The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1903, Image 6

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Russell Sage will pay taxes on
2000000 this year
A number of cities have forbidden
the use of powder on the Fourth of
July L
In shipbuilding Pennsylvania stands
first and New York second while Cali
fornia is a good third
Sweden sent three quarters of the
4000000 gross boxes of matches im
ported into this country last year
Atlantic City possesses a police
motor car which is used solely for the
conveyance of intoxicated prisoners
Major James H Pond manager of
lecturers and singers has had to have
his right leg amputated to save his
Henry F Greene of Duluth has been
appointed member of the civil service
commission to succeed Harry A Gar
Fourteen men were killed and thir
teen injured by an explosion in the
lyddite factory at the Woolwich
arsenal in England
John Gollmar formerly editor of a
Servian newspaper but expelled from
that country for exposing the bogus
baby scheme of Queen Draga has been
residing in Janesville Wis for some
years past
The mortality report of the board of
health of Hawaii for the last month
shows an unusual percentage of
deaths from consumption Almost 20
per cent of the deaths were due to
that disease
Several deaths in the works erected
at Clydach near Swansea for ex
tracting nickel by the Mond process
have puzzled the leading British phy
sicians who have gone there to inves
tigate the matter
- Mayor Studley of New Haven Conn
is using strenuous effort to get Presi
dent Roosevelt to visit the city during
the annual reunion of Spanish war
veterans to be held there the latter
part of September
At Indianapolis Will Zimmerman
nged 20 tried to loop the loop in the
place of Ray Stevens who is laid up
with broken ribs from the feat but
fell from the top and fractured his
skull He will die
The Gladstone memorial for Edin
burgh from the design by Mr Pit
tendrigh MacGillivray has received
the approval of the committee charg
ed with the matter and work will be
commenced forthwith
The Budget estimates of H Rouvier
the French minister of finance were
made The deficit is 58000000 francs
To avoid new taxes he said measures
are being taken to augment the yield
of the present taxation
Announcement was made of these
consular appointments J G Foster
Vt consul general at Ottawa R
W Bliss consul at Vienna J V Long
Pa consul at Patras E H Higgins
Mass consul at Berne
After a stormy session representa
tives of the passenger departments of
the Chicago St Paul roads adjourned
after admitting that they are power
less to arrange a settlement of the
rate troubles in their territory
Miss Jean Ankrom formerly of
Waynesburg Pa the only woman
school supervisor in Porto Rico was
thrown from a carriage in a runaway
accident at Ponce and died in fifteen
minutes Her neck was broken
An attachment for 50000000 was
filed in the United States circuit court
at Boston against the General Electric
company by counsel for S F Van
Choate of this city who alleged in
fringement of a number of inventions
J Bruse Ismay managing director
of the White Star line and Henry
Wilding the English representative of
the International Mercantile Marine
company joined J P Morgan on the
Oceanic and proceeded to New York
Dan McCloskey a miner met his
death in Dillon Montana at the hands
of Chief of Police Stone while resist
ing arrest and that officer at the same
time single handed also captured five
tramps McCloskey who was shot
through the heart had first fired upon
the officer
United States Consul General Mc
Wade at Canton cables the state de
partment that the American whom he
reported a few days ago as having
been captured and held for ransom
by pirates has been rescued by the
United States gunboat Callao and re
turned to Canton
The Ottawa Kan Chautauqua as
sembly management announces a con
tract with W J Bryan for a lecture
on July 9 on the subject The Value
of an Ideal
The Mad Mullah is again threaten
ing British lines of communication
Of the 85000 Indians in the five civ
ilized tribes Cherokees Creeks Choc
taws Chickasaws and Seminoles less
than 15000 are full bloods so the In
dian will soon lose his racial identity
The government owes Missouri
44127469 for troops in the civil war
Little Russian comment news item but a lot of thinking
Additional Four Weeks to Be Devoted
to Cuban Treaty with Ample Scope
for Tariff Discussion Rural Free
Delivery Matters
WASHINGTON It now seems to
be certain that President Roosevelt
will call congress in extraordinary ses
sion November 9 The extra session
will be called for action upon the Cu
ban treaty The president has in
formed congressional visitors recently
of his intention to call congress to
gether in extra session on the date
mentioned This will give congress
nearly a month to work in before the
date for the regular session The
first Monday in December fixed by
law for the regular session to begin
falls on December 7 this year By
beginning on November 9 there will
be plenty of time to dispose of the
Cuban tariff matter The program
of the republican leaders in congress
will be unless there is a change in
their present intentions to permit the
democrats all the opportunity they de
sire during the extra session to dis
cuss questions of tariff and reciproc
ity and kindred subjects After the
regular session begins little opportu
nity will be allowed and republican
leaders and committees will work to
gether to prevent tariff taking up any
time or hold any place of importance
in legislative business What the pol
icy and attitude of tne party will be
on tariff in the presidential election
will depend on future developments
Rural Delivery
A great deal of wild talk has been
indulged in during the past few weeks
as to the probability of congress aban
doning the whole rural free delivery
service as a result of the postoffice
scandals That such talk is absurd
is easy to understand when it is re
membered that every member of the
house whose district is not confined
to a large city is directly interested
in the maintenance and growth of the
rural free delivery service It may be
true that routes have been establish
ed in districts which were not entitled
to them when the population and pos
tal business were consraered but on
the other hand all members repre
senting rural populations have been
tarrred with the same stick Politi
cal lines have never been drawn in
the establishment of rural routes and
during the past two years when con
gress was in session ruy 10 per cent
of the absentees could have been dis
covered in the headquarters of the
rural free delivery service urging
upon the superintendent the necessity
of consideration of routes in which
each individual was directly interest
Street Cars Running at Dubuque
DUBUQUE la Street cars re
sumed operations Sundays with four
companies of militia guarding the
companys property There was no
Peter Expresses Satisfaction
GENEVA King Peter has ex
pressed his approval of the program
for his reception in Belgrade which
will include a gala performance at
the theater
Jews Denounce Russia
LONDON A demonstration of
thousands of East End Hebrews was
held in Hyde park this afternoon to
protest agianst the Kishineff mas
sacre Speeches violently denounc
ing the Russian government were de
livered in Yiddish simultaneously
from a number of platforms Reso
lutions expressing sympathy with the
sufferings and indignation and ab
horrence of the Russian government
were adopted unanimous
Called on to Avenge Murdered Mon
ST PETERSBURG An official note
was published in the Gazette Thursday
recognizing Peter Karageorgevitch as
king of Servia and welcoming his ac
cession In brief the note declares that
it is incumbent upon King Peter to
avenge the assassination of King Alex
ander and Queen Draga and expresses
the conviction that he will know how
to severely punish the regicides whose
misdeeds should not be visited on the
entire Servian nation or army The
text of the note follows
A week has now elapsed since the
day of the bloody revolution at Bel
grade an intimation of which could
not be given to the imperial govern
ment in the customary official form be
cause legal authority was lacking in
Strictly adhering to its standpoint of
non intervention in the internal affairs
of the Balkan states and at the same
time finding it impossible to hold any
intercourse with the persons who have
arbitrarily usurped power Russia has
awaited the conclusion of the troubles
in order to define clearly its attitude
toward the events in the kingdom of
The skupshtina and senate assem
bled in extraordinary session June 1G
the legal order of things was re-established
and Prince Peter Kara
georgevitch was unanimously elected
The prince complying with the re
quest of the national assembly has
consented to ascend the throne of Ser
via under the name of Peter I Imme
diately after the proclamation the new
king telegraphed to the czar asking
his imperial majesty to recognize him
as king whereupon the reply of his
majesty in confirmation of this was
The imperial government while hail
ing the election of the new monarch
scion of a glorious dynasty and wish
ing all success to the supreme head
of the Servian people which is allied
to Russia by ties of religion can nev
ertheless not refrain from expressing
the confident hope that King Peter will
be able to give evidence of his sense
of justice and firmness of will by
adopting measures at the outset to in
vestigate the abominable deed that has
been committed and mete out rigorous
punishment to those traitorous crimi
nals who have stained themselves with
the infamy attaching to regicides
Of course the entire Servian nation
or its army cannot Fheld responsible
for the crime which revolts public con
science yet it would be dangerous to
Servias internal peace not to exact
expiation for the revolution carried out
with violence by the military Such
neglect will inevitably react in an un
favorable manner on the relations of
all the states with Servia and would
create for Servia serious difficulties at
the very commencement of the reign
of King Peter I
Their Russian co religionists offer to
God supplications for the repose of the
souls of King Alexander and his con
sort who have met an untimely end
and they invoke the blessings of the
Almighty on the rule of King Peter for
the welfare and prosperity of the Ser
vian people
Jews Need Not Fear in Odessa
eff the new prefect of police of Odes
sa in receiving a deputation of rabbis
recently assured them that the Jews
of Odessa could pursue their avoca
tions without fearing anti Semite out
Harriman Not in Control
be stated officially and with absolute
accuracy the Tribune says that while
the traffic arrangements between Sen
ator Clarks Salt Lake Los Angeles
road and the roads constituting the
Harriman system will have absolutely
nothing to do with directing the oper
ations of the Clark road which will
do business with all roads entering
Salt Lake City
Authorities Deem Certain Indiscre
tions Sufficient to Warrant Dismissal
Two Firms Want Work Which
Lowest Bidders Are Refused
WASHINGTON As a result of al
leged indiscretion in the award of con
tracts for printing money order forms
James T Metcalfe superintendent of
the money order system of the post
office department was removed from
office by the postmaster general A
full investigation will be made later
The dismissal is the result of acts
opposing the bid of Paul Herman of
Rutherford N J the lowest bidder by
45000 and in favor of the next high
est bidder the
company of New York of
which Mr Metcalfes son is an em
The story is briefly told in the fol
lowing letter of dismissal signed by
Postmaster General Payne
Mr James T Metcalfe Superin
tendent of Money Order System Post
office Department Dear Sir You
are hereby removed from the position
of superintendent of the money order
The charges upon which your re
moval is based relate to your actions
in the matter of letting the contract
for money order- forms It appears
from your answer that when the pro
posals of the different competitors for
the contract of supplying money order
lorms were opened Paul Herman of
Rutherford N J formerly employed
as foreman by the
beck Crawford company of New York
by which company it seems your son
is also employed was found to be
the lowest bidder his proposal being
45000 below that of the next high
est bidder namely the
company that the
bid of Herman as submitted was reg
ular in form and that he had deposit
ed a certified check for 5000 as a for
feit It further appears that within a
day or two the
company filed a protest
against awarding the contract to Her
man alleging that he was not finan
cially responsible that a short time
thereafter Mrl Herman called at your
office and you advised him to with
draw his bid and re enter the employ
of the
company understanding that at tho
time such withdrawal would result in
the contract being awarded to said
company and consequently in a loss
to the government that you offered
to write and did write a letter to said
company apprising it of your inter
view with Herman and using your
good offices in his behalf that you ad
vised Herman that his 5000 deposit
would probably be returned to him if
he adopted your suggestion It fur
ther appears that you regarded Mr
Herman as possessing the mechanical
qualifications requisite to the perform
ance of the contract and that it was
not any part of your duty to pass upon
the question of his responsibility
financial or otherwise It also appears
that you did not acquaint your supe
rior First Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Wynee with the fact that you
had endeavored to have Mr Herman
withdraw his bid It further appears
that a hearing had been had before
General Wynee on the question of the
financial responsibility of Mr Her
man although it has developed since
the submission of your answer this
morning that you discouraged such a
hearing and manifested a desire that
the contract be awarded to the
Very respectfully
Postmaster General
Charged With Crookedness
SCRANTON Pa A special com
mittee was appointed by the select
council to investigate an allegation
that eight members of the body had
banded together to hold up the Dalton
Street Railway company for 400
apiece At the last meeting of the
council the franchise was to come up
for passage but the quorum was
broken by opponents of the measure
Asks Aid for Flood Sufferers
ford supreme chancellor of the Court
cf Honor issued an address to the lo
cal courts of the organization request
ing them to contribute to the aid of
their brethren in Missouri Iowa and
Illinois who have lost their homes and
other property by reason of the
Death List Is Growing
HEPPNER Cal The developments
of yesterday and today show the Hepp
ner death list will exceed the esti
mates of the last two days There
are several large shifts of men at
work and corpses are being found nine
miles away At -the rate bodies are
coming in the list will easily reach
200 actually found identified and
buried The name of Otis Bullis 2G
years old of Tower City N Br is
added to those missing
Latest Quotations Prom South
Omaha and Kansas City
CATTLE There was a liberal run
but quite a string of the arrivals was
consigned through to the north and not
offered for sale The market on fat
cattle was rather streaked and sales
were mado that looked all the way
from barely steady to strong Tho
beef steer market could not bo quoted
much more than generally steady
Some salesmen throught they got a
little stronger prices while others said
they had to hurry to get steady prices
As a general thing the light and
handy weight cattle sold if anything
a little stronger where the quality was
satisfactory while the heavyweights
were a little draggy and no more than
steady There were exceptions how
ever to this rule The cow market
was also about steady The better
grades sold without difficulty and all
that class of stock was disposed of
at an early hour Grass cows how
ever are difficult to sell at any price
and are selling so unevenly that it Is
hard to quote a market on them It
is very evident however that they
have been going down hill at a rapid
rate The bulk of the fair to good
kinds sell from 300 to 340 The
common kinds sell mostly from 250
to 300 Fed cows of good quality are
selling largely from 350 to 425 with
choice grades from that up
HOGS Receipts of hogs were quite
liberal but still there was a decrease
of about 2000 head as compared with
the day before The market opened
about 215c lower the greatest de
cline being on the heavy hogs Trad
ing was fairly active for a time but
before 100 loads had been disposed of
packers became more bearish and the
close was slow and weak The light
and common hogs sold in about the
same notches witli the mixed hogs or
in other words at 592 and 505
where the bulk of the hogs were
SHEEP Quotations for clipped
stock Choice western lambs C25f
G75 fair to good lambs 525tf625
choice western wooled lambs 5075
700 fair to good wooled lambs 550
ft 650 choice lightweight yearlings
550 575 fair to good yearlings 500
g550 choice wethers 490fS510 fair
to good wethers 450fl490 choice
ewes 425 450 fair to good ewes
350425 feeder lambs 250 ioxw
feeder yearlings 250 350 feeder
wethers 250350 feeder ewes 200
CATTLE Market unchanged native
steers 350f515 Texas and Indian
steers 2750425 Texas cows 200 Tv
375 native cows and heifdrs 200 rf
440 stockers and feeders 225440
bulls 275 To 395 calves 275rtG90
western steers 2S0485 western
cows 200 210
HOGS Steady unchanged bulk of
sales 5707590 heavy 5S0BC00
packers 5G55S5 medium 5705
590 light 5G05575 pigs 525
changed muttons 330fi515 lambs
S425fTG90 range wethers 340 ewes
340 ft 500
Former President is Not Seeking to Be
NEW YORK The World publishes
a dispatch from Princeton N J quot
ing former President Cleveland as say
It is perfectly absurd to suppose
for an instant that I have any desire
to re enter political life Nor have I
remotely entertained a thought since
1 left Washington more than six years
ago The matter is as far from my
thoughts as in 189G when all must ad
mit it was not within my nearing or
sight I have no higher aspiration
than to pass my days in peace with my
family around me and take no part
in politics which any private citizen
cannot take with the utmost propriety
I have not spoken on the subject
of a fourth candidacy I have never
written to a single political friend one
way or the other nor have I been
written to or spoken to by them
There is not a political leader of any
prominence endeavoring to advance
any movement to nominate me in any
state so far as I have been advised
nor do I anticipate than any such ef
fort will be made by any leader
prominent or obscure in any locality
Murdered by Negro Bandits
man bridge carpenter of West Plains
Mo was shot and killed and Robert
Moss a bridge carpenter of the same
place was shot and seriously wound
ed by two negroes on a Santa Fe
freight train early Friday The white
men had just quit a bridge gang and
were making their way to the harvest
fields The negroes attempted to lnd
them up and a fight followed
Famous Iowa Man Dies
NEW YORK William C Van Ben
thuysen of the editorial staff of the
World died Friday He was about 47
years of age and leaves a widow three
sons and two daughters
Czar Takes Krcushevans Book
ST PETERSBURG The czar the
Novoe Vreinya announces has accept
ed a copy of the book on Bessarabia
written by M Kroushevan the editor
of the anti Semitic organ in Kishinev
It was announced from St Petersburg
June 17 that M Kroushevan was at
tacked by a party of Jews in a street
at St Petersburg that day and was
stabbed in the neck by a former stu
dent of the polychnecal school at
Iowa Farms 54 Par Aero Caah
baUoco yA crop till paid UtTLH ALL Sioux City la
She Saw Aaron Burr
Mrs Henry Chadwick of Brooklyn
who is 84 years old tells of seeing
Aaron Burr She Is the granddaughtci
of Benjamin Botts who defended Bun
in his trial for treason at Richmond
In 1807 Her father owned a farm
near Jamaica L I adjoining one
owned by Burr When she saw Col
onel Burr he was 77 years old with
ered and bent but his famous eyes
were still black and piercing Burr
died in 183G Mrs Chadwick also
knew Chief Justice Marshall well
The Great Work It Has Done in the
Past Twenty Years
More than twenty years ago Dr
Leslie E Keeley made the announce
ment that Drunkenness is a disease
and can be cured and this state
ment has been verified by the fact that
the Keeley treatment of tho Liquor
and Drug habits has restored more
than 300000 men and women to their
families and friendstand brought hope
and sunshine Into that number of
blighted lives The Keeley Institute
for the state of Nebraska is located
at Omaha corner of Leavenworth and
19th streets It is operated under
the authority of The Leslie E Keeley
Company with a member of the com
panys medical staff as its resident
physician and Its remedies methods
and rules are those prescribed by
he origintor Leslie E Keeley M D
LL D and in use for nearly a quarter
of a century
The Omaha Keeley Institute occu
pies one of the highest points In tho
city only seven blocks from the cen
ter The Institute is a very large resi
dence building thoroughly modern
large verandas and beautiful grounds
In fact there is everything here that
those wishing to take the Keeley treat
ment could desire and this is tho
only Keeley Institute in the state of
Nebraska Any additional informa
tion can be had by addressing the
Keeley Institute Company corner of
19th and Leavenworth streets Omaha
In Poland the standard bearer must
be a flag Pole
Below is a partial list of tho many
naif rates offered via the Wabash Rail
Atlanta Ga and return 3210
Sold July 5th Cth and 7th
Indianapolis Iiul and return 1940
Sold June 7th SUi 0th 13th and 14th
St Louis Mo and return 1350
Sold June 10th and 17th
Coston Mass and return 3175
Sold June 21th 25th and 2Cth
Boston Mass and return 3375
Sold June 30th to July 4th
Saratoga N V and return 3220
Sold July 4th and 5th
Detroit Mieh and return 2100-
Sold July 14th and 15th
Baltimore Md and return 3225
Sold July 17th ard 18th
Baltimore Md and return 3225
Sold Sept 17th ISth and 19th
All tickets reading over rtie Wabash
are good on steamers In either direc
tion between Detroit and Buffalo
without extra charge except meals
and berths Long limits and stop
overs allowed Remember this is Thj
Worlds Fair Line Go this route and
view the grounds
For folders and all Information ad
Omaha Neb
The Real Cause of the Trouble
A negro preacher down south has
discovered the real cause of the re
cent volcanic disasters He says De
earf my friens resolves on axles as
we all know Somefin is needed to
keep the axles greased so when de
earf was made petrlyum was put in
side for dat purpose De Standard
Oil compny comes along an strax
dat petrolyum by borin holes in de
earf De earf stix on its axles an
wont go round no more den dere is
a hot box just as ef de earf wuz a
big railway train and den my frienr
dere is trouble
His Heart Out of Place
With a heart displacement of four
inches downward and one inch to the
left Thomas Hoben aged 45 of In
dianapolis still lives but his death
may result at any time Hoben was
examined by members of the faculty
of the medical college of Indiana whe
term his ailment aortic regurgitation
The normal position of the human
heart is one inch to the right of the
fifth intercostal space Hobens hearl
shows by examination that the ape
beat is four inches below and one inch
to the left It is believed this pecu
liar ailment is the result of overwork
in a rolling mill A severe shock al
any time would undoubtedly produce
instant death Medical experts say
that there are a few cases of heart
displacement of such extent as the
case of Hoben
A Cure for Dropsy
Sedgwick Ark June 22d Mr W
S Taylor of this place says
My little boy had Dropsy Two
doctors the best in this part of the
country told me he would never get
better and to have seen him anyone
else would have said they were right
His feet and limbs were swollen so
that he could not walk nor put on his
Wnen the doctors told me he would
Eurely die I stopped giving him their
medicine and began giving nim
Dodds Kidney Pills I gave him
three pills a day and at the end of
eight days the swelling was ail gone
but as I wanted to be sure I kept on
with the pills fo some time gradu
ally reducing the quantity till finally
I stopped altogether
Dodds Kidney Pills certainly saved
my childs life Before using them he
was a helpless invalid in his mothers
arms from morning till night Now
he is a healthy happy child running
and dancing and singing I can never
express our gratitude
Dodds Kidney Pills entirely cured
our boy after everybody doctors and
all had given him up to die
An Irish physician says that a man
never begins to take care of his
bealth until after he loses it