The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 10, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
i muMCTMi mutrtiijaZmrxit
2 I 2 Ij55 y y2yt tity
The home of the Marist Brothers a
Catholic benevolent Institution at St
Hyacinth Quebec was burned to the
Final arrangements are being made
at Glasgow to amalgamate thirteen
Scotch malleable iron firms with a
capital of 6000000
The Spanish minister of marine has
completed the naval budget The esti
mates provide for an increased expend
iture amounting to 5000000
The employes of the Schuykill trac
tion and Lakeside railway have been
notified that their wages will be In
creased 10 cents a day from April 13
Colonel John It Given aged 85 a
Mexican veteran formerly an editor
in St Louis and later in Davenport la
is dead in South Bend Ind of paral
The persistent drought is causing
great anxiety among the farmers of
Roumania The wheat is suffering
badly from lack of rain and the colsea
crop Is almost lost
A governmental commission from
Bogota which is making a tour of the
republics to ascertain the opinion ot
the country on the canal treaty has
arrived in Panama
The Philadelphia Reading Coal
and Iron company gave official notice
oi a reduction of 50 cents per ton in
prices of prepared or domestic anthra
cite coal tor the month of April
At Los Angeles Cal Rev E E
Plannette pastor of the Grandview
Presbyterian church was arrested for
Etcaling potted plants from the door
ways of residences He is believed to
be insane
Count Von Bnelow the German Im
perial chancellor who went to Naples
to visit Foreign Minister Prinetti had
a cordial interview of an hour with
him Von Buelow is going to Serento
for a holiday
Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M
Shaw has begun a personal investiga
tion of the charges of incompetency
and lax administration which havo
heen made against certain federal of
ficers stationed at Chicago
A telegram from Helsinfors Finland
announces that forty three clerinien
have simultaneously been deprived or
their living because they refused to
co operate with the authorities in car
rying out the military service law
Marcus Braun editor of the Austria
Hungarian Gazette of New York has
been appointed a special immigration
inspector to go abroad to examine into
immigration conditions He is ap
pointed under the new immigration act
and is the first inspector of this char
acter to be sent abroad
James M Private Dalzell is con
valescing slowly from a severe attack
ot pneumonia contracted some time
ago Although his age has counted
considerably against him his physi
cian has no doubt of his complete re
A project is on foot am5ng skilled
glass workers all over the country to
unite capital and begin the manufac
ture of glass even if they have to dis
pose of the product at a price which
will give them but a bare living
Vandals have made the first success
ful attempt upon the Houdon statue
of George Washington in the lobby of
the state capitol at Richmond Va A
small pieces of the mold board has
been chopped off and is gone No
trace of the party who did the work
has been found
The American demand for iron con
tinues exceedingly active in Germany
American buyers who have placed or
ders in the Siegen district are trying
to place more orders to the end of the
year but the ironmasters are not dis
posed to take long term orders hoping
for a still further advance in prices
According to the Pall Mall Gazette
Chancellor of the Exchequer Ritchie
is likely to abolish the grain tax in the
forthcoming budget besides making a
reduction of 3 pence in the income tax
This belief however is naraly borne
out by the chancellors recent state
ment to a deputation of grain dealers
General Greeley chief signal officer
has received a dispatch from the of
ficer in charge of the telegraph lines
in Alaska saying that the posts of St
Michael at the mouth ot the Yukon
vaidez at the mouth of the Coppei
river and Fort Egbert on tne upper
Yukon will be connected with the
United States by wire in May
The secretary of the treasury pur
chased for account of Philippine coin
age 350000 ounces of silver at an
average of 498 cents an ounce The
silver is to be divided in equal parts to
the mints in Philadelphia and San
As the result of drinking poisoned
whisky L T Briscoe an oid resident
ot Greeley Colo is dead John Yates
is lying at deaths door and All Gross
nicvkel is in a serious condition Mag
nus Olesen who furnished the whisky
Is mlssjnc
A Synopsis of Proceedings in Both Branches of
I the Twenty Eighth GenereJ
I Assembly
Tho house on the 1st passed JI It 15
by Sadler appropriating 15000 for the
purchase of 220 acres of land for the
use of the asylum for the chronic Insane
at Hastings Passed without tin emer
gency clause by a vote of 55 to 2G II R
70 the Ramsey elevator bill was return
ed to the senate with an amendment rais
ing the minimum cost of an elevator to
which It should apply from 2000 to 3000
Ramsey moved that the senate amend
ment be concurred In vhlsti motion on
roll call prevailed uy a vote of 73 ayes
to 14 nays II R 163 by FIshback pro
viding for drainage for agricultural and
sanitary purposes was read for the third
time and passed In committee of tho
whole the house recommended for pass
age by the close vote of 42 to 40 H R
174 by Sears to give a wife absolute
title to one half her deceased husbands
estate instead of dower Interest In one
third thereof Spurlock of Cass chair
man of the sifting committee asked
unanimous consent for ordering S F 190
by Warner to a third readin The bill
which Is one of Governor Mickeys pro
vides for the appointment of a state ac
countant at a salary of 2000 to have
general supervision of the books and ac
counts of state institutions and state offi
cers Sweezy of Adams oblectcd Spur
lock then moved that the bin be advanced
under a suspension of the The mo
tion was lost by a rising vote of 26 to
34 Junkin of Gosper moved that here
after members be allowed not to exceed
Ave minutes time each in the discus
sion of nny one bill The motion pre
vailed The house adopted the confer
ence committee report on If R 344 the
general revenue bill by a vote of 75
to 13 The house went into committee
of the whole on the ciftirr file The
following bills were recommended for
passage II R 17 by Douglas t amend
the game laws IT R 28 by
to validate orders Judgments and
decrees heretofore entered by district
courts in foreclosure suits on tax liens
II R 436 by Douglas to provide for
the election of county assessors S F
95 by Brown to authorize burglary and
theft insurance II R 222 by Ten Eyck
to prohibit cruelty to chickens S F 9S
by Saunders to prohibit the decking of
horses tails II R 35S 449 and 450 pro
viding tov South Dakota Iowa and Mis
souri boundary commissions The next
bill considered was II R 433 by the
claims committee appropriating 4702753
to reimburse the Norfolk and Grand Is
land beet sugar companies for moneys
paid out by them under the beet sugar
bounty law At adjournment the matter
was not disposed of
The house entered upon bills on third
reading on convening on the 2d and pass
ed these measures II R 37G by Wilson
of Pawnee relating to the manner o
distributing dead bodies in the possession
of public officers or institutions II R
4S2 by Mockctt of Lancaster raising the
levy for school taxes in Lincoln so as to
bring the aggregate receipts up to 150
000 a year S F 217 by Anderson fix
ing the salary of the deputy state treas
urer at 1S00 failing to nass with the
emergency clause this official bad no
by Anderson raising the salary of the
fixed salary under the old law S F 21S
jecretary to the governor from 1500 to
2000 which he has generally drawn fail
ing to pass with the emergency clause
S F 95 by Brown to permit the organ
ization of burglary title and credit in
surance companies At the afternoon ses
Rion the committee on railroads reported
back II R 421 by Kennedy authorizing
the attorney general to proceed with the
action against violators of the maximum
freight rates law and II R 431 creating
a board composed of the governo state
treasurer and public land commissioner
to have power of enforcing the provi
sions of this whicli nnwer under the pres
ent law Is vested In the defunct board of
transportaton In the three hours at night
the house broke the record disposing of
twenty six bills in committee of the
whole They were all recommended for
passage Among them was the bill to
empower the fire and police commission
to be created under the new charter in
South Omaha to issue raloon licenses
Another was H R 106 by Bacon of Daw
son in which Currie and other western
members have been actively interested
to appropriate 50000 for the sinking of
eight wells to locate petroleum gas or
oil One of these wells is to be located
near Omaha the rest scattered out over
the state
As soon as the house convened on the
3rd Kennedy of Douglas moved that his
bills II R 421 and H R 451 providing
respectively for the prosecution by the
attorney general of violations of the
maximum freight rates law and the en
forcement of this law be advanced to the
head of the sifting committees file The
motion preciptiated a fight Speaker
Mockett after Kennedy had spoken for
several minutes suggested that he was
not talking on the motion and Thompson
of Merrick moved to table the Kennedy
motion raising the point of order in the
first place that the fusionist from Doug
las was not confining himself to the ques
tion at issue A roll call was taken on
the Thompson motion and resulted in the
defeat of the motion by 39 to 47 The fol
lowing bills were passed II R 416 by
Rouse providing for the removal of con
victed felons to the penitentiary within
five days of sentence H R 403 by Mors
man to permit fishing and seining in the
waters of the Missouri river all the year
round Emergency clause II R 39 by
Belden to define the duties of county
judges in certain cases II R 339 by
Sears to reimburse Lieutenant Governor
McGilton in the sum of S1 paid for his
official bond II R 35S by Sears provid
ing for the appointment by the governor
of South Dakota boundary commission of
three members II R 413 by Nelson to
require oaths acknowledgments and af
firmations heretofore taken before com
missioners of deeds II R 19S by McClay
the Lincoln charter bill providing for the
election of seven councilman at large
and abolishing the office of tax commis
sioner after 1D03 H R 439 by Rouse to
provide for the payment of taxes on gifts
legacies and inheritances into the gen
eral fund of the state H R 4SS by Mc
Clay relating to the paving of streets
abutting on the capitol suare II R 449
by Sears providing for an
boundary commission II R 45 by
Jones of Richardson providing for a Nebraska-Missouri
boundarj ummtsslon
II R 2S by Deles Dernier to legalize
tax titles based on premature foreclos
ures where tax certificates were not first
obtained Failed to pass with emergency
clause by a vote of fifty five to twenty
six Passed without emergency clause
by a vote of 55 to 24 II R 294 by Deles
Dernier to allow Nebraska mutual city
and village insurance companies to do
business outside the state II R 317 by
Cropsey to permit cities of SOwo popula
tion to Install a sewerage system
The Sears dower right bill II R 174
passed the house on the 4th after a de
termined fight and several roll calls The
measure provides that the husband and
wife shall have equal rights in the joint
estate providing that either shall have
absolute title to one half thereof In the
event of the others death The present
law gives the wife only one third dower
interest The bill further provides that if
it is the second husband or wife surviv
ing and children of the first be living that
the absolute title shall be but one third
of the estate These bills were passed II
R 3SS by Roberts providing for a state
architect at an annual salary of 2000
II R 386 by Shelley vesting in the fire
and police board of South Omaha the
granting of liquor licenses as provided
in the charter bill for that city just
passed H R 353 by Barton making as
sault with intent to do great badily in-
Jury punishable by a penitentiary sen
tence of from one to five years II R
4S9 by Sadler at the governors request
for the sale of lots and lands for taxes
and assessments delinquent for five years
or more and the execution of deeds for
same II R 176 by Persy compelling at
tendance of witnesses in cases transferred
from one county to another on change
of venue H R 293 by Smith striking
out double damage clause from lawful
fence act under head of railroads If R
2S0 II R 2S1 and II R 282 by Ribble
prohibiting the unlawful making selling
or using of railroad tickets coupons or
passes II R 106 by Bacon of Dawson
appropriating 50000 to sink eight wells
for the location of oil or gas the places
being Lexington Chadron Culbertson
Columbus Ponca and Omaha S F 11
by Hall providing for six commissioners
of the supreme corut and their stenog
raphers to serve for two years II R
470 by Douglas providing for the ap
pointment of county attorneys in coun
ties of 2000 or less population II R 73
by Fries a constitutional amendment
permitting the investment of the per
manent school fund in registered securi
ties of counties towns cities villages and
school districts II R 311 by McAllis
ter defining method of procedure in dis
continuation of irrigation districts II R
ii by Douglas amending game law so
as to make open season on chickens
September 1 to November 30 extends pro
tection for quail two years longer pro
hibits killing of swans open season for
fish April 1 to November 1 carp all year
permits spearing of fish
The following bills were passed in the
house on the 0th S F S by Marshall
pioviding for the election of county com
missioners at large and their nomination
by districts was passed 56 to 25 S F
ISSby Sheldon relating to the manner of
collecting and disbursing road taxes S
F 120 by Jennings relating to forfeiture
of school lands when payment of inter
est is defaulted S F 55 by Griffin
allowing cities of less than 5000 popula
tion to vote bonds to the extent of 20 per
cent of their total assessment instead of
10 per cent to conclude their water works
system S F 25 by Marshall empower
ing cities of less than 5000 to own and
operate their electric lights plants S F
215 by Harrison curative act relating to
registration laws in cities of less than
23000 population S F 98 by Saunders
to prevent horse tail docking S F 237
Sheldon relating to the construction of
wagon bridges over streams that consti
tute county boundaries S F 222 by
Harrison to place tontine insurance com
panies under supervision of state bank
ing board and permit them to wind up
their affairs At the evening session
Rouse of Hall brought up the matter
of the bill to raise the general tax levy
from 5 to 7 mills for the current year
The bill was lost in the shuffle and as
it had to be read a third time it was
neccessary to extend the time of final
adjournment formerly set for tomorrow
Thompson Stetson and Rouse were
named to confer with a like senate com
mittee on tins question The joint com
mittee recommended Wednesday April
S at 1 oclock a m as the time and the
houseand senate adopted the report II
R 437 raising the tax levy then was
The appropriation bills were read In
the senate on the 1st for the second time
and referred to committee H Ii 102 ap
propriating 10000 for buildings and equip
ment at the state school of agriculture
H R No 70 the Ramsey elevator bill
and S F No 245 providing for the dis
position of money paid urder protest to
the treasurer of irrigation districts were
read the third time and passed The fol
lowing bills were placed on the final read
ing and passeu S F No 30 relating to
the assignment of real estate mortgages
S F No 297 providing for fie construc
tion of pipe lines and the appropriation
of land therefor S F No 2S2 rehiring
the state librarian to send a copy of
the compiled statutes and all state re
ports to all public libraries in the state
and all states in the union S F No 2S0
providing the court may force a debtor
to extend corporate limits of cities and
villages was resumed Recommended for
passage S F 25 providing for voting
machines Indefinitely postponed Wall
of Sherman moved that all employes be
paid from the first day of the session
to appear and answer to a charge that
he has property which has not been ap
plied to the satisfaction of the judgment
S F No 27S repealing the law fixing
the salary of the deputy to the state
superintendent S F No 174 providing
for the sale by railroad companies of
unclaimed goods S F No 63 granting
additional power to fraternal beneficiary
r f litlMlMir Jm jlwTL iifr if it TlTTilTi Ii Tmi
fejgP i rtHHfttliMl
societies S F No 178 relating to de
sertion of family and fixing a penalty
S F No 227 regulating the nurchaso
of supplies and tho hiring of employes
by school boards S F No 239 to ap
point an officer to co opcrnte with tho
bureau of public roads when appointed
by the national government H R No
187 providing for the appointment and
fixing of tho salaries of the officers of
the penitentiary House roll No 331 pro
viding a majority of nroperty owners In
terested must petition the council before
public Improvements may be made unless
three fourths of tho council vote for such
Improvements applying onlv to cities of
tho second class and villages was sub
stituted for S F No 156 con
tains the same provisions and the bill
was recommended for passage In com
mittee of the whole the following bills
were recommended for passage II R
No 51 providing for the opening of
drains and ditches along public high
ways by county boards II R No 146
providing for an annual medlr of the
state horticultural society for the pur
pose of deliberating as to the wants and
conditions of the hortlcultunil Interests
of the state S F No ITS defining the
crime of desertion of minor child wife
husband and home by - ife husband
father mother husband or wife and pro
viding punishment therefor S F No
282 requiring the state librarian to send
a copy of the compiled statutes and
other publications of the state to each
of the public libraries in the state and
to each of the states in the union
In the senate on the 2d the secretary
of the governor reported that the gov
ernor had signed these bills II R 134
regulating salary of county superintend
ents II R 305 providing for the annex
ation of territory by cities and villages
H R 320 Omaha charter bill These
bills were passed II R 2S6 providing for
the organization of corporat ons and sure
ties to transact business on an assess
ment plan H R 331 providing for the
grading and repair of streets and alleys
H R 1S6 creating a board for the ex
amination of plumbers passed without
emergency clause II R 24 providing
that town treasurer town clerk and jus
tice of the peace shall constitute the
town board If R 292 authorizing towns
villages etc to comoromise indebted
ness and issue bonds for payment Tho
senate went into committee of the whole
to consider bills on general file The com
mittee made the following report S F
291 authorizing corporations to act as re
ceiver assignee curator executor ad
ministrator trustee agent and attorney
in fact and defining their duties and
powers by Saunders of Douglas Indefi
nitely postponed S F 199 to establish a
state parental school at Lincoln Rec
ommended for engrossment H R 267
South Omaha charter Recommended for
third reading H R 299 allowing county
boards to appropriate money to the coun
ty general fund from the sinking fund
Ordered for a third reading II R 93
creating city road districts for the im
provement of roads leading into cities
of more than 5000 and less than 25000
inhabitants Ordered for third reading
H R 274 the Nebraska state library shall
be exclusively a library lor law books
and public documents and providing how
the University of Nebraska library and
Nebraska Historical society shall pur
chase books Indefinitely IT
R 33 money shall not be appropriated
beyond 2000 by schoorboards of metro
politan cities except upon r recorded ma
jority vote of the board Amended to
read 1000 and recommended for third
The senate spent the morning on the
deficiency claims bills and recommended
it for passage- In one instance a dup
licate claim wis out out The senate
crmmittee added Sfi7J0 for bills that
came in after the house had acted on the
claims anil reduced the deficiency appro
priation for the Boys Industrial school at
Kearney from 500 to 2500 Otherwise
the bill was not changed
The committee on finances ways and
means reported the general appropria
tion bill The henate committee made a
net reduction in appropriations of 107
06305 from the bill as it passed the
house The total increase was 1859915
of general fund university fund increase
S125962S0 general fund The appropria
tion for connecting the deaf and dumb
institute at Omaha with the city water
main was not allowed The condition
under which the university fund is in
creased 35000 is that if the 1 mill levy
foi the university fund should amount
to 330000 then the 35t00 may be taken
from the fund and used for the purchase
of real estate near the university
S000 is given for a farmers institute
Among changes are the following
Board of Public Lands and Buildings
Superintendent care of capitol building
and grounds from 7000 to 3000 em
ployes wages 15010 to 13CI0 inciden
tals 2000 to 1500
Board of Education Lands and Funds
Amount appropriated for biennium from
3000 to 4000
State Library Commission Appropria
tion for biennium from SiOOO to 8000
Lincoln Hospital Board clothing etc
from 75000 to 70000
Hastings Asylum Board clothing etc
from 25S275 to 259775 bedding farm
etc increased 3500
Girls Industrial Home Geneva Em
ployes wages from 62 10 to 5640 water
supply from 1200 to 1000 repairs im
provements from 1500 to 2000 for fur
niture etc from 750 to 1000
Institute for the Blind Nebraska City
Musical instruments from 500 to 2300
Institute at Beatrice Cold storage
2500 struck out
Deaf and Dumb Institute Omaha
Water supply from 6300 to S00
State Penitentiary Two hundred and
forty steel cells reduced to 160 at 67
200 from 80000 repairing west wing from
12000 to 6000 painting walls from 200-
to 1000 An amendment was recommend
ed that a special labor fund be created
out of money made by convicts for
State Board of Charities and Corrections
increased from 4000 to 5000
State Fish Commission Painting and
repairing cars and buildings from 1500
to 750 necessary labor from 2000 to
Food Commission Expenses from 2000
to 1500
Norfolk Hospital Wages for employes
from 20000 to 10000 board clothing fuel
etc from 26000 to 13000
The printing of revenue books blank
books and abstracts was reduced from
4000 to 3500
The Soilders and Sailors home at
Grand Island appropriation for a hospi
tal building was reduced from 30000 to
2000 The committee amended this by
adding a sufficient amount to reduce the
reduction to about 4000
Publishing reports of geological survey
of Nebraska from 1200 to 2000
jjiiitiijijiWiWriirtiWili BfnirtififtMTJniMi
-- tf
Salaries cf the teachers at Fremont
have been raised
The coroner stone of the now library
building at Beatrice has been laid
Dr M M Newbecker has been ap
pointed pension examiner atOrd Neb
Charles Sperry will serve twenty
days in the Gage county jail for hog
Wm Gebers is suing Nemaha county
for 500 damages He drove off a
county bridge that was not provided
with a railing
The remains of Wm McClellan
who fell into the river from the Platts
mouth bridge and was drowned has
not been recovered at this writing
B M Conlee a Burlington brake-
a half while the first survey was only
about three fourths of a mile
The authorities of Wahoo are won
dering what to do with the hoboes
tramps and sneak thieves that are
now lying in the county jail One was
led to the city limits and requested to
skip He immediately turned back and
was re arrested and is charged with
resisting officers
At a recent spelling contest in the
grammar grades at Stella to determine
who should represent the school in a
township contest Hazel Hogrefe of the
sixth grade spelled every word cor
rectly in a list of over 100 difficult
words selected from the role of honor
A message has just reached Law- j
rence informing Michael Keller that J
his son Albert was instantly killed at
Albion by coming in contact with a
live wire while in the discharge of his
duty as assistant electrician De
ceased was about twenty one years of
age single was born and raised on a j
farm adjoining Lawrence
Following is the mortgage record for
Gage county for the month of March
1903- Number of farm mortgages filed
79 amount 183237 Number of farm
mortgages released 82 amount 102
768 Number of city and town mort
gages filed 27 amount 13985 Num
ber of city and town mortgages re
leased 35 amount 131C2
At York Young Frank Hart was set
to work in the garden and becoming
enraged when his mother attempted to
instruct him in preparing the ground
threw the pitchfork which struck her
on the head and face and passing
downward and outward lacerated her
face quite badly passed through the
ear and barely missed putting out one
While passing a team on the bridge
over the Republican river south of
Red Cloud the team of mules belong
ing to George Clauson backed the
wagon against the side of the bridge
breaking the framework and caused
the wagon to fall over the edge tak
ing the team with it Both mules were
killed The driver saved his life by
News of a horrible death was re
ported at Randolph from McLean six
miles west Abram Sinclair aged 60
droped dead in a hog lot while attend
ing to the morning chores on the farm
of his son Although it was only about
thirty five minutes until his body was
found yet the ravenous swine had time
to mutlilate the face of the dead man
beyond recognition
The Womans Home Missionary so
ciety in session at Hastings elected
officers as follows President Mrs B
D French of Hastings vice president
Mrs Etta Atwell Fairfield recording
secretary Mrs Belle Goodrich Ge
neva corresponding secretary Mrs J
F Heler Hastings treasurer Mrs H
E Perry Clay Center literary and
mite box committee Mrs L L Byrkit
The principals of the various schools
in Richardson county met in the coun
ty superintendents office at Falls City
and organized the Richardson county
Art Richardson a merchant of Hast
ings was fined 570 and 1470 by
Judge Reynolds upon charges brought
forward by Mr Butzirus and Mrs Ken
nedy The charges were that Richard
son had encouraged their sons
Via Wabash Railroad th World
Pair Lino
Last to leave First to arrive
Leaves Omaha 555 p m Arrives
St Louis 700 a m
Special rates New Orleans and re
turn 2950 Sold April 11 12 and 13
St Louis and return 1350 sold April
CS 27 29 30 May 1 Now Orleans
and return 2950 sold May 1 2 S
and 4 Smoothest shortest and quick
All information
est south and southeast
formation at City Ticket office 1601
Farnam or address Harry E Moores
G A P D Omaha Neb
Raised letters are for the beneflt or
the blind but raised checks are not
Ask Tonr Dealer For Allona Foot Eaae jr
A powder It rests tho feet Cures Corns 4T
SwoatingFeetandlngrowing Nails Allen a
c At
man was severly injured while coup- j au Druggists and Shoe stores 25 cents Ac-
ling cars at Tecumseh His left arm ceptno - KrY
was so oauiy masneu mat amputation
became necessary
Prof J J King has been re elected
superintendent of the Albion schools
at a salary of 1200 a year This is
tho fourth successive election of Mr
King to this position
The B M corps of surveyors have
completed a second survey from Homer
irHfHltiMnn itoiinltir pnma In TiniVR
iMlSlUl luucn uouuiij vtii j -
but the first one came in an apple
All Up to Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch because it
is better and 4 oz more of it for same
A profit is not without honor save
on a best selling book
to a conjunction of the Great North- state07 Ohio City of Toledo J
ern railway The last survey goes Franu jufeAnseycXs oath that he is the senior
West Of Dakota City about a mile and partner of the firm of F J Cheney Co dome
business in the City of Toledo County and Stata
aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum ot
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of
Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December A D 1886
Seal1 Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system Send for testimonials free
F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio
Sold by Druecists 75c
Halls Family Pills are the best
Its a long page that haB no turn
Insist on Getting It
Some grocers nay they dont keep Da
fiance Starch This is because they have o
stock on hand of other brands containing
only 12 oz in a package which they wont
be able to sell first because Defiance con
tains 16 oz for the same money
Do you want 16 oz Instead of 12 oz for
word book and was given first prize same money Then buy Defiance Starch
requires no cooking
Genius consists in making the other
fellow do the work
No one is able to discover that a
rich man is a fool until after he loses
his money
What men want is not talent it is
purpose in other words not the
power to achieve but the will to labor
Largest Woma Land Owner
Mrs King of Corpus Christi Tex
owns more land than any other wo
man in this country perhaps in the
world Her holdings are not less
than 1300000 acres located in the
counties of Nueces Hidalgo Starr anti
Cameron Her late husband Captain
King was one of the old timo cattle
barons Mrs King has about 65000
cattle grazing on her broad acres Un
der the terms of her husbands will
the estate must not be divided until
his oldest grandchild comes of ag
Mrs King has one son and three mai
ried daughters
Would Breed Hardier Cattle
Henry C Moore of Sioux City be
liveves that it is possible to interbreed
the Arctic musk ox with cattle of
the temperate zone and that the stock
so produced would be able to with
stand the severe winters of the Uni
ted States lie has been in communi
cation on the subject with Peary the
Arctic explorer who is favorably im
pressed with the idea The vast loss
of the present season among herds on
the western ranges said Mr Moore
emphasizes the necessity of trying to
infuse hardier blood into American
7500000 In Cash to Be Distributed
Between now and July 1st family
cooks whether employes or the mis
tress of the household will be follow
ing the plan laid down for improve
ment in cooks in a contest for 735 cash
prizes ranging from 20000 to 500
offered by the Postum Cereal Co
The winners must show improve
ment in general cookery as clearly
stated in the rules for the test
No one has to buy or pay anything
whatever It is simply an earnest ef
fort on the part of Mr Post to stimu
late the household
cook to more care
ful and skillful cookery
To have light sweet bread and
PfllfM fnctooH rf 1An -
- wu ui ncu hour anu in-
aigesuoie things
To have no mnn
greasy burned or dried out meats t
An unknown man was killed on the lave Properly made Coffee Postum
Omaha road three miles east of Emer
son Passenger train No 5 as com
ing in from Siox City and when three
miles from Emerson a man was seen
walking on the track The engineer
rang his bell and blew the whistel
and tea To have delicate and Hir
tibie toothsome desserts and a table
clean tasty and a pleasure to look
And so 750000
In actual money will
be spent to encourage the cooks of the
country to better effort a
but the man paid no attention to the housekeepers please forever abandon
warning He was struck and almost tne term hired girl Teach your
instantly killed The man is supposed cook the dgnity of her profession call
to have been deaf hethe cook
it her duties include other services
well and good but dont detract from
her professional title by calling her
the hired girl That term doint fit
a good cook a -
vvi impale D3TiTf
athletic association Principal George the large seal of the Postum
C i
E Martin of Dawson was made Co Ltd will go to each nf tnl
winners in this contest
These cer
tificates or diplomas will be as vafu
A postal card to thn rnrw
to Battle Creek Mich wl Stai
ptanljr printed ruIes fc8