The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 29, 1903, Image 3

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    - - -
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A dangerous spot for
pain is tbo
small of tbo
back It tells
of Kidney ills
as do most
pains and
aches In tbo
Kldnoy Ills
begin with
backacho and
end with Dia
betes Dropsy
B rights Dis
Cure Kidney and Bladder troubles
before they reach the serious stage
Head how easily it can be done
W J Hill of 40 South Union Street
Concord N C proprietor of hard
ware and harness store Justice of the
Peace and one of the best known citi
zens of that place says Doans Kid
ney Pills proved a very efficient rem
edy in my case I got a box at the
Gibson Drug Store and used them for
disordered kidneys and backache from
which I had experienced a great deal
of annoyance trouble and pain The
kidney secretions had bothered me for
a long while were very irregular dark
colored and full of sediment The
Pills cleared it all up and I have not
had an ache in my back since taking
the last dose My back is much
stronger and my health generally is
improved a great deal I am glad to
make a public endorsement of the
Pills trusting that it may be the
means of relieving some other
A FREE TRIAL of this great
ney medicine which cured Mr
will be mailed on application to
part of the United States Address
Foster Milburn Co Euffalo N Y For
sale by all druggists price 50 cents
per box
Undertakers are always prepared for
If you dont get the biggest and
best its your own fault Defiance
Starch is for sale everywhere and
there is positively nothing to equal
it in quality or quantity
Indians are occasionally
with red aunts
If the electric chair is an instru
ment of death where does the accor
dion come in
Stops the Cough ant
Works Off the Cold
Laxativo Brouio Quinine Tablets FriceUoc
He who never seeks -his opportunity
will never find it
Think twice before speaking when
angry and you may be able to say
something more aggravating than if
you ha dspoken first
You never hear any one complain
about Defiance Starch There is
none to equal it in quality ai d quan
tity 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now
and save your money
Never smash a hedgehotr wUh vnur
fist or you may have cause to regret
Odd Errors in Books
Some one has been hunting for er
rors in the writings of old and new
authors He has run down some fun
ny mistakes In Ivanhoe Sir Walter
Scott makes a knight of Richard I
converse with a contemporary of Wil
liam the Conqueror who was Richards
grandfather The new moon appears
in the western sky and sets from the
moment it becomes visible but in
The Children of Gibeon Walter Be
sant caused a new moon to rise in the
east at 2 oclock in the morning Trol
lope makes one of his characters
Andy Scott come whistling up the
street with a cigar in his mouth In
Don Quixote Sancho continues to
ride on his donkey after having la
mented the animals death In The
Reign of Law by Jamese Lane Al
len one of the characters refers to a
hook which was not published for ten
iyears after the time the reference was
said to have been made Hamlin Gar
land wrote in 1896 The Rose of Dutch
ers Coolly and one of the characters
in tbe novel is given about three differ
ent names Jacob Riis tells in The
Making of an American that while a
young reporter in giving the particu
5ars of a rivers overflow he described
a stone floating on the waste of wat
ers But that was not more wonder
ful than the case of our old friend
Robinson Crusoe who after taking off
Jhis clothes to swim to the wreck took
the precaution to fill his pockets full
of biscuits Neither was it more sur
prising than the discovery by a Paris
reporter who found in the Seine the
nude corpse of a man with ten sous in
his waistcoat pocket
Experimented on Himself
A physician of Galion O says
For the last few years I have been a
sufferer from indigestion and al
though I have used various remedies
and prepared foods with some benefit
it was not until I tried Grape Nuts
that I was completely cured
As a food it is pleasant and agree
able very nutritious and is digested
and assimilated with very little effort
on the part of the digestive organs
As a nerve food and restorer it has
no equal and as such is especially
adapted to students and other brain
workers It contains the elements
necessary for the building of nerve
tissue and by so doing maintains an
equilibrium of waste and repair
It also enriches the blood by giv
ing an increased number of red blood
corpuscles and in this way strength
ens all the organs providing a vital
fluid made more nearly perfect I
take great pleasure in recommending
its use to my patients for I value It
as a food and know it will benefit all
who use it Name furnished by Pos
tum Co Battle Creek Mich
ftawega --
ifW The First Decoration 1
May 30 is Memorial Day the day
when pious hands the country over
will place floral tributes upon the
graves of the dead of the civil war
The following version of the origin of
the custom is told by a veteran who
wore the blue
It was just forty years the 13th of
Ifjst April said he Two little girls
children of a Michigan army chap
Iain were the first to lay spring flow
ers on a soldiers grave dug in Vir
ginian soil and from that little act of
childish impulse grew up the custom
which Is now nationally observed
north and south
I was a member of the Second
Regiment Michigan Infantry Col J
B Richardson commanding which saw
most of the fighting of the army of the
Potomac until the war was well nigh
ended The chaplain of the regiment
They must have had in mind the little
acts of remembrance they had seen at
the gravesides in the grass grown
cemetery at home
On their way home the little ones
planned to go next day gather arm
fuls of flowers and put them on all
the graves When they were about to
set out on the morrow Josephine told
Mrs May of their project and the
sweet thoughtfulness of this child
fancy appealed to the older woman as
it only could have appealed to a moth
er who knew a hospital camp at first
hand and had folded the hands of more
than one young fellow in his last sleep
With her companion Mrs Evans a
young Red Cross nurse Mrs May
joined the children in gathering flow
ers and together they placed the blos
soms on thirteen graves all that they
found Union and Confederate alike
hand has advanced the claim of a
celebration held at Watertown N Y
May 27 18CC Certain it is that Gen
Logan often referred to his first
i I
kid- f
Hill b
any B f
Imj0M7ZI11Z1L1 - Z TIL TLLLT j
The Sunken Maine Being Decorated by the American Ladies Memorial Committee
was Franklin May a Methodist min
ister who resigned his charge at the
first call to arms and marched to the
front There were three Mays in the
regiment brothers two chaplains and
the chaplain for war blood seemed to
run in their veins Three Mays did I
say Four for there was the cap
tains wife and no pluckier patriot
served the Union cause than the wom
an who followed him to camp first at
Arlington and Alexandria and then at
a point near Mount Vernon which
was known as Camp Michigan She
brought with her their two daughters
Josephine aged thirteen and Ella
perhaps five years younger
One spring day at Camp Michigan
it happened to be April 13 the first
anniversary of the fall of Sumter
the little girls were wild flower gath
ering Their hands were filled when
they came across a grave a rough
unmarked mound that had closed in
over some northern boy for whom taps
had sounded that first twelve month
Oh lets put our flowers on this
grave cried Josephine He is a sol
dier boy
In a trice the two were down on
their knees heaping nosegays over that
bare hillock and clasping their hands
in delight at their happy contrivance
among the thousands that later were
to rest at Arlington and along the
shores of the Potomac
The next year they did the same
thing and the next each time in May
and now for the soldiers who fell at
Fredericksburg and other battles in
the Old Dominion What they did
was noticed and soon others began to
do the same There was opportunity
for all for as the months went by
graves were multiplying faster than
ever before in history and before the
close of the war the custom had
spread quite widely
In 1868 Gen John A Logan issued
that famous order of his as commander-in-chief
of the G A R which set
apart May 30 as Memorial Day a date
chosen late in the spring in order to
give the flowers- a chance to outflank
ever3r snowbank in the north however
late the spring Since then many of
the states have made the day a legal
There has been some controversy
here and there as to what source to
attribute the honor of suggesting a
decoration day Gen Chipman attrib
uted it to a Cincinnati soldier whose
letter concerning such a custom in
Germany he laid before Gen Logan
Gen John B Murray on the other
her country as well as humanity She
movements and plans With the
n m onn immc mi i - - HITf
American Ladies Memorial Committee Decorating the Graves of the Crew of the Maine
tovvQ Formo 54 Per Aero Craft
balance H crop till paid MI7IU ALL Sioux city la
To Find Xerxes Fleet
ation Day order as the proudest act of c t ut uuu
ol the sea are now more ensily ob-
his life i 4i l4
and the it issued
year was
talnable by thc nvention of a n
the first great observance was held at strument known as the hydroscopc
Arlington cemetery with Gen Arthur This contrivance is shortly to be put
as the orator of the day It Is equally in operation in order to find the lost
certain that further to thc south a fleet of Xerxes which has reclined on
few years before those two little the seas bed undisturbed for about
igan girls had begun the decoration of 2300 years Search is also to be made
graves In a small way that as certain I ff l 0 Ship chartered by Pompey to
3y developed Into the national memor
ial Yet so far as I know no recogni
tion has been paid to its girlish orig
Chaplain May his wife Marcia and
their two daughters lie buried in
Mountain Home Kalamazoo Mich
J carry Roman art treasures to Athens
J and wrecked in the archipelago 1950
years ago
Defiance Starch 13 guaranteed big
gest and best or money refunded 1C
ounces 10 cents Try it now
With the exception of one year the I Rcthcchilds Multiply Slowly
chaplains family remained with him if the Rothschilds had increased and
throughout the war Mrs May was multiplied after the manndr of many
called an angel of mercy from God families there would have been a
for her work at Alexandria I recall prodigious number of the English
circumstances when she literally stole j branch let alone me rest but after
ilvinn mnn and smutrclnd thnm into thn more than 100 years the descendants
city hospitals that she might minister J J Nathan Meyer Rothschild toundor
a of the Englisn Rothschilds only
to their wants She had of course the
connivance of the surgeons it was
either that or leave them to die of
neglect and lack of nursing for in
those first months of the war every
thing was red tape
Later on she had a chance to serve
amount to beiween thirty and forty
Murphys portrait cf IcKinley
Murphys portrait of President Mc
Kinloy has been received at thc
White House and now hangs to the
right of the north vestibule door the
space on the left of the door being
occupied by Sargents portrait of
President Roosevelt The hanging is
a favorable one for an oil painting
and the portrait which was painted
I from a photograph the artist never
having seen iwr McKinley is much ad
mired The late presidents friends
ueclare it the best likeness of Mr Mc
Kinley in existence
A Suggestion to Morgan
At the Lotus club Charles W Price
told this story about J Pierrepont
Morgan A young reporter was sent
to - r Morgans residence to ask an
important question Mr Morgan is
out said the butler The reporter
noticing a carraige in waiting linger
ed near the entrance to the Madison
avenue residence and in a few mo
ments was not exactly astonished to
see Mr Morgan come out and start
for the carriage He dared approach
and ask the question as he had been
instructed Young man said Mr
Morgan didnt my butler tell you I
was out Yes but you tiiould
change your butler for one who can
speak the truth Mr Morgan turned
his penetrating eyes on the questioner
fcr a moment and then said as he
entered his carriage Call at my of
fice in the morning and suggest any
other change 1 in my establishment you
deem advisable The reporter did
call and has possessed fairly pleasant
relations with the eminent financier
ever since
English Disdain Peanuts
Over in England they call the pea
nut ground nut and ground bean
says Tip in the New York Press In
British eyes it is only for pigs It is
met with occasionally in fruiterers
shops but never in push carts as in
New York A British encyclopedia
says In the southern states of North
America me seeds or nuts as they
are called are roasted and used as
was at Alexandria in the spring of 63 v
de o f the roes Geor
when Lee began a series of suspicious
gians are called goober grabblers
movements and no plan could be hit throughout the south Many a farmer
upon to ascertain his intention Mrs has grown rich on the humble peanut
Mays womans wit found a way She the annual product being worth 10
would assume her maiden name and 000000 Some persons try to belittle
under it visit the wounded and dying the goober A lawyer examining a
Confederates As she cared for them witness a an important case one
she cained what she could of Lees nose testimony was conclusive nn
dertook to ridicule him You are a
lllicinoso mnn I 1H9 Vr
tion and promised aid of friends at i
What lis your business T deal in
Washington and Alexandria she then
peanuts The avver gmlled knQw
went to the Mansion House
hospital -A
ingly at the jury peamlt vender
ignonng the Union men and offering eh How many pints did you sell last
sympathy to the prisoners month I haradly know A mil
She gained not only definite lion possibly What A million
edge of Lees past movements but a I handle about half a million bush
clue of the future of his proposed ad- els a year I am a wholesale dealer
vance on Fairfax Alexandria and The lawyer sat down with the laugh
Washington She even secured figures tuined on him-
of the supposed strength of his com- i
Any girl who marries to please her
mand and the proposed points of at- worstJof
folks uualy tg the iL
tack Tnese facts she repeated to
Secretary Stanton and accompanied
him to President Lincoln The
dent listened with interest Soon after
A Sensational Case
Alston Mich May 25th Hough
ton County has never witnessed a
he made a tour with his cabinet of the more striking medical case than that
locations referred to and found them
but lightly fortified They were at
once reinforced When at the exact
day and points anticipated Lee made
his attack they were not surprised
of Mr James Culet of this place
Mr Culet had spent a small fortune
with the best physicians in the coun
ty and in addition to this he has tried
every medicine he could hear of
He had a very bad case of Rheuma
tism and Kidney Trouble from which
he had suffered for twenty years
Nothing he could get seemed to do
him any good and he was gradually
growing worse
He has no Rheumatism now and
explains it thus
One day I happened to see an ad
vertisement of Dodds Kidney Pills
and decided to try them
I made up my mind to give them
a good fair trial as my case was a
very bad one and was of over twenty
years standing
I used altogether 42 boxes and I
can truthfully say that they have
driven out every trace of the Rheuma
I feel like a new man and I can
and do most heartily recommend
Dodds Kidney Pills for Rheumatism
and Kidney Trouble
Lifes burdens would be greatly
lightened if colars with saw edges
were done away with
Try One Package
If Defiance Starch does not
please you return it to your dpaler
If it does you get one third more for I
the same money It will give you
satisfaction and will not stick to the
IjioU for
i rtt j
Some men pocket an insult by ac
cepting a bribe
Mrs Frances Stafford of 243 E
114th St NY City adds her tes
timony to he hundreds of thou
sands on Mrs Pinkhams files
When Lydia E PinkhamB Kemo
dies were first in trod need skeptics
all over the country frowned upon
their curative claims hut as year
after year has rolled by anl tho
little group of women who had hecn
cured by the now discovery has
since grown into a vast army of
hundreds of thousands doubts and
skepticisms have been swept away
as by a mighty ilood until lo day
the great good that Liydiu 15
Pinklmms Vegetable Compound
and her other medicines are doing
among the women of America is
attracting the attention of many of
our leading scientists physicians
and thinking people
Merit alone could win such fame
wise therefore is the woman who
for a euro relies upen Lydia J5
GtiranlMil t keep tod
arv The trn waurmuof
clntllfiJC witrfl ft
unljr the gruuthe the
Mm thit won t crach
ixel or ret uitT ll
lie- all tlfUt for Ul
klmlsrjf vork
If but t dcaltm vnto to
Eut IVrabrtd JTmi
Prelfy Teeth in a 6ocd Mouth
oro liko jewels well fc Onr best men
and wnmca havo made Sozodont tho
Health at Home
through Hires Kootbeer a fcfi
ueiiiriHitii Drennriuion 01 rr
roots herbs barks and
berries Natures own pre
scription Benefits every
member of the family
purifies the blood qutnehea tbe tblret
anil pleases the palau A racka
makes Are gallons Sold everywhere
or lij mall 25c Hewareof imitations
Charles E BIra Co Eilrern Fa
iB fe flip
Summer Luncheons
In hot weather things must look and taste just
right What more dmrtv and tempting than
Libbys Melrose Pate
a delicately seasoned combination of Came
Ham and Tongue or more appetizing or
supper or brrakfast than Libbys Corned Beef
Hash Llbb s Home made Pork and Beans
are like all of Libbys Natural Food
Products cooked ready to sere Put up ia
convenient key opening cans
FEKE the booklet How to Mko Good
TLhintH to Eat b nl Bto 2c Uejd9 for
Libbrn big AUcn of the World
Ubby McNeill Libby
1 He has the test education who best WASTED - TRAVELIHS SaLE3AH
knows When to appear ignorant ia thle county Our men are making from 75 to SiiO
amoathEclfci our Household and Stock Kemedlca
Pisos Cure is the best raedJcno we eTer used ad FUvorlB Extracts direct to consumers Ex-
I forallaacctonsor the throat and luntrs WM 1 TlnuTkCTl0
CASH OUTLAY Pleasant profitable llfelcntr
O EN Dsur anburen Ind Feb 10 1900
portions No
nectary e teach yon
1 i Write for Information Dont delay Incorporated
A spring footnote Please use the thee o confer medical company
mat orangeville ill
m z