The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 10, 1903, Image 5

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    g -A
mw jjiwi iw fmMM0Mtmum
fl iffl HI II i ft I w wid wltl w was r
SwS Ifflhr if rsPu 1 Jis usand wives iad fdered s
I But the milliner ills weakness fRfO ljjIpftE TVJPyTlil
1 And so the artful jade
g Threw in a box of Takomas f 5gwg fcT
Iftvl And Solomon he paid l LOOSE WILES CRACKER CANDY CO RllilT
We Will Clothe
a Man for
c cooo
Than boys Ask any loy which is the
best base ball and he will invariably tell
you The Spaulding and the same ap
plies to all lines of base ball goods We
have just received the new Bats Balls
Gloves Masks etc all having- the trade
mark of Spaulding sold at one price
to every one
Nothing Like Experience
One truth learned by actual experi
ence does more good than ten experiences
one hears about Tell a man that
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus
aud he will most likely forgot it before
the end of the day Let him have a
severe attack of that disease feel that
he is about to die use this remedy and
learnfromhis own experience how quickly
it gives relief and he will remember it all
his life For salo by L W McConnell
Then your liver isnt acting
well You suffer from bilious
ness constipation Ayers
Pills act directly on the liver
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill
Small doses cure
All druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or ncli Mack Then use
DliniminUJlRHO nVCforthe
uuurvmurmmo uiu
50 cts of Druggists o R p
Best Offer Ever Made
The McCook Tijibune has succeeded
in getting the special clubbing price
from the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer one of the best they have ever
made and during the past two months a
good many have taken advantage of this
offer and are well pleased with it We i
have had the time extended for this
offer believing that many more would
like to take advantage of it before it is
For S125 we can send you the Ne
braska Farmer and The McCook
Tribune both for one full year and
worth 8200 The Nebraska Farmer is
the leading general farm and livo stock
journal of the west It prints from 24
to 40 pages each week is well known
and well liked having been established
since 1869 Its publishers are practical
and experienced men who are now and
have been for thirty years extensively
engaged in farming and stock raising in
Nebraska and know from experience the
needs and conditions applicable to the
west It is a journal for the farmers by
farmers No other farm paper can fill
its place or be so helpful to the farmers of
the west It is contributed to by all the
leading agricultural writers and experi
menters of the west and at our special
I club price should be taken by everyone
Complete from head to foot with a stylish perfect fitting Spring Sack Suit of
Clothing a pair of stylish dress Shoes a pair of fancv Hose a fashionable
Derby or Fedora Hat a fine fancy Percale Shirt a pair of Cuffs a Collar a
rich silk four-in-hand Teck or bow Necktie a pair of fine Suspenders a good
linen Handkerchief This offer will only last for a short time Should you
not bo able to visit our establishment send 8695 and give height and weight
chest waist and crotch measure for suit state size of shoes hat and shirt
style of hat and tie and we will send the complete outfit as described subject
to examination convey charges to be paid by you If everything is not satis
factory we will return your tbUa on receipt of the outfit
faster 1
- -
Our Spring Opening of
Ladies Misses and Gentlemens Shoes
will be an event to you in stylish
and serviceable footwear
Nuff Said
Come and See
Tft JVtodef Slice Store
A E PETTY Prop Footwear Exclusive McCook Neb
Maggie StrofT was a homo visitor Sunday
Orson Loe lias moved his family to McCook
Edith Smith visited Raitloy friends Saturday
D R Flctchor of Rartloy was in town Friday
Jake- Kearu and wife- were Rirtley visitors
L L Miller of Hnscings was in town on busi
ness Saturday
Rirdio Davis is visiting relatives and friends
hero this week
Mne Mooro spent part of last week with her
sister at Tyrone
Mrs J R Neol and May wero McCook
visitors Tuesday
Holton Longnecker visited the homefolks on
tho Willow Sunday
Alta Hager spent tho latter part of last week
with relatives in Jam bridge
Mrs C B Hoag spent a few days of last weok
with her daughter in McCook
Edith Allen went down to Bartley Saturday
morning returning Sunday evening
Miss Lou Slater left on Monday evening for
different points in Colorado on an extended
Sunday wns a good day for the liverymen
The day was so fine that everybody and his best
girl wero out right
Charles Lehn and fmily of McCook nnd Dan
Lolin nnd family spent Suuday with Charlie
King and wife eat of town
Frank Howe and family camo in from Denver
on No 2 Mondav morning Ho will resume his
old job with H C Wliitmoro
Jim McCallum came home from Oklahoma
Sunday morning on a visit with his parents
Jim looks as if Okahoma agreed with him
prottv well
Julia Sly of McCook spent last Saturday and
Sunday at tho homo of William Wallace and
family She was accompanied as far the
Willow Sunday evening by Miss Susie Wallace
At the election here Ttiesda tho entiro
Citizens ticket carried tho day The following
oflicers wero elected Mas or C B Hoapcity
clork W H Smith treasurer F B Duck
worth city engineer A M Anderson council
man First ward Joe Harrison councilman
Second ward Newton Smith
For Champion binders and mowers
and other farm implements see Uncle
George Burgess
The only kind of consump
tion to fear is neglected
People are learning that con
sumption is a curable disease
It is neglected consumption
that is so often incurable
Scotts Emulsion and
regular doses
The use of Scotts Emulsion
at once has in thousands of
cases turned the balance in
favor of health
Neglected consumption does
not exist where Scotts Emul
sion is
Prompt use of Scotts Emul
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and 100 all druggists
McCook Neb April S 100H
Notice is hereby given that A McMillen lias
filed in the citj clerks office his bond and peti
tion for a druggists permit to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors iu tho building on lot
21 block 22 in the First ward of the city of Mc
Cook Red Willow countj Nebraska during the
er ending May lt 1P04 A McMillen
McCook Nebraska April 10 1903
Notice is hereby given that L Coue Hro
have filed in the city clerks office their bond
and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquor on lot 11 block 16
original town in the Second ward of the city of
McCook from Mav 1 1003 to Vpril 30 1P0J
4 lMts L Coxn Bro Applicants
State of Nebraska Red Willow countj ss
To all persons interested in the estate of Rufus
A Cole deceased
Whereas H H Berrj of aid county has filed
in my office an instrument purporting to be tho
last will and testament of Rufns A Cole de
ceased late of said county that the aforesaid
will may be admitted to probate and for letters
testamentary which will relates to both real
and personal eatate Wherefore I have ap
pointed the 4th day of Maj at 9 oclock a m
at my office in said county a the time and place
of proving said will at which time and placo
jou and all concerned may appear and contest
the probate of the same It is further ordered
that notice bo given to all persons interested in
said estate of the pendencv of the same and tho
time and place set forbearing the same bv caus
ing n copv of thi order to be published in TnE
McCook Tribune a newspaper of general circu
lation published in said county for three suc
cessive weeks prior to the day set for hearing
In testimony whereof I have set my hand nnd
official seal this 8th day of April liWJ
Seal S L Green County Judge
Annual Meeting- Research Club
Tho Research club held its annual
mooting nt tho homo of Mrs F W
Bosworth Wednesday evening Tho
husbands of the lady members wero
present There was a fino program of
music and literary numbers Refresh
ments were a feature Thoro were 30 or
40 in attendance and every particular
Pinnosolo Mrs Kay P Vnliuo
Recitation Mrs W W Archibald
Vocal solo II C OInpp
Solocted rending M rs J F Forbes
Violin solo Miss Hazel Hnro
Recitation M re F W Bos worth
Piano gold Miss Rccsio Hoswortli
Paixir Living Together Mrs Goorgo WilloHs
Vocalsolo HC Clapp
Recitation Mrs A P Thomson
Licenses issued and marriages per
formed since our last report
Frances L Barnes and Ethel Fay
Jacobs both of McCook
Stephens Hines and Emma E Tlogue
both of Cambridge married by tho
county judge on April 7th 1903
Walks Without Crutches
I was much afflicted with sciatica
writes Ed C Nud Iowaville Kansas
going about on crutches and suffering
a deal of pain I was induced to try
Ballards Snow Liniment which re
lieved mo I used three 50c bottles It
is the greatest liniment 1 over used
have recommended it to a number of
persons and all express themselves as
being benefitted by it I now walk
without crutches able to perform a
great deal of light labor on the farm
25c 50c 100 at A McMillons
Splendid Ranch For Sale
A fine ranch property of GOO acres
Over 100 acres alfalfa land Part of
samo in alfalfa 100 head of stock
Good running water and plenty of
timber Will sell on long timo and easy
terms Call on or write to 4-3-4
J J Osburn Osburn Nob
Due Notice Is Served
Duo notice is hereby served on the
public that De Witts Witch Hazel Salve
is the only salve on the market that is
mado from tho pure unadulterated
witch hazel DoWitts Witch Hazel
Salve has cured thousands of cases of
piles that would yield to no other treat
ment and this fact has brought out
many worthless counterfeits Those
persons who get the genuine DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salvo are never disap
pointed because it cures
Thunder Mountain
Reports from the Now Thunder Mountain
Gold Fields grow steadily better There will
undoubtedly be a great rush into the district
this year Last year the news concerning
the new discoveries of free milling ore had
only begun to leak out and before October
more than 20000 claims were filed
From every quarter there will be people
going to Thunder Mountain and all will
want reliable information as to the best route
and how soon the trail will be open Many
who cannot go will want to invest in a good
property there and the time to do that is now
when money is needed for mine equipment
The Thunder Mountain Gold Mining and
Milling Company has a splendid property of
120 acres across which there is a tremendous
vein of free milling ore 30 feet wide and run
ning right into Rainbow Peak Mr Charles
J Perkins General Manager of the Company
spent all last summer in the district He is
now at the Companys eastern offices in New
York where he will remain until some time
in May purchasing equipment and describing
the property to all who wish to buy shares
He also possesses full information regarding
the district and makes it a point to answer
all questions about it without charge so that
all who are interested ma v write and get this
information free and at first hand
Tho Company which Mr Perkins repre
sents made its first public offering of stock in
January and so many subscriptions have been
received that a great deal of the equipment
for the mine has been purchased and prepared
for shipment as soon as tho way is opened for
It is estimated that fully three millions of
dollars of machinery and equipment is now
on tho way to Thunder Mountain for various
companies One of the companies sold stock
a year ago at 50 cents a share and now it is
not to be bought for SS00 per share Thirty
other mines are opened and are getting into
richer ore every day
The property which this Company owns is
second to none in the district and the more
1 i 1-
Al fi fmnfpef cncmVirm r oarnsauouc is ana its otlicers the greater
j it uiv iuiihwi uuujiun i tuo UCailB UBtUIUtS TO
consumption get a bottle
own soma nf its
For information regarding it price of shares j
New York Life Bmldlaj New York City
Keport to Board of Education for the
month ending April 1st 1903 of all
grades of the McCook schools by G II
Thomas superintendent
Number of boys enrolled 3S6
Number of girls enrolled 402 788
Transferred 2
Withdrawn but not re entered G3 Go
Present membership 723
Average daily attendanceboys 320
Average daily attendancegirls 335 G55
Average number belonging 755
Per centof attendance on number
belonging 91
Per ct of attendance on enrollment S3
Not absent during month 29S
Half days absent 1995
Cases of tardiness Gl
Number of persons tardy 53
Visits by board 0
Visits by superintendent 36
Visits by others 43
Ilalf days teachers were absent 15
A Sweet Breath
Is a never failing sign of a healthy
stomach When the breath is bad the
stomach is out of oader There is no
remedy in the world equal to Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach disorders
Mrs Mary S Crick of White Plains
Kentucky writes I have been a dys
peptic for years tried all kinds of reme
dies but continued to grow worse By
the uso of Kodol I began to improve at
once and after taking a few bottles am
fully restored in weight and health and
can eat whatever I like Kodol digests
what you eat and makes the stomach
sweet L W McConnell
Makes a Clean Sweep
Theres nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly Of all the salves you ever
heard of Bucklens Arnica Salve is tbe
best It sweeps away and cures burns
sores bruises cuts boils ulcers skin
eruptions and Piles Its only 25c and
guaranteed to give satisfaction by L W
McConnell druggist
Mrs D M Waite and daughter of
Denver were guests of MrsJFKenyon
part of the week
V 2 J i M
Come and Get It To day
V1 L JyTjk
I wasft
I F Baker
Charlie Doyle
Erie Mfg Co
Howard Hallman
Maggie Henderson
Thorn Low re
II Rosenbergcr
V P Stibbins
Beauty and Strength
Are desirable You are strong and
vigorous when your blood is pure
Many nay most women fail to prop
erly digest their food and so become
pale sallow thin and weak while the
brightness freshness and beauty of the
skin and complexion depart liemedy
this unpleasant evil by eating nourish
ing food and taking a small dose of
Herbine after each meal to digest what
you have eaten 50c at A McMillens
Herbine Cures
Fever and ague A dose will usually
stop a chill a continuance always cures
Mrs William M Stroud Midlothian
Texas May 31 1S99 writes We have
used Herbine in our family for eight
years and found it to be the best
medicine we have ever used for la
grippe bilious fever and malaria 50c
at A Millens
is the unique trade mark design of the
National Biscuit Company Always printed
m red and white on each end of the package
that preserves the freshness crispness and original
oven flavor of biscuit crackers and wafers
For example try Zti Zu Ginger Snaps Graham
Crackers Butter Thin and Social
Tea Biscuit
fc W siiSwity Wbw
Advertised Letters
The following letters wero advertised
by the McCook postoflice April G 1903
H J Banker
Wm Dallman
Walter Duffy
II B Hallott 2
C II Halmer
A E Kennedy
Reista Bros
George M Snyder
May baling
When calling for these letters pleaso
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A Great Sensation
There was a big sensation in Leesville
when W J I Brown of that place who
was expected to die had his lifo saved
by Dr Kings New Discovery for Con
sumption He writes I endured in
sufFerablo agonies from asthma but
your New Discovery gave me immediate
relief and soon tbeieafter effected a com
plete cure Similar cures of consump
tion pneumonia bronchitis and grip are
numerous Its the peerless remedy for
all throat and lung troubles Price 50c
and SI Guaranteed by L W McCon
nel druggist Trial bottles free
For liver troubles and constipation
Theres nothing better in creation
Than Little Early Kisers the famous
little pills
They always effect a cure and savo
doctor bills
Little Early Eisers are different from
all other pills They do not weaken tho
system but act as a tonic to the tissues
by arousing the secretions and restoring
the liver to the full performance of its
functions naturally L W McConnell
A Thoughtful Man
M M Austin of Winchester Indiana
knew what to do in the hour of need
His wife had such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble physicians
could not help her He thought of and
tried Dr Kings New Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finally cured
25c at L W McConnells drug store
J -I