- M ffa v F pilmpk M JCIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A Lo1ko No 612 moets first and third Thursdays of each month McConnolls hull 830 p m E B Houee Prosidont W S Quran Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook 1 od go No 307 inouto on second and fourth Mon dny ovunince of oflcb month at ciKht oclock in McConnnll hull II W Dkvoic Illustrious Pro tector J C MirCHEi Secretary ROYALNETaHBORS Noblo enmp No SC2 nieoLs wccvnfl nxiA fourth Thursday aftpr noons ntiM oclock in McConnolls hall Mkh Thad SnupuEiiu Oncichi Mns Auquhta Anton Itocordor i n Rkpuijlicak state convention Lincoln August 15th Twenty Second Year With this issne The Tkihune enters upon the twonty second year of its pub lication twenty years of tho time under the management of the present publisher CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Methodist No preaching service on next Sunday Sunday school at 10 in tho morning L IT Shumate Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass nnd sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Congregational All regular services at the usual hourB next Sunday The public is cordially invited to worship with us Frank W Dean Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in tho month Sunday school tit ten oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer and sermon at 8 Tho third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 8 a m All are welcome E R Earlk Rector First Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m bible school at 945 a m 13 i if U at 7 p m Sermon topic for Sunday morning Burden Bear ing evening topic The Good Fellow Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p m Excellent music All welcome C Richard Betts Pastor The little child ofRev C R Betts which has been so seriously ill for the past two weeks has now fully recovered Rev W D Riley pastor of the First Baptist church of Minneapolis will preach in the First Baptist church in this city June 21st morning and even ing He will also preach in the after noon at 230 to men only There will be meetings held during the entire week Dr Riley is a preacher of great promi nence and power and none can afford to miss the opportunity of hearing him A 0 U W and D of H Memorial Services Memorial services of the Workmen and Degree of Honor will be held on Sunday afternoon June 14th at 2 oclock in the Congregational church Rev F W Dean of that church to preach the sermon The members of the orders will meet at their hall at 1 oclock and march in organization to the church After services in the church the members of the A O U W will march and the ladies of the D of H will ride to the cemeteries of the city where the graves of departed members and of departed members of families of members will be decorated with the usual ritualistic cer emony Committee I have derived great benefit from the use of Chamberlains Pain Balm for rheumatism and lumbago says Mrs Anna Hagelgans of Tuckohoe N J My husband used it for a sprained back and was also quickly relieved In fact it is the best family liniment I have ever used I would not think of being without it I have recommended it to many and they always speak very highly of it and declare its merits are wonder ful For sale by L W McConnell Cattle for Sale 135 cows with calves at side 38 wean lings and yearlings many of the cows are dairy cows All young cattle Call on me at my place 6 miles west and 1 mile north of Danbury or address me at Danbury Nebraska John H Hall A Murderer Kills Himself Tuesday afternoon in the county jail at Beaver City D M Logan who so brutally murdered Charles Christianson at Holbrook April 1st killed himself by cutting his throat with a knife The Largest Ever Last weeks issue of The Tribune per haps exceeded that of any newspaper published in southwestern Nebraska being an even 1700 See Kapke the South Main avenue tailor if you want a suit or pair of pants Orders taken and goods guaranteed Prices very reasonable World Wide Reputation Whites Cream Vermifuge has achieved a world wide reputation as being the best of all worm destroyers and for its tonic influence on weak and unthrifty children as it neutralizes the acidity or sourness of the stomach improves their digestion and assimilation o f food strengthens their nervous system and restores them to the health vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood 25 cent3 at A McMillens Indigestion Causes CatarrK of tKe Stomach For many years It has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inilames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the juices of natural digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a cense of fullness after eating indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make tho Stomach Sweet Bcttleacar Regular aba 100 holding 2K tlmea ths trill Iio which sells for 50 cents Vrcpsred by E O DeWITT OO Ghlcago UL Fifty Years the Standard 4 Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair Highest tests US Govt Ghsmists PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES Of late years the reading public in cluding both old and young has evinced tho deepest interest in out-of-doors books Everything that has had to do with nature has been eagerly sought and read The production has responded to the demand but while wo havo had a multitude of books they havo been of varying degrees of merit It is safe to say however that there is no other field of literature in which so many good books have been produced as in this Reference is made to books that have been written in a readable style and not to mere treatises The popular form appeals to a vastly wider audience and accomplishes a greater purpose than tho purely scientific manual The nature lover author knows no dis tinction of age His workif it is worthy is for people of all years He need not disclose in his title whether his book is intended for the young or the mature mind All that he needs to do is to an nounce that it deals with trees or flowers with birds or with animals and he will secure a sufficient number of readers Tho books that have proven favorites have not always been the best Acci dents it seems is often responsible for a books failure or success from the publishers point of view It is impossible within the limitations of this space to do more than draw a distinction or two and to mention a few of the books by name They may rough ly speaking bo divided into two general classes There are the books that are true to their subject nature and there are those in which fact and fancy are in extricably interwoven The greatest ex ponent of nature of course is Emerson who may be depended on to touch upon some of her aspects on nearly every page Thoreau devoted himself to the woods and its inhabitants More delightful books than his Walden or the season books can scarcely be conceived Com ing to more recent days we find John Burroughs who is one of the closest ob servers of the ways of the wild things Wo also have Octave Thanet Olive Thorne Miller and Bradford Torreys books of birds while John Muirs Our National Parks should be read by every American at least by every westerner Of books of the other class none has had so large a sale as Ernest Thompson-Se-tons A great dealjof his work is enter taining reading but one wonders wheth the impressions he conveys are true or false The growing popularity of books of this sort is an admirable tendency There is no literature from the reading of which more good and less harm en sues than from books about nature A Sure Thingr It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes but that is not alto gether true Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles Thousands can testify to that Mrs C B Van Metre of Shepherdtown W Va says I had a severe case of bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of but got no relief One bottle of Dr Kings New Discovery then cured me absolutely Its infallible for croup whooping cough grip pneumonia and consumption Try it Its guaranteed byL W McConnell druggist Trial bottles free Eegular sizes 50c 100 Eat Some Air Physical regeneration and a spiritual uplift through systematic breathing ex ercises A dissertation on the Radiant Centre and how to arouse Solar activity within All under one cover Mailed to any address on receipt of 25 cents Address Psychic Book Co Box 458 McCook Neb McCook Market Quotations Corrected Frirlnv mnrninnrl Corn 36 Wheat 55 Oats 35 Rye 33 Hogs 5 50 Eggs 12 Butter 15 Wanted- Miss Irma G Homes for Babies Allen of The Nebraska Childrens Home Society of Omaha is in the city with two fine boy babies which she wants to place in desirable homes in this city or vicinity Leave word at the home of W D Burnett or at this office Strayed One iron gray mare 5 years old with black head weight about 1100 lbs Any information regarding it will be thank fully received and suitably rewarded Place one and one half miles north and one half east of Cedar Bluffs Kansas C S Van Pelt Low Rates to California The Burlington offers round trip tick ets August 1 to 14 as follows San Francisco and return 4500 Los Ange les and return 4500 Ask the ticket agent for particulars f5 6ts Maud Last night Jack told me that he wouldnt marry the best girl living unless what unless she took Rocky Mountain Tea Sensible fellow 35 cts L W McConnell Visit the Worlds Fair paying 75c weekly club organizers wanted Terms and references write Worlds Fair Hotel Co 415 Burlington building St Louis Mo RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Brakolnan J J Barry returned on Wednesday from his trip Guy Tomlinson was out from Omaha Sunday visiting the homefolks Brakeman Robert Nichols has gone to Eustis to visit his parents while recov ering from his accident Frank Fitch of the Lincoln freight house and wife are visiting his parents over in Driftwood precinct Trains Nos 13 andH havo been annul ed all week railroad connections with Kansas City and St Louis being impos sible Conductor Frank Kindlon arrived home early in the week from attending the great Q R O convention in Pitts burg Brakeman R M Douglass is laying off nursing up a sprained wrist and ho and Mrs Douglass are visiting meanwhile at Red Cloud Switchman C W Tyler and wife re turned Wednesday from their visit in the east and G E McBrido has returned to McCook to work Conductor J J Larkey was severely cut up at St Francis this week by a vi cious hobo and Conductor J F Utter had to bo sent over to bring in his run Engineer and Mrs J II Moore arriv ed home first of the week from their visit to Pennsylvania and attendance up on the O R C convention in Pittsburg The show train broke down Thursday morning about three miles east of Red willow delaying traffic for some time until the broken truck could be repaired and the train pulled in on the sidetrack at Redwillow Conductor J W Line M O McClure and Eph Benjamin have been in Chicago part of the week on B of R T business Conductor Bunting has had Lines car Callen tho 104 vice McClure and Watson the 53 in Benjamins stead meanwhile The resignation of J G Taylor aud itor and assistant treasurer of the Bur lington system places EJErnst assist ant land commissioner in that position and changes his residence from Lincoln to Omaha where he assumed his new position on June 1st at the same time retaining his old post WPDurkee has been promoted to be assistant cashier A Startling Test To save a life Dr T G Merritt of North Mehoopany Pa made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure He writes a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages caused by ulcer ation of the stomach I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stom ache and liver troubles so I prescribed them The patient gained from the first and has not had an attack in 14 months Electric Bitters are posit ively guaranteed for dyspepsia indiges tion constipation ana Kinney troubles Try them Only 50c at A McMillens Household Help Housekeepers who can make use of the help of teachers attending the Normal School through the summer are request ed at once to leave their names with some member of the local committee There will be many worthy young women glad of such opportunity as this to pay their board and lodging If there are anj who will need of such assistancejto indicate it will be rendering themselves teachers and the school valuable service The Carnegie Library The guaranty for the Carnegie library has already reached over 81500 per year and there are 175 signers on the differ ent lists The young ladies of the Awl- Us club want to make this list aggre gate 600 and the people of the city are urged to sign the lists provided at their earliest convenience What is wanted now is not so much money as names Call at J E Kelleys office and sign one Meeting of Board of Equalization Notice is hereby given that the board of county commissioners of Red Willow county will set as a board of equalization of assessments June 9th 10th and 11th 1903 on which dates assessments will be equalized and adjusted E J Wilcox County Clerk Mrs R H Manson of Grant who has been visiting Mrs Frank Kendlen for a week or two departed on 12 Thursday morning for home Miss Kate Sawyer entertained the graduating class last evening Tho evening went all too swiftly with games and in having a jolly good time Re freshments were served B ea utiful XKoxicSKts The sweet pure breath of the babe is suggestive of innocence and health A mothers yearning for children is in separable from a love of the beautiful and it behooves every woman to bring the sweetest and best influence to bear on the subject of her maternity To relieve pain and make easv that period when life is born again Motfoters Friend is popularly used It is a liniment easily administered and for external use only Pregnant women should try this remedy it being undeniably a friend to her during natures term of suspense and anticipation Ilothers Friend if used throughout gestation will soften the breasts thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples All muscles straining with the burden will relax become supple and elastic from its continued application All fibres in the abdominal region will respond readily to the expanding cover containingthe embryo if fTothersFriend is applied externally during pregnancy Of all reliable druggists ioo per bottle Write for free book on riotnerhood THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA for ray tiair l have used Ayers Hair Vigor over thirty It has kept mv scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn- Soule Billings Mont There is this peculiar thing about Ayers Hair Vigor it is a hair food not a dye Your hair does not suddenly turn black look dead and lifeless But gradually the old color comes back all the rich dark color it used to have The hair stops falling too 100 a bottle All druggists If your dniercist cannot supply you send us ono dollar and wo will express you a bottle lie sure and pivo the name of your nearest express oflice Address J C AYKR CO Lowell Mass INDIAN0LA Miss Pearl Allen is spending a week in McCook Daisy Chinn came home from Hold rege Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Clarence McCord were Bartley visitors Sunday E J Mitchell nnd wife were Irtdian ola visitors last Saturday Mrs Henry Baxter was a business vis itor in McCook one day last week Ena Gamsby and Susie Wallace took the examination in Bartley Tuesday Houston Snyder and Mr Lemmons went up to Imperial Tuesday evening Merle Powell went up to Denver Sat urday evening returning Monday morn ing Misses Mary and Katie Deitsch of Bartley were Indianola callers Satur day Miss Angie Quick went up to McCook Thursday evening returning tho next morning Mrs Tim Haley went down to Repub lican City Saturday morning to visit relatives Mrs Stonecypher returned home Fri day evening from a visit to the eastern part of tho state Miss Maud Allen returned to her work in McCook Monday noon after a weeks leave of absence Flora Hoag went up to McCook Sat urday evening to spend a few days with relatives and friends Fred Duckworth is down with small pox His residence on Main street is under quarantine since Saturday Glen Hendershot of McCook came down Tuesday morning for a visit with his cousin Charlie Hendershot S R Smith and wife drove down to Bartley Saturday afternoon where S R delivered the Memorial address Dora and Katie Porter went down to Bartley Monday morning on No 12 for a few days visit with friends Mr Miller the dentist and family left on Monday morning for Kearney wnere tney expect to make their future home Herbert Allen arrived home from Den ver on No 2 Tuesday morning We are sorry to learn that Herbert is no better Miss Grace Smith came down from McCook Saturday morning and visited until Monday noon with her cousin Anna Smith Miss Jennie Barr left on No 5 Mon day evening for Denver where she will visit a while before returning to her home in Holdrege Ned Eaton and son Dean left Satur day evening for Idaho Springs Colo rado where Ned expects to engage in the newspaper business Mrs Elias Canagas daughter Ida and two children from near Arapahoe have been visiting parents on the Willow re turning home Monday morning Mrs W D Mackechnie left Satur day morning for Milwaukee Wisconsin to be in attendance at the wedding of her brother Floyd to Miss Ada E Baker of that city John Rollings accompanied by Misses Anna Vering Hattie Wadsworth Anna Smith Edith Allen and May Moore drove down to Bartley Tuesday to take the county examination Mr and Mrs Calkins returned home on Saturday morning from California where they spent several months They were accompanied by a nurse Miss Sim mons wno expects to remain for some time Miss Stevens who has been stenogra pher in the bank here for some time past returned to her home in Minden one day the last of last week She was feeling badly when she left and word came today that she had small pox On account of the heavy rain Friday only a few went out to the graveyard to decorate the graves Saturday morning In the afternoon Banker Brown of Cam bridge delivered a splendid address to a crowded house A choir and the Indi anola band furnished appropriate music for the occasion The commencement exercises of the graduating class were held in the opera house last Friday evening with a good attendance in spite of the inclement weather There were eight graduates this year Alice Cramer Veronica Mc Donald Merle Walters John Rollings Anna Vering Reuben Finch Edith Al len and Gilbert Rankin the remaining four of the class having decided to take the extra grade next year A farce The Heavenly Twins was given by the entire class in a most pleasing man ner A terrible tragedy was enacted in front of the saloon here last Saturday night at about 1030 when Charlie Mc Millan shot and almost instantly killed Lee Jones of Bartley Lee Jones ac companied by Herbert Burton a young man living about n mile from Bartley came up on No 5 Saturday evening to get some beer and play pool as Burton told at the preliminary hearing As they were coming out of the saloon for the third and last time preparatory to go ing to their room at the hotel McMillan was leaning against a post in front of the saloon and he stepped up to them aaBmaneaanaanBnBHBBaiaMaanBB ii w and asked thorn to join him in a gnmoof pokor They remnrked Unit they hadnt come prepared to play poker or any other game Burton then took off his coat nnd told McMillan that If Ik was a fiirht ho wanted that ho would give him a fair fight but no other kind Leo J Jones then stopped up to McMillan and said If jou want to iiprut Ognt me for Burton had his arm hurt tho other day besides ho is a much smaller man than you McMillan walked up to Leo put his arm nround his neck and said I will show you follows a gacuo that you never played before He then step ped back a step or two und drawing his revolver shot Leo through tho heart Burton thinking it wtis only i blank cartridge said to Lee Lets get out of this Lee That fellow may snoot us yet Leo walked a few atopa nnd foil dead in front of the billiard DU Mc Millan then went up stairs in the hotol and after taking n lamp from tho room of ono of tho boarders wont into his own room and cleaned nnd loaded his gun then told the man that ho had killed a man down tho street and that when the officers cnino after him it would bo all right but if nnyono else came something would happen Tho sheriff was immediately sent for but as ho was in McCook it was after 2 oclock before Art Crabtree insisted by W A McCool entered tho murderers room McMillan gave himself up without a word County Attorney Eldred nnd Coronor Spotts of McCook held tin in quest over tho dead body Sunday morn ing after which it was preparod for bur ial and taken to Bartley that evening The funeral services were held in tho Christian church at 10 a in Monday morning The mother was nearly pros trated over tho tragedy nnd is etill in a precarious condition Tho preliminary hearing was held in tho Masonic hall at 2 oclock Monday afternoon Eight or nine witnesses wore on tho stand and during tho entire proceedings the pris oner sat apparently unconcerned He was held to tho district court without bond His brother and brother-in-law of Red Cloud Nebraska were present at the trial No motive for tho crime is given unless it was simply the desiro to kill as they were eutiro strangers to each other low Rates West The Burlington offers round trip tick ets as follows Denver Colo and return 12 June 1 to September 30 Colorado Springs Colo and return 1240 June 1 to September 30 Pueblo Colo and return 13G5 June 1 to September 30 Glenwood Springs Colo and return 2190 June 1 to September 30 Ogden Utah and return 2790 June 1 to September 30 Salt Lake City Utah and return 2790 June 1 to September 30 Ask the ticket agent for particulars The Boy Born Thursday night May 28 1903 to Mr and Mrs I N Meyers a fine big healthy boy Ike set up the cigars Oberlin Kansas Times 1 yn n hi i din I hi Mrd iiJiiiTrp ramf 1 Disease takes no summer 1 I vacation If yen need sirengih use VST 2VS o S- immsmu summer as in winter Send for free sample SCOTT nOWNE Chemists 409 415 Pearl Street New York 50c and ico all druggists tWMWW TT mFI ESaPsSTSESESSSSrjSXBNH F D BUROESS I Pnerafid Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA Hsassv CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS txtf - 1- CO w - w2rCSStt t sr iVH V j fcr 2i iways reliable Xadle ask Draggiat for CHICHESTERS EXCLISH in Red and 6oId metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Ketone danKerou Hubtl tntlonaand lmilatJonx Buy of yourDrugrist or send 4c in stamps toz Particulars Teiti monlals and Relief for Iadlca in Utter wrnMall 10000 Testimonials Soldbr all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 Madiion Square PHULA PA Mention tali paper Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Thihitce we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Thibcne at the following very low prices with ICBLICATIOX PRICE TBIBUXE I Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 I Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 i Prairie Farmer 100 1 25 Chicago Inter Ocean 100 1 40 Cincinnati Enquire 1 00 1 SO New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Demorests Magazine 1 00 1 75 ToledoBlade 100 125 1 Nebraska Fanner 100 1 65 i Iowa Homestead 100 125 1 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Culture 100 150 New York World 1 OO 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 ISO St Louis Republic 100 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 FarmandHome 100 120 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Teibcse McCook Neb GEO J BURGESS OKNKUAI VVAIKll IX Farm Implements Machinery Wagons Buggies A Kent for Champion Hinders Mowers andJRakes Cush paid for Eggs Poultry and Farm Produco MCCOOK - - NEBRASKA 100 Deposited In tho City National Hunk York Nob nuil Sheldon State Hnnk Sheldon la To Be Paid to Anyone Finding any of our testimonials not Koniiieo Is told under n pohitivo jjuarantco to do what it ia adrurtibed to do and its success is proven by the testimonials of thousands of its user Investigate its merits Read what it has done for others St Paul Neb April 9 1WM National Medical Co York Neb Gentlemen This is to certify that I havo used Liquid Koal for ergot dis easo nnd bo liovo it a euro for this disease from tho ex periments I havo made but Leliovo it ought to bo used when the animal is first taken with tho disease And for a lice killer it cant bo heat by anything I know of Your respectfully L Littik Ilartington Neb Dec 8 102 National Medical Co York Neb Dear Sirs Hegarding Liquid Koal I would not bo without it as I am sure I saved most of my hogs with it a year ago nnd I havo been using it with good results over since I woidd ndvipo all farmers to keep it on hand and use it with their hogs as di rected and I am suro they will Imi satisfied A M JIahiuh Meadow Grove Neb Dec 1J 1002 National Medical Co York Neb Gentlemen I have usul Liquid Koal for gome time and find it all tho company rec ommends it to be I would not bo without it at any price WM JIankinh Price l per Quart 3 per Gal Send to the National Medical Co Shel don Iowa or York Neb for a 2 page book on Germ Diseases of Animals and it will be mailed you free of charge For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb flesh and S jo if ah imis i nr i np ft I witll IB MS j Answered by the Jr n 2 1 1 BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 an- W H Ackerman S McCook Nebraska AMERICAS BEST Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of the world well written original stories answers to queries articles on health the home new books and on work about the farm and garden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New YorK World daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The Tribute and The Weerlv Inter Ocean one year both papers for 140 Don T IMCOftPORATK 1tl3 BE 8 OOLED Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Oar trado mark cut on each package Effcf 35 cents Never Sl m bulk Accept no sabjtl tute Ask your druggist J V a 9