The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 15, 1903, Image 1

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A Plea For Proper Observance
The Tkibune is reminded of the near
approach of Decoration day and again
wishes to utter a plea for a more appro
priate observance of the day The day
has gradually come to bo recognized as
a holiday a day for sports etc Mani
festly this is in no wise tho object of the
day and a steady resolute effort should
bo mado to tho end that the American
people shall como to a better apprecia
tion of tho high and noble purpose of
tho day Sports aro all right in their
place perhaps we lire making Jack a
dull boy with too little play but we
are of opinion thatDocoration day should
bo put to a better use
We hope this year that McCook may
Rive tho day a befitting observance If
at the close of tho exercises some sports
are provided it cannot bo specially ob
jectionable but during the exorcises all
business and sports should be suspended
and the time exclusively devoted to tho
usual exercises addresses music and
tho decoration of the graves of the vet
erans who havo gone on before
Lot tho people of McCook tho societies
etc join in this purpose to appropriate
ly observe and celebrate Decoration day
this yoar and thus honor themselves
and tho holy purpose of the day
Junior Normals Flourishing
The success of the five junior normal
schools provided for by tho recent ses
sion of tho legislature is already assured
an average of more than four hundred
Dupils having registered for each school
for the summer session The musical di
rectors of the several schools were in
consultation with the superintendent of
public instruction Saturday morning re
garding the program of study to be car
ried out Music is to be made a special
feature of the course at each school and
music teachers of ability have been en
gaged to head the departments of the
several schools Prof W H Gardner of
Auburn principal and musical director
of North Platte school Superintendent
A A Gregory of Crete principal and
musical director of the Valentine school
Prof C H Miller of Wahoo instructor
and musical director of the Holdrege
school and Prof H E Bradford of Lin
coln instructor and musical director of
the McCook school were present at the
consultation Saturday morning The
gentlemen expressed themselves as ex
ceedingly pleased with tho outlook for a
largo attendance at each of the schools
and expect much benefit to result there
from Lincoln Star
Rain General in the West
This section of country profited to the
extent of 93 of an inch of moisture in
the rain of last Saturday night and to
33 of an inch on Sunday Add to this
216 inches of rain precipitated earlier
last week we have a total in less than a
week of 342 inches
During Saturday nights rainstorm
lightning ran into S M Spencers
dwelling in South McCook on the tele
phone wire fortunately causing little
damage The phone wire was broken
by the current Miss Verna Spencer
was within a foot or two of the place
where the lightning entered the house
at a window but escaped uninjured
though smoke filled the room Some of
the weatherboards were torn off the
Electric lights suffered somewhat over
the city those in the Methodist church
and G A Norens being among the
Granted Haley the License
Indianola has been somewhat agitated
for several weeks over the question of
license or no license W R Starr and
J F Cordeal of our city appeared for
Applicant Haley and Charles Tanner of
Stockville for protestants The matter
came up last Saturday in some of its
bearings and again on Tuesday of this
week when it was finally decided by the
Indianola board of councilmen in favor
of Haley An appeal was announced by
the protestants from the councils de
cision to the district court which will
meet in regular session next October 12
Advertisement For Bids
Bids will be received by the building
committee for a church building to be
erected at McCook Neb Plans and
specifications can be seen at the pastors
residence on and after May 8th 1903
Bids will be opened May 22d 1903 at
All bids should be accompanied by a
certified check for the amount of 100
The committee reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids C J OBrien
Secy Building Committee
Richardson Houchin
Arthur Richardson of our city and
Ollie Houchin of Holdrege were united
in marriage Sunday last at the Richard
son home in this place H H Berry
J P performing the ceremony
Goober Party
Given by the Baptist Young Peoples
Union on Tuesday evening May 19th at
the residence of T M Phillippi All in
vited Admission ten cents
Those oil lithographs have caught
everybodys eye and are quickly selling
21x21 washable suitable for framing
as well as for pillow tops only 69c at
TheThompson Dry Goods Cos
Household goods as follows are for
sale by S M Cochran Piano refrig
erator bookcase foldingbed parlor suite
of five pieces and other articles All
good and offered cheap
Dress skirts in wash goods in worsted
goods in golf cloths 85c to 8600 The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
No 11 will be stopped Monday night
to accommodate those in nearby towns
who want to hear Bishop Fowler
When 160000 bricks are ready the
company will begin burning in the West
McCook yard
See that string of lawn mowers at
Waites All sizes Prices from 3 up
W C Bullard was out from Omaha
yesterday on business
Misses McCarl were Awl Osian
hostesses Tuesday evening
Mns J A Wilcox arrived home
on 3 from a visit in Lincoln
CW Shurtxeff of Stratton had busi
ness in town Wednesday morning
Fred S Harris spent the early days
of the week in tho city with tho family
C H Boyle attended tho A O UW
convention at Grand Island this week
Mrs L S Watson went down to
Hastings Saturday jm 12 on a visit to
her mother
Mrs II C Alston of Holdrege has
been a guest of Mrs William Richard
son this week
Ex Senator Loyal M Graham of
Stockville was in the city on business
Saturday last
Mrs John C Stevens of Hastings
was a guest of the Palmer house relatives
close of last week
Charles K Shears is home from
Deadwood S D on a visit to the family
over on Driftwood
Mrs Frank Kendlen returned homo
on 3 Wednesday night from her trip to
Omaha and Lincoln
Mrs G F Kinghorn has joined her
husband at this place arriving last week
from Grand Junction
Fred SHarris departed on 13Thurs
day morning for Denver where he is
employed on the Moffat road
Misses Ida and Blanche McCarl
went down to Lincoln yesterday on 2
to hear the great DeReszke concert
John Brening Sk was seriously ill
close of last week but is better and
gradually improving at this writing
L A Carnahan formerly superin
tendent of Red willow county was recent
ly elected superintendent of the Edgar
Mrs C P Hamilton of Oxford was
the guest of Mrs C E Cone over Sun
day leaving for home on 12 Monday
Mrs O P Yarger and children ar
rived on 11 Wednesday night from
Scottsbluff and are guests of J H Yar
gar and family
County Treasurer Schwab wife and
baby were over from AtWood Kansas
Sunday guests of Mrs Schwabs bro
ther Louis Suess
H H Tartsch was an interested look
eron at the A O U W meeting in
Grand Island first of the week Floyd
Proper substituted
Mrs W F Pate and Mrs Leroy
Kleven who have been visiting in St
Louis for a few weeks past arrived home
on No 13 Thursday
W C Cooper departed for the Cana
dian Northwest this week to look over
the country with the idea of locating
somewhere up in that country
Dr- W V Gages failure to land the
grand medical examinership of the AO
U W for the third time is a source of
both personal and municipal regret
Miss Perktns of BelleflowerMissouri
reached here on 13 today and is visiting
her sister Mrs Shumate She was ac
companied by her niece little Ruth
Dr Green of Beaver City their old
family physician has been attending
Congressman Norris during his illness
The doctor was in the city Wednesday
J night again
Miss Flora McLean of Alpena
Michigan who has been a guest in Supt
Campbells home for a few weeks past
left early in the week for LeadvilleColo
rado on a visit
S G Goheen in a personal letter to
the publisher announces that the fam
ily is nicely located in ClarkstonWash
which he describes as the finest coun
try I ever was in
Horace Ivey who has been employed
on The Tribune for the past few years
departed on No 2 Saturday morning
for Red Cloud where he enters the em
ploy of The Nation
Congressman Norris who has been
having a severe experience with erysipe
las for the past week or two is now
gradually improving and expects shortly
to be out and about again
Mrs H J Whitmore of Lincoln a
niece of the late Mrs Maria Bishop
has been a guest of the Bishop children
since close of last week She will re
turn home later part of this week
Dr W V Gage J J Garrard and
C J Ryan were among the delegates
present from McCook at the A OUW
convention in Grand Island this week
They all arrived home onNolyesterday
J F Cordeal pinned his faith to
some McCook real estate this week by
purchasing the H G Dixon dwelling
house on corner of Manchester and Da
kota streets now occupied by Herman
Mr and Mrs J B Meserve arrived
in the city last Saturday on No 1 on a
stay of indefinite duration Mr Meserve
has disposed of his Lincoln business and
property and is on the wing having in
mind a trip to the western coast
Harley t h e Cambridge
youth who won the first prize in the
humorous class in the state high school
declamatory contest in South Omaha
recently was trained by a niece of
Charles F Babcock of our city Miss
Anna Babcock of Cambridge Harley
recited Grandpas Boy and the
World Herald describes it as the hit of
the evening
Miss Celia A Gorby principal of
tho high school was summoned to Nel
son last Friday night by the death of
her aged mother Grandma Gorby a3
she was called by friends Mrs Gorby
was 78 years of age and was the mother
of Mrs Foger Miss Sallie Gorby of the
Nelson Gazette and Miss Celia A Gorby
of our city The funeral and burial oc
curedin Nelson Monday the P E Os
attending Miss Gorby has the tender-
est sympathy of McCook friends
The Junior Normal School
Circulars of information have been
received from the stato department
of public instruction relative to the
junior normal school located at Mc
Cook A ten weeks term will bo held
commencing Juno 8th
Those in chargo of tho school will bo
Supt G H Thomas of McCook princi
pal Supt AO Thomas of Kearney
Miss Cora OConnell of the Fremont
high school Principal H E Bradford
of Lincoln instructors and Mrs Sarah
Brindley of Columbus conductor of the
model school and primary methods
The tuition is absolutely free not even
an institute fee can be charged Attend
ants must be fourteen years of age
and have a fair knowledge of the com
mon school branches
The cost of board and room will vary
from 3 to S450 per week but the local
committee will make strenuous efforts to
assist visiting teachers and keep this
item of their expense while here at the
lowest possible figure
The course of study will embrace all
subjects required for a first second and
third grade certificate and will follow
closely that of the state normal school
at Peru Credit will bo given there for
work done here A principal feature of
the normal school will be tho model
training class and class of methods
Mrs Brindley tho conductor has a state
wide reputation and her work will be
specially helpful to the young or pros
pective teacher
The entertainment features will be
strong Music will be given special at
tention Mr Bradford will have charge
of two chorus classes daily
The Captain Alberti Lectures
The members and friends of McCook
lodge No 135 A F and A M have
much cause for congratulation over the
lectures delivered by Captain Alberti
under Masonic auspices in the city last
Thursday and Friday evenings with
Russia and Siberia as his topic The
captains experiences in Siberia sound
like a fairy talebut to him were terrible
facts impossible perhaps in any other
land than Russia Thursday evenings ad
dress with stereopticon views and mov
ing pictures was delivered in the opera
hall to tho invited guests of the order
Friday evenings effort was to the breth
ren in their hall and dealt largely with
Masonry in Foreign Countries The
captain has been a wide traveler and the
craft was highly entertained and in
structed not a little There were quite
a number of visiting brethren at this
lecture from Arapahoe and Beaver City
and other lodges Grand Master Ayer
of Beaver City being among those pres
Eat Some Air
Physical regeneration and a spiritual
uplift through systematic breathing ex
ercises A dissertation on the Radiant
Centre and how to arouse Solar
activity within All under one cover
Mailed to any address on receipt of 25
cents Address
Psychic Book Co
Box 158 McCook Neb
One of the Best Ever
The Holdrege District Ministerial As
sociation held sessions in Cambridge
Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of
this week Bishop Fowler attended the
Wednesday and Thursday convocations
besides other distinguished members of
the faith were present making it one of
the grandest meetings in the associa
tions history
General Hale Holds an Option
General Irving Hale of the General
Electric Co Denver has secured an op
tion on the McCook Electric Light Cos
plant here and J V Swanson of Denver
is here in the interest of the probable
new owner Mr Carruth wishes to re
tire from active business and go to Den
ver to live
A Butchering Difference
is the difference between our way and
other ways the difference between good
meat and poor meat and our customers
gain by the difference in methods We
are careful in selecting and killing our
meats and in selling aim to please our
patrons Marsh Meat Market
The Alumni Banquet
On Tuesday evening June 2nd at 830
oclock the alumni of the McCook high
school will entertain the members of the
class of 1903 at a banquet in the east
ward school house Tickets 75 cents
They can be secured of Louis Thorgrim
son at the First National bank
The Cheapest Paint
It is not the paint that costs the least
per gallon that is the cheapest It is
the one that covers most surface wears
longest and is the easiest to apply That
paint is The Sherman Williams Paint
Sold by LWMcCoNNELLDruggist
That Corn
Can be removed with a bottle of Mc
Connells Lightening Corn Cure Price
10 cents
R F Webster representative of the
International Correspondence Schools of
Scranton Pennsylvania will be at the
Commercial hotel in this city May 18
19 and 20 He will be accompanied by
W L Tuck superintendent of the same
institution Parties interested are in
vited to call and see them Remember
the dates
Remember the lecture Abraham Lin
coln at the Methodist church Monday
evening at 8 oclock by Bishop Fowler
Each ticket entitles the holder to a re
served seat Sale of seats will be limited
to seating capacity of the house
Ladies and misses gauze knee pants
ladies gauze union suits ladies long
and short sleeved gauze vests childrens
gauze vests all kinds at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Ruffled bobinet and muslin curtains
Nottingham lace curtains in latest pat
terns rope and tapestry portieres all
newly received at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
There wore two sections of No 3 last
M D Arnott is a now helper in tho
machine shop
W H Joy makes one more boiler
makers helper
G R Toy is in the back shop as a new
machinists helper
FPRugb coal inspector was at head
quarters yesterday
Low rates have set tho passenger
traffic a going some
Fireman Roy French took in the Hast
ings street fair last week
E H Koon of tho roundhouse force
spent Sunday in Red Cloud
II T Williams started on Monday as
a helper in the boilermakers force
The wiper gang has been increased by
the addition of Nick Wilson to the force
Supt Campbell went west in his pri
vate car 10 Thursday morning attach
ed to 13
Brakeman W S Ackorman and bride
have gone over to Osceola Iowa on a
short trip
Maurice Griffin was a delegate to the
Workman convention irr Grand Island
this week
Mrs O P Yarger wife of the agent
at Scottsbluffs is visiting at Red Cloud
and McCook
Conductor L A Hurlburt and Brake
man A N Clampett are listed with the
sick this week
The pay wagon will come in tonight
on No 5 going west on Saturday morn
ing as a special
The back shop force has been increas
ed by tne addition of a new machinists
helper D R Quigley
Trainmaster Kenyon is down the road
today with the pay car which will ar
rive tonight on No 5
Fireman H H Jackson who has
been on tho relief for over a month re
turned to work on Monday
Steve W Brown was in the city close
of last week on business guest of his
brother Engineer Hugh Brown
Dispatcher Leroy Klevens new resi
dence is now under way at corner of
Douglass and Monmouth streets
Conductor G W Bunting has the pile
driver crew during Concuctor J F
Utters absence on the farm near Bartley
Two Golden Gate specials specially
conducted passed through McCook
Thursday morning early bound for Cali
Switchman M M Fisk is visiting his
parents at Wray Colorado and G F
Kinghorn is in the yard in his place
Engineer G R Pronger succeeds to
Engineer C M Baileys old run and
Engineer Ainsworth Monks has Pron
ger s former run
Wilsonville is so dry that freight en
gines occasionally have to take water
upon coming into town and again as
they pull out of the burg
E S Cole who has been ill at his
home in Oxford for a few weeks return
ed to the city Monday and has resumed
work in the machine shop
Twenty one years ago Oxford was ex
pecting the passenger division to be lo
cated there in the spring This is re
garded as proof that hope is eternal
Charles Wands will retire from the
service today and expects to go to Om
aha George Paxton will succeed him
on the brasswork on cab trimmings
Conductor Frank Quigley of Oxford
was in Omaha Friday and Saturday on
a company law suit and Conductor L
S Watson of McCook had his run mean
Conductor Eph Benjamin was in Om
aha first of the week and Conductor
WWWebster made his runs during his
absence Eph returned on No 1 Wed
George Hoffman has bought lot 1
block 7 original town over on corner of
McFarland and Dearborn and will
shortly commence building a dwelling
house for himself
Machinist Floyd M Berry resigned
Saturday and on 12 Sunday left for
Grand Island to attend tho Workman
convention He intends to go to Pueblo
Colorado to go to work
W P Bross of the master mechanics
office took in the A O U W grand
lodge meeting in Grand Islandthis week
in the interest of Dr Gage arriving
home on 1 Thursday noon
Engineer B J Sharkey and Miss
Mamie went into Lincoln Wednesday
nrn ht to Rfiftlfl a house for the recention
of the rest of the family who will leave
tonight for their new home
Lewis Casten and M L Knott have
purchased lots on corner of Madison and
Dearborn streets opposite the Congre
gational church and will in the fall
build themselves homes on the same
The Oxford authorities announce their
purpose of discouraging violations of
their village ordinance which prohibits
railroad trains from closing street cross
ings longer than five minutes at a time
Dennis Cullen left on 12 Sunday
morniner for Grand Island to attend the
grand lodge meeting of the A O U W
He has taken a long layotr and will visit
the family in Omaha and other points
during the next few weeks
The rumored sale of the Frisco road
to the Rock Island company was con
firmed on Monday at the meeting of the
Rock Island stockholders in DesMoines
when their capital stock was raised 20
million dollars making the total stock
now 115 million dollars
Engineer C M Bailey has been ap
pointed road foreman effective Sunday
May 10th This position has been known
as traveling engineer heretofore The
new name has been adopted by the differ
ent roads of the country and the Bur
lington has finally fallen in line Mr
Bailey will make an efficient road fore
man jongratuiattons
Cast of Characters
As an earnest that Tho Spinsters
Return will be a rousing success wo
append tho cast of characters You will
remember The Spinsters Convention
was highly amusing and its sequel is
about the funniest thing ever m cos
tume libretto and situation
President Josophino Green Solfernu
1 Miss Thomvon
Secretary Priscilla Ablgnl Hodge Miss Howell
Treusurer Calamity Jane Hiiwins Wiroworker
r Miss Ri ttunhouso
Rebecca Rachel Sharp HiKhflyor
Miss Kittio StaiifIaiul
Patience Desire Man CouuteBS Ketchum
Miss Smith
Count Ketchum Chnrlos Honor
Violot Ann RukbIos Mrs Archioald
Chanty Longface Puddyfoot
Miss Lottie Knipplo
MnryAnn Fraddnr Malnprop Mrs Hatbeld
Sophia Stiickup Bennett Miss Re8io Bosworth
Jerusha Matilda SpriBRins Miss Jessie Popo
Juliet Long Lauudostadt Mrs Bross
Botsy Bobbott Miss Katherine Sawyor
Cleopatra Boll Brown nopkinson Mr Mills
Polly Jane Pratt Doolittle Mrs
Bulinda Blnccrass Kniil
Frances Touchmenot Bortha Hedges
Florence Lucrunia Good hope Despair
Miss Maud Vandornool
Ilaima BiBgerstaff Slocum Myra Connor
loung Man Mr uorrissy
Professor Dinkenspiel Mr Forbes
Professors Assistant Roawoll Cutlor
Tiny Short Vanrassol Miss Endsloy
Freddie Archibald Leslie Thomson
Ralph Bosworth Gertrude Snyder
Vehna Sutton Marjory Schobcl
Dollie Pennoll Elsio Campbell
Vocal Solo Tho Crown of Love
Miss M Meyer
Recitation The Bapteesement of the Bairn -
MissK Thomson
Vocal Solo Bid Mo Hope Again Mr Clnpp
Suwaneo River Drill Sixteen Girls
Vocal Solo Tho Bandolero Mr Stanglnnd
Tickets 25 and 35 cents Reserved
seats at McConnells Monday morning
May 11th at seven aclock
Fancy drills and a meritorious music
program in addition to the burlesque
The New McCook B M Uniforms
The now uniforms of tho McCook B
M baseball club arrived in the city
this week They aro red with black
stockings and belts The caps have a
double row of white braid about the
top The letters and wordsMcCook B
M are done in white The uniforms
are quite handsome
Rubber Boots come handy for ir
rigating as well as snow and mud
We have a good supply at the Bee
The Lincoln Swedish American Relief
committee was dissolved by mutual con
sent of its members May 7 Formed
January 28 to assist in collecting money
for the suffereas in the famine stricken
parts of Sweden end Finland it collect
ed 118441 which sum after deducting
expenses amounting to 36243 has been
sent in drafts of various amounts to the
central relief committee in Stockholm
for further distribution F G West
land of our city is mentioned as deserv
ing praise for his assistance
The Ladies Guild of St Albans Epis
copal church will hold their bazaar in
the building first door south of The
Tkibune office on the afternoon and
evening of May 19th A number of use
ful and fancy articles will be on sale
Cake and ice cream will be served for 10
cents also coffee and cake for 10 cents
There will be a few cakes for sale All
are cordially invited to attend
An infant child of Henry Lessers of
Ash creek was buried in Riverview
cemetery Wednesday afternoon Ser
vices were held in the German Congre
gational church by Rev G L Henkel
man The child was six months old and
died on Tuesday
Lot 1 block 19 corner McFarland and
Dodge streets is being graded upparked
and a brick sidewalk laid A couple
small dwellings will be moved onto the
lot for rent William Doyle is owner
and William Huber is managing the im
Mens suits S350 to 81250 Boys and
youths suits 85c to 8350 mens cord
uroy pants 8200 boys corduroy knee
pants 50c mens best weight overclothes
8125 a suit at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
The Havelock Home Beautifying As
sociation will give 810000 in cash prizes
for landscape improvement this season
The best kept lawn gets 810 second best
85 and so on Its worthy emulation in
White and colored wash waists also
black lawn waists also white black and
colored silk waists all of the celebrated
Ideal brand 50c to 500 at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
No home need be without music With
Edison Phonographs from 810 and up
it is possible to have music in every
home Sold by LWMcConnell
The high school boys are matched to
play the Holbrook high school baseball
club on the local grounds tomorrow
afternoon Admission 15 cents
The dates for theSouthwest Nebraska
District G A R Reunion at Cam
bridge are fixed for August 31st to Sep
tember 5th both inclusive
Dont be deceived There is but one
best the Heath Milligan paint
Buy anything of Cone Bros pay cash
and you get double trading stamps
The Barnett Lumber Co is having it3
office painted this week
The B M baseball clubs new uni
forms have arrived
The brick yard is making 20000 bricks
a day now
Game tomorrow afternoon commences
at three
Base ball and tennis goods at Cone
ehwiskii State Ilisloi
Japalac at Cone Bros
Tho best paint noath Milligan
You can buy at Cono Bros
Got your garden hose of F D Burgess
Seo tho fino lino of hammocks at Cono
Seo those enamel lined refrigerators at
For wall paper and all inside finish
ings go to Cone Bros
Seo McMillens wall paper boforo se
lecting for your home
Best grndo of garden hoso at very low
prices at F D Burgess
Paints oils varnish stains japalnc
enamels etc at McMillens
II P Waito will sell you tho best
grade hose at the lowest figure
Childrens fancy parasols 10c and 15c
at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Gos
Job lot of ladies shoes worth 225 and
S250 Special prico 8129 DeGroff
Now is tho time to paint Uso tho
best Iloath Milligan Cono Bros
McMillen has a largo lino of wall
paper goods colorings at right prices
Buy your wall paper of Cone Bros and
got two blue stamps with each 10 cents
II P Waito has a full lino of Alaska
refrigerators and Jewel gasoline stoves
McMillen sells tho best mixed paint
you can get guaranteed for three years
Ferris waists for ladies misses and
children at The Thompson Dry Goods
Dont buy any hoso that dont havt
the name of the manufacturer stamped
on it
Goodrich Rubber Co make the best
garden hose All guaranteed by F D
Try McMillens sarsaparilla for tho
blood Money refunded if not sat
Tho Jewel is tho most economical and
most durable of all the gasoline stoves
For sale bv II P Waite
If you will go to W T Colemans you
can get a completo and practical hoso
repair for only live cents
Are you going to paper If so dont
forget that L V McCoiinell has some
new things that you should see
Orders taken for strictly tailor mado
suits at Kapkes at from 81500 and
upwards Pants at from 84 upwards
Minden Neb Dec 27 1902 T have
used Liquid Koal and find it a good
preventive EC Klinck stock dealer
You can have the prettiest house in
your neighborhood by using Heath X
Milligan paint Buy it at Cone Bros
Coleman handles the superior gasoline
stoves of the market If you want the
best and latest obtainable in that lino
see him
Tailor made suits at from 81500 and
upward ordered by Kapke the South
Main street tailor Pants at from 84
Don McCarty painter and paper
hanger Shop under Kennedys cigar
store Patronage solicited and work
The celebrated Quick Meal gasoline
stove has always been unequalled And
still there aro improvements on the
stove this year
Kapke will take your orders for suits
strictly tailor made at from 31500 and
upwards 84 and upwards for pants
Satisfaction guaranteed
Your meat bill should be one you are
glad to pay Marsh aims to treat his
customers so well that they like to
spend their money in his market
The Ocean Wave washing machine
runs so light that W T Coleman feels
safe and takes pleasure in guaranteeing
the machines running parts for a year
What the people say who use them
goes They ought to know They do
Their verdict is that the Empire cream
separator has no superior in the market
Seo us for dressing sacques wrappers
shirt waists shirt waist suits muslin
underwear gauze underwear and other
ready-to-wear garments The brightest
lines in the markets The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Whatever the market offers in season
you will find it at Marshs meat market
and the price is always right You will
receive prompt service and courteous
treatment in the bargain which is
always due you
The famous Siberian refrigerator han
dled by W T Coleman is built of tho
very best material for saving ice and
preserving provisions from spoiling and
moulding If you are in need of a refrig
erator buy no other
Paul Anton at the B M meat mar
ket is putting on the block his own
corn fed beeves You know that means
the very best meat obtainable Its PauVs
idea that there is no meat on earth too
good for his trade and he feeds his own
cattle to secure the best corn fed pro
Your money back after 30 days actual
wear if dissatisfied with any F Ccorset
purchased We have complete lines of
coutil and gauze in girdles in medium
and long in nursing corsets in high
bust in straight front in corset waists
Once worn always purchased The
Thompson Dry Goods Co sole agents