The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 07, 1903, Image 4

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tffce JBcCook pirn
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lodge No 012 moots first and
third Thursdays of each month McConnolls
hall 830 p in E B Huiieb President W S
Gutee Secretary
lodge No 307 moots on rocond and fourth Mon
day ovenincB of each month at eight oclock in
McConnoll hall R W Devok Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
802 meets second and ionrth Thursday after
noons nt2 30 oclock in McConnolls hall Mes
Tua Sheiheud Oracle Mns Augusta Anton
Republican County Ticket
County Clerk EJWILCOX
Treasurer B Q QOSSARD
Clork of the District Court R WDEVOE
County Judge SLGREEN
Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCHER
County Assessor F PENO
Commissioner Second district
Republican State Convention
The republicans of tho state of Nobraska are
horeby called to meet in convention in tho city
of Lincoln on Tuesday August 18 1903 at two
oclck in the afternoon for tho purpose of
in nomination candidates for tho fol
owing oillccs to bo voted for at tho next gen
eral election to bo held in the stato of Nebraska
November 3 1003 viz
Ono judge of tho supremo court two regents
of the university of tho state of Nobraska and
for tho transaction of such other business as
may regularly come boforo said convention
Tho basis of representation of the several
counties in said convention shall bo the vote
cast for Hon John H Mickey for governor at
the regular election held on November 4 1002
giving ono delegate for each 100 votes or major
fraction thereof so cast for tho said John H
Mickey and onodologa teat largo for each county
Said apportionment entitles the several coun
ties to tho following representation in tho said
Chaso 4 Dundy 4
Frontior 8 Furnas 12
Gospor 4 Hitchcock 4
Hayes 4 Red Willow 11
Total number of delegates 1051
It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed
in said convention but that the delegates pres
ent thereat bo authorized to cast the full voto of
the county represented by them
Notico is hereby given that each of tho oven
numbered sonatorial districts in tho state is to
select a member of the stato committee to servo
for tho term of two years
It is also tho senso nnd request of the stato
committee that at the time delegates are chosen
to tho coming state convention the sovoral
counties proceed to complete their county or
ganization for tho campaign of 1903 by tho go
lection of road district helpers precinct com
mitteemen and regular offlcors of each county
By order of tho state committee
H C Lindsay Chairman
A B Allen Secretary
Fourteenth Judicial Convention
The Republicans of the Fourteenth Judicial
District of Nobraska are hereby called to meet
in convention in tho city of McCook Nebraska
Thursday afternoon September 17th 1903 at
two oclock for tho purpose of placing in nomi
nation a candidate for tho office of judge of the
Fourteenth District of Nebraska and for the
transaction of such other business as may prop
erly como before that convention
Tho basis of representation of tho several
counties of the district in said convention shall
be tho voto cast fur Hon J H Mickey in 1902
for tho ofliqo of governor of the state of Ne
braska giving one delegate at large one dele
gate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof
so cast Which apportionment entitles the sev
eral counties of tho district to the following
Chaso 272 4
Dundy 292 4
Frontier 717 8
Furnas 1121 12
Gosper 335 4
Hayes 266 4
Hitchcock 349 4
Red Willow 101211
Total No of delegates 51
It is recommended by tho committee that no
proxies be allowed in said convention but that
the delegates present from each county bo al
lowed to cast tho voto of said county
It was further recommended that tho chair
man and secretary of tho committee bo the
temporary chairman and secretary of tho con
H H Beeey Chairman
F M Kimmell Secretary
McCook Nobraska June 19 1903
Republican papers of tho district please copy
That corporation candidate howl
against Charlie JEldred reminds The
Tribune of the old stop thief yell
which became so popular and useful in
the old Boss Tweed days But it wont
work in the Fourteenth judicial district
Meats For Tender Teeth
Are a specialty atrPaul Antons market
Spare your teeth and at the same time
help your digestion by ordering from
him Phone orders just as carefully and
promptly filled as though you came in
Cured Paralysis
W S BailyP O True Texas writes
My wife had been suffering five years
with paralysis in her arm when I was
persuaded to use Ballards Snow Lini
ment which cured her all right I have
also used it for old sores frost bites and
skin eruptions It does the work 25c
50c and S100 at A McMillensdruggist
T mac rrivan iir tn rii utfh
quick consumption I then began
to use Ayers Cherry Pectoral I
improved at once and am now in
perfect health Chas E Han
man Gibbstown N Y
Its too risky playing
with your cough
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over Be
gin early with Ayers
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough
Three sizes 25c 50c 1 Alt Ironists
Consult your doctor If he says take It
then do as he says If he tells you not
to take It then dont take it He knows
Tnm it urith him We are -willing
J C ATEK CO Lowell Mass
Of Galveston Texas
Wine of Cardul is indeed a blessing
to tired women Having suffered for
seven years with weakness and bear
ingdown pains and having tried sev
eral doctors and different remedies
with no success your Wine of Cardul
was the only thing which helped me
and eventually cured me It seemed to
build up the weak parts strengthen
the system and correct irregularities
By tired -women Mrs Adams
means nervous women who have
disordered menses falling of the
womb ovarian troubles or any of
these ailments that women have
You can cure yourself athome with
this great womens remedy Wine
of Cardui Wine of Cardui has
cured thousands of cases which
doctors have failed to benefit Why
not begin to get well today All
druggists have 100 bottles For
any stomach liver or bowel disor
der Thedfords Black Draught
should be used
symptoms The Ladles Advisory beparu
merit The Chattanooga Medicine Co
Chattanooga Tenn
Within the last few days the library
has received three new sets of books
Masterpieces of History and Litera
ture edited by Julian Hawthorne
Library of Oratory edited by Chaun
cey M Depew and Voltaires complete
works From a mechanical standpoint
these books leave little to be desired
They are sumptuously bound and pro
fusely illustrated They are among the
finest examples of the book makers art
A book should appeal to us through
several senses Not only should its wis
dom instruct but its appearance also
The words of course we are bound to
understand The mechanical features
the pictures the binding the quality of
the paper the typography all should
communicate with us through our intel
ligences The more pleasing the book
to the eyes the more profit we should
derive from it
It is quite impossible within the limi
tations of this column to convey even
the slightest conception of the worth and
beauty of these books A cursory exam
ination will disclose more than all that
can be written A glance at the table
of contents of the first volume of the
Masterpieces will rouse ones liveliest in
terest and curiosity Here we find selec
tions from the Ancient writers from
Egyptian Assyrian East Indian Per
sian Hebrew Chinese Greek and Arabi
an literature Arnong them is a trans
lation of what is believed to be the old
est book in the world an Egyptian
papyrus now preserved in the national
library of France As nearly as may be
determined this dates from the thirty
fifth century before Christ
Perhaps the few brief extracts from
Aboriginal American literature are as
interesting as anything else The dis
coverers of this continent fouud that
some of the natives of the new world
had attained a high state of civilization
Mexico and Central America after all
these centuries of wars and what has
proven even more destructive of tropical
vegetation have many relics of its for
mer inhabitants in the form of pyramids
and monuments covered with- hierogly
phics which if they were decipherable
would tell some fascinating tales These
early people had a written language
and libraries of many volumes The
books unfortunately have nearly all
been destroyed The merest fragments
remain but from them we are able to
form some impression of the civilization
to which these lost races had attained
A Worm Killer
J A J Montgomery Puxico Wayne
Co Mo writes I have little twin
girls who have been bothered with
worms all their lives I tried every
thing to relieve them which failed until
I used Whites Cream Vermifuge the
first two doses brought four worms from
one of them the next two doses twelve
one of them measuring twelve inches
the other child was only relieved of four
worms It is a most excellent medicine
Whites Cream Vermifuge is good for
children It not only destroys worms
it helps the child to perfect growth
wards off sickness 25c at A McMil
lens druggist
Mrs Mollie Allen of South ForkKy
says she has prevented attacks of cholera
morbus by taking Chamberlains Stom
ach and Liver Tables when she felt an
attack coming on Such attacks are
usually caused by indigestion and these
Tablets are just whatis needed to cleanse
the stomach and ward off the approach
ing attack Attacks of bilious colic may
be prevented in the same way For sale
by L W McConnell druggist
- IT - -
- r iiinwrnf1
i 1 1 i in
Congregational Usual services next
Sunday morning and ovening All are
invited Frank W Dean Pastor
Catholic Order of sorvices Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Locghran Pastor
Christian On Sunday August 9th
serviceawill be held by Elder C P Ev
ans of Arapahoe Sunday school at 10
a m Preaching at 11 a and 8 p m
Methodist Preaching by the pastor
at 11 and 8 oclock Sunday school at
10 Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at 8 oclock
LH Shumate Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
My boy when four years old was taken
with colic and cramps in his stomach
I sent for the doctor and he injected
morphine but tho child kept getting
worse 1 then gave him half a teaspoon
f ul of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and in half an hour
he was sleeping and soon recovered F
L Wilkins Shell Lake Wis Mr Wil
kins is book keeper for the Shell Lake
Lumber Co For sale by L W Mc
Connell druggist
R Long rides in a new wagon
Harvesting is past and threshing is on
John Heinlein is erecting a new gran
R J Traphagan bought a new wagon
box Wednesday
George Simmerman bought a new
wagon except the box
Bert Wales has erected a new granary
on the old Nicklas farm
Miss Emma Corner drove to McCook
Tuesday with a can of cream
Mrs Gertie Wales was in McCook
Wednesday with a can of cream
A former pastor Rev Smith preached
at the Coleman school house on Tues
day evening
The sheriff was in this town Wednes
day and found everybody so quiet and
loving that he thinks it a fine place for
a home
Puts an End to It All
A grievous wail oftimes comes as a re
sult of unbearable pain from over taxed
organs Dizziness backache liver com
plaint and constipation But thanks to
Dr Kings New Life Pills they put an
end to it all They are gentle but thor
ough Try them Only 25c Guaran
teed by LW McConnells drug store
The Death Penalty
A little thing sometimes results in
death Thus a mere scratch insignifi
cant cuts or puny boil3 have paid the
death penalty It is wise to have Buck
lens Arnica Salve ever handy Its the
best salve on earth and will prevent
fatality when burns sores ulcers and
piles threaten Only 25c at L W Mc
Connells drug store
Just About Bed Time
take a Little Early Riser it will cure
constipation biliousness and liver
troubles DeWitts Little Early Risers
are different from other pills They dr
not gripe ana break down tne mucous
membranes of the stomach liver and
bowels but cure by gently arousing the
secretions and giving strength to these
organs Sold by L W McConnell
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of tHe
For many years It has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the juices of natural digestion This Is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Ksdol Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
senso of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles only Regular slzo 1 00 holding 2J5 times
the trial size which sells for 50 cents
Prepared by E O DeWITT CO Chicago I1L
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readers of The Tribune
we have made arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with The Thibune at
tho following Tery low prices with
Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 50
Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00
Prairie Farmer 100 125
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 40
Cincinnati Enquire 100 150
New York Tribune 100 125
Demorests Magazine 1 00 1 75
ToledoBlade 1 0u 1 25
Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65
Iowa Homestead 100 125
Lincoln Journal 100 175
Campbells Soil Culture 100 150
New York World 1 00 1 65
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 ISO
St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75
Kansas City Star 25 120
Farm and Home 100 120
Word and Works 100 170
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tbibune McCook Neb
Clark Hedges is at home on a visit
H H Tartscii is visiting in Platts
Harry Jones was up from Mindon
Sunday and Monday
Mrs L S Watson is visiting her
parents in Hastings
E E Maxon and family are visiting
Grand Island relatives
C G Crews of Culbertson had busi
ness in the city yesterday
Mrs V H Solmday we it up to Den
ver Monday on 13 on a visit
Mrs C M Bailey is visiting her
brother in Sheridan Wyoming
Earl Ludwick is confined to the
house threatened with an attack of fever
Mrs Joseph Hegenberger and the
children have gone to Pacific Junction
on a visit
Miss Louise M Pitney departed for
her home in Denver on No 1 yesterday
Mrs Cora Kelley is here from Har
lan Iowa guest of her father County
Judge Green
Mrs C Tj Fahnestock was confined
to bed early days of the week but is
much better now
L J Shippee of Lebanon was u visit
or in the county seat yesterday Ho
drove home today
W R Starr has been in Frontier
county part of the week on matters po
litical and otherwise
Mr and Mrs Ben Olcott are home
from a long visit in this state and back
in the old Iowa home
Miss Edith Oyster entertained the
young ladies of tho Awl Os club on
Wednesday evening of this week
J R Moore of the Cash Bargain
Stores clothing department has gone to
Essex Iowa on a visit to his folks
Mrr O D Keith Miss Mabel Keith
and Miss Patience Elliott have gone to
Woodland Park Colorado on an outing
Miss Vita Luce a cousin is visiting
Mrs James Stokes and Mrs William
Lewis She comes from Villisca Iowa
Mrs Elizabeth A Ford of Grqen
Bay Wisconsin is visiting her brother
R B Archibald and other members of
the family 9
R P High was up from Lebanon
yesterday and today is the owner of
another quarter section of Redwillow
county land
J R Neel was up from Indianola
last evening on a little business He
reports the sugar beets in that neighbor
hood as flourishing
Mrs T F Rowell who has been vis
iting in Colorado for several weeks ar
rivedhome on Tuesday visiting in Fort
Morgan on her way back
Mrs M V Sheldon arrived home
from her Colorado trip close of last
week A visit by a thief was an unpleas
ant incident of her outing
Miss Kate and Tom OConnell arriv
ed home Wednesday evening on No 5
from Philadelphia being summoned
home by the serious illness of their
Miss Maud Cordeal went down to
Cambridge Thursday to be present at
at the marriage of Miss Ida Cowles a
friend of her school days in the conserv
atory Boston
Mr and Mrs William Lewis were
called to Villisca Iowa last Thursday
evening by the death of Mrs Lewis
father Mr Kyle They returned home
on Sunday night
Mrs M Thobgrimson has the sympa
thy of many friends in the death of her
sister Mrs Mary Jordan of Adrian
Mich news of whose demise was re
ceived early in the week
Ed Allen was up from Arapahoe
last evening to take No 6 for Holdrege
to meet with the state board now out on
the wing looking over the different loca
tions offered the state for the proposed
new state normal school
Mr and Mrs J G Schobel and
Marjorie are now making a brief visit
with her parents in Minden On Mon
day they all leave for Cincinnati his old
home which he has not visited in 15
years They will be gone a number of
weeks and will see St Louis briefly on
the way home
Mr and Mrs A C Marsh who have
been visiting Ohio relatives for the past
three or four months arrived home safe
and sound Thursday night having had
a great time in the old Buckeye state
but glad to get back to Nebraska and
McCook They will occupy a home over
in East McCook
The Foundation of Health
Nourishment is the foundation of
health life strength Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure is the one great medicine that
enables the stomach and digestive
organs to digest assimilate and trans
form all foods into the kind of blood
that nourishes the nerves and feeds the
tissues Kodol lays the foundation for
health Nature does the rest Indiges
tion dyspepsia and all the disorders of
the stomach and digestive organs are
cured by the use of Kodol Sold by L
McCoonnell druggist
Waterloo Underskirts at
Great Reductions
In order to entirely close out our present line of these
most excellent Skirts and make room for the nev fall styles
and patterns we have made these extreme reductions which
will clean them out in a very short time as the quality and
the style as well are both the best ever offered in this line of
Ladies Wearing Apparel
Those 225 Merserized Skirts with three ruffles Now 175
Those 250 Merserized Skirts extra full sweep Now 198
Those 300 and 325 Merserized Skirts
beautifully trimmed - Now 248
Those 425 Mercerized Skirts with a wide
flounce and extra heavy NOW 340
Also Those Excellent Percale Dresses
must go to make room Note the prices
All 100 and 125 Percale Dresses Now 98c
All 150 Percale Dresses Now 120
All 175 Percale Dresses Now 148
A Few Wash Silks Left
and they are the best values and most beautiful patterns
ever offered for 45c per yard
Pearl Shirt Waist Sets
We have just received a beautiful new assortment of
these popular waist sets and are selling them for from 25c to
85c each
New Assortment of Ladies Belts
also now in and the new styles and shapes are beauties
For the Best
Phone 16
Call Phone 16
J WltlJ iBll
Answered by the
Will makeall trains and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city
W H ArIfPrmfln
-- vi
McCook Nebraska
ier and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun Eclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Dwelling- House for Sale
My residence property in McCook lot
16 block 8 original McCook Address
J L Gray
528 W 69th st Chicago 111
The Scientific Germ Killer
It contains every antiseptic known
to science
Hog Cholera
Is a germ disease of the intestines
The cholera bacteria finds its way
into the animal through the drinking
water or filth passing into the stom
ach and finally down along the intes
tines it sets up fermentation and from
there filters through the blood liver
and other organs
Hog cholera cannot be treated suc
cessfully unless treatment is com
menced before the germ has reached
the period of rapid multiplication If
taken in time it can be cured and in
all cases prevented by the use of
Liquid Koal because it is the only
known germicide that will pass
through the stomach into the intes
tines and from there into the blood
permeating the whole system and
still retain its germ killing properties
All other so called cholera cures lose
their potency by the acid reaction of
the gastric juices of the stomach
hence have no value
Read What Other Says
Parker S D Dec 6 1902
To whom it may concern
I have used t K for my hog3 and can
cheerfully recommend it to be all that is
claimed a thorough germ and worm de
stroyer and a good appetizer
J J Robeets
Wausa Neb Dec 16 1902
Have used Liquid Koal for nearly a year
and find it an excellent article to keep hogs
in a healthy condition and as an appetizer
it has no equal Albeet Andebson
One Quart Can S100
One Gallon 300
A 25c 32 page Book on Germ Diseases of
Animals sent free on application
Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
general dealek in
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
All Calls For The