The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 03, 1903, Image 8
HP1 a m H vavwivNatMiji4Jwiji wnffaywiwwuiMiifitiMminiriwi TtaT ifO xgmZmcxuiU Dry V -V I CITIZENS BANK B rassCrSsjr r3 - MM OF McCOOK NEB h Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 f 9 vvw b a DIRECTORS V FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD i MVMVIAMVAVVAKVMVVVVVIVVMAAAAVVWV NATIONAL- MAAMVtfWVWWtf BANK - - Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 odi GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director Si mngnmJ vavavn yw ywi Goods i -- -ii-- rT lVi Jl i - m 1 1 The Sale of the Season 1 3S8 m We will close out our entire stock of Robbed the Grave A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows I was in an awful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue coatedpain continually in back and side no appetite growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters to my great joy the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man I know they robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only 50c guaranteed at L W McConnells drug store INDIANOLA John Brown was in town Tuesday Ed Smith is painting for Dick Hatcher Will Green is home from Brush on a visit The school here is enjoying a weeks vacation Mrs Sherman moved into the Barrett house this week F D Hardesty has purchased Dr Hoyts drug store iv and CULBERTSON Miss Clara Gaarder of Beverly visited at homo over Sunday Asa Lehman is confined to his home with the grip this week MrsWMVastine and daughter Verna drove to McCook Saturday Miss Adelia Yastrow is assisting M M Bree in the store this week Phoebe Harry of Palisade visited friends here Friday and Saturday Miss Mabel Conway closed a seven months term of school at Hope Friday Lawrence Fellows came down from Deadwood S D for a months visit at home Mr and Mrs Ed Ellege of Beverly were trading with our merchants last Friday E E Locker of Haigler was visiting friends at this point last Sunday and Monday Miss Verna Vastine came down from Palisade Friday night remaining until Monday George Wagner of Loveland came down Monday night to prepare for the beet crop Nannie Cole closed a successful term of school in the Brahm district last Thursday Mr and Mrs George Wacker of Ithaca are here visiting their parents Conrad Wacker Jr and family Elmer Reynolds returned home from Fremont Tuesday morning where he has been attending school Two wagon loads of young people at tended the spelling bee at the Reimer school house Tuesday night P G Brotzman returned from Lin coln Sunday night where he has been looking up insurance interest the past two weeks H C Benedict was down from Tren ton Wednesday He is enjoying a weeks vacation and went up to Denver on a brief visit from here Mrs R Knowles and son Ralph de parted for Chickasha I T Monday night where they will spend the sum mer with Bob and Charlie The D of H enjoyed an oyster supper Friday night and a general good time Misses Maggie Trimpy and Freida Mette and John Trimph were initiated S E Solomon R Knowles W Z Taylor J W Wray Thoma9 Turney G V Hunter J W Cole and C G Crews attended court at Trenton first of the week Mr and Mrs James Ferrier and Mr and Mrs J S Ferrier came down from Wallace Saturday Jim had a neat little cottage prepared for his wife and they begun housekeeping at once SSPCSX1 Millinery At once to retire from business Goods sold at and below cost WV1Mh7v HHilHIIH McCook A f O Wf MAN ricCook J Nebraska 4 Y JL v Y 1 1l XjL 1 i Nebraska Clarence McCord and wife were Bart ley visitors Monday Ned Eaton who has been sick is able to be at the store again Miss Hayes of Danbury is visiting Sylvia Dow this week Jake Kern went up to McCook on business Monday evening Miss Barr is spending her vacation with an aunt in Cambridge William Gotschall and son of Danbury were Indianola visitors Tuesday Mrs J J Lamborn left for her home in Wilcox on 12 Wednesday morning Richard Lakin and family now occupy the house they recently purchased of John Shumaker Mr Dott and family moved from town to the Cartwright farm near Lebanon first of the week Mrs Riley Hadley is visiting her par ents in Iowa Lesta is keeping house for Riley during her absence Will Dolan and family returned home Sunday morning after a weeks visit with relative in Cripple Creek Miss Lesta Hadley returned home first of last week from California She expects to spend some time here Mr and Mrs Luke Ilayden and two children of McCook spent last Sunday and Monday with her parents Mr and Mrs W H Allen Last Saturday evening George Crab tree died at the home of his brother Henry after an illness of only a few days The funeral was held from the the M E church Monday afternoon at 2 oclock Rev Owens officiating The deceased was 65 years of age and leaves seven children none of whom were able to by present at the funeral For a clear skin clear all the way through transparent enought to let sunshine rosy cheeks show through take Eocky Mountain Tea This month spring time 33c L W McConnell Notice of Estray Came to my pasture west of the city about January 25th 1903 one black steer rather wild Has cropped ears Owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges R M Osuorx A customer of ours who had been sufiering from a severe cough for sis months bought two bottles of Chamber lains Cough Remedy from us and was entirely cured by one and a half bottles of it It gives perfect satisfaction with our trade Haynes Parkor Co Line villeAla For sale by L W McConnell tors SS The Keystone of Good Health is pure food is all coffee no glazing of eggs or glue to conceal de fects and cheapen its quality Fresh and uniform rich in flavor because always in sealed packages never in bulk Save the Loved Ones Mrs Mary Vilet Newcastle Colorado writes I believe Ballards Horehound Syrup is superior to any other cough medicine and will do all that is claimed for it and it is so pleasant to take My little girl wants to take it when she has no need for it Ballards Horehound Syrup is the great cure for all pulmon ary ailments 23c 50c and S100 at A McMillens The Tribunk is only 8100 a year 1 have had occasion to it vmmJ Black Draught Stock and Poultry cine and am oleaied to sav that I nv used anything for stock that gave half as good satisfaction I heartily rccom mend it to all owners of stock J B BELSHER St Louis Mo Sick stock or poultry should not eat cheap stock food any more than sick persons should expect to be cared by food When your stock and poultry are sick give them med icine Dont stuff them with worth less stock foods Unload the bowels ancl stir up the torpid liver and the animal will be cured if it ha tun ble to cure it Black Draught Stock ana Poultry Medicine unloads the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver It cures every malady of stock if taken in time Secure a 25 cent can or ruacK uraught stock and Poultry vv w vv inpuj ixjl iLseii ten i timesover Horses work better Cows give more milk Hog3 gain flesh And hens lay more eggs It solves the piuuicm jl luaiiixig as mucn Diooa flesh and energy as possible out of j me aujanei amount or rood con sumed uuy a can rrom your dealer All Calls For The wttji IBms Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN 3 Will make all trains and an Toke Laxative Bromo Q Seven Million bozes sold in past 12 months swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska ncagragcagpragrsingnragrjjjr j E J MITCIIEIili w flP 323 m Hi IP COLEMAN M H Colo marketed two loads of fat hogs Tuesday R E Devine is sowing fifty acres to wheat on the Jannett farm Robert Moore is sowing fifty acres to wheat on the II K Bixler farm Bert Wales is sowing fifty acres to wheat on the Phillip Blatt farm W M Sharp was working cream sep arator business up in Frontier county i ist week Miss Lizzie Wilson who has worked some time in McCook is now with the homefolks on the farm A letter from northern Iowa says Snow is fifteen inches deep and still snowing Whew Ugh II B Wales drove to McCook Wed nesday afternoon and while in town one of his horses took sick and ho had to stay there over night By next morning it had so far recovered as to stand the drive out home LEBANON II E Waugh was a McCook visitor Wednesday School in the Hamburg district closed Friday March 27 Hampton Horton returned from his trip east last Saturday A brother of Miss Cora Vincent visited her a few days this week Dr R B Campbell visited Wilson ville last Saturday between trains School in the Tyrone district closed Wednesday April 1 with a dinner and a program in the afternoon Mr and Mrs J E Boyd and Clarence Blair left for Stonberry Missouri on Thursday where J E and Clarence ex pect to enter school the former to take the shorthand and the latter the com mercial course Best physic Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Easy to take pleas ant in effect For sale by L W Mc Connell druggist i yjyyyyjyyyyyjiJyyigngrjyiOtjjyjipjgi gcujunpoyrV V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W wTT i AUCTIONEER Phones Office 17 residenco 95 Freo Phonographic concert Yx hour before salo opens Write or Phone for Terms and Date Dr Herbert J Pratt DENTIST Successor to Over McConnells Dr J B Flckes Drug store Phone 160 McCOOK NEBRASKA L PREVOST DENTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College Office in Court House Mccook Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thoroush Bred Stock sales One per cent on sales 1000 and upward Correspondence solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEE McCook Nebraska TAgent of Lincoln Land Co Officc First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Phone 181 DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Office over McMillens drug store Residence MaJ5 Residence phono 53 Office phone 18 Calls answered nicht or day DR W V GAGE flcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p q Building 0 vt f I t -- Wirf JM T rf 2 EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Shave HairCnt Sham - nnS3re uiaBner liive t a tan ana trlaj Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 NEBRASKA Cures Ctrl in Two Days jWnine Tablets V on every This signature Ovl box 25c j r A 9 t V J