fa IT - IVIcCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK WWWWI NEBRASKA 40it O THF RJFIAC IM RTilFf IIEL iiino III Uniu a M5XjHXjxg8xjKsXS 1 X In the Fourth of July celebration in Porto Rico the most conspicuous thing was the Spanish flag The Liberty bell will rest In the cen terof the rotunda of the Pennsylvania building at the worlds fair Senator Quay and a party of Penn sylvania friends have been spending a month in the Maine woods Tommy Sullivan received the deci sion over Tommy Feltz in a twenty round boxing contest at St Louis The secretary of the treasury has rejected all bids for the construction Df a postofflce building at Leadville Colo The June statement of the London Doard of trade shows increases of 3 151000 in imports and 5098000 in ex ports The joint committee of the Metho dist Episcopal church north and south has completed its ritual revision labors in Ocean Grove J Marshall Funck city solicitor of Lebanon Pa and one of the best known lawyers in this section com mitted suicide by hanging Colonel Edmund B Gray one of the most widely known figures in Wiscon sin military and Grand Army of the Republic circles died of paresis The new 60000 cruciform chapel of the Si3ter of the Good Shepherd of Detroit was consecrated by Manager Archbishop Falconio papal delegate at Washington It is announced that genuine anthra cite coal has been discovered in Routt county Colorado The fields are be lieved to be fully as extensive as those of Pennsylvania Ex Senator Ransom of North Caro lina insists upon being called a farm er Instead of an agriculturist not- withstanding the fact that he sold his last crop for 68000 The steamer Dolphin arrived in port at Seattle Wash with 586000 of Klondike gold aboard The amount is the largest brought down by any ves sel during the Dresent season Byron West of Kansas City who de serted from the naval training ship Charleston at Charleston S C last November -was arrested and placed in the county jail at Kansas City William OConnor better known as Goat Hinch was electrocuted at Plattsburg N Y for the murder of Night Watchman Mathew Wilson of Cobleskill N Y in November 1900 Sixty members of the G A R called at the hotel in Springfield Mo to see Fitzhugh Lee and were entertained for half an hour by Dr H W King of Excelsior Springs who was confined to his bed by illness The State department has announced the following transfers in the Consular Service Harlow W Brush of New York to be consul at Milan and Wil liam Jarvis of New Hampshire to be consul at Niagara Falls Canada At a family reunion held at Peters burg Ind at the home of James R Arnold in Monroe township twenty two persons were poisoned by eating ice cream Nine are in a serious con dition and not expected to recover The stanch Methodist institution Wesleyan university has conferred upon Governor Bates of Massachusetts the degree of LL D The governor has long been known as a favorite son of the Methodist church which is said to have played no small part in his political advancement Russell H Chittenden director of the Sheffield Scientific School an nounced a total gift of 110000 from Mrs Lucy H Boardman of New York for a scientific laboratory in memory of her uncle Professor Jared Potter Kirtland of Cleveland formerly a Yale scientific authority The secretary of the interior has ap proved the recommendation of the commissioner of the general land of fice that the proclamation for the sale of Gilsonsite lands in the Uncompa ghre Indian reservation in Utah be postponed until the lands can be re seurveyed The action was taken be cause of the discovery that the old survey is very defective The papers print accounts of the oanquet which Cornelius Vanderbilt gave on board his steam yacht North Star at Travemunde July 4 in cele bration of Independence day and at which Emperor William and Prince Henry of Prussia were present When the banquet began the emperors yacht Hohenzollern fired a salute of twenty one guns by order of the emperor Upon inquiry from the Christian Herald of New York as- to whether more money was needed for the fam ine sufferers In China Minister Con ger at Peking has replied in the af firmative and the paper has contributed an additional 10000 Frederick Abbot formerly treasurer of the Wisconsin Central Railway company and for many years land com missioser for the company under the management of the late Charles L Colby dropped dead at Milwaukee Wis t General Nebraska News 4 j NEW LAWS NOW IN EFFECT Some of the Bills Having No Emer gency Clauses All the laws of the last legislature are now in effect Those with emer gency clauses were in effect as soon as signed by the governor Those without emergency clauses have now gone into effect under the constitu tional provision relating to such bills The new revenue law will not go into effect until September under a special provision included in the bill Among measures whioh have become laws are these S F 09 the destruction of prairie dogs H R 140 changing date of meet ings of the state horticultural society H R 8 changing qualifications for admittance to the bar H R 473 changes salaries of coun ty attorneys in certain counties S F 128 prohibiting a county judge from drawing papers to file in his own court except in certain business H R 240 changes regulations af fecting state banking board including salaries of secretary and examiners H R 347 poviding for a sewerage system in cities of the second class H R 210 permits increase in levy for certain purposes in city of Lin coln H R 239 permitting exclusion of property from cities of the second class H R 305 providing that territory may be annexed to cities and villages situated in two or more counties S F 25 authorizing cities of the second class and villages to establish heating and lighting plants S F 55 extending limit of taxation from 10 to 20 per cent of the assessed valuation of property for the mainte nance of water works in cities and vil lages S F 222 for the regulation of home investment companies H R 428 granting right of way for pipe lines over private property S F 8 providing for the election 08 county commissioners at large but their nomination from districts H R 18 providing that county treasurers shall have a seal H R 157 authorizing county boards to audit and allow fees of justices con stables sheriffs in the arrest and ex amination of offenders charged with felonies H R 299 adds provision to chapter relating to transfer of county funds from one fund to another to provide for use of school funds S F 108 to provide the mode of reviewing findings in fact upon appeal to the supreme court in suits in equity H R 436 providing for the election of county assessors every four years H R 192 changes law governing appointment of judges and clerks of election by altering method of notifi cation of appointment and specifying that the judges and clerks appointed by the district clerk shall not serve at city elections S F 215 applies registration law to cities of metropolitan class and those of first class having more than 25000 inhabitants S F 181 regulating registration of voters in cities having between 7000 and 25000 inhabitants H R 40 amending law regulating fraudulent conveyances and contracts relative to real estate H R 31 reducing Interest on schoo warrants in metropolitan cities or cit ies of the first class to 5 per cent H R 207 providing fot appointment of matrons in county jails H R 178 giving owners privilege of selling marks and brands H R 306 providing a state reward for discovery of gas or oil S F 236 defining unprofessional conduct in a physician and providing for the revocation of a license on proof of such conduct H R 70 Ramsey elevator bill H R 7 altering procedure in con demnation proceedings of railroads to secure right of way S F 20 authorizing organization of mutual life insurance companies that desire to operate on the mutual level premium legal reserve plan S F 95 adding various kinds of in surance to the law relating to objects insurable H R 275 amending law as to regu lation of mutual hail insurance com panies making provisions more strict H R 124 provides for mutual com panies to insure domestic animals S F 63 grants additional power to fraternal beneficiary societies organiz ed under Nebraska laws A bill to permit Nebraska organizations of such societies to contract with the superior organizations to guarantee the pay ment of policies issued by the Nebras ka organization S F 105 authorizes state auditor annually to make a valuation of poli cies of Nebraska joint stock legal re serve life Insurance companies to as certain the reinsurance reserve there on -- V x THE STATE AT LARGE A farm hand named Haney died In Otoe county last week from smallpox Mrs Drake an old resident of Boone county died while on a visit to the east The carnival to be held in Fremont commencing on the last day of August is now being advertised Frank Jackson farmer and stock buyer living eight miles southeast oi Vilisca was found dend in bed The school census of Fremont re cently completed shows that tkere are in the city 2837 school children of school age Otto Pohl and Frank Knowlton of Fremont rode to Omaha on the form ers automobile in two hours and forty five minutes A considerable number of Beatrice citizens have gone to the mountains of Colorado and other popular resorts to spend the summer The Board of Education of Norfolk has by persistent work reduced the debt of the school district in that city from some 17000 to 5000 The new Catholic church at Harting ton was dedicated last week About twenty priests were present and the ceremonies were very impressive Dr E S West for many years a well known medical practitioner of Nelson has been declared to be in sane He was taken to the Lincoln asylum The Travelers Protective associa tion of the state will hold a picnic in J Fremont on August 1 Omaha Lin coln Grand Island and Norfolk will be largely represented The body of William Stebrasse who was drowned in the Elkhorn river two weeks ago while helping in the search for the remains of the little Hager baumer girl was found near Fontan elle The 16-year-old daughter of George V Mestre of Auburn who accompan ied by her 8-year-old sister hired a team from the Cook livery stable and left home has been overtaken at Clay ton Kas The coroners inquest held at Bloom field over the remains of a man found on the railway track about three miles east of there in substance gave the verdict of accidental death from being run over by train No 53 Alonzo Thompson and his son Alon zo of Fnllerton started for a trip around the world They expect to see everything worth seeing while on the trip They will climb the Alps and bask in the sunshine of Switzerland Nebraska City suffered from a mad dog scare A dog that acted as if suf fering from the rabies bit several dogs and chased several persons in the southern part of the city Mayor Bart ling ordered all unmuzzled dogs in that part of the city killed Rev Richard Gould of Central City who ran away to Canada with Eva Flint the 15-year-old daughter of his boarding house keeper is in the toils of the law and will be brought back to stand trial on the charge of child stealing The penalty is from one to twenty years Sheriff McBride of Cass county armed with requisition papers for a fellow named J W Inlay left for Em erson Iowa where the man is being held for the Cass county officers In lay was arrested upon his own confes sion that he was the partner of Wil liam Jones the horsethief who was recently sentenced to one year in the penitentiary Henry Cain and Frank Davis were bound over to the district court in Beatrice after a preliminary hearing in county court on the charge of burg lary The boys were caught in a chick en coop several days ago Thomas A McCrystal of Cozad was arrested and taken before County Judge Turton on the charge of making an assault with intent to kill Talbot Davies He waived examination and was bound over to the district court in the sum of 700 McCrystal is a justice of the peace of Cozad and here tofore has borne a good reputation Armstrong Bales aged 80 years fell from the Burlington bridge at Beat rice and sustained injuries from which he died some hours later The old man was going to the river to fish and had taken a seat on the trestlework when he heard the approach of an en gine In trying to get out of the way he stumbled and fell between the ties landing on his head and shoulders twenty feet below As Mr James Hitchcock living a few miles from Bradshaw had closed his days work in the field and had turned his team out his little five-year-old son playfully ran up to one of the horses and struck it on the legs which caused the horse to kick the lit tle fellow in the face The wound is painful- but not fatal W J Bryan will probably leave next fall for an extended trip through Eur ope for the purpose of the study of so- L ciological conditions of the people of the old cuntry - SV A- HIDDEN PICTURE PUZZLE Look Out Here Comes Teacher DIVIDE HUNTINGTON ESTATE One Half Goes to Widow and the Oth er to a Nephew SAN FRANCISCO Cal The Hun tington estate in California has been equally divided between the two heirs of the late C P Huntington Arabella Huntington his widow and H E Tuntington nephew of the deceased millionaire This is the first division of the 60000000 estate and a dis tribution of the eastern properties will soon follow The California property of the es tate consists of real estate in this city Oakland and Sacramento and in the counties of San Luis Obispo and Los Angeles Its value exceeds 400000 Mrs Huntington is given the resi dence on Knob Hill which her hus band purchased from the Coltons in 1890 at a cost of 200000 MAY LIVE SEVERAL DAYS Doctors Perform Second Operation on the Pope ROME The doctors on Friday per formed a second operation upon the pope It was similar in nature to the first and Avas pronounced successful - After the operation the patient was able to get qut of bed dress himself and partake of a light breakfast He appeared much better than Thursday afternoon and those around him again feel encouraged Prof Rossoni the doctor called in consultation says he was much sur prised at the condition f the pope Instead of a dying man he found one who appeared to he in full possession of all his faculties The doctor says that his advanced age is the principal thing with which the patient has to contend HANNA STAYS IN BUSINESS Denies Intention to Devote His Future Days to Politics NEW YORK Senator Hanna who arrived here Monday on his way to visit the president at Oyster Bay said You can say for me that Senator Hanna is not going to retire from business all reports to the contrary notwithstanding I have always been in active business and intend to keep at it Certain people appear to take an exclusive interest in my affairs and movements Politics is my hobby I shall continue to give it some of my attention until I am too feeble to do anything more and that will be some time yet STRUGGLE OF THE CARDINALS Rampolla and Oreglia Dc Not Display Brotherly Love PARIS According to the Journals correspondent at Rome the Italian government has organized everything admirably An army of police is pres ent yet invisible The present strug gle between Cardinal Oreglia and Car dinal Rampolla is becoming serio comic On the former claiming an apartment in the Vatican Cardinal Rampolla had a thousand chairs piled up in it Cardinal Oreglia says the Journals correspondent told him Wednesday evening that there were possibly treasures and in any case im portant documents in the popes room and he must prevent any one entering as some relatives of cardinals have long fingers Ohio Congressman Resigns STUBENVILLE O Joseph J Gill republican of this city sent his resig nation to Governor Nash as the mem ber of congress from the Sixteenth Ohio congressional district to take effect upon the qualification of his successor He gives ill health as the cause of his resignation Congress man Gill is a wealthy retired manu facturer He recently paid 300000 for the Daily Dispatch at Columbus Ohio DE IN A WRECK TWENTY FOUR KILLED AND NINE INJURED THE PASSENGERS IN A PANIC Coach Crowded with Colored People Telescopes with Force of Collision While Engines Are Demolished Two Engineers Among Dead WASHINGTON Twenty rour per sons were killed and nine injured in a head on collision on the Virginia Midland division of the Southern rail way at Rockfisli Va Tuesday after noon The passenger train which left Washington at 1115 in the morn ing for Atlanta dashed into a local freight which was standing on the main line wrecking both engines and the baggage and express cars of the passenger train The baggage car and the second class passenger coach immediately following it telescoped The coach was mostly occupied by colored people Among the killed ENGINEER DAVIS of the passen ger train ENGINEER MCORMICK who was riding as a passenger on the freight A COLORED FIREMAN on the freight The freight train was on the re turn trip from Lynchburg to Char lottesville Rockfish station is mid way between these two points and the track there is a single one Engineer Hale had orders to get out of the way for the fast passenger train but for some reason not yet explained ne had overstayed his time and failed to take a siding so that the passenger tram could pass The trains came together with a horrible crash and a fearful panic ensued when the occupants of the cars realized what hau occurred The passenger train was made up of an express car a baggage car two day coaches and two Pullman cars The two Pullmans formed an early morning New York connection at Washington for Atlanta and the south The train arriving here at 1032 a m from Boston also connected with this train One of the passenger cars or the train was a second class day coach and the other a vestibuled car It is estimated there were prob ably 120 passengers on the train in cluding those from Boston and inter mediate points REPORT ON ELECTRIC ROADS North Atlantic States Contain Nearly One Half WASHINGTON D CA final cen sus report on street and electric rail ways shows that the North Atlantic states contain nearly one half of the total single track mileage of the Uni ted States and that the roads located there operated over half of the passen ger cars in service carried more than half of the total fare passengers and gave employment to more than half the employes reported by all roads Not only are the street railway in terests largely concentrated in the North Atlantic states but the great est amount of increase is shown for those states The report shows that the average of street and electric railways in operation in 1902 was more than twice as large as in 1S90 Cuts Passenger Rates ST PAUL Minn The Wisconsin Central on Friday met the action of the Chicago Great Western in putting in a temporary rate of 1250 for the round trip to Chicago by announcing a rate of 510 for the round trip which will go into effect Sunday Tickets will sell for four days and will bear a thirty day return limit The Chicago Great Western Burlington and the Milwaukee roads have met the cut the lowest rate in several years SI f J Fibroid Tumors Cured Note the result of Mrs Pinkhams advice and medicine Some time ago I wrote to you de scribing my symptoms and asked your advice You replied and I followed all your directions carefully and to dav I am a well woman The use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound entirely ex pelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system I can walk miles now Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound is worth five dol lars a drop I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial Signed Mns E F Hayks 252 Dudley St Roxbury Boston Mass 5000 forfeit If original of aboea letttr proving genuineness cannot bo produced Mountains of gold could not purchase such testimony or take the place of the health and happiness which Jkydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs Hayes Such testimony should bo accepted by all women as convincing evidence that Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distress ing ills of women all ovarian troubles tumors inflammations ilccration falling and displacement of the womb backache irregular suppressed or painful menstruation Surely the volume and character of the testimo nial letters we are daily printing in the newspapers can leave no room for doubt in the minds of fair people Men and bad eggs are all right till they go broke A moments anger may result in years of sorrow This Will Interest Mothers Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Child ren used by Mother Gray a nurse in Childrens Home New York Cure Fever ishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders move and regulate the bowels and destroy Worms Sold by all Druggists 25c Sample FREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoy NY If you would take pains try the early cucumber Mascagni as a Dramatist It is said that Mascagni seeks dra matists laurels The composer has written a three act comedy which will be staged in October A Rome Newspaper the Menestrel is quoted as making the following very discour teous comment on the composer Composer professor and conservatory director without a job linewise play wright Mascagni would hop around 3t Peters on one leg if he could get an audience New Yorks Tallest Buildings The tallest buildings in New York are The Park Row building twenty-nine stories or 382 feet high the St Paul twenty six Btories or 308 feet the Manhattan Life twenty two stories 34S feet the American Surety twenty three stories 30G1 feet the American Tract twenty three stories 306 feet the Empire twenty stories 293 feet the Home Life sixteen stories 280 feet the Washington Life nineteen stories 273 feet the Gillen der sixteen stories 273 feet the Bowling Green nineteen stories 272G feet the Bank of Commerce twenty stories 270 feet the New York Life twelve stories 270 feet tne Standard Oil fifteen stories 263 feet and the Commercial Cable twenty one stories 255 feet Much of the worlds poverty results from lack of push EXPERIMENTS Learn Things of Value Where one has never made the ex periment of leaving off coffee and drinking Postum it Is still easy to learn all about it by reading the ex periences of others Drinking Postum is a pleasant way to get back to health A man of Lancaster Pa says My wife was a victim of nervousness and weak stomach and loss of apetite for years and was a physical wreck although we resorted to numerous methods of relief one of which was a change from coffee to tea it was all to no purpose We knew coffee was causing the trouble but could not find anything to take its place and cure the diseases until we tried Postum Food Coffee In two weeks time after we quit cof fee and used Postum almost all of her troubles had disappeared as If by magic It was truly wonderful Her nervousness was all gone stomach trouble relieved appetite improved and above all a nights rest was com plete and refreshing This sounds like an exaggeration as it all happened so quickly but we are prepared to prove it Each day there Is improvement for the better for the Postum is undoubtedly strengthening her and giving her rich red blood and renewed life and vital ity Every particle of this good work is due to Postum and to drinking Pos tum in place of coffee Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Ice coid Postum with a dash of lemon is a delightful cooler for warm days Send for particulars by mail of ex tension of time on the 750000 cooks contest for 735 money prizes r i tf t t u ft n u