 356 Anybody can take pictures with a kodak Call at Cone Bros and see them ribtme McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 25 1903 MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Orilla Woods is a guest of Mrs E E Maxon JC Mitchell is up from Red Cloud for a few days Mrs W H Brown was a Lincoln vis itor Friday last Mrs William Deere is in Omaha this week visiting Mrs W L Egbert visited Lincoln friends over Sunday Mrs F L Palmer visited her parents in Holdrege last week Miss Della Shepherd is down from Denver on a visit home Mr and Mrs A S Barnes were Lin coln visitors last Friday Mrs J T Brady has gone to Toulon Illinois to be absent a few weeks Ed Byfield has gone to Franklin to attend the academy current term Mrs R V Walls is with the home folks in Wray Colorado this week A B Todd of Plattsmouth was a guest of Mrs Emma Dixon Wednesday Miss Mattie Broyles left on No 2 this morning for IreneKentucky on a visit J C Mitchell has another idea and T is now employed in C A Leachs jewelry-store Miss Mary Mugan and little Gesaline arrived home last night from Tomah Wisconsin Mr and Mrs Knud Stangland and Mrs Emma Dixon spent Tuesday in the city of Lincoln Floyd Berry is home from LaJunta Colorado for a week or two on a visit to the homefolks Lester Littel has gone to Lincoln where he is now a registered student in the state university Mrs Newton Newkirk arrived home close of last week from a long visit in Mattewan Michigan John Stevens was down from Denver first of the week looking after some business matters in the city Frank Carruth came in from the east early in the week and is spending a few days here before going on to Den ver Dr and Mrs Peter Boyle came down from Denver close of last week and are the guests of their son C H Boyle Mrs S A Traver left on Monday morning to be absent in Calamus Clin ton county Iowa until the first of next month Mrs J F Helm of Redwillow went up to Stratton Saturday and spent the early days of the week visiting her daughter James Harris who made the Drift wood famous in the olden times arived from Pueblo Colorado Wednesday and is visiting familiar scenes Miss Edith Santee was down from Culbertson over Sunday guest of her sister Miss Medora Santee teacher of the Fifth A and Sixth B Mr and Mrs John B Johnson arriv ed on No 4 Tuesday night from Platts mouth to make the folks a short visit up near Boxelder He is working for the Burlington in the carpenter shop in Plattsmouth Ed Price has sold his property at Bartley and istemporarily making this his home He contemplates making a trip to England in a few weeks to see the folks in Kent having come to America from near Canterbury in 1872 Daniel Eikenberry a resident of McCook in the olden times was an ar rival in the city close of last week on a visit to Ed Flitcraft and others He finds McCooK very much improved of course and containing many new faces and a diminishing old guard He comes from Edna Missouri Mr and Mrs C W Lepper left on Tuesday of this week for Edgar Ne braska where they will make their home for the present leaving the farm up in Coleman precinct in charge of the two boys At Edgar he will go into partner ship with another son in the harness bnsiness having a prosperous business now established there in than line He still retains his interests here and The Tribune expects to see them both back again in due time J H Ludwick received the sad news Monday evening of the death of his oldest sister Mrs L E Sample of Keo kuk Iowa the word coming by phone from his sister Mrs Trowbridge of Lin coln and latter by telegram The de ceased leaves ten grown children five boys and five girls to mourn the infinite self sacrificing care and love of a mother whose helpmeet had preceded her to the grave several years Mr Ludwick on account of not feeling equal physically to tho trip was not able to attend the funeral Mrs Trowbridge was present however They have great and tender sympathy of friends Shadeland Park Hereford Prizes The report given in last weeks Tri bune of the prizes taken by tho Shade land Park herd of Herefords was taken from the Lincoln State Journal and was supposed by this paper to be complete and accurate Mr Rogers states that tho account is neither complote nor cor rect and we herewith submit MrRogors own statement of tho case OPEN TO THE WORLD Aged bull First and second to Rogers Bull calf Second three entries Cow three years and over Two entries second to Rogers Cow two years and under three Three entries firstonShadelandsMaid 4th Cow one year and under two Five entries second on Dolly Rogers Calf under 12 months Four entries second on Shadelands Maid 16th Aged herd Two entries first to Ro gers Young herd Two entries second to Rogers Get of sire four animals under four years Two entries first to Rogers Produce of cow two animals under four years Two entries first to Rogers Sweepstakes bull two years and over First to Monarch of Shadeland 3rd Sweepstakes cow two years and over First on Shadelands Maid 4th State prizes open only to stock owned and bred in the state Cow two years and under 3 1st to Rogers Cow one year and under 2 1st to Rogers Calf under 12 months 1st to Rogers Sweepstakes Ym female any age on Dolly Rogers 3d Rogers won every first premium in state on females Had no entries on bulls His herd won six first prizes six second prizes and five sweepstakes and medals v No Hunting Allowed Statutes of Nebraska of 1903 page 881 section 358S Consent of owner of land No person shall shoot on or from a public highway at any game song or insectivorous or other bird or hunt game on any land not public land with out the consent of the owner or person in charge of the same We will not allow any hunting on our farms or land in our care W S Hamilton John Hienlien Harry Cochran August Droll W M Shary H B Wales Wm Coleman M H Cole J W Corner Pat Coyle Bert Wales J B Smith Henry Pate James Ryan S H Simmerman Thos Whitmer JNSmith A Smith George Howell W M Bozell B F Wilson D H Shepherd Jacob Betz Harry Wales C C Wales J I Traphagan Ed Osbaugh Joe Sanders A Continuous March of Improvement The approach of cold woather does not seem to retard or discourage the march of improvement in tho city In deed quite a number of new residences are now under way and contemplated in the immediate future President V Franklin of the Citizens Bank is having ground broken for a fine residence on tho corner south of the city park It will be one of the citys finest dwellings Congressman Norriss residence west of the city park is undergoing extensive remodelings and improvement includ ing some of the most modern conven iences which will render it decidedly up-to-date and convenient Heat light bath rooms etc are on the list J V Eastman has let tho contract for a new residence over on South Mon mouth street adjoining I N Biggs residence on the south It will bo largely a duplicate of the Biggs dwell ing While out in the country a number of houses barns etc are under way or ap proaching completion James Hatfield is building an exten sive barn on his ranch east of tho city and it will be provided with every con venience and comfort for their fine cat tle Ernest Neumann and August Noth nagel of the German settlement over southeast of the city are building com fortable residences on their farms The people of district 8 over in Drift wood precinct are building a new school house which will cost them about a thousand dollars Other new buildings and improve ments are on tap which will make this a busy building fall and will keep carpen ters and others busy well into the win ter Paints and Oils For barns sheds and out buildings can furnish a mineral of different colors that will not fade and makes a cheap paint Wo carry the best mixed paint The Lincoln Now is a good time to paint as oil is very low in price Let us figure with you A McMillen Druggist You Want the Best For your money and its your fault if you dont get it Thats wny you should come to our market Our mar ket supplies only the best Selected meats too for those who want some thing especially nice for the table Try us Test us Marshs Mew Market One of The Best Issues Last weeks Tribune was one of the best numbers Bro Kimmell has reeled off in a year Such a paper is worth seven times as much to the town as the business men of McCook seem to realize Indianolct Reporter Shorthand Class to be Started A shorthand class will be started on Monday evening October 5th in the east school building and all contem plating taking lessons will please com municate with L W Stayner Estrays Taken Up Taken up in my pasture in South Mc Cook 2 cows 3 heifers 2 bull calves Owner can have same by proving prop erty paying charges Henrv Brening Home Cooking Exchange All day Saturday September 26th first door south of Tribune office by the ladies of the Baptist church Come and see us Heating Stoves for Sale One hard coal burner and two soft coal burners Inquire of Mrs R B Archibald for particulars Stove For Sale A Radiant Home baseburner for sale Mrs A Rarnett Some Wall Paper Bargains at McConnells The Thompson Dry Goods Co will be open for business tomorrowSaturday morning and will offer their newly re ceived stock at the very lowest cash prices They invite your inspection The ladies of the Congregational church will give a supper and bazaar Saturday October 17th concerning which more particulars will be given in near future Owing to the floor being repaired in the opera house Mrs Brown will hold her opening on a later date The finest stock and lowest prices of stationery at Cone Bros drug store W Tv 1 jjuuki Arc riyiug ouuiu This ought to remind you of the cold north winds and the fact that you will need a good heating stove Coles Hot Blast or the Riverside Oak with ventiduct that warms every part of the room alike have no equals It will pay you to see them W T Coleman la MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS S Lost Lost iV Cui erw i NUMBER 17 A largo black pointer dog Whito toes on hind feot a little whito on breast Nothing like him in this part of state Liberal roward w w iu u James McAdams Everything in drugs McConnell Tho PEOs havo resumed meotings Tho kids all want that big pencil tab let at tho Bee Hive Are you a kodaker Buy supplies at Cone Bros drug storo Wo pay tho highost price for butter and eggs at the Bee Hivo Milk cow for sale Mrs W M Irwin Tho best lino of school shoes wo havo ever offered our trade The Bee Hive Your tablets pencils slates and all kinds of school supplies at tho Beollivo Youll notice tho difference in quality as well as prico in our hosiery ThoBeo Hivo Cane toppers that tako two rows at a time Will trade for cano seed at W T Colemans Found A small sum of money Owner can havo same by describing property J A Wilcox For Sale Poland boars shoats and sows with litters D C Benedict Cul bertson Neb All the amateur photographers aro much interested in tho new Daylight Developing Machine at Cone Bros For Rent Two furnished rooms with fire in C N Batchellor residence Mrs F B Nichols For Rent Furnished room Four dollars heated four blocks from post office MrsGeorge DLeilew W W McMillen harness maker has just received a large shipment of wagons and buggies Learn his prices before buying Our shoes are all new nothing out of style or season Repairing cheerfully done when shoes are defective at tho Bee Hive Mrs Brown will meet with the chil dren and mothers to arrange class dances from 2 to 4 Saturday at Doyles vacant storeroom Tho old Hitchcock county court- house at Culbertson was destroyed by fire Monday night Loss 8200000 No insurance For Sale A mowing machine and a stirring plow See Mrs Lorinda Miller at Mrs Heinleins south of Christian church Look over the new line of harness just received at W T Colemans A Con cord Double Harness for 3000 Beats them all Look and see Read what Johnnie said to Pa in James Cains advertisement elsewhere in this issue It will interest and bene fit you Do not overlook it The new postmaster at Danbury is Mose Young who succeeds Mrs Addie Sewall who has been in charge of that office for the past twelve years Fine line of wagons and buggies just received by W W McMillen the har ness maker His prices are as attractive as his stock Get them before buying Those Estate Oaks are beauties and hold fire as long a time as any stove made and they all have ash pans too W T Coleman The ladies of the Catholic church will give a home talent concert in the near future for the benefit of their new church Program will be announced next week Strength and vigor come of good food duly digested Force a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food adds no burden but sustains nourishes invigor ates 9 11 tf Five girls wanted Chamber work and dishwashing 350 Dining workJ and laundry work 4 Cook 85 to 87 Randall hotel Beatrice Neb A F Swart proprietor Supt Campbell has purchased the lot just north of the James Doyle residence on Main avenue upon which he con templates moving his present home in course of time and building himself a larger and finer residence on the home place Redwillow would be mightily pleased to have its sidetrack increased in length especially now that the acreage of beets is near the 500 mark They claim the present trackage is too small to accom modate the business at that point when the shipment of beets commences We Sell Glass for windows and pictures All regular sizes carried in stock or will cut to any size wanted McConnell druggist I 3 A i