The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 07, 1903, Image 5

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l A
W fc If Bis
We have just received 25 dozen
of fhat famous line made on the
special lasts and trimmed in all
the new and up-to-date colors
of vestings and velvets black
white and brass eyelets Fat
baby shoes that will fit feet you
never have been able to lit be
fore Please call and inspect the
line They are without an equal
A Piano at a Nominal Price
Chicagos lnrgcst music house Lyon Hqaly
announces n CIcnring Sale of Pianos This is
owing to tho fact that thoir warorooms are be
ing entirely romodolod Sovoral hundred In
struments aro offered without reserve until all
nrosold In this stock nro a number of Stoni
way and Knabo pinnos and now nnd second
hand pianos including instruments of the fol
lowing well known makes Miller Masou
Hamlin Hazolton McPhail Sterling Hunting
ton Voso Fischer Weber Chickenng otc otc
In Squnro Pianos thoro are lino toned instru
ments nt 25 10 G0 and upwards In Upright
Pianos neat instruments at 100 120 140 150
SICS 100 200 In Baby Grands some nice spec
imens at 27 and upwards Nearly all theso
pianos were intended to sell for much morothan
theso clearing sale prices Lyon Healy will
send n list and full particulars upon applica
tion Any piuno not proving entirely satisfac
tory may ho returned at thoir expense Address
Lyon t nealy 1 Adams St Chicago Distanco
is no obstacle in taking advantage of this ro
mnrkablo chance to obtain a piano for m pro
portion to tho saving to bo made tho freight
charges nro insignificant If you do not already
know Lyon Healv by reputation any banker
will nssuro vou of their entire responsibility
nnd record of forty years of honorable dealing
Writo at your early convonionco to as to avoid
Mike Walsh
and EGGS-
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook - Nebraska
Sfu I
Safe Always reliable Ladle ask Druggist for
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Talie no other Rcfune dangerous Kubttll
tntionsand Imitation Buy of your Druggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi
monials and Relief for tadles in letter
by return tlnil 10000 Testimonials Sold by
oil Druggists
2100 Madison Square PIIIIiA PA
Mention this paper
The Rocky Mountain News
Morning and Sunday
The Denver Times
Afternoon and Evening
Tho groat Representative Nowspaiers of tho
Rocky Mountain States and Territories All
the News of all the world Illustrations Car
toons Special Features etc etc
The News The Times
Per month 0
Per year 900
Sunday only year 250
Weekly News and
rVilnrniln WVkl
Times corabind 100
Per month 045
Per year 520
With Sunday News
per month 62
With Sunday News
per year 780
The Times News Pub Co Denver Colo
low Rates West
The Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows
Denver Colo and return 12 Juno 1
to September 30
Colorado Springs Colo and return
1240 Juno 1 to September 30
Pueblo Colo and return 13G5 June
1 to September 30
Glenwood Springs Colo and return
2190 Juno 1 to September 30
Ogden Utah and return 2790 June
1 to September 30
Salt Lake City Utah and return
2790 June 1 to September 30
Ask the ticket agent for particulars
End of Bitter Fight
Two physicians had a long and stub
born fight with an abcess on my right
lung writes J G Hughes of DuPont
Ga and gave me up Everybody
thought my time had come As a last
resort I tried Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption The benefitl received
was striking and I was on my feet in a
few days Now Ive entirely regained
my health It conquors all coughs
colds and throat and lung troubles
Guaranteed by L W McConnells drug
store Price 50c and 100 Trial bottles
Physician and Druggists
Ford Sturgeon a prominent drug
firm at Rocky Hill Station Ky write
We are requested by Dr G B Singley
to send for Herbino for the benefit of
our customers We ordered three dozen
in December and we are glad to say
Herbine has given such great satisfac
tion that we have duplicated this order
three times and today we gave your
salesman another order We beg to say
Dr G B Snigley takes pleasure in
recommending Herbine 50c bottle at
A McMillens druggist
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E W Groves signa
ture is on each box 2ac
Coming as it does in the busiest sea
son when a man can least afford to lose
time a sure and quick cure for diarrhoea
is very desirable Anyone who has given
it a trial will tell you that the quickest
surest and most pleasant medicine in
use for this disease is Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
There is no loss of time when it is used
as one or two doses of it will cure any
ordinary attack It never fails not even
in the most severe and dangerous cases
For sale by L W McConnell druggist
Your Tongue
If its coated your stomach
is bad your liver is out of
order Ayers Pills will clean
your tongue cure your dys
pepsia make your liver right
Easy to take easy to operate
25c AH druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or ncn DiacK v xnen use
UUUrVI MUtiniM O uiL
DiiniiMnunnBO nvcfor the
50 cts or Druggists or R P Hail A Co Nmhia N H
You will be
To see the prices at which
we are selling
Summer Shoes
Every pair must be sold within three weeks
to make room for our fall stock which will
be the completest shown in McCook
mi jmuwjWJJUJMuaBnn
W E Starr was seen oh our street
Monday r
Mrs McCord visited friends at Bart
loy Sunday
Oscar Lohr of Bartley was nn Indian
ola visitor Saturday
Mr and Mrs Hopwood havo returned
to their homo in Iowa
Mr Marion Powell of Lincoln was in
town on business Tuesday
Mrs Kitty Holmes returned to her
home in New York this week
Sadie McNiol visited a day last week
at McCook with Nellio Andrews
Edith Smith went up to McCook
Tuesday returning Thursday morning
Mr Silvernail and family havo moved
on tho George Smith place north of
Mrs Riley Hadloy has adopted a six
weeks old baby girl from the home at
Mrs Krieger and little girl of Mc
Cook visited Sunday with her sister
Mrs Jake Kern
Nellie Andrews of McCook came
down on No 12 Saturday morning to
visit with friends
Mrs Sherman who has been visiting
her son Ed at Alliance returned homo
Saturday morning
The Misses Maud and Edith Allen
went up to McCook Sunday evening
to attend the Normal
Mrs Silvernails brother and family
came in from Lincoln on No 5 Monday
evening for a short visit
May Moore returned home last week
from Wilsonville where she has been
visiting her sister Birdie Davis
Mrs Will Green returned home Satur
day evening from the eastern part of
the state where she has been visiting
for some time
Mr Shaffer who has been pharmacist
in Fred Duckworths drug store for
some time returned last Monday to his
homo in Lincoln
The Misses Ida and Clarissa Dolan
Vonnie McDonnell and Carrie Harrison
attended tho special Catholic services
in Cambridge Monday
Mrs Shirley and children of Grand
Island who was called here a few weeks
ago by the illness and death of her father
returned home Saturday morning
Miss Florence Moore sister of Frank
Moore of this place who is a deaconess
from Chicago gave an interesting talk
at the Methodist church Sunday morn
Floyd tho seventeen months old baby
of Jake Kern died Wednesday morning
at four oclock aftera lingering illness
The remains were taken to McCook for
Rob Gotschall of Missouri Ridge for
merly Engineer in the flour mill at this
place and Miss Sophia Brown of the
Ridge were united in marriage a week
ago Sunday
Ed Brown of Baring Missouri who
has been visiting his brother John of
nearDanbury for the last few weeks
returned home Saturday morning from
this place on No 2
Lulu McNiel came home from Has
tings Saturday evening where she has
been visiting relatives for tho past
month She was accompanied home by
her two cousins Jennie and Lucy Wis
A farewell party was tendered to Miss
Edith Smith at her home Thursday
evening About twenty five young peo
ple were present Games and music
were indulged in until a late hour when
refreshments were served Miss Edith
intends to accompany her sister Mrs I
S Walker to her home in Oklahoma in
a short time
Suicide Prevented
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide has been discover
ed will interest many A run down sys
tem or despondency invariably precede
suicide and something has been found
that will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely At the first thought
of self destruction take Electric Bitters
It being a gieat tonic and nervine will
strengthen the nerves and build up the
system Its also a great stomach liver
and kidney regulater Only 50c Satis
faction guaranteed by LW McConnell
Watch For a Chill
However slight at this time of year
and in this climate it is the forerunner
of malaria A disposition to yawn and
an all tired out feeling even comes be
fore a chill Herbine by its prompt
stimulative action on the liver drives
the malarial germs out of the system
purifies the blood tones up the system
and restores health 50c at A McMil
lens druggist
A Surgical Operation
is always dangerous do not submit to
the surgeons knife until you have tried
DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve It will
else fails it
cure you when everything
has done it in thousands of cases Here
is one of them I suffered from bleeding
and protruding piles for twenty years
Was treated by different specialists and
used many remedies but obtained no
relief until I used DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve Two boxes of this salve
cured me eighteen months ago and I
have not had a touch of the piles since
H A Tisdale Sunmerton S O For
blind bleeding itching and protruding
piles no remedy equals DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve S WMcConnell druggist-
Mrs Richmond was very sick with
pleurisy last Friday
Ernio Shoemaker is working in tho
elevator for Mr Parish
Mrs E E Smith had a severo attack
of cholera morbus Sunday
Ginther Sons are threshing for thoir
engineer Frank Hodgkin this week
Mr Lyman and Mr Miller were on
tho sick list tho latter part of last week
Sam Clark and John Clouso havo sold
several new wagons to tho prosperous
Messrs Gregory Blackson and Promer
took out a fine threshing outfit Tuesday
Doctors Hathorn and Brown were In
dianola visitors Wednesday oxamining
Miss Mildred Hodgkin spent nfew days
of this week in town with her sister Mrs
Ira Ritchie
Miss Irene Epperly went up to Indian
ola Tuesday evening for a few days
visit with her sister
The Epworth League will give an ice
cream social at tho M E church Fri
day evening August 7
Mr Haining is threshing for Dane
Fletcher at present Ira Ritchie is en
gineering for Mr Haining
Mr and Mrs Fern who have been vis
iting with tho parents of Mrs Fern re
turned to their home in Colorado this
All grain threshed is of good quality
nnd the yield extra good Volunteer
wheat is yielding from 25 to 30 bushels
per acre
Prof Galiton is hero and will bo ready
to take charge of our school August 31
The professor comes highly recommnnd
ed and wo predict a successful school
Mrs Myrtle Keys returned from In
dianola Sunday morning Her sister
Mrs McCord with whom she had been
visiting accompanied her and spent the
day with her home folks
Richmond Tinnis Co started their
thresher Wednesday and it is doing
fine work Jarues Finnegan is engineer
and Messrs Tinuis and Fawson exper
ienced threshers and we predict they
will make a successful run
A surprise party in honor of Miss Lulu
Shoemaker was given Saturday night
at tho home of her parents Mr and Mrs
E E Shoemaker Quite a number of
the young ladys companions were pres
ent nnc y report a very pleasant time
Dysentery Cured Without the Aid of a
I am just up from a hard spell of the
flux dysentery says Mr T A Pinner
a weil known merchant of Drummond
Tenn I used one small bottle of
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy and was cured without
having a doctor I consider it the best
cholera medicine in the world There
is no need of employing a doctor when
this remedy is used for no doctor can
prescribe a better medicine for bowel
complaint in any form either for children
or adults It never fails and is pleasant
to take For sale by L W McConnell
Corn is needing rain
Mr Al Clark is threshing for A T
Fred Satchell is going with the Clark
threshing machine
Miss Florence Younger is attending
institute this week
Will and Paul Stone are going with
G N Hendersons machine
Ella Johnson is spending the week
with her aunt Mrs T M Campbell
The Misses Ritchey who have been
visiting relatives in this neighborhood
departed last Thursday night for
Nearly everyone we meet is looking
for hands and they are hard to find for
all have plenty of work of their own
this year
Mrs Martha Johnson and daughter
Eliza are now visiting their son and
brother H W Johnson at Perry Okla
Not Over Wise
There is an old allegorical picture of a
girl scared at a grass hopper but in the
act of heedlessly treading on a snake
This is paralleled by the man who spends
a large sum of money building a cyclone
cellar but neglects to provide his family
with a bottle of Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe
guard against bowel complaints whose
victims outnumber those of a cyclone a
hundred to one This remedy is every
where recognized as the most prompt
and reliable medicine in use for these
diseases For saleby L W McConnell
di uggist
We like best to call
a food because it stands so
phatically for perfect nutrition
And yet in the matter of
5 ing appetite of giving new
strength to the tissues especially
to the nerves its action is that
of a medicine
v Send for free sample
6 SCOTT BOWNE Chemists
A 49 4S eax Street New York
v 50candSxoo all druggists
Are waiting for you We have cut the prices
on Wash Goods and all Thin Fabrics
20 Per Cent
and flore
Tis early yet for these pods right in the
midst of the season but we want to move
summer goods out quickly to make room for
other goods
Phone 22 for Groceries
Stock always fresh and complete
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health the
home new books and on work
about the farm and garden
was ft
The Weekly Inter Ocean
IIs a member of the Associated
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the New York
Sun and special cable of the New
YorK World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribuice and
TheWeeily Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 140
A Parrot Can Talk
But you cant depend on what it says
being true Its different at Marshs
meat market Their meats talk and
nothing talks truer than the good article
Peoples Independent Party County
ThoPeoplos Independent Party of Red bil
low county is hereby called to meet in conven
tion at the court house in the city of McCook
on Saturday August 15 1903 nt 11 oclock a m
for the purpose of plactnn in nomination candi
dates for the following offices to bo
voted for at tho next general election to
held on the 3rd day of November 1903 to
wit One county judge one clerk of the district
court one sheriff one coroner one county treas
urer one county clerk ono county surveyor ono
county superintendent of public instruction
one county assessor ono county commissioner
for the second commissioner district eight del
egates to the Peoples Independent Party state
convention delegates to tho Fourteenth judicial
convention and for the transaction of such
other business as may regularly come before the
convention The basis of representation of tho
several precincts shall be the vote cast for Hon
John H Powers for secretary of state at the
general election held in the year 1902 giving ono
delegate for each 15 votes or fraction thereof so
cast for the said John H Powers and one dele
gate at large for each precinct iu the county
Snirt nnnortionment entitles tho several vot
ing precincts to the following representation in
said convention
Alliance 3 Danhury 3
Grant 2 Perry 3
Beaver 5 Driftwood 3
Indianola G Red Willow 4
Bondville 4 East Valley 3
Lebanon 4 Tyrone 3
BoxElder 2 Fritsch 4
Missouri Ridge 3 Valley Grange I
Coleman 2 Gerver 3
North Valley 3 Willow Grove lo
It is recommended that no proxies be allowed
in said convention but that the delegates pres
ent bo authorized to cast the full vote of the
precinct represented by thdm It is further
recommended that tho several voting precincts
hold their primary elections on Thursday the
13th day of August 1903 Done by order of the
counry central committee
R A Geeen Chairman
I M Smith Secretary
Official Order G A R
General order issued by Assistant Adjutant-General
W S Askwith by thi
command of Lee Estclle Department
Commander roads in part as follows-
uThe official route will bo via the Bur
lington to Denver Union Pacific to Oy
den Southern Pacific to San Francisco
Headquarters train will leave Burling
ton station Omaha 410 p m August
14th arriving at San Francisco 425 pi
rn August 17th
The Department Commander is de
sirous that as many as possible of tho
department officers delegates past com
manders comrades and friends accom
pany him on this train
Apply to Adjutant General WS Ask
with Omaha for further particulars or
to the Burlington agent
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn S
Eggs lii
Butter 3 7i3
Bye 3
Co Operative Building and
Savings Association
of McCook Xeb on the 30th day of June
First mortgage loans MjO f31
Stock loans 2575 tCrt
Realestate 75 15s
Cash bZSits
Delinquent dups 10 Ws
Expenses and taxes paid 129 JS
Other assets 61 S
Total 13670
Capital stock paid up 4329 7J
Reserve fund 117 ST
Undivided profits i3 a-
Due shareholders on incomplete loans 1035 S
Other liabilities 1279 ZiX
Total S45670 92
Receipts and expenditures for the year endlnjr
June 10CKJ
Balance on hand July 1 1P02 S 472 Kv
Dnes HOT
Interest premiums and fine3 2pS -
Loans repaid 725tt
Rents 2ar
Total 23417 7IV
Loans - iy195 Ut
Expenses 5GS bl
Stock redeemed Iw5 -45
Cash on hand 25 itt
Matured stock paid 201 4
Realestate -- 6f3
Tax sale certificate 61 Ei
Total 2U1X7
State of Nebraska Red Willow county s
I A Pennell secretary of the above Damni
association do solemnly swear that the fore
going statement of the condition of said aav
ciation i3 true and correct to the bes t of
knowledge and belief F A Pej ell
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Srft
dy of July 1KB H Botlk
Approved Notary Public
T B Campbell
W B Mills Directors
J J Gabrabd