The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 07, 1903, Image 1

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Close Season With Two Victories
Tho baseball season was closed Tues
day afternoon so farnsMcCook and the
Central Nebraska league are concerned
and the event was celebrated by tho
local team by two conclusive victories
over their old enemy tho Holdrege com
Mondays game resulted in McCooks
favor by a score of 12 to 6 Teel was in
the box for tho visitors and the locals
landed on him quite promiscuously
Tuesdays game was closer the score
was 7 to 5 in McCooks favor Ahlin
pitched for Holdrege and at tho outstart
it looked like the locals were in for
troublo but a bunch of errors by tho
visitors in the fourth inning placed Mc
Cobk in tho lead which they maintained
to tho close of the game
These two games marked the close of
tho season Giltnor Minden and Red
Cloud having dropped out of tho league
McCook and Holdrege were the only re
maining clubs McCook disbanded her
team on Tuesday evening It is under
stood that Holdrege intends to maintain
her organization which is to be strength
ened by additions from McCook and
Minden and that they contemplate a
-trip through Iowa
A number of the McCook players have
already departed for homo Wilson the
big first baseman has gone to Ord
Townsend goes to Tecumseh Bender
the mighty little catcher has departed
for Sutton It is stated that Bender
and Rhodes will join tho Holdrege com
bination for the remainder of the season
Bender admits he may join them a
little latter
Thus has closed a very satisfactory if
short season So far as McCook is con
cerned we understand that the club
disbands in good condition financially
and perhaps it is just as well as later in
tho season it seems to be difficult to
keep up tho interest and receipts and
there is danger of shortage in finances
McCook has had in the field the best
team that has ever carried her name
and all parties concerned are to be con
gratulated in the outcome as tho locals
would doubtless have been the pennant
winners had the games of the schedule
been completed
It Went Off All At Once
Master Frank McAninch who lives
over south of the city was quite pain
fully burned Wednesday of this week
while burning some powder in a horn
flask He was engaged in pouring
out the powder and touching a match
to it While holding the horn and
applying a match to it tho entire con
tents of tho horn were exploded The
lad was painfully burned about hands
and face His clothing caught fire but
a jump into a convenient water tank
extinguished the blaze Applying lini
ment to the burns did not help the sit
uation and he was a sorry looking lad
when ho arrived in the city and secured
medical aid
An Approaching Nuptial Event
Engineer and Mrs W D Burnett
have just issued cards announcing the
approaching marriage of their daughter
Lillian Cecelia to Mr Earl M Snyder
The wedding will take place at their
home on the evening of Wednesday
August 19th at 630 oclock Both of
the high contracting parties are well and
favorably known to readers of The Tri
A New Clothing Store
The Star Clothing Co Pritchard
Co of North Plattehas leased the store
room now occupied by Miss Sara Low
man and expect to occupy the same
with a stock of clothing gents furnish
ings etc September 1st The room will
be specially prepared for them by Wil
liam Doyle who is the owner of the
building by a recent sale
China Studio Opening-
You are cordially invited to my china
studio opening next Tuesday afternoon
August 11th 1903 from 2 to 9 oclock
in the Workman Temple building over
W T Colemans store Attractive dis
play of decorated china
Mrs E M Bigelow
Strayed or Stolen
From my pasture one half mile south
of town a three-year-old bay mare
Has left ear split Reward for return
or information as to whereabouts
John Schmidt
Steady Work for Printer
The Tribune has steady work at fair
wages for a competent compositor
Write or call and learn particulars
Hot and thirsty Get a champagne
phosphate at Cone Bros
One of the most desirable homes
i in- McCook Eight rooms bath-
room closets fruit shade lawn
S etc Geo B Berry
S Seaman of Beatrice was hero mid
week on business affairs
Mrs Julia B Yorkes of Rockford
Iowa is a guest of Mrs P E Potter
A L Taylor of the Trenton Leader
had a business call to the city Monday
Miss Della Hall of Holdrege has
been a guest of Miss Pope part of tho
Mrs W P Bross arrived home first
of the week from her visit in Manitou
Mrs Ralph Platt of Grand Island
Nebraska is the guest of Mrs R B
Mrs Henry Weintz arrived in tho
city Monday night and her husband is
expected here later
Miss Lizzie Rooney and Anna Stev
ens of Hastings were Palmer house
guests the first of the week
Mrs J H Yarger and Miss Edna
arrived home Sunday night from their
visit to Oscar and wife in Scottsbluff
George Brening of Shepherd Bren
ing has been sick for the past week and
unable to be about his business place
Miss Mary Mugan departed on No
12 Tuesday morning for Tomah Wis
consin to be absent a number of months
Harrie G Thomas of the Harvard
Journal was the guest of his brother G
H Thomas of our city schools over Sun
Mrs Wash Smith who has been
visitiug Mrs H C Smith returned to
her home in Plattsmouth last Sunday
Roy F Smith camo down from Den
ver on No 6 Monday night and is
spending a short vacation at home with
his parents
Mrs H Russey nee Pearl Brown
came down from Denver last Sunday
evening on No 14 and is visiting her
parents Mr and Mrs H C Brown
Mrs Hampsmire arrived from Illi
nois Wednesday on 13 and is the guest
of her sister Mrs R A Green Mr
Hampsmire continued on his way to
Mr John Hatfield departed on No
2 Tuesday morning for Decatur Illi
nois his home not having been benefit
ed by his stay here from the pangs of
Mr and Mrs G A Noeen departed
last night for the west to be gone about
a month visiting in Colorado Utah
Montana South Dakota Lincoln and
Orleans before returning home
C F Jackson and sister Mrs Mary
Malone arrived from Greensburg Indi
ana Wednesday night and are visiting
Taylor Shepherd and others of the Shep
herd boys in this city and vicinity
C J OBrien arrived home from his
eastern trip Tuesday on No 1 His re
turn was somewhat delayed by the ill
ness of his father John OBrien who
accompanied him home from Syracuse
New York
Mr and Mrs J P Notley departed
on 2 Monday morning for Concordia
Kansas where they will visit a sister of
Mrs Notleys They will be in Missouri
and other places for MrsNotleys health
L A Dixon after a short visit with
the folks here departed close of last
week for Salt Lake City Utah on a
short visit to dear friends before return
ing to his engine at Sapulpa Indian
Miss Jeannette Dutton of Lincoln
passed through McCook on No 1 Mon
day last on her way to Denver where
she will spend a couple of weeks On
her return she will stop and visit the
home folks on South Side
Mrs CH BoiLE cleverly and happily
entertained a score or more young ladies
on Tuesday afternoon of this week in
honor of her niece Miss Louise M Pit
ney A three course lunch was served
Orange was the predominating color in
the dining room
Mr Hoark and son Arthur arrived
from Southern Missouri Wednesday
and are making a short visit to their
sons and brothers John and GPRoark
Arthur it will be remembered was seri
ously injured at Holdrege three years
since and is still in poor health
Mrs Daniel S Freeman of Gage
county has purchased the J E Nelms
farms up on the Willow paying -we are
informed S3200 for the two properties
aggregating a section of land Mrs
Freemans husband holds the first home
stead entry issued by he government
under the homestead act by which the
people of these western states now hold
many of their farm homes Few Ne
braskans have at command more inci
dents of early Nebraska life than Mrs
Freeman and her husband This is true
of the very early history of the Republi
can valley and of this immediate neigh
Concerning the Junior Normal School
the ghegg bixry debate
The Gregg Bixby debate last evening
was one of the star attractions of the
normal entertainment course The court
room was well filled and it is safe to
state that all were were pleased with
the entortainment and instruction pro-
vided The question discussed was
Resolved That the right of the ballot
shall be extended to women Miss
Laura A Gregg of Omaha affirmed and
Dr A L Bixby of the Lincoln Journal
denied Miss Gregg is a keen cutter
has her argument well in hand and gives
utterance in an elocutionary oratorical
style quite impressive The doctor is
strenuously dissimilar in style of utter
ance and mode of debate but not a whit
the less effective Ho makes a clever
and essential foil for the more ponderous
assaults of the ailirmant gives zest to a
debate which would otherwise approach
heaviness In the colonels shiftiness
he has recourse to and brings into action
his poetic muse with effect and flavor
Withal it was a clever affair with a suffi
cient element of humor yet not frivo
lous After the debate Miss Gregg se
cured the signatures of a number of
misguided women to her doctrine but
the doctor advised his friends to make
their escape as speedily as possible
governor mickeys address
The court room was well filled Tues
day evening on the occasion of the de
livery by Governor Mickey of his lecture
on Character Building The governor
does not pose as an orator but he has
some powerful strong convictions con
cerning what constitutes a good and use
ful citizen and what should go into the
matter of building up a sound useful
Christian character and he just tells
his hearers what he thinks about it in
his plain simple direct and unembel
lished style The governor believes in
Christian character and urged upon the
teachers and others present tho supremo
importance of building a moral and re
ligious character in the child while cul
tivating the intellectual and esthetic na
ture of the pupil The governor has a
homely way of presenting his ideas and
an archaic style of illustrating them
but his views are wholesome and whole-
souled and worthwile
The McCook Junior Normal School
will end- a ten weeks session next Fri
day The attractions of the closing week
are as follows
Monday evening in the Congregational
church Hon E J Burkett congress
man for the First Nebraska district will
deliver an address The congressman
will entertain you being an able elo
quent and instructive speaker We feel
free to urge your attendance
The Art Exhibit will open in the court
room Monday The same magnificent
collection of picture exhibitedlastyear
will be open to your inspection They
were a source of pleasure to all Admis
sion 10 cents simply to meet the ex
Next Friday evening of course the
Wesleyan Quartette You know that
means an evening of great pleasure The
admission is 50 cents and the entertain
ment given by the famous quartette will
be well worth the price The court room
should be crowded Be one of the num
During the week Prof J W Crabtree
university inspector of state high schools
will deliver an address or two before the
normal Date and topics not definitely
Miss H Avis Perdue an author of
note in text book line and a primary in
structor will deliver two day addresses
next week before the normal on How
to Begin the Book and How to Teach
Either Dr F M Fling or Prof E H
Barbour will deliver an evening lecture
some day next week Further announce
ment will be made
The above will constitute the special
attractions of the closing week of the
Next Friday and good bye
The total enrollment is now 206
County Supt E S Dutcher was a
normal visitor Wednesday
State Supt Fowler looked in upon the
normal briefly Monday in an official
A music program will occupy the
chapel hour next Thursday morning
The program is expected to be of consid
erable merit
Rev J J Loughran occupied part of
the chapel hour Monday very profit
ably Rev F W Dean performed a like
enjoyable service on Tuesday j
Examinations are being held today for
those desiring to secure professional Jife
certificates and for Junior Normal School
credits The examination will continue
through tomorrow
The Model School which Mrs Hrind
ley has been conducting with much profit
-- iI f
McCook Junior Normal School
Monday August 10 830 p m
of Lincoln congressman First Ne
braska district at the Congregational
church Admission free Mr Burk
ett is an eloquent orator and one of
the rising men in public affairs
Court Room
Monday till Friday August 10 14
Exhibit open all day
Admission 10c
Friday August 14
They are old favorites
They always please
Come out and enjoy a concert of rich
musical numbers
Court J toom Admission 50c
For an entertainment that makes
you laugh and makes you cry awak
ens your spiritual emotions and every
generous impulse for tones that
touch and vibrate every fiber of your
being for melodies that live in mem
ory and enrich your whole life for
voices that in their combination are
the finest most perfect most melod
ious tuneful and harmonious hear
I the Wesleyan Quartette
to the normalites during the session will
close with today The teachers in this
department will devote their time next
week to the Art Exhibit Fifteen child
ren of tho public schools have formed
County Supt James OConnell of
Hitchcock county is out in a circular to
the teachers of that county in which he
announces that no county institute will
be held in that county this fall and
urging the teachers to take advantage of
the closing week or two of the McCook
Junior Normal School This action is
slightly tardy but welcome Quite a
number of the teachers of Hitchcock
county are taking advantage of the nor
mal opportunities
The following teachers have newly en
rolled this week Maude and Edith Al
len Alma Noe Laura Miller Daisy
Chinn Indianola Madge Pemberi Win
nie Day Trenton Alma Wymore Free
dom Zelma Harry Palisade Nellie
Plumleigh McCook Clara Pahl Dora
and Bessie Walkington Cambridge Clara
MetteBeverly Marian Vanderhoff Cul
bertson Florence Younger Box Elder
Kathryn ODonnellFlorence Bole Strat
ton Emma Hoobler Lebanon
Governor Mickey was entertained by
W S Morlan during his short stay in
the city Tuesday and a visit to the fa
mous Morlan ranch was on the itinerary
This was the governors first visit to Mc
Cook and this part of the state and he
expressed himself as much surprised and
not a little pleased at the appearances of
prosperity thrift and progress evidenced
on every hand After the address the
people took advantage of the opportunity
given to meat the governor
What You Like
Just the meat you like in just the way
you like it Fine firm and tender beef
young wholesome lamb clean and sweet
pork smoked and salted meats And
last but not least whether you order
from house by phone or come in person
your orders are given our best consider
ation and we guarantee that you will
be satisfied Marsh
are the ones that leave the skin as good
or better than they find it You cant
always pick up safe soaps McConnells
Witch Hazel Soap is such a soap It
removes the dirt and keeps the skin
active and healthy 3 cakes 25 cents
McConnell Druggist
Notice to Subscribers
After September 1st the price of The
Omaha Daily News will be 150 a year
Subscriptions will be received at the old
price100 a yearduring August
Clean Your Alleys
Property owners and occupants are re
quested to clean all manure and rubbish
out of alleys C B Gray
Street Commissioner
Dog Tax
Dog tax is due If you want to keep
a dog pay the license to A C Ebert
city treasurer at once C B Gray
Chief of Police
Feet Hurt
A little of McConnells Foot Powder
sprinkled in the shoes will give relief
25 cents a box
For Sale Cheap
Several second hand buggies See mo
at the Blue Front livery barn
W H Ackerman McCook Neb
Fresh Cow For Sale
A good young fresh cow for sale
C W Keys
N ebraska Stat e Hist o r
inal Hocietv
Brakeman C B Sentanco is on tho
sick list
The section house was reshinglcd
this week
H E MacKain has gone to Omaha
on a visit
AJAndre is a new helpor in tho
machine shop
Machinist Martin Hart quit the ser
vice this week
New frame aud doors are being made
for the oil house
J C Greene has returned to the com
panys employ this week
Foreman C L Walker of the paint
gang has returned to work
Asst Supt Harris was down Wed
nesday morning between trains
Engine 27 a K4 was on tho drop pit
yestorday for a new driving box
Engine 158 is out and has been re
placed in the back shop by tho 268
Engineer J H Murphy has resigned
from the engine service of the company
Engine 3311 a big D4 got her tank
in the turntable at Akron Tuesday of
this week
Engineer W H Morroll arrived home
first of the week from his visit in Salt
Lake City
Sliding doors are being provided for
the coal gates This will keep the decks
clear of coal
Conductor Frank Quigley has return
ed to duty and Conductor GWBunting
is home again
Asst Supt D F McFarland was at
headquarters Wednesday on business
of the high line
The 32 has been equipped with a new
front coupler which is not particularly
delighting the crew
Tho 228 is up from one of the
branches for repairs and tho 158 will
replace her meanwhile
Engineer Alex McLean was up from
Oxford Tuesday with his engine for
repairs of a light nature
A C Wiebo is down at Herington
Kansas looking over a prospective job
of foreman in the shop there
The Tribune understands that Agent
Thomson will lengthen his stay in tho
northwest by about two weeks
Yardmaster W W Prall resumed
work at Akron August 1st and R A
Prigga has returned to headquarters
J T Powers has taken a layoff of a
couple of weeks and will farm a while
He left on No 12 Wednesday morning
Brakeman Frank Traver had his knee
painfully injured at Red Cloud Wed
nesday and he will be laid up for a few
The carpenter force has been busy
lately providing fire ladders about the
different buildings and overhauling
snow plows
W J Krauter has quite recovered
from his recent attack of nervous pros
tration and is inspecting with his cus
tomary impartiality
Engineers C K Putnam and H E
MacKain have been let out of the service
in the recent head chopping exercises in
the engine department
E D Reed has gone to Herington
Kansas where he has secured a job pay
ing better money than the one he held
here The family will follow shortly
Engine 158 just out of the shop and
switch engine 32 had a little collision a
few days since in the local yard to the
damage of one of the formers cylinders
Trainmaster Kenyon left on No 6
last night for Chicago to meet with the
advisory board of the Burlington Relief
department Mrs Kenyon accompan
ied him
Engineer and Mrs F W Bosworth
returned early in the week from their
trip to Salt Lake City And Mrs Bos
worth didnt drown in the lake either
as feared
The passenger traffic is very heavy
just now There were two sections each
of Nos 13 1 and 3 Wednesday and two
sections of No 1 Thursday All were
crowded to fullest capacity
Master Mechanic Archibald Engineer
H M Tyler John Archibald Herbert
Frey and George Campbell left on
Tuesday night for an outing in Wyom
ing near Cody on the Toluca Cody
branch of the Burlington
Engineer G A Noren has resigned
from the service after a long and suc
cesful employment in the engine service
of the Burlington and will celebrate his
retirement by indulging in a trip cover
ing about a month Upon his return he
will for the present devote himself to the
stock business having a fine stock farm
well stocked near Orleans He has well
earned the outing and his friends wish
him a successful career in the stock
Everything in drugs McConnell
See those onamol lined refrigerators at
nave a chocolato ico cream soda Best
in town Cono Bros
Mowers and rakes tho Deering of
course at V T Colemans
H P Waito will soil you tho best
grade hose at tho lowest figure
McMillan makes a specialty of fino
stationery pen and pencil tablota
Horses for sale or trade for cattle
Ole Olson Chadron Nebraska
A few good hammocks loft at reduced
prices A MoMillen
Use Liquid Koal for chicken cholera
mites lice etc For salo by James
A danco was given in the Commercial
house Tuosday evening in honor of the
baseball boys
McConnells Blackberry Balsam cures
diarrhoea and summer complaint In
25 cent bottles
The Jewel is the most economical and
most durable of all the gasoline stoves
For salo by II P Waite
Paint your barns and granaries with
Commonwealth Barn Rod cheap but
good McConnell druggist
The steadily increasing patrons of Cono
Bros soda fountain is sure evidence of
tho superiority of tho beverages they
The Smith building first door north
of McConnells drug store has been
purchased by Joseph Menard Price
You will need a five hoe and disc drill
this season and as the demand will be
great you had better call early at WT
Colemans and secure one
The remains of a young child of Jake
Kern of Indianola were brought up to
the city Wednesday afternoon and
buried in Rivervievv cemetery
After a good seasons business in wall
paper wo are now olTering some marvel
ous bargains in our two room lots
Cone Bros
Buggies a new and large stock to
select from at W T Colemans You
get a good article there for a fair price
See his stock and get his quotations and
Special attention is called to the an
nouncement of Dr H J Pratt in this
issue The saving of the natural teeth
is an important matter and Dr Pratt
intends to make a reputation for thor
ough and conscientious work
The Ocean Wave washer is maintain
ing its marvelous reputation as a washer
without an equal W T Coleman sells
them and no one complains Those who
use them are loudest in their praise If
you need a washer dont fail to see this
one before you buy
Cards have been issued announcing
the wedding of Mr William Cornelius
Fowler and Mis3 Grace May Lytle both
of Chicago July 29th 1903 Will Fow
ler will be remembered as the eldest son
of the late Frank Fowler a citizen and
businessman of McCook in the early
days We congratulate
Every man to his trade and business
Paul Anton makes it his serious business
to provide the juiciest tenderest meats
for his customers Its his trade He
knows how And then again he uses
the best of corn fed beeves They are
the only kind that produce really good
meat It costs you the same as the poor
tough sort
Yes some shelves and tables are bare
and a good many goods have been sold
but there are stacks and piles of them
yet holding out Theres that pile of
yard wide stout unbleached muslin go
ing at 4J oC still contains over 1000
yards Theres that pile of nearly 40
pieces of fast color dress ginghams sold
everywhere at 10c per yard being cut
down daily at 6Jc yard Lots of table
oil cloth bleached muslin table damask
linings dress goods underwear and other
equally staple lines to select from Your
trade solicited The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The Good Old Hickory
The time i3 at hand when you will
need a good tight reliable wagon in
which to market your small grain
Thats the kind WT Coleman sells
The Old Hickory kind and they
really cost no more than the cheap poor
sort that hardly last a season The
Old Hickory is guaranteed
The Roseville bakery dishes are
attracting considerable attention at
the Bee Hive