The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 04, 1903, Image 1

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Democrats Nominate a Ticket
Tho democratic county convention
mot in Indianola Monday
P Walsh was elected temporary
chairman J S Phillips temporary
On motion tho appointment of com
mittee on permanent organization was
dispensed with and temporary organiza
tion was made permanent
On motion J V Harrison Tim Haley
and 0 J Ryan were appointed a com
mittee on order of business Committee
recommended tho business of the con
vention proceed as in call
The following ticket was nominated
J S Phillip County Judge
I A Sheridan County Clerk
John W Jones County Treasurer
W E McClung Clerk of District
C J Ryan Sheriff
Flora B Quick Supt of Public In
Will Sandon County Assessor
Fred Vering Commissioner of 2d
C II Meeker Surveyor
Jacob Stoinmotz Coroner
On motion the following delegates
wore elected to attend the stato conven
tion at Columbus Tom Duncan J V
Harrison Wm McCallum P Walsh
Peter Foxen Geo Younger J H Ben
On motion central committee was in
structed to fill any vacancy which
might occur on tho ticket
On motion the chairman and secre
tary of tho county central committee
were instructed to select delegates to
the judicial convention
Marion Plummer was elected chair
man and J H Bennett secretary of the
county central committee
On motion the following precinct
committeemen were selected Pat Call
en Alliance John Wesch Grant Dan
Cashen Beaver J V Harrison India
nola Wm Uerling Bondville Geo
Younger Box Elder Matt Droll Coie
man Ed McKillip North Valley Jesse
Ashton Danbury John W Jones
Driftwood J W Welborn Redwillow
G W Jones East Valley J M Farrell
Tyrone I A Sheridan Fritsch J W
Johnson Valley Grange C J Ryan
Willow Grove Indianola Reporter
Helms Heads the List
August 27th John F Helm of Red
willow received notice of tests made of
samples of beets sent by him to Ames
Nebraska to the Standard Sugar Beet
Co There were four different samples
in tho shipment and they tested as fol
Sample No Sugar Purity
7 64 600
8 79 630
9 101 721
10 142 804
Sample No 10 according to tho chem
ist in charge was the finest sample re
ceived from this entire territory up to
the date of the test made And con
sidering the earliness of the season the
test is a fine one
What to do With Straw
An unknown friend down in Lake
Charles Louisiana writes the publisher
a postal card to the following effect
Have just read that Nebraska farm
ers are burning wheat straw to get rid
of it Tell them to use it on roads it
will prevent both mud and dust under
stand it is used on the Pacific coast
and proves satisfactory They also
might send some to a paper factory if
it makes good wrapping paper it would
provide a new source of income
The Tribune submits the above for
what it is worth and it is Worth the
effort of following the advice
For Sale
The old school building in district 8
Redwillow county Nebraska will be
sold to the highest bidder for cash on
Saturday afternoon September 12 1903
at three oclock corner Main andDenni
son streets McCook Possession to be
given November 1st 1903 Terms 25
down andbalance on securing possession
I H Wasson
W G Dutton
Building Committee
Scott Garrard Wedding
Saturday evening last at the home of
County Judge Green the judge officiat
ing Mr Elvin O Scott and Miss Kate
Garrard were quietly united in mar
riage Both are well known in our city
The Tribune offers its heartiest con
gratulations and well wishes
why wear a sallow tanned complexion
when one bottle of my face wash will
leave a clear smooth and beautiful white
complexion Send 50c to Mrs Dia
mond for one large bottle of face wash
Dont be without it
You should see McMillens large 5c
school tablet before buying
Miss C A Gorby will arrive in tho
city from Nelson tonight
Miss Noyks of Hastings has been a
guest of Miss Ethel Pope this week
Will Walters was the guest of his
sister Mrs Mario Mundy over Sunday
Miss Jeannette Dutton departed on
No 12 Tuesday morning for Lincoln
William Fischer was down from his
Hayes county ranch Tuesday on busi
Dr A P Welles arrived home Fri
day night last from a prolonged visit in
the east
A G Williams of tho Stock villo Re
publican made the city a flying visit
Verlie Berry has gone to St Louis
expecting to secure work as a pharm
acist in that city
Miss Stella Fuller went in to Lin
coln Wednesday night to be absent
until Sunday night
Miss Florence Axtell of Beaver
City has been visiting her sister Mrs
Neal Beeler this week
Mr and Mrs Ray Morse departed
Tuesday for Edison this state where
they will reside in the future
Miss Nellie Miller of Limon Sta
tion Colorado is a guest in Commis
sioner Bennetts home this week
Sanford Lewis has boon down from
Denver this week visiting relatives and
friends He went up the Imperial line
Monday morning
Miss Kittie Stangland went down
to Lincoln Wednesday morning to as
sume a position as nurse in the sanitar
ium at Collegeview
Lillie and Ruth Campbell went up
to Imperial last Friday and wore guests
of Agent and Mrs TG Rees until Wed
nesday of this week
G B Nettleton departed on Friday
evening last for her home in Coldrado
after spending a number of weeks here
tho guest of relatives
Dusty Rhodes and Firstbaseman
Wilson of our pennant winners this
season are playing with Ord at the
Hastings reunion this week
Mrs O R Amick and children of
Hastings were guests of her sister Mrs
S V Clark over Sunday returning
homo on 12 Monday morning
Miss Nellie Smith at the home of
her sister Mrs W T Coleman was hos
tess at tho last congregation cf the
Awl Os Tuesday evening of this week
Miss live Rittenhouse arrived
home Sunday night from Chandler
Oklab jma leaving her sister May much
improved from a serious attack of fever
J J Garrard and family expect to
leave shortly for California to reside
W W McMillen has rented his house
and will occupy the same upon its vaca
Mrs Mary Mullen accompanied
Master James Kennedy home to Sheri
dan Wyoming on No 6 last Saturday
night Mrs W F Pate went along as
far as Omaha
Mrs Anna Wright and Mrs C B
Hoag sister and wife of C B Hoag of
Indianola are visiting in the city guests
of Mr and Mrs C B Gray Mrs
Wrights home is in Texas
Mrs George Enoch and baby Helen
departed on No 6 Saturday night last
for Omaha to visit Mr Enoch who
has been in a hospital for several weeks
receiving treatment for an injured eye
Mrs S A McCare and Miss Blanche
were passengers for Lincoln Wednesday
morning Miss Ida will follow today
The girls will take up work in the state
university with the opening of the
school year
J F Reynolds recent trip over into
Iowa was caused by the death of his
brother Hon Loran W Reynolds of
Boone whose death occurred in Chica
go Loran Reynolds was one of the
best known lawyers promoters and cap
italists of Iowa
Mr and Mrs Louis Suess departed
on No 8 Saturday night for Nebraska
City to briefly visit Mr and Mrs C L
DeGroff Monday they continued on
their way to Chicago where they will
lay in a large fall and winter stock of
general merchandise
General Irving Hale of Denver
spent Saturday in the city looking over
the McCook Electric Co plant here of
which he is one of the owners He left
on the night train for St Paul Minn
to attend the meeting of the Philippine
association of which he is president
From that place he will go on east to
tho seashore for recreation and health
which has been impaired by his service
in the islands and subsequent too close
attention to business matters
One of the most desirable homes
in McCook Eight rooms bath
room closets fruit shade lawn
etc Geo B Berry
Says There Will Be a Trial
Tho word has been passed around
that tho Dewey murder case will bo
compromised Compromised is a new
word in a murder case It is reported
that C P Dewey father of Chauncey
Dewey has offered through an agent to
buy all tho holdings of the Berry family
no matter what the coat This is one
way tho Deweys are attempting to
clear themselves of the crime andif
blood can be measured in dollars and
cents and the Berrys induced to leave
tho state justice in this case will prob
ably go down in defeat But no ono in
this part of tho stato is foolish enough
to believe that the Berry widows will
barter their husbands lives for Deweys
money The latest reports from Atwood
and St Francis discredit tho settlement
story which probably originated with a
lawyer for tho defense as attorneys for
tho stato knew nothing about the mat
ter Tho case will not be dropped and
as soon as the court sets in St Francis
tho first Monday in December the trial
of the accused murderers will proceed
Goodland Republic
Masked Men Attack a Jail
Indianola Neb Sept 1 Special
Four masked men broke into the
county jail here this morning before
daylight and attempted to blow the
locks off the steel cage where Charles
McMillan the murderer of Lee Jones is
held awaiting his trial in October Tho
men commanded McMillan and Simp
son who was also in the cage to cover
their heads or they would shoot them
They succeeding in getting two of the
locks off but the noise attracted the at
tention of Rev T Owens who lives
near who gave the jailer notice When
he arrived the four had become alarmed
and fled in a buggy No clue is left as
to their identity nor does anyone seem
to have an intelligent theory as to their
purpose Special to Lincoln Journal
Government Goes Nebraska One Better
The new Nebraska law making it un
lawful to dock horses is more than sup
ported by the government Tho war
department has issued the following or
der to the army Any alteration in
the length or shape of the tails manes
or forelocks of public horses by docking
banging or clipping is hereby prohibited
and only such reasonable trimming and
plucking as may be necessary to pre
vent shagginess of appearance will be
permitted The Nebraska law pro
vides that whoever assists in docking or
knowingly permits it to be done on
premises controlled by him may be im
prisoned not more than one year in the
county jail or be fined not less than 100
or not to exceed S300
One V and Regular Trimmings
George Beck of the Commercial hotel
and J S Morrison a tourist for the
Remington typewriter had a lively dis
cussion Wednesday in the hotel over
the payment of an account claimed to
be due the company from the landlord
The discussion soon developed into a
personal encounter in which other mem
bers of the hostelrie participated Mor
rison had Beck arrested and County
Judge Green thought 500 and costs
would about repair the damage done the
dignity of the state and Morrisons
finger Mr Beck appealed the case to
the district court
Those Who Buy
our meats and fish get the best the very
best we can procure In fish you get
the freshest tind we give you the advan
tage of the best jjrice possible We
handle all meats and prepare them for
you in the best and cleanest way You
can always get your choice cuts here
Let us have an order from you for prompt
delivery Marshs Meat Market
The Good Old Hickory
The time is at hand when you will
need a good tight reliable wagon in
which to market your small grain
Thats the kind W T Coleman sells
The Old Hickory kind and they
really cost no more than the cheap poor
sort that hardly last a season The
Old Hickory is guaranteed
School Books
During the year we will carry the
American Book Cos text books used
in this and adjoining counties and will
be glad to supply you
A complete line of tablets pens pen
cils crayon slates etc
McConnell druggist
High School and Shop Boys
A game between the High School and
Shop Boys will be played on the Athlet
ic grounds here next Monday afternoon
Labor Day commencing at 330 oclock
A full attendance is hoped for by the
Dwelling House for Sale
Two good 4 room houses for sale in
South McCook 50 cash and balance
10 per month L M Best
Have a chocolate ice cream soda Best
in town Cone Bros
Doings in Younger Social Circles
Thcro has been considerable doing in
the younger social circles of tho city
this week Wednesday evening at tho
home of Engineer and Mrs F G West
lnd a party was given in honor of
Miss Esther Brown and Miss Lillian
Roman There was a large and gay
gathering of buds and youthful
gallants a charming spread and an
altogether beatific time
Thursday evening there was a repeti
tion of these happy particulars with a
few changes as to placo and honor
guests The scene was the home at
Trainmaster and Mrs J F Kenyon and
Miss Eva E Josselyn was tho guest of
Tonight the joyous scene will bo
shifted to tho home of Conductor and
Mrs C E Pope where Miss Ethel will
entertain for her guests Misses Noyes
Fordyco and Erb We have no hesitan
cy in promising a gay and happy gather
Wednesday afternoon a large com
pany of little neighborhood friends as-
sisted Marguerite Oyster in celebrating
her birthday Refreshments were ser
ved and games played
Lebanon State Bank Doing Business
President J W Hupp of tho State
Bank of Lebanon came over home last
night He reports the bank has re
ceived its new safe one of the best in
Redwillow county and that the bank is
doing business at the old stand as usual
Cashier E E Devoo is home from his
trip to California
About all traces of the late robbery of
the bank have been removed and busi
ness is proceeding as usual
Next spring it is the purpose of the
bank to erect a new brick building
which will bo provided with vaults and
all the other conveniences and safety ap
pliances of a modern banking institution
Opening the Fall Term
Supt Thomas arrived from his home
in Harvard last night and is complet
ing arrangements to open tho public
schools of the city next Monday morn
ing September 7th as announced last
week The members of the teacher
cofps are arriving and the list will be
practically complete by tonight in order
to be present at the usual preliminary
meeting of superintendent and teachers
Saturday afternoon
The janitors are rushing repairs and
putting the buildings in condition
Recalls a Deep Mystery
The tragic disappearance of Robert
Barr is recalled vividly to mind this
week by the presence of Mr and Mrs F
M McCaulley of Lake City Iowa in
our city Mrs McCaulley is a sister of
the missing man and she and her hus
band are here on business connected
with the mysterious case which remains
as much a mystery today as it was when
Robert Barr dropped from mortal sight
a few years ago while out on a stock
buying trip over in Kansas south of
To Organize Old Settlers
The publisher is in receipt of the fol
lowing card which explains itself
Indianola Nebr August 29 03
There will be a meeting at Indianola
Nebraska September ninth at eleven
oclock a m to organize an old settlers
organization on the basis of 21 years
residence in the county Come or send
names to be enrolled Frank Fritsch
John Welborn Frank Moore Jake
Longnecker Rosco Korns B B Duck
worth Charley Hoag Robt H Thomas
Two Primary Resignations
The Tribune understands that both
of the primary teachers in the public
school corps Mrs White and Miss
Thomson have resigned their positions
and that Supt Thomas is doing some
energbtic work to repair the conspicuous
rent in the teacher corps in time to
open school on timeannounced
A O U W Picnic September 23rd
A big A O U W picnic is on the
books for September 23rd at Cambridge
concerning which we will have more in
particular later
Home Cooking Exchange
All day Saturday September 5th at
Grannis store by ladies of Baptist
church Come and see us
Heating Stoves for Sale
One hard coal burner and two soft
coal burners Inquire of Mrs R B
Archibald for particulars
Those who can furnish board and
room to teachers or pupils will confer a
favor by notifying Supt G H Thomas
He will also be glad to learn of any who
may have employment for high school
boys and girls through the winter
The best line of school shoes we have
ever offered our trade The Bee Hive
CramDSi Your monev back
McConnells Blackberry
Colic Balsam fails to give relief
Brakoman T A Nash is sick and lay
ing off this week
Ivan Dickenson of Rod Cloud is a now
brakoman out of McCook
A new passing track has been laid be
tween Brush and Fort Morgan
Foreman Chester Walker of tho paint
gang was a Denver visitor closo of last
Conductor Moso Carmoney has gono
to Red Cloud to visit his parents a few
Walter Thorgrimson was up from
Lincoln over Sunday visiting tho homo
Brakeman and Mrs F A Henderson
are visiting a few days in eastorn part of
the state
J II Mooro and brother I D went
south Tuesday with a bunch of forty
horses for sale
Trainmaster Kenyon went down to
Wymore Tuesday night on 14 on com
pany business
Brakeman J J Barry has taken a lay
off of two weeks and gono over to Eldon
Iowa on a visit
John Eckhardt left Wednesday night
on No 6 for Wilton Junction Iowa
where he will locate
W D Sweet has been transferred
from the wipers gang to tho force of
helpers in the back shop
Switchman Worth Humphries and
wife of Oxford were guests of Brakeman
and Mrs C R Liggett Sunday
Resignatians from the night force
this week are II Kauffman G C
Calkins G A Vinson and II Slavin
The company has tho vitrified bricks
on hand for completing tho brick walk
in front of the depot and eating house
Fireman and MrsM S Jennings and
little daughter arrived homo from their
trip to Chicago Monday night on No 3
Conductor B L McCarl returned
closo of last week from his visit to Ex
celsior Springs Mo and other points
A B Covey is off duty with a severe
ly lacerated ankle and Brakeman G W
Beard has gono down to Holdrege to re
lieve him
Dispatcher J E Morrissey is now oc
cupying the Davis residence on North
Marshall street lately vacated by the
The night force has been increased
this week by the addition of O M
Melton E L Balwin M F Scott and
W O Shouse
Piecework Inspector W J Krauter
entertained a cousin from the Chicago
division of the Q the past week
Fireman William Webber
Will M Stoner resumed his position
in the storehouse first of the week per
haps as happy a man as the municipali
ty contained on account of his release
from quarantine
Engineer J H Moore has traded with
President V Franklin whereby Jack
gets Mr Franklins city residence and
the latter becomes owner of Jacks
ranch over on the Driftwood
George S Scott went over to May
wood after tho family Monday return
ing on Tuesday with the wife baby and
his father They are now comfortably
situated in the McCarl residence
Dispatcher and Mrs T B Campbell
were passengers on No 6 Friday night
last for Chicago to celebrate with
their son Harry his twenty first birth
day They arrived home on No 1
Tuesday afternoon
Engineer C G Franklin formerly of
our city was one of the participants in
a wreck on the Union Pacific last Fri
day near Brighton Colorado in which
it is stated a number of freight cars got
out of a sidetrack into a passenger
The old depot at Holdrege has been
moved east of the old location the
same has been raised and a platform
built to it and it will be utilized in the
future as a freight depot The coal
sheds at that place have been enlarged
and improved
Hugh B Campbell of the xMcCook
Imperial line has been transferred to
Lincoln as assistant transfer clerk and
J L For has been assigned to the run
going out for the first time on Friday
morning Mr and Mrs Campbell left
for Lincoln on No 2 Friday morning
While out hunting near St Francis
Kansas Monday Fred Hawley an ex
press messenger living here wa3 shot in
the back by the accidental discharge of
a gun in the hands of a companion
The ball however struck a rib and
glanced around coming out at the
front of the body The wound while
painful is not dangerous and it is ex
pected that he will be about again in a
short time In the meantime George
Sherwood is holding down his run on
the poliwog Oxford Standard
s bnska Stato Histor
teal Soiffv
Monday September 7th will bo labor
Tho kids all wnnt that big pencil tab
lot at tho Beo Hive
Commonwealch Barn Red choap but
good at McConnells
Hot and thirsty Got a champagno
phosphate at Cono Bros
Wo pay tho highest price for butter
and eggs at tho Beo Hivo
Mowors and rakes tho Deering of
course at W T Colemans
Two furnished rooms for rent to four
young men Mrs L R IIileman
Youll notice tho difference in quality
as well as price iu our hosiery Tho Beo
McMillen druggist has just received
a largo invoico of jardiners latest do
Three furnished rooms for rent In
quire of Mrs Sly North Manchester
Between 3000 and 4000 bushels of
wheat is boing daily marketed in Mc
Cook now
There is a dearth of carpenters in Mc
Cook just now which is retarding fall
improvements and building
The residue of tho Lowman stock of
goods will be packed tomorrow and ship
ped to Brownville for disposal
Tho steadily increasing patrons of Cono
Bros soda fountain is suro evidence of
tho superiority of tho beverages thoy
W W McMillen harness maker has
just received a large shipment of wagons
and buggies Learn his prices before
The funeral services of the child of
Rev J A Badcon will bo hold at tho
M E church Sunday morning at 11
Our shoes are all new nothing out of
style or season Repairing cheerfully
done when shoes aro defective at tho
Bee Hive
You will need a five hoe and disc drill
this season and as the demand will bo
great you had better call early at WT
Colemans and secure one
Read what Johnnie said to Pa in
James Cains advertisement elsewhere
in this issue It will interest and bene
fit you Do not overlook it
Fine line of wagons and buggies just
received by W W McMillen tho har
ness maker His prices are as attractive
as his stock Get them before buying
After a good seasons business in wall
paper we are now offering some marvel
ous bargains in our two room lots
Cone Bros
Buggies a new and large stock to
select from at W T Colemans You
get a good article there for a fair price
See his stock and get his quotations and
The Delhunty millinery storo ha3
been purchased by Miss Pearl Zint and
Miss Aimee Menard who have been in
charge of the stock since the departure
of Mrs Delhunty for the south
Six Russians recently bought an acre
of land from the McDonalds in South
McCook and now six new residences oc
cupy tho plat of land Jacob Schauer
mann has had a large addition built to
his house in that neighborhood
Tho contract for building the now
school house in district No 8 Driftwood
precinct this county has been let to
Hamilton Rector Tho building will
cost about a thousand dollars It is
hoped to have the same completed by
November first
The Ocean Wave washer is maintain
ing its marvelous reputation as a washer
without an equal W T Coleman sells
them and no one complains Those who
use them are loudest in their praise If
you need a washer dont fail to see thi3
one before you buy
The Cambridge Reunion
Big crowds and happy experiences
have characterized the days of the re
union at Cambridge this week Every
day had its program of amusements ad
dresses music and sports McCook and
Redwillow county have been largely and
enthusiastically represented in the at
tendance both by veterans their wives
and families and by those particularly
set on pleasure
You Want the Best
For your money and its your fault if
you dont get it Thats why you
should come to our market Our mar
ket supplies only the best Selected
meats too for those who want some
thing especially nice for the table Try
us Test us Marshs Meat Market
For Sale
An Edison Home Phonograph al
most new at a bargain Lock box 3S6