The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 11, 1903, Image 8

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    A Wall Atlas Free
Tho Lincoln Daily Star has just issued
a hnndsomo Wnll Atlas of fivo pafees
fiizo of pngo 22x28 inches It consists of
a fino map of Nebraska- with statistical
infonhation in regard to county sites
populations etc u map of the United
States with information regarding area
population legislatures etc a map of
tho Eastern Hemisphere and another of
the Western Hemisphere Tho maps
aro all of the latest date handsomely
lithographed in colors making a useful
-and valuable premium This Wall Atlas
will bo sent free to any reader of this
3aper who will send SI 50 to The Daily
Star for a six months subscription
The Daily Star is Nebraskas favorite
evening papor Its motto is All the
iNows All the Time It publishes four
editions daily at 11 a m 1 p m 3 p
ttn and 4 p m It is tho greatest news
paper bargain in Nebraska its
graph news its state news its editorials
and local news are the best to be found
in tho state Try it for six months
Send S150 and you will receive the Wall
Atlas free Address
The Daily Star Lincoln Neb
The Genuine vs Counterfeits
The genuine is always better than a
counterfeit but tho truth Jof this state
ment is never more forcibly realized or
more thoroughly appreciated than when
you compare the genuino DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salve with the many coun
terfeits and worthless substitutes that
are on the market W S Ledbetter of
Shrevoport La says After using
numerous other remedies without benefit
one box of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve
cured mo For blind bleeding itching
and protruding piles no remedy is equal
to DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Sold
by L W McConnell
Low Rates West
Tho Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows
Denver Colo and return 12 June 1
to September 30
Colorado Springs Colo and return
1210 June 1 to September 30
Pueblo Colo and return 813G5 June
1 to September 30
Glenwood Springs Colo and return
S2100 June 1 to September 30
Ogden Utah and return 2790 June
1 to September 30
Salt Lake City Utah and return
2790 June 1 to September 30
Ask the ticket agent for particulars
Usually begins with the symptoms of
a common cold there is chillinesssneez
ing sore throat hot skin quick pulse
hoarseness and impeded respiration
Give frequent small doses of Ballards
Horehound Syrup the child will cry
lor it and at the first sign of a croupy
cough apply frequently Ballards Snow
Liniment externally to the throat 50c
at A McMillens
A Wise Methodist Bishop
South Bend Ind September 5
Bishop Isaac W Joyce of Minneapolis
who is presiding over the northwestern
Indiana conference of the Methodist
Episcopal church said that he favored
the founding a chair of common seriso
in theological schools
It is a fact said tho bishop that
God calls poor boys to the ministry and
they are forced to go through many
hardships in order to reach tho place
where they are fully experienced for the
ministry Tho founders of Methodism
had not tho training of theological
schools therefore their preaching was
genuine and right from the heart I do
not wish to be put down as against the
theological schools but I do wish all
theological schools would create a new
chair and call it the chair of common
sense It is needed in tho training of
young men for tho ministry Some of
them actually lose their best traits by
too much book learning
Distress After Eating Cured
Judge W T Holland of Greensburg
La who is well and favorably known
says Two years ago I suffered greatly
from Indigestion After eating great
distress would invariably result lasting
for an hour or so and my nights
wero restless I concluded to try Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure and it cured me entirely
Now my sleep is refreshing and digestion
perfect Sold by L W McConnell
The only kind of consump
tion to fear is neglected
People are learning that con
sumption is a curable disease
It is neglected consumption
that is so often incurable
At the faintest suspicion of
consumption get a bottle of
Scotts Emulsion and begin
regular doses
The use of Scotts Emulsion
at once has in thousands of
cases turned the balance in
favor of health
Neglectedconsumption does
not exist where Scotts Emul
sion is
Prompt use of Scotts Emul
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street r New York
50c and jxoo all druggists
A C EBERT Cashier
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
juuuSc jficJfcaSSciSL jucSk J
fijjujyajgcigcjijnjypjp jjj p jjij
z aJSrCTftrjflr jSuftr aftrjffii i
ja4 v v vsfp
I - M
T 7 rvT XT -
Authorized Capital 100000
Capital and Surplus 60000
GEO H00KNELL President B M FREES V Pres
A CAMPBELL Birector C J PLATT Director
F G Lytle is threshing this week
Jesse Younger is helping B F Shultz
Velma Satchell visited at Spring
Creek last week
Eliza Johnson spent Sunday with
Maude Harrison
All aro pleased to seo I H Harrison
able to drive around again
Jennie and Daisy Younger spent Wed
nesday with Pearl Campbell
Mrs A M Ward of Osburn is visiting
Mrs James Doyle this week
Rev and Mrs Satchell visited Mr
and Mrs J A Modrell Monday
Fay and June Brewer of McCook
spent Sunday with the Younger boys
Mrs George Younger attended the
Degree of Honor in McCook Tuesday
W B Wolfe had a cow killed by
lightning during tho storm Tuesday
Ray and Nellie Campbell of Osburn
visited with their uncle T M Campbell
Clyde Tubbs had the misfortune of
stepping on a rusty needle ann running
it into his foot
Rev and Mrs Satchell attended tho
Shepherd Drake wedding at Osburn
last Wednesday
Miss Maude Stono commenced a six
months term of school near Culbertson
Monday morning
J E Stone who has been visiting his
brother P E Stone returned Monday
to his home in Hardy Nebraska
We are glad to note that George Car
ter is getting along as well as could be
expected and hope ho may soon be able
Kto be around again
Clarence Stone Maxwell and Bertha
Wolfe Ida Modrell and Gertrude Moore
attended services at the Washington
school house last Sunday afternoon
School begins next Monday in the
Box Elder district with Miss Chinn as
teacher Let both parents and children
assist the teacher in making the school
a success
Dr Harlan of McCook was called
Saturday and Sunday to see Pearl the
little daughter of Mr and Mrs T M
Campbell who was run over by a colt
throwing her on the hard ground Her
injuries were not as bad as lir3t thought
and she is now getting along nicely
On Wednesday September 2 at the
home of Mr and Mrs A J Drake of
Osburn their daughter Jennie and Ed
ward Shepherd of Box Elder were uni
ted in marriage by Rev Shumate of
McCook All their friends wish them
much happiness and prosperity through
A Purgative Pleasure
If you ever took DeWitts Lit tie Early
Risers for biliousnessor constipation you
know what a purgative pleasure is
These famous little pills cleanse tho
liver and rid the system of all bile with
out producing unpleasant effects They
do not gripe sicken 01 weaken but give
tone and strength to the tissues and or
gans involved W H Howell of Hous
ton Tex says No better pill can be
used than Little Early Risers for consti
pation sick headache etc Sold by
L W McConnell
Mr D P Daugherty well known
throughoutMercer and Sumner counties
W Va most likely owes his life to the
kindness of a neighbor He was almost
hopelessly afflicted with diarrhoea was
attended by two physicians who gave
him little if any relief when a neigh
bor learning of his serious condition
brought him a bottle of Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
which cured him in less than twenty
four hours For sale by L W McCon
nell druggist
I A Rushton is on the sick list
Mrs Ira Peck went by stage Tuesday
to Oberlin
O T Francis attended the street fair
this week at Oberlin
Mrs Lucy Rebman has been on the
sick list for several days
Mrs C M Peck left Monday night
for Kansas City to visit her sister
The company thresher pulled from H
Berndts Monday evening to George
Mrs C M Conway and daughter
Norma are taking a three weeks visit
in Illinois
Earl and Nellie Conway of Norton
visited their mother Mrs C M Con
way a few days last week
Mrs H S Kennedy and little daugh
ters and Mr and Mrs G A Miner
spent Sunday at Mrs L F Richard
sons north of town
Fearful Odds Against Him
Bedridden alone and destitute Such
in brief was the condition of an old
soldier by name of J J Havens Ver
sailles O For years he was troubled
with kidney disease and neither doctors
nor medicines gavehim relief At length
he tried Electric Bitters It put him on
his feet in short order and now he testi
fies Im on the road to complete re
covery Best on earth for liver and
kidndey troubles and all forms of stom
ach and bowel complaints Only 50c
Guaranteed by L W McConnell drug
Percy Bell wheeled down from Mc
Cook Sunday
The neighboring towns wero well
represented at tho county fair this week
Mr and Mrs Bob Gotschall aro visit
ing home folks near Danbury this week
Ed Smith is out helping thresh the
wheat on tho farm near Danbury this
Jim Mathews arrived here from Iowa
Sunday morning for a short visit with
Dennis Fitzgerald came in on No 2
Tuesday morning from Denver for a
short visit
Clark McClung and Jim McCallum of
Oklahoma are here visiting
home folks
Mr and Mrs Harry Gilbert of Cam
bridge are here visiting friends and ac
Agnes and Ona Walters of Lebanon
visited the latter part of last week with
Mrs Townley
RenaJEpperly came up from Bartley
Sunday evening for a visit with her
sister Mrs McCord
Romine brothers the painless dentists
of Omaha were in town a few days the
latter part of last week
William Gotschall departed on No 2
last Saturday morning for a short visit
with his mother in Lincoln
Misses Ada and Ethel Gotschall of
near Danbury visited the latter part of
last week with Miss Anna Smith
Miss Barr came in on No G from
Holdrege Sunday evening to resume
Jier position as teacher in the school
Miss Alta Hager who has been visit
ing home folks at Omaha for the past
few weeks returned homo Sunday eve
Orval Hendershot of Danbury visited
last week and a few days this week
with his little cousin Charlie Hender
Mrs Harry Falson returned homo
Sunday evening from Arapahoe whero
she has been visiting her parents for a
few weeks
School opened Monday morning with
the same corps of teachers excepting
Miss Quick who was succeeded by Miss
Laura Owens
Mr and Mrs Mosley from the eastern
part of the state arrived Wednesday
morning for a short visit with Mr Sil
vernail and family
Little Howard Caine while playing in
front of his fathers lumberyard Friday
morniDg was run over by a wagon load
of coal It is thought he will recover
The funeral services of Mr and Mrs
Charley Fritschs six weeks old baby
who died last Wednesday of whooping
cough were held Friday from the Cath
olic church
John Letts who has been visiting his
son Harry for the past -week returned to
his home in Benedict Nebr Monday
morning His wife will continue her
visit for a while
The Pleasure of Eating
Persons suffering from Indigestion
dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will
find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and makes the stomach
sweet This remedy is a never failing
cure for indigestion and dyspepsia and
all complaints affecting the glands or
membranes of the stomach or digestive
tract When you take Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure everything you eat tastes good
and every bit of the nutriment that your
food contains is assimilated and appro
priated by the blood and tissues Sold
by L W McConnell
Raised From The Dead
W Landis Porter for the
tal Hotel Chanute Kan says I know
what it was to suffer with neuralgia
deed I did and I got a bottle of Ballards
Snow Liniment and I was raised from
the dead I tried to get some more but
before I had deposed of my bottle I
was cured entirely I am tellin de truth
too 25c 50c and 100 at AMcMillens
Bucklens Arnica Salre
Has world wide fame for marvelous
cures It surpasses any other salve lo
tion ointment or balm for cuts corns
n VgjM
ilenUon thl paper
Safe Always reliable Idieasklrcgglst for
CHICIIKvrEKS SrISir in Bed and
diold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Refuse dangerou substi
tutionnand imitations Buvof yourDrusist
or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Tettl
inonials and Relief for Ladies in letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
ail Druggisis
S100 SXadlaon Square
Turkey Red Seed Wheat
The Burlington has announced a 12
cent rato on Turkey Rod seed wheat
from Kansas City to all points in tho
Nebraska grain bolt This rato is an
nounced to agents in tho hopo that they
may induce farmer to order freoly of this
wheat for seeding purposes Tho circu
lar expresses tho beliof that tho plant
ing of this kind of wheat will pay tho
farmer and incidentally benefit the rail
Some time ago this rato was announ
ced by wire and about time that it had
been published to tho agents nnother
messago came canceling tho rato It is
said that any amount of this wheat can
now bo secured on tho Kansas City
market Lincoln Journal
His Life Saved by Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
B L Byer a well known cooper of
this town says he belioves Chamber
lains ColicCholora and Diarrhoea Rem
edy saved his life last summer Ho had
been sick for a month with what the
doctors call bilious dysentery and could
got nothing to do him any good until he
tried this remedy It gave him immedi
ate relief says B T Little merchant
Hancock Md For sale by L W Mc
Connell druggist
The Tribune Only SI 00 per year
By virtue of an order of sulo issued from the
district court of Red Willow comity Nebraska
under a decree in an action wheroin J F Cor
denl is plaintiff and Ephraim S Dutchoi etal
are defendants to mo directed and delivered I
shall offer at public sale and soil to tho highest
bidder for cali at the front door of tho court
house in McCookRed Willowcounty Nebraska
on tho 12th clay of October liKM at the hour of
one oclock p in tho following described real
estate to wit Tho east half of tho northwest
quarter and the east half of the southwest quar
ter of section 20 in township 2 north in rnnKo
west of tho Sixth P M in Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska
Dated this 11th lay of Septombor 1901
A C Crautrke Sheriff
WIS Morlax Attorney 9 1 1 5 ts
Mnrgarpt 11 Ileade Wilson S Ileado Carle
ton Clark Young a minor of about 8 jenrsof
no olo heir of Luto Young deceased Mary R
Shaw tho south Yt southwest section 21 and
case Vz southeast l i section Su township 1 range
HO in Red Willow county Nebraska and tho
unknown owners of said land defendants will
tako notice that on tho 29th day of August 1101
C H Iloyle plaintiff filed his petition in tho
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
against said defendants and others tho object
and prajer of which petition are to foreclose a
certain tax lien upon tho east 14 southeast H
section 23 and south Yi southwest J1 section 21
township I range su in Hod Willow county Ne
braska existing under a tax salo of said land
made to plaintiff on tho 22ud day of March 1901
for the taxes upon said land for tho years 1S91
to lb99 inclusive in tho sum of 8220 and for
tho subsequent delinquent taxes upon said land
paid by plaintiff as follows to wit 1021 for
tho taxes of tho jear 1900 paid November 11
1901 9J2 for the taxes of tho jear 1901 paid
July 25 1902 and 198 for tho taxes of tho year
1902 paid August 28 1901 and for an attorney
fee That no part of said land has been ro
deemed from said tax sale that thereis jjhic tho
plaintiff the aforesaid sums with interest al
lowed by law for which sums and interest and
attorney fee of 10 per cent of tho amount of tho
decree in this action plaintiff prays for a decree
of foreclosure nnd sale of said premise
You aroheroby required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 12th day of October 1901
C II Boylk Plaintiff
By virtue of an ordor of sale issued from tho
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wheroin V S Perry
is piaiutitt ana Joseph HI iinet et al aro de
fendants to me directed and dolnered I shall
offer at public salo and Fell to the highest bid
der for cash at the east door of tho court house
in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on
the 28th day of September 19K1 at tho hour of
one oclock p m tho following described real
estate to wit Tho east half of the northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter except three
acres sold to A J Stroud and the east half of
lot one all in section numbered thirty three in
township numbered threo north range number
ed twenty nine west of tho Sixth P in Red
Willow county Nebraska
Dated this 28th day of August 1903
A C Ckawtree Sheriff
C E Eidred Attorney
Ida L Johnson Jv Will Johnson William
Karp Mrs William Karp his wife first name
unknown Mary E Wicks Charles F Lehn The
Western Land Company a corporation duly in
corporated under the laws of the state of Ne
braska J W Whiflin Sod and John Doe real
name unknown defendants will take notice
that John B Meserve plaintiff has filed his pe
tition in the district court of Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska against said defendants tho ob
ject and prayer of said petition being for tho
foreclosure of a certain mortgage dated March
1st 1900 on the northeast quarter of section 21
the north half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion 22 tho northeast quarter the north half of
the southeast quarter and the west half of sec
tion 15 in township 2 north in range 29 west
of the Sixth P M in Red Willow county Ne
braska given to secure the payment of fivo
principal promissory notes one for tho sum of
SSOOOO one for tho sum of 2i000 with two in
terest coupon notes thereto attached each for
the um of 1750 one maturing on tho 1st day
of March 1901 and the other on tholtdayof
March 1902 one for tho sum of 50000 with
three interest coupon notes thereto attached
each for the sum of SIjOO one of said interc t
coupon notes maturing on the 1st day of March
1901 and one of said interest coupon notes ma
turing annually until tho maturity of the last
of said three interest coupon notes maturing on
tho 1st day of March 1901 one for tho sum of
50000 with four interest coupon notes thereto
attached each for the sum of 1500 one of said
interest coupon notes maturing on the 1st day of
March 1901 and one of said interest coupon
nntfa motnin nnnnn Hi tttrfrrfteta tint I tin
mnturifv of tlm lncfr rf t nirl fnnr inhiront riniumn
notes maturing on the 1st day of March 1901
one for tho sum of 50000 with five interest cou
pon notes thereto attached each for the sum of
3500 one of said interest coupon notes matur
ing on the 1st Jay ot March 19m and one of
CUU interest coupon notes maturing annually
i 1 1 111
DUrns DOUS sores ieions Ulcers letter I thereafter until the maturity of the last of said
Salt Rheuin feversores chapped hands I iQteaPn SSMSSS SXh
skin eruptions infallible for piles Cure
guaranteed Only 25c at L W McCon
nells druggist
and mortgage the sum of 247427 with interest
thereon at the rato of ten per cent per annum
on 26750 thereof from March 1st 1902 on19677
thereof from August 27th 1902 and on i 5171000
thereof from March 1st 1903 and plaintiff prays
for a decree that said defendants be roquired to
pay tho same or that said land be sold to satisfy
said amount found due plaintiff with interest
and cost of suit
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday the 2th day of September A D
1903 John B Mesekve Plaintiff
By W S Moelax his Attorney
Julia Harris James Harris and IraM Luther-non-resident
defendants will tako notice that
on the 17th dav of August 19ftl Edward 15
Cowles plaintiff herein filed his petition in tho
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
against said defendants the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien
upon tho -west half of the southeast quarter of
section 7 in township 2 north range M west of
the Sixth Principal Meridian for the taxes for
years 1S99 19C0 and 1901 amounting to tho sum
of 51320 at the time of filingsaid petition
Plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure and a
sale of said premises You are required to an
swer said petition on or before the 2Sth day of
September 190 Edward B Cowles
Office over McConnell a drug storo
Telephone 160
Registered Graduato Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Phonos Olllca 17 residence 95
Froo Phonographic concert H hour
beforo salo opens
Write or Phone for Terms and Date
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
DENTIST one in
Oflico over Grannis storo McCook Neb
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred
Stock sales One per cent on sales lU0O and
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
tS Agent of Lincoln Land Co
door nortli of Commercial hotel
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House
3 niciwNMar
Phone 181
and Surgeon
Oflico over McMillens drug store Rosidenca i
702 Main Aveuue Residence phone 5X Oilice
phone 28 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 P o Building
Office Over Ludwicks Store
Telephone 126
rT 77 tr
iNeeueo in jtvery iiome
A Dictionary of ENGLISH
Biography Geography Fiction etc
Kev Plates Throughout
25000 New Words
j Phrases and Definitions
j Prepared umlor li tlmrb super
vision of Y T HARRIS PliD LLD
United States Conimionpr of Edu
cation assist fil lr a larf i orps of com
petent siieciuli jts ami editors
Rich Bindings 2364 Quarto Pages
5000 Illustrations
2ThcInterntilionultras first issued
in ISM sncrfeunif the Lniibridtied
The JVe and Enlarged Edition of the
International iras issued in October
lUno Oct the latest end If I
Websters Collegiate Dictionary
Vjwith Glossary of Scottish Vords and Phrases
3 1100 Pages llOOIHustraticE S i 713x2 5 S nc n
First elarain quality Fecond class in feize 3
y Snopimpn rmrroc rf rf VinfH
3 bool3 Eent on annlication
Springfield Mass
T Cure a Cold In One Day
I Tnkfl Laxsrfve Bram Qaslome Tablets m m
1 Seven Million boxes sold in pest 2 jnonlfcs TMs sgallP8 --
c N
Cores Grip
in Two Days
on every
yrsn0 box 25c