The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 08, 1903, Image 1

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More Evidence of Expansion
Dr A C Harlan at corner of Dodgo
and Manhattan has just added another
half lot to hispresent residence property
J M Ilnmilton tho builder has ac
quired a lot over on Manhattan and
will will erect a dwelling house for him
self this spring
Tho county commissioners have award
ed C G Coglizor the contract for com
pleting tho main stairway of the court
house and the vestibule of tho court
J G Inglis has bought resident lots
on Manhattan street between Dennison
and Dodge and has in water and n
foundation for a now home to cost be
tween 81500 and 82000
L MBest has purchased a lot on
Manhattan street Fourth addition and
tho foundation and water aro in for a
new dwelling which will bo located on
tho corner of Dodge street
Manhattan street in tho Fourth addi
tion tho last street laid out on the east
side is tho latest scene of building oper
ations Five lots on that street be
tween Dennison and Douglass have re
cently been sold
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co Mon
day purchased the G W Hinkle lot
just north of McMillans drug store and
on tho same will this summer erect a
now brick store buildine The
ure is to be one story in height with a
frontago of 25 feet and 100 feet deep
This will bo the first new business build
ing to bo orected in the city for a num
ber of years
Maccabees Are Prompt Pay
Promptness in paying death losses is a
proud claim of the members of the
Maceabee order indeed it may well be
so with any insurance order Of this
fact we are again reminded this week
by tho payment of the death loss of the
late C A Dixon to tho widow as the
following paragraph indicates
To tho officers and members of the
Maceabee lodge
I wish to extend my thanks for their
courtesy and promptness in the settle
ment of the death claim of my late hus
band which I received in full this May
4 1903 Signed Mrs Emma Dixon
It may be added that notice of death
was sent in to headquarters on April
7th which makes tho delivery of the
warrant in payment within a month
This makes 812000 the order has paid
out in McCook on death losses
Through Russia and Siberia
Menards hall was filled last evening
by ari appreciative audience guests of
McCook lodge 135 A F A M to ac
company Captain Alberti on his pril
grimuge through Russia and Siberia
The captain is an ex convict and spoke
with the intensely added interest of
personal experience He held the closest
attention of his hearers
The second part of his entertainment
consisted of stereopticon views and mov
ing pictures illustrative of his preceding
This evening the captain will appear
before the members of No 135 in their
lodge room and deliver a second address
to the fraternity
McCook High School Again Victors
The game of baseball last Saturday
between the high school clubs of our
city and Cambridge on the local grouuds
resulted in a second victory for McCook
The score was McCook 0 Cambridge 0
It was a warmly contested game the
scholastics both putting up a good game
In the evening the visiting boys were
tendered a reception at the high school
building by the McCook high school
pupils and teachers Light refresh
ments were served and a jolly time had
The Cambridge boys returned home the
same night on a freight missing No 14
in the enthusiasm of their nocturnal
Their Final Dance of the Season
The members of the Fortnightly club
indulged in the closing dance of the
season last Friday evening There was
an unusually large attendance includ
ing a few guests from borne and abroad
An additional hour was added to the
duration of the regular series Refresh
ments consisting of strawberry ice
kisses and lady fingers were -served dur
ing the evening George James presid
ing c -
Over Two Inches of Rain
This section of Nebraska shared gener
ously in the general rain of Tuesday
night and Wednesday The Burlington
guage at this point Wednesday evening
indicated a precipitation of 216 inches
The fall was steady and the precious
moisture was consequently conserved
the cultivated lands especially soaking
it up completely There was a slight
fall of hail but no damage
A gplendid fell over this section of the
state Friday night
Rubber Boots com handy for ir
rigating as well as snow and mud
Wehave a good supply at the Bee
Household goods as follows are- for
sale by S M Cochran Piano refrig
erator bookcase foldingbed parlor suite
of five pieces and other articles All
good and offered cheap
It will be to your advantage to get to
the box office early Monday morning if
you Avant a desirable seat for The
Spinsters Return next Friday evening
Tickets 25c Reserved seats 35c
Tho next library entertainment will
be the Orpheus Jubilee Singers Friday
evening June 5th
Boys knee pant suits 85c 125 165
and up to 325 at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
See that string of lawn mowers at
Waites All sizes Prices from 3 up
Mits C E Pope is in Lincoln
Ms II E Culbkutson ia visiting in
D W Colson was in Denver first of
the week on business
Mrs J Eckhardt is visiting relatives
at Longmont Colorado
MnsRW Haggard returned -to Lin
coln Thursday morning
Henry Crabtree of Indianola was in
town Tuesday on business
Miss Verna Newkirk was an Akron
Colorado visitor over Sunday
Congressman Norris has been ill and
confined to the house this week
Mrs Samuel Rogers arrived home
Sunday night on 14 from Denver
C H Boyle visited tho family in
Denver close of iast and first of this
W T Coleman arrived homo Tues
day night from a trip to Omaha on
D T Welty of Cambridge took a
soaking with us Wednesday while in
the city on business
Mrs W V Champlin ofChicago has
been the guost of hersister Mrs C W
Barnes since last week
J B Meserve came up from Fair
mont Tuesday on No 1 and is spend
ing the week in the city
D K Bertolett of Leetonia Ohio
is here on a visit to Mr and Mrs W N
Cratty of tho Driftwood
A J Chambers Avas in Denver and
Loveland- close of last week visiting his
son Jim at the latter place
Mrs G R Frey left on 13 Monday
for Alliance out of which point her
husband is running an engine
Dr A P Welles was chosen first
vice president of the Nebraska Home
opaths at their meeting in Lincoln last
J W Andrews of Indianola has
moved to a farm south of town The
familywill join him here at the close of
Mrs Hattie G Bishop - of Franklin
visited in the city first of the week on
her way up to Trenton to visit her
Miss Nellie Smith went over to Yale
Iowa on G last Saturday night on a
visit to her mother returning home on
3 Tuesday night
Mrs N B Bush came over from Al
mena Kansas close of last week and
has been visiting her parents Mr and
Mrs F D Burgess
G W Hinkle of Beatrice spent Mon
day in the city on business His daugh
ter accompanied him on her way to
California on a visit
S D McClain has purchased the R
B Archibald residence on north Mc
Farland having sold his McDowell resi
dence to George Yost
Mrs H F Shumate arrived from
WellsvilleMo Wednesday on 13and will
be the guest of her son Rev L H
Shumate for some time
Will Beyrer was down from Ber
trand where he is in the hardware busi
ness over Sunday on business connected
with former interests here
MrsWhittaker has rented her house
in Danbury and bought a dwelling in
our city to which she has moved her
goods from the Danbury property
A K Bone and Ed Walker come over
from Atwood Kansas Sunday night on
business departing for home on Tues
day They were guests of Howe Smith
E W Hendrick came in from Om
aha Monday night and has gone to
work for William Lewis having charge
of the billiard room The family may
follow later
Mrs J A Wilcox Mrs C E Pope
Mrs S L Green and Mrs George
Willetts represented Eureka chapter O
E S at the grand lodge meeting in
Lincoln Monday and Tuesday
Miss Katie McKillip closed a very
successful and satisfactory term of
school in district No 8 on the evening
of April 30th A supper was served an
interesting program rendered and an
enjoyable time was had by all
Mrs R W Haggard came up from
Lincoln close of last week and has
been the guest of her parents on north
Main avenue this week while Mr
Haggard has been in Chicago and other
points east on business for the Burling
ton supply department
Miss Jessie A Johnson left on 13
Monday morning for Colorado Springs
Colorado to spend two or three months
with an uncle after a visit of a week or
two here on pleasure and business com
bined Among other matters arranging
for painting the old home
Mr and Mrs M H Johnston and
Miss Florence took their departure
Wednesday morning on 2 for their new
home in Ainsworth Brown county
The Johnstons were among the first set
tlers in this part of Redwillow county
and their removal is a personal loss to
many All hope they may be contented
happ3r and prosperous in their new
Miss Jessie Johnson had the misfor
tune to lose 830 last Friday afternoon
on north Main avenue It was her good
fortune however that the money fell
into the hands of Miss Budlong of our
teacher corps Tho money was re
store to Miss Jessie Monday morning
just before she took the train for Colo
rado Springs much to her joy and
Miss Clara Phelan is going to show
the world what a Box Butte county girl
can do in the field of agriculture and at
the samo time turn an honest penny for
herself She has planted about fifty
eight acres of potatoes on the old Friel
farm one mile north of town and has
confidence that she will bo able to har
vest a bountiful crop with equally as
much profit as the sterner sex even
though labor demands a high figure iti
these prosperousRepublican times Al
liance Times
Death of Mrs Maria Bishop
After an illness of a number of weeks
the greater portion of tho timo being in
an unconscious state Mrs Maria
Bishop on Tuesday morning early passed
from an unbroken unconscious condition
lasting sixty hours into tho spirit land
Tho deceased was taken down several
weeks since with a mental malady which
has baffled the medical skill of all the
doctors of this city and elsewhere who
saw her It was not satisfactorily or
definitely known just what was the
exact nature of the malady until after
death when a postmortem examination
by Drs Hare Harlan and Beach deter
mined that death was due to a tumor on
the left side of the brain the tumor
Tjeing of years standing and being both
tho direct and contnbutary cause or
Long periods of unconsciousness
broken by brief conscious minutes fol
lowed each other until death intervened
Brief services were held at the resi
dence on north Madison Thursday
morning conducted by Rev L H
Shumate after which the remains wore
shipped on No 12 to Indianola where
they were interred beside her husband
The remains were escorted to the depot
here by members of the Masonic frater
nity and friends many of them going
down to Indianola with tho party
The departed was of a most reserved
and retiring nature and since the sudden
death of her husband tho burdens of
life have been heavy upon her shrinking
Tho bereaved children have deepest
and sincerest sympathy of this city in
this second great sorrow which has so
lately come into their young hearts and
There were a number of beautiful
floral offerings from McCook lodge 135
the Baraca boys and others
Maria Shaw was born in Marion
Ixdiana June 11th 1850 died in Mc
Cook Nebraska May 5th 1903 at 530
in the morning after an illness of sev
eral weeks Was united in marriage
with GeoTge S Bishop on the 13th of
May 1877 Her husband preceded
her to the grave having died
in this city on December 9th
1901 Three children survive tho par
ents gone on before namely Mabel
Jessie and Marion The decased came
to Redwillow county in 1879 with her
husband the late County Judge George
S Bishop and lived in Indianola for
many years having made her home in
this city for the past seven years
Heavy Rainstorm Interferred
The threatening storm and heavy
downpour of rain Tuesday evening in
terferred sadly with the lecture by
James Clement Ambrose But few ven
tured out and braved the weather
perhaps twenty in all and these finally
adjourned from the court room to the
library where Mr Ambrose spoke to
them for about an hour and a half in
which time he made it quite clear what
the people of McCook lost on account
of the storm and their failure to be
present It was a great disappointment
to Mr Ambrose and he hopes by an
other season to come back and address
our people under more favorable weather
conditions All his dates being made
for the near future it was not practi
cable for him to give a lecture soon in
place of that advertised for last Tuesday
evening His Fool in Politics is fine
not a cheap article of so called wit
Coming Again
Dr S Shwartz the well known eye
specialist of Denver will again be at
the Commercial hotel May 15 one
day and in Culbertson on May 16th
Dr Shwartz has corrected eyes for over
3000 patient in the last few years and
has over 1000 testimonials of his skill
All work guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfaction Consultation and examina
tion free Dont forget the date May
Strayed or Stolen
From J H Moore ranch seven miles
southwest of McCook Thursday April
23rd one bay mare large white stripe
on face heavy with foal one dark iron
gray mare 3 years old one black two-year-old
mare branded TS on left stifle
Indications are that above were stolen
and I will pay 850 for information lead
ing to the conviction of guilty parties
George Plumleigh McCook Neb
Eat Some Air
Physical regeneration and a spiritual
uplift through systematic breathing ex
ercises A dissertation on the Radiant
Centre and how to arouse Solar
activity within All under one cover
Mailed to any address on receipt of 25
cents Address
Psychic Book Co
Box 458 McCook Neb
Wall Paper You Will Like
Several months ago before you had
thought of papering we began a search
for new and novel designs in wall pager
From thousands of the latest samples
we carefully selected the best and
choicest These selections are now be
being shown Let us show you
L W McConnell
A Butchering Difference
is the difference between our way and
other ways the difference between good
meat and poor meat and our customers
gain by tho difference in methods We
are careful in selecting and killing our
meats and in selling aim to please our
patrons Marsh Meat Market
Wagon Ran Over His Leg
Master John son of the late Dr G
Walter Rowland of Herndon Kansas
had the misfortune Tuesday to have a
wagon loaded with sod run over his leg
The soft condition of the ground saved
him a fractured leg and he escaped with
but a painful and severe bruise
Dont Forget
If you want to wash your lace cur
tains blankets and all heavy winter
goods to be put away east that Lud
wicks Star Washer is rr Price onlj1 1
X- Cfc - -
L B Simmons is helper to tho agent
t Indianola now
Engineer Stevo Finn of Akron was in
Brush Saturday
Flagman G E Ryan went up to
Yuma Saturday on 1 on a short visit
Gus Budig spent Saturday and Sun
day in Denver and Glenwood Springs
Grace and Bert Clark of Oxford were
guests of their sistor Mrs R J Moore
over Sunday
Jacob Fahrenbruck has purchased the
Hugh Brown dwelling over on lower
Monmouth street
C E Emeraonf chief of the car re
pairing department had business in
Lincoln- Tuesday
Marooney and Wolford ex firemen
are visiting Denver Pueblo and Salt
Lake City looking for situations
Mr and Mrs H C Kiser expect to
move to McCook some time in the near
future Oxford Standard May 1st
Walter Thorgrimson was up from Lin
coln over Sunday visiting the family
and friends at Western headquarters
Brakemanand Mrs I L Rodstrom
have moved to Lincoln a short stay in
Holdrege intervening between the re
moval from here
George Townsend has been transferred
from the B M yards in Denver to
Lyons Colorado where he will continue
as switch engineer
Pat Egarfand family of Plattsmouth
were guests of Mrs S V Ives and Jim
Egan first of tho week returning homo
on 6 Monday night
Engineer J H Moore was off duty a
few days early in the week and in
Denver on a short visit Engineer
Monks had his run meanwhile
Julian Andrew of Chief Draughtsman
Fitts ollice was up from Lincoln Tues
day coming up on Monday night and
returning home on 6 Tuesday night
L B Kelsey formerly a fireman on
the Western division was in the city
Tuesday on a short business trip lie
has secured work on the Union Pacific
J D Mallery our new agent arrived
here from Mooretield last Saturday
and was immediately checked in vice H
S Evans resigned Stratton Register
The old steel in the Holdrege yard
was taken up last week and now 80
pouud steel laid in its place Tho old
steel was used in the new side track
north of the depot
George W Cooks drum corps of Den
ver passed through here from St Louis
Sunday in two special cars attached to
No 13 They participated in the worlds
fair festivities of last week
Supt Campbell Elsie and Miss Flora
McLean went up to Denver in private
car 10 Sunday morning to witness the
reception to President Roosevelt They
arrived home on 14 Sunday night
Conductor A P Bonno arrived home
Friday night from visiting the wife and
baby in Eau Claire Wisconsin for a
week or two He left both in good
health He resumed his run Saturday
e understand that our former B
M agent and old time friend W L
Washburn who has been working for
the U P has returned to the Burling
ton and is now operator at Republican
City Trenton Register
Brakeman Wilson S Ackerman and
Miss Leida I Adams were married Wed
nesday May 6th 1903 at the home of
the brides parents south of this city and
near the Kansas line Rev L H Shu
mate performed the ceremony
John T Rivett of the Burlington carpenter-shop
in Lincoln has resigned
effective May 15th He has been with
the company 22 years He has bought
the Nebraska Electrical Co and will
engage in business for himself
An item we failed to note last week
was the illness of Ernest Cole who took
sick at McCook He was brought home
and has been improving nicely of late
His ailment was pronounced appendici
tis by a McCook physician Oxford
Standard May 1st
Master Mechanic Archibald has sold
his north McFarland residence to S D
McClain and will it is stated build
upon and improve his full block prop
erty in the northern part of the city be
t w e e n Manchester and McFarland
Effective May 1st Traveling Engineer
C C Smith of Alliance resigned and
will accept a position as engineer on the
Alliance Newcastle passenger run W
J Ryan who has been traveling engi
neer on the Deadwood line will now
have charge of the entire Alliance divis
ion Alliance Grip
Engineer Noren and Fireman Dillon
took the switch engine No 382 to
Denver Saturday and Sunday double
heading freight No 382 is an over
hauled and reconstructed road engine
a Dl recently converted into a G4
Sho will be used in Denver to do heavy
work in handling Colorado Fuel Co
traffic in the yards
Conductor S E Callen who has been
transferred back to McCook fromLyons
Colorado arrived at headquarters close
of last week to arrange for the arrival
of the family fore part of this week
They are now located in their old home
on North McFarland street and are
very happy to be back again There are
many to warmly greet them
For 1000
You can buy an Edison phono
graph It will sing for you it
will play for you it will repeat to
you the music of famous bands
and orchestras the sweet voices
of famous singers and the voices
of family and friends It enter
tains and amuses people of all
ages bold by
Jucijonnell Druggist
A icalSomety
4V -- r
rib tilt
Cast of Characters
As an earnest that Tho Spinsters
Return will be a rousing success wo
append the cast of characters You will
romember The Spinsters Convention
was highly amusing and its sequel is
about the funniest thing over in cos
tume libretto and situation
President Josephine Groon Solforno
Misa Thomson
Secretary Priscilla Abigal HodRe Miss Rowell
Treasurer Calamity Jane Hitfgins Wireworkur
- Miss Ritteuhouse
Rebecca Rachel Sharp Highflyer
Miss Kittio Stnnslnnd
CountessKotchum Patients Desire Map
- Miss Smith
Count Ketahum Charles Hobor
Violot Ann Rubles Mrs Archibald
Chanty Longfaco Puddyfoot -
s Miss Lottie Knipplo
Mary Ann Fradder Malaprop Mrs Hatfield
Sophia Stuckup Bennett Miss Bessie Bosworth
Jomsia Matilda Sprfcgins Miss Jessie Pope
Juliet LouKLauudestandt Mrs Brcus
Betsy Bobhett Miss Katherino Sawyor
Cleopatra Boll Brown Hopkinson Mrs Mills
Polly Jane Pratt Doolittle Mrs Fahnostock
Belinda Bluefrrass Bool
Frances Touchmonot - Bortha Hedges
Floronco Lucrcnia Uopdhopo Despair
Miss Maud Vandorpool
Hanna BiKRcrstaff Slocum Myra Conner
Youupr Man Mr Morrissey
Professor Dinkenspiol Mr Forbes
Professors Assistant Roswel Cutler
Tiny Short Vantassel Miss Endsley
Freddie Archibald Leslie Thomson
Ralph Bosworth Gertrude Snyder
Velma Sutton Marjory Shobol
Dollie Penuell Elsie Campbell
Tickets 25 and 35 cents Reserved
seats at McConnells Monday morning
May 11th at seven aclock
Fancy drills and a moritorious music
program in addition to the burlesque
Base ball and tennis goods at Cono
Dont bo deceived There is but one
best the Heath Milligan paint
Buy anything of Cone Bros pay cash
and you get double trading stamps
Ladies and misses knee length gauze
pants just received at Tho Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
The lucky holder of ticket 2G14 was Z
Spiekelmier and ho got the chair at
Wilcox Sons drawing
The bulletin issued by the government
shows that tho week ending May 4th
was the coldest in thirty years
Among those recently admitted to
practice before the Interior department
is Harlow W Keyes of Indianola
Orders taken for strictly tailor mado
suits at Kapkes at from S1500 and
upwards Pants at from S4 upwards
Native stone is being used in founda
tions this season to a larger extent
than ever before in the citys building
See the special announcement in to
days paper of Dr C M Headricks
visit to McCook Saturday May 1G at
the Palmer house
If enough signatures can be secured
to get a charter a Dontcomplain Society
is to be organized in the city Twill
fill a long felt want
Se Kapke the South Main avenue
tailor if you want a suit or pair of
pants Orders taken and goods guar
anteed Prices very reasonable
Lithographed pillow tops in beautiful
oil colors 24x24 Washable with cloth
soap and water Eight bright subjects
Dont miss these The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Following letters were advertised by
McCook postoffice May 4th J H
Emrg Addie Holcomb H McClaury
E W Mitchell Jacob Schmidt George
A S Hollingsworth and Freidaten
Bensil of Holbrook took No 5 Monday
evening for McCook and according to
the language of the judge two hearts
were made one Cambridge Clarion
May 1st
White China silk with slot seams
wide double box pleated front with large
pearl buttons stock collar with turn
over wide pouch sleeves a very dainty
and dressy white wash silk waist for
8350 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Follett Krotter of Palisade have
filed an application with the state engi
neer for water for power and irrigation
purposes They contemplate irrigating
certain lands along the Culbertson ditch
and also to use water power from the
ditch to elevate to higher ground
Lincoln star
Gauze corset girdles 35c and 50c
gauze nursing corsets 50c gauze corset
waists 81 gauze corsets in all styles 50c
all of the celebrated F C make
Money back after four weeks actual
wear if dissatisfied For sale only by
The Thompson Dry Goods Co One
price plain figures cash only
Mrs Vitella Jackson Crose the artist
still has a number of framed pictures on
hand for sale at verj reasonable prices
She also will dispose of some pyrog
raphy outfits giving free lessons and
instructions to those buying these out
fits At residence of E J Mitchell
first door north of postoffice
After we had gone to press last
Thursday Dr W E Stewart was called
to Culbertson to investigate the small
pox report and found some well devel
oped cases among the sugar beet work
ers They were immediately put under
quarantine and it is hoped that the
disease will not spread Stratton Reg
Best table oil cloth 15c yard best
carpet warp on spools 18c pound best
apron checked ginghams 6c yard Amer
ican A 2 bushel seamless grain sacks
16sc each best shirting prints 4Jc 6
big red handkerchiefs 25c Mens stout
Rockford sox 5c pair sun bonnets 15c
to 45c best cambric skirt lining 4Jc
yard 10 yards fine half bleached muslin
47c 10 yards fine bleached cambric
muslin 63c The Thompson Dry Goods
Japalac at Cono Bros
Tho best paint Heath Milligan
You can buy at Cono Bros
Got your gardon hose of F D Burgess
Seo tho fino lino of hammocks at Cono
See those enamel lined refrigerators at
For wall paper and all insido finish
ings go to Cono Bro3
Best grade of garden hoso at very low
prices at F D Burgess
Paints oils varnish stains japalnc
enamols etc at McMillons
II P Waito will sell you tho best
grade hose at tho lowest figure
Job lot of ladies Shoes worth 8 25H irul
8250 Special price S129 DeGroff
Now is tho timo to paint Uso tho
best Heath Milligan Cono Bros
McMillen has n largo lino of wall
paper goods colorings at right prices
Buy your wall papor of Cono Bros and
get two blue stamps with each 10 cents
Black and colored silk wnists 27n tn
8500 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
New potatoes and fresh strawberries
recoived daily at J A Wilcox Sons
IT P Waito has a full line of Alaska
refrigerators and Jewel gasolino stoves
McMillen sells tho best mixed paint
you can get guaranteed for three years
Dont buy any hose that dont have
tho name of the manufacturer stamped
on it
Childrens embroidery and laco caps
20c to Goo at Tho Thompson Dry Goods
Goodrich Rubber Co make tho best
garden hose All guaranteed by F D
Try McMilleus sarsaparilla for tho
blood Money refunded if not sat
The Jewel is tho most economical and
most durable of all the gasoline stoves
For sale bv H P Waite
If you will go to W T Colemans you
can get a complete and practical hose
repair for only five cents
Pin your faith to Sherwin Williams
Paint and youll make no mistake Sold
by McConnell druggist
Ladies gauze union suits in regular
and extra sizes just received at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
J A Wilcox Son are still selling
Bliss Early Triumph and Early Ohio
potatoes at fifty 50c cents a bushel
Minden Neb Dec 27 1902 I have
used Liquid Koal and find it a good
preventive EC Klinckstockdealer
You can have the prettiest house in
your neighborhood by using Heath
Milligan paint Buy it at Cone Bros
Coleman handles the superior gasolino
stoves of the market If you want the
best and latest obtainable in that lino
see him
Tailor made suits at from 81500 and
upward ordered by Kapke the South
Main street tailor Pants at from 84
Don McCarty painter and paper
hanger Shop under Kennedys cigar
store Patronage solicited and work
The celebrated Quick Meal gasoline
stove has always been unequalled And
still there aro improvements on the
stove this year
Kapke will take your orders for 3uits
strictly tailor made at from 81500 and
upwards S4 and upwards for pants
Satisfaction guaranteed
Your meat bill should be one you are
glad to pay Marsh aims to treat his
customers so well that they like to
spend their money in his market
The Ocean Wave washing machine
runs so light that W T Coleman feels
safe and takes pleasure in guaranteeing
the machines running parts for a year
Walking skirts arfli dress skirts to
your measure 50 kept made up 150
to 8G00 To your measure at same
price The Thompson Dry Goods Co
What the people say who use them
goes They ought to know They do
Their verdict is that the Empire cream
separator has no superior in the market
Whatever the market offers in season
you will find it at Marshs meat market
and the price is always right You will
receive prompt service and courteous
treatment in the bargain which is
always due you
The famous Siberian refrigerator han
dled by W T Coleman is built of the
very best material for saving ice and
preserving provisions from spoiling and
moulding If you are in need of a refrig
erator buy no otheri
Boys corduroy pants 50c Mens ditto
82 Mens good stout grey business
pants 8150 8175 82 and up Mens 24
ounce dark cotton worsted pants 90c
Mens heavy blue striped over clothes
for 8125 a suit at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Paul Anton at the B M meat mar
ket is putting on the block hi3 own
corn fed beeves You know that mean3
the very best meat obtainable Its Pauls
idea that there is no meat on earth too
good for his trade and he feeds his own
cattle to secure the best corn fed pro