The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 29, 1903, Image 5

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    To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
All Calls For The f
IB us
Answered by the
Will make all trains and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city
W H Ackerman
McCook Nebraska W
A Persistent Cough Permanently
Cured by Chamberlains Cough
II P Burbago a student at law in
Greenville S C had been troubled for
four or five years with a continuous
cough which he says greatly alarmed
me causing me to fear that I was in the
first stage of consumption Mr Bur
bage having seen Chamberlains Cough
Remedy advertised concluded to try it
Now read what he says I soon felt a
remarkable change and after using two
bottles of the twenty five cents size was
permanently cured L W McConnell
When you want a pleasant physic try
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets They are easy to take and pleasant
in effect For sale by L W McConnell
Not ALL in the Price
When you buy Gloves there are
other things to consider the fit
the style the finish and last and
most important the wearing
qualities Besides all the above
we offer you the largest stock to
select from ranging in price from
three pair for 25c to the finest in
dress kids and silk lined mochas
Eacli and every pair will be repaired or replaced if they go wrong
Model Slippers
The Model
Sal n rfwlr - fJ 1 0n shoppln Q and Ieave him 5
y Apdmticli happiness they Ti IB yk
- -- - i - - if1
Best Offer Ever Made
The McCook Tribune has succeeded
in getting the special clubbing price
from the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer one of the best they have ever
made and during the past two months a
good many have taken advantage of this
oiler and are well pleased with it We
have had the time extended for this
offer believing that many more would
like to take advantage of it before it is
For 125 wo can send you the Ne
braska Farmer and The McCook
Tribune both for one full year and
worth 200 The Nebraska Farmer is
the leading general farm and live stock
journal of the west It prints from 24
to 40 pages each week is well known
and well liked having been established
since 1S69 Its publishers are iracticnl
and experienced men who are now and
have been for thirty years extensively
engaged in farming and stock raising in
Nebraska and know from experience the
needs and conditions applicable to the
west It is a journal for the farmers by
farmers No other farm paper can fill
its place or be so helpful to the farmers of
the west It is contributed to by all the
leading agricultural writers and experi
menters of the west and at our special
club price should be taken by everyone
Low Rates West
2500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
2500 to San Francisco Los Angeles
2250 to Spokane
2000 to Salt Lake CityButteIIelena
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points including Big Horn
Basin Wyoming Montana Washington
Idaho Oregon British Columbia Cali
fornia etc
Every day until June 15
Tourist cars daily to California
Personally conducted excursions tlyee
times a week
Tourist cars daily to Seattle
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
TfirW fiftf i
R Knowles mado a basinoss trip to Palisade
Dave Knowlos of Trouton was a Culbortson
visitor Sunday
Charles Yastino of Hustings visited here Fri
day and Saturday
Elmer Reynolds and Frnnk Knowles drove to
McCook Tuesday afternoon
Mrs J S Ferrior and sister Viola drove to
McCook Monday afternoon
The graduating class wore in McCook Friday
having their pictures taken
Prof H i Myers attended tho graduating ex
orcises at Trenton Friday night
Miss Gertie Thomas of near Hayes Centor vis
ited Miss Hazel Fellows this week
Miss Boll Turner went up to Benkelman Mon
day night for a visit with relatives
Miss Sarah and Ellon Williamson visited H
G Phelps and family in McCook Friday
Mrs Frank Henderson of McCook visited her
parents at this place latter part of tho week
Matt Nowlon came up from McCook Thurs
day evening for a short visit with his parents
Miss Myrtlo Love who has been confined to
her bed with tonsilitis for several weeks is con
Charlie Miller and family left Wednesday
morning for Atlanta Nebraska where ho will
bo foreman on an extra gang
Messrs John McNoice Bruce Yastine and Dick
Betz assisted the Trenton orchestra at the com
mencement exercises Friday night
Cards are out announcing the approaching
wedding of Miss Viola Ferrier of this city to B
M Williams of Rod Oak Illinois June 8 1903
S E Solomon and Georgo Metzger of this
place attended tho first annual moeting of oper
ators and representatives of Beatrico Creamery
Co at McCook Tuesday
Miss Edith Woodburn who has been employ
ed as grammar teacher this year came home
Monday morning to spend tho summer Miss
Woodburn has been elected assistant principal
of tho Grafton schools
The following people attended the commence
ment exercises here Thursday evening Misses
Ethel Hall Dott Baily Editli Woodburn and
Prof Pate of Trenton Miss Eva Burgess Mr
Burgees Mrs N B Bush and Mr Linnerman of
The graduating exercises of tho Culbertson
high school hold in the opera house Thursday
night drew a largo congregation of citizens Tho
clas s of 1903 consists of live members Frank
Nowlon Misses Florence E Eisenhart Maud M
Reynolds Goldie Newlon and Louise McNeico
The clas s motto is Among the Ranks a Place
Awaits Us The class colors are old rose and
white Tho arrangements for this event were
perfect in every respect and tho program was
carried out in detail as previously published
Tho hall and stage were tastefully and neatly
decorated in class colors and the class motto in
silver letters hung across tho stage Tho or
chestra opened the program with a fine selec
tion followed by invocation by Rev G S Sny
der Miss Eva Burgess of McCook then favored
the audience with a vocal solo entitled I Miss
You Dear A farce was then given by four
members of the class Frank and Goldie New
lon Louise McNeice and Florence Eisenhart
Frank Newlon who plajed tho rolo of Darius
Simkins and Miss Eisenhart as his wife Maria
Simkins were loading characters in tho farce
Darius was an overworked man while his wife
Maria was a society woman Professional skill
could not have given it a better representation
The orchestra furnished some musicafter which
the interesting play A Scheme That Failed
was given by the class with the assistance of
Prof Myers This play showed exceptional tal
ent and careful preparation It was one of tho
highly amusing features of the ovening The
next number on the program was a vocal duet
by Messrs Ijinnerman and Burgess or McCook
which wis well received Mr Linnerman re
sponded to the encore with a fine vocal solo The
orchestra then gave several iiue selections while
the graduates were preparing to receive their
diplomas Mr Dick Betzs violin solo Ben
Bolt and encore Tho Holy City were splen
didly rendered Mrs J Hassler then played the
class inarch and th6 graduates led by two beau
tiful littlo flower girls Dorothy Solomon and
Bonnie Crowcll took their positions on tho
stage Miss Florence Eisenhart is a charming
brunette and was attired in a handsome white
silk mull gown tucked in the yoke with low
neck The sleeves wero tucked to the depth of
yoke with insertion between Tho waist was
trimmed in medallions The skirt was trimmed
with rullles and lace and a pretty white sash was
worn about tho waist She wore a bouquet of
class flowers Miss Maud Reynolds wore a love
ly white Persian lawn with shirred yoke trim
med in white silk ribbon run through beading
Tho skirt was gored mid finished with three
dainty rullles edged with lace She wore a bou
quet of carnations and roses Frank Nowlon
was attired in the conventional black and wore
an elegant bontouniere ofcaruations MissGoldio
Newlon is a blonde and was dressed in a white
silk mull The waist had a fancy white yoke
with low neck and short sleeves The skirt was
trimmed with dainty narrow rnflles edged with
lace She wore a beautiful silk ribbon sash
around tne waist iMiss lionise JUciNeico is a
tall blonde and was attired in a white silk mull
with a very pretty fancy yoke and revere The
skirt was handsomely trimmed with ruffles and
lace She wore a handsome bouquet of carna
tions Prof H G Meyers the efficient princi
pal of the schools then presented the diplomas
to tho young graduates Mr Myers took par
donable pride in giving these young people with
whom he has worked the past few years the di
plomas they will prize so highly in future days
The two little flower girls then loaded the grad
uates with cut flowers presented by friends and
relatives Miss Dott Baily then favored the au
dience with one of her popular vocal solos Rev
Rummell then invoked the Divine blessing Tho
exercises throughout were interesting and in
structive and wero entirely creditable to the
schools and thoe who participated therein
TnE Teibuxe extends its congratulations for
such a happy future
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died from an attack of cholic or
cholera morbus often before medicine
could bo procured of a physician sum
moned A reliable remedy for these
diseases should be kept at hand The
risk is too great for anyone to take
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the lives of more people and relieved
more pain and suffering than any other
medicine in use It can always be de
pended upon For sale by L W Mc
Connell druggist
See that string of lawn mowers at
Waites All sizes Prices from S3 up
The Tribute Only SI 00 per year
There aro few sections of this country
whero the peoplo aro freer from race
prejudice than they are here Wo havo
no appreciation of tho bitterness of feel
ing in tho south against the negro and
in tho far wost against tho mongolian
It is onlytho unusual manifestations of
this deep seated spirit that attract at
tention and bring us to a realization of
the fact that in many localities tho esti
mation in which a man is held depends
not upon his qualities but upon his
color When a year or so ago Hooker
T Washington was entertained at tho
White Houso a tremendous outcry went
up from tho south and so recently as
within a week or two this samo distin
guished representative of tho colored
race again achieved unpleasant notor
iety because of a gratuitous insult of
fered to him by a chambermaid in an
Indianapolis hotel Mr Washington can
be charged with no crime aguinst either
tho moral or tho statute law nor has ho
Deen an offender against good taste He
has not sought to be conspicuous Ho
has devoted himself to tho most splen
did work a man can bo engaged in the
betterment of his people In a letter
donating 000000 to the college of which
Mr Washington is president Mr Car
negie said
I givo this without reservation ex
cept that I require that suitablo provis
ion bo mado from the gift for the wants
of Booker T Washington and his family
during his own or bis wifes life I wish
that great and good man to be entirely
free from pecuniary cares that ho be
free to devote himself to his great mis
To me ho seems one of the greatest
of living men because his work is
unique the modern Moses who leads
his race and lifts it through education
to even better and higher things than a
land overflowing with milk and honey
History is to tell of two Washingtons
one white tho other black both fathers
of their people
I am satisfied that the serious race
problem of the south is to be solved
wisely only through Mr Washingtons
policy of education to which he seems
to have been especially born a slave
among slaves to establish and in his
own day greatly to advance
A few days ago the Ke v Newell Dwight
Hillis in an address delivered in New
York paid a glowing tribute to Mr
Washington One who commands the
respect and esteem of such men as Pres
ident Roosevelt Dr Hillis and Mr Car
negie must indeed be worthy
No form of literature is more interest
ing than autobiography than a mans
own story of himself All who care to
know what Mr Washington has to say
of himself should read Up From Slav
ery a most interesting and instructive
book a book in which the cause of the
negro is eloquently pleaded
An ordinance to establish a fire limit and
hibit the erection of frame buildings wooden
structures and veneered buildings within tho
same to require a permit for the construction
of buildings within tho fire limit and provide a
penalty for the violation of the samo also to
repeal ordinance No 93 and all ordinances and
parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordi
Be it ordained by tho Mayor and Council of
the City of McCook
Section 1 It shall hereafter be unlawful for
any person or persons company or corporation
to build construct or erect or cause to bo built
constructed or erected any frame building or
wooden structure or any veneered building of
any character whatever on any lot or lots in
said City of McCook hereinafter set forth and
described in section No 2 of this ordinance
provided that this ordinance shall not apply to
any veneered building in the process of con
struction of which the frame work therefor shall
have been erected prior to tho passage and ap
proval of this ordinance
Section 2 Section No 1 shall apply to and
effect the erection and placing of buildings on
all lots in said city described as follows All
lots fronting on Marshall street between Rail
road and Dodge street and all lots fronting on
Main avenue between Railroad and Dearborn
streets and all lots fronting on Manchester
avenue between Railroad and Dodge streets all
lots froncing on Manchester avenue between
Dodge and Dearborn streets in blocks 16 and 9
all lots fronting on Railroad street between
Manchester avenue and Marshall street all lots
fronting on Deiinisoii street between Manches
ter avenue and Marshall street all lots fronting
on Dodge street between Manchester avenue
and Marshall street and all lots fronting on
Douglas street between Manchester avenue and
Marshall street
Section 3 It shall be unlawful for any per
son or persons company or corporation to re
move or place in any manner whatever any
frame building or wooden structure or veneered
building of any kind or character upon any lot
or lots described in section No 2 of this ordi
Section 4 Whenever any person or persons
company or corporation shall desire to erect or
construct or place any building of any kind or
character upon any of the lots described in sec
tion 2 of this ordinance an application for a per
mit for the erection or construction or placing
of such building shall be made to tli9 city coun
cil in which application there shall be sot forth
in detail the description of the proposed build
ing and designate tho material of which the
same is proposed to be constructed and if said
application is approved by the city council a
permit shall be issued for such building
Section 5 It shall be unlawful for any person
or persons company or corporation to erect or
construct or place upon the lots described in
section 2 of this ordinance anv building of any
character whatever without first having made
application to tho city council and receiving a
permit as provided in section 4 of this ordi
Section G It is made the duty of the city mar
shal to prevent the violation of this ordinance
and it shall bo lawful for him to tear down and
abate any house or structure erected or in course
of erection or placed or being placed in viola
tion of this ordinance upon any lot or lots in
cluded within tho description set forth in sec
tion 2 of this ordinance
Section 7 Any person or persons company
or corporation violating the provisions of this
ordinance shall be deemed guiltv of a misde
meanor and upon conviction shall bo lined not
less than twentv flve 25 dollars nor more than
one hundred 100 dollars and shall stand com
mitted until such fine and costs are fully paid
Section 8 Ordinance No 93 and all ordi
nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with
this ordinance are hereby repealed
Sections This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after its passage ap
proval and publication according to law
Passed and approved this 25th day of May1903
Attest C I Hall C E Eldeed
Seal City Clerk Mayor
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
District Court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Samuel C
King is plaintiff and Richard M Williams and
Kate EWilliams are defendants to me directed
and delivered I shall offer at public sale to the
highest bidder for cash at the east door of the
court house in McCook Red Willow county
Nebraska on the 22nd day of June 1903 at the
hour of 1 oclock p m the following described
real estate to wit The northwest quarter of
the southwest quarter of section 21 in township
2 north in range SO in Red Willow county the
southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of
section 21 in township 2 north in range 30 in
Red Willow county the east half of the south
east quarter of section 20 in township 2 north
in range 30 in Red Willow county the west
half of the southeast quarter of section 20 in
township 2 north range 30 in Red Willow
county Nebraska
Dated this 22nd day of May 1903
A C Ceabteee Sheriff
W R Stare Attorney
Eat Some Air
Physical regeneration and a spiritual
uplift through systematic breathing ex
ercises A dissertation on the Kadiant
Centre and how to arouse Solar
activity within All under one cover
Mailed to any address on receipt of 25
cents Address
Bos 458
Psychic Book Co
McCook Neb
Come Today and
Select f roni our
Line of
Wash Fabrics
the riateria for
your Summer
Dresses and Waists
Big assortment of
White and Colored
in the newest
Nw Line of Parasols
Let us show them to you before the assort
ment is broken
For Groceries call Phone 22
SS I Jdarg
And Sangers Trained Animal Exposition United
Coming to HcCOOK
FRIDAY Day and Night
Americas greatest Amusement Enterprise bigger
and better than ever before will positively appear
under their mammoth waterproof tent rain or
A Monster Menagerie of Expensive Wild Beasts
3 European Troupes of Gymnasts
The celebrated Leon Family of Bicycle Riders
Dan Leon and Frank Gardner world best riders
Champion lady bar performer and aerial acts
100 Performers High Leapers and Tumblers 100
Troupes of performing Ponies Dogs and Donkeys
Educated Elephants
3 Big Bands of Music 3
Big Free Street Parade
Will take place on the
principal streets at iii
oclock in the morning Free show on the show grounds immedi
ately after the parade Remember the day and date McCook
Friday June 5
-Seats for 5000 People-