The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1903, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Subscription a Year in Advance
Fourteenth Judicial Convention
Tlio Republicans of tlio Fourteonth Judicial
District of Nebraska aro hereby called to moot
in convention in the city of McCook Nobraskn
Thursday uftemnoh SeptomBor 17th 100H at
two oclock for tbe purpose of placing in nomi
nation a candidate for the oDlco of jnOROof the
Fourteenth District of Nebraska and for tjio
transaction of each other businoss as may proji
erlj co mo before that convention
The basi3 of representation of the several
counties of tho district In said convention shall
bo tlio vote cast for Hon J II Mickey in 1902
for tho oilleo of governor of tho stato of Ne
braska giving ono delegate nt largo one dele
gate for nach 100 votes or major fraction thereof
so cast Which apportionment entitles the sov
oral counties of Ukj district to tho following
ChaEo 272 A 4
Dundy 20J 4
Frontier 717 8
Furnas 1121 12
ire i hi ftwwww
Gosper 1135 4
IInyos 2GG 4
Hitchcock M9 4
Hed Willow 1012 11
Total No of dclogates 51
It is recommended by tho committee that no
proxies bo allowed in said convention but that
tho dctegatos present from each county bo al
lowed to cast tho vote of said county
It was further recommended that tho chair
man and secrotary of tho committeo bo tho
temporary chairman and secretary of tho con
II II Heuuy Chairman
F M KiMMELL Secretary
McGook Nebraska Juno 19 1903
Republican papors of tho district pleaso copy
County Central Committee Meeting
A meeting of the Republican county
Central Committee has been called at
Indianola Saturday afternoon Juno 27
at two oclock to make tho call for the
county convention etc
General Alexander McDowell Mc
Cook in whose honor McCook was
named was buried in Cincinnati Ohio
Monday June 15 1903 a battalion of the
Third United States Infantry according
tho distinguished soldier military hon-
The idea is now being advanced in
Washington apropos of the great floods
in tho west of reducing the flood danger
and destruction to tho minimum by
building storage reservoirs for irrigation
purposes This would doubtless bo a
move in the right direction 15000000
are available for the purpose but the
present law needs to be amended before
the case can be adequately covered
After reading the details of the foul
brutal and cowardly murder of the King
and Queen of Servia and some of the
appalling facts in connection with our
own national disgrace Kentucky one
must be impressed with the thinness of
the crust over hell and the conviction
involuntarily come to the soul that
about all that is worth while here and
hereafter is love in which the foul as
sassin the cowardly incendiary those
of violence and bloodshed the lustful
and passionate of earth vice and crime
have no part
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
methodist Preaching 11 a m and 8
pVm Sabbath school at 10 a m Elec
tion of lay delegates at the close of
prayer meeting next Wednesday evening
L H Shumate Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 Sermon When the New Wears
Off at 11 Y P S C E at 7 Gos
pel sermon at 8 Wednesday fellowship
meeting at 8 All are welcome
Frank W Dean Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a ni Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E E Earle Rector
Miss Irma G Allen spoke in the Con
gregational church Sunday morning
last in behalf of the Nebraska Chil
drens Home Society and at the conclu
sion secured pledges and cash for the
furtherance of the grand work of the
At St Albans Episcopal church Sun
day June 21st Holy Communion at 8 a
m At 3 p m the members of the K
P will meet in the church to listen to a
sermon by the Rector Rev E R Earle
Rev L H Shumate will cause the
national bird to soar altitudinously in
Oxford July 4th
Rev S J Medlin of Cambridge was
a guest of Rev Tj H Shumate Wednes
day evening
Indigestion Causes
CatarrH of tKe
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the juices of natural digestion This Is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Gyre
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Make tho Stomach Sweet
IBottlascnljr Reeular ska 100 holding 2J5 times
tho trill size which sells for 50 cents
Prepared by E O DoWITT CO Ghlcago III
No Hair
My hair was falling out very
fast and I was greatly alarmed I
then tried Ayers Hair Vigor and
my hair stopped falling at once
Mrs G A JYlcVay Alexandria O
The trouble is your hair
does not have life enough
Act promptly Save your
hair Feed it with Ayers
Hair Vigor If the gray
hairs are beginning to
show Ayers Hair Vigor
will restore color every
time 5100 a bottle All druulsts
If your druggist cannot supply you
send us ono dollar and wo will express
you a bottle lie sure and give the name
of your nearest express o liice Address
J C AYEtt CO Lowell Mass
Miss Anna Sipe returned home Sun
day evening from a short visit with her
relatives and many friends in Camb
Miss Mary Deitch took No 12 Mon
day morning for Iowa City Iowa where
she will make an extended Visit with rel
The new corrugated steel ceiling in tho
postoffice is a valuable addition to the
already neat office which Mr Miller su
A letter from Miss Etta Burton informs
us that she and Grandma Hodgkin
reached Islavistown Iowa safe and
sound last Thursday
J B Haining drove to Cambridge
early Friday morning with his mother
who took No 6 from that place to her
home in Burchard Neb
Bartley and Pea Ridge fans cros ed
bats here Saturday Bartley won out
It is the intention to have a nice ball
game here every Saturday
Ross Grissell is papering the bank
which has recently been painted inside
and when the work is finished it will be
a place of beauty if not a joy forever
The A O U W floral day services
brought a large audience to Bartley
Rev Crippen made the address at the
M E church after which the people
attended the exercises of decorating the
graves at the cemetery
Harry Paine is decorating his prem
ises with a generous coat of paint Since
purchasing the property he has made
many improvements and will have one
among the pleasant homes and surround
ings in our pleasant village
Floyd Cochran celebrated his thir
teenth birthday Friday evening June
12 A large number of his friends were
invited and feasted on strawberries ice
cream and cake after which they en
joyed the evening by playing games
The M W A held a social in the Roll
ings building Friday evening and had a
royal good time They dished out straw
berries and cream to a full house and
netted a nice little sum to replenish
their treasury
A team belonging to A Deitch ran
away Wednesday evening about eight
oclock Several persons were in the
wagon but all escaped unhurt except
Mrs Deitch who had an arm broken
and her daughter Kate who was badly
bruised on the face and head
Miss Mae Morefield sister of Dr More
field of Bartley started west on No 5
Monday evening to Santa Barbara Cal
ifornia She leaves manj friends here
who regret to have her depart from them
We all wish her a pleasant journey and
a happy home in the golden state
James Rittenburg diedabout 2 oclock
Sunday afternoon at his home four
miles northeast of Bartley He has been
a resident here for several years He
was the oldest member of James Laird
post G A R and was almost 77 years
of age at his death The funeral ser
mon was preached in the M E church
by Rev Meeker to a large audience and
the remains were interred in the Bartley
cemetery the exercises at the grave con
sisting of the solemn and impressive
burial ceremony of the G A R
Do You Enjoy What You Eat
If you dont your food does not do
you much good Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
is the remedy that everyone should take
where there is anything wrong with the
stomach There is no wav to maintain
the health and strength of mind and
body except by nourishment There is
no way to nourish except through the
stomach The stomach must be kept
healthy pure and sweet or the strength
will let down and disease will set up
No appetite lost of strength nervous
ness headache constipation bad breath
sour risings rifting indigestion dyspep
sia and all stomach troubles are quickly
cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure Sold by L W McConnell
Strayed From W N Rogers farm
east of McCook one brindle roan year
ling Jersey calf Suitable reward will
be paid for information leading to its
recovery R McDonald
Lost A telescope between Redwil
low creek and McCook Wednesday
morning Finder will be rewarded by
returning sameto this office
fcfcjr - i
Storekeeper and Mrs C W Britt were
Omaha visiotrs over Sunday
A C Wiehe and family left this week
for Lansing Iowa on a visit of a few
Fireman and Mrs William Deere went
up to Denver Tuesday evening on a
short visit
Mr and Mrs Ed Reed went up to
Denver and Longmont Tuesday on a
visit of a few days
Brakeman LaVosior Burney will re
turn to work tomorrow having reported
for duty Thursday
Mr and Mrs Charles Kailey of Akron
went through here Wednesday night
bound forOmaha on a visit
Engineer Ellis Ford and family occu
pied their comfortable new home on
Main avenue first of the week
James Irwin will retire from tho ser
vice Saturday and will leave for Har
rington Kansas some time next week
Billingor one of No 5s messengers
who has been a guest of tho city for a
few weeks in Castle Incommunicado left
for Holdrego Monday
Conductor II C Kiser moved his
household goods up from Oxford Mon
day and moved into the JamesMcKenna
building on Madison street just vacated
by Engineer Ellis Ford
Engineer and Mrs Thad Shepherd
and Mr and Mrs T N Saunders re
turned home Sunday from Peterson
Iowa where they were called by the
death of the father of Mrs Shepherd
and Mrs Saunders
I N Biggs is down from Colorado
this week
J F CoRDEALwas in Lincoln on bus
iness of the law Tuesday
Sheriff Lewis of Beaver City was a
visitor Wednesday evening of the val
leys finest
Louise Pitney accompanied theBoyles
home from Denver Tuesday night and
will be an indefinite guest in their home
mrs Sarah Ward of Hamburg Iowa
arrived in the city on No 5 Tuesday
night on a visit to her daughter Mrs J
G Stokes
J C L Wisely of the Culbertson
Herald was in the city several hours
yesterday on his way home from a visit
to Lincoln
Dr W V Gage was called up to Im
perial Wednesday to see Mrs Arter
burn who is seriously ill with a tumor
on her liver
Miss Maud Cordeal drove over to Curtis
Wednesday to be gone a week enjoying
an outing fishing etc
Miss Carrie Gillan who has been
visiting Mrs James Irwin and other rel
atives here for the past month returned
to Indianola Saturday
miss Florence Johnston formerly of
our city but now of Ainsworth has se
cured the position of teacher of the 7th
and 8th grades of the Ainsworth public
schools Highly qualified Miss Florence
will render efficient conscientious service
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
i 55
Butter 15
Fraternal Insurance order Cards
R C I P A -Lodge No 612 meets first and
third Thursdays of each month McConnolls
hall 830 p m E B Hcber President W S
Gutee Secretary
lodge No 307 mepts on second and fourth Mon
day evenings of each month at eight oclock in
McConnell hall R W Devoe Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
862 meets second and fourth Thursday after
noons at2 30 oclock in McConnells hall Mks
Thad Shefhebd Oracle Mbs Augusta Anton
KTr AV JTSLf 7lTT U i 3wJZV pKiu3
Mothers Friend
Womans greatest dream of beauty and
glory is when nature lias chosen her to
become a mother Every faculty is keenly
alert as she foresees the joy ambition
success and the life long satisfaction com-
fng nearer day by day in the dear and
innocent being so soon to see light and
the uncertainty whether she shall see a
sweet girl or a brave boy face beside her
on the pillow adds zest to her expectancy
Mothers Friend applied externally
throughout pregnancy will relieve the
pain of parturition and no mother and
child can fail to be healthy hearty strong
clear complexioned pure blooded and
cheerful in disposition -who are mutually
influenced by the continued use of this
great liniment MOTHERS EMEND
Buy of druggists roo per bottle
Our treatise Motherhood mnilprl frP
Death of C H Updegraph
A telephone messago Mondny morn
ing caused sorrow among our people
when it bocamo known that gonial C H
Updegraph was dead The first infor
mation stated that ho bad met death in
a runaway but later developments
proved this to bo erroneous He left his
home early in tho morning going to tho
homo of his son nenry to assist him
with his labor in tho fields Ho was
driving four horses hitched to a harrow
and was apparently in as good health as
usual A storm approaching he un
hitched the horses and started for the
house Tho first intimation of trouble
his son noticed was when the horses ap
peared at tho barn without a driver
Fearful that somethiuglhad happened
his father Henry started down the road
and found the lifeless body of his parent
His first thought was that tho team had
run away and caused his death and with
this in his mind ho called up the homo
of Charles Tigges a son in law of tho
deceased and informed them that his
father had been killed in that manner
Neighbors gathered and convoyed the
remains to the house and upon exami
nation it was found thero were no marks
or bruises to indicate ho had met a vio
lent death and as he was subject to par
alytic strokes the conclusion was reached
that paralysis of the heart was tho direct
cause of death Two daughters Mrs
Kate Shepard and Mrs Lydia Saunders
living in McCook Nebraska were noti
fied and were present at the funeral
which was held Wednesday at 2 p m
from tho residence of his son Henry
Rev F B Stafford officiating Inter
ment was had at the Highland ceme
tery Peterson Iowa Patriot
Worst of All Experiences
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your last
Such was the experience of Mrs S H
Newson Decatur Ala For three
years she writes I endured insuffer
able pain from indigestion stomach and
bowel trouble Death seemed inevita
ble when doctors and all remedies failed
At length I was induced to try Electric
Bitters and the result was miraculous
I improved at once and now Im com
pletely recovered For liver kidney
stomach and bowel troubles Electric
Bitters is the only medicine Only 50c
Its guaranteed by L W McConnell
Advertised Letters
The following letters wereadvertised
by the McCook postoffice June 15 1903
Brennen Bub Marsh J S
Brown Mattie Ricbardon J E
Ellis Ethel Smith E H
Elliott E J Smith Milchead
Frickel Jacob Simpson Mr
Magoihn t V Wolfe Ira
Moore Charlie
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Fourth of July at Churchs Ranch
Arrangements have been perfected for
a celebration of July 4th at the Henry
T Church ranch on Red Willow creek
There will be an address sports of vari
ous kinds bowery dance refreshments
and feed at hand and all the necessa
ries for a big time
Meats For Tender Teeth
Are a specialty at Paul Antons market
Spare your teeth and at the same time
help your digestion by ordering from
him Phone orders just as carefully and
promptly filled as though you came in
Low Rates to California -The
Burlington offers round trip tick
ets August 1 to 14 as follows San
Francisco and return 4500 Los Ange
les and return 4500 Ask the ticket
agent for particulars
Cattle for Sale
135 cows with calves at side 38 wean
lings and yearlings many of the cows
are dairy cows All young cattle Call
on me at my place 6 miles west and 1
mile north of Danbury or address me at
Danbury Nebraska John H Ball
I sell more of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy than of all similar preparations
put together and it gives the best satis
faction of any medicine I ever sold 1
guarantee every bottle of it F C Ja
quith Inland Mich This remedy is
for sale by L W McConnell
A 0 U W Officers Elect
The new officers elect of the A O TJ W are
Master Workman William Middleton
Foreman J F Hunt
Overseer Henry Conjers
Recorder C B Gray
Financier C J Ryan
Guide L P Forsman
Inside Watch Henry Moers
Outside Watch Robert Dawson
Trustee J A Wilcox
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readers of The Tribune
we have made arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with The Teibcxe at
tho following very low prices with
Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 50
Leslies Weekly 4 00
Prairie Farmer 1 00
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00
New York Tribune 1 00
Demorests Magazine 1 00
Toledo Blade 1 00
Nebraska Farmer 1 00
Iowa Homestead 1 00
Lincoln Journal 1 00
Campbells Soil Culture 100
New York World 1 00
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100
St Louis Republic 100
Kansas City Star 25
FarmandHome 1 00
Word and Works 1 00
1 27
1 40
1 50
1 25
1 75
1 25
1 5
1 25
1 75
1 50
1 65
1 0
1 75
1 20
1 20
1 70
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Teibune McCook Neb
For some timo thoso intorosted in tho
librarys wolfnro have davetd their ef
forts to securing plodget of contributions
for maintenance so they may bo in a
position to ask of Mr Citrnegio n dona
tion for tho erection of a building Tho
original movoment for tho establishment
of a library in McCook began about a
year ago and the present institution was
opened to the public on the 10th day of
last September so that a littlo more
than nine months have elapsed since its
official existenco begad Tho contribu
tions for its creation ai tilings consid
ered were liberal
Now it has passod beyond feko experi
mental stages It Is established on a
pormnnont basis It is growing in popu
larity daily Tho number of its patrons
is increasing Every day soes a larger
crowd of visitors in attendance and n
larger number of books Sa circulation
Tho good that it has accomplished can
scarcely bo measured Many who aro
new assiduous devotees to books are peo
ple who prior to its establishment either
lacked tho inclination or tho opportunity
to read Tho character of the books
called for is of a high order Whilo tho
books are of varying degrees of merit
none is harmful and some profit may bo
had from reading everything on tho
The usefulness of tho library can be
multiplied many times by increasing its
facilities It is outgrowing its present
quarters The books should bo housed
in a homo of their own a building con
structed for library purposes It- is be
lieved that if proper representations aro
made to Mr Carnegie he will supply
the money for the erection of n building
similar to a hundred others ho has built
olsewhere The conditions which ho
always exacts and which ho will exact
in case he gives favorable consideration
to the request that has been made of
him in behalf of McCook are that a
site shall be furnished and that one
tenth of tho cost of the building shall
be raised annually for maintenance and
equipment These requirements aro rea
sonable and should and can bo readily
met by our citizens The city council
has levied a tax of two mills on the as
sessed valuation but this will produce
only about five hundred and fifty dol
lars In order that wo may be in a posi
tion to ask for a building that will be
commensurate with the present needs
of the library and with the size and
importance of this place many of tho
townspeople have agreed to contribute
various sums which with the amount
raised by taxation will aggregate at
least a thousand dollars a year It would
seem that this is as little as we can do
and when the advantages that will ac
crue from the consummation of an un
dertaking of this sort are taken into
account the cost is insignificant The
building of a Carnegie library will be a
public benefaction Itis desirable there
fore that as many as can do so shall con
tribute so that the burden shall fall
lightly on all c
Before buying a hammock see the lat
est and get prices at McMillens drug
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50V auu fioo au druggists
Buckeye Binder
Has been used but little See or write
J M Huet HcCook Neb
For prices and terms
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Asent for
Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Taltc no oilier Rofuoe tlmierouH ftubtti
1 utionsand iiuiCUIon 15uvof vourDruirjnst
or send 1c in stamps for Particulant Tti
inonials and Keller Tor Iadie in letter
allDraOTsts 10000 Testimonials bold by
2100 XadUon Square HIIA PA
ilenUun this paper
I All Calls For The
j wtty IBms
Answered by the
Will make all trains and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city
W H Acker man
McCook Nobraskn
The Great
Germ and Insect
Is now used throughout the United States in
the treatment of hog cholera swine plague
ergot disease corn stalk diseahO pink ejt
foot and mouth dispawe scurvy mange Tex
as itch scab and all t orm diseases of do
mestic animals
St Paul Neb April 0 ffU
National Medical Co
Gentlemen This is to certify that I have
need Liquid Koal for ergot diseaso in cattle
and bohevu it to be a cure for this disease
from tho experiments I liavo made but be
lieve it ought to bo lifted when tho animal is
first taken with the diseaso And for a lice
killer it cant be beat by anything I know
of Yours respectfully
Seward Neb Dec 5 1902
Liquid Koal manufactured and sold by
National Medical Co York Neb is a ne
cessity to any farmers raising stock Sev
eral instances of its elliciency have come
under my personal notice
Ex Mayor Seward
Waua Neb Dec 18 1002
I consider Liquid Koal one of the best ar
ticles forall around purpo csoii tho market
For mites and lire in the chicken houses
and for the lice on calves and horses it is tho
best ami cheapest thing I have ovor found
Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm
Coleridge Neb Dec 8 1902
I can say that your L K is thn best insect
destroyer that I oxer used It will not injure
the eggs when used on setting hens I find
it the lxst all around s toek medicine that I
ovor had on tho place I ad vise every farmer
to keep a supply on hand
One Quart Can SI 00
One Gallon MM
Five Gallons ier gallon 275
Ten Gallon Keg jer gallon 250
25 Gallons half bbl per gal 2 25
50 Gallons lbbl per gal 200
A 25c 32 page Book on Germ Diseases of
Animals sent free on application
Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
I Plumber and
I Steam Fitter I
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass m
K Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Z
6 Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse J
7 Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
J Phillips Building 7
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
Xews from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health the
home new books and on work
about the farm and garden
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the Xpw
Sun and special cable of the New
YorK World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribune and
The Weedy Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 8140
The Tribune Only 100 per year
Ill lhW1 11 HllaBBg
t 4