The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1903, Image 1

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- S5
Pythian Memorial Day
The members of McCook lodge ob
served their annual memorial day last
Sunday afternoon The members of the
order assembled at their castlo hall at 2
oclock marching from thence to St
Albnns chapel where they listened to
the regular evening service of the Epis
copal church with an excellent sermon
by Rector E R Earle on the Scripture
lesson Greater love hath no man than
that ho give his life for his friends
After services in the church the mem
bora marched and rode to the two city
cemeteries where the graves of deceased
knights were lavishly and tenderly deco
rated with a wealth of flowers these
sorvices being according to the beautiful
ritualistic requirements of the order
From the cities of the dead the breth
ren return to their castlo and disbanded
Govern Yourselves Accordingly
Thursday July 2nd the middle or
south river bridge over tho Republican
will be closed against travel all day
while repairs aro being made It will bo
remembered that when the bridge was
damaged by the flood early in tho spring
when tho ice went out of the river cer
tain timbers were loaned by the Burling
ton railroad company for repairs until
the timbers could be secured on the
market and gotten here Those timbers
have now arrived and will bo placed in
the bridge July 2nd hence tho closing
of tho bridge on that day Parties in
terested will take due notice and will
govern themselves accordingly Tho
borrowed timbers will be returned to
the Burlington by tho county with the
appreciation of the people for their cour
tesy -
H R Stanley Married
Mr H R Stanley and Miss Ida Leo
of Elwood Nebraska were married at
that place Tuesday evening and ar
rived here Wednesday morning to make
thoir permanent home Ilarry Stanley
the groom is well known to -the mer
chants here having visited Holdrege for
several years past as a traveling sales
man He is at present representing
Allen Bros of Omaha Tho bride is an
esteemed young lady of Elwood where
she has been engaged in teaching school
for some years Mr and Mrs Stanley
have secured the residence recently va
cated by F R Bellamy just south of
Judge Gobles where they will immedi
ately go to housekeeping Holdrege
Progress June 19th
We Have
The rest comfort and enjoyment you
get out of a hammock is always worth
many times its cost
This line of goods has been much im
proved in the last few years and we
think the lines we are showing this year
will provide more comfort than the
styles of previous years
L W McConnell Druggist
Will McCook Celebrate
This year If they do all the up-to-date
young men will need a buggy in
which to bring their best girls to town
and irthey dont they will have the
same need in going where they do cele
brate Make arrangements with W T
Coleman at once for a buggy Go in
and look over his selection
Horse Kicked Him
Ira Peterson mail carrier on the
route was kicked on
the leg last Saturday by his own horse
and Claude Fowler had to relieve him
part of this week One of the small
bones was slightly splintered bift he
will be about as usual shortly
Will Build It Themselves
The Catholic brethren have decided
to build their new church themselves
and the work will be pushed along as
fast as possible beginning at once
James McAdams will be superintendent
of the work
Dwelling House for Sale
My residence property in McCook lot
16 block 8 original McCook Address
J L Gray
52S W 69th st Chicago Hi
American A 2 bushel grain bags 16c
best carpet warp on spools 18c lb best
table oil cloth 15c yard mens heavy cot
ton sox 5c pair best indigo dyed dress
prints 5c yard best shirting prints 6c
yard Strictly cask prices on all goods
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Very handsome black satin belts just
received at The Thompson Dry Goods
Just received 48 and 51 inch binder
canvas at J H Grannis
We have just received a line of
new things in wrist bags nitsukas
pocket books and card cases
I W McConnell Druggist
1 - -
Ika J Clark is homo on a visit
Ed Patterson is visiting in the city
Mrs C II Clark is a guest of Mrs
C E Cono
Miss Lillian Roman left for her home
in Lincoln Sunday
C H Boyle had business in Tren
ton first of the week
C O Grimes succpeds Rasmussen in
Suttons jewelry store
Charles Whittaker of Holdrege root
ed for the home team Tuesday
Mrs Alex Carmichael is down from
Denver visiting the family here
Aimee Menard entertained tho young
ladies of the Awl Os club Wednesday
Mrs Earl Corbin entertained her
sister Miss Laura Webber of Cambridge
last week a
Mrs C L Fah tock is expected
home next Wednesday from her trip to
St Louis
Dr Whittier and Frank Miller were
up from Holdrege to witness Mondays
ball game
Frank Dean tho Holdrege hardware
merchant was among the Holdrege root
ers Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Will Dolan were up
from Indianola Thursday to see the
Giltner ball game
Dr A W Hoyt and L R Corbin
were Indianolaites in the metropolis on
business Tuesday
Dr R E Campbell of Buffalo N Y
is here again on one of his semi-occasional
JIrs Fred Irwin and sister Amanda
Grovert went down to Lincoln last
night on a short visit
Mr and Mrs Frank Ives of Denver
were guests of Engineer and Mrs Vic
Ives early part of the week
W R Starr was in Imperial part of
tho week on legal business returning
home on Wednesday evening
Mrs Matt Lawritson went over to
Beaver City Wednesday on a visit to
relatives and will be home tonight
Harrie G Thomas of the Harvard
Courier visited his brother George H
Thomas of the city schools Sunday
August Droll arrived home Sunday
from his trip to Illinois He says the
western part of Nebraska beats em all
Oliver Jeffries of Hayes Center had
business in the metropolis of South
western Nebraska Monday and Tues
C H Colson well known to McCook
theatre goers is here on a visit guest of
his brother D W Colson of the Bee
Robert Gunn was in Omaha first of
the week to see bis mother who is in a
hospital in that city having recently
been operated upon
Mrs John Kummer and the rest of
the family arrived from Grand Island
last week and are again located on the
farm northeast of tho city
M H Holmes expects to leave for
Missoula Montana in about two weeks
at any rate as soon as the new Baptist
parsonage has been completed
Mrs E W Eddy of Shawnee Okla
homa a sister of Mrs S D McClain
arrived in the city last Thursday and
will make her sister a visit of some
Mrs Augusta Anton and Clara Mrs
L W Stayner and Lila departed on 6
Tuesday night for Des Moines Iowa
to bo gone about six weeks visiting rel
Mr and Mrs L W McConnell Mrs
J W Line and Miss Maud Cordeal re
returned early in the week from their
outing at Curtis lake having enjoyed
the trip and stay greatly
C Clinton Page of the Holdrege
Progress made a demonstration for the
Holdrege nine in Tuesdays game and
with State Senator Frank Dean took in
tho normal reception Tuesday evening
Mrs J G Stokes on Tuesday after
noon entertained a company of lady
friends at a kensington to meet her
mother Mrs Sarah Ward of Hamburg
Iowa A three course lunch was served
John F Rowell supt of the United
States Gold Corporation of Boulder Col
orado arrived in the city from the east
ern part of the state Tuesday night and
is spending a few days here on business
of the company
Douglas Wentz is visiting his uncles
at Sundance Wyoming and will be ab
sent for several weeks He has not been
recovering satisfactorily from his recent
illness with fever and it is hoped the
change will be beneficial
Henry S Ferrar superintendent of
the Grand Island beet sugar factory has
been in McCook and vicinity part of the
week looking after the companys inter
ests in the sugar beet fields He states
that the prospects are fine although the
crop is almost a month behind that of
last year
Junior Normal Attendance About 150
This week tho attendance upon tho
McCook Junior Normal School reached
the 150 mark and tho work of the normal
is progressing very satisfactorily The
attendance at Iloldrego is given as about
200 so McCook may feel quite well over
tho at tendance here which like at the
other normals over tho state has not been
up to expectations
Every Fridny morniGg at 10 oclock
there is a program of music
Instructor A O Thomas spent Sunday
with the homefolks in Kearney
Dr Riley of Minneapolis addressed
the assembly Tuesday morning
County Supt I B Raichart of Ben
kelman was at the normal early part of
the week
Rev L H Shumate of the Methodist
church addressed the normalites at the
chapel hour last Friday morning
State Supt Fowler addressed the
school at the chapel hour Tuesday morn
ing while here on an official visit He
expects to make another visit before the
school closes
Mrs Clara L Dobson superintendent
of Frontier county was hero on Tues
day to meet State Supt Fowler Also
SuptRaichart of Dundy county Where
O where was ODonnell of Hitchcock
The music feature of the normal is
proving one of the marked attractions
and good work is being done in that de
partment Quite a number of the high
school pupils aro taking advantage of
the opportunity
On Friday morning of next week July
3rd there will bo a special music pro
gram at 10 oclock It will be patriotic
in character There will also be drills
by the children of the model school un
der the direction of Mrs Sarah J Brind
Congressman E J Burkettof Lincoln
one of Nebraskas ablest and most popu
lar congressmen will deliver an address
at the normal some time during the ses
sion date not yet decided upon His
lecture will be The Young Man of the
Monday and Tuesday of next week
Dean Charles Fordyce of the Wesloyan
university will be present At the chapel
hours on Monday and Tuesday he will
address the assembly and on Tuesday
evening in the court room he will de
liver a lecture on some pedagogical sub
ject of interest and profit Tho public
is cordially invited to attend this lecture
Deputy State Supt J L McBrien
will be in McCook tonight Friday and
will speak to tho teachers of the Junior
TCnrrrml sfhnn1 on Ahrnlinm Tinonln
in the high school assembly room In
addition the chorus class under direc
tion of Mr Bradford will render a mu
sic program There will be no admis
sion fee and the public is very cordially
invited to be present The exercise
will begin at 830 oclock
The following interesting music pro
gram was rendered this morning at the
chapel exercises of the normal
Morning hymn School
Song School
Vocal Duet Barcarolle Eight Ladies
Piano Solo Mrs Frank Wallace
Vocal Solo Mifcs Elsie Campbell
Chorus School
Vocal Duet HomeSweetHomeEight Ladies
Vocal Solo HEBradford
Chorus School
March Miss Blanche McCarl
Prof George E Condra of the de
partment of geology in tho state univer
sity made two talks before the normal
Tuesday morning and afternoon teach
ing physiology and geography In the
evening he delivered his illustrated lec
ture on The Geography of Nebraska
The attendance was fair and the topic
was handled instructively although the
lantern features suffered somewhat in
comparison with the work of Roberson
last week Mrs Condra accompanied
the professor on his visit here
One of the occasions of the week of
special interest was the reception ten
dered the pupils of the normal school in
the court room Tuesday evening at
which State Supt Fowler was present
as a guest of honor This affair was
managed very cleverly by the local com
mittee assisted by high school pupils
and the felicitous manner in which the
guests were entertained left little to be
desired There was a numerous attend
ance of normal pupils and instructors
together with not a few city teachers
pupils of the high school members of
alumni and citizens interested in educa
tional affairs The atmosphere was
highly charged with sociability and
much ground was well covered in plac
ing all present and interested on a bet
ter basis socially A phonograph oper
ated by J G Schobel and a cecilian op
erated by H P Sutton were the source
of much pleasure to all Pineapple ice
and cake were served from a tasteful
booth in one corner of the room and
punch from another cosy nook both
booths being decorated in the colors of
the class of 03
Following is a full list of teachers and
others in attendance
McCook Jennie Brady Ruby Fitzgerald D
Burnett Rozr Byfleld Agnes Elbert Nettie
Undsley Ada Hammond Mary Heafy Josio
Houlihan Audrey Jones Susie LeHew Ethel
Middleton Mary Novotny Josephino Phelan
May Prodmore Minnie Rowell Floyd Russell
Harold Sutton Edith Waite Lottie Watkins
Belle Brooks Laura McMillen Robert Burns
Sadie E Coyle Mary Elliott Julia Goodenbor
ger Anna 8FIaunan Bertha Hedges Winona
Jones Fred Knapo Blancho McCarl Maude
Middleton Bessie Peterson Alma Powell Mollie
Rheinheimer Pearl Ruggles Nellio Ryan Sylvia
Vanderhoof Mabel Wilcox Mabel Whitakor
Nellio Bennett Rosa Brady Mattio Broylos
Birdie Carty L W Jennings Lettio Knipple
Alice McKenna Carrie Peterson Edna Waite
Emma Perry Winnie Browne
Cambridge Grace Edwards Ida Redford
Blanche Pa hi Mamie Showalter Lena Payton
Kato Payton
Hates Center Katie Smith
Eddy M J Hammond
Wauneta Laura Fanning Nellie Wheeler
Walter Wheeler Nollio Dick
Stevens Eva Fitzgibbons
Osbdrn Nannie Campbell
Wilsonville Bertha Demareo Helon John
son Flora Demaroe
Hendlet Lucy Aars Lenora Mart
Mavwood Carrie Bussard
Orleans Eunice Munson
Red Cloud Florence Cotting
Champion Grace Davidson
Box Elder Jeanette Doylo Maude Stone
Harry Shepherd
Lincoln Margaret Lewis
Havana Martin Jussell
Beaver City Clara Kern
Lebanon Hattie Weatherwax
Curtis Nellie White
Trenton Grace Houser Vivia Peterson
Manda Grovert Addio Harding Pleasant Ham
Stamford Mabel Palmer
Banksville Mary Peters
Quick Carrie Teol W W Teel
Stratton Minnie Raichart Inez Walker
Center Point Anna Russell
Harvard Frances Martin
Cedar Bluffs Kansas Vivian Gossard
D anbury Dora Greenway Pearl Hayes John
Ruby Bertha Thompson Mary Greenway Rosa
Minniear Lucretia Ruby Roxa Brown
Palisade Mollie Ryan
Bartley Lizzie Adair Pearl Curlee Perry
Ginther Mary Richman Ida Bush Nellio Far
rell Clara Meekor Oscar Lohr
Culbertson Alico Stewart Verna Vastino
Imperial Myra Meeker Sarah Morris Vada
Samuelson Blanche Meeker Georgo Roe Adoll
Hoffmeister Maud McClellan
Max Katie Hickman Attio Powell
Indianola J J Carter Effio Crowder Alta
Hagar Emma Lang Teresa McDonnell Ethel
Sheridan J K Carter Ida DonnollyEdna Hol
comb Anna McDonnell Edna Reynolds Katie
Vering Grace Phillips Gertrude Teol Anna
Voricg Delia Andrews
Springfield G R Hammond
Denver Colo Louise Pitney
A New Dsntal Office
Per card appearing elsewhere in this
issue it will be seen that McCook has
another dental office and that Dr R J
Gunn is its prophet He has succeeded
in securing rooms over Granniss store
where he has just installed a brand new
plant of the latest and most up-to-date
appliances in the dental business and
coming fresh from school has the latest
and most approved methods in dentist
ry which he will practice in this com
munity ana this section of the state at
the most reasonable prices consistent
with first class work Remember the
place over Granniss store
St Johns Day Picnic
While the rain Wednesday morning
interfered with the carrying out of the
regular program of holding a picnic in
the grove near the Byfield ranch the
Masonic brethren and their invited
friends were not to be robbed of the en
tire pleasure anticipated so they re
paired to the lodge rooms and in the
banquet room spread their feast and
made merry
It is just as well to use the best styles
in stationery We have them and they
cost no more than the less fashionable
L W McConnell Druggist
The Degree of Honor will hold a bas
ket picnic in the grove at the waterworks
on next Tuesday afternoon spreading
the feast at supper time Members and
families are invited Well filled baskets
are requested
Mens suits 8350 450 500 650
and up to 1250 boys 3 piece suits 300
to 350 boys knee pant suits 85c to
325 The Thompson Dry Goods Co
We have this morning received
another shipment of the celebrated Ideal
white waists in lawns and silks all sizes
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Call in and see our new line of wrist
chatelaine bags ladies and gents purses
card cases boodle books etc
A McMillen Druggist
One of the blue ribbon beet fields of
this vicinity is that of Colonel W E
Corwin of Lakewood ranch
Mens balbriggan and gauze under
wear in black ecru and colors 25c tcyl
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Wrappers at half price
S W Lowman
J H Grannis has just received a sup
ply of 48 and 54 inch binder canvas
Standing S W Nebraska League
Won Lost m
Iloldrego 8 1 888
McCook 7 3 700
Minden 3 4 459
Giltner 3 6 333
Red Cloud l 7 123
Two of a Bad Kind
McCook suffered a pair of dofeatsat
the hands of tho Silver Ash aggregation
at Holdrege close of last week opening
on last Friday afternoon with a shut
out Holdrego at the same time scoring
six times Summary
Holdrege 2 10 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
McCook 0000 00 0 00 0
Batteries McCookSchopp and Bondor Hold
rege Pendergraft and Gray
Base hits McCook 3 Holdrego 7 Two base
hits Pendergraft 2 Burman Three baso hits
Townsond Maryatt
Struck out By Schopp 10 by Pondorgraft J
Errors McCook 4 Holdrege 2
Umpire Watorman Scoror Kunklo
Saturdays game while it resulted in
a victory for Holdrego by a score of 1 to
0 was one of tho finest exhibitions of
baseball ever witnessed in Southwestern
Nebraska Details
Holdrego 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1
McCook 0 0 00000000
Batteries McCook Moore and Bondor Hold
rego Teol and Gray
Babe hits Holdrego 5 McCook 4 Throobase
hits Maryatt
Struck out By Teel G by Moore 3
Errors Holdrege a McCook 2
Umpire Waterman Scorer Kunklc
Monday the scene was shifted tp Mc
Cook The opening game progressed
without strenuous incident until tho
last half of tho sixth inning when Hol
drege objected to a decision of tho um
pire which gave McCook the first score
of tho game by Archie Cole on either
side After all efforts had been ex
hausted to have the game proceed Um
pire Cone called the game giving the
same to McCook by the usual score in
such cases 9 to 0 Kennedy ran in
homo during tho squabbling and argu
ment over the Cole score so the actual
score at this juncture was 2 to 0 in Mc
Cooks favor
Batteries McCookSchopp and Bender Hol
drege Pendergraft and Burman
Baso hits McCook 2 Holdrego 1
Struck out By Pendergraft 2 by Schopp 7
Umpire Lon Cone Scorer G D LeHew
Tuesdays game went against McCook
by a score of U to 3 The locals had li
cense to win this game but unfortunate
errors proved costly and while the boys
seemed to hit Teel quite freely thero was
a Holdrege man right under every ball
they lined out The particulars are
Holdrege 21003000 0 6
McCook 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 03
Batteries McCook Moore and Bender Hold
rego Teel and Gray
Baso hits McCook 6 Holdrege 12 Two base
hits McCook Bender and Wilson Holdrege
Gray Doane Maryatt Home run Bender
Struck out By Teel 7 by Moore 6
Errors McCook 5 Holdrego 3
Bases on balls Teel 2 Moore 1
Umpire Pat Walsh Scorer G D LeHew
The Giltner McCook series opened here
Wednesday with a defeat for the visit
ors in a score of 7 to 1
Thursdays game with Giltner was
pretty nearly a repetition of Wednesdays
experience Details
Giltner 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 02
McCook 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 07
Batteries Giltner ONeill and Bender Mc
Cook Townsond and Bondor
Two base hits Converse Moore Schopp Gal
Bases on balls Off QNeill 7 off Townsend 2
Struck out By OXoill 4 by Townsend G
Empire Kunklo Scorer Reed
Art Glade is to play for the locals in
the field
Cope is not to play with the locals
this year
Archie Cole is with the home boys at
center And he is a peach
Gray is to be credited with a long run
and fine catch in Mondays game
A feature of Tuesdays game was a
star catch by Snapper Kennedy
The game with Havelock this after
noon promises to be the hottest of the
season and is attracting large attention
and interest
The Giltner boys created the impres
sion while here of being a fine gentle
manly lot of fellows They play a nice
game and take defeat manfully
Holdrege should have played out Mon
days game They were beneficiaries of
more decisions than losers and should
have stood for one close decision even
though McCook got a score thereby It
is bad enough to be kickers It is worse
to play the baby act
Gambling seems to be one of the una
voidable adjuncts of sports Tis said
that McCook dropped 700 to the Hol
drege sports in last weeks games and
that there was about 1000 up on Mon
days game between McCook and Hol
dreg But it does not improve the
quality of sport
Dress skirts to your measure 50 kept
made up ready to sell and wear 250 to
900 To your measure at same price
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Fine dress goods at less than cost
S W LowiiAX
Labrnska State Histor
Japalac at Cone Bros
The best paint Heath Milligan
You can buy at Cono Bros
Got your garden hose of P D Burgess
McMillen can please you in hammocks
Seo the lino lino of hammocks at Cono
See those enamel lined rofrigorators at
For wall paper and all inside finish
ings go to Cone Bros
Seo McMillens wall paper before se
lecting for your homo
Best grade of garden hose at very low
prices at F D Burgess
Paints oils varnish stains japalac
enamels etc at McMillens
II P Waito will sell you tho best
grade hose at tho lowest figure
Dont bo deceived Thoro is but ouo
best tho Heath Milligan paint
Largest line of sunbonnots 15c to 35c
at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Buy anything of Cono Bros pay cash -and
you get double trading stamps
Job lot of ladies shoes worth 225 and
250 Special price 129 DeGroff
McMillon has a largo lino of wall
paper goods colorings at right prices
Elegant Persian rug for sale at half
price S W Lowman
Now is tho time to paint Use tho
best Heath Milligan Cono Bros
Buy your wall paper of Cono Bros and
get two blue stamps with ach 10 conts
McMillen sells the best mixed paint
you can get guaranteed for three years
H P Waito has a full lino of Alaska
refrigerators and Jewel gasoline stoves
Use Liquid Koal for chidkon cholera
mites lice etc For salo by James
It is absolutely unequaled Tho unap
proachable Ocean Wave washing ma
Goodrich Rubber Co make tho best
garden hose All guaranteed by F D
Try McMillens sarsaparilla for tho
blood Money refunded if not sat
The Jewel is the most economical and
most durable of all tho gasoline stoves
For sale bv II P Waito
Pearl waist sets in all shapes andstyles
from 15c to 100 just received at The
Thompson Dry Geods Cos
Lots sold but still a few feet loft of
that superior Stephen Ballard lawn hose
at W T Colemans at a bargain
Orders taken for strictly tailor made
suits at Kapkos at from 1500 and
upwards Pants at from 4 upwards
You can have the prettiest house in
your neighborhood by using Heath
Milligan paint Buy it at Cone Bros
Embroideries and laces handsome and
cheaper than ever sold in McCook
S W Lowman
Tailor made suits at from 1500 and
upward ordered by Kapke the South
Main street tailor Pants at from 1
Thero has been lots of noiso about
paint this spring but when people want
good paint the real thing why they
buy Mound City
Kapke will take your orders for suits
strictly tailor made at from 1500 and
upwards 34 and upwards for pants
Satisfaction guaranteed
Ladies gauze union suits gauze knee
pants gauze vests boys and girls gauze
underwear garments from 5c to 50c
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Every man to his trade and business
Paul Anton makes it his serious business
to provide the juiciest tenderest meats
for his customers Its his trade He
knows how And then again he uses
the best of corn fed beeves They are
the only kind that produce really good
meat It costs you the same as the poor
tough sort
The people of McCook have been great
ly favored in the last week by having so
many men of note in their midst among
the number being Rev W B Riley D
D of the First Eaptist church of Min
neapolis Dr Riley is pastor of a church
which has over one thousand members
and which pays him about 4000 salary
per year besides giving him several as
sistants that he might be able to carry
on the great work of his choice Ho will
speak every evening at the Baptist
church of this citv the coming week
The Roseville bakery dishes are
attracting considerable attention at
the Bee Hive