The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 11, 1903, Image 5

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I d
i i i i Will
p II 1 1 1 II f
wawwewnwraw w
Prof A J Lowry Prlnc
Ill 11
SHOES bought direct from the most reliable mak
ers in this country for all ages of children We
wish to call special attention to our line of
Seamless Shoes for boys at 175
The Hisses Kangaroo Calf Shoe at 125
The Misses genuine welt Shoes at 175
We are glad to show this line to our trade for we
feel they will appreciate this class of footwear at the
exceeding low prices Remember our guarantee is
on every pair of our shoea and if they go wrong we
will cheerfully repair free of charge
Does It
Interest Ton
Heres a bug for your ear a
straight statement that ought
to get your interest
Well promise and deliver the
Experiments in the Culture of the Sugar
Beet in Nebraska
The cooperative sugar beet experi
mental work upon the farm of the Stan
dard Cattle Company at Ames Nebr
during the season of 1902 was in part a
continuation of previous work where
conclusive results had not been obtain
ed and in part a test of methods of cul
ture and combating disease that had
not previously been under investigation
All the work was laid out with a view to
solving problems in which the farmer or
beet grower was particularly interested
As in previous years the liberality of
the Cattle Company made it possible to
carry on the work on an extensive scale
and over 200 acres of selected land was
used for the experiments Most of the
work was conducted upon what would
commonly be termed a deep friable
loam very uniform in physical character
and fertility This almost absolute uni
formity of the soil upon the fields made
it possible to use very much larger plats
than would ordinarily be admissible
without danger of varying the condi
In a test of twenty odd varieties of
sugar beets the results from home
grown seed compared very favorably
with those from the imported seed
which showed quite wide variations
The difference in this as well as in for
mer tests seems to indicate that the
quality of the seed is more important
than the variety
An application of farmyard manure of
22 tons per acre seemed to have no effect
upon the quality of the sugar beets nor
but in the latter
upon the yield per acre
ter respect this years results differ from
those of previous years
The use of salt as a fertilizer if it had
A C Ong A M LL B Pres Omaha
Iff m
Rndorser Tv PirstNatl
Bankand business men
S10000 in Roll Top Desks Bank Fixtures and
50 Typewriters Students can work for board
Send for free catalogue bound in alligator
finest ever published by a Business College
Bead it and you will attend the N B C
s j
best printing on time Its because we know how to do the
best and how to do it promptly that our business is increasing
so rapidly May we not add you to our list of satisfied customers
The Tribune Job Rooms
any effect improved the quality of the
beets produced but had no effect upon
the susceptibility to disease
A comparison of early and late plant
ing of sugar beets was decidedly in
favor of early planting
A comparison of different depths of
horse cultivation of sugar beets was in
favor of rather deep cultivation It
should be remembered however that
the season of 1902 was much wetter and
cooler than normal Experiments in
previous years favored cultivation about
three inches deep
The yield of sugar beets was very con
siderably increased by deep hand hoeing
when the beets were four to five inches
The presence of weeds in sugar beet
fields very materially decreased the
yield and sugar content of the beets
Breaking off a part of the leaves of
sugar beets at laying by time did not
injuriously affect the yield or quality of
the crop Beets treated in this way
were less affected by leaf spot disease
than those not so treated
Continuing the cultivation of sugar
beets after the leaves were full grown
considerably increased the yield per
acre T L Lyon
Nebraska Experiment Station
Sugar Beet Experiments
The Nebraska Experiment Station has
just issued Bulletin No 81 on sugar
beets It contains a report on tests of
varieties experiments with fertilizers
and experiments as to time of planting
methods of cultivation and sugar beet
seed production The bulletin may be
obtained free of cost by residents of Ne
braska upon writing the Agricultural
Experiment Station Lincoln Nebr
What is Life
In the last analysis nobody knows
but we do know that it is under strict
law Abuse that law even slightly pain
results Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs resulting in consti
pation headache or liver trouble Dr
Kings New Life Pills quickly re adjusts
this Its gentle yet thorough Only
25 cents at LWMcConnells drugstore
Model School Shoes
Models in
and Fit
cjpnsiiv v
Finest Line of
ever shown in
this city and
made especially
forthe hard
wear expected
by boys and
girls at play at
prices as reason
able as shoddy
William Poh is a new wiper nights
T N Saunders has gone to Lincoln
Engine 80 is hero from Holdrege for
Engine 2G3 is about ready to go out of
the shops
E A DoThier is a now member of the
paint gang
Engine 262 has been sent down to the
St Francis lino
A now water main is being laid at the
depot this week
Rea Oman has entered Jim Egans
gang as a helper
William Iledrick reinforced the wipers
by ono this week
Engineer Stove Finn visited friends in
Brush over Sunday
M E Wells the boiler expert was
here first of the week
C W Holt and R A Anderson are
now Jiremcn this week
Chief Clerk Lawritson was a stato
fair visitor Wednesday
A now boiler was placed in position in
tho round house this week
Fireman W H Radcliffe spent Sun
day with Cambridge friends
Engineer and Mrs Thad Shepherd
were state fair visitors this week
Fireman A L Brignor has been let
out of the engine service this week
George Lessor has gone to work as a
helper in the clinker pit this week
C S Bricker general piece work in
spector was at headquarters yesterday
Fireman J C Marshall returned first
of tho week from his trip to Minnesota
B E Hagler has been transferred
from the round house to Jim Egans
Brakeman C A Deloy spent part of
tho week in Franklin visiting his pa
Conductor and Mrs Kendlen are
visiting in Newcastle Wyoming rhis
W G Jones and George Kauffmann
are new helpers in the machine shop
this week
Brakeman Carl B Clark and bride ar
rived in the city this morning from
Master Mechanic Archibald was in
Denver Tuesday and Wednesday on
company business
Harry Chambers was quite painfully
squeezed between two driving wheels
Wednesday morning
Engineer and Mrs Ellis Ford are tak
ing great delight in a fine bouncing boy
born to them close of last week
Conductor and Mrs A G Bump re
turned Tuesday from their visit in the
northwest and he has resumed his run
Conductor F M Washburn E J
Gillespie W P Redifer and George
Martin are all on the relief this week
A M Kellum and G D Remington
are additions to the night force from
which F L Marshall resinned first of
the week
Conductor and Mrs Joseph Hegen
berger went down to Lincoln yesterday
morning on 2 to see the closing days of
the state fair
C A Baldwin has been added to the
force of brakemen and is on with Con
ductor Burns vice Burney who has re
turned to freight
Brakeman George Jackson was off
duty Thursday on account of the
funeral of his mother-in-law Mrs Jabez
Barraclough Bradley
Engineer and Mrs H D Bayless
went down to Lincoln Tuesday night
to spend Wednesday and Thursday at
tho great Nebraska state fair
Fireman J W Bartholoma is on the
relief on account of an injury to his face
sustained by coming in violent contact
with a chain hanging down from a coal
M E Wells was just back from at
tending the meeting of the Pacific
Railroad Club and is enthusiastic over
the gathering and what he saw on the
E H Charles has joined the coach
cleaners this week coming here from
Minden Clare Richards is also a new
addition to the force and Gut Blauvelt
as well
An order has been posted requiring all
air brake cars in a freight train to be
coupled together in order that the use
of all the air in a given train may be se
Brakeman C B Clark who has been
visiting his parents in Rocky Ford
Colorado for a few weeks has been
married during his absence and is ex
pected home to a hot time any day now
Chief Purchasing Agent W W
Jossellyn was out from Omaha Wed
nesday He returned home on 6 ac
companied by Miss Eva who has been
a guest of Trainmaster and Mrs Kenyon
for a few weeks
Fred S Harris is now with the Rock
Island road as roadmaster at Trenton
Missouri at an increased salary over
that received from the Moffat people at
Denver He is on the main line from
Chicago southwest likes the work and
considers the outlook favorable and en
As a rule a man will feel well satisfied
if he can hobble around on crutches two
or three weeks after spraining his ankle
and it is usually two or three months
before he has fully recovered This is
an unneccessary loss of time for in
many cases in which Chamberlains Pain
Balm has been promptly and freely ap
plied a complete cure has been effected
in less than one weeks timeand in some
cases within three daya Fof sale by
L W McConnell
Orleans St Francis Branch
Speciul to McCook Tribune
The Orleans St Francis branch is
today enjoying tho prosperity resulting
from tho proceeds of a record breaker
wheat crop Tho large acreage of heavi
ly yielding wheat fields of superior qual
ity has surpassed the estimates of tho
most sanguine The realization of tho
wealth of this product of tho branch and
the number of car loads of golden cereal
is not in the capacity of the mind to di
gest Every elevator on tho line is
overflowing farmers are storing the
grain at their farms trains loaded to
the maximum of tho Hills standard of
tonnage daily side tracks at stations
asking for empty cars numerous thresh
ers increasing the output hourly aro
some of the facts to appreciate when
tho magnitude of Orleans St Francis
wheat crop- is recorded Grain repre
sentatives from St Louis Kansas City
and other points are soliciting consign
ments for their houses for wheat which
for quality and grade is not surpassed
in tho United States
St Francis McDonald Bird City and
Blakeman thatonco were the butt of ridi
icule have today a wheat crop that so far
distances Eastern Nebraska and Kansas
that they aro outclassed not even in the
race Wheat has tested G2 pounds to a
bushel at St Francis with an yiold of
39 bushels per acre Rawlins county
with Atwood Herndon Ludell Mc
Donald and Blakeman will far exceed
the 91 92 year in car loads of wheat
Tho Burlington is unable to fill the
orders for empty cars at the elevators
One day thero were 81 calls for cars for
loading of wheat on the brauch and
there is not the least doubt if cars could
be had enough cars could bo loaded
from the 27 elevators on the branch to
load 3 wheat trains daily Threshers
have been coming on every train ono to
three daily since the 1st of July and the
date this was written one was on a flat
car bound for the territory where ma
chines aro in demand One farmer
northwest of Blakeman has 20000 bush
els of wheat Many wheat growers
have fortunes in golden grain The
crop of wheat this year has paid for the
purchase price of farms besides tho ex
penses of seeding harvesting and thresh
ing of crop Many instances there are
where the yield of wheat is so large that
15 per acre is realized making enough
to pay for the land and funds to live on
for a family until the next crop is raised
for instance a field of wheat near
Herndon yielded the last two years 91
bushels per acre averaging 456 bushels
per acre at50 cents per bushel realizing
2775 per acre 2 years in succession
Where in Nebraska or Kansaseast of tho
100th meridian can equal this here is
some thing to think over when making
comparisons If cars could be furnish
ed and farmers get their cash for this
immense crop of wheat the money in
circulation and in banks would make
this branch an Eldorado
The corn crop has kept pace with
the wheat and Herndon east will pro
duce a heavy yield it is fast maturing
and many fields will produce 50 bushels
per acre Every instance where the
land is clean and average early the ears
are large good stand far surpassing any
corn prospect in the history of this
branch No corn will have to be ship
ped at least east of Herndon The
granaries will be filled with the king of
grain in Furnas Harlan Red Willow
counties Nebraska and Decatur coun
ty Kansas with corn wheat par ex
cellence and 3 crops of alfalfa Every
town enjoying unparalleled prosperity
and the railroad taxed to its utmost to
handle products and merchandise is the
record of 1903
A Remarkable Record
Chamberlains Cough Remedy has a
remarkable record It has been in use
for over thirty years during which time
many million bottles have been sold and
used It has long been the standard
and main reliance in the treatment of
croup in thousands of homes yet during
all this time no case has ever been re
ported to the manufacturer in which it
railed to enect a cure vvnen given as
soon as the child becomes hoarse or even
as soon as the croupy cough appears it
will prevent the attack It is pleasaut
to take many children like it It con
tains no opium or other harmful sub
stance and may be given as confidently
to a baby as to an adult For sale by
L W McConnell druggist
A 0 U W and D of H Picnic
McCook and Cambridge lodges A O
U W and Degree of Honor lodges will
hold a basket picnic in the Cambridge
park September 23 Grand Master
Workman Jaskalek and other noted
speakers will be present Band and
glee club music A O U W and De
gree of Honor drill teams will be pres
ent and do some drill work Not only
those who are fortunate enough to be
members of these orders are invited but
a general invitation is extended to all
Come with well filled baskets and spend
a day of genuine pleasure in the famous
Cambridge park Cambridge Clarion
Devoured by Worms
Children often cry not from pain but
from hunger although fed abundantly
The entire trouble arises from inanition
their food is not assimilated but devour
ed by worms A few doses of Whites
Cream Vermifuge will cause them to
cease crying and to begin to thrive at
once very much to the surprise and joy
of the mother 50c at A McMillens
fT i i --ii---ii r i J i ininiii ijihiii jminiinn iT pi i n ji
hwjpp iaaaaaEaBBBiiffKF sE
is now arriving daily New goods
for every department Come and
see the
for men and boys Also the
New Dress Goods Trimmings
Underwear Hosiery
Blankets Shoes
Etc Etc
The Price is Right if you buy it at
w fcr n j1 tsvB
Vfe fcVfc fW WQSVW sw
Four on Wheat Danbury News
An extra train took 808 tons of wheat
out of Wilsonville Hendley and Beaver
City Monday
The stock train picked up 800 tons of
wheat from St Francis to Atwood
Tuesday morning
The St Francis branch is shipping
over a thousand tons of wheat to market
every day and still our elevators are
shut down in many towns for want of
Wheat is going as high as 39 bushels
per acre in the St Francis country and
one man near Herndon has raised 91
bushels per acre counting two succes
sive crops last years and this from the
same ground and yet land can be had
at 10 per acre or less
D Long has his barn up
E R Divine has bought a new wagon
W M Rozell has 5419 bushels of
fall wheat threshed
Dr Beach of McCook crossed this
town Monday
W S Hamilton got 1976 bushels of
fall wheat on fifty acres
Robert Knipple of McCook took some
pictures up here Tuesday of last week
H K Bixler and son Will left Tues
day for a few weeks visit at the old
home in Pennsylvania
For a bilious attack take Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
quick cure is certain For sale by LW
McConnell druggist
Stomach Trouble
I have been troubled with my stom
ach for the past four years says D L
Beach of Clover Nook FarmGreenfield
Mass A few days ago I was induced
to buy a box of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets I have taken part
of them and feel a great deal better
If you have any trouble with your stom
ach try a box of these Tablets You are
certain to bo pleased with the result
Price 25 cents For sale by L W Mc
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth Its
your liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure consti
pation headache dyspepsia
25c All druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
DliniUiniJAlIiP nvrfortha
DUUMHUnHm O U 1 1 Whiskers J
59 cm ofCitoguts o n p Hail Co
- -
Public Roads Established
The board of county commissioners at
their meetingthis weekestablished pub
lie roads in this county as follows
Commencing at southwest corner of
southwest quarter section 33-2-27 run
ning thence east on township lino ono
mile to southeast corner southeast quar
ter section 33-2-27 and terminating
thereat and clerk was instructed to
notify overseer of highways to open
said road
Commencing at a point about 200
yards from southwest corner of section
1G east on section line thenco down tho
draw where the road now is crossing
the section line between sections 1G and
17 about 440 yards from south line of
sections 1G and 17 thence running on
east side of said draw to north line of
section 17 coming out about 350 yards
from northeast corner section 17 to the
mouth of canon on north line of section
and terminating thereat and
clerk was instructed to notify overseer
of highways to open said road E E
Smith was allowed 20000 damages by
reason of laying out of this road
In the matter of road No 369 petition
ed for by E U Gallatin C G Kersfc
and others the board postponed final
action on same until next meeting
21 Years a Dyspeptic
RHFoster 318 S 2d St Salt Lake
City writes I have been bothered with
dyspepsia or indigestion for 21 years
tried many doctors without relief re
cently I got a bottle of Herbine One
bottle cured me I am now tapering off
on the second I have recommended it
to my friends it is curing them too
50c at A McMillens
One half inch of rain fell last night
the 9th
Harvey Rowland hauled a load of wheat
to McCook Saturday
A Weeks father mother sister and
nephew are visiting him They are from
B W Benjamin and family were vis
itors at Josh Rowlands Sunday in Ger
Lafe Roshong and family and hi3
mother were visitors at AM Benjamins
J H Relph threshed out a part of his
wheat Monday and Tuesday amounting
to 800 bushed
We hear that C F Elliott is getting
out his sale bills preparatory to moving
to Missouri this fall
Jake Wesch has harvested some of his
cane and H I Peterson is cutting and
binding cane today the 9th