The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 05, 1903, Image 1

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A Murder at Indlanoia Last Saturday
Indianola was the scene of nn unpro
voked murder Saturday night about
half past ten oclock Leo Jones of Bart
ley was the victim and Charles McMillan
an employe in Andrew Lords harness
shop was the murderer There seems
to have been no provocation for the mur
der indeed victim and murderer were
practically strangers and had no quarrel
having met in the saloon during the
evening of the tragedy and drinking to
The murdered man and a friend by the
name of Burton came up from Bartley
on the evening of the tragedy for the ex
pressed purpose of buying some beer In
the saloon they met McMillan with
whom they drank McMillan invited
them both to his room in a hotel for a
game of cards but both Jones and Bur
ton demurred and refused They all left
the saloon together Outside McMillan
took up the matter again and became
somewhat abusive Burton offered to
give him fistic satisfaction but nothing
came of the offer and no blows were ex
changed Suddenly and with apparent
ly no hostile intent McMillan threw his
left arm about Jones neck and said I
will show you fellows a game you have
never played before And suiting the
action to the words drew a revolver of
iIKn fsilP
32 calibre from his right hip pocket he
pressed the weapon to Jones breast and
sent a ball through his heart Jones
walked a few steps and fell dead before
the neighboring billiard hall
After the killing McMillan went to his
hotel and after drawing his revolver on
Norman Howe went upstairs entered
the room of a stranger took the lamp in
the room cleaned up his weapon and
coolly informed the stranger that he had
killed a man down the street
McMillan was arrested and placed in
the county jail
Sunday morning County Attorney
Eldred and County Coroner Joseph
Spotts of our city went down to Indian
ola empanelled a jury and held an in
quest the verdict of the jury being as
State of Nebraska Redwillow coun
ty At an inquest held at Indianola in
Redwillow county on the 31st day of
May 1903 before me Joseph Spotts
coroner of said county upon the body of
Lee Jones lying dead by the jurors
whose names are hereto subscribed the
said jurors upon their oath do say that
the said Lee Jones came to his death on
the 30th day of May 1903 by a pistol
shot fired by one Charles McMillan pur
posely maliciously premeditately and
with felonious intent at him the said
Lee Jones to kill and murder
A preliminary examination was held
in Indianola on Monday June 1st after
which McMillan was bound over to the
next term of district court without bail
He is now confined in the old county
jail at that place where he will be held
for the present at least though the fath
er of the murdered young man desires
that the slayer be confined in a more se
cure jail which action may be taken in
the near future
The murderer is a brother of W L
McMillan of Red Cloud formerly editor
of the Red Cloud Chief who with Law
yer Potter of that place were present at
the preliminary hearing Monday
It is stated that McMillan had been
on the lookout all day for trouble in
forming the town marshal that evening
that he would not disturb anyone but
Bill presumably meaning young
Plourd If he met him he said some
thing would drop
The testimony indicates the tragedy as
being one of the most inexplicable ones
in Nebraskas history and suggests but
oue possible line of defense insanity
Do you want a gooa annKr une
that will taste just right one that
will make you want to come here
every day You can get it at our
fountain JU w jUcuonnell
A Parrot Can Talk
But you cant depend on what it says
being true Its different at Marshs
meat market Their meats talk and
nothing talks truer than the good article
E C gauze corsets 35c 50c and
100 Gauze nursing corsets 50c Gauze
corset waists S100 Gauze corset gird
les 35c and 50c Money back after four
weeks actual wear if dissatisfied Sold
only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co
A dance will be given in the opera
house Wednesday evening next June
17th for the benefit of Calvary cemetery
fund Tickets 8100
- Pf-
Mrs Fred S Harris will leave for
Denver today
J Fred Zell was down from Denver
first of the week
Mrs Glenn Carruth was a passen
ger for Denver Tuesday
Mrs G A Noren has been visiting
relatives at Orleans this week
Landlord Rooney came up from Hol
drege Tuesday on hotel business
Mrs G R Snyder returned close of
last week from her visit in Lincoln
Miss Nellie Roonev has beena guest
of her father at the Palmer this week
Mrs Mabel Stewart has returned
from her trip to Long Beach California
Mrs JF Reynolds is here from Col
orado and a guest of her daughter Mrs
George E Denton
Congressman Norris and family ex
pect to leave some time next week for
Wisconsin to spend the summer
August Droll left this morning for
Illinois expecting to partially solve the
farm labor question while absent
Mr and Mrs G D Leach were down
from Denver close of last and first of
this week visiting relatives and friends
Mrs C E Throne is here from Has
tings visiting oldtimo friends They
contemplate locating in Longmont Colo
Mrs W II Armstrong and Mattie
Broyles went to Imperial Wednesday
morning on a visit of a few weeks with
Sam Gull and daughter were down
from Trenton last Friday visiting
friends and taking advantage of our trad
ing facilities
Miss Florence E Cotting came up
from Rod Cloud Saturday night last
and was the guest of Rev and Mrs
Dean early days of the week
Mr and Mrs A F Ickis who have
been guests of Mr and Mrs Joseph Al
len during the past winter and spring
departed close of last week for Creston
Miss Vanche Plumb of the class of
1900 came over from Danbury close of
last week and has been taking in and
participating in the exercises of com
mencement week
Arthur J Utter formerly of our city
now of Fond du Lac Wis was chosen
secretary of the Sand Rock Water Co
of that city at a recent election held by
the directors of that company
Mrs C J Roman was up from Lin
coln close of last and first of this week
to witness the graduation of her daugh
ter Lillian from our high school She
was a grest of Engineer F G West
Lawyer Potter and Ex Editor Mc
Millan of Red Cloud were in the city
Monday night on their way home from
attending the preliminary hearing at In
dianola that day of their brother and
Misg Irma G Allen came out from
Omaha close of last week and has been
locating in desirable homes in this part
of the state a number of babies and
children under auspices of The Nebraska
Childrens Home Society
S M Cochran and family departed
Wednesday night for their new home in
Seattle Washington He still retains
quite large interests here They carry
with them the wishes of many friends
for their continued success and happi
ness in the northwest
Mr and Mrs Frank DoBsoNwere up
from Havelock close of past and fore
part of this week visiting relatives and
friends and witnessing the closing exer
cises of the city schools of which she is
an alumnus They are learning to like
their new home and work very much
Mr Huntington who will be man
ager of the electric light plant under the
new regime was down from Denver
early part of the week looking over the
business He is an experienced man
having managed different plants in the
Centennial state Breckenridge is his
present home
Rubber Boots come handy for ir
rigating as well as snow and mud
We have a good supply at the Bee
The Orpheus Jubilee Singers
The Tribune wishes in calling atten
tion to this aggregation of musicians
which appears in this city tonight un
der auspices of the public free library to
state first of all that the concert will be
given in the court house and not in the
opera house as stated last week by mis
take And in addition we wish to note
the fact that they are first class in qual
ity and will give the people of this city a
concert they cannot afford to miss There
are two reasons why you should hear the
Orpheus Jubilee Singers They will high
ly entertain you with their flood of mel
ody and you will give the free library a
financial boost by your patronage Both
are worthy purposes
What You Like
Just the meat you like in just the way
you like it Fine firm and tender beef
young wholesome lamb clean and sweet
pork smoked and salted meats And
last but not least whether you order
from house by phone or come in person
your orders are given our best consider
ation and we guarantee that you will
be satisfied Marsh
Home Painters
Are you going to do some painting
We have paints for every purpose in
sizes to suit all ready for the brush
L W McConnell
Oil lithographed pillow tops in 15 sub
jects 69c each Cords and tassels for
same 35c each Cretonnes and silko
lenes for backs The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Memorial and Decoration Day Services
While the weather was not propitious
this year and while the season is very
backward and there is an absence of the
usual wealth of flowers McCook neg
lected not the decoration of the graves of
her honored dead nor the full observance
of the customary services of both Me
morial Sunday and of Decoration Day
proper Wild flowers made up in part
the absence of those of culture and with
al there was no lack in any particular of
observance Business places were closed
during the hours of service and the at
tendance upon the orders of the day was
good It is a pleasure to note that the
exercises of the day were not disturbed
by sports of any kind
The union services held in the Metho
dist church Sunday morning filled the
church The members of both post and
circle attended the services in organiza
tions marching from Odd Fellows hall
to the church
Following the reading of departmental
and national orders the regular pro
gram as printed in The Tribune was
taken up and carried out
Rev C R Betts of the Baptist church
pronpunced the invocation and Rev F
W Dean of the Congregational church
the benediction
The sermon came from tho lips of Rev
L H Shumate of the Methodist church
It was an eloquent and able effort full
of patriotic fire and earnestness The
keynote was remember the deeds of the
noble dead
A specially selected quartette provided
appropriate and excellent music
The service was a creditable showing
of the patriotic sentiment of the commu
nity toward the day and what it com
At the appointed morning hour es
corted by the high school cadets with
arms reversed the members of the post
and circle formed a line of march at the
Odd Fellows hall and proceeded to the
city cemeteries where the graves of de
ceased veterans were lovingly decorated
in the use of the customary ritualistic
services Other services at the cemetery
were dispensed with on account of the
threatening aspect of the weather and
became a part of the services of the af
ternoon at the Congregational church
To this service the high school cadets
again acted as an escort to tho veterans
and the ladies of the circle and the mu
sic and scene was an inspiringxne as
the line passed from hall to church
City Attorney W R Starr made a few
opening remarks on behalf of the city
after which Rev F W Dean delivered
an earnest and inspiring address to the
purpose of proving that it was worth
while that the war of the rebellion was
fought and won
Mrs F M Rathbun read the famous
Gettysburg speech of the immortal Lin
coln and Mrs A P Welles delivered a
part of her able and eloquent address to
the unknown dead which the weather
did not admit of being given at the cem
Rev George Scott formerly of our city
offered the prayer of invocation and Rev
Dean pronounced the benediction
Special and appropriate and inspiring
music was provided by the quartette
The church was patriotically deco
rated with large and handsome flags
besides potted plants ferns etc gave
added beauty
The graves of the following departed
soldiers were decorated in the different
burying places
David Kcithlev
Marion B Brown
Chester Ward
E S Cooley
D A Clements
John D Gerver
Peter Groves
J B McCabe
Moses Battershall
W M Irwin
Elias H Conrad
Smith Gordon
Charles Turner
Charles Fox
Thomas M Scott
J B Farnsworth
E M Farnsworth
W X Johnson
Luther Nottleton Charles Walker
The graves of a Confederate soldier
R R Stewart and of a son of a veteran
Albert Hamilton together with graves
of members of families of veterans were
also remembered Flowers magnolias
were sent by Veteran J M Hamilton of
Pass Christian Miss for memorial pur
poses as has been his custom for years
Public acknowledgment as well as per
resolution was made of the courtesy of
the high school cadets to the old soldiers
in serving as an escort in decorating
graves and in marching to the church
This act was very greatly appreciated by
the vets The boys made a superb ap
pearance and were much complimented
upon their soldierly bearing
An Illustrated Lecture
The first attraction of the Normal
School series will be the illustrated lec
ture by Frank R Roberspn the famous
traveler The date for this is Tuesday
evening June ICth The lecturer comes
with the highest endorsements He has
the latest and finest apparatus and from
180 to 240 slides with which to illustrate
his lectures An expert assistant ac
companies him He will lecture here on
Imperial India It will be intensely
worth while He has lectured twice be
fore the state teachers association and
is engaged for each of the five Normal
Schools which is a guarantee of his ex
cellence and ability
The Opening Series of Baseball
The local season of baseball will be
opened in this city next Monday with
a game between the local team and the
Haskell Indians Three games will be
played on the 8th 9th andlOth respec
tively They promise to be exeat erames
Very pretty new styles in baby bon
nets and caps in mulls lawns and silk
lace trimmed and embroidery trimmed
corded tucked ruffled and shirred 20c
to 85c at The Thompson Dry Goods
Cos P O block
Mens suits 350 450 500 and up
to 1250 Boys suits 85c to 350
Boys knee pants 25c 50c and 75c
Mens 24 oz cotton worsted pants 90c
Corduroys 200 The Thompson Dry
uoods uo
Just The Thing To Buy
Plants of M L Rishel 3 blocks north
of brick school house McCook
Commencement Weeks Details
Few local happenings of the full round
year exceed or even equal in importance
those of commencement week and The
Tribune chronicles no event with great
er pleasure and pride
The formal exercises of commence
ment week were opened on last Sunday
evening by the delivery of the baccaleau
reato sermon before the class of 03 in
the Congregational church The church
was crowded Rev Earlo of the Epis
copal church was to have delivered the
sermon but was unavoidably detained
out of the city by the lateness of the
trains caused by the floods east and his
place was taken at the last moment bv
Rev F W Dean of the Congregational
church who acquitted himself hand
somely under tho circumstances
Rev CRBetts of the Baptist church
offered tho invocation
The special music was provided by a
double quartette under the direction of
Dr S O Beach
Patriotic decorations prevailed of a
simple sort
Thus auspiciously were ushered in the
ever attractive happenings of commence
ment week
A large audience greeted the class of
03 in tho opera house Monday evening
on the commencement occasion of our
city schools which is always an inspir
ing affair to the people of McCook
whose pride is excusably abundant and
enthusiastic on this point
The formal program of the evening
opened with a piano duet by Mrs WB
Mills and Mrs K M Stangland who
gave a superb rendering of Bellinis fa
mous Semiramide
Rev F W Dean of the Congregation
al church offered the invocation
Mrs Leroy Kleven sang sweetly and
with expression The Spring Has Come
by Maude V White
MuudeIzella Middleton delivered the
salutatory which fittingly introduced
the speaker of the evening Dr James
The doctor gave his audience a splen
did address on The Value of a Man
showing in eloquent terms and by point
ed illustration that the anatomist and
chemist gave no adequate idea of tho im
mortal worth of a man of love of service
of persistency in righteousness of gen
ius purposefully directed He held the
close and delighted attention of his large
audience for almost two hours in his elo
quent descriptions pungent epigrams
gems of advice and tnnlling tributes
Bellinis Third Air Varie
a violin
and piano duet was effectively render
ed by Mr W J McGillin and Mrs W
B Mills
Clifford W Browne delivered a brief
valedictory for the class expressing their
appreciation of the opportunities afford
ed the graduates in the public schools
and voicing the hope that the class of 03
would give a good account of itself in
lifes school
In well chosen words Secretary C W
Barnes of the board of education pre
sented the graduates their diplomas
Mrs C W Britts singing of When
the Heart is Young Dudley Buck was
one of the triumphs of the eveniug and
she was compelled to respond to the en
thusiastic and persistent applause with
another number
The exercises came to a close with the
benediction by Rev C R Betts of the
Baptist church
The opera house was tastefully though
simply decorated for the occasion
Streamers of the class colors red and
light blue were draped across the ceil
ing of the hall and the electric lights
were subdued by shades of the same col
ors The stage was decorated with large
flags and with bunting of light blue and
red The figures 1903 done in light
blue were suspended over the stage The
whole effect was pretty and unostenta
There were twelve members in the
class Rose Gertrude Brady Caroline
May Hileman Susan Katerine LeHew
Maude Izella Middleton Lillian Leaf
green Roman Ellen Cecilia Ryan Alyce
Kathryn Sawyer Clifford W Browne
Hurley Frank Dye Chester Arthur Rod
gers George Alexander Campbell
Charles W Kelley
The members of the class of 01 acted
in the capacity of ushers for the evening
One of the functions of commence
ment week which is taking on larger in
terest with the flight of years is the an
nual reception and banquet by the high
school alumni association to the mem
bers of the graduating class That ten
dered to the class of 03 is entitled per-
iorce or its exceptionally pleasant par
ticulars to a high place among the so
cial affairs of the association
The reception occupied the early hours
of the evening and was held in the as
sembly room of the high school build
ing The room was decorated in the
class colors of 03 red and light blue
The room was transformed by a liberal
disposition of handsome furniture cur
tains rugs and hangings into a very at
tractive apartment for the purpose
There was a cozy corner of blue
draperies and 1903 was suspended
over the entrance Another corner was
decorated in red white and blue and
from this patriotic retreat punch was
served by Mrs Louis Suess Mrs Wal
ter Stokes and Miss Judith Oyster
Aftar the reception a three course
lunch was served by the ladies of the
Dorcas society of the Congregational
church with the pretty accessories which
Sick Room Comforts
Hot water bottles atomizers and
all the various appliances which add
so much to the comfort of the suf
ferer and aid in his cure We make
a specialty of such goods and carry
an exceptionally complete line for
you to select from Telephone No
11 or have tne doctor do so for you
and we will send right out whatever
you need L V McConnell
- -
no If It i
are so vital to such affairs Tho table
decorations were in red white and green
the alumni colors carnations smilax
and tho refreshments carrying out the
color scheme Plates were laid for about
sixty JLne menu cards served also as
place cards Following is the menu and
list of toasts and names of those re
Good Broth with rood keening doth much
now and then
It is not the quantity of the meat but tho
cheerfulness of the guests which
manes ine least
Potato Salad
A salad for in him wo seo
Oil vinegar sugar and saltnoss agree
Sandwiches Beets
Oh I happy he whom Heaven hath fed
With frugal but suiiicient bread
Oh let the Herbs I loved to renr
Qivo to my senso their perfumed breath
What Fruit would spring
From such a beed
Creme Glacio
Tis crystal friend iced
in tho frozen sea
Light as a snow
flake whito as milk
Now Im in a drink youll sit and eipnnd think
And surely all my praises you will feing f labor
Anil say unto your neighborI hope Im douu with
For I cant gness another single thing
Happy are wo mot happy have wo been
Happy may wo part and happy meet again
G H Thomas Toastmastor
The Third Annual
Mabel E Wilcox 9G
Nineteen Three
Chester A Rodgers 03
The School of the Past
Earl Ludwick 97
The School of the Present
Lester Little 02
Was It Worth While
Vanche Plumb 00
In Memoriam Miss Racho Berry
The Yearlings John L Rice 02
Scraps Maude Cordeal 94
The Worser Halves W B Mills
Enough is as Good as a Feast
Minnio Rowell 98
Auld Lang Syne
The banquet flow of soul social sym
posium dancing etc prolonged the
gayety into tho small hours and made
up the graud total of one of the most
memorable evenings in the life of the as
An orchestra of five pieces was an en
joyed feature of the evening
The festivities closed with the singing
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brot to mind
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne
For auld lang syne my dear
For auld lang syne
Well tak a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne
We twa hae run aboot the braes
And pud the gowans fine
But weve wandered mony a weary foot
bin aula lang syne
We twa hae sported i the burn
Frae mornin sun till dine
But seas between us braid hae roard
Sin auld lang syne
And heres a hand my trusty frien
And gies a hand o thine
Well tak a cup o kindness yet
For auld lang syne
The class colors are dark red and pale
blue the class flower rose
Supt Thomas gave tho cadets a feed
in the laboratory Saturday afternoon
The cadets had a picture taken Sat
urday all arrayed in their fiercest clothes
and accoutrements
Class motto To thy self be true and
it must follow as the night the day thou
canst not be false to any man
The class officers are President Chest
er A Rodgers Vice President Lillian
Roman Secretary Clifford W Browne
The high school cadets remembered
Supt Thomas with a handsome watch
chain close of school in recognition of
his special service to them
One of the features of the week past
was the entertainment of the high
school cadets Saturday afternoon at
the east ward building by Superintend
ent Thomas
The tenth grade tendered Miss Smith
a reception Wednesdav evening in the
court room The graduates were guests
The room was nicely decorated Punch
and light refreshments were served
Miss Elizabeth Thomson and her as
sistant Miss Blanche McCarl exhibited
some work done by the children in the
kindergarten department of the west
ward school during the past year in the
school room last Saturday and Monday
of this week It was highly creditable
to pupils and teachers and a revelation
and delight to all who called to inspect
the work which indicated the progress
made by the pupils during the school
Let us figure on your job We believe
that we can interest you Anyhow let
us show you
L W McConnell
Before buying a hammock see the lat
est and get prices at McMillens drug
Lace and silk gloves and mitts fans
parasols belts hairpins back combs
lace and turn over collars white lawn
and silk waists all in newest styles at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos P O
ball and tennis goods at Cone
vebraska State ITistor
Japalac at Cone Bros
Get busy and stay busy
Tho best paint Heath Milligan
You can buy at Cono Bros
Got your garden hose of F D Burgess
McMillen can please you in hammocks
Seo tho fine lino of hammocks at Cono
See those enamel lined refrigorators at
For wall paper and
ings go to Cono Bros
all insido finish-
Seo McMillons wall paper beforo
lecting for your homo
Best grade of garden hose at very low
prices at F D Burgess
Paints oils varnish stains japalac
onamels etc at McMillen s
H P Waito will sell you the
grade hose at the lowest figure
Dont bo deceived Thoro is but ono
best tho Heath Milligan paint
Buy anything of Cono Bros mv onah
and you get double trading stamps
Childrens fancy parasols 10c and 15c
at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Job lot of ladies shoes worth 225 and
250 Special prico 129 DeGroff
McMillen has a largo lino of wall
paper goods colorings at right prices
Now is tho tinio to paint Uso tho
best Heath Milligan Cono Bros
Buy your wall paper of Cono Bros and
get two blue stamps with each 10 cents
McMillen sells tho best mixed paint
you can get guaranteed for three years
H P Waito has a full lino of Aliskn
refrigerators and Jewel gasoline stoves
Goodrich Rubber Co make tho best
garden hose All guaranteed by F D
Try McMillen s sarsaparilla for
blood Money refunded if not
McMillen has a nice line of new books
and novelties suitable for graduating
The mail carrier McCook Hayes Cen
ter June 1st had to return to his fur
overcoat for comfort
The Jewel is the most economical and
most durable of all the gasoliao stoves
For sale bv II P Waite
If you will go to W T Colemans you
can get a complete and practical hose
repair for only five cents
Orders taken for strictly tailor made
suits at Kapkes at from 1500 and
upwards Pants at from 1 upwards
Minden Neb Dec 27 1902 I have
used Liquid Koal and find it a good
preventive EC Klinck stock dealer
You can have the prettiest house
your neighborhood by using Heath
Milligan paint Buy it at Cone Bros
Coleman handles the superior gasoline
stoves of tho market If you want the
best and latest obtainable in that line
see him
Tailor made suits at from 1500 and
upward ordered by Kapke the South
Main street tailor Pants at from 4
The July readjustment of postmasters
salaries cuts an even hundred dollars off
of Indianola and adds a similar amount
to Holdrege
The celebrated Quick Meal crasoline
stove has always been unequalled And
still there are improvements on the
stove this year
Kapke will take your orders for suits
strictly tailor made at from 1500 and
upwards 4 and upwards for pants
Satisfaction guaranteed
The Ocean Wave washing machine
runs so light that W T Coleman feels
safe and takes pleasure in guaranteeing
the machines running parts for a year
What the people say who use them
goes They ought to know They do
Their verdict is that the Empire cream
separator has no superior in the market
Handsome assortment of wide ribbons
for neck belt and sash in satin taffetes
plain taffetes moires warp prints plaids
stripes and fancies at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos P O block
The famous Siberian refrigerator han
dled by W T Coleman is built of the
very best material for saving ice and
preserving provisions from spoiling and
moulding If you are in need of a refrig
erator buy no other
Lace curtains in nottinghams bobi
nets ruffled muslins and arabian nets
from 75c a pair to 500 a pair Also
tapestry and rope portieres from 8190 to
500 a pair All curtains sold in pairs
or half pairs The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Every man to his trade and business
Paul Anton makes it his serious business
to provide the juiciest tenderest meats
for his customers Its his trade He
knows how And then again he uses
the best of corn fed beeves They are
the only kind that produce really good
meat It costs you the same as the poor
tough sort
We have just received a line of
new things in wrist bags nitsuka3
pocket books and card cases
L W McConnell Druggist