The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 29, 1903, Image 6

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    IVScCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
George Francis Train is confined to
the home of his sister with a case of
Twelve thousand school children
greeted President Roosevelt at- Port
land Oregon
Governor LaFollette of Wisconsin
has signed the bill taxing railroads on
the ad valorem system
Two hundred and twenty acres are
to be added to the military reservation
at West Point at an expense of 20000
The armory of the First regiment
N Or P at Philadlephia was damaged
75000 by fire Nearly all the rifles
and uniforms of the organization were
The historic elm tree planted by
Abraham Lincoln in front of the old
Lincoln homestead in Springfield 111
fell a few days ago during a heavy
wind and rain store
Burglars who knew the combination
stole checks arid money amounting to
about 5000 from the safe of the Ok
lahoma Packing company in Okla
homa City and escaped
Daniel Guggenheim treasurer of the
Israelite relief fund New York re
ceived a check for 200 from Secretary
of State John Hay for the relief of
the sufferers at Kishineff
The prospectus of the new Brazilian
5 per cent loan of 25000000 for the
improvement of the harbor of Rio
Janeiro will he issued by the Roth
childs The price will he 92
A dispatch to a news agency from
Viemia says it is reported from Mitro
vitrz that all the Albanian chiefs of
that district have now been arrested
and sent under strong escort to Con
At Toledo O Harvey Parker of
Worcester Mass won the lightweight
wrestling championship of the United
States by securing two out of three
falls in a contest with Bob Reakes of
Muskegon Mich
St Paul has been selected by the
executive committee of the national
association of state dairy and foot de
partments as the place and July 21 to
24 as the time for the seventh annual
convention of the association
The secretary of war has ordered the
honorable discharge from the service
of Second Lieutenant George R Craw
ford Eleventh infantry Crawford
has been attending the military school
at Fort Leavenworth and has failed
to pass his examination after two
According to a special dispatch to
the Vossische Zeitung from Bucharest
anti Eemitic agitators are to be
found everywhere in Roumania and
scenes similar to those enacted at
Kischineff are feared It is sid that
anti semitic outbreaks will surely ac
cur at the end of May
Because Sir Miachel Herbert and
other representatives of the powers
took exception to certain foot notes in
the blue book on Venezuela the state
department has assured them the blue
book was prepared by Mr Bowen and
is not to be considered an official pub
lication of the department
In answer to her suggestion that a
claim for compensation to be lodged
against Turkey in the amount of the
ransom paid for the release by the
brigands Miss Ellen Stone has been
required to supply the department of
state with necessary information upon
which to frame a formal application
The Kansas encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic sent a
dispatch to the president and
war protesting against the pro
posed Memorial day program at Fort
Riley this year The old soldiers ob
ject to the day being desecrated by
base ball races and similar sport
Montana City at one time one of the
most famous placer camps in Montana
was totally destroyed by fire Sunday
Governor Ferguson of Oklahoma is
sued a proclamation naming May 30
as the day for Oklahoma to pay trib
ute to the memory of civil war veter
ans The proclamation contains 700
words and is of literary merit
Statistics compiled by President T
C Power of the Montana board of
sheep commissioners fixes the total
number of sheep lost in the recent
blizzard at 900000 Up to the time
of the storm 000000 had frozen in the
snow of previous blizzards making
the grand total of 1500000 lost in
Montana last December At an aver
age of 250 this means a monetary
loss of 3750000
An expedition is being sent out un
der auspices of the Geographical so
ciety of Philadelphia and the Arctic
club of New York to explore Mount
McKinley the highest peak in the
Alaska range estimated to be 20400
feet hgh
In an article on irrigation Edward
A Beals of the weather bureau says
there are more than 7000000 acres of
irrigated land in the United States
As flag day this year falls en Sun
day the day will be observed on Mon
day June 15
The Postal Probe Continues Mr Heath
Being Notified of the Tulloch
Charges on Which Reportc Were Ex
pected and Came Forth
WASHINGTON The promotions of
over 3000 postofllce clerks throughout
the country recently authorized were
cancelled by Mr Payne
First Assistant Postmaster General
Wynne reported to Mr Payne that the
tabulation of clerks in each grade in
postoffices of the first class had been
completed This work was undertaken
in acocrdance with the order to rear
range the salaries of clerks already
classified so that the number in the
several grades should not exceed the
number specifically prescribed by con
gress The former classification was
made by George W Beavers just prior
to his sudden resignation as chief of
the division of salaries and allowances
The new schedule approved by the
postmaster general after transferring
5 per ctut from grades where there
are vacancies as authorized by a re
cent decision of the comptroller of the
curency makes it necessary to cancel
3046 promotions in the several grades
in which there is an excess above the
legal number and in which 7042 pro
motions have been authorized The
report says
It will not be necessary in anv case
to reduce any clerk but simply to can
cel 3046 out of 7402 promotions here
tofore authorized to take effect on July
1 1903 We will proceed at once to
ascertain exactly the njumber of promo
tions in each grade that it will be nec
essary to cancel at each postoffice and
will then inform the postmasters and
allow them to secure the increases
which must be cancelled
Most of the excesses in the number
in the respective grades of clerks scat
tered throughout the United States at
first class presidential offices are in the
900 and 1000 per annum classes The
excesses in grades are dJvided among
those grades as follows Two hundred
and fifty eight excess in the 700
grade 852 in the 900 grade 936 in
the 1000 grade 451 in the 1100
grade 243 in the 1200 grade 220 in
the 1300 grade 82 in the 1400 grade
and 18 in the 1500 grade
The postmaster general to day sent
to Mr Heath a copy of the charges
filed by Mr Tulloch together with a
letter requesting any suggestion he
may submit on the subject It is the
first official communication with Mr
Heath during the investigation None
of the supplemental answers to the
postmaster general giving Mr Tul
lochs definite charges have been re
May Be Removed for Promoting Suits
Against Government
sistant Postmaster General Shallen
barger has directed Svend Schibsby
a railway postal clerk at Kansas City
to show cause why he should not bti
dismissed for promoting suits against
the government for traveling expenses
of postal employes There are 9000
railway postal clerks in the country
and the purpose is to prevent a wide
spread movement having in view the
prosecution of a claim which the de
partment regards as preposterous
The position of the postoffice de
partment is that the designated head
quarters of these clerks is the route
on which their runs are made and not
the city or town where they may hap
pen to live A case is now pending
in the court of claims in this city in
volving this question or their travel
ing expenses
Hitchcock Denies the Report That
Time Has Been Extended
WASHINGTON Secretary Hitch
cock said Thursday that the report
that there had been extension of time
to July 1 for the removal of fences
around public lands used for grazing
purposes was incorrect
An inquiry of this character came
to the interior department from Ne
braska Shortly after the adjourn
ment of congress the department
issued orders to its agents directing
the removal of the fences and the
law the secretary said would be car
ried out In some of the other states
the removal of the fences has been in
progress for a year or more
Up in a Balloon
PARIS Santos Dumont made a
successful ascent in his steerable bal
loon at Neuilly Thursday afternoon in
the presence of 3000 spectators in
cluding the minister of finance M
Bouvier At the Bois de Boulogne a
number of evolutions were gone
through amid the applause of the
spectators After maneuvering for
half an hour at a height of 600 feet
above the polo grounds Santos-Dumont
returned to Neuilly
JawMSi mJm 3BSS
Jr Hf Jar xtfMitMwl
Milt n nil vBJa LtiS E JBfcsTTIwI
On Memorial day the Chamber of
Commerce will present to the city of
New York Augustus St Guldens he
roic statue of Gen William Tecumeh
Sherman a work that has been called
the finest piece of sculpture created
in 400 years When the statue was
exhibited in the Salon of the Champs
de Mars in 1899 the place of honor
was given to it that being the first
time such a mark of artistic appre
ciation was ever shown to an Ameri
can sculpture
The statue which is of bronze is
to stand at the entrance to Central
Park at Fifth avenue and Fifty ninth
Special Fitness of Men Will Be Con
ton inspector general of the army
with the authorisation and approval
of Secretary Root has prepared an
order designed to bring the inspector
generals department into closer rela
tions with the army Hereafter all of
ficers assigned to the different depart
ments as inspectors general will be
exclusively under the control of h
department commander who will con
trol their assignments Reports will
be transmitted through the adjutant
generals department to the inspector
All inspectors of armories arsenals
depots etc and of important posts
and commands including West Point
Leavenworth Fort Riley Fort Mon
roe and Fort Totten will be directed
by the secretary of war and made by
officers recommended by the inspector
general with a view to their special
fitness for the work enjoined
Veterans Declare Capitol Should Ad
mit No Monuments
MPHERSON Kan The Grand Ar
my of the Republic Department of
Kansas the twenty second encamp
ment of which is in session here pass
ed a resolution protesting against Vir
ginias proposal to place a statue of
Robert E Lee in the rotunda of the
capitol at Washington
The resolution protests against tho
placing in said otunda the statue of
Robert E Lee or any other person who
has been disloyal to the government
of the United States and has volun
tarily borne arms against it
Letters Received at Washington
WASHINGTON Another large batch
of letters came to the state department
all relating to the Jewish massacre at
Kishenev The department is acknowl
edging the receipt of all these with
promises of consideration The Rus
sian government appears to have
done what it could to restore order in
the disturbed section and seems to be
punishing the perpetrators of the out
Boiler Plate Mills Burn
HARRIbBURG Pa The original
boiler plate mills of the Central
Street Plate company were destroyed i
by fire early Friday entailing a loss
of 200000 and throwing a large num
ber of men out of work The loss la
fully covered by insurance The two
mills had recentlv been rebuilt and
were among the most up to date in
boiler and other plate making of any
in this part of the country
Another Storm Killing Sheep
CHEYENNE Wyo Another storm
has raged here In the Bitter creek
valley where thousands of sheeep are
ranged the storm was worst Sheep
men are making every effort to pro
tect their flocks but thousands of
head are exposed The loss in this
section this week will aggregate over
5000 head Along the Oregon Short
Line railway sheep and lambs can be
seen lying dead in the sage brush
Uncle Sanrs Cash
statement of the treasury balances in
the general fund shows Available
cash balance 222000166 old 105
Race LeaJs to Duel Challenge
PARIS M Charron a prominent
sportsman has challenged M
man to fght a duel as the result of a
controversy over a race at Chantilly
street Mr St Gaudens work repre
sents the hero of the March to the
Sea seated on his charger in full
uniform of a general in the field his
head bared as if in response to tho
acclaiming voices of his soldiers his
campaign hat in his right hand held
in the fine free motion of a salute
Immediately in front of the charger
is a womans figure symbolizing Vic
tory her robes fluttering backward in
the breeze created by tho forward
movement and in her upiaised hand
the palm branch of peace Artisti
cally the work is unquestionably the
finest Is America New York Press
The Postoffice Department is 227300
WASHINGTON Congress will bo
asked at the opening of its next ses
sion to make an appropriation to cov
er deficiencies in both tho regular de
livery service and the rural free de
livery service of the postoffice depart
ment Postmaster General Payne on
Thursday announced that this deficien
cy now aggregates exactly 227300 of
which 105700 is in the free delivery
The postmaster general said that
he much regretted the existence of the
deficit and for the first time publicly
critieis2d the administration of A W
Machen the general superintendent of
the free delivery system who is on in
definite leave of absence
This is not the first time that a de
ficiency has occurred in the free de
livery service said Mr Payne but
I regret its existence At the opening
of the last congress Mr Machen point
ed out that without additional appic
priations no more routes could be es
tablished beyond those ready to be in
stalled January 1 He said however
if congress appropriated 500000 for
the purpose the work could be contin
ued during the rest of the fiscal year
This appropriation was promptly
irade but it was exhausted
Despite tbis fact the office the free
delivery office was going on increas
ing the deficiency and if we had not
taken steps to curtail the expenditures
and suspend the establishment of
routes until the beginning of the next
fiscal year the deficit would have been
much larger It was not good admin
is tration
Continuing the postmaster general
said that part of the deficiency was
discovered before Mr Machen was giv
en his leave
He reported a part of it himself
Mr Payne added First Assistant
Postmaster General Wynee recently
reported to me that 20000 deficiency
existed in the rural service and Mr
Wynne and myself agreed that by eco
nomical measures the department
might eliminate that A bureau offi
cer should not incur a deficit without
consulting his superior officer the
postmaster general I cannot stand
for that kind of administration An
official must be held to a more strict
accounting I do not say that theru
was anything criminal or anything
wrong in Mr Machens action but it
was certainly loose administration
and he should have had his business
more in hand I believe however
that congress will quickly vote the
money to cover the deficiency
Government Accepts Bids
ton acting quartermaster general of
the army decided to accept two bids
for carrying freight from the Pacific
coast to the Philippines The bids
were the same on miscellaneous
freight and passengers The contract
will be made with the Pacific Mail
Steamship company fcr San Fran
cisco freight and with the Bos
ton Steamship company for freight
trom Seattle
Chinese Treaty a a Standstill
WASHINGTON D C No progress
is reported from the United StatC3
treaty commissioners in China The
exact nature of the obstacle to the
consummation of the trade treaty is
not known The Chinese commis
sioners make one statement i
he matter the Russian govern
ment makes another and conflict
ing statement and the commis
sioners do not know which cf them
to believe
X r
jcbicb oi ncui 03io ncrr
Case of Ex Warden Davis Submitted
in Court
LINCOLN The supremo court took
up the case of ex Warden Davis
against State Treasurer Morlensen
and other members of the state pris
on board Mr Davis instituted man
damus proceedings o compel the
board to complete a contract entered
into with him for the services of twenty-five
convicts for whose services he
offered to pay 50 cents a day The
court permitted the relator to file a
motion to strike out a portion of the
answer of the Lee Broom and Duster
company which now employs all the
available convicts in the penitentiary
The cae was argued and submitted
Man Under Arrest for Bigamy Has a
Wife in Nebraska
TECUMSEH Charles Thorn alias
W W Montgomery whem the press
dispatches say was badly wounded by
Jailer Jerry Emerson at Guthrie OkL
when he attcmnted to escape from
that prison is well known in Johnson
county The press dispatches say he
was doing time on the charge of big
amy It is said that Them had mar
lied three wives one in Iowa one in
Nebraska and one In Oklahoma His
Nebraska wife was Miss Dora Rey
nolds a young lady of this commu
nity daughter of Mr and Mrs Ed
ward Reynolds A child was horn to
this union and the mother and child
have long since left the husband and
Meets Death in tne Wind
FRANKLIN Neb A cyclone pass
ed here this evening between 5 and
C oclock doing great damage to prop
erty It was about eight miles west
and for a while looked as though this
city was going to be in its path Mrs
J Gish was killed and her husband co
badly hurt he will die Six others are
badly injured Mr Gish and wife
were visiting having only been here
two days
Doctors have gone out to care fcr
the wounded It is feared that in the
morning it will be found to be much
worse than reported at this time
Commander Estelles Staff
Judge Lee Esteele the new depart
ment commander of the G A R of
Nebraska has made these staff ap
pointments Assistant adjutant gener
al W S Askwith post No 262 Oma
ha judge advocate general E K Val
entine post No 197 West Point in j pieces and horses
spector general I G Heckman post Thomas Mathews
No 18 Fairmont chief mustering offi
cer Louis Leiseur post No 55 Pa
pillion senior aide and chief of staff
George P De Temple post No 52
Nebraska Man Injured
RED CLOUD Word was received
here that Everett Dyer of this city
who is conductor on the B M out
of Denver fell under the wheels of
his train while switching at Akron
He was setting the brakes
when the air was cut off the sudden
jar of the train throwing him between
the cars The right leg was cut off
below the knee and the left foot was
terriblv mangled
Hail Causes Loss of an Eye
DAVENPORT One of the worst
hail storms that has visited this sec-
tion of the state for yeas passed
south of here aiong the river Hail
Hail Cuts Down Crops
2HK v
Dne Defendant in Penitentiary and
Other in Mexico
DAVID CITY District court con
vened in this city Judge S H Sorn
berger of Wahoo presiding There
are fifty two civil and four criminal
cases on the docket It is thought
that none of the criminal cases will
be tried Three ct them are against
Amos H Gould and Richard C Gould
charged with the wrecking of the
Platte Valley State bank at Bellwood
A H Gould is now serving time in
the penitentiary aim Riciard C Gould
is said to be in Mexico
County Treasurer Coddington Is Just
in receipt of 168548 as proceeds from
the sale of hogs and cattle raised on
the county poor farm of Dodge county
Dr Gunsaulus has been engaged for
two lectures during the coming Chau
tauqua assembly at Beatrice Tho
dates of his lectures are July 18 and 19
The Union stock yards or South filed
amended articles of incorporation with
the secretary of state increasing its
capital stock from 6000000 to 7
The barn owned by E E Morr
formerly of Howe and occupied by W
L Morrill was completely destroyed
lightning A horse and buggy were
saved but considerable feed and har
ness were destroyed
George Clark the stranger who has
been held in Plattsmouth on suspicion
of being the Burglar who is wanted jt
Pacific Junction was released Tho
prisoner refused to return to Iowa
without extradition papers
Fire smoke and water wrecked tho
wholesale and retails chlnn store of
Carl Funke in Lincoln doing damage
estimated between 2S000 and 30000
Mr Funke valued the stock at 30000
basing this value on a recent invoice
The school board of Pawnee City
elected Prof G P Griffith as super
intendent of the schools for tho com
ing year Mr Griffith is a graduate f
the state university and has been for
three years connected with tho s rhool
Brown Brothers of Seward shipped
250 head of fat steers over the North
western occupying fifteen cars They
go from New York direct to London
These cattle were all fed by tho ship
pers and were line ones averaging
1140 pounds
The case of the State vs William
Way who with Dan Beard was
charged with burglary in entering tho
barn of William Dierking and steal
ing a pair of mules the jury returned
a verdict of guilty and Way was sen
tenced to eighteen months in the pm
Accordirg to Attorney Gem ral
Proul the law passed by the Iegislatr
to allow tle Lincoln Security M -it in I
Reserve romrany to change to a M j
ulaiod premium reserve company n
unconstitutional The attorney yi u
eral in his opinion states that ho on
siders its unconstitutional to permit
the two thirds majority of the board
of directors to amend the charter of
the corporation in the manner preA d
ed by the hill
Roy Vanfleet of Hastings had a nar
row escape from death as ho was
aboat to cross the St Joe Grand
Island railway crossing He was
T rr i n - iiidnin 1 1I t
reached the crossing when the train J
backed up at a lively speed He turned
his horses just in time to save him
self but in doing so one horse was
struck by the engine and fell acrots
the track The hind legs of the ani
mal were so badly crushed that it had
to be shot
The recent storm did much damage
in York York county Mrs Kings
leys barn a large one was wrecked
D N Bloods residence was partly
torn to pieces Pat McGowans resi
dence was unroofed the barn torn to
carried away
residence was
turned over with his wife and baby
inside The United Brethren churrh
Eighth street and East avenue a hne
brick edifice costing 8000 is almost
a total wreck
Grand Island is talking of a big
Fourth of July celebration
John M Artwood a ranchman living
not far from Bonesteel S D says
There are more land hunters coming
into South Dakota and Northeastern
Nebraska this spring than for several
years Many of them have money and
are buying some for investment and
some for home purposes
State Superintendent Fowler has
made his report to the state auditor
for the apportionment of school money
based on the report of the state treas
urer The report hows the total num
ber of school children to be 347297
the amount apportioned 409103 24
and the rate per scholar 1092997
D M Conrad committed suicide in
i - r -
as large as goose eggs fell breaking s luo l J ooaramg notice
in Graml IsIami
all the class on the south side of shooting himself
through the head with
dences and damaging gardens Henry a 38 caliber re-
Huntsmeyer a well-to-do German far
mer lost an eye A piece of glass
struck him in the eye destroying the
volver He said he was an agent for
the Denver Dress Skirt company but
in response to a telegram this com
pany says it does not know of such a
Two -newly reorganized advertising
HARVARD This locality was visit- flrms have filed articles of
ed by a severe wind hail and rain tion with the secretary of state the
storm Reports from a distance of Omaha Gunning system and the Om
three and four miles in the country aha Posting service The first is cap
northeast and from two to three miles italized at 10000 and the latter at
southwest are to the effect that grow- i 20000
ing crops are badly cut up j Wolfgang Werner a citizen of West
Point was run down by an engine and
Ships Pumps to South America one freight car in the railroad yards
BEATRICE The Dempster Mill i
and probably fatally injured His left
Manufacturing company of this city leg was severed and other injuries in
shipped a carload of pumps and wind- J fljeted which render his recovery ex
mills to South America j tremely doubtful