ft K a U A A c JT1 - Takoma M fc S When Solomons babiescut jV ft isf 1 They howed and yowed a11 i Jri3k 1 1 g HI y night r JdjLrSI TTf TillSoIomo who fain would sleep - i Hg ylw f isI Was drlven desperate quite- 1 XT ISISPnH iTtfiB 1 UIstrouMes to bis officer - nlllwferjjKy g Kin Sororaon did fell L - 8wif Who witfe Takolna Biscuit v MW All the cfiiftfrens grief did 3T mm v j S I1 quel 1 LoosEwiLEs cragker gandy co IK I Chilli ft WILL DO YOU GOOD The Bradley Metcaff Shoes We are now handling this celebrated line of guaranted footwear and should be pleased to have you try just one pair for we know there would be only words of praise from all those Wearing the Bradley Metcaff Shoes We also handle the Kreider Baby Shoes which have no equal for style fit or wear THE BEE HIVE McCOOK NEBRASKA m m ii iimi mw LC vlcl si sjLr 1 COMMENCING Monday May 4 and continuing until ALL ARE SOLD SO SCREENS PRICE Filled with Silkoline 139 Frames Alone 98c Note Watch for our ad every two weeks Special sales on Furniture Novelties ulf Que MODEL Store in this part of the country and that is the place to buy your Shoes Our line is complete and we feel certain we can please you in pricesand know we can in footwear f r A E PETTY Prop McCook Neb J H LUDWICK THE COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHER McCOOK NEBRASKA S Burlington Union Pacific Trade Several special trains filled with Bur lingtion officials have sped through Lincoln lately and the object of the visits has aroused much speculation Now comes the information from David City that the Burlington will control the Union Pacific branch from David City to Stromsburg and the Union Pacific will own the David City-Columbus lino of the Burlington The deal has been almost arranged declared two Burlington officials and it is practically certain that the change will be made The Union Pacific will get through service from Lincoln to the west with connections at Columbus The Bur lington will have connections between Lincoln McCool Stromsburg Fairfield and Alma Nothing definite has been decided concerning the train service it is said Lincoln Star Quick Arrest J A Gulledge of Verbena Alabama was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 21 tumors After doctors and all remedies failed Bucklens Arnica Salve quickly arrested further inflammation and cured him It con quers aches and kills pain 25c at A McMillens drug store Low Rates West 82500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle 82500 to San Francisco Los Angeles S22 50 to Spokane S2000 to Salt Lake CityButteHelena Proportionately low rates to hundreds of other points including Big Horn Basin Wyoming Montana Washington Idaho Oregon British Columbia Cali fornia etc Every day until June 15 Tourist cars daily to California Personally conducted excursions three times a week Tourist cars daily to Seattle Inquire of nearest Burlington Route agent Joseph Pominville Stillwater Minn after having spent over 82000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble with out relief was advised by his druggist Alex Richard to try a box of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets He did so and is a well man today If troubled with indigestion bad taste in the mouth lack of appetite or consti pation give these tablets a trial and you are certain to be mere than pleased with the result For sale at 35c per box by L W McConnell druggist The following letters were advertised by the McCook postofiice April 27 A L Butler 2 B J Carter Jo Case Mrs T C Grimes Mrs Doll Hall Paul Kling Win OBrien Reish Bros Rev J W White CULBERTS0N EE Maxon of McCook was in town Monday Editor J L C Wisely was a Palisade pilgrim Monday H C Benedict Snndajed in this village with his parents B M Knowles come down from Trenton to visit the folks Mr3 Grace Wolf of Benkelman is visiting her sister Mrs C G Crews J T Tillman went up to Palisade Wednes day to look after his store there Miss Sarah Williams is enjoying a weeks vacation with her parents at Trenton Miss Kate Schaffer returned to her work in McCook after a week with her parents Mrs Tina Gage went down to Minden Thurs day for a two weeks visit with relatives The M E ladies havo postponed their fair which was to have been Thursday indefinitely Captain and Mrs Stubbs of the Salvation Army visited Rev Snyder and wife Monday and Tuesday Miss Ethel Fellows came up from McCook Monday night where she has been clerking for several weeks L J Carrington returned from Palisade Wednesday where he has been surveying for the new Dinsmore ditch Mrs Kate Crosby who has been visiting her daughter Mrs E J Stevenson of this place re turned to her home at Galena Wednesday Miss Blunch Benedict the popular young school maam in the Reimer district closed a very successful term of school last Friday and on Thursday departed for Fremont Nebraska where she will study music this summer A Startling- Test To save a life Dr T G Merritt of North Mehoopany Pa made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure He writes a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages caused by ulcer ation of the stomach I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stom ache and liver troubles so I prescribed them The patient gained from the first and has not had an attack in 14 months Electric Bitters are posit ively guaranteed for dyspepsia indiges tion constipation and kidney troubles Try them Only 50c at A McMillens The Junior Normals House roll 100 is the bill establishing live junior normal schools in the state of Nebraska and appropriates 812000 for the purpose It contained the emer gency clause and is now in effect The bill as passed reads Junior Normal Schools Sec 1 That thero bo and thero hereby is established in the state of Nehraska not less than three and not more than five junior normal schools at such time and places as are hereafter designated Sec 2 That the terms and time of holding tho junior normal schools shall bo not les than ten weeks botweon tho first day of June and the first day of September of each year and that three of these junior nomal schools shall bo established and maintained in tho school districts of Alliance McCook and Valentino and at not more than two other places to be determined by the state superintendent of public instruc tion Provided that at each of these places the public school buildings text books and apparatus of tho respective school districts bo placed at the service of the state under the jurisdiction of the state superintendent Sec organization and manage ment of tho junior normal shall bo under tho jurisdiction of the state superinten dent of public instruction and ho shall as far as practical attend such junior schools provide instructors for the same and make and complete all other ar rangements Sec Tho studies pursued at these junior normal schools shall bo part of the regularly prescribed course 6f tho state normal school or schools and stu dents in regular attendance and pursu ing and completing thoro studios in a satisfactory manner shall bo granted a certificate to that effect signed by the conductor of tho junior normal school and countersigned by the stato superin tendent which certificate shall entitle tho holder to proper credit at tho state normal school or schools Sec 5 That there be and there here by is appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury and not otherwise appropriated the sum of 812000 for tho purposo of establishing and maintaining said junior normal schools From Manufacturer to Consumer W T Coleman buys his rubber hose direct from tho manufacturer in New Jersey and gets absolutely guaranteed hose He sell it at from 6c up no more than inferior stuff costs Has a full line of sprinklers nozzles etc Best Offer Ever Made The McCook Tkiiiune has succeeded in getting the special clubbing price from the publishers of the Nebraska Farmer one of the best they have ever made and during the past two months a good many have taken advantage of this offer and are well pleased with it We have had the time extended for this offer believing that many more would like to takb advantage of it before it is withdrawn For 8125 we can send you the Ne braska Farmer and The McCook Tkiruke both for one full year and worth 8200 The Nebraska Farmer is the leading general farm and live stock journal of the west It prints from 21 to 10 pages each week is well known and well liked having been established since 1S09 Its publishers are practical and experienced men who are now and have been for thirty years extensively engaged in farming and stock raising in Nebraska and know from experience the needs and conditions applicable to the west It is a journal for the farmers by farmers No other farm paper can fill its place or be so helpful to the farmers of the west It is contributed to by all the leading agricultural writers and experi menters of the west and at our special club price should be taken by everyone In almost every neighborhood some one has died from an attack of cholic or cholera morbus often before medicine could bo procured of a physician sum moned A reliable remedy for these diseases should be kept at hand The risk is too great for anyone to take Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more pain and suffering than any other medicine in use It can always be de pended upon For sale by L W Mc Connell druggist LEBANON A daughter of Mr and Mrs William Meadville of Lebanon precinct suffered a fracture of the left arm between the elbow and the wrist late Wednesday evening Her parents brought her to Wilsonville arriving about eleven o clock and a doctor reduced the fracture which was caused by falling from a straw stack Wilsonville Review 21th Blue flame oil stoves the latest im proved and best in the market W T Coleman b n a i bsm Do You Know Notice Take Things was ft fear gain iore C L DeGROFF GO H 8 That We Have a Very Good Line of Separate Skirts for Hisses and Ladies We have them at all prices ioo to 2250 Try Us if You Have Not Bought Your Spring Suit Do Not Forget Us When Ordering Groceries Phone 22 THE L 4 y Sh8sSibQrl We have extended for one more week positively the last our unusual otter to elofche a man from head to foot for 795 with the fol lowing 1 Sirlr Oiilf 1 rinir rlrnsci or wnrlr Slinnc 1 nnir Snanonflnro inat 1 dress or work Shirt 1 collar 1 silk Tie 1 pair J II K Socks 1 good linen Handkerchief The entire outfit for OS FOR ONE MORE WEEK ONLY R L DIAMOND BRO McCook Nehr BARTLEY Dr J E Ilathorn was a McCook bus iness visitor Wednesday Elder A L Ogden state evangelist of Christian church commenced protracted meetings here on Monday evening The snowstorm of Tuesday night and Wednesday was not an unmixed bless ing fruit being seriously damaged while the small grain is a large gainer Commissioner Maurice Reddy and Dr J M Brown of the county board of health have quarantined the premises of James Malleck south of Indianola A daughter is suffering with smallpox con tracted in Denver Others have been exposed GREATLY ALARMED A Persistent Cough Permanently Cured by Chamberlains Cough Remedy II P Burbago a student at law in Greenville S C had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says greatly alarmed me causing me to fear that I was in tho first stage of consumption Mr Bur bage having seen Chamberlains Cough Remedy advertised concluded to try it Now read what he says I soon felt a remarkable change and after using two bottles of the twenty five cents size was permanently cured L W McConnell As They gme When you buy soda biscuit in a paper bag take them as they come stale soggy spoiled Dont blame the baker Dont blame the grocer Dont blame anyone but yourself When you buy Uneeda Biscuit look for the the famous red and white trade mark design that identifies the package which keeps them fresh clean good Credit the baker for baking them Credit the grocer for keeping them Credit yourself for buying them Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY kV u m a n I J J Ki