The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1903, Image 5

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    I M
Have You Taken a Look at Our
Semi Porcelain Ware
The decorations and shapes are pleasing
and we are offering
16 Values in 101 Piece Sets for Only 12
Should you want a less expensive set we have them
in best English whiteware open stock Should you
only want a small set or to fill in your old one we
can supply your wants No need of being without
dishes We will make the payments easy and with
out interest Come in and hear our plan
eeing is Believing
Most people believe what
they see Come in and
see our line of
For men women and
children All styles
Our prices are right
LlJiWMWMii7TilrTWiinJ1rt lHIIVllUlli1
His Last Hope Realized
From Hid Suntiuol Gobo Mont
In tho first opening of Oklahoma to
settlors in 1889 the editor of this paper
was among tho many seekers after for
tune who made the big race one fine day
in April During his traveling about
and afterwards his camping on his claim
ho encountered much bad water which
together with the severe heat gave him
a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed
almost impossible to check and along in
June the case became so bad he expected
to die One day ono of his neighbors
brought him one small bottle of Cham
berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy as a last hope A big dose was
given him whilo he was rolling about on
the ground in great agony and in a few
minutes tho dose was repeated The
good eiFect of the medicine was soon no
ticed and within an hour the patient
was taking his first sound sleep for a
fortnight That one little bottle worked
a complete cure and he cannot help but
feel grateful The season for bowel dis
orders being at hand suggests this item
For sale by L W McConnell
Low Rates West
82500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
82500 to San Francisco Los Angeles
S2250 to Spokane
82000 to Salt Lake CityButteHelena
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points including Big Horn
Basin Wyoming Montana Washington
Idaho Oregon British Columbia Cali
fornia etc
Every day until June 15
Tourist cars daily to California
Personally conducted excursions threo
times a week
Tourist cars daily to Seattle
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
Hot Weather Weakness
If you feel fagged out listless and
lacking in energy you are perhaps suf
fering from the debilitating effects of
summer weather These symptoms indi
cate that a tonic is needed that will cre
ate a healthy appetite make digestion
perfect regulate the bowels and impart
natural activity to the liver This Herb
ine will do it is a tonic laxative and
restorative H J Freegard proprietor
Grand View hotel Cheney Kan writes
I have used Herbine for the last 12
years and nothing on earth can beat it
It was recommended to me by Dr New
ton of Newton Kansas 50c at A
July Bargains
The Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows Saratoga N Y and re
turn S3890 July 4 and 5 Atlanta Ga
and return 83970 July 5 to 7 Baltimore
Md and return 84040 July 17 and 18
Detroit Mich and return 82925 July
14 and 15 Boston Mass and return
84200 June 30 to July 4 Ask the tick
et agent for particulars
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr Kings New Life Pills Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches
They make pure blood and build up
your health Only 25 cents Money
back if not cured Sold by L W Mc
Connell druggist
Constipated Bowels
To havo good health tho body should
bo kept in a laxative condition and the
bowels moved at least once a day so
that all the poisonous wastes are expelled
daily Mr G L Edwards 142 N Main
street Wichita Kansas writes I havo
used Herbine to regulate the liver and
bowels for tho past ten years and found
it a reliable remedy 50c at A McMil
More Low Rates
The Burlington will sell round trip
tickets July 1 to 10 as follows San
Francisco and return S5000 Los Ange
les and return 85000 San Diego and re
turn 85000 Ask the ticket agent for
I have been troubled for some time
with indigestion and sour stomach
says Mrs Sarah WCurtis of Lee Mass
and have been taking Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets which have
helped me very much so that now I can
eat many things that before I could not
If you have any trouble with your stom
ach why not take these Tablets and get
well For sale by L W McConnell
low Rates West
The Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows
Denver Colo and return 812 June 1
to September 30
Colorado Springs Colo and return
81240 June 1 to September 30
Pueblo Colo and return 81365 June
1 to September 30
Glenwood Springs Colo and return
82190 June 1 to September 30
Ogden Utah and return 82790 June
1 to September 30
Salt Lake City Utah and return
82790 June 1 to September 30
Ask the ticket agent for particulars
See Kapke the South Main avenue
tailor if you want a suit or pair of pants
Orders taken and goods guaranteed
Prices very reasonable
Citizens Bank of McCook
Charter No 276 Incorporated
in the state of Nebraska at the close of business
June 9 1903
Loans and discounts 167533 61
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 148 34
Stocks securities judgments claims
etc 2210 35
Other real estate 9441 09
Current expenses and taxes paid 2168 77
Checks and other cash items 495 22
Due from national state and private
banks and bankers 253S1 76
Cash Bills 46S0 00
Specie 4719 50
Nickels and cents 202 5S 9602 OS
Total S2169S122
Capital stock paid in 50000 00
Surplusfund 3000 00
Undivided profits 6726 44
Individual deposits subject to
check 6S554 67
Demand cert ficates of de
posit 3769S SS
Time certificates of deposit 34565 50
Cashiers checks outstanding 5215 27 -Due
to state and private
banks and bankers 11220 46 157254 7S
Total 2169S1 22
State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss
I A C Ebert cashier of tho above named
bank do solemnly swear that tho above state
ment is correct and a true copy of the report
made to the state banking board
A C Ebert
Attest V Franklin Director
W B Wolfe Director
Subscribed and sworu to before me this 18th
day of June 1903 H H Berry
Seal Notary Public
My commission expires October 8 1907
Misses Delia Andrews and Edith
Smith dfavo up to McCook Mon
Mrs Thorpe of Arapahoe spent
last Sqnday with Miss Jennie Mc
J Kern and family drove up to
McCook Sunday and spent the
day with relatives
Jotm Boyer drove over from
Danbury oij Saturday returning
home Sunday morning
E G Caines mother and aunt
left for tbeir home in Kansas City
Sunday evening after an extend
ed visit here
Frank Moore and wife have
taken a ten-weeks-old baby from
the Omaha orphanage on a three
months trial
Miss Vivian Gossard came down
from McCook Sunday morning
and spent the day with W H
Smith and family
Harlow W Keyes attended the
judicial central committee meet
ing in McCook Wednesday night
as an interested spectator
Mrs Charlie Russell and Char
lie Hendershot went up to Mc
Cook Saturday evening and vis
ited with relatives until Tuesday
I M Smith and three daugh
ters and Chester Walker and
family of McCook spent last
Sunday with W H Smith and
Rev Boyd of Wilcox preached
the Memorial sermon to the Odd
Fellows in the Masonic temple
here last Sunday afternoon In
the evening he occupied the pul
pit in the M E church
Mrs G W Short died Thurs
day evening at about 5 oclock
after a lingering illness The
funeral was held from the M E
church Saturday at 1030 The
deceased leaves a husband and
five children who have our ten
der and heartfelt sympathy
A very pleasant evening was
spent at the home of Dick Hatch
er about seven miles west of
town last Friday evening The
time was spent in games and mu
sic and refreshments consisting
of ice cream and cake were
served Those attending from
town were Mae Anderson Edith
Smith May Neal Lewis Elmer
Ed Smith Dubby McClung Frank
Neal and Kirt Hoagland
The young people of the Christian
church enjoyed a picnic on the Willow
A number of the younger generation
spent a very pleasant evening with Hazel
Phillips last Wednesday
Mr Hamilton wife and daughter spent
a few days this week with W A Mc
Cool and family enroute from Maywood
to their home in Salt Lake City
Mrs L B Korns entertained the la
dies of the Methodist church at a quilt
ing last Thursday all day About 30
were present and a good time is report
The Danbury nine and a picked nine
of Indianola played a game of ball here
last Thursday which ended in a decided
victory for the Danburyites Quite a
number drove over to witness the game
H I Peterson took in seven
cans of cream Tuesday
A M Benjamin had business
in Traer Kansas Thursday
It is getting dry about Banks
ville and a rain would be very
C F Elliott arrived home on
Tuesday and reports crops not
looking so good as Red Willow
county crops
J H Relph brought his cattle
to Banksville for water today
He pulled his pump for repairs
and Thorriey Gordon and B W
Benjamin helped at the pump-
Driven to Desperation
Living at an out of the way place re
mote from civilization a family is often
driven to desperation in case of acci 1
dent resulting in Burns Cuts Wounds
Ulcers etc Lay in a supply of Buck
lens Arnica Salve Its the best on
earth 25c at L W McConnells drug
Dewey et Al Held for Murder Without Ball
St Francis Kan Juuo 10 UXM
Special to The TamuNp
Tho preliminary trial of Chnoncey Dowoyson
of millionaire Do woy of Chicago WJ McBrido
and Cljdo -Wilson cowboys is in progress at
St Frnncia Kansas
On Juno 3rd Cbauncoy Dowey McBrido and
Wilson at tho Berry ranch 16 miles south of
Bird City killed Bruco Borry his two sons and
wounded Roy and Beach Berry Tho cowboys
wero ambushed behind a sod wall aud shot tho
Berrys asthey rodo in townrds thorn Tho Dew
ey rancMs tho most extensive in northwestern
Kansas extending miles east and west north
and south They employ about 7i cowboys
The Borry ranch of 2r00 acres joins the Dewey
ranch 10 miles south of Bird City A bittorf col
ins has existed for years between tho Deweys on
one side tho Borrys and small stockmen on the
The throe Berrys wero slain nt the first volloy
Roy Borry was shotin tho jaw near tho baso of
tho ear and will recover and Beach Berry was
wounded slightly in the leg
Tho prisoners ore strongly guarded at St
Francis by tho militia from Osburu Kansas
company G second regiment Captain Cunning
ham in command Tho camp Is botween tho
court house and tho head of Main stroot At tho
trial in tho court houso before Justico I S IJall
tho militia forms a serios of ranks between the
public aud tho prisoners facing tho public
Tho array of legal talent representing both
tho defense and tho stato is perhaps the most
brilliant and able ever witnessed at any trial in
Kansas Attorney General C C Coleman of
Clay Center Kansas and General L W Colby
of Beatrice Nebraska are the leading lawyers
for the state assisted by Prosecuting Attorney
Hotchkiss of Cheyenne county Prosecuting At
torney Briney of Rawlins county Jacob Noblo
of Atwood Kansas and Prosecuting Attorney
E S Murphy of Sherman count Kansas Tho
defense has Senator John E Hesson of Manhat
tan Kansas W S Morlan of McCook Nebras
ka F E Harvey of Lincoln and Dempstor Scott
of Atwood Kansas
Intense interest is manifested in tho trial on
account of tho prominence of the Deweys the
local popularity of tho Berrys and the reputa
tion of tho attorneys veterans of famed legal
battles Tho trial bids fair to become one of the
most sensational and famous in the history of
As this is oply the preliminary trial the regu
lar that will be held in the near future will
grently increase the magnitude of tho impor
tance of tho triple murder trial St Francis
has grown from a small town to a place of con
siderable importance as regards to population
Tho Eagle and St Francis hotels are crowded
cots are placed in every available place and
every residence in town that has a spare place
is utilized as a sleeping place Martial law is
proclaimed and every ono is searched for wea
pons and tho strictest search is made of every
one entering the town Peojle are driving in
from 75 miles around the town is filled with
cowboys frontiermon and sottlors The duties
of the militia aro arduous and numerous
The refusal of the cowboys to answer questions
on the witness stand prolongs the trial and sev
eral of them havo been jailed for contempt of
court The trial will probably last this week
It is dragging slowly along and numerous wit
nesses aro yet to be examined Sheriff McCul
lough and his deputies are kept busy day and
night Representatives of the press from Den
ver Topeka Kansas City Omaha and Chicago
are present sending dispatches to their papers
The wires from St Francis to Oxford are kept
so busy that it is almost impossible for points
between these places to get in on the wire In
terstate interest is manifested in the trial
The presence of numerous cowboys frontier
men and settlers make the authorities vigilant
that every caution and safeguard should be
taken to protect the prisoners from violence A
feeling of unrest undermines the general quie
tude and double guards and extra caution are
necessary to prevent an outbreak The situa
tion is critical and if tho verdict is favorable to
the prisoners it it feared there will be blood
shed and loss of life as the multitude is in sym
pathy with the Berrys
The state militia has instructions after the
preliminary is over to escort the prisoners to
the train the sheriff of Cheyenne county then to
take charge and be responsible for their safety
and then return to their homes at Osborn The
sheriff is instructed to take the prisoners to
some other county for safe keeping
Later It is reported that the settlers are
shooting the cattle and cutting tho wires on the
Dewey ranch and more trouble is expected
TnmiSDAT June 18 1903
Justice I S Hall of St Francis decided that
Chauncey Dewey McBride and Wilson are
guilty of the murder of the Berrys and as there
is not a safe jail in Cheyenne coifnty the pris
oners shall be sent to Goodland Kansas under
escort of the militia and remain in jail without
bail until the December term of court which
convenes the first Monday in December at St
Francis Kansas
After the verdict the settlers left town and St
Francis came to her normal state Gen Colby
drove to Benkelman to catch No 6 Burlington
Senator Hessen and Attorney Harvey took the
morning train for Atwoodj and Attorney General
Coleman drove to Goodland Kansas to catch
the Rock Island for Topeka
The militia under Capt Cunningham will stay
a day or two at St Francis then safely escort
the prisoners to Goodland Kansas Sheriff Mc
Culloch will take charge of the prisoners at
Goodland and if the jail is safe will turn them
over to the sheriff of Sherman county if the
jail is not safe they will be taken farther east
probably to Fort Leavenworth the national
military prison or to the state penitentiary at
No trial of late has excited so much interest
or furnished so many distinguished members of
the bar and the regular term of court in De
cember will no doubt witness a gathering of
eminent attorneys and representatives of the
of the press
Red Willow County Prospects
J S McBrayer of McCook brought in two
loads of cattle from Custer county In speak
ing of his homo territory Mr McBrayer says
that they have no kick coming They have got
ten just what they have always wanted an
abundance of rain in the spring The soil in
Red Willow county is sandy and can stand a
whole lot of grief in the way of water Mr Mc
Brayer says he never saw crops look better On
account of the cool wet spring the first crop of
alfalfa will be a little light but as the ground is
iu such good condition it is thought that the
second and third will more than make up for it
Cattle wintered well Most of the fat stuff has
been shipped out but the country is well sup
plied with stockers and feeders Mondays Daily
Drovers Journal Stockman
Licenses to marry have been issued as follows
since last report
Arthur M Conser Edison and Katie C Smith
Asahel E Petty and Jeannette McCarl both
of McCook
James A Fletcher and Lillian M Arbogast
both of Bartley
Miuard Emberling and Pearl Billings both of
John O Easton and Lulu Cain both of Mc
iwwiwimfairJBwyiMarMiiiiwtf w
f fe1fefeSfe9fe
1110 u
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
The uniform success of this remedy
has made it the most popular prepara
tion in use for bowel complaints It is
everywhere recognized as the one reme
dy that can always be depended upon
and that is pleasant to take It is espe
cially valuable for summer diarrhoea in
children and is undoubtedly the means
of saving the lives of a great many chil
dren each year For sale by L W Mc
Chamberlains Pain Balm is an anti
septic liniment and when applied to
cuts bruises and burns causes them to
heal without maturation and much more
quickly than by the usual treatment
For sale by L W McConnell
Is a pleasant thing if you are
clad in dresses made from some
of our light airy Summer Fabrics
1 W
Voile Etamine Batiste and
Twine Cloth
In woolen fabrics are new and
very desirable Get them now
Also get what you want in wash
fabrics and waistings Our line
is still complete Come before the
assortment is broken
For Groceries call Phone 22
V f Q rtSSAi
McCook Public Schools
Keport to Board of Education for the
month ending May 29th 1903 of all
grades of the McCook schools by G II
Thomas superintendent
Number of boys enrolled 361
Number of girls enrolled 392 753
Transferred 2
Withdrawn but not re entered 50 52
Present membership 701
Average daily attendanceboys 311
Average daily attendancegirls 323 634
Average number belonging 690
Per centof attendance on number
belonging 84
Per ct of attendance on enrollment 92
Not absent during month 227
Half days absent 20S4
Cases of tardiness 44
Number of persons tardy 34
Visits by board 0
Visits by superintendent 45
Visits by others 130
Half days teachers were absent 42
Keport to Board of Education for the
second semester ending May 29th 1903
of all grades in McCook schools by G
H Thomas superintendent
Number of boys enrolled 411
Number of girls enrolled 437 848
Transferred 11
Withdrawn but not re entered 3 37 148
Present membership 700
Average daily attendance boys 313
Average daily attendance girls 331 644
Average number belonging 710
Per cent of attendance on enroll
ment 76
Per cent of attendance on number
belonging 91
Not absent during semester 53
Half days absence 10733
Cases of tardiness 277
Number of persons tardy 168
Visits by board 1
Visits by superintendent 208
Visits by others 295
Half davs teachers were absent 120
The Noted Denver
Is Coming to
McCook July M
Dont miss the opportunity of seeing
him and having your glasses scientific
ally adjusted
Dont be discouraged because others
have failed to give you relief Dr
Schwartz has corrected over 3000 pa
tients having visual defects and has re
ceived over 1000 testimonials during ths
past year
Perfect satisfaction guaranteed Nei
incurable cases taken
Examination and Consuls
tation Free
Startling- Evidence
Fresh testimony in great quantity fe
constantly coming in declaring Dr
Kings New Discovery for Consumption
to be unequaled A recent expression
from T J McGarland Bentorviile Va
serves as example He writes I had
bronchitis for three years and doctored
all the time without beinjr benefited
Then I began taking Dr Kings New
Discovery and a few bottles wholly cured
me Equally effective in curing all
Lung and Throat troubles Consump
tion Pneumonia and Grip Guaran
teed by L W McConnell druggist
Trial bottles free regular sizes 0c and
A Splendid Remedy
Neuralgic pains rheumatism lumbago- -and
sciatic pains yield to the penetrating
influence of Ballards Snow Liniment
It penetrates to the nerves and bone and -being
absorbed into the blood its healing
properties are conveyed to every part of
the body and effect some wonderful
cures DF Moore Agt Illinois Central
Railway Milan Tenn states I have
used Ballards Snow Liniment for rheu
matism backache etc inmy family
It is a splendid remedy We could not
do without it 25c 50c and 6100 a
A McMillens