The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 14, 1903, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
- Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R U I P A Lodo No C12 moots first nnd
third Thursdays of ench month McConnolls
hull 3ao p m E D IIuber President W S
Outer Secretary
lodgo No W7 moots on fecond and fourth Mon
dny oveniriBa of each month nt eight oclock in
McConuolI hall R W Devob Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
S62 meets fiocond nnd fourth Thursday after
noons nt230 oclock in McConnolls ball Mrs
Tiiao StrKPiiERD Oracle Mrb Augusta Anton
Republican County Ticket
County Clerk EJWILCOX
Trpnsuror B G GOSSARD
Clork of tho -District Court R WDEVOE
County Judtfe SLGREEN
Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCHER
County Assessor F P ENO
Commifasionor Second district
Republican State Convention
Tho republicans of tho state of Nobraska nro
hereby culled to meet in convention in tho city
of Lincoln on Tuesday August 18 1003 at two
oclock in tho afternoon for the purpose of
placing in nomination candidates for tho fol
lowing oilices to bo voted for at tho next gen
eral election to bo held in tho stato of Nebraska
November 3 1903 viz
Onojudgoof tho supremo court two Tegonts
of tho univorsity oT tho Btato of Nobraska and
for tho transaction of such other business as
may regularly come before said convention
Tho basis of representation of tho several
counties in said convention shall be the vote
cast for Hon John JI Mickoy for governor at
tho regular election held on November 4 1902
giving one dolegato for ench 100 votes or major
fraction thereof so cast for tho said John H
Mickey and onedelegate at largo for each county
Said apportionment entitles the several coun
ties to the following representation in tlio said
Chase 4 Dundy 4
Frontior 8 Furnas 12
Gosper 4 Hitchcock 4
Hayes 4 Red Willow 11
Total number of delegates 1051
It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed
in said convention but that thedelegatcs pres
ent thereat bo authorized to cast tho full vote of
the county represented by them
Notice is hereby given that oach of tho oven
numbered senatorial districts in tho state is to
select a member of the stato committee to serve
for tho term of two years
It is also tho sense nnd request of tho state
committee that at tho time delegates are chosen
to the coming state convention tho several
counties proceed to complete their county or
ganization for tho campaign of 1903 by tho se
lection of road district helpers precinct com
mitteemen nnd regular officers of each county
By order of tho stnto committee 1
H C Lindsay Chairman
A B Allen Secretnry
Fourteenth Judicial Convention
Tho Republicans of tho Fourteenth Judicial
District of Nebraska are hereby called to meet
in convention in the city of McCook Nebraska
Thursday afternoon September 17th 1903 at
two oclock for tho purpose of placing in nomi
nation a candidate for the office of judge of tho
Fourteenth District of Nebraska and for tho
transaction of such other business as may prop
erly come bofore that convention
Tho basis of representation of the soveral
counties of the district in said convention shall
bo tho voto cast for Hon J H Mickey in 1902
for the office of governor of tho state of Ne
braska giving ono delegate at large one dole
gato for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof
so cast Which apportionment entitles tho sov
eral counties of tho district to tho following
Chase 272 4
Dundy 292 4
Frontier 717 8
Furnas 1121 12
Gosper 335 4
Hajcs 2G6 4
Hitchcock 349 4
Red Willow 1012 11
Total No of delegates 51
It is recommended by tho committee that no
proxies be allowed in said convention but that
tho delegates present from each county bo al
lowed to cast the voto of said county
It was further recommended that the chair
man and secretary of tho committee bo tho
temporary chairman and secretary of tho con
H H Beery Chairman
F M Kimmell Secretary
McCook Nobraska June 19 1903
Republican papers of the district please copy
Nebraska has 11160 acres planted to
sugar beets this year And The Tri
bune has from the planters in this sec
tion of the state that the season so far
has been ideal and that the results to
the farmers cannot fail to be highly
In New Quarters
The McCook Electric Co people have
been compelled to change their location
and now will be found in The Model
Shoe Store where they will respond to
all calls from their patrons who will be
promptly served as usual
L You Want the Best
bor your money and its your fault if
you aont get it xnats wny you
should come to our market Our mar
ket supplies only the best Selected
meats too for those who want some
thing especially nice for the table Try
us Test us Marshs Meat Market
The Tribune Only 100 per year
I had a very severe sickness
that took off all my hair I pur
chased a bottle of Ayers Hair
Vigor and it brought all my hair
back again
W D Quinn Marseilles 111
One thing is certain
Ayers Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow This is
because it is a hair food
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows thats all there
is to it It stops falling
of the hair too and al
ways restores color to
gray hair
JICO a bottle All droRists
If your drngcist cannot supply- you
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express oflice Address
i J C AYER CO Lowell Mass
J ir
V - I
-In the forty two volumes that com
prise Voltaires works discussion may
bo found of tho widest range of topics
Fow men have been more diligent or
more versatile than ho H0 wrote his
tory and philosophy and fiction studies
critiques and essays dramas and poetry
and romances of varying lengths Of
all mon possibly he has been most
lauded and villified Here is Victor
Hugos tribute to tho great Frenchman
paid on the occasion of the ono hun
dredth anniversary of Voltaires death
A hundred years ago today a man
died He died immortal He departed
laden with years laden with work laden
with the most illustrious and the most
fearful of responsibilities the respon
sibility of the human conscience inform
ed and rectified He went cursed and
ble3sed cursed by tho past blessed by
the future and these are the two suberb
forms of glory On his death bed ho
had on the one hand the acclaim of
contemporaries and of posterity on the
other that triumph of hooting and of
hate which the implacable past bestows
upon those who have combated it He
was more than a man he was an age
ne had exercised a function and fulfilled
a mission Ho had been evidently chos
en for the work which he had done by
tho Supreme Will which manifests it
self as visibly in the laws of destiny as
in the laws of nature
It is impossible to say whether a mans
contemporaries are qualified to form a
just estimate of his characteror whether
the future alone is capable of apprecia
tion Every generation venerates the
past Wo know too well the faults of
those with whom wo live and whatever
their virtues we cannot set them on a
plain very much higher than our own
Distance obliterates the imperfections
and memories like wine improve with
age A change takes place the nature
of which we do not accurately know
As time absorbs the poison in the wine
as good prevails over evil so the faults
in the jnan that was are forgotten and
a superior being remains We do not
necessarily exaggerate the dead mans
virtues We merely lose sight of his
unadmirable qualities
All men of a positive nature have en
emies Voltaire althongh well hated
in his day had his staunch friends too
as all worthy men have Not even his
detractors could question his genius
As the years have gone by we seem
somehow to have come to a better under
standing of one another and Voltaire
who in his lifetime was expelled from
tho brotherhood of men has been re
adopted and acknowledged to be one of
the foremost of his race
Wedding- of William Fowler
Miss Grace Lytle of Monroe Wis and
Mr William C Fowler a well known
young man of Englewood active in En
glewood Baptist church circles were
married at high noon yesterday at the
home of Mrv and Mrs Henry Wilson
3210 South Park avenue Rev Myron
W Haynespastor of the Belden Avenue
Baptist church officiated in the presence
of relatives and a few intimate friends
The decorations were in pink and white
After a dainty luncheon Mr and Mrs
Fowler left for a trip on the lakes and
will be at home after September 1st at
6953 Eggleston avenue Chicago South
Side Daily Sun July 30th
Medicine Effected Her Heart
Mrs J S McBrayer considers she
had a pretty close call for her life last
Saturday Suffering with cholera mor
bus she took two half doses of Chamber
Iains colic cholera and diarrhoea rem
edy Mrs McBrayer is the possessor of
of an enfeebled heart and soon began to
realize she was losing consciousness A
physician was summoned and worked
over her for a number of hours She
was not able to be out of bed until
Sunday forehoon Mr McBraver
was called home arriving on Sunday
She is as well as usual at this writing
By Wireless Telegraph
The Block Island Wireless published
at Block Island R I of Tuesday Au
gust 11th announces among the hotel
arrivals J Frank Welsh and family of
Providence R I and Hugh W Cole
and family of Geneseo 111 Frank Welsh
was in the secretary of states office dur
ing John C Allens regime and the
Coles will be remembered as late citizens
of McCook The Wireless is one of the
only two dailies in the world using wire
less telegraph specials
Miss Jessie Bishop Married
Miss Jessie Bishop of our city and Mr
Charlie Shaw of Denver were united in
marriage Wednesday of last week
August 12 The ceremony was perform
ed in Denver where the young people
will make their home
Ladies 75c black mercerized waists
now 55c at The Thompson Dry Goods
Cos removal sale
Boys 300 3 piece suits now 199 at
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos removal
20 cent linen towels now 14c at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos removal sale
500 portiere curtains now 369 at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos removal sale
TC o x - - 7 r - r - -
Christian Sunday school at 10 No
preaching services morning or
Congregational Usual services next
Sunday morning and evening All are
invited Frank W Dean Pastor
Baptist All services at the usual
hours Sweet singing All welcome
O R Betts Pastor
Catholic -Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sabbath school at 10 a
ra Preaching by the pastor at 11 a m
followed by the sacrament of the Lords
supper Rev W E Hardaway will
preach at 8 p m LH Shumate
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
tho month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 Tho third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
Episcopal There will be a celebra
tion of the Holy Communion at St Al
bans church at 8 a m
E R Earle Rector
Awls Trip The Light Fantastic
About twenty five Awl Os and lady
guests participated in a dance in the
store room vacated by Miss Lowman
Monday evening
The dance opened with a grand march
which comported with the adjective
Then followed the regular program of
waltzes two and fivo steps
Miss Pearl Zint lead the orchestra
which arrived in state at the ball room
in a baby buggy
The ball room was attractive in many
and beautiful decorations An arc light
illumined the hall and a great red wreath
trimmed with holly was pendant at the
rear of the hall The floor was smoothly
waxed tho doors and windows were
tastefully screened in pretty designs
Delicious lemonade was served from
a large punch bowl in dainty china cups
by Misses Julia Ryan and Nellie Smith
the beverage being aided and abetted
by delicate cup cakes and cookies
Twas midnight when the Awls dis
persed Zobe
Baggagemen To Handle Mail
Washington Aug 10 Postmaster
General Payne has decided to make thb
experiment of hiring baggagemen on
trains which are not provided with mail
clerks to take charge of and deliver open
newspaper mail This decision has been
reached after much consideration and in
response to a petition filed by many of
the leading newspaper publishers of the
the country who asked the postoffice
department to provide facilities for dis
tributing open bundles of papers along
the lines from trains which carr only
closed pouches The plan contemplates
that the baggagemasters shall be sworn
in as postoffice department employes
and be paid for their services It is esti
mated that the costof the service through
the baggagemen will be much less than
if postoffice employes were supplied for
all such trains
Redwillow County Leads Them All
The crop report for August issued
by the state on the first instant credits
Redwillow county with the highest esti
mated average yield per acre of wheat
namely26 bushels The condition of corn
is placed at 78 per cent and that of oats
at 91 The acreage of the principal
crops is given as follows Redwillow
county winter wheat 55488 acres
spring wheat 13932 rye 15701 corn
55775 oats 722 barley 1507 millet
733 alfalfa 7795 In live stock the
county is credited as follows Cattle
18610 hogs 10813 sheep 1481 horses
and mules 5667
The Tribune finds so far as it has
been able to secure reports from the
threshing operations over the country
that the estimated yield of wheat will
hold out
What You Like
Just the meat you like in just the way
you like it Fine firm and tender beef
young lamb clean and sweet pork
smoked and salt meats Whether you
order from home or come personally your
orders are given our best consideration
and we gurrantee that you will be satis
fied Paul Anton
Any sunbonnet for exactly half price
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos re
moval sale
Indigestion Causes
Gatarrfo of the
For many years It has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
tho juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kdo Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles enhr Regular size 1 00 holding 2H times
the trial size which sells for SO cents
Prepared by E O DoWITT CO Chicago 1IL
Done In Rhyme by Onewhowastbere
The now famous baseball game atRed
willow last Sunday is thus hung in tho
gallery of famo by tho Bardess of Hend
Tho day was an ideal one
The grounds were in tho shade
Pillows served as buses
Ono a chost protector made
HoIdrcRO was tho visiting team
So McCook wont to tho field
And seeing tho mon they had to play
Resolved to boat not yield
Their battery was a strong one
Altho thoir hands woro tender
Miss Mart played EddioMoore
Miss Vastine played John Bonder
John Bender made uch killing signs
And Eddie threw such curves
They struck out Holdrego right and loft
Twas trying on their nerves
Miss RowolI Littlo Willie
In tho first part of tho game
Played first as only Willie can
But soon grew slightly lame
So down to right field she wont
And Miss Smith or rather Schopp
Came up to first and nobly pluyed
And almost every ball did stop
Miss McCarl played second base
As Bob Gaines she was a dandy
She did not catch a single ball
But well none of them camo handy
Miss Zint ns Snapper played third base
As captain sho was grand
And gazing back while at the bat
Mado goo goo oyos at the grand stand
Miss Brady alias Dusty Rhodes
Played short stop to a T
Aud if the balls she could not reach
She always lot them be
Miss Hager Baby Converse was
She played loft field just right
She said sho couldnt catch a ball
That went clear out of sight
Miss Fuller played the centor
As Zobe she was a peach
Sim never missed a single ball
That came within her reach
Twas Holdrego one two three and out
For McCook twas lots of fun
Theaudicnce cheered to beat the band
When Moore made his home run
John Bender just began to think
That Holdrego was quite bum
When a foul just hot from off the bat
Struck Twistah on tho thumb
The scores were counting up so fast
They really had to quit
And Bobbie clasped Babo byftho hand
And said I guess were it
So the game was never finished
Because it grew so late
But McCook was in the lead
The score 13 to 8
Death ot George Brening
After a long illness George Brening
late of Shepherd Brening died on
Wednesday August 12th at about one
oclock The funeral services were con
ducted by Rev G L Henkleman in
the German Congregational church a
large number of relatives and friends
filling the church Burial followed in
Riverview cemetery
The deceased was highly esteemed by
all who knew him and the bereaved
father and brothers have much sym
pathy in their sorrow
Mrs Bigelows China Studio Opening
Many ladies attended the opening by
Mrs E M Bigelow of her china studio
Tuesday afternoon 2 to 9 oclock and
they were highly pleased with the artis
tic showing made in china in the num
erous articles exhibited Incidentally
there was a handsome display of fine
needlework Mrs Oscar Hammond as
sisted during the afternoon serving
Those Who Buy
our meats and fish get the best the very
best we can procure In fish you get
the freshest and we give you the advan
tage of the best price possible We
handle all meats and prepare them for
you in the best and cleanest way You
can always get your choice cuts here
Let us have an order from you for prompt
delivery Marshs Meat Market
Strayed or Stolen
From my pasture one half mile south
of town a three-year-old bay mare Has
left ear split Reward for return or in
formation as to whereabouts
John Schmidt
DeWitt Griffiths of Wisconsin bought
the R J Traphagan farm in Coleman
precinct today Some of Uncle Billys
work Mr Griffiths will move on the
farm in January
Hamilton Rector are doing the car
penter work on the new store building
of The Thompson Dry Goods Co
The Degree of Honor en joyed a spread
Tuesday evening at the lodge room
To Preserve Wlssahlckoft monastery
Efforts are to be made by Philadel
phia people to preserve the old mon
astery near Wissahickon The mon
astery was constructed by the Seventh
Day Baptists when they were an order
and dates back a century and a half
It is of great historic interest but has
fallen into declay since the decline of
the orders by which it was once In
Information Complete
Chicago Tribune You remember
Mtac worthless little cousin of mine
jrou knew ten years ago Well hes
flapt Harkness now
United States service Salvation
army or baseball club
A Plausible
Hixon I -wonder
managed to live to
Dixon Probably
were no bacteria and
ilj rtav
how Methuselah
such a ripe old
because there
disease germs In
Diamonds Clothing Store
We are compelled to offer in order to raise money by
September ist to enable us to meet the payment for the
building we occupy therefore please read the following care
fully It will be to your advantage Any article in the store
which includes
Clothing Shoes Hats Shirts Working -Clothes
Trunks Valises and Furnishing Goods
will be Sold at a Sacrifice
are a
Is a germ disease of the intestines
The cholera bacteria finds its way
into the animal through the drinking
water or filth passing into the stom
ach and finally down along the intes
tines it sets up fermentation and from
there filters through the blood liver
and other organs
Hog cholera cannot be treated suc
cessfully unless treatment is com
menced before the germ has reached
the period of rapid multiplication If
taken in time it can be cured and in
all cases prevented by the use of
Liquid Koal because it is the only
known germicide that will pass
through the stomach into the intes
tines and from there into the blood
nermeafciner the whole svstem and
still retain its germ killing properties
All other so called cholera cures lose
their potency by the acid reaction of
the gastric juices of the stomach
hence have no value
Read What Other Says
Parker S D Dec 6 1902
To whom it may concern
I have used L K for my hogs and can
cheerfully recommend it to be all that is
claimed a thorough germ and worm de
stroyer and a good appetizer
J J Roberts
Wansa Neb Dec 16 1502
Have used Liquid Koal for nearly a year
and find it an excellent article to keep hogs
in a healthy condition and as an appetizer
it has no equal Albert Anderson
One Quart Can S100
One Gallon 3 00
A 25c 32 patre Book on Germ Diseases of
Animals sent free on application
Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
iw of the Many Reductions
The Finest Custom -Made Suits
Price now 1 8 oo will be sold
up to September ist for
Price now 1000 will be sold - N
up to September ist for
Price now 600 strictly all wool will
be sold up to September ist for
Boys Suits
From 5 to 13 years t ff
September ist for only
Mens Pants
5 grade up to Sept 1 250
Strictly all wool Pants 150
Dress Shirts
A limited quantity of 75c ones sizes 14 to 77ir pOfh
17 no 1 5 we are offering for 2
All our 125 and 150 Gold and Silver brand shirts Geo
P Ide Co go up to n toVU
- m H J I II
Remember we carry the best line of Childrens School
Shoes in McCook a present to each child while they last
Come early and secure anything you need in our line it will
be a great saving to you Yours for trade
Dwelling House for Sale
My residence property in McCook lot
16 block S original McCook Address
J L Gray
528 W 69th st Chicago III
5a riiiu
nc 7sTP ypvVvj
WWMri v J J xr A4 b Mir rXi
The Scientific Germ Killer
It contains every antiseptic known
to science
Hog Cholera
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
All Calls For The
4 W
Answered by the
Will make all trains and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city
W H Ackerman
McCook Nebraska
rEsgrjjnp jyLxyzjjLjipjm -V
2 Phiitihor cinrl
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pin Rr3
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmlnrrc
Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse
Windmills Basement of the Mpvr
Phillips Building
f tr