The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 14, 1903, Image 5

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L lief
jsrrtr -
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook - Nebraska I
Safe Always reliable Indies ask Drusglst for
Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Kefune dancerona nubitti
tntinnnand imitation Buy of your Druggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particular TeU
xuonlal and Relief Tor Xndica In letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold br
all Druggists
2100 SladUon Square FIIIIiA PA
Mention tMa paper
Dysentery Cured Without Aid of a Doctor
I am just up from a hard spell of the
flux dysentery says Mr T A Pinner
a well known merchant of Drummond
Tenn I used one small bottle of
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Kemedy and was cured without
having a doctor I consider it the best
cholera medicine in the world There
is no need of employing a doctor when
this remedy is used for no doctor can
prescribe a better medicine for bowel
complaint in any form either for children
or adults It never fails and is pleasant
to take For sale by L W McConnell
To Cure
a Cold In One Day
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure
E W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
Not Over Wise
There is an old allegorical picture of a
girl scared at a grass hopper but in the
act of heedlessly treading on a snake
This is paralleled by the man who spends
a largo sum of money building a cyclone
collar but neglects to provide his family
with a bottle of Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe
guard against bowol complaints whoso
victims outnumber those of a cyclone a
hundred to one This remedy is every
where recognized as the most prompt
and reliable medicine in use for these
diseases For 6ale by L W McConnell
Notice to Subscribers
After Septembor 1st the price of The
Omaha Daily News will be 8150 a year
Subscriptions will be received at the old
priceS100 a yearduring August
Mowers and rakes tho Deering of
course at W T Colemana
Mike Walsh
You will be
To see the prices at which
we are selling
Summer Shoes
We have just received 5 dozen
of that famous line made on the
special lasts and trimmed in all
the new and up-to-date colors
of vestings and velvets black
white and brass eyelets Eat
baby shoes that will fit feet you
never have been able to fit be
fore Please call and inspect the
line They are without an equal
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
r G
i 40
Butter 17
uye 35
low Rates West
Tho Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows
Denver Colo and return 12 June 1
to September 30
Colorado Springs Colo and return
1240 June 1 to September 30
Pueblo Colo and return 1365 June
1 to Septembor 30
Glen wood Springs Colo and return
2190 June 1 to September 30
Ogden Utah and return 2790 June
1 to September 30
Salt Lake City Utah and return
2790 June 1 to September 30
Ask the ticket agent for particulars
End of Bitter Fight
Two physicians had a long and stub
born fight with an abcess on my right
lung writes J G Hughes of DuPont
Ga and gavo me up Everybody
thought my time had come As a last
resort I tried Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption The benefit I received
was striking and 1 was on my feet in a
few days Now Ive entirely regained
my health It conquors all coughs
colds and throat and lung troubles
Guaranteed by L W McConnells drug
store Price 50c and 100 Trial bottles
Physician and Druggists
Ford Sturgeon a promineit drug
firm at Rocky Hill Station Ky -write
We are requested by Dr G B Singley
to send for Herbine for the benefit of
our customers We ordered three dozen
in December and we are glad to say
Herbine has given such great satisfac
tion that we have duplicated this order
three times and today we gave your
salesman another order We beg to say
Dr G B Snigley takes pleasure in
recommending Herbine 50c bottle at
A McMillens druggist
Coming as it does in tho busiest sea
son whena man can least afford to lose
time a sure and quick cure for diarrhoea
is very desirable Anyone who has given
it a trial will tell you that the quickest
surest and most pleasant medicine in
use for this disease is Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Theres no loss of time when it is used
as one or two doses of it will cure any
ordinary attack It never fails not even
in the most severe and dangerous cases
For sale by L W McConnell druggist
Then your liver isnt acting
well You suffer from bilious
ness constipation Ayers
Pills act directly on the liver
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill
Small doses cure ah drafts
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
H 1 j ii - - - in i
Every pair must be sold within three weeks
to make room for our fall stock which will
be the completest shown in McCook
Struck By An Engine
Republican City NebAug7 While
Henry BottJacob Bott and Frank Vout
section men in tho employ of the Bur
lington here woro returning from Alma
on a handcar last night they were struck
by an engino that was returning light
from McCook where sho had taken a
passonger train in the morning
Frank Vout had his right leg broken
in the thigh Jacob Bott had his left
hand hurt but not seriously and Henry
Bott escaped with a few bruises
The accident occurred near Alma on
what is known as tho Coffee farm on a
slight curve in tho track
The injured men were brought to Re
publican City at once where DrPenning
ton and Dr Garrison reduced the frac
ture and looked after their various
bruises Special to Lincoln Star
A Worm Killer
J A J Montgomery Puxico Wayne
Co Mo writes I have little twin
girls who have been bothered with
worms all their lives I tried every
thing to relieve them which failed until
I used Whites Cream Vermifuge the
first two doses brought four worms from
one of them the next two doses twelve
one of them measuring twelve inches
tho other child was only relieved of four
worms It is a most excellent medicine
Whites Cream Vermifuge is good for
children It not only destroys worms
it helps the child to perfect growth
wards off sickness 25c at A McMil
lens druggist
Captain Bender Is Here
Captain John Bender of the university
football team arrived in Lincoln Monday
and will stay until the opening of school
tho middle of September He has been
playing the baseball season with the
McCook team and recently resigned to
sign with the Lincoln Y M C A with
which team he will play until football
affairs at the university demand his un
divided attention From appearances
he is in the pink of condition and will be
in prime shape to lead the gridiron
heroes next fall Tuesdays Lincoln
Eat All You Want
Persons troubled with indigestion or
dyspepsia can eat all they want if will
take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure This rem
edy prepares the stomach for the- recep
tion retention digestion and assimila
tion of all of the wholesome food that
may be eaten and enables the digestive
organs to transform the same into the
kind of blood that gives health and
Sold by L W McConnell
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Aug 10 1903
Bute Nolsoh
Cooper Phillip J
Cook Joy
Cameron Will
Camron W D
Douglass C W
Fulton S C
Myers D C
Mclntyer A C
Van Cleave Honty
Bradball Thomas
Cook Dr Henry
Connor John
Colvert T Ii
Doherty Alva
Fox C J
Goddard Mrs M
Miller Lizzie
Parsons Otto
Welsh T E
White Mrs
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Watch For a Chill
However slight at this time of year
and in this climate it is the forerunner
of malaria A disposition to yawn and
an all tired out feeling even comes be
fore a chill Herbine by its prompt
stimulative action on the liver drives
the malarial germs out of the system
purifies the blood tones up the system
and restores health 50c at A McMil
lens druggist
A pleasant marriage ceremony will be
performed shortly after seven oclock
this evening by Rex Van Dyke Wight
of the Presbyterian church The con
tracting parties are Ernest Bradley son
of A W Bradley of Juniata and Miss
Minnie McCartney of the same place
They will be given a reception this even
ing by Mrs Will Brookley at whose
home she has been staying the last year
They depart for McCook on No 3 this
evening where they will visit with the
brides sister before going to Palisade
Nebraska their future home Hastings
Daily RepublicanSaturday August 8th
My boy when four years old was taken
with colic and cramps in his stomach
I sent for the doctor and he injected
morphine but the child kept getting
worse I then gave him half a teaspoon
f ul of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and in half an hour
he was sleeping and soon recovered F
L Wilkins Shell Lake Wis Mr Wil
kins is book keeper for the Shell Lake
Lumber Co For sale by L W Mc
Connell druggist
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readers of The Tribune
we have made arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them -in combination with The Tbibttne at
the following very low prices
Detroit Free Press 1 00
Leslies Weekly 4 00
Prairie Farmer - 1 00
Chicago Inter Ocean - 1 00
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00
New York Tribune 100
Demorests Magazine 1 00
Toledo Blade 1 OU
Nebraska Farmer 100
Iowa Homestead 100
Lincoln Journal 100
Campbells Soil Culture 1 00
New York World 100
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100
St Louis Republic 1 00
Kansas City Star 25
Farm and Home 100
Word and Works 1 00
1 50
1 40
1 50
1 5
1 75
1 50
1 65
1 75
1 20
1 70
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Neb
g Time Card
McCook Neb
No 0 Contral Time 1115 pm
2 540 am
12 820 am
14 055 r m
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p in
No 1 Mountain Time 1154 am
3 llV5pM
u 750pm
8i AM
No 178 arrives Mountain Time 730 p M
No 175do art8 700 am
Sleeping dining nnd reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets pold
and baggngo checked to uny point in tho United
States or Canada
For information limo tables maps nnd tick
ets call on or writo A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engine 90 is out of the shop
Machinist J B Bestle has quit the
Engine 341 left for Havelock Wed
Hugh J Hines is here from Chadron
en a visit
R M Douglass is visiting his folks
at Bloomington
Harry Chambers is a new helper in
the machine shop
D P Clouse is relieving Brooks on
the Oberlin branch
G W Bates is a new helper in the
boiler washer gang
Conductor and Mrs A G Bump are
visiting in Billings Montana
Conductor and Mrs L S Watson are
visiting her parents in Hastings
W P Forrester and Carl Schweighart
will leave tho service Saturday
Jake Schlngel has been promoted to
the switch engine in the local yard
Baby Converse is pounding- out
flies on George Castens anvil now
C S Bricker general piecework in
spector was at headquarters yesterday
Engine 231 is in the shop for an over
hauling Also 153 The 198 is just out
H C Smith is iu Holyoke relieving
the round house foreman who i absent
on a vacation
F W Calhoun has been transferred
from the paint gang to tho carpenter
force this week
Conductor T H Malen was an Ober
lin visitor Saturday and Sunday on a
mission tender
Conductor A G Bump had the mis
fortune to saw off the end of one of his
fingers recently
C H McBride visited his parents in
Holbrook and A L Brigner saw Oxford
relatives this week
Master Mechanic Archibald and party
returned home last night from their
trip and outing up in the Cody Toluca
Fred Irwin got a piece of steel in his
left arm above the wrist Wednesday
morning and is having quite a serious
time with his arm
Mrs J V OConnell is gradually
Rev R E Pogue of Danbury is in the
city today
Miss Jeannette Dutton is home on
a visit of a few weeks
W T Coleman arrived home first of
tho week from a short outing in Colo
Roy Isrel who is connected with
the Washington Star is in the city
Miss Claudia Hatcher came up from
Indianola last evening on 5 and is a
guest of the Misses Stangland
J A Yarger departed on 3last night
for Seottsbluff on a visit to his son
Oscar Burlington agent at that place
Erwin Hopt of Cambridge formerly
of the high school teachers corps is in
the city today witnessing the closing
scenes of Normal
C F Hosmer and Mrs C A Ham
mond uncle aud sister of Mrs H C
Cfapp arrived from Coopersville Mich
Thursday noon Mr Hosmer enters the
McCook Milling Cos service as sales
man and Mrs Hammond will visit her
sister awhile
Call For Bids
The building committee of district 8
Redwillow County Nebraska will re
ceive sealed bids for the construction of
a new school house for said district ac
cording to plans and specifications to be
seen at The McCook Tribune office
Said bids will by opened on Saturday
August 22nd 1903 A certified check
for 85000 must accompany each bid
Committee reserves right to reject any
and all bids JW Burtless
IH Wasson
W G Dutton
Building Committee
For Sale
The old school building in district 8
Redwillow county Nebraska will be
sold to the highest bidder for cash on
Saturday afternoon September 11 1903
at three oclock corner Main and Denni
son streets McGook Possession to be
given November 1st 1903 Terms 25
down and balance on securing possession
I H Wasson
W G Dutton
J W Burtless
Building Committee
Alliance 3
Grant 2
Heaver 5
Indianola 6
Bondville 4
Lebanon 4
Box Elder 2
Missouri Ridge 3
Coloman 2
North Valley 3
ains in
Are waiting for you We have cut the prices
on Wash Goods and all Thin Fabrics
20 Per Cent
and flore
Tis early yet for these goods right in the
midst of the season but we want to move
summer goods out quickly to make roota for
other goods
Phone 22 for Groceries
Stock always fresh and complete
was ft
Danbury 3
Perry 3
Driftwood 3
Red Willow 4
East Valley 3
Tyrone 3
Fritsch 4
Valley Grange 2
Gerver 3
Willow Grove lo
It is recommended that no proxies be allowed
in said convention but that the delegates pres
ent be authorized to cast the full vote of the
precinct represented by them It is further
recommended that the several voting precincts
hold their primary elections on Thursday the
13th day of August 1903 Done by order of the
counry central committee
R A Geeen Chairman
I M Smith Secretary
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health the
homej new books and on work
about the farm and garden
Jhe Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the New York
Sun and special cable of the New
YorK World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribute and
The Weeily Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 110
WS1AiS wss
July Mortgage Record
Farm filings 8 478500 releases 11
380452 City and town filings 12
507500 releases6 507500 Chat
tel filings 127 6201180 releases 19
Peoples Independent Party County
The Peoples Independent Party of Red Wil
low county is hereby called to meet in conven
tion at the court house in the city of McCook
on Saturday August 15 1003 at 11 oclock a m
for the purpose of placiDg in nomination candi
dates for tho following ofliccs to bo
voted for at the next general election to
held on tho 3rd day of November 1903 to
wit Ono county judge one clerk of the district
court ono sheriff one coroner one county treas
urer one county clerk one county surveyor one
county superintendent of public instruction
one county assessor one county commissioner
for the second commissioner district eight del
egates to the Peoples Independent Party state
convention delegates to the Fourteenth judicial
convention and for tho transaction of such
other business as may regularly come before the
convention The basis of representation of the
several precincts shall be the vote cast for Hon
John H Powers for secretary of state at the
general election held in the year 1002 giving one
delegate for each 15 votes or fraction thereof so
cast for the said John H Powers and one dele
gate at large for each precinct in the county
Said apportionment entitles the several vot
ing precincts to the following representation in
said convention
A little rain here this week
Manford Steel is helping in the eleva
tor this week
W V Miller is laid up with rheuma
tism this week
Mrs J C Lafferty and Miss Alice
Jones were elevator inspectorsthis wetlr
W E White has been disabled on
one side for a week rheumatism being
the cause
Miss Nellie Woods has been staying
with her sister Mrs J C Nelson while
he has been away at work
The prospect for a corn crop is fine
here If nothing happens there will be
a good demand for corn huskers this fall
Ernest Galusha did some mason work
in Danbury one day this week and
laid up with the toothache the- noxi
Ed Woods had the misfortune to fall
off a load of bundle wheat and ligbt
wrong end up while he was helping J
L Sims thresh
The Woods family gave an ice eresua
supper one night last week inviting
some of their friends in to spend tbg
evening and they all report a goodtiiae
The lumber that has been expected for
some time came last Monday and the
building of Powell Nilssons coal
sheds and W E Whites new house will
begin as soon as they can get some good
men to do the work
The fire that was set out in J C lal
fertys wheat field last week did not do
as much damage as it might Have The
boys did good work and cornered it on
Mose Weavers farm after it had burnt
about 10 acres for Lafferty and five acres
for Weaver
Official Order G A R
General order issued by Assistant Adjutant-General
W S Askwitb by the
command of Lee Estelle Department
Commander roads in part as follows
The official route will be via the Bur
lington to Denver Union Pacific to Og
den Southern Pacific to San Francisco
Headquarters train will leave Burling
ton station Omaha 410 p m Aogasfc
14th arriving at San Francisco 425 p
m August 17th
The Department Commander is de
sirous that as many as possible of tho
department officers delegates past com
manders comrades and friends accom
pany him on this train
Apply to Adjutant General WS Ask
with Omaha for further particulars or
to the Burlington agent
When you want a physic that is Biild
and gentle easy to take and certaio to
act always use Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets For sale by L W
McConnell druggist