The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 11, 1903, Image 4

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    fffc JBk fnhtyt
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A -Lodge No 012 moots first and
third Tliurednys of onck month McConuolls
knll 830 pm E B IIubkh President W S
Guter Socrotary
lodKO No M7 moots on second und fourth Mon
day ovoninKS of each mouth nt oiht oclock in
McConnoll knll It W Devok IWustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Socrotary
802 moots second and fourth Thursday after
noons nt2 30 oclock in McConnells halt Mbh
Tiiad SnEi HEUD Oracle Mns Auousta Anton
Republican County Ticket
County Clerk w EJWILCOX
Treasurer B G GOSSARD
Clork of the District Court R WDEVOE
County Judge SLGREEN
Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCHER
County Assoseor F P ENO
Commissioner Second district
samuel premer
The Wilsonvillo harvest home and ox
position is dated for September 15 1G
-17 and 18
The Iloldredge Progress since the
normal has been located at Kearney
discovers what was quite well known
among the wise that the location was
fixed for Kearney when the bill was
passed by the legislature
The people of Rod Cloud have organi
zed a permanent good roads movement
with an initial membership of eighty
The purpose of the organization is to
put Webster county in touch with the
national and state movements for the
improvement of public highways
throughout the United States There
is need of such organizations all over
the land and they deserve encourage
ment and support
District Convention Degree of Honor
On September 17 18 the Fifth District
Convention of the Degree of Honor will
convene at Holdrege All D of II mem
bers are cordially invited to attend theso
sessions There are 75 lodges in the
fifth district so there will doubtless be a
large attendance The home lodge will
send one delegate but all members on
payment of the membership fee of 25c
are entitled to all privileges of the floor
There will be several features in the
way of entertainment and the drill con
test of D of II teams will be of much
interest held each evening The Lex
ington team which took the prize at the
sixth district convention atKearneywill
be with us if weather is favorable also
the G C of Honor Sister Latky and we
trust the G M Workman Brother
kalek The McCook D of H team
should see these drills and get pointers
We hope McCook lodge No 3 Degree of
Honor will go one hundred strong at
least Mrs S A Tkavek
Supt of the Fifth District
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice Sept 9 1903
Asbahr Henry MeenAlex
Amick J F Miller LoTine
Bcrninp H H Money Frank
Bennett J W Miller A C
Bunners T D Martin I O
Brown A F Odendahl Bros
Bannister H Palmer D C
DLzdon Mr Rudalale Mrs Cora
Egman Mr Smith Ethelwyn
Fowler Charles Spencer S R
Fowler J H Springer Harvey
Geary Will Schmidt H A
Halson C Trigg O S
Hemplo Phillip Theimer Walter
Hins H E West E F
Hoffman John Welsh T E
Kalek Jorg Williams H T
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Home Visitors Excursions
On Sept 1 8 15 and Oct 7 1903 the
Burlington will sell tickets to certain
eastern points at greatly reduced rates
This is the chance you have been look
ing for Enquire of the agent as to par
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
Mother I
My mother -was troubled with
consumption for many years At
last she was given up to die Then
she tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral
and was speedily cured
D P Jolly Avoca N Y
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
Tmli noira liorl it- A ttoho
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take
Its too risky to wait
until you have consump
tion If you are coughing
today get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once
Three sizes 25c 50c AH drnnlsls
Consult your doctor If be says take it
then do as lie says If be tells you -not
to take it then dont take it He knows
Leave it with him We are willing
J C AVER CO Lowell Mass
A sage asked what of all things in
the world is the longest and shortest
the swiftest and slowest the most divisi
ble and most extended the most neg
lected and the most regretted without
which nothing can bo done which de
vours all that is little and enlivens all
that is great answered Time
Nothing ho added is longer since
it is the measure of eternity Nothing
is shorter since it is insufficient for the
accomplishment of our projects Noth
ing more slow to him that oxpects noth
ing more rapid to him that enjoys In
greatness it extends to infinity in small
ness it is infinitely divisible All men
neglect it all regret tho loss of it It
consigns to oblivion whatever is unwor
thy of being transmitted to posterity
and it immortalizes such actions as are
truly great
Wo often hear men lamenting the lack
of time to do that which they profess to
want to do yet these same men proba
bly waste more time in utter idleness
or in occupations that profit them noth
ing than they spend in wage earning
Our highly complex system of civiliza
tion compels most of us to devote a de
finite number of hours each day to se
curing the means with which to live
No mans hours of labor should be so
long that he cannot spare some time
from that which is assigned him for
work and necessary rest to do with
what he will Tho real difficulty is that
few of us realize the value of stray
moments Four minutes a day make
twenty four hours in the course of a
year Assuming a working day to be
composed of eight hours four minutes a
day will give us three days in a year
and we consider three days if they come
consecutively and not scattered through
the months a fine little holiday
It may be objeqted that four minutes
are too few in which to accomplish any
thing worth while but a trial will prove
that even so brief a period may be em
ployed to advantage That length of
time will at least suffice for the acquisi
tion of a single fact and every item of
knowledge gained adds to the mental de
velopment broadens the view and aids
the understanding
There are few of us however whom
work so closely confiries that we cannot
spend thirty minutes out of every twenty-four
hours with books A half hour
every day means nearly two entire work
ing days each month or say twenty days
in the year The obligation to improve
is a debt one owes oneself and a debtor
who cannot discharge a duty to himself
is poor indeed Reading should not be
considered a duty but a pleasure and
becomes one if persisted in
Baptist All services at the usual
hours Sweet singing All welcome
C R Betts Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughkan Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church Sunday September 13th at 8
oclock p m The rector will officiate
All are welcome E R Earle
Methodist Subject of morning ser
mon The Mysterious Agony
at 10 a m Epworth League
at 7 p m Preaching at 8 p m
L H Shumate Pastor
Christian Science Services in the
Christian church Sunday morning at
11 oclock Wednesday evening at 8
Next Sundays lesson sermon subject
Matter Cordial invitation to all
Rev L H Shumate was unwell close
of last week but managed to fill his
usual services in the Methodist church
Rev William Hardcastle for four
years pastor of the Cambridge Congre
gational church nov state secretary of
the Christian Endeavor Society has
moved to Lincoln
Miss Daisy Jackson and Hazel
Rouch returned Wednesday from their
Indiana visitT
Mrs W M Stoner and Mother
Stoner left today for the latters home
in Weeping Water
Miss Rose Rheinhedier accompanied
Mrs Motherspaugh home to Ohio
Thursday night and will remain indef
Miss Anna May Erb of Akron went
through the city Thursday morning on
her way to Virginia where she will at
tend school
J C Mitchell who has been em
ployed in Suttons jewelry store for a
long while departs tomorrow for Elgin
Illinois where he will take a course in
a horological school
Mrs M G Motherspaugh an aunt
of Mrs Joseph Allen left for her home
in Ohio Thursday She has been
spending the past year here for her
Miss Hazel Hare of McCook Neb
who has been studying violinln the
university school of music for the past
two years will this year continue her
studies in the Chicago Musical college
under the instruction of Emile Sauret of
Paris Sauret has recently come to
America He accepts none but the
most talented pupils Miss Hares pro
gress will be watched with much inter
est by her many friends in Nebraska
Wednesdays Lincoln Journal
1 have had occasion to use your
rBlack Draught Stock and Poultry Medi I
cine and am pleased to say that I never
used anything for stock that Cave half as
good satisfaction I heartily rccom
i mend it to all owners of stock
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons should expect to be
cared by food When your stock
I and poultry are sick give them med
icine JJon t stun them -with worth
less stock foods Unload the bowels
and stir up the torpid liver and the
animal will be cured if it be possi
ble to cure it Black Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver
It cures every malady of stock if
taken in time Secure a 25 cent can
of Black Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will pay for itself ten
times over Horses -work better Cows
give more milk Hogs gain flesh
And hens lay more eggs It solves the
Sroblein of making as much blood
esh and energy as possible out of
the smallest amount of food con
I sumed Buy a can from your dealer
Death of an Early Settler
Mrs Jabez Barraclough Bradloy died
at the home of her son-in-law George
Jackson in South McCook Tuesday
night September 8th of cancer after
quite a long and painful illness Funeral
services were held at the Jackson home
Thursday afternoon conducted by Rev
L H Shumate of the Methodist church
burial in Longview following interment
bei ig made beside the body of her first
husband Jabez Barraclough whose death
occurred early in the history of the city
Deceased was a sister of Mrs Charles
Hoag of Indianola and was one of the
early settlers of McCook She is sur
vived by her second husband Dillard
Bradley and by a large family of children
by both husbands
Mrs Caroline
was born July 29th 1851 in York
shire England Was united in marriage
to Jabez Barraclough in Leeds England
in 1873 Seven children were born of
this union four of them still surviving
Jabez Barraclough and wife came to
New York in 1881 and to McCook in 1882
where her husband died in 1885 She
was married to Dillard Bradley in Mc
Cook in 1889 Three children were born
to them two boys still living She died
at the home of her daughter Mrs George
Jackson in South McCook Tuesday
night September 8th 1903 of internal
cancer her second husband and six
children surviving her
One Furnas County Wheat Incident
The following table of figures is an
accurate record of the wheat crop raised
by J D and H D Cameron on their
school land north of Cambridge In
the items of seeding cutting hauling
etc Messrs Cameron have estimated
their own time and teams at 300 per
day Aside from their net profits of
over three thousand dollars they did not
take into account the benefits and profits
derived from several months of pastur
ing stock on this grain during the fall
and winter
Seed wheat 10000
Putting in wheat 12500
Cutting 23200
Shocking 14560
Twine 12500
Threshing 39500
Help threshing 36000
Hauling wheat to town 13000
Boarding hands 7500
Horse feed 6500
9000 bu wheat at 54c 485000
Expenses 175340
Net 310660
Cambridge Clarion
The most charitable reference that can
be made to the county fair held in In
dianola this week is that it was not a
fadigestiora Causes
CatarrK of the
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
tho juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
ICodol Dyspepsia Gore
relieves all inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sensa cf fullness after eating Indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles cnly Repibx size 100 holdne2H tlmea
tha trial alia which sells for SO cents
Prepared by E O DoWITT CO Chicago III
Sold by L W McConnell
Mrs M A Jackson is a guest of
Mrs M S Calhoun
Barney Haper has purchased Dr A
P Welles cosy home
Mrs Thomas Maher is in tho city
visiting Mrs John T Brady
J W Reese and wife are guests of
their daughter Mrs L I Culbertson
Engineer and Mrs Walter Stokes are
home from their visit in tho northwest
Miss Grace Huston is down from
Denver and ill with fever at tho homo of
her sister Mrs J J Curran
G E Thompson returned from east
ern markets first of tho week from
making fall and winter purchases
Arthur Heath Flickwire M D is
the new Burlington Voluntary Relief
representative succeeding Dr
F N Mervin private secretary to
Congressman Norris was over from
Beaver City early part of the week on
business of his office
Henry Burton is having his residence
John Ritchie left for the state fair
Tuesday evening and may visit Iowa
before he returns
Rao Hodgkin went to Lincoln Monday
where he will take a business course in
one of tho colleges
Miss May Wood came homo from Mc
Cook Sunday to care for her father who
is in very poor health
David Bush has gone to Lincoln to
see if he can sell a car load of potatoes
at a price that justify shipment
Henry Burton went to tho state fair
Monday and will return Saturday Clar
ence Bush is in charge of tho harness
shop during his absence
A dog belonging to Guy Curlee chased
a colt belonging to Baxter Rowe into a
barb wire fence last week The colts
throat was cut and it died in a few
Harry Burton came down town Mon
day morning smiling more than usual
Inquiry discovered the cause to be a
fine boy at his house lie looks just
like papa
The box supper at the Christian
church Saturday night was a success
The concert was excellent The pro
ceeds which were 32 will be applied
toward painting the church
County Commissioner Maurice Reddy
has sold his farm and will go to the
northeastern part of the state soon to
look for a new home We are sorry to
have him move from our county
Dr and Mrs Morefield are absent
from home this week attending the
state fair and visiting the formers rela
tives in the eastern part of the state
They will be at home to their many
friends after September 14th
Mathias Stadler has sold his farm and
is now in Minden looking for a residence
property where he will make his future
home He located six miles south of
here 13 years ago and made a good farm
where he has resided up to this date
We will miss his pleasant visits to our
Mother Ruby is quite sick
It is sickness galore hereabouts
Sims shipped 2 cars of hogs to Denver
this week
Mrs Anna Stilgebouer has been under
the doctors care
William Millers child is being cared
for by Dr DeMay
Ed Stilgebour is at the fair with some
of his fine Jerseys
Too much wheat for our elevator capa
city What shall we do
Mayor Nilsson of Marion was on our
streets transacting business today
Elvin Woods sold his straw thresher
to John Moss and a Mr Playford of the
Sappe for 375
HW Naden let the contract of build
ing his house to P P Wright Dimen
tions 26x36 wing 14x18
Rev Halberslaben preached at the
Congregational church Sunday evening
to those that were asleep as well as the
more wakeful
Last Saturdays horse sale resulted in
the sale of 22 head of horses averaging
32 per head Danbury bites on every
fad that comes along
What a great noise a yaller dog can
create Last Friday evening we thought
the bank was being robbed and hasten
ed to the scene and behold it was a few
racketing over Gentrys yaller dog
GrandmaFair and daughter of Friend
Neb and Mr White of Oberlin Kan
are guests of Mr and Mrs W J Stilge
bouer Mrs r is looking after the in
surance on the life of her late daughter
Miss Ida Fair who carried a policy in
the Royal Neighbors
A Birthday Surprise
About forty of Mrs L J Furrows
friends gave her quite a happy surprise
Tuesday evening at her home on the
Woodworth farm the occasion being
her forty seventh birthday - A number
of pretty and useful presents were given
her as tokens of frendship There was
a bountiful supply of refreshments
each of the guests having come prepared
with a basketful of dainties and sub
stantial for this feature of the evening
The evening was happily spent in social
ways songs music on the organ etc
At midnight the surprisers left for their
homes wishing Mrs Furrows many
happy returns of the day
No 1
Time Card
McCook Neb
Mountain Time
t5 Central Time ll15r
2 510a
12 82 A
14 955l
No 5 arrives from oust at 8 p irf
1151 AM
11Z5P M
750 pm
825 AM
No 170 arrives Mountain Tiiuo i M P
No 175 departs 7ttA M
Sleoping diuiiiK nnri reclining chair cars
seats freo on through trains Tickets eolrt
and btiKKiiKO checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomsou Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Eranciy Gonoral
Pabsengor Agent Omaha Nobrnska
Engines Ordered and Being Completed
Tho last of the K 4 locomotives order
ed built hero is now being finished
Five more P 2 locomotives have been
ordered from tho east for early 1904 do-
Ten new R 3 locomotives have been
ordered built in tho east for delivery
next winter sometime after tho first of
tho year
JThe new class D 4 locomotives are
coming equipped with tanks of 8000
gallons capacity This is 1000 gallons
more than the largest now in use
Ten special consolidated locomotives
somewhat heavier and shorter than tho
D 4s have been ordered for service on
tho mountain division in the Black Hills
The six class G 3 swith engines order
ed built here some time ago will be
pushed right along now and tho order
will probably be completed by the first
of the year
Draughtsmen in the superintendent of
motive powers office are busy making
alterations and improvements in the
blue prints of the K 4 b locomotive and
the officials have under consideration
the matter of ordering a number moro
of the satisfactory machines built here
The experimental one turned out is giv
ing a fine account of herself on tho Wy
oming division
The first two of the new installment
of 20 nlass D 4 locomotives were report
ed as being on the road between Chicago
and Ilavelock last Wednesday and aro
expected to reach hero today Eight
more of tho consignment are on tho way
between Schenectady and Chicago and
it will not bo long before the entire order
is filled These are the most powerful
engines in the service today Ilavelock
Enginemen Get More Pay
Tho Burlington has voluntarily in
creased the pay of its enginemen from 5
to 10 and in some instances 15 per cent
to become effective September 1 The
increase had not been demanded by the
enginemen it is said and came as a
surprise In all about 100 men in Lin
coln are affected This will mean that
on the main lines from Lincoln to Mc
Cook from the Junction to Hastings
and from Lincoln to Ravenna engine
men will receive from 150 to 200 per
When the trainmen received from 12
to 15 per cent more money than they
had been getting before some weeks
ago it was thought only fair to the men
in the engine department that they be
remembered also in a substantial man
The advance means say officials that
the Burlington will be paying as much
money and in some instances more to its
n it 1
engineers and nremen tnan is paia on
the leading roads of the country The
Union Pacific has had the reputation in
the past of giving its enginemen the top
price paid by western roads but it no
longer holds the belt In some instances
the Burlington offers moro money per
trip distance being taken into considera
Last September the enginemen re
ceived their first increase amounting to
5 or 6 per cent but this was more a
matter of readjustment than a real ad
vance Omaha Daily News
Omaha May Lose Burlington Offices
A prominent railroad official who was
in the city from Chicago yesterday
stated that the rumor is being reviewed
regarding the removal to Chicago of the
passenger department of the Burlington
The rumor has been current a num
ber of times that Passenger Agent
Francis would go to Chicago but has
been as repeatedly denied If the
change is made the officials of the pass
enger department will probably all be
removed to Chicago and a general
agent appointed to take charge of the
business here City Passenger Agent
Reynolds is spoken of for the position of
general agent Omaha News
Railroad Changes at Wymore
Wymore Neb September 5 Robert
Smyth moved to this city with his fam
ily from Table Rock Thursday Mr
Smyth succeeds Daniel OShea as road
master of the line of the Burlington
from Crete to Concordia and from this
city to Table Rock He is a man of
much experience in railroad work Mr
OShea resigned hi3 position as road
master to take a position as passenger
conductor on trains 89 and 90 between
Lincoln and Concordia He made his
first trip as conductor since the change
on Thursday afternoon when he left
this city on No 89 for Concordia Lin
coln Star
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West l Citizens Bank
flcCook - Nebraska
onxnitAL ncALcu in
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
A Kent for
Champion BindersMowers and Rakes
Cnsh paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
Are Tm Foolisl
Boy Say Pa what do they
mean by saying Penny wise
I and pound foolish
Father Why its where a
man loses a dollar to save a
Boy WeH Pa were you
that way when you let your
hogs all die because you did
not want to pay out money for
Liquid Koal that James Cain
sells so much of
FfirrifM Tnlinnip dont fnlk
E so much
Iritmi Nov a 1WTJ
This is to certify that I ud L K and am
well pleaod with it I only hud six hos J
et sick af Ur usiuk it and before using it 1
had from two to four set sick each day I
can chuerfullj recommend it and would ad
vise any one who has lioir cholera amouirhis
hogs to give it a trial F F Faringer
One hundred dollars deposited in
the following banks for any one who
finds any of the testimonials we pub
lish frotn time to time are not genu
ine City National Bank York Neb
Sheldon State Bank Sheldon Iowa
Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co
Oklahoma City O T
Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska
Oklahoma City O T
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Use according to directions and if
it does not prove satisfactory your
money back
One Quart Can 3100
One Gallon a00
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House
McCook Nebraska