The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 03, 1903, Image 3

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is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy I am as Well as Ever
-- JjiajySJUW gg3
Hon Dan A Grosvenor Deputy Auditor for the War Department in a letter
written from Washington D C says
Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived
from one bottle of Peruna One week has brought wonderful changes
and I am now as well as ever Besides being one of the very best
spring tonics it is an excellent catarrh remedy
In a recent letter he says
consider Peruna really more meritorious than I did when I wrote
you last I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the
country asking me if my certificate is genuine I invariably answer
yes Dan A Grosvenor
A County Commissioners Letter
Hon John Williams County Commis
sioner of 517 Vjst Second street Duluth
Minn says the following in regard to
As a remedy for catarrh I can cheer
fully recommend Peruna I know what
it is to suffer from that terrible disease
and I feel that it is my duty to speak a
good word for the tonic that brought me
immediate relief Peruna cured me of a
bad case of catarrh and I know it will
cure any other sufferer from that dis
ease John Williams
A Congressmans Letter
Hon H W Ogden Congressman from
Louisiana in a letter written at Washing
ton D C says the following of Peruna
the national catarrh remedy
In your town Small capital required and
blgreturns on t be Investment assuredWo
make all kinds of Laundry Machinery
Write as Paradox Machinery Co 181 E Division St Chicago
Jtmore room V less ice White
Spruce Enamel or Opal Glass
linings Ask your dealer for them
or write for catalogue and prices
PJTPQ permanently cureu No fits or nervousness after
I E O first days uso or Dr Klines J reat Nerve Restor
er Bend for FKKK SSOO trial bottle and treatise
Sb R II Kline Ltd SSI Arch Street Fniladelvhia x-
E 250
9 a Bbl
Lament erowernofSeedPotntoenln America
TheMtiiral Now Yorker gives Salters Ear
1 V VUcoiiln a yield of 748 bn Der n Prices
dirt cheap Mammoth need bonk and mmple of
icomitrptr jinenroiii n neat e ou per
a iiant viovcr cic upoa receipt 01 xuo postige i
21 B quick relief and cures worst
cases Bookof tertlmonlals and 10 DAYS treatment
Delicately formed and gently reared women will find
In all the seasons of their lives as maidens wives or moth
ers that the one simple wholesome remedy which acts
gently and pleasantly and naturally and which may be
used with truly beneficial effects under any conditions
when the system needs a laxative is Syrup of Figs It
is well known to be a simple combination of the laxative
and carminative principles of plants with pleasant aro
matic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system when its gentle
cleansing is desired
Many of the ills from which women suffer are of a tran
sient nature and do not come from any organic trouble
and It Is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to
the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs but when anything
more than a laxative is needed it is best to consult the
family physician and to avoid the old time cathartics and
loudly advertised nostrums of the present day When
one needs only to remove the strain the torpor the con
gestion or similar ills which attend upon a constipated
condition of the system use the true and gentle remedy
Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the depression
the aches and pains colds and headaches which are due
to Inactivity of the bowels
Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs can hope
to get its beneficial effects and as a guarantee of the ex
cellence of the remedy the full name of the company
California Fig Syrup Co is printed on the front of every
package and without it any preparation offered as Syrup
Wi 1 Iga lO UdUUUlCJll ctllU SUUUiU UC UCUIIUCU 1U UlUbe jMSffeirV
who know the quality of this excellent laxative the v -
offer of any substitute when Syrup of Figs is called
for is always resented by a transfer of patronage to
some first class drug establishment where they do
not recommend nor sell false brands nor imitation
remedies The genuine article may be bought of all
rehaole druggists everywhere at 50 cents per bottle gr
-minim Ik ff
4 jxi i jflJTii jTjru
mm a m
I have been
troubled all my
life with catarrh
in my head I
took Peruna for
about three
months and now
think I am per
manently cured
I believe that for
catarrh m all its
forms Peruna is
the medicine of
the age It cures
when all other
remedies fail I
can conscientiously recommend
your Peruna as a fine tonic and all
around good medicine to those who
are In need of a catarrh remedy It
has been commended to mc by people
who have used It as a remedy par
ticularly effective In the cure of ca-
tarrh For those who need a goodl
catarrh medicine 1 know of nothing
better H W Ogden
VY E Griffith Concan Texas writes
I suffered with chronic catarrh for many
years I took Peruna and it completely
cured me I think Peruna is the best
medicine in the world for catarrh My
general health is much improved by its
use as I am much stronger than I have
been for years W E Griffith
A Congressmans Letter
Congressman H Bowen Ruskin Taze
well county Va writes
can cheerfully recommend your
valuable remedy Peruna to any one
who Is suffering with catarrh and who
is In need of a permanent and effective
cure fi Bowen
Mr Fred D Scott Laure Ohio Right
Guard of Hiram Foot Ball Team writes
As a specific for lung trouble I place Pe
runa at the head I have used it myself
for colds and catarrh of the bowels and it is
a splendid remedy It restores vitality
increases bodily strength and makes a sick
person well in a short time I give Peruna
my hearty indorsement Fred D Scott
Gen Ira C Abbott 906 M street N W
Washington D C writes
I am fully convinced that your remedy
is an excellent tonic Many of my friends
have used it with the most beneficial results
for coughs colds and catarrhal trouble
Ira C Abbott
Mrs Elmer Fleming orator of Reservoir
Council No 168 Northwestern Legion of
Honor of Minneapolis Minn writes from
2535 Polk street NE
can heartily recommend
catarrh remedy Mrs
Hr Kt
Mrs Elmer Fleming i
Minneapolis Minn
Peruna as a
Elmer Fleming
Treat Catarrh In Spring
The spring is the time to treat catarrh
Cold wet winter weather often retards a
cure of catarrh If a course of Peruna is
taken during the early spring months the
cure will be prompt and permanent There
can be no failures if Peruna is taken intel
ligently during the favorable weather of
As a systemic catarrh remedy Peruna
eradicates catarrh from the system wher
ever it may be located It cures catarrh
of the stomach or bowels with the same
certainty as catarrh of the head
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna write
at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
Since we are set here so fast in the
midst of duty that we cannot escape if
we would we must find a way even
if we cannot find beauty in duty to
bring beauty out of it Henry Wilder
A Boys Remarkable Curiosity
Mavar Artlipp the G-year-old son
of Seymour Artlipp a canal boat cap
tain surprised the surgeons at Belle
vue hospital New York City last week
by watching them amputate his right
leg below the knee He refused to
take an anesthetic because he said
It cant hurt worse than it does now
and I want to see you when you cut
it off
Jv ZZxr
ItSkSfc - s
5 ilsl
- fcliLLL Ay i
bb SAV Yi J r
fvPT puAt
Latest Quotations from South Oman
and Kansas City
CATTLE There was only a handful of
cattle in the yards and ns a result the
market showed considerable Improve
ment Trading was quite brisk from
start to finish and everything was sold
at an early hour except of course the
la to arrivals
There was Quite a few beef steers In
cluded in the offerings and buyers took
hold freely and the markpt could safely
bu quoted about a dime higher than yes
terday Aa compared with a week ago
prices are about lOfflSc lower The bulk
of the cattle sold right close to 23c
lower than the close of last week and
the bulk of the cattle received here since
Monday have also sold very nearly lQ
25c lower than last week The cow mar
ket was quite active and fully steady
so far as the better grades are concerned
There has been considerable unevenness
to the trade for the last several days
but as compared with a week ago there
is not much change except on the can
ners and enters There were only a few
stockers and feeders on hand and as is
generally the case on a Friday the mar
ket was rather slow and buyers shaded
prices a little There was quite a de
mand from the country something over
thiry five cars being shipped so that
speculators will not bo obliged to carry
over Sunday any great number
HOGS There was a light run of hogs
and some of the loss of the last three
days was recovered The market opened
rather slow as packers did not want to
advance prices but sellers held on and
he most of he early sales were right
around a nickel higher than yesterdays
average though some sales were perhaps
not over 2c higher Later it became
evident that there were hardly enough
hogs on sale to fill packers orders and as
a result the close was more active and
stronger The bulk of the hogs with any
weight to them sold from 725 to 750
and prime heavy weights sold from 730
to 740 The light loads sold from 723
SHEEP Choice western lambs 600
690 choice Colorado lambs 7Krg750
choice lightweight yearlings 60O65O
choice heavy yearlings 57fS600 fair to
good yearlings 5505575 choice wethers
a00625 fair to good 525C00 choice
ewes 525SC75 fair to good ewes J50
525 feeder lambs 475JiC25 feeder
yearlings 425475 feeder wethers 400
8455 feeder ewes 300350
Cattle Market steady to strong native
steers 350523 Texas and Indian
steers 250435 Texas cows 200375
native cows and heifers 150S445
stockers and feeders 320400 bulls
20OSG90 calves 35O70O western cows
2007390 western steers 29011500
HOGS Market strong to 5c higher
bulk of sales 713730 heavy 717fD
724 packers 710i733 medium 720fB
7 40 light 700722 porkers 715
7 22S pigs 600700
SHEEP Market strong muttons 3SOf5
650 lambs 375fi765 range wethers
4S0tG2O ewes 475590
Must Be Careful How It Deals With
WASHINGTON Secretary Hay has
sent a warning to Cuba that the
slightest amendment of the Cuban rec
iprocity treaty by the Cuban congress
even that which proposes to make
its ratification conditional on the
treaty going into effect during the cur
rent calendar year certainly would
defeat the convention itself since any
amendment must be submitted to the
United States senate and before that
can be done the date fixed for the
final exchange of ratifications March
33 will have been passed
Mr Squire the United States minis
ter at Havana has transmitted this
note to the Cuban foreign minister
and he is hopeful that it will be suf
ficient to curb the desire to amend
the treaty
It is fully realized here that foreign
influences in Havana which would be
affected injuriously by the treaty are
working upon Cuban pride to defeat
the ratification by attaching amend
ments to the treaty This was fully
expected and is regared as within the
legitimate dutes of diplomatic repre
sentatives in such cases but it is be
lieved that the effort will prove un
Disapproves Compulsory Incorporation
of Unions
ALBANY N Y The sixteenth an
nua report of the state board of medi
tation and arbitration made public by
Labor Commissioner McMackin disap
proves of compulsory incorporation of
labor unions but advocates compul
sory arbitration as a condition of the
granting of public service franchises
With respect to disputes in indus
tries not thus affected by a public use
the board believes the most satisfac
tory remedy thus far devised to be the
trade agreement between associations
of employers and employes
King Edward accompanied by Queen
Alexandra will make a visit to Scot
land in May
Denies the Report of Trouble
DENVER Colo John C Osborne
chairman of the board o directors of
the Colorado Fuel and Iron company
who arrived in Denevr Friday denied
the published reports that trouble has
broken out afresh among the stock
holders of the company and that work
has been stopped on the extension of
the steel works at Pueblo Some men
employed on construction work have
been laid off because their services
were not needed
Attention Is called to the advertise
ment of the Lincoln Importing Horse
company They have a large number
of Imported black Percherons Eng
lish Shires and German Coach stal
lions which they are offering a special
Inducement to buyers in the way of a
discount of 20 per cent This com
pany has been in business in Lincoln
for sixteen years with the largest
and most convenient barns In the Uni
ted States one barn costing over 10
000 They own their own plant and
their guarantees and statements aro
well fortified both financially and
morally This is a rare chance to buy
a first class stallion at a low price
Visit their barns or write thera at
The world loves an optimist Even
a poker player likes to hoar his oppo
nent say Thats good
5100 REWARD 100
The readers of this paper will be plensed to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease tliat
science has been able to cure in all its staves and
that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical fraternity
Catarrh beinc a constitutional dUrae requires a
constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is
taken internally acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the sMem thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease and giving the
patient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative powers
that they oder One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure Send for list of Testimonials
Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio
Sold by druggists 75c
Halls Family Pills are the best
No one can add to the general fund
of enjoyment by simply decrying the
efforts of his fellow men
I do not believe PIsos Cure for Consumption
cas an equal for couebs and colds John B
Uoxek Trinity Springs IncL Feb 16 1S0Q
All chemical affinity is traced to ag
gregations of electrons or atoms
with odd or unbalanced electrons
either positive or negative
Insist on Getting It
Borne grocers say they dont keep De
fiance Starch because they have a stock in
hand of 12 cz brands which they know
cannot be sold to a customer who has once
UBod the 16 oz pkgr Defiance Starch for
same money
A great lie is like a great fish on
dry land it may fret and fling and
make a frightful bother but it cannot
hurt you You have only to keep still
and It will die of itself Crabbe
The botanical papers report that De
Vries the great Dutch experimental
evolutionist has by long continued se
lection produced a variety of clover
which has normally four leaves
Insurance Mans Fast Ride
James H Hyde of New York first
vice president of a life assurance so
ciety is credited with having broken
all Southern railroad records the other
day when he traveled on a special
Jtrain between Jacksonville and Savan
nah 172 miles in 152 minutes with
a stretch of seven mils in four min
utes It cost him 1000 to do it
An Equivocal Acknowledgment
One of the many congressional
friends of William H Crane the actor
sent him a box of cigars In a few
days he received this somewhat equiv
ocal acknowledgment My Dear Sen
ator Your cigars received We open
ed the week to bad business so I took
to smoking the cigars to console my
self Now I am turning them away
Major Bridges
Here is a story told of King Edward
of Great Britain One time the king
in a crowd was deferentially saluted
by an elderly gentleman whose face
seemed familiar With his customary
airbanity his majesty said I believe
il have met you before but for the
jmoment your name escapes me The
little old gentleman made an
bow Made your breeches
sire he replied in confusion Ah
of course said the king how dye
do Major Bridges
Suffer From Coffee Drinking
Coffee does not set up disease with
all people using it on the other hand
it absolutely does create disease in
thousands and thousands of cases
perfectly well authenticated and
traceable directly to coffee and noth
ing else
This statement may hurt the feel- i
ings of some coffee drinkers but the
facts are exactly -what they are
Make inquiry of some of your cof
fee drinking friends and you may be
certain of one thing one half of
them yes more than half suffer from
some sort of incipient or chronic dis
ease If you want to prove its the
coffee or would prefer to prove it is
not the coffee in these cases take
coffee away from those persons for
from ten days to a month dont
change the food in any other way but
give them Postum Food Coffee and
the proof of whether coffee has been
the trouble or not will be placed be
fore you in unmistakable terms
A young lady in the St Marys
Academy Winnipeg Can says
One of our teachers suffered a long
while from indigestion She was a
coffee arinKer ane Decame worse i
steadily and finally was reduced to i
a point where the stomach did not
retain any food then electricity was
tried but without avail She of
course grew weak very fast and the
doctor said the case was practically j
About that time I was attracted to
a statement in one of the papers re- j
garding the poisonous effect of f
fee and the value of Postum Food
Coffee The statement was not ex
travagant but couched in terms that I
won my confidence and aroused me j
to the belief that it was true I per
suaded our teacher to leave off the
morning cup of coffee altogether and
use Postum Food Coffee 1
A change took place She began
te get better She has now regained
her strength and is able to eat almost
every kind of food and has taken her
position as teacner again Name
given by Postum Co Battle Creek
r5Lac 2T
ji attrtcUng mora attention tnto any othor district
hi iho world
Tho Onuiary of tb World Tha land of Bun
hioe Tko Natural 7eedlag around for Stock
Arifttindor crop to 1BQ8 ltH730 aires
Yield 1808 1X7913754 basbtl
Abaadinco of WaUrt Vet
rieailful Building MaUrla
Cheap Good Irui for puturd
tad buy fartll tollt iifl
dent rainfall anil climate giving
an aaaured and aduiiuato
season of growth
ttie only chargo for which Is tlO for making entry
Close to Cbnrches Schools etc Hallway up all
lettlod districts Send for Atlas and other lltealiiro
to Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada
ortoWVHrnnettROt How York IlroilldUmaha
Neb tho authorised Canadian lornmiiicnt Aent
who will supply you with cerlllcato bIvIuk you re
duced railway rates etc
G A Kusselmin a reliablo farmer of
Crestline Ohio says My NEW
TIFFIN Wagon runs liko a buggy
But he might have added lhat in material
construction and finish this now famous
wagon is not excelled by any other Farm
Wagon in the world Insist on your dealer
handling it If he will not do so wrilo to
and they will tell you where you can get one
Vi L Douaaa makes and uelta
mora mens Goodyear Welt Hand
Sawed Process sheeathan any other
manufacturer In tho world
25000 EEWAED
wlU be paid to anyone who
can disprove this statement
Because W L Douglas
isthelargost manufacturer
ho can buy cheaper mid
product his Hhues at a
lower cost than other con
cerns which cnablcB him
to sell shoes for S350 and
8300 ennui in every
way to those- sold else-
wiiore lor 4 ana 500
The Boualaa secret pro
Bm V5hi ifeiV -
cess of tanning- the bottom eolea produces abso
lutely porta leather mora llezlblo and will
longer than any other tannage In the world
The sales have moro than doubled the past fbui
years which provoa its superiority Why not
clvo w Zj Douglas sboen a trial and save money
Notice Iucrenae 1909 Hales j 8320BHHlSil
laniislnnst life Hales 18S01I1000
A gain of 83 82045070 In Vonr Yeari
Worth SBOO Compared with Other Makes
The bett Imported and American leathers Heyla
Patent Calf Enamel Box Calf Calf Vlcl Kid Corona
Colt and National Kangaroo Fast Color Eyelets
flailtlnn Tno Renulne have W I DOUGILA3
wall Hull name and prico stamped on bottom
Mian lv mml 25c extra Jltut Catalogfree
XV r iiouolah imoeiixov mass
A reputatiorvextorvding over
YYixty sixjye2xr3 ond our
ourrTeerareiDExcK or
Gvery orment bearing the
i nere ore man imi unions
PN7vTOWERon the buttons
PlacK Psrchcrons
German Coachera
20 Per Cent OH for
iho Next Thirty Days
A Ravliigof S200toS300oneaoh HtnJHon
These arecold bloodod facts Wepay
buyers railroad fare to Lincoln nnd return
Come und see tw at once and get a winner
Barns and Oiiice 33d and Holdrege Streets
Long Dis Tel 675 A L SULLIVAN Mg
What Luck
LIBBY LUNCHEONS made ready In a
few moments The Wafer Sliced Smoked
Beef Pork and Beans Veal Loaf Potted
Chicken and lots of good thinfrs to eat
Are U S Government Inspected
Keep in the house for emergencies for
suppers lor sandwiches any tlma
when jnu want tomcthinsr stood and want
it quick You Himply turn a key and
the can Is open An appetizing lunch li
ready in as instant
Libby McNeill Llbby
Chicago Ill US A
Write for our free booklet How to Make
Good Thlnjrs to Eat
A Imslnef openlnjr County Accnt for Family Med
icines Extracts Spices Stocic Kood and Anlr al
Remedies rermanent growing business Team an A
W8pon only iavestment required Wo furnish tho
goods you sell them Ourpruntlsnsmall part of tho
retail price Tou cot the reat For full particulars
addrees I OLIVER CO
63 Botes St Dotroit Mich
inn PEETHOTJSAincopylnchortIettcrneacIoe
wu stamp for Instructions copyof letter etc Add
W N U Omaha
NO 144903
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
Tai cures wiitht All ftac fails j
urSI Best Cowth Sirup Tastes Good Use HI
tH la tlma Sold by druggists jjj