The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 10, 1903, Image 3

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ISotHIng RoJbs One of trengtH Like Spring
Catarrh Spring Fever is Spring Catarrh
-- V1 - -S--
- r -
Miss Helen Whitman 308 J Grand avenue Milwaukee Wis writes
There is nothing like Peruna for that tired feeling which gives
you no ambition for work or piay After a prolonged illness about
a year ago I felt unable to regain my health but four bottles of Pe
runa made a wonderful change and restored me to perfect health
As long as you keep your blood in good condition you are all right
and Peruna seems to fill the veins with pure healthful blood 1
thoroughly endorse it
Have you got nerves Well you ought
to have nerves But they ought to be
strong nerves good nerves Does your
hand tremble You are living too fast
Does your heart flutter at times You had
better call a halt Americans live too fast
They crowd too much into a single day
They have too little leisure- The hospitals
and insane asylums are filling up The
quiet pastoral scenes of yore are be
coming rare Its time that we quit this
sort of business
I AfiJ11 k won i
The Only Durable Wall Coating
Wall Paper is unsanitary
somines are temporary rot rub
off and scale ALABASTINE is
a pure permanent and artistic
wall coating ready for the brush
by mixing in cold water For
sale by paint dealers everywhere
Buy in packages
and beware of worthless
Grand Rapids Mich
y tmzriB s
1 1 l9EivSt 2
cvx k
Drfmm m ol
Keen the rider nerfeetlr drv Xo
f water can leak Id oq the saddle
oateatravide and long la the
tlrt Extra roteetion at shoul
der eaira Warranted wa
terproof If jcor
f dealer doetn I A
hare them write
lor catalogue to
Jt SOX Sole Bfr
East Cambridge Xaia
cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world
of U- M G make is now
accepted by shooters as
the worlds standard for
it shoots well in any gun
Your dealer sells it
The Union Motallic
Cartridgo Co
Bridgeport - - Conn
Tfiompsosrs Ey Wafor
How to Get Strong Nerves
First repair the injury already done
to your nerves The way to do this is to
do exactly as did Mattie B Curtis Sec
retary of Legion of Loyal Women Hotel
Salem Boston Mass She said in a re
cent letter I suffered for over a year
with general weakness and debility man
ifested in severe headache and backache
I took four bottles of Peruna and for two
months have been entirely free from these
Mankinds Earliest Home
The teaching of Max Muller that the
human race was cradled in Northern
India has been hitherto generally ac
cepted Muller determined the oriein
of a people by their language The
view now adopted by a number of
ethnologists is that shown by the work
of Prof Hirt who thinks that he can
fix the primitive home of the Aryans
in the territory north of the Carpath
ian mountains near the boundary line
between Austri Hungar and Russia
now occupied by Letts and Lithunians
Children Must Go Home
Pupils in Michigan must hereafter
go directly home after the close of
school The supreme court of the
state has declared that such a rule
is valid and may be enforced by tha
principal Furthermore if a principal
sees fit he may enter a store and order
the children he finds there to leave
and go home and the owner of the
store cannot get damages on the
ground that the principal has driven
away trade and injured the business
of his store
Relics of Paganini
Baron Attila Paganini the grandson
of the celebrated violinist is going to
leave to the town of Genoa all the
many mementoes of the great Pagan
ini Of these there are great numbers
They include presents from many
kings and emperors and copious val
uable autographs from distinguished
men of aPganinis time also all the
works both edited and unedited of the
great violinist and several very valu
able violins and other instruments
among other one very ancient one on
which Paganini used to practice
Let us cherish a sober mind and
take for granted that in our best per
formances there are latent many er
rors Avhich in their own time will
come to light Gladstone
When a young man wants to get rid
of his best girl he should take her
skating and let her slide
A Farmers Good Story
Velpen Ind April 6th Wm OB
Sullivan a highly respected farmer of
this place tells a personal experience
to show that there is still some genu
ineness and honest worth to be met
with In this age In which so many
frauds are reported
Yes I have been humbugged suld
Mr Sullivan and when I was so 111
with the Rheumatism Kidney and
Heart Trouble I used a good deal of
stuff that claimed to be remedies for
these diseases only to find them worth
But as you know I did find the
genuine remedy after all and I had not
been taking Dodds Kidney Pills very
long before I knew that they were an
honest remedy that would do all and
more than was claimed for them They
cured me made a well man of me and
I am now as sound as I ever was
I can testify that Dodds Kidney
Pills are a genuine remedy for Rheu
matism and Kidney Trouble
We often do more good by our sym
pathy than by our labors Dean Far
Nervous Prostration
Thousands of cases might be quoted in
which Peruna ha3 been used to rescue
people from the perdition of deranged
nerves and put them on the good solid
foundation of health The County Audi
tor of Erie County New York Hon John
W Neff in a recent letter written at
Buffalo New York stated I was per
suaded by a friend to try a bottle of your
great nerve tonic Peruna and the results
were so gratifying that I am more than
pleased to recommend it
A Spring Tonic
Almost everybody needs a tonic in the
spring Something to brace the nerves
invigorate the brain and cleanse the blood
That Peruna will do this is beyond all
question Everyone who has tried it has
had the same experience as Mrs D W
Timberlake of Lynchburg Va who in a
recent letter made use of the following
words I always take a dose of Peruna
after business hours as it is a great thing
for the nerves There is no better spring
tonic and I have used about all of them
Catarrh in Spring
The spring is the best time to treat ca
tarrh Nature renews herself every spring
The system is rejuvenated by spring
weather This renders medicines more
effective A short course of Peruna assist
ed by the balmy air of spring will cure old
stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted
treatment for years Everybody should
have a copy of Dr Hartmans latest book
on catarrh Address the Peruna Medicine
Co Columbus Ohio
Mrs Lulu Larmer Stoughton Wis
For two years I suffered with nervous
S Mrs Lulu Larmer
trouble and stom
ach disorders until
it seemed that there
was nothing to me
but a bundle of
nerves I was very
irritable could not
sleep rest or com
pose myself and
was certainly unfit
to take care of a
household I took
nerve tonics and
pills without bene
fit When I began
taking Peruna I grew steadily better my
nerves grew stronger my rest was no long
er fitful and to day I consider myself in
perfect health and strength My recovery
was slow but sure but I persevered and
was rewarded by perfect health Mrs
Lulu Larmer
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of Peruna write
at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow
Then use Defiance Starch it will fceep
them white 10 oz for 0 cents
Never was a sincere thought utterly
lost Never a magnanimity fell to the
ground but there is some heart to
greet and accept it unexpectedly
Booker Doesnt Know Music
Pedro Tinsley once a porte of a
Northwestern parlor car has resigned
his position as vocal director of mu
sic at Tuskegee institute and will go
back to railroad work He gives as a
reason that Booker Washington has
little conception of music and he
brings forward evidence He wanted
me to make the boys and girls there
sing loud I had a class of 400 voices
and when they sang plantation mel
odies it was something fierce the way
they would roll them out No Mr
Washington knows nothing about mu
We sleep but the loom of life never
stops and the pattern which was
weaving when the sun went down is
weaving when it comes up tomorrow
W H Beecher
In lifes handicap the man who sees
the ghost walk would like to see it
handicapped with a little extra weight
Although some people are continu
ally changing their minds they seem
unable to get a decent one
We never know a great character
unless there is in ourselves something
congenial to it Channing
One may not sing and yet have mu
sic in his soul The most of the songs
of life are unsung
White it in your heart that every
day is the best day of the year Em
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City
CATTTB Thero was a very light run
of cattle and as all the packers bad to
have a few cattle the market ruled active
and strong from start to finish There
were comparatively few beef steer in
the yards and buyers started out early
and bid strong prices for the desirable
Krades Tn a good many instances sales
were made that looked 5JJ10c higher than
the same kinds brought yesterday The
light and handy weight cuttle there were
in good condition showed the most im
provement The cow market was also
active and stronger and the better grades
could be quoted 5JM0 higher The trood
handy weight heifers and also handy
weight cows that were good and fat were
picked up in a hurry All kinds of cows
and heifers though with the exception
of canners sold to better advantage than
they did yesterday Bulls veal calves
and stags all sold at fully as good prices
as were paid yesterday There were very
few stockers and feeders In the yards
and as the end of the week is at hand
the demand was moderate Anything
strictly choice would probably have sold
readily at steady prices but the common
and fair to good kinds were rather neg
lected and if anything sold a shade
HOGS There was not a heavy run of
hogs but as other markets were quoted
lower prices here also took a tumble The
market was slow in opening and the ilrst
sales were generally rl10 lower than yes
terdays average As the morning ad
vanced the market seemed to weaken
and by the time half of the hogs had
changed hands buyers were bidding gen
erally a dime lower The light weight
hogs sold mostly from 710 to 713 Med
ium weights from 720 to 723 and good
heavy hogs from 723 to 705
SHEEP Choice western lambs 725
730 fair to good iambs 57Coft 723 choice
Colorado lambs 723a7CO choice light
weight yearlings G40ff675 choice heavy
yearlings 373J23 fair to good year
lings 575CO0 choice wethers 000
040 fair to good 325GOO choice ewes
325 375 fair to good ewes 425523
feeder lambs 475J523 feeder yearlings
425475 feeder wethers 400f463 feed
er ewes 300JTj30 clipped stock sells
about 50c lower than wooled stock
CATTLE Corn cattle steady to 10c
higher quarantine stuff strong cows
and heifers steady stockers and feeders
steady to lower choice export and
dressed beef steers 4iiMio20 fair to
good uGOfi450 stockers and feeders -2470
western fed steers 300d3O
Texas and Indian steers C73430 Texas
cows 2COS45 native cows 2O0ft4 OO
native heifers 315170 canners J150
245 bulls 235390 calves 250 gC75
HOGS Weak to c lower top 742
bulk of sales 727740 heavy 7u2l
742 mixed packers 725ti740 light
700727 yorkers 723727 pigs 510
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steady
native lambs 3001000 western lambs
575900 fed ewes 4530000 native
wethers 475GD0 Texas clipped sheep
4SO505 stockers and feeders 250fi4S0
hohjGG Ain20ok2071ohh ogcGxvhObe3Ge7oq
Towns Along the Elkhorn Road Get
Mail Facilities
WASHINGTON The general super
intendent cf the railway mail service
Friday advised Senator Millards sec
retary that in response to a petition
filed by the senator before leaving
Washington from citizens of Neligh
Antelope county urging that addi
tional mail service be forwarded to
that office by the Chicago North
western railroad freight train No 2
and also that dispatch therefrom be
arranged by train No 28 the matter
has been looked into and it has been
found possible not only to arrange for
the additional exchange desired by the
postoffice at Neligh but also to fur
nish a like supply for the postoffice at
Oakdale ONeill Atkinson and Stuart
all of which are on the same line of
The secretary of agriculture will
leave Washington April 16 for a tour
of the southern states He goes first
to Starksville Mass where he is to
address the students of the agricul
tural college of Mississippi He will
visit Clarksville Tenn and Macon
Go and thence go to Louisiana and
Texas Upon his return he will ar
range a tour of the northern and
middle western states to visit experi
mental stations of the department
Sons Take Fathers Place
CHICAGO At a meeting of the
board of directors of Swift Com
pany resolutions were adopted ex
pressing the sense of loss in the re
cent death of C F Swift the presi
dent and founder of the company F
C Swift of Boston was elected chair
man of the board L F Swift of Chi
cago president of the company and
E P Swift of Chicago vice president
Threatened to Lynch Trainmen
CHICAGO 111 Walter Kruger aged
8 years was killed and his 10-year-old
sister Ella who was leading him was
fatally injured by a rapidly moving
Wentworth avenue car Friday night
Patriotism Against Canal
COLON Alexandria Orellac one of
the ministerial congressmen for the
isthmus is opposing the Panama can
al treaty on the ground that it is bet
ter to suffer poverty than indignity
He says Colombia should do its ut
most to facilitate the opening of the
canal but patriotim rejects the sale
of a single foot and scorns to allow a
foreign government to exercise its ju
risdiction over territory received as
a free legacy
Boaaa Kidney Pills have leaped Into PoUc favor fescaaso the people caa writs direct
to tiie makers ad secure a trial free Thus has beea bullied the j catast lams
and largest sale known to any Kidney mediciae in the world
Cdhtice O I had such severe pain In my
back that I conld not walk I used the cam
ple of Doana Kidney Pills with anch good re
sults I sent to Toledo for another box and
they cured me Saiuii E Cottkell Cur
lice O
Falmouth Va I Buffered over twelve
months with pain in tho sraall of my bank
Medicines and plasters jrave only temporary
relief Doans Kidney Tills cured inc F S
JSuowif Falmouth Va
West IIatex Cosx Eight months ago I
took a Bcvero pain in my hack Tho Bumple
boz of Doans Kidney lllls helped mo eo
much I purchased two boxes am on my scc
ond box My heart does not bother mo as it
used to and lfcel well Saicaii K Bhadlet
No 377 Elm Street West Ilavcn Conn
f Houston Trx I took the sample of
Doans Kidney Pills with such great benefit
1 bought a box at our druggists Used over
half and stopped because tny urine which
before had only come dribbling now became
so free I bad medicine enough I had lutn
bago and the pills rid me of it I should have
written sooner but you know bow soon a well
person foigets about being hick Mr C If
Hoenckb Wo 2319 MoKcnny Ave Houston
Aching backa arc eased Hip back and
loin pnins overcome Swelling of tho
limbs and dropsy signs vanish
They correct urine- with brick dust sedl
raent high colo 1 pain in passing drib
bling frequency bed wetting Doana
Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel
Relieve heart palpitation fdccplesanena
headache nervousness dizziness
Fostx Vildcrm Co Buffalo It X
ltetun Hand mo by mail without charge
j trial box Doana Kidney rills
j Name
Iost onico
j tCat out coupon on doited llni nj mail to
j ytialIbaraOohfl4lotK Y
i Medical Advlco Free Strictly CoaildaatuV
soriasis Scalled Head Milk M
Teller Ringworm etc
peediiy Permanently and Economically Cured
when All Else Fails by
The agonizing itching and burning of the skin as in
eczema the frightful scaling as in psoriasis the loss of
hair and crusting of the scalp as in scalled head the
facial disfigurements as in pimples and ringworm the
awful suffering of infants and anxiety of worn out parents
as in milk crust tetter and salt rheum all demand a
remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope
ivith them That Cuticura Soap Ointment and Resolvent
are such stands proven beyond all doubt No statement is
made regarding them that is not justified by the strongest
evidence The purity and sweetness the power to afford
immediate relief the certainty of speedy and permanent
cure the absolute safety and great economy have made
them the standard skin cures blood purifiers and humour
remedies of the civilized world
lie En
and ai Muii Treaifflem
Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap to cleanse
the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thit kened cuticle Dry
without hard rubbing and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay itching
irritation and inflammation and soothe and heal and lastly take Cuti
cura Resolvent to cool and cleanse the blood This complete treatment
affords instant relief permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of
eczema and other itching- burning and scaly humours of the skin scalp
and blood and points to a speedy permanent and economical cure when
all other remedies and the best physicians fail As evidence of the
wonderful curative properties of Cuticura Remedies and of their world
wide sale we quote from
Tie Hod Ir Justice Fianemores Letter
I desire to give my voluntary testimony to the beneficial effects of
your Cuticura Remedies I have suffered for some time from an excess
of uric acid in the blood and since the middle of last year from a severe
attack of Eczema chiefly on the scalp face ears and neck and on one
limb I was for several months under professional treatment but the
remedies prescribed were of no avail and f was gradually becoming worse
my face was dreadfully disfigured and I lost nearly all my hair At last
my wife prevailed upon me to try the Cuticura Remedies and I gave them
a thorough trial with the most satisfactory results The disease soon began
to dissappear and my hair commenced to grow again A fresh growth of
hair is covering my head and my limb although not yet quite cured is
gradually improving My wife thinks so highly of your remedies that she
has been purchasing them in order to make presents to other persons
suffering from similar complaints and as President of the Bible Womens
Society has told the Bible women to report if any case should come under
her notice when a poor person is so afflicted so that your remedies may
Judge of the Xatal Supreme Ccurt
Pietermaritzburg Natal Oct zg 1901
CUTICURA REMEDIES are sold throughout the civilized vnrld TRICES CnticuraRcsolv
ent 50c per bottle in the form of Chocolate Coated Till 2Tc per vial of CO Cuticura
Ointment 30c per boxind Cuticnra Soap 25c per tablet Send forthegreat work Humours
of the Blood Skin and Scalp and How toCureThera C4 pages COO Diseases trith Illustrations
Testimonials and Directions in all languages Including Japanese and Chinese British Depot
27 23 Charterhouse Sq London EC FrenchDepotMJuedeljtlaix Parte Australian Depot
prietors Boston U S A
It is a mean man who will throw up
a New Years resolution to another at
this late day
epn PERTH0TJSAITDcopyInRhortletter3encloa
vow stamp for InHtniftlonscopyof letter etc Add
EAGLE WHOLESALE CO Dept 3 Chicago lit
va wjwisa r
hup a ctHTwty fnHEgMit pl
autTButmeanmaartiBi m
a Bbl
Tarztit irowtn of fleed Potatoe In A merlrn
Th furnl i YrLrfilrraKiir
lrWIconln a yield or 743 bu per a Prfccj J
r Irt cheap Mammoth seed book an J pample of
eoiatenpitz uacaroal DeatSDUpcr
a iiani uiover etc upon recip or luo pelage
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