The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1903, Image 2

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    Tho Oldest Public Building I
If wo ecak the oldest civic building I
In tho United States we shall ilnd our
selveii in the- quaint old adobo palace
vi cjju uvuijiurs in oania re in ai
This loas low atructuro in the sec
ond oldest city of the United States
Imb been the ceat of government un
der Hin Snnnlsri Mvlfan nrul Amorl t
can regimes for nearly 300 years It
iow contains the museum of the New
Mexico Historical society of wMoh
Lf Bradford Prince a native New
- orker and forme governor of New
Mexico is president Governor Prince
considersMhis the most historic
building in tho United States
Halls Catarrh Cure
3s taken internally Price 7
Making Linguists
The practice of exchanging children
by parents living in Frencn and German-
Switzerland in order to enable
their boys and girls to learn another
language is spreading greatly in It
aly Recently an exchange agency to
further this object was founded In
Zurich A Swiss child has the oppor
tunity of picking up three languages
French German and Italian at
practically no cost to the parents In
about six months a child is able to
converse freely and is then sent to
school to learn tho grammar and lit
erature of the newly acquired lan
Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces
in a package 10 cents One third
more starch for the same money
Tho average politician isnt a gram
marian he cant even decline an
A candied opinion is generally bet
ter than a candid one
This Will Interest Mothers
Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Child
ren used bv Mother Gray a nurse in
Childrens Home New York Cure Fever
ishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders
move and regulate the bowels and destroy
Worms Sola by nil Druggists 23c Sample
FREE Address A S Olmsted LoRoy N Y
I prefer an ice woman to a wooden
one The former may thaw out but
the latter is hopeless
If you dont get the biggest and
best its your own fault Defiance
Starch is for sale everywhere and
there is positively nothing to equal
it in quality or quantity
Nearly Froze His Model
Charles Schreyvogel the painter of
the Western frontier works even in
cold weather on his roof in New
York Recently he had a soldier for
a model The trooper was told to
assume a recumbent posture as if
wounded It was bitterly cold but
the painter became so absorbed in
his work that hedid not experience
any discomfort The soldier accus
tomed to obedience lay perfectly still
When Mr Schreyvogel had finished
he found this really model model so
benumbed that he had to half carry
half drag him down to the studio and
revive him with an alcohol bath both
external and internal before the poor
fallow could stand on his legs again
Light Housekeeping En Route
Ezra Kendall tells of a man who was
riding on a train and pretended to be
come ill after eating a sandwich The
man opened his grip and -took out a
hot water bag He got a sympa
tnetiu porter Mr Kendall continues
to fill the water bag with boiling
water and then he opened up his
lunch basket took out a piece of fried
steak and warmed it on the water
bag You talk about your light house
keeping Then after he hadwarmed
the steak he cut it all up with a
pair of scissors and fed it to himself
with a pair of sugar tongs because
he would not take a chance with a
fork going around a curve But his
finish was the limit After he had
eaten the steak he unscrewed the
stopper of the water bag and poured
himself out a cup of hot coffee He
had the grounds in the bag all the
The Truth About Coffee
It must be regarded as a convinc
ing test when a family of 7 has used
Postum for 5 years regaining health
and keeping healthy and strong on
this food drink
This family lives in Millvllle Mass
and the lady of the household says
For eight years my stomach trou
bled me all the time I was very ner
vous and irritable and no medicine
helped me
I had about given up hope until
5 years ago next month I read an
article about Postum Cereal Coffee
that convinced me that coffee was
the cause of all my troubles I mado
the Postum carefully and liked it so
much that I drank it in preference
to coffee but without much faith that
it would help me
At the end of a month however
I was surprised to find such a change
in my condition I was stronger in
every way less nervous and at the
end of 6 months I had recovered my
strength so completely that I was
able to do all of my own housework
Because of the good Postum didus I
Knew that what you claimed for
Grape Nuts must be true and we
have all used that delicious food ever
since it first appeared on the market
We have 7 in our family and I do
vho work for them all and I am sure
that I owe my strength and health to
the steady use of your fine cereal
food and Postum in place of coffee
I have such great faith in Postum j
that I have sent it to my relatives
and I never lose a chance to speak
well of it Name furnished by Pos
tum Co Battle Creek Mich
Ice cold Postum with a dash of
eon is a delightful cooler for
warm days
Send for particulars by mail of ex
tension of time on the 750000 cooks
cantest for 735 money prizes
Three elfins who lived in a fairylike
Once read of our Fourth of July In a
And promptly their own quiet woodlands
To share In the fun and tho noise
By the light of the moon tfiey crept out
on the sly
And merrily sang on their way
Asking politely of each passerby
How far they must go to meet Fourth
of July
Till they came to the dawn of the day
What a different song these three elfins
As they limped their way homeward
that night
They had heard how the bells In tho
steeples go Clang
Torpedoes and crackers go Rattlety
And the rockets go up out of sight
For one little elfin by chance got astride
Of a giant torpedo nearby
On a huge cannon cracker the next took
a ride
Number three to the tall of a rocket was
And all three were blown up there sky
On the way coming down each elfin de
He Had seen quite enough of the sky
And promised himself If he lived to be
To ever reach home and the damage re
He would stay there on Fourth of July
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wuh a whiz- ektui warn ofr
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Oohnnie foreol Te U go
Of tb fiHicKi
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It required a long time to prepare
for the celebration of the first Fourth
of July it demanded nerve courage
j heroism the man who huzzaed for lib
erty then was in danger of putting his
head in a noose and he who fired a
gun in honor of the occasion was shot
without trial if caught
Nowadays people who wake up on
the morning of the Fourth of July
amid the boomingof cannon the noise
I of trumpets crackle of guns and snap
ping of fire crackers and a general
pandemonium of free and generous
noise seldom think of the years of
anxiety suffering and bloodshed
through which the Colonial Americans
passed before reaching the great day
when they could shout for freedom
There had been long resistance to
tyranny oppression and injustice The
I Lexington shot that was heard
around the world had been fired
Harry Lee had proclaimed independ
ence Patrick -Henry had demanded
liberty or death but the time was
not quite ripe for that day of all days
in American history the Fourth of
July 1776
On that day fifty six determined
patriots assembled in the state house
at Philadelphia They had a purpose
in assembling and that purpose was of
grave import to the whole world Thir
teen colonies with their three mil
lions of people knew what the purpose
was they had sanctioned it approved
it and what the fifty six men were
about to do they were to do on be
half of those three millions of people
who had fought suffered bled and
starved that it might be done Every
body knew what was going to happen
even the small boy who now makes as
much noise as he can was there with
the crowds assembled to hear the
tocsin of liberty
A member of this great Congress of
the people arose and stopping a mo
ment looked at the grave faces before
him then he began to read from a
paper he held in his hand
When in the course of human
i y i
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Yet this was not all for they met on the
Three cripples in pitiful plight
They also had been there to see things
A tailless young squirrel a three legged
And a crow with tall feathers turned
A very wise owl who was scowling closo
As the woebegone party drew near
Remarked while winking and blinking
one eve
Didnt I tell you so that the Fourth
of July
Is the fooly fool day of the year
But an eagle swooped down from a tow
ering pine V
And said with his talons uncurled
The day Is all right this country is
Tis sad to be crippled but sadder to
The Fourth of July leads the world
And now my young friends allow me
to state
That the fiag you saw borne on the
Is the fiag of the free and wo celebrate
The Fourth of July while the crackers
With just as much fun as we please
Be careful old owl lest my temper you
This country cost more than one eye
And is worth all it cost though owls
may demur
We invite everything in horns feathers
or fur
To share in our Fourth of July
it I U IV V Ji K W iJlk I U J U
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events reading on along down the
list of grievances until he reached the
consummating words that created a
new nation
We therefore the representatives
of the United States of America in
general Congress assembled appealing
to the Supreme Judge of the world
for the rectitude of our intentions do
in the name and by the authority of
the good people of these Colonies sol
emnly publish and declare That these
United States are and of right ought
to be free and independent hero
came an interruption in the person of
a small boy who was blowing a fuse
to keep it burning he had a small
cannon ready leaded to bethe first to
celebrate the very first Fourth of July
he rushed to the old bellman wait
ing with the rope in his hand to ring
cut liberty on liberty bell Ring
Ring Ring he shouted and the
old bellman threw his whole weight
upon the rope and the tongue of that
liberty bell spoke to the crowd and
said We are free the life of a new
and great nation has begun Rejoice
and be glad And the people shouted
Huzza We are free Then they
embraced one another and shouted
themselves hoarse and Tvhen they
could shout no more they fired guns
touched off gun powder and waved
flags but the tongue of liberty bell
kept on ringing for two long hours
the old bellman pulled with all his
strength and when asked why he did
cot stop he answereu I cant I dont
want to I could keep on ringing lib
erty to the world forever Then the
fifty six men arose and shouted and
huzzaed and embraced the deed was
done the nation was born and the first
Fourth of July was inaugurated We
have been keeping it up ever since
and as we grow larger and stronger
we make more noise which is very
natural and quite proper
yi o a o
By a Disabled Veteran
For over forty years I have been a
nrember of the great army of patriots
who fought over again the great fight
for liberty on every recurring Fourth
of July Ever since I was able to
strike a match or touch off powder
I have gallantly turned out with the
rest of the revolutionary army with
grandfathers saber by my side my
r HflEtS i li i
rWfBlllgBrPMteff Jum u ju
tasaCTLWMmL j yyyiR -- hi
great grandfathers old flintlock musket
on my shoulder and my pockets full
of powder and shot firecrackers and
I have always been in the very thick
est of the fight and when night came
on and lack of ammunition forced a
cessation of hostilities I have retired
to my well earned rest with joyful
pleasurable sensations feeling that the
enemy were routed horse foot and
True I have suffered much I have
lost a thumb my scalp has been torn
off in several places my eyebrows are
not what they should be my face is
badly frecWed with powder marks and
a portion of my ear is on the battle
field But what of that Am I not a
patriot a citizen of this great nation
that can whip all creation Pooh I
guess yes
But I am growing old now and al
though I still fpl enthusiastic as much
Q3 tp f i On the 5tf of duly
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as I ever did I prefer to look on and
hurrah instead of falling in with the
procession Besides I deFrve a pen
sion if any soldier who fought in the
cause of liberty ever did Why not
pension all our Fourth of July soldiers
A grand idea indeed With a pension
in view tho whole country would be
in the agony of battle from daylight
to dark and sevpral hours after on
every Fourth of July I think I will
try to make this a political issue in
the next campaign for town mashal It
will win fcr every man woman and
child will go in on it for the sake of
the pension You think they wont
eh Well you will see Hurrah for
the Fourth of July Hurrah for pen
sions to everyone that can hold a fire
Tiff SPIRIT fif 76
i nib a aaaa m mm w
i L I
The passing of one hundred and
twenty seven years has not dimmed
the patriotic spirit of 7G when men
put rcpes around their neck that we
might have a free and independent na
tion Men of patriotic souls and im
pulses rise to the surface of the dead
money making level and inspire our
youth with new energy to do or to die
Shall the object for which this na
tion was founded be lost sight of in
time or be even momentarily forgot
ten No there are sentinels watching
our course and they always brjng us
back again to true liberty
towa Forms S4 Por Aero Cash
taltnco crop till paid MUIII ALL Sioux City la
The centined doesnt mind a littlo
thing like having one foot in the
ri iim i ln
If yotl wish beautiful cloar whlto clothes
oso Rod Cross Boll Bluo Largo 2 os
package 5 cents
Any man with moth eaten ideas nat
urally wants to air his opinions
Miss Gannon Secy Detroit AmateurJi
Art Association tells young women what to
do to avoid pain and suffering caused by
female troubles
Deak Mrs Pixkiiax - I can conscientiously recommend Iiydla B
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to those of my sisters suffering with
female Aveakness and the troubles which so often befall women I suf
fered for months with general weakness and felt so weary that I had
hard work to keep up I hadjshooting pains and was utterly miserable
In my distress I was advised to use Iydia B Pinkliams Vegetable
Compound and it was a red letter day to me when I took the lirst dose
for at that time my restoration began In six weeks I was a changed
woman perfectly well in every respect I felt so elated and happy that
I want all women who suffer to get well as I did Mus Gvi la Gannox
359 Jones St Detroit Mich Secretary Amateur Art Association
It is clearly shown in this young ladys letter that Lydia 13
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound will certainly cure the sufferings
of women and when one considers that Miss Gannons letter is
only one of the countless hundreds which we are continually
1 s W
Water Street Haverhill Mass
Monument to Arthur
The dedication of a monument to be
erected at the birthplace of President
Chester Alan Arthur in Fairfield Vt
by the state of Vermont will occur
some day during the month of July
the precise day not having been fixed
The speakers will be Robert T Lin
coln of Chicago ex Senator William
E Chandler of New Hampshire his
secretary of the navy and others
The arrangements are in the hands
of ex Governor W W Stickney
Try One Package
If Defiance Starch does not
please you return it to your dealer
If it does you get one third more for
the same money It will givp you
satisfaction and will not stick to tho
Present tragedy makes fine future
The woman who dislikes men never
gives an entirely satisfactory reason
3000 per ZVL Lewis Single Binder
straight 5c cigar costs more than other
jrands but this price gives the dealer a fair
arofit and the smoker a better cigar
Lewis Factory Peoria 111
Dealing with Artist Whistler
James McNeill Whistlers portrait of
Carlyle is owned by the corporation
of Glasgow Shortly after it was fin
ished a committee from the corpora
tion visited Mr Whistler intending
to purchase the wonderful painting
They wanted to know about the price
which the artist had announced as
1000 guineas Didnt you know the
price before you came here asked
Whistler blandly Oh yes we knew
but Then lets talk about some
thing else interrupted Whistler The
canny Scots boughtthe picture and
trust them got a bargain
Use Red Cross Ball Blue and make them
white again Large 2 oz package 5 cents
Slavery drinks mead and freedom
publishing in the newspapers of this country
the great virtue of 31rs Pinkhams medicine
must be admitted by all and for the absolute
cure of all kinds of fomilo ills o substitute
can possibly take its place Women should bear
this important fact in mind when they go into
a drugstore and bo sure not to accept anything
that is claimed to be just as pood as JLjdia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for
no other medicine fur female ills has made so
many actual cures
How Another Young Sufferer
Was Cured
Dear Mrs Pixkiiam I must
write and tell you what your Vegetable
Compound has done for me I suffered
terribly every month at time of men
struation and was not able to work Your medicine has cured me of
my trouble I felt relieved after taking one bottle I know of no med-
icine as good as yours for female troubles -
Miss Editii Cross 1G0
Remember 3Irs Pinkhams advice is free and all sick women
are foolish if they do not ask for it Xo other person has such
vast experience and has helped so many women Write to day
FORFEIT t cannot forthwith produce tho original lotters and signatures of
above testimonials which will provo their absolute genuineness
lordia K Piukhain Medicine Co Lynn Mtus
Governor for Woman Suffrage
Governor Garvin of Rhode Island
has put himself on record as a believ
er in woman suffrage In a recent ad
dress before the Rhode Island Suf
frage association he said I think
woman suffrage will be adopted in
Rhode Island and in other New Eng
land states It has been tried in
other states and has worked well
and sooner or later it will prevail
throughout the union
Defiance Starch is guaranteed big
gest and best or money refunded 1C
ounces 10 cents Try it now
Genius and Long Hair
Israel Zangwill says There are
three reasons why men of genius have
long hair One is tnat they forget it
s growing The second is that they
like it The third i3 that it comes
cheaper They wear ir long for the
same reason that they wear their hats
long Owing to this peculiarity of
genius you may get quite a reputa
tion for lack of 25 cents
To Care a Cold in one Cay
Take Laxative Bromo Qumine Tablets All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure c
A Job for a Swearing Man
There is a well known story of
Disraeli when he was the prime min
ister of England What can we do
with Rosslyn Disraeli asked one
o his colleagues and the other sug
gested that he should be appointed
master of the bloodhounds as his
father -had been before him No
said Disraeli he swears too much
for that We will make him a high
commissioner to the Church of Scot
land And high commissioner ue
was made
yir VlnlGtv s sootJiln Syrsp
For children teething softens tne kuois reduces a
is nnaatiuri allay j pain cures ai colic c 4 bottls
A loan shark sticketh far closer
than any brother that ever came
down the pike
Any man who picks another mans
pocket is almost mean enough to write
an anonymous letter
f i