M fit ffltftrofe Tw Rv F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A -Lodge No 012 meets first nnd thinl Thursdays of ouch month McCounolls hall 830 p in E B HuiiER President W S Guyer Socrotnry ROYAL HIGHLANDERS lodge No Ii07 meets on second nnd fourth Mon day evenings of eucb mouth nt eight oclock in McConnoll hall It W Devok Illustrious Pro tector J C Mitchell Secrotary ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo camp No 802 moots second and fourtli Thursday after noons nt230 oclock in McConnolls hall Mrs Thau SiiErnERD Oraclo Mrs Augusta Anton Eocordor It is to bo regretted that Governor Mickey refused to sign II R 323 for the reliof of Russell F Loomis While there seems to bo constitutional obstacles right nhd justice seems to bo wholly on Loomis side The constitution has stood greater strains under less meritor ious circumstances CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Locghran Pastor Methodists Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Ep worth League at 7 p m mid week prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p m L H Shumate Pastor Congregational Sunday school 10 Sacramental sermon ordinances of bap tism reception of members sacrament of the Lords supper 11 Y P S C E 7 Sermon The Mistake a Governor Made 8 Wednesday social prayer meeting 8 All seats free The public is invited Frank W Dean Pastor PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES The librarian requires to complete volumes of the Atlantic Monthly the fol lowing numbers 1897 August Septem ber October December 1898 January May October November 1899 Febru ary August September October 1900 January February March May June September October November Decem ber 1092 January June July It has been suggested that the library is tho proper repository for historical data of local interest and that in addi tion to its other functions it shall be made the agency for the collection and classification not only of whatever exists in written and printed form concerning the events of the past but that it shall also become the means by which the as yet unwritten experiences of the first settlers may be put into less perishable form For newspaper clippings scrap books may be provided documents and manuscripts may be bound while those who have not reduced their adventures to writing may be seen and interviewed and their stories may so bo preserved and made available To the generation that has lived this life as to the generations that are to succeed the facts that may thus be gathered will be of vital import ance and concern As many of the pioneers are still here it should bo a matter of no great diffi culty to secure much that will be of per manent value and interest Now when the work may be so easily and so well accomplished is the time for the under taking It is desirable to make it as complete and as comprehensive as possi ble It need not indeed it should not be confined to the vicinity of McCook or Redwillow county but it should em brace every portion of this western country southwestern Nebraska north western Kansas eastern Colorado the settlement of which was made simul taneously or successively and under sim ilar conditions and circumstances Contributions of every sort to this cause will be gratefully received and scrupulously cared for Anyone to whom suggestions occur is requested to com municate with tho librarian Makes a Clean Sweep Theres nothing like doing a thing thoroughly Of all the salves you ever heard of Jtsucklens Arnica Salve is tbe best It sweeps away and cures burns sores bruises cuts boils ulcers skin eruptions and Piles Its only 25c and guaranteed to give satisfaction by L W McConnell druggist A Thoughtful Man M M Austin of Winchester Indiana knew what to do in the hour of need His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble physicians could not help her He thought of and tried Dr Kings New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured 25c at L W McConnells drug store Indigestion Causes CatarrH of tHe Stomach For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the Juices of natural digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach fCodol Dyspepsia Cur relieves all Inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a senso of fullness after eating indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol Digests What You Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottles only RepUar sfco 1 00 boldlne 25 times the trial size which sells for 50 cents Vnpvvi by E O DeWITT CO Chicago IIL Fifty Years the Standard Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair Highest tests US Govt Chemists Lincoln Letter Lincoln Neb March 30 1903 Special Correspondence The now revenue bill has at last passed both houses and at this writing it seems certain to receive the governors signa ture and become a law before tho end of tho week It is drawn not to take effect until next year which will give time for tho officials to became familiar with its provisions It will in some respects bring about a revolution in county elec tions as it provides for a new official in each county in the person of tho county assessor who is to work in conjunction with the county commissioners in the appointment of deputy assessors and in iho supervision o f the work The county assessors will in turn work under tho supervision of the secretary of the state board who is expected to keep in touch with the work in all the counties One good effect of the revenue agi tation is noticed in the reports of the meetings of precinct assessors now being held over tho state The usual practice has been for these officials to meet and under the old full valuation law agree to assess property at from one fifth to one twelfth of its cash value The re ports this year indicate a general tendency to an increase in the valuation of personal property Should there also be an increase in tho efforts to collect the new revenue bill will have done a good work for the state funds before it really goes into effect as a law Now that the legislature is about to adjourn it is not out of place to mention the general character of the member ship It is apparent that last year the people of the state were aroused to the necessity of electing representatives of good habits and good character and who would not trade off their work in tho session for jobs and other perqui sites The result is that a better lot of men never came to the state house There is no boozing and rowdyism such as has sometimes marked past sessions Not one half of the members even smoke and there is no suspicion of hold ups or hold up bills The old style lobby ists with their free whiskey and free lunch and dance tickets have met with a cold reception The republican party has reasons to be proud of the men it has sent to Lincoln and of the con scientious work they have performed The house in a fit of generosity pushed the appropriation bill through calling for expenditures amounting to a total of nearly 8000000 as compared with the S2800000 appropriated by the last legis lature A great many members voted for these large amounts with the full knowledge that the senate would not not agree to such lavish expenditures The upper house and the governor are now joining together in the pruning process and it is believed that the bills will be cut down to reasonable limits It was expected that the adjournment would take place at the end of this week but the unexpected delay of the revenue bill in the senate and work now in sight in trimming the appropriation bills made it impossible to get through so soon ana the date nxed for next Tuesday by tho conference committees is theearhest practical date Interested lobbyists attempted to force an early adjournment in order that the prodigal appropriations and claims be rushed throught but were easily frustrated The interesting features this week will be the appropriation bills the elevator bill the militia and the normal schools Of course the liveliest skirmishes will be made by those who object to the plan of the senate to cut down the appropri ations and the interested lobbyists are expected to work overtime Tuesday is the date set for adjourn ment but there is a probability that the clock will stop and that the session will go right on until about Thursday noon COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry have been issued as follows since last weeks report Harry Orenduff and Eva L Carson both of the state of Oregon Francis M Crawmer and Etta Herron both of Frontier county Married by the county judge March 27th Harry Hewitt and Marguerite Humph rey both of McCook Claude M Spaulding and Laura May Gherring both of Boxelder Married by the county judge on March 28th A disordered stomach may cause no end of trouble When the stomach fails to perform its functions the bowels be come deranged the liver and kidneys congested causing numerous diseases the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more to be dreaded The important thing is to restore the stomach and liver to a healthy condition and for this purpose no better preparation can be used than Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets For sale by L W McConnell druggist i ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Oshea Kunkol was in Arapahoe over Sunday HL Folsom of the paint force re signed Monday Fireman JCWohlford has resigned from the service A E Allen is a new wiper in tho roundhouse this week Mrs Joseph Kubick and two children are visiting in Red Cloud Wm Morrell of tho pilo driver was in Lincoln Sunday and Monday It is rumored that the Rock Island has purchased tho Santa Fe system C J Cox boilermaker helper is visit ing relatives in Rod Cloud this week W M Waters of tho roundhouso force is visiting in Wray Colorado this week A daughter was born Wednesday af ternoon to Brakeman and Mrs G W Beard Machinist A Ferritt resigned Wed nesday and left on No 14 same night for St Joe Firemen Hale and Kelsey went west Sunday on 1 after jobs having resigned from the service here Engineer L P Neilson was called to Hastings Thursday on account of the serious illness of his wife Jacob Schlagel returned to work Tues day after a two weeks lay off on ac count of the illness of his wife Conductor and Mrs H C Kiser re turned to Oxford on 14 Wednesday from a short visit at headquarters Conductor Sherman is relieving Con ductor McGregor while the Kesterson ncident is being officially considered Mrs John Stevens and Miss Nellie Rooney of Hastings were guests of James Roonev Wednesday on their homo from visiting a sister in Denver Among the recent employes are Brakemen G E McBride L E Hill F W Jones G F Kinghorn D P Clouse R E Benjamin E K Parish George Jackson S W Cawthra Robert E Lee G C Walters G W Beard S M Pickrell The general car accountants office and force goes from Lincoln to Chicago F M Lucore becomes assistant at Chicago Seventy five clerks will go from Lincoln to Chicago Which causes us to remark that one James J Hill seems to be standing up harder for that 8 per cent than he does for Nebraska New time card will go into effect Sun day No 3 is the only train effected arriving at 1211 and departing at 1125 a m The old time is 1227 and 1140 a m respectively The new schedule gives No 3 thirty minutes more time in which to make the run into Denver it being very difficult to make it on time Mrs J W Line was summoned to Vermont Tuesday morning by the death of her sister Mrs Lizzie Batch ellor who was one of McCooks early settlers We hear it stated that Mrs Lines father is also very ill with the same disease consumption Mr Line accompanied his wife as far east as Chicago Nothing Like Experience One truth learned by actual experi ence does more good than ten experiences one hears about Tell a man that Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus and he will most likely forget it before the end of the day Let him have a severe attack of that disease feel that he is about to die use this remedy and learnfromhis own experience how quickly it gives reliefand he will remember it all his life For sale by L W McConnell For liver troubles and constipation Theres nothing better in creation Than Little Early Risers the famous little pills They always effect a cure and save doctor bills Little Early Risers are different from all other pills They do not weaken the system but act as a tonic to the tissues by arousing the secretions and restoring the liver to the full performance of its functions naturally L W McConnell Good For Children The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives imme diate relief in all cases of coughs croup and lagrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble It draws out the inflammation heals and sooths and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues L W McConnell For discs harrows and riding plows see your Uncle George yazacrmTi f Tired Out I was very poorly and could hardly get about the house I was tired out all the time Then I tried Ayers Sarsaparilla and it only took two bottles to make me feel perfectly well Mrs N S Swin ney Princeton Mo Tired when you go to bed tired when you get up tired all the time Why Your blood is im pure thats the reason You are living on the border line of nerve ex haustion Take Ayers Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured 5100 a botfle All druggists Ask your doctor what ho thinks of Ayers Sirsaparilla He knows all about this grand old family medicine Follow his advice and we will be satisfied J C Ater Co Lowell Mast rt 7w W wrrSg SS Over 3500 Acres Contracted It is very gratifying to those who havo been urging tho cultivation of sugar beota upon tho farmers of Southwestern Nebraska to be able to state that at this time over 3500 acres havo been con tracted by tho farmers of this part of tho state This may bo increased slightly Culbertson stands at the head with a contracted acreage of almost 1500 McCook is next and Redwillow third in tho list Tho acreage con tracted in tho neighborhood of tho several towns is as follows Alma and Oxford 150 Cambridge 100 Bartloy 50 Indianola 70 Redwillow 407 McCook and Perry 825 Culbertson 14G3 Trenton 75 Stratton 100 Max 75 Haigler and Laird 260 This acreage for 1903 with fair suc cess seems to promise a sugar oeot factory in Southwestern Nebraska some where in 1904 In December 1900 I had a severe cold and was so hoarse that I could not speak above a whispersays Allen Davis of Freestone N Y I tried several remedies but got no relief until I used Chamberlains Cough Remedy one bottle of which cured me I will always speak a good word for that medicine For sale by L W McConnell druggist HERES A BABY Its Mother is Well The baby is healthy because during the period of gestation its mother used the popular and purely vegetable liniment Mothers Friend Mother Friend is a soothing softening relaxing liniment a muscle maker invig orator and freshener It puts new power into the back and hips of a coming mother It is applied externally only there is no dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs no inward treatment at all The state of the mother during gestation may influence the disposition and future of the child that is one reason why moth ers should watch their condition and avoid pain Her health that of the child and their lives depend on keeping free from pain -worry and melancholy Be of good cheer strong of heart and peaceful mind Mother Friend can and will make you so Bearing down pains morn ing sickness sore breast and insomnia are all relieved by this wonderful remedy Of druggists at ioo per bottle Send for our book flotherhood free fHE BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA II P SUTTON MCCOOK N JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA A Handy Washing Machine To be Used in Tub or Boiler A Terror to wash blankets spreads fine lace and linen goods and all wearing apparel clean and easily No wear or tear to clothing Price only 100 K J H LUDWICK At his Furniture Tinware Store APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 3 1003 Notice is hereby given that William Lewis Las filed in tho city clerks office his bond and petition for a licenso to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building at No 103 Main avenue in the First ward of the city of McCook from Mav 1 1903 to April 30 1904 William Lewis Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 3 1903 Notice is hereby Riven that M U Cljdo has filed in the city clerks office his bond and peti tion for a license to seU malt spirituous and vinous liquors in tho building on lot 9 block 21 in tho Second ward Original city of McCook from May 1 1903 to April 30 1904 M U Clyde Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April C 1903 Notice is hereby Riven that Harry Barbazett has filed in the city clerks office Ins bond and petition for a license to sell malt spirituous and vinons liquors in the buildintr at No 113 Main avenue in the First ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1903 to April 30 1904 Harry Babbazett Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 3 1903 Notice is hereby Riven that Patrick Walsh has filed in the city clerks oflico his bond and petition for a licenso to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the buildinp at No 224 Main avenue in the Second ward of tho city of McCook from May 1 1903 to April 30 1904 Patrick AVvlsh Applicant Mt1 naMBat bm iMCBBiaMiaaB I tm imaanMmmmuBaB3aameBBZBam a H FT Phone 16 TU misvzg3zsz5zzwexxaBa McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn S 37 Wheat 53 Oats 35 Rye 33 Hogs G4 Eggs 30 Butter 15 F D Burgess Plumber and Steam Filter McCOOK HEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building DONT BE rOOLEDl Take the genuine erlgtait ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never soli 3n bulk Accept no substi mcoRoTiDiee2 tute ask your aruggut BL eal - l W iImi tb i i SCHOOL LAND AUCTION The following described land in Red Willow county will be offered for lease at public auction at county treasurers office in McCook Nebras ka on Thursday April 23rd 1903 at 11 oclock a m Terms of leasinp and appraised value may be had on application to Commissionerof Pnblic Lands and Building at Lincoln Ne braska or to the County Treasurer at McCook This land ma be redeemed if delinquencies and costs are paid before said land is leased at auc tion North half and west half southeast quarter of 16-2-27 containing 400 acres Northeast quarter 36-4-23 containinc 1G0 acre Wet half 16-4-30 containing 320 acre George D Follmer Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings In NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT tho county court of Red Willow county Nebraska In estate of John Reel deceased To the creditors heirs legatees and others interested in the estate of John Reel deceased Take notice that John Reel has filed in tho county court a report of Ids doings as adminis trator of John Reel deceased and it is ordered that tho same stand for hearing the 6th day of April A D 1903 before the court at the hour of 10 oclock a m at which time any persons in terested may appear and except to or contest the same And notice of thi3 proceeding is ordered given to Tun McCook Triuctxe a news paper printed in said county for three succes sive weeks Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at McCook this 17th day oflMarch 1903 S L Green County Judge mi JLJLIU V i 11 bi iif Trading- Stamps where you receive Two stamps for every TEN CENT cash purchase Get Your Dry Goods At Honest Johns where the best values in the newest Summer Dress Goods Trimmings etc are always found at the lowest competitive prices Get Your Carpets And Rugs where quality styles and the very best val ues for the money are para mount Our new Spring Patterns in this line have just arrived and we can please you Give us a trial Get Your Groceries Where clean fresh stock is always found We will sell you as long as they last those Early Ohio Potatoes for 60c a Bu Place your order early as stock is limited I J J J rannis McCOOK NEBRASKA Your Tongue Want your moustaclie or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Then use J If its coated your stomach is bad your liver is out of order Ayers Pills will clean your tongue cure your dys pepsia make your liver right Easy to take easy to operate 25c All druggists DuumnianHm a urn whiskers 50 CT3 of Ohugchts on R p Hcli Co Nashua N H Did You Do It Take a Day Off and Think What Is Doing Every assertion made by its manufact urers is beinjj proven true by true testimonials of the thous ands of users of this great germ destroyer all over this land If it is doing good for them it will do for you good Give it a trial and be convinced Read What Others Say Coleridge Neb TW 19 ior I have been using Liquid Koal since last June a year ago and have not had a eick hog since I am sure it is all right and think that if a man will use it as directed he will never have sick hogs I will not be without it Yours John Hintz Lanse1 Neb- Dec 13 1902 National Medicine Company Dear sirs Will just say that your Liquid Koal is a good thing and I will not do with out it It is good all aronnd remedy Even one ought to use it if hc ha3 only one or tw hogs It is a good germ destroyer I rec ommend it highly Yours Stanley Mastin - IandolPh Keb Dec 12 1S02 lour Liquid Koal is insf i re hogs At least I have fonnd it so I have been using it for most a year and it has not gone i back on me yet My hogs are all right and I am going to keep them so with Liquid Koal and dont you forget it E E Banbt For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook X k w ni f fl r3f s r f J y 71 i y -