The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 15, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
At the annual meeting of the New
York chamber of commerce Morris K
jeBsup was elected president
The Turkish legation announces
that the reports of the disturbances
In Salonica are grossly exaggerated
W K Vandervllt jr has entered
for the Paris Madrid automobile race
which starts Ma 25 and ends May 27
Tho amount of S and 4 per cent
bonds so far received for exchange
into 2 per cent consols is 62321350
Rough Ride Sherman Bell has with
drawn his resignation as adjutant
- general of the national guard of Colo
It is asserted that General von
Gossler who for seven years has been
Prussian war minister will retire af
ter three months leave of absence
Notwithstanding the persistent de-
nials of the Niacaraguan government
that tho revolution is making prog
ress advices received show that it is
gaining ground
Three pounds of California cherries
the -first consignment of the season
have been sold in New York at auc
tion for 5 a pound the highest price
ever paid in New York
The latest advices received indicate
that President Marroquin of Columbia
has almost decided not to call a spe
cial session of the Colombian congress
to act on the canal treaty
Mr Roberts the director of the
mint has purchased 310770 fine
ounces of silver on account of the
Philippine coinage at an average cost
of 5449 cents an ounce
Complete returns from Tuesdays
election in Omaha give Mayor Moores
a plurality over Benson the citizens
candidate of 950 and 1500 over How
ell the democratic nominee
The proposition to change the name
of the Protestant Episcopal church
was reported unfavorably by the com
mittee of the convention of the church
of the diocese of Pennsylvania
A lately tested section of the sub
marine cable laid twenty years ago
between Cienfuegos and Santiago is
in excellent condition proving the du
rability of rubber covered cables
Ten Filipinos appeared in the Uni
ted States district ourt at Pittsburg
and took the oath of allegiance to
the United States The Filipinos ar6
connected with a traveling show
Alleged discrimination by Swift
Co in discharging two stationary en
gineers precipitated a general strike
of engineers in eight of the largest
packing houses at the stock yards
Minister Squiers at Havana Cuba
cables that President Palma has is
sued a decree constituting a sanitary
commission to be established at San
tiago nd Cienfuegos five members at
each point
The French amoapsador presented
to Secretary Kay a volume contain 1
ing the names of all the French sol
diers and sailors who served in the
American revolutionary war under Ro
chambeau and De Grasse
Agnes Sorma who has been regard
ed as the greatest actress on the
German stage has entered an insti
tution near Berlin suffering from a
nervous malady after having cancel
ed all her engagements
Cornelius Hill chief of the Oneida
Indians last survivor of the famcAS
Six Nations of New York state will
be ordained as a priest of the Episco
pal church June 24 on the reserva
tion neara Green Bay Wis
A special to the Denver News from
El Paso Tex says It is learned from
absolutely reliable sources that Don
Luis TerazRS the new governor of the
state of Chihuahua will not only re
fuse consent for prize fights to be held
in his state but will also endeavor to
suppress all forms of gambling
Five hundred doctors gathered at
the Charity hospital in New Orleans
to witness another demonstration by
Dr Lorenz of his method of blood
less surgery There was an unusual
attendance of crippled children and
their parents the latter anxious to
have their little ones selected as sub
Willis Sweet of Coeur d Alene Ida1
ho has been appointed attorney gen
eral of Porto Bico to succeed James
E- Harlan who recently resigned Mr
Sweet was at one time associate jus
lice of the territory of Idaho and lat-
er represented his state in congress
He is considered a lawyer of note
The Michigan Underwriting com
pany of Detroit has completed a com
bine of the peanut industries and the
American Edible Nut company will
soon be incorporated in New Jersey
with 1250000 of 7 jer cent preferred
and 2750000 of common stock
A MelilTa Morocco dispatch says
the rebels have defeated the imperial
forces after ten hours fighting near
Fez and have captured the positions
held by the sultans troops all their
tents and much loot Eoth sides lost
Tho United States cable ship Burn
side launched last week at the Heath
shipyards Tacoma Wash is by all
odds the largest steamship ever con
structed at any of the Tacoma ship
yards and members of the Chamber
of Commerce and the business ele
ment of the city were present in large
numbers to witness her christening
The vessel is due at Sitka early in
June to commence work on the Alas
kan cable
Colonel Sartoris Arrives
the passengers who arrived from the
orient on the Japanese steamer Nip
pon Maru today were Lieutenant Al
gernon Sartoris grandson of the late
General U S Grant Sao Kee Alfred
Sze a Chinese commissioner of edu
cation who is on his way to Washing
ton with eight young Chinese boys
who are to be educated in the United
States Colonel Sartoris recently re
tired from his regiment in the Philip
pines his resignation having been ac
cepted by the War Cepartment
Strike Becomes International
MONTREAL The officers of the
striking longshoremen announce that
the Liverpool longshoremen have ca
bled that they will refuse to handle
any goods loaded here by non union
men The Liverpool longshoremen
the strikers here claim are affiliated
with the British labor congress The
Canadian Pacific will continue to load
and unload its vessels at Three
7m im
Opinion is General that Nothing but
War with Bulgaria Will Clear tl e
Situation and Lead to Permanent
here that the powers have lodged
claims for damages resulting from the
Salonica outrages The Turkish gov
ernment has apologized to the Bulgar
ian diplomatic agent here for the dom
iciliary visits made by the police of
Constantinople last week when about
sixty Bulgarians were arrested and
when the papers of the secretary of
the Bulgarian diplomatic agency were
seized at his residence The agent
threatens to leave Constantinople un
less satisfaction for this action is
The statement that the porte has re
quested Austria and Italy to withdraw
their warships from Salonica has been
WASHINGTON May 10 The Turk
ish minister here has received the fol
lowing cablegram from his govern
On May 6 the Bulgarian revolution
ists attempted to commit at Monastir
an outrage analgous to those perpe
trated at Salonica Thanks to the ef
ricacious measures taken by the im
periol authorities however they have
been unable to put their designs into
execution Stoutshef one of the ring
leaders of the Bulgarian revolutionary
committee perished with five of his
accomplices in the village of Fraishna
LONDON The Salonica correspon
dent of the Times says there are ten
men-of-war in the harbor of Salonica
A state of seige has been declared and
Turkish troops are guarding every
square yard of the town The schemes
of the revolutionist leaders may hang
fire but it is not likely that they will
be abandoned There have been found
documents which convince the author
ities that the recent explosions were
carried out by officials of the Bulgarian
royal engineers
The general opinion prevails the
correspondent says in conclusion that
the only way to clear the atmosphere
is by a war with Bulgaria
patches received here from Monastir
European Turkey says the Mussulman
and Turkish troops are murdering
Christians in the suburbs of the Chris
tian quarter of the town Houses are
deserted and shops are closed
The statment that General Deltcheff
one of the principal Macedonian lead
ers has been killed m a fight with
Turks at Fiorina has been officially
Colombian Senator Says Otherwise it
Will Not Be Constructed
PANAMA Gerard Pulecio a prom
inent member of the conservative
party discusses the canal question iu
a recent issue of the Correo Nacional
published at Bogota He says the re
newal of the canal concession grant
ed by President San Clemente is le
gal the government having constitu
tional powers to take this step No
company or European government is
willing to risk any money in the ca
nal venture after the De Lesseps fail
ure says Senor Pulecio therefore the
United States only can undertake the
construction of the canal with
chances of success
Colombia never enjoyed effective
sovereignty on the isthmus because
the United States landed troops there
whenever it wanted to and even de
nied Colombians the innocent right
to kill each other still in the canal
treaty Colombian sovereignty on the
isthmus should be distinctly recog
nized argues Senor Pulecio not ony
to calm the nerves of the apprehen
sive patriots but because Colombia
may within 100 or 200 years develop
into a strong nation and be able to
recover sovereignly on the isthmus
Governor Mickey Asked to Appoint
OMAHA Governor Mickey after
visiting Omaha and looking over the
labor situation issued the following
To the Citizens of Omaha Having
been invited by the mayor of your
city and the sheriff of your county
yesterday to come to your city for
the purpose of conferring with them
and others to aid in arriving at an
amicable settlement of the labor trou
bles in which your city is now involv
ed I met with the Business Mens as-
sociation last evening and heard their
discussion relating to the matter and
was enabled to get some information1
as to their attitude and complaint
and this afternoon at the Millard hotel
I met a delegation representing the
labor unions as previously arranged
and on invitation to myself and may
or and discussed with them their
complaints and attitudes in relation
to the situation
After this brief and fair consider
ation on my part with both sides I
asked that the labor unions appoint
a committee of seven and the Busi
ness Mens association a committee of
like number to meet me on Monday
evening May 11 at 8 p m at the
Millard hotel for the purpose of mu
tually considering the matters in con
troversy and arriving at an amicable
settlement to all interested
Omaha May 8 Governor
Railroad Wins Land Suit
preme court of the United States de
cided the case of the Oregon Cali
fornia Railroad company against the
United States in a case involving cer
tain lands in Oregon which were
claimed by the railroad company un
der patents issued in 1871 under the
Oregon donation act The decision
was favorable to the company The
contention in behalf of the United
States was that the patent had been
issued by mistake as the land in dis
pute had been located as early as
1853 but the court held that as the
land had not been reclaimed as re
quired by law the settlement of 1853
was not valid
Claim an American is Impl cated
PARIS The mysterious murder ol
Mme De Brienne who was foun 1
strangled in her room has aroused
widespread interest The police off
cials followed a clue indicating thac
it was an act of an Englishman but
they now claim that an American is
implicated Police do not know the
name of the suspect but are follow
ing vague descriptive clues The vic
tim a well known figure came from
A severe rain and hail storm visit
ed Gibbon and vicinity
Charles Meed a young man is in
jail at Seward charged with horse
Dakota City has doubled the license
fee for saloons the amount now being
1200 yearly
At Fremont three little girls on their
way home from school discovered a
lot of stolen goods hidden under a
- Robbers entered the stores of H L
Bushnell and H R Green at Heming
ford and took merchandise in each
They also broke into the school house
W J Robinson ot Ewing was bound
over to district court in the sum of
500 for having in his possession it
is charged 169 prairie chickens March
22 1903
The Nebraska Liquor Dealers
convention will be held at Falls City
June2 to 4 Officers will bo elected
and considerable business is up for
N V Harlan and family of York
left last week for Valdez Alaska
where Mr Harlan goes to resume his
official duties as prosecuting attorney
for the Third district
Chief Engineer Ensign of the Bur
lington with a force of engineers is
said to be setting grade akes be
tween Oakland and Lyons for the
Ashland branch of the Burlington
At a meeting of citizens and old
soldiers at Cambridge the date for
holding the next southwest Nebraska
district G A R reunion was set at
the week commencing August 31 1903
at Cambridge
Instructions have been mailed to the
various superintendents of state insti
tutions to guide them in making out
their semi annual statements The
structions are sent that a uniform re
port will be made
At Campbell Rolla Ross a stone
mason was shot but not seriously
wounded by a section man named
Haines Ross was shot in the left
shoulder The shooting is claimed to
have been in self defense
Eddyville has a new bank doing
business under the name of the Ed
dyville State bank with these in con
trol Diah Woodruff L E Branson
and Maggie J Branson The capital
stock is 5000 and the articles of in
corporation were filed with the Bank
ing board
The four cars of oil at Central City
Hastings Blue Hills and Ord which
were rejected by Former Oil Inspec
tor Hays because they did not come
up to the standard set by the new
law raising the test from 100 to 112 de
grees have been finally passed by In
spector Church
A young man seventeen years old
named John Reed has just been taken
to the asylum at Lincoln he having
been adjudged insane by Polk countys
board of insanity His people have
the hope that with the treatment he
can receive there that he will soon
regain his mind
The secretaries to the board of
health met in Lincoln and were kept
busy granting licenses to newly grad
uated doctors There were seventy
eight applications from regular phy
sicians and five osteopaths Fourteen
of this number are graduates of the
medical school at Lincoln twenty one
from the two schools at Omaha and
the rest from outside the state
The meeting of the Nebraska Art
association was held in Lincoln and
the following trustees terms have ex
pired Miss Sara Hayden Dr George
O W Farnham Charles Mayer and
Samuel Hall The trustees organized
and elected the following officers for
the ensuing year F M Hall presi
dent T M Hodgman vice president
Sarah Hayden secretary and A G
Greenlee treasurer The association
voted to increase its membership from
100 to 200 stockholders during the
coming year
Mrs Elizabeth Stoker arrived in
Lincoln from Ohio Some time ago
she inserted an advertisement in a
matrimonial paper and a prompt re
sponse was made her by Charles Sid
ders of that place who has been a
widower since last August Mrs
Stokers arrived in town and immedi
ately proceeded to the office of the reg
ister of deeds where she inquired into
her respective husbands real estate
record She was satisfied That he was
the owner of a farm valued at 10000
He is 72 years old and the lady is
about half that age
At the special election held in
Nance county to vote 75000 bonds of
the county for the purpose of erecting
over the Loup river steel bridges at
Genoa Fullerton and Palmer the
bonds were voted by a vote of 103S
for to 339 against
The state printing bGard met for
the purpose of considering the bid of
Tim Sedgwick of York for printing
the session laws The bid which is
for 5000 copies of the laws at 275 a
page was accepted and Sedgwick
received the contract
v v rvme to all
General Nebraska News I
Labor Bureau Issues Bulletin on Con
dition of Grain and Fruits
The labor bureau has issued a state
ment showing the condition of crops
and fruit With the report is a table
showing the inorcare and decrease in
the per cent of acreage put in wheat
oats rye alfalfaand corn The reports
said that if March and April had been
changed a normal season would have
ictulted but as it was the warm weath
er of March caused an early planting
cf oropt and the cold weather in April
injured them to some extent The
uporl follows
The average total precipitation for
yins t h for Nebraska was 072 inch and
for April 1C3 inch
Wheat prior to the cold weather of
April the appearance of wheat present
ed a 05 per cent condition This ap
plied to other crops of small grain
The prospects were for the largest per
cent yield in the history of the state
The wet weather of last fall caused a
decrease in the acreage that would
have been sown had it not been for
this wet weather
Corn For corn there will be an in
crease of 1086 per cent in the state
The prospects are excellent over the
entire state and the only fear expressed
is that the cold wet condition cf the
ground may continue which might
prevent germination
Oats For the oat crop there is re
ported a 676 per cent increase and a
028 per cent decrease giving a net
increase in the state of 648 per cent
This increase will occur mostly in the
south central counties
Rye There will be an increase in the
acreage cf rye of 328 per cent The
prospect is good and the condition of
the state crop is about 90 In the
eastern part it is better than this
Alfalfa Alfalfa is gaining friends
rapidly It has been thoroughly dem
onstrated in the west that alfalfa can
be grown without irrigation and the
result is a very great increase in acre
age each year This year it ranks first
in increase of acreage the increase be
ing 1979 per cent
Creamery Peoole Confer
KEARNEY The first annual meet
ing of the operators and agents of the
Beatrice Creamery company for the
Kearney district convened at the city
hall in this city The gathering was
on invitation of the managers of the
company for interchange of opinions
and discussion of creamery topics
An address of welcome was made
by Mayor Roe which was responded
to by Art Gentzler superintendent for
the section north of the Platte river
A M Priest gave a talk on Our Mu
tual Interests The regular topics
for the afternoon were as follows
Regular Shippings Days Art Gentz
ler What Is Good Condition A M
Priest the companys manager at Lin
coln Change in Test and Causes
A P Salgren question box George
Lefleur and a discussion led by A E
Damage Less than Feared
J P Hess one of the large fruit
growers stated that the damage from
the recent freeze and snow storm was
much less than was feared Apples
he says have been damaged very
little and he anticipates that they will
make nearly a full crop Cherries
also much to the surprise of fruit
growers appear to have been but little
damaged except in certain localities
Y M C A Bids All High
YORK Bids for the erection of the
new Young Mens Christian associa
ttion building were opened by the gen
eral committee and the lowest bid
was 5000 more than the association
expected to pay This is due to the
advance in the price of material and
the fact that York contractors have
more work contracted ahead than they
can take care ot
Valuable Farm Changes Hand
Hord bought the Anthony farm three
miles west of town at 55 per acre
There are 480 acres all seeded to
Identifies York Suspect
YORK Neb Detective Malcne of
Lincoln reached here and identified
one of the men arrested as suspects
as James Leo Leo was held in the
Lincoln jail for three months accus
ed of the recent Burlington train rob
bery During his incarceration coun
try store robberies ceased
Inspecting National Guard
In a short time probably ten days
the members of the National Guard
will be inspected by an officer de
tailed from the war department To
the end that the soldier boys will
come up to the highest standard Ad
jutant General Culver is preparing to
do a little inspecting himself during
the next few days and will call upon
as many companies as he can be
tween now and the time of the com
ing of the department officer
Cx hl S
who over
tax the kid
Dont neg
lect tee
Many dan
gerous kid
h e y trou
bles follow
In its wake
Mrs C B
Pare of Co-
ikt nironllO ftlaBCOW
rv r n n Pare a nrominent brick
manufacturer of that city says When
Doans Kidney Pills were first brought
to my attention I was suffering from a
complication of kidney troubles Be-
sides the bad back which usually results
I had a
sults from kidney complaints
great deal of trouble with tho secre
tions which were
able sometimes excessive and at other
times scanty The color was high
accompanied with
and passages were
a scalding sensation Doans Kidney
Pills soon regulated the Wdney secre
tions making their color normal and
banished the inflammation which
caused the scalding sensation I can
rest well my back is strong and sound
and I feel much better in every way
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mrs Pare
will be mailed to any part of the
United States on application Address
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For
sale by all druggists price 50 cents
per box
ii4 R
TcAnt HtTwicri y
H more room i less lcc Whlto
Spruce Enamel or Opal Glass
linings Ask your dealer for tbem
or write for catalogue and prices
In the Spring jj
Pass the Glass of
l Rootbeer
1 and keep
Bj in eieo Healthful A 1
hi iiaL nupe maxes nvegal
I long Sold everywhere
js crDy mail for a cents
for tho teeth It provents decay
hardens tho gams and purifies
breath and acuta
BjRSmia V
iBHEfrLsjjiiijr stak
has no terrors for I
the roan who wears
Suits and
Warranted waterproof
Get the genuine Look for trad
mirk If Tour dealer rfisn t
line them write for etIcgue to
Hole VtVa
Esit Cambridge Maw
When a man is in love he imagines
that he neither eats nor sleeps
The Best Results in Starching
can be obtained only by using Defiance
Starch besides getting 4 oz more for same
money no cooking required
Ever think of the time you waste
in useless talk
I am sure Blsos Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago Mrs Tnos Robbiks
Maple Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1800
Remember that a great many good
things cost more than they are worth-
Defiance Starch
Bhould be to every household none bo good
besides 4 oz more for 10 cents than any
other brand of cold water starch
Of course pot luck is the poker
players favorite brand
Keep them white with Red Cross Ball Blue
All grocers sell large 2 oz package 5 cents
Money talks but generally through
a long distance phone
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and get the best 16 or for ID
cents Once used always used
A bagpipe furnishes about as much
music as a bass drum
er Senior FKEE C O
A good man isnt
necessarily a desir
able neighbor
Inslst on Getting Ifc
stock on hand of oXrnd contatof
only 12 oz in a package whioh th Jri1
be able to sel flrstfin n WOQt
tarns 1G oz for the skmeoey efianC6
Do you want 16 oz instead
same roonov 1 Then hntr Titn Sz ior
7 Deflanc
Requires n5 cooking Starch
There are thousands
of theories brt
only a few reliable rules