The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 08, 1903, Image 5

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I f fCCs III n J 1 wfien siicba caiied n soi 1y1
UlllljU p W v mon g
JJ jfogli J 4 tmx v h 3 e gave ier Presens rare5 5
m N Xjfcoffi I 4 PlM W 1 But Sheba Iooked on al1 his fiif s I
Jjyit rall Wm 1 a disdainf ul air I
Then she gurgled with p T
5 I Kansas City Mo B M J wL I I
Licenses have boon issued as follows
sinco our last report
Michael Wendlen of Denver and Liz
zie 15 Wurm of Ilerndon Kansas They
wore married by the county judge May
Wilson S Ackerraan and Leida I Ad
ams both of McCook
Jonn It Hummell and Carrie M Ken
nedy both of McCook
Maud Last night Jack told me that
ho wouldnt marry the best girl living
unless what unless she took Rocky
Mountain Tea Sensible follow 35 cts
L W McConnell
Orpheus Jubilee Singers
The Orpheus Jubilee singers gave an
enjoyable entertainment last night at
the First Baptist church under the
auspices of the Young Womens Chris
tian association before a fair audience
The company is composed of eight
African singers all of whom have the
rich full tones peculiar to their race
Several of the soloists have voices of
unusual power and quality Owing to
the many recalls and extra numbers the
program was almost trebled Tuesdays
Lincoln Journal
A Persistent Cough Permanently
Cured by Chamberlains Cough
II P Burbage a student at law in
Greenville S C had been troubled for
four or five years with a continuous
cough which he says greatly alarmed
me causing mo to fear that I was in the
first stage of consumption Mr Bur
bage having seen Chamberlains Cough
Remedy advertised concluded to try it
Now read what he says I soon felt a
remarkable change and after using two
bottles of the twenty five cents size was
permanently cured L W McConnell
Low Rates West
2500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
82500 to San Francisco Los Angeles
22 50 to Spokane
S2000 to Salt Lake CityButteHelena
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points including Big Horn
Basin Wyoming Montana Washington
Idaho Oregon British Columbia Cali
fornia etc
Every day until June 15
Tourist cars daily to California
Personally conducted excursions threo
times a week
Tourist cars daily to Seattle
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
-The Bradley Metcaff Shoes
We are now handling this celebrated line of
guarantied footwear and should be pleased to
have you try just one pair for we know there
would be only words of praise from all those
Wearing the Bradley Metcaff Shoes
We also handle the Kreider Baby Shoes
which have no equal for style fit or wear
ISJrYirf We liaTe extended for one
1 lOLlwCI more week positively the
last our unusual offer to clothe a man
from head to foot for 795 with the fol
1 Hat 1 dress or work Shirt 1 collar 1 silk Tie 1 pair fl talk
Rocks 1 pood linen Handkerchief The entire outfit for J
The Model Shoe Store
M i ww iJmMmumnBmazBmaBBKMMMaamKUaxmaaaaamKwmBaeBamfrimaaxxa
Model Slippers
Christian Preaching service every
Sunday evening Committee
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Captain Alberti the Rus
sian exile will speak at 8 p m on
Russia its people and its religion
Preaching at 11 a m
L H Shumate Pastor
Congregational Sundav school 10
Preaching 11 The Exile Called Home
Y P S C E 7 RosweH Cutler leader
Preaching 8 Your Testimony and
Mine Prayer meeting Wednesday ev
ening at 8 All are welcome
Frank W Dean Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Baptist Preaching 11 a m subject
Patient Continuance in Weil Doing
8 p m sermon topic Self Control
Bible school 945 B Y P XL 7
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8
Excellent music A cordial welcome to
all C Richard BETrs Pastor
The commencement sermon this year
is to be by Rev Earle on May 31
Rev L H Shumate has been invited
to deliver the Decoration day address at
Norton Kansas and will likely accept
The G A R has arranged to hold its
Decoration day exercises Saturday
May 30 at the Congregational church
The program which is in preparation is
a good one
Rev A G Axtell has rented the Ben
jamin property in the west part of town
and has taken possession of the same
We hardly think it is the intention of
the reverend gentleman to take unto
himself a wife that is we mean any
ways soon but stranger things than this
have happened in this country Tren
ton Register
Joseph Pominville Stillwater Minn
after having spent over 2000 with the
best doctors for stomach trouble with
out relief was advised by his druggist
Alex Richard to try a box of Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets He
did so and is a well man today If
troubled with indigestion bad taste in
the mouth lack of appetite or consti
pation give these tablets a trial and
you are certain to be mere than pleased
with the result For sale at 35c per box
by L W McConnell druggist
Wallio Billings of McCook was a Danbury vis
itor Friday and Saturday last
O B Woods and wife of Oxford are spending
a few dajs at their old home town
Otto Pulz was on our streets Tuesday after
noon after a severe attack of erysipelas of tbo
P P Wright came in from Oklahoma last
week He will do the carpenter work on Frank
Laidigs rew house
Pearl Hajes took her aunt Mrs Harmon to
Prospect Park Thursday She expects to visit
the balance of the week
Mrs E E Hayes visited with her parents at
Prospect Park Sunday returning home Mon
day accompanied by her sister Mrs Alico Har
mon of Chicago
Charles Rogers drove over to Nortatur Ivan
Tuesday afternoon He says there was a terri
ble hail storm between here and Norcatur that
afternoon hail covering the ground to a depth
of from two to six inches and drifting in some
places 10 to 12 feet deep
Made Young Again
One of Dr Kings New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my teens again writes D H Turner
of Dempseytown Pa They are the
best in the world for liver stomach and
bowels Purely vegetable never gripe
Only 25c at A McMillens drug store
H I Peterson has his corn listing well along
Benjamin Brothers are plowing for cane and
Kafir corn
Don Thompson and Joshua Rowland are
building a sod milk room by their windmill
Rain commenced falling here Tuesday even
ing at about 7 oclock and continued until late
Wednesday afternoon the precipitation being
over 275 inches
C F Elliotts stock drifted with the late
storm down onto the Beaver They worecorraled
at a Mr Gardners over in Kansas over night
and driven back into Nebraska the next day
Spring laziness legs ache back aches
feel tired no ambition no appetite all
run down feeling Rocky Mountain Tea
puts new life into your body you feel
good all over 35c L W McConnell
Rnssell Corner who is working in McCook
spent Sunday at the old homestead
On last Sunday the Coleman school house was
full both at Sunday school in the morning and
Epworth League in the evening
Uncle Billy had his grove trimmed up some
dead mulberry trees grubbed out and all hauled
up for fuel Ho has enough to last a year
Miss Viola Corner returned from Iowa Thurs
day eight She has been in Iowa for a number
of years but will stay with the homcfolks now
Engine 181 in out of the shop
B R Fish is n late addition to tho
paiuters -
E M Charles is a now member of tho
paint gang
S N Brown is a Dowmember of the
night force
7 Moore made a flying trip to Denver
last week
J L Daily is a now member of tho
paint gang
William Rolfo of the paint forco re
signed Monday
George Fahrenbruck and wifo have
moved to Lincoln
Engines No 332 and 214 have been re
turned to Denver
O L Foster of tho night forco re
signed -Tuesday
JFahrenbruch entered tho paint gang
Tuesday as a helper
L D Finch of tho night force re
signed first of tho week
Charles Foehlinger of the paint forco
resigned first of the week
Brakeman C C Kocher viewed the
carnival at Hastings today
Jacob Frank Jr is a new machinist
helper in the machine shop
Brakemen Elliott Smith and S W
Cat lira are still on tho sick list
George Schramel of tho machine shop
is on the relief with an injured leg
George Burgess left on 2 yesterday
to resume work at Almena Kansas
Engine 3G2 has been transferred to
the Western division from Alliance
Mr and Mrs Ralph Cutler occupied
their new home on north Marshall yes
Agent Young of Corona and tho Rog
gen night operator were Denver visitors
Engineer J E Sanborn left this
week for Pittsourg to take in tho O R
C convention
Conductor and Mrs W H Brown
were visitors to the carnival Hastings
part of tho week
C T Watson car distributer went
down to Lincoln Wednesday on 6 on
company business
A II and E J Records started to
work in the paint gang Saturday and
resigned on Monday
Cattle shipments from south to north
have commenced and there is something
doing on the west end
L E Hills has gone down to Iloldrege
to switch temporarily during tho sick
ness of C II Magnuson
Conductor B L McCarl is off duty
on account of business and Conductor
L S Watson has his car
Engineer and Mrs J H Moore expect
to leave for Pennsylvania next week on
a visit of considerable length
J W Andrews of Lincoln was here
making some drawings of the ash pans
on the Baldwin D4 engines this week
A C Wagner of the mjichino shop
resigned and left on No 6 Tuesday for
Omaha where he expects to get work
Fireman T J Zajicek who was off
his run on account of an injured hand
last week returned to work on Monday
Brakeman and Mrs George Martin
spent part of the week in Hastings visit
ing and taking in the K of P carnival
W J Ingham has been stationed at
Wray in place of H Phillippi who has
been transferred to tho operating depart
Conductor Everett Dyer of Denver
wont through on 2 Thursday morning
for Red Cloud on a visit to the home
Charles Wands of the machine shop
fell off an engine cab last of last week
and in consequence of which he is on
the relief
General Supt T E Calvert Asst
General Supt G W Rhodes and Supt
of Motive Power R D Smith went
through to Denver on 13 Wednesday
One of the common incidents to haul
ing of long trains of freight cars is the
inevitable breaking-in-two process A
number have happened on the different
divisions of the Burlington this week
Conductor Frank Kendlen will leave
tonight for Pittsburg to attend the great
O R C convention Mrs Kendlen will
accompany him as far as Omaha Con
ductor S E Callen who will have his
run during his absence took No 13 out
A stockman was fatally injured at
Fort Morgan Colorado Wednesday af
ternoon He fell off of a caboose and
both legs and one hand were cut off
Ho was taken on to Denver where died
on Wednesday evening The young
mans name was A S Waggoner of
South Omaha
Committees from the different organi
zations of trainmen of the Burlington
system will meet in Chicago some time
in May in regard to a new pay schedule
It is reported that a new schedule is
now fixed up and everything is satisfac
tory except the matter of the road run
ning doublehead trains The trainmen
want the running of double headers
abolished and the railroad officials ob
ject to their request Alliance Grip
Early Tuesday morning freight train
No 150 broke into three sections in the
yard at Culbertson and before the fact
was noticed or could be remedied came
together causing an ugly wreck Seven
or eight cars and some freight were
damaged to the extent of about 700
Trainmaster Kenyon went up with the
wrecker and it took practically all day to
pick up the wreck and repair damage to
track The accident occurred in the
yard hence by using passing tracks
traffic was not interferred with or de
layed at all Herman Brown was con
ductor and William Wood engineer on
the train
The Pioneer Press watches with in
terest the career of Bion J Arnold
whom the dispatches say has invented
an electric appliance that will revolu
tionize the use of electricity for rail
roads Young Arnold was born and
raised in Ashland Nebraska from
which place -he went to Chicago to
enter a technical school At 12 years of
age Mr Arnold built a miniature locomo
tive he having had no previous experi
ence in mechanics He would go to the
B M yards at Ashland and study
the construction of an engine and go to
his shop and work it out It was said
at the time to be a marvelous piece of
workHe had much to do with installing
the electric plant in the Chicago expo
sition and since that time his course as
an electrical expert and inventor has
heen onward Akron Pioneer Press
Do You Know
That We Have a
Very Good Line of
Separate Skirts
for Hisses and
We have them
at all prices
ioo to 2250
Try Us if You Have Not
Bought Your Spring Suit
Do Not Forget Us
When Ordering Groceries
Phone 22
was ft
fcfc way sizrWisis iwwbr
A Startling Test
To save a life Dr T G Merritt of
North Mehoopany Pa made a startling
test resulting in a wonderful cure Ho
writes a patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages caused by ulcer
ation of the stomach I had often found
Electric Bitters excellent for acute stom
ache and liver troubles so I prescribed
them The patient gained from the
first and has not had an attack in 11
months Electric Bitters are posit
ively guaranteed for dyspepsia indiges
tion constipation and kidney troubles
Try them Only 50c at A McMillens
A man living on a farm near hero
came in a short time ago completely
doubled up with rheumatism I handed
him a bottle of Chamberlains Pain
Balm and told him to use it freely and
if not satisfied after using it ho need not
pay a cent for it says C P Raydor of
Pattens Mills N Y A few days later
ho walked into my store as straight as a
string and handed me a dollar saying
give me another bottle of Chamberlains
Pain Balm I want it in the houso all
the time for it cured me For sale by
L W McConnell druggist
308 N Y Life Bldg Phone 1138 Omaha Nebr
Patient Receiving X Ray Examination
Dr Headrlck of Omaha will visit this city on the day and date below given
We are in no sense traveling doctors Wo are established in Omaha and have occu
pied the same location since 1891 We have patients in all parta of Nebraska who cannot
visit our Omaha office To accommodate thee we viit a few central points thus saving
oar patients a long expensive trip to Omaha and at the same time giving them the great
benefit of a personal examination and consultation
We cordially invite any one to call who is af Hie ted with chronic ailment which has
hitherto resisted treatment We think you can fully appreciate the advantage of Laving a
consultatfoa and examination by a specialist at your own home and without charge-
Our practice is limited to CHRONIC DISEASES We give special attention to diseases
Our treatment for Tuberculosis Rheumatism Neuralgia Nervous Diseases
and Diseases of Women is eminently successful
DR C M HEADRICK will be at the
Palmer Hotel McCook ggJT Saturday May 16