0 II If V 21 V FRANKLIN WI1lirfjMlMiyniUB1iMjtnjl DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND B WOLFE C H 1 A JriAr iPlrjr Tfty JV M t A C EBERT WILLARD vpsmrgfflsz aso2iiieBSssssei3iasaasie33SSS ffi Isjjjsjijii jjjcjjij 3 -FIRST M H -NATIONAL gl H Authorized Capital 100000 g m Capital and Surplus 60000 B y x6 - j3 up GEO H0CKHELL President B SI FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash foi f A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director yTwww Of the hold over councumen Harry Even is for license and Mr Timmens anti license The next council will be 5 to 2 in favor of license of saloons The council elect and Mayor Furguson are in favor of a new opera house to be built in the public square and large enough to accommodate the needs of the lovers of dramatic art Orleans is sadly in need of an opera house and this will fill a want that has been agitated for years With an opera house and a stage adequate for the scenes of a good company large enough for staging and shifts for the acts good companies can be secured and as the adjacent country is thickly settled a good paying house can be obtained Robbed the Grave A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows I was in an awful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue coated pain continually in back and side no appetite growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters to my great joy the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man I know they robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only 50c guaranteed at L W McConnells drug store BANKSVILLE A good time for prairie fires Look a little out T A Rowland made a trip to Indian ola last week Every one is getting in line for a big crop this year Our regular correspondent failed to report the school entertainment last week Miss May Bartholomew closed a successful six months term of school in Dist 51 the last Friday in March with an interesting program Quite a nura bnr of visitors were present including the teacher Miss Plumb and pupils of Dist 35 The flag pole was placed on the school house William Relph being the only old soldier present was accorded the honor of raising the stars and stripes and three cheers were given for Old Glory The young people were treated to candy by the teacher after which all departed to their homes Miss Bartholomew going to her home in Leb anon the next day How to Ward off Rheumatism For years when spring time came on ana l went into gardening l was sure have an attack of rheumatism and every attack was more severe than the pre ceding one says Josie McDonald of Man Logan county West Va I tried everything with no relief whatever until I procured a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm and the first application gave me ease and before the first bottle was used I felt like a new person Now I feel that I am cured but I always keep a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm in the house and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soon drive itaway with one or two applications of this liniment For sale by L W McConnell druggist sar jrtassTrv yisaijCfiaEgSggJg l1 pjih tmniiipHMUja tfmwrtMi SOUTH SIDE The gentle zephyrs are with us once again Ray Gale was visiting the school last Friday They say Marvin is young yet but hell learn Ray Jacobs is home from Lincoln for a few days Miss Cookman has returned to her home in Missouri E R Sageser is putting in 50 acres of beets this season Mr and Mrs F P Stone of May wood took in the wedding Two of John Randels children are sick with pneumonia They are preparing for a fine school entertainment in Dist 8 Mr and Mrs A T Myers of Thorn burg are visiting at C H Jacobs C H Jacobs daughter Fay was mar ried to F S Barnes Tuesday evening C H Jacobs has rented the Harmon Thompson residence McCook and has moved into the same this week A customer of ours who had been suffering from a severe cough for six months bought two bottles of Chamber lains Cough Remedy from us and was entirely cured by one and a half bottles of it It gives perfect satisfaction with our trade Haynes Parker Co Line villeAla For sale by L W McConnell Best physic Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Easy to take pleas ant in effect For sale by L W Mc Connell druggist BOX ELDER The fall grain is looking fine W Y Johnsons children are on the sick list Mrs Ebert who is living at W B Wolfes is quite sick There will be haster services at the church next Sunday morning Miss Florence Younger is assisting Mrs James Doyle with her work this week Mr and Mrs Stephen Bolles spent Sunday last with Mr and Mrs Mahlon Campbell Miss Gertie Moore of Blue Hill ar rived last Saturday night She will spend the summer with Mrs Stephen Bolles It looks like old times to see her back and heres a hearty welcome to you Gertie Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets enre a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents m X1 OTE23EZ22i Dsessfi ear3 Folk to be told the truth about The scare crow coffees are those that hide under a glazing of factory eggs glue and such stuff Llqn Coffee is pnre wholesome uulazed rich in flavor and uniform in strength Tho air tight sealed package insures cleanliness fresh- ua tiuu uuuuraiity APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nebraska April 10 1903 Notice is hereby given that L V McConnell has filed in the city clerks office his bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in tho building on lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1903 to April 20 1904 L W McConnell Applicant fJ T i irtriSS i ii1 iiiiii wtJBJT Save the Loved Ones Mrs Mary Vilet Newcastle Colorado writes I believe Ballards Ilorehound Syrup is superior to any other cough medicine and will do all that is claimed for it and it is so pleasant to take My little girl wants to take it when she has no need for it Ballards Horehound Syrup is the great cure for all pulmon ary ailments 2oc 50c and 8100 at A McMillens The Tribune is only 8100 a year Wee Mrs LauresL S Webb Vice XrejIIcnt IVomnuH Demo cratic Clubs of Xortliern Ohio I dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching I noticed Wine of Cardui and decided to try a bot tle I experienced some relief the first month to I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I hall take it off and n now until I have passed the climax Female weakness disordered menses falling of the womb and ovarian troubles do not wear off They follow a woman to the change of life Do not wait but take Wine of Cardui now and avoid the trou ble Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit a suffering woman of any age Wine of Cardui relieved Mrs Webb when she was in dan ger When you come to the change of life Mrs Webbs letter will mean more to you than it does now But you may now avoid the suffering she endured Druggists sell 1 bottles of Wine of Cardui WINEofCARDU All Calls For The witij Bits Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and swer all calls to any part of tne city PHONE an- W H Ackerman V McCook Nebraska 4 Good For Children The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives imme diate relief in all cases of coughs croup and lagrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach but takes effect right at the seat of tho trouble It draws out tho inflammation heals and sooths and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute puro life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues L W McConnell MITCHELL AUCTIONEER Phones Oflica 17 residence 95 Free Phonographic concert Vx hour Deforo salo opens Write or Phone for Terms and Date r Herbert J Prat Successor to Dr J B Fickes Phone 160 DENTIST Over McConnells Drug store MeCOOK NEBRASKA L PREVOST DENTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred btock sales One per cent on sales 1000 and upward Correspondence solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska SS Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office In Court House Phone 181 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon MeCOOK - - fiOV0r cMUIens d I drug store nr8 phon answered night or day NEB nesiuence nn75 w Office DR W V GAGE flcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 PoBuiiding Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 MeCOOK i NEBRASKA i To Cure a Cold is One Day wo T k w Days I Take Laxative BF0H1 Quinine Tablets VJ on every I 1 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months This Signature W Sfcrzri ox 25c 1 tiU if- H O mi i p The Sale of the Season 1 ffl I Wc will close out our entire stock of -II fl h Drv roods and Millinftrv b UUUUO aUU J L1J 1TX1II111U1J B jj I - At once to retire from business m M I Goods sold at and below cost I f Mccook Q T f f T M A IV ricCook Nebraska - T T JL V TV iTlill 1 Nebraska CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS H E Emerson the sheepman was in town last week Messrs Peck Everist shipped a car load of hogs last week Ed Maud and Nellie Woofter visited Miss Mertie Woofter Sunday Harry Kennedy and family visited friends north of town Sunday Perry Cathcart plastered for J W Miner and T J Relph last week Miss Sallie Bell and Miss Mertie Woof ter assisted Mrs Rebman in the milli nery store April 4th On account of bad roads we did not report last week We promise better things in the future George Witham who has been danger ously ill with diphtheria was reported some better first of the week Mumps are visiting most every home in this section In many instances it is a second attack of the big jaw Nows the time to take Rocky Moun tain Tea it drives out the microbes of winter it builds up the stomach kid neys and liver A wonderful spring tonic that makes sick people well L W McConnell BANKSVILLE A M Benjamin picked corn on All Fools day Nasby is doing a little gardening beginning operations on the first Miss Lela Adams closed her work at B W Benjamins and returned home Sunday William Relph was at Banksville first of the week spinning some yarns about his experience with Texas and Oklahoma people Miss May Bartholomew closed a six months term of school in district 51 Bankaville Friday last with exercises by the school children The children of the Dodge school were visitors Part of the program was a flag raising For discs harrows and riding plows see your Uncle George In December 1900 1 had a severe cold and was so hoarse that I could not speak above a whisper says Allen Davis of Freestone N Y I tried several remedies but got no relief until I used Chamberlains Cough Remedy one bottlo of which cured me I will always speak a good word for that medicine For sale by L W McConnell druggist Sf V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier THE CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB iw h Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Orleans St Francis Branch Orleans Neb April 9 1903 Special to McCook Tribune After an exciting contest the muni cipal election at Orleans resulted in a victory for the high license candidates with one exception Until a late hour near the close of the polls the anti saloon people seemed to have the best of tne ngnt and tne day Jost for tiie license cause but at the eleventh hour the anti license candidates lost support and was defeated by substantial majorities H T Furguson was elected over Dr Hoffman anti license by 16 majority Mr Furguson is a business man possess ing executive ability of a high order and has been a resident of Orleans for 24 years George Austin who was elected by 23 majority in the First ward as council man is a young man of good ability and popular He is in the elevator and coal business John Booth councilman elect of the First ward is an old timer and was elected by a heavy majority Mr Sullivan carried the Second ward by 11 He is a well known businessman and the Second ward is close The Third ward elected Prof Gorniey of Orleans college anti license