The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 03, 1903, Image 2

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The Special Train on Vhich the Presi
dent Will Swirj Around the Circle
Offer of Bonds to the Treasury De-
- partment
WASHINGTON The Cuban reci
procity treaty was finally ratified at
the State department Wednesday by
Secretary Hay and Senor yuesada
There was little formality about the
exchange One copy of the treaty ser
ved and this was delivered to the Cu
ban minister In addition Secretary
Hay and the Cuban minister signed a
protocol reciting the act of the ex
change The copy of the treaty signed
Wednesday will be sent to Cuba and
when the other copy bearing Presi
dent Palmas signature is received
here it will be placed on file in the
state department The next step in
order will be the proclamation of the
treaty but this cannot be done until
thoMiouse of representatives acts
on it
The special train on which the pres
ident will leave here Wednesday tor
his western trip will be furnished by
the Pennsylvania railroad and will be
one specially decorated and equipped
for the trip
It will consist of six cars manned
by a picked crew with Conductor Wil
liam H Johnson who has been with
the president on many trips in charge
Spencer Murry will bo in charge ot
the presidents car which will be the
private car Elysian It has a parlor
and observation compartment three
state sleeping rooms a dining room
two sleeper sections a kitchen and
sleeping section for servants The
other cars of the train will be the
Texas a compartment sleeper Sene
gal a section sleeper St James a
diner Atlantic a combination buffet
and baggage car and a regular bag
gage car The trip will continue from
April 1 until June 5 nine weeks and
three days During that time the pres
ident will travel about 14000 miles
John Burroughs the poet naturalist
of New York arrived here Wednes
day He will accompany President
Roosevelt until he arrives at St Louis
making the tour of the Yellowstone
Park with him From St Louis Mr
Burroughs will return to New York
President Nicholas Murry Butler ot
Columbus university will join the pai
ty at St Louis and will be the presi
dents guest until he arrives in Cali
fornia When that state is reached
the president will be joined by Benja
min Wheeler president of the Univer
sity of California who will accompany
himt through the state
Up to the hour of closing the de
partment Wednesday the secretary ot
the treasury had received offers of 8
and 4 per cent bonds in exchange for
2 per cent consols amounting to 5
A number of prominent people who
have been identified with the Red
Cross organization have united in
making representations to John W j
Foster concerning that organization
They express the opinion that the
financial arrangements of the organi
zation need reorganization in order
to merit the confidence of the pub
lic They also indorse the efforts
now being made by some of the prom
inent members of the Red Cross in
Washington to thoroughly reorganize
that organization and to provide for a
careful and business like administra
tion of its finances Among the sig
natures are Bishop Henry C Potter
Spencer Trask Robert C Ogden and
Gustave H Schwab
Minister Thinks Colombian Congress
Will Meet May 10
ran charge d affaires said Wednes
day that he believes the Colombian
congress will meet not later than May
10 It is assumed at the legation that
complete returns from the late elec
tion have not yet been made Some
of the districts are reached from Bo
gota only in a most roundabout way
which it is said would account for
delays in determining the results of
the elections
The regular session of the Colom
bian congress meets on July 20 next
General Pedro Nel Ospina who ac
cording to a press dispatch from
Colon has been elected senator from
he state of Antioquia was reared and
educated in the United States He is
a resident of Antioquia
Soldiers Guard Chamber
PORT AU PRINCE The opinion is
generally expressed here at this time
that the rifle shots fired in the Cham
ber of Deputies on Tuesday were ar
ranged by certain ministers to secure
the dissolution of the chambers prin
cipal the senate The trouble is sup
posed to be an outcome of the Oppo
sition to the financial projects of Pres
ident Nord which are not approved
by the ministers of war and of the in
- lr
Funeral Services for the Late Chicago
CHICAGO Public services attend
ing the burial of Gustavus F Swift
were conducted Tuesday at St James
church Assisted by Rev Dr W H
Holmes and Rev Glendenning former
pastors of Mr Swift Rev Camden M
Coburn conducted the services
A short prayer at the home of the
deceased attended only by relatives
and close friends of the family pre
ceded the church services The lat
ter was attended by hundreds of em
ployes of the dead packer the plant
at the stock yards and the city offices
of the firm being closed
ST JOSEPH Mo There was toll
ing of bells and complete suspension
of all business in St Joseph while G
F Swift was laid to rest in Chicago
Tuesday afternoon
Havana Citizens Are Overjoyed at Rec
HAVANA Instructions were cabled
to Minister Quesada at Washington
Monday to sign the amended reciproc
ity treaty in behalf of President Pal
The utmost satisfaction is expressed
at the completion of the treaty and the
opinion is general that the United
States congress will not fail to ap
prove it Those here who recently
declared Cuba had no use for deferred
reciprocity are now pleased at the
outlook and the time is regarded as
opportune for closing a prominent
treaty covering political relations
here This it is expected will be soon
Santa Fe Wishes Interchangeable
Tickets Including Meals
CHICAGO Summer tourist rates to
California were proposed to lines in
the western territory Friday by the
Santa Fe with the announcement that
the Santa Fe is prepared to take in
dependent action and put on a rate of
one fare for the round trip from June
1 to August 31
The plan is for the lines to issue a
combination ticket which shall include
transportation to and from San Diego
sleeping car fare meals en route ho
tel expenses on side trips and two
weeks board at Coronado beach Un
der this plan a two weeks stay at
San Diego or at the beach across
the bay from that city and one day
at the Grand Canyon would cost a
Chicagoan 138 including everything
and if he went in a tourist sleepr
Will Be Bedfast for a Couple of Weeks
with Dystentery
WASHINGTON D C In reply to
the inquiry of the secretary of war
stating that the press had alleged that
Governor Taft hay dysentery a cable
gram was received from Governor
Tafl Friday containing information
that he has been under treatment for
a few weeks recovering from an at
tack of dysentery Examination last
Saturday indicated that the treatment
had been successful Later examina
tion indicated that he needed rest
and by the advice of his physician
he will remain in bed for a couple of
weeks to secure it His strength and
appetite are reported good
Major Edward C Carter of the med
ical department of the army recently
attending physician at Washington
believes that at the end of this pe
riod Governor Taft can go to Ben
guet where there are much more fa
vorable climatic conditions
Inspect Militia Organizations
Root has decided to detail regular
army officers to inspect the militia or
ganizations of all the states and ter
ritories as a preliminary step to the
issue of Krag Jorgensen muskets in
exchange for the Springfield muskei
with which they are now armed He
has telegraphed the adjutants of all
the states and territories asking
them to name the dates for inspection
Changes in Red Cross Methods
George B Davis judge advocate gen
eral of the army has been designated
to represent the army at a conference
to meet at Geneva Switzerland Sep
tember 14 1903 for the purpose of
considering important changes in the
Red Cross convention of August 22
18G4 relating to the treatment of sick
and wounded and non combatants dur
ing times of war The United States
navy and the Red Cross society also
have been asked to send delegates
Crazy Man Kills Officer
bell a deputy sheriff of McDonough
county was stabbed to death by an
insane man on a Burlington train
near Chapinell on Wednesday Camp
bell had charge of the man whom he
was bringing to the Central Insane
hospital After stabbing Campbell the
insane man secured Campbells re
volver and thus armed he defied the
whole car until lie was finally over
Salvation Workers Gaily Bedecked
March Aross the Stage What the
General Had to Report Regarding
His Visit to America
LONDON London accorded General
Booth of the Salvation Army a great
welcome home at the Albert hall Mon
day night The immense auditorium
was packed from floor to roof There
was not a vacant seat in the building
vhich seats 9500 persons and in spite
of the rainy night hundreds were turn
ed away The audience included Sir
Edward Clarke Sir George Newnes
Lady Pender Lady Murray seven met
ropolitan mayors the Right Hon H H
Asquith and a number of other mem
bers of parliament while two boxes
were filled with members of the stock
exchange Ambassador Choate and
others sent messages of regret
The organizer of the demonstration
with an eye to effect decked hun
dreds of the officers of the Salvation
Army with broad scarfs shawls and
headdresses of brilliant colors thus
forming great blocks of color against
the background of more soberly clad
spectators Four hundred uniformed
musicians drawn from the Salvation
Army bands in London were massed
around the massive organ at the end
of the hall
General Booths appearance on the
platform was the signal for a remark
able demonstration The audience
rose as one man fluttering handker
chiefs and programs and cheering for
several minutes while the bands and
the organ added a harmonious note to
the thunderous welcome
The white headed veteran accompa
nied by Mrs Booth and the interna
tional headquarters staff stood bow
ing until the uproar ceased A spec
tacular feature of the meeting follow
ed in the review of the various depart
ments of the Salvation Army who
marched in and across the stage sa
luting the general as they passed
each department bearing a distinctive
banner and wearing distinctive cos
In this review were included the edi
torial and printing house staff the
foreign converts Soudanese Japan
ese Chinese all in their native cos
tumes cadets field officers slum
workers men women and children
from the slums before and after their
rescue soldiers sailors colonists who
are training for foreign settlement
and many others
Fellow workers said the general
in part I can report well of the army
both in the United States and Canada
The Salvation Army has made great
and real progress in America since
my last visit and I see striking prom
ise of the creation on that continent
of one of the most powertul sections
of the army
The general spoke touchingly on
the reception accorded to him through
America and the reference he made
to the kindliness of his reception by
President Roosevelt and the distinc
tion shown him as the representative
of the Salvation Army by the United
States congress evoked repeated ap
I like the American he went on
and I believe he likes me He is
willing to risk something to gain his
end and does not let prejudice or tra
dition stand in his way
Postal Relations With Cuba
nent postal treaty between the United
States and Cuba is now in course of
negotiation and probably will he in
operation within a few weeks The
treaty is substantially the same as the
one now in force between tiis coun
try and Canada This puts the rela
tions of the United States and the
Cuban governments on a domestic
postal system basis
Elections in Germany
BERLIN An imperial decree issued
Sunday fixes election for the reichstag
for June 16
Revolution in San Domingo
NEW YORK The representative
of the republic of San Domingo in this
city Friday received from General Ca
ceres governor of Santiago de Los
Cabelleros the following cablegram
Revolution limited to capital South
and east of the island are with the
government President Vasquez with
forces is due in capital now The
northern part of the island is also
with the government
Battle Follows Raid on Stores
ment between Turkish troops and in
surgents at lstib Macedonia in which
eighteen insurgents are said to have
been killed is believed to have been
the outcome of an intended attack on
the Turkish military depots there The
Turks had fifteen killed and wounded
It is believed the insurgents formed
formed a part of the original Bulgar
ian band commanded by the revolu
tionary leader Saraloff
Secretary Shaw Makes an Important
WASHINGTON The secretary ot
the treasury Thursday published a
circular announcing on and after April
1 1903 he will receive for refunding
under authority of section 11 of the
act of March 14 1900 to an amount
not exceeding 100000000 any of the
bonds of the 3 per cent loar of 1908
1918 and the 4 per cent funded loan
of 1907 They may be surrendered
at prices yielding to the investor an
income of 2 per cent per annum
and the new bonds will be issued in
exchange at a premium of 2 pcr cent
Accrued interest on both old and new
bonds will be calculated to date ot
There are now outstanding about
97000000 3 per cent bonds and 233
000000 fours of 1907 which are af
fected by the circular issued Thursday
There are also outstanding about
44ti000000 of the 2 per cent consols
of 1930 issued under the act of March
14 1900 These 2 per cent bonds were
issued in 1900 at par under provisions
of the refunding act If the new
bonds were to be issued now at par
there would be a profit to the owners
of the bonds taking the present mar-
ket valuation as a basis of about 4
per cent for the 3 per cent bonds sur
rendered and about 5 per cent for
the fours of 1908
The secretary desires to obtain an
equitable share of this profit for the
government which is the reason for
charging a premium of 2 per cent un
der the new bonds to be issued
The circular will contain full partic
ulars for the guidance of those who
desire to avail themselves of the priv
ilege of refunding and will be sent
to each owner of registered bonds ot
the two loans in question
The 5 per cent bonds of 1904 will
not he received for refund under this
circular but will be reserved for re
demption They mature February 1
1904 The secretary stated in expla
nation of his action that he desired
to put out a larger amcunt of 2 per
cents which would be available to in-
crease circulation in case of a strin
NEW YORK The offer of Secre
tary Shaw seemed to come as a sur
prise to bond brokers some of whom
professed to be unable to understand
its scope or purport It was generally
looked upon as an emergency or relict
measure inasmuch as the offer will
release from 5000000 to 8000000
the amount depending entirely upon
the proportion of 3s or 4s turned in
One broker thought the proposition
was designed to induce banks to in
crease their circulation Nobody
could trace any connection between
the offer and the coming Panama can
al payment
Soldiers of the Civil War
Heyward of South Carolina has writ
ten to the secretary of war to express
his approval of the purpose of the war
department to publish a complete list
of officers and men who served in the
union and confederate armies during
the civil war
I feel sure writes Governor Hey
ward that this action on the part of
the general government will meer
with favor throughout the entire
south and that those who served in
confederate armies and their descend
ants will appreciate this opportunity
of having their names handed down in
history I shall be glad to give to
your department whatever co-operation
lies in my power
Exchange of Ratifications
somewhat out of the regular order
the expectation is that informal ex
changes of ratification of the Cuban
treaty will be made Monday or Tues
day by telegraph so as to meet the
requirements that ratification shall be
had by March 31 when the limit ot
time expires Formal ratification by
the usual method will be nad later
Minister Squires has notified Secre
tary Hay of the action of the Cuban
senate in ratifying the treaty Satur
President Rejects Escort
CHEYENNE Wyo Senator War
ren wired the committee at Laramie
that President Roosevelt desired to
make his horseback ride over Sher
man mountain practically alone
Senator Warren Otto Cramm of
Laramie and perhaps two others will
accompany him but he wants no body
guard either of troops or cowboys
Too Much Cholera There
JERUSALEM Cholera has
peared at Damascus
The German crown prince Freder
ick William and his brother Prince
Eitel have abandoned their proposed
visit to the Holy Land
Will Entertain Admiral Schley
SAN FRANCISCO Admiral Schley
has finally consented to accept several
informal dinners and luncheons in this
city Vallejo and Mare Island will be
visited by the admiral and party
Roosevelt Refuses Canadian Bid
dless has received a dispatch from
President Roosevelt declining an invi
tation to visit Victoria on his western
How Herbert Spencer Dictates
When Herbert Spencer began the
composition of First Principles in
1860 he adopted the practice of dic
tating to an amanuensis He was
spending the summer by the shore of
a Scottish loch His habit was to dic
tate for a quarter of an hour then
row for an equal period with the ob
ject of stimulating the circulation of
the blood as to carry him through an
other fifteen minutes dictation and
so on through the forenoon Neither
then nor afterward has he worked
in the afternoon Ten years later at
times when his health fell to a low
ebb he would go to a racquet court
in the north of London play with the
man in charge and dictate in the in
tervals of the game
The Oldest Lawmaker
The oldest lawmaker in the world
is beyend doubt David Wark of Fred
ericton N B who Is in his 100th year
He will leave for Ottawa next month
to take his seat in the senate of Can
ada where he has served continuously
since 1867 Mr Wark was 21 years
old when he left Ireland for New
Brunswick He has been a lawmaker
for sixty three years first for his prov
ince and then for the federated domin
The Champion Milch Cow
Utica N Y has recently won dis
tinction through a Holstein Friesian
cow Sadie by name whichor perhaps
such a cow as Sadie ought to be re
ferred to as who is a resident of
that place Sadie has broken the
worlds thirty day record for milk giv
ing and butter producing In the thir
ty days during which Sadie was put to
the test she produced a fraction over
2754 pounds of milk from which was
extracted 123 pounds 8 ounces of
butter In other words the milk that
Sadie gave during the thirty days
contest would have been sufficient to
drown her had it been tanked and
she thrown in while her months sup
ply of butter if packed in the ordinary
bricks would have served to make
around her a wall so high that she
could hardly have jumped over it
One reason why American work
men accomplish more in a day than
workmen abroad is because of shoes
Our shoes are lighter easier on the
feet and thus permit greater action
The fines and forfeitures imposed
upon and collected from the enlisted
men of the army were vastly increas
ed during the year subsequent to the
abolishment of the canteen
It is the good done without thought
of reward that usually gets it
Should be in every home Ask your grocer
for it Large 2 oz package only 5 cents
When a man knows his work and
will not do it pity him more than one
who is to hang tomorrow Dr George
Why It Is the Best
Is because made by an entirely different
process Defiance Starch is unlike any
other better and one third more for 10
Never a Death in the Family
A remarkable family reunion was
that of the Thurstons recently held
In the town of Rumford Me at the
home of Mr and Mrs Trueworthy
Thurston aged respectively 84 and 79
years The family consists of the
parents six sons and two daughters
with seventeen grand children and
four great grand children Thus far
not a single death has broken the cir
cle At one time the members were
widely scattered but all now reside
In or within easy distance of Rum
ford in what has come to be called
the Thurston district The young
est a plump boy weighing over ten
pounds was born there on the day
of the reunion
Irving in Inferno
The inferno scene for Sardous
Dante which will be produced by
Irving will cost about 20000 It
opens in a graveyard by moonlight
Cypress trees will move back and
the tombs will sink down The leg
end Abandon hope all ye who enter
here will shine in phosphorescent
greeting over the mouth of hell gusts
of red smoke will be puffed from this
mouth and sobs cries and curses will
be distinctly heard Bursts of fire
smoke and thunder will come from
the graves and a tomb will gape to
let a corpse peer out A sparklit
rain of fire will change into a dull
rain of blood and from that to a
ghastly green Then there will be
a view of the arctic hell probably
with real ice as well as a procession
of spirits and the final return to earth
750000 Donated to Be Divided
Among Family Cooks
The sum of 750000 will be dis
tributed between now and midsummer
among family cooks in 735 prizes rang
ing from 20000 to 500
This is done to stimulate better
cooking in the family kitchen The
contest is open to paid cooks drop
the name hired girl call them cooks
if they deserve it or to the mistress
of the household if she does the cook
ing The rules for contest are plain
and simple Each of the 735 winners
of money prizes will also receive an
engraved certificate of merit or di
ploma as a cook The diplomas bear
the big gilt seal and signature of the
most famous food company in the
world The Postum Cereal Co Ltd of
Battle Creek Mich the well known
makers of Postum Coffee and Grape
Nuts Write them and address Cook
ery Dept No 349 for full particulars
This remarkable contest among
cooks to win the money prizes and di
plomas will give thousands of families
better and more delicious meals as
well as cleaner kitchens and a general
improvement in the culinary depart
ment for the cooks must show marked
skill and betterment in service to win
Great sums of money devoted to such
enterprises 72ways result in putting
humanity iher along on the road to
civilization health comfort and hap
f TulUBb SfTBrMr A
Kidney Colds
Nothing will
lay you up
play you out
put you to bed
quicker than a
kidney cold
feel the first ef
fect of colda in
the kidneys back
ache rheumat Ic
pains urinary disor
ders retention of
the urine infrequent
and too frequent urinary discharges
tell of kidneys out of order
Doans Kidney Pills cure all Kidne7
Ills from common backache to danger
ous diabetes
A T Ritenour owner of the wood
yard at 125 East Cork street Winches
ter Va says Ever since I had la
grippe I have been a sufferer from
kidney troubles which made them
selves apparent in racking pains
through the region of the kidneys
and across the Bmall of my back The
pains were always severe and some
times so sharp and bitlng that they
compelled me to take to my bed The
kidney secretions furnished further
evidence of disorders They were off
color irregular and painful of pas
sage Added to this there was an an
noying weakness
The newspaper advertisements of
Doans Kidney Pills attracted my at
tention and I procured a box of that
remedy at Franck Baker Sons
drug store The relief I experienced
was magical The pills lifted me from
my bed of sickness placed me on my
feet and made me a well man I
can work as well as ever Doans
Kidney Pills I believe saved my life
They are a great remedy to stop kid
ney troubles resulting from colds
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mr Rite
nour will be mailed on application to
any part of the United States Ad
dress Foster MIlburn Co Buffalo N
Y For sale by all druggists price
50 cents per box
You can buy of us at whole
sale prices and save money
Our 1000 page catalogue tells
the story We will send it upon
receipt of 15 cents Your neighbors
trade with us why not you
The house that tells the truth
Every atom is composed of positive
and negative electrons or vagrant
electric charges in space Just how
such a charge exists in space or what
its mechanism is does not yet ap
Use Red Cross Ball Blue It makes clothes
clean and sweet as when now All grocers
How much lies In laughter the
cipher key wherewith we decipher the
whole man Thomas Carlyle
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Defiance Starch yon may
bo Euro he is afraid to keep it until hfa
Ftoek of 12 oz packages are sold Defiance
Starch is not only better than any other
Cold Water Starch but contains 16 oz to
the package and sells for same money as 13
oz brands
An Uutomatic Baby Nurse
A Swiss mechanic claims to hare
invented an automatic baby nurse
The aparatus is attached to a cradle
If the baby cries air waves cause
specially arranged wires to operate a
phonograph which swings a lullaby
while simultaneously clockwork is re
leased and rocks the cradle When
the crying stops the wires cease to
vibrate and the cradle stops rocking
One by one the bachelors excuses are
being destroyed
No man may expect to enjoy him
self fishing unless he has something
better than worms in his bottle
No true and permanent fame can be
founded except in labors which pro
mote the happiness of mankind
Charles Sumner
more goods per package than others
Ann Arbors Typhoid Experiment
With the object of discovering a
cure for typhoid fever a remarkable
experiment is being conducted at Ann
Arbor university Michigan Six big
tanks have been constructed with a
layer of gelatin and on these 144
square feet of fever germs are grown
at a time These living germs are
scraped off killed and bottled up Two
ounces of them would kill 70000 gui
nea pigs The object is if possible
to extract the poison from the germ
bodies feed animals with it and trv
to discover an antidote
Stops the Cough and
2 0ff the Cold
Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets Price 25c
Thomas Jeffersons Sun Dial
P S Devine of St Louis
owns a
n dll made by TQOnas JefferJon
The authenticity 0f the relic is test
ed by documents
duly sworn t t
order to tell the correct uthS
must be set by the North staiT
Mors Flexible and Lasting
t shae oat or blow nnf u
Defiance Starch you obtTfn ttV88
of musbrSmV Sl20 M0