WL J VA r M r ft R A TWENTY FIRST YEAR ill Mcmoriam Mrs A W Cassell COMMUNICATED Died at tho home of her pnronts near Ohilhowie Virginia Mrs A M Cassell after a serious illness of about eight months This sad event occurred at 120 a m on the 10th of March 1903 Her ago was 40 years 11 months and 9 days The funeral service was conducted by Rev W W Hicks assisted by Kev J P Maiden and C T Rouse Her re mains were peacefully laid to rest in St James cemetery During Mrs Cassells sickness and suffering she displayed much courage and patience She was always cheerful and hopeful Since 1875 Mrs Cassell has been a consistent member of the Missionary Baptist church She performed her church duties with care and devotion Ho winsomo ways caused her to be highly esteemed and lovo by all who know her both in Virginia and in the western states whore she lived during tho last fifteen years of her life Mr Adam Mitchell Cassell and Senah J Thompson were united in tho holy bonds of matrimony on December 21st 187G Sho leaves a loving mother a devoted husband and three affectionate children Willie Leo and Mary to mourn this irreparable loss And now in the dark hour while their hearts are bowod down in sorrow and bereavement they have the most pro found sympathy of all who know them Thoy loved her jes they loved her But Jesus loved her more And he sweetly called hor To yonder shining shore Tho golden sntcs were opened A gentle voico said come And with farowolls unspoken Sho calmly entered homo CARD OF THANKS We take this method of publicly ex tending our sincerest thanks to all who so kindly aided us during the sickness and after the death of ourbeloved wife mother and daughter We pray that A M Cassell and children J L Gollehon and children Death of an Aged Citizen A Cole the West Dennison street merchant tailor who has been ill for several weeks passed away on Sunday evening March 29th at about eight o clock His daughter Mrs Finch of York attended him throughout his final illness The deceased was one of McCooks pioneer businessmen having f years carried on the business many of chant tailor in our city Services were held in the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at two o clock by Rev L H Shumate after which the remains were buried in River view cemetery Rufus Adam Cole was born in Brock ville Ontario Canada January 19th 1827 He came to York state in 1841 Afterwards returning to Canada for a G D Smith of Indianola Nebraska claims that he has designed a plow that will do better work than a disc or mold board plow and that it can cut a slice eighteen or twenty inches wide and up to ten inches deep with two horse power He thinks that his plow is especially adapted to the more arid sec tions of tho country It will pay you to go to Cone Bros for your wall paper pjygsp mfl - W J I MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mus P W Hawksworth is visiting in Lincoln this week Mrs H Brown left on No 12 Mon day for a visit at Oxford Mrs A T Fitt is visiting her parents at Plattsmouth this week Mrs Marie Bishop has been among tho ailing ones the past week Mrs Mabel L Stewart departed on Monday night for Long Beach Cal Miss Julia Sly expects to leave in a few days for Spokane Washington C B Sawyer and family moved into the Chambers residencelately purchased by him Monday Miss Hazel Hare is homo from Lin coln for a few days M J Abbott of Hayes Center was in the city yesterday Mrs Ella Knowles of Culbertson visited her daughter Mrs Frank Hen derson early part of this week Mrs C S Knodle wife of the agent at Palisade was a guest of Mr and Mrs Alonzo Cone fore part of the week Mesdames Kenyon Kendlen and Sny der were Lincoln visitors Monday Miss Roxie Brown is down from Ea ton Colorado on a months vacation to visit relatives Mr and Mrs O G Vahue and a sister of the latter arrived from Mich igan Wednesday on JNo I H C Clapp has commenced work on his residence just south of the Congre gational parsonage on Madison street W F Weber of The Tribune force was in Pawnee City over Sunday visit ing his wife who will shortly join him here MrsW D Beyrer and the children left on No 13 Thursday morning for Lyons Colorado on a visit to the Cal lens Dr J E Hill was quite ill close of last week and early part of this week but is better Lung fever was the ail ment Miss Carrie Kimball departed for Grand Island Sunday night after a Gods richest blessintr may ever attend visit Wo with J FT Stanhfins nnfl you all while At the age of 21 years he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Gillet and to them eight children were born four surviving Mrs Mary New man of Canada Mrs George Stephens of Chicago Mrs Finch of York Ne braska and Carman L Cole of Colorado A change was made in the assignment of mail clerks between Omaha and Mc Cook Wednesday Under the system abandoned three men ran between Lincoln and Omaha and two from Lin coln to Hastings on Nos 5 and 12 Now three men run from Omaha to Lincoln and two run clear through to McCook This took off one man from the run to Hastings on Nos 3 and 6 The change was made because tho in crease of western mail made a new division of tho work between the two trains necessary H S Knight and R E Warren formerly running to Hast ings now run to McCook B F Moore and J N Fry go through to McCook instead of stopping at Lincoln H B Campbell and R D Sherbondy will run between Lincoln and Omaha James S Horney of the Lincoln Kansas City run has been transferred to the run vice Walter Muller who has been given Mr Horneys run Hewitt Humphrey Harry Hewitt and Marguerite Humph rey were united in marriage Saturday evening RevLH Shumate performed the ceremony at the residence of Newton Welchel in the presence of a few friends and relatives family Mr and Mrs John Stephens and son departed for Denver last Saturday night after a short visit to McCook friends Mrs M M Delhuntv came up from Lincoln to assist in the millinery display Thursday Miss Millie Slaby came up on 13 Saturday morning and remained until Sunday night guest of her sister Mrs V H Solliday Mr and Mrs F G Westland enter tained the Whist club Wednesday night Fasting was an incident charge able to seasonable jokes Mrs Neal Beeler has been enter taining her father from Beaver City Mr Axtell formerly county clerk of Furnas county part of the week John F Rowell of Eldora Colorado who has been in the city in the interest of the U S Gold Corporation recently with success went down to Lincoln Sunday in the same behalf Miss Mary Real of GraftonNebraska Miss Julia Lamb of Michigan CitySD and Miss Winnie ODonnell of Dubuque Iowa arrived in the city from the west on No 6 Sunday night and are guests in 0 J Ryans family this week The young ladies are on their way home from a trip to California and other points of interest in the west Card of Thanks We desire to express our sincerest thanks to all the neighbors and friends for their untiring assistance and con- stant kindness during the long illness and after the death of our beloved wife and mother J H Hammond and family A Butchering Difference is the difference between our way and other ways tho difference between good meat and poor meat and our customers gain by tho difference in methods We are careful in selecting and killing our meats and in selling aim to please our patrons Marsh Meat Market Pay Your Lawn Tax First Pay your lawn tax before using water on lawns trees or gardens as water will be turned off from all services without notice where water is being used for any purpose not paid for C H Meeker Supt We Are Ready to Show You the latest in wall papers Will be pleased to show you our papers whether you buy or not Look elsewhere and then come in and compare qualities and prices Yours for business A McMillen Walking skirts at 150 to 500 dress skirts 200 to 600 to your measure at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos You can always get choice butter at The Bee Hive m m 2 Broke in and Stole Some unknown person broke A iimiof M i1rrrrnl early last Friday mmmihm i i nyyw JiiimiMHi n Kco0b A Former McCook Physician Kansas City Mo March 21 Dr El bert A Hall was caught at Fiftieth and Campbell streets by two detectives Hall was carrying at the time a large pack ago which seomed to tax his strength severely Upon examination it contained a dozen three foot lengths of leadpipe recently sawed out of the plumbing in a house The prisoner admitted that ho had cut it out of a residence on Lydia avenue between Twenty third and Twenty-fourth streets He is held for further investigation Hall is probably 60 years of age His hair is white his form slightly bent and his eyes are unnaturally dilated He re fuses to speak of his past further than to sketch rapidly his life in Nebraska Iowa Kansas and Denver His private papors show him to bo an unusual pris oner He says that he came to Kansas City last fall and that he has a son Bert Hall who is now a bellboy in tho Hotel Baltimore Shortly after reaching hero Hall started a matrimonial agency and pub lished a small paper to attract members who wished to join it Tho plan was not unusual in any way except perhaps in some of tho methods adopted to keep customers writing The paper was called Wedding Bells and the subscription price was 40 cents a year Lincoln Star Hall practiced medicine in Red Cloud McCook Lincoln and elsewhere and but for certain well known habits was an able man and physician Mortgage Burning Celebration The Methodist friends celebrated the lifting of the last evidence of debt against their church property last evening There was a large attendance of mem bers and friends to witness the formal cancellation of the debt and burning of the mortgage of 500 and interest for six years There was an earnest congratulatory address by Presiding Elder W E Hard away of Holdrege and a musical pro gram viz vocal solos by Mr and Mrs Charles W Britt a violin solo by Ros well Cutler and a clarinet solo by Ralph Cutler Refreshments were served by the ladies of the Aid society It was a genuine jubilee occasion war ranted by the happy fact that the church is out of debt and has cash in the treas ury We congratulate Its Not Every Year that you paint your house and when you do you expect the paint you use to wear well and look well for a reasonable time The Sherman Williams Paint wears longest and has best appearance Let us show you colors and quote prices L W McConnell H S C Pink Tea The H S C will give a pink tea in the Congregational church Tuesday afternoon and evening of next week Ladies invited in the afternoon after two oclock the young people in the even ing Bring a dime and have a good time into s blacKsmitn snop morning and stole about 2500 worth of tools dies etc No one has so far been apprehended for the theft Notice to the Public Mahala J Dunn my wife having left my bed and board without provocation all persons are hereby notified that I will not pay any bills contracted by her William F Dunn Dated March 10th 1903 Easter Novelties Rabbits all kinds and sizes fuzzy chicks ducks owls storks and other novelties fancy and solid cream candy eggs in assorted colors Easter dyes all kinds L W McConnell Newest things in wash fabrics includ ing oxfords welts lace stripe chambray mercerized ginghams solid colored lawns in all colors etc from 50c down to 6c yard at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Large line pearl buttons in white and colors in small medium and large Also covered buttons in silk satin and velvet The Thompson Dry Goods Co Sun bonnets for children and women in white all plain colors and fancies from 15c to 50c The Thompson Dry Goods Co The Dorcas society of the Congrega tional church will meet in the church next Thursday afternoon at 230 oclock For Champion binders and mowers and other farm implements see Uncle George Burgess Black taffeta silk waists at 350 450 and 500 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Elbow cloves and mitts at 1 son Dry Goods Cos m mmim rywri RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Joe Boyermachinist resigned on Wed nesday W R Phelps is a new machinist in the roundhouse RWWood of tho paint force resigned first of the week Walker is another roundhouse man promoted to firing II Shepherd is a now member of the paint gang this week R F Coffey is a new wiper in tho ronndhouse this week G W Franklin is another addition to tho paint gang this week Fireman C S Griggs is visiting rela tives at Oberlin this week A E Smith is a new boiler washer helper starting Wednesday G W Beard of Egans force has been transferred to the train service C A Marooney fireman left the com panys service first of the week Fireman I F Wolfe is down visiting his family at Red Cloud this week Fred Irwin and wife are rejoicing over tho birth of a boy born last Tuesday N J Krieger returned from his trip Concordia Kansas first of the week Fireman G E Hoxie was visiting in Washington Kansas first of tho week II P Smith of the roundhouse force was visiting in Palisade last of last week Engineer Roy Dixon went out to Denver on 1 Wednesday on a business trip J M Copeland of the night force is out on the road in the capacity of fire man Brakeman C C Kocher went down to Holdrege Thursday to visit the folks at home Arthur Douglass was down from Denver first of the week seeing oldtimo friends L D Finch has been transferred from the paint gang to the night force in the roundhouse Switchman F W Jones has been re employed and went to work on Wednes day of this week Two new Colorado Southern engines went through this station Thursday Nos 520 and 521 Agent F F Tomblin of Haigler is on the sick list and is being relieved by Ex tra Agent E N Stever F A Thompson of Denver has been ill this week and O Kunkle of C E Emersons office is subbing for him Agent F A Birchell of Riverton is off on a leave of absence and Extra Agent J F Edwards is in charge meanwhile Machinist J A Johnson and wife de parted on Tuesday night for LaJunta Colorado wheje he goes into the service of the Santa Ft Engineer Larue of Red Cloud is taking a vacation and Hostler Will Dungan is relieving him Fireman Brigner is host ling for Dungan Night Operator Clough of Red Cloud has been transferred to Akron nights and the night operator at Blue Hill is on night at Red Cloud Trainmaster J F Kenyon returned home Wednesday night on No 3 from Lincoln where he spent a day or two on new time card business Brakeman J W Ransdell and family are visiting relatives in Columbus and Ragan this week and Brakeman L I Culbertson is on in his place N J Coleman was checked in as agent at Axtell Thursday relieving W E Conrad who goes to Palisade in place of Knodle resigned and will go to Oregon Five bunk cars of Italians came in from the east Wednesday and all of them have been sent up to Akron to work in the steel laying gangs on the west end The sick and injured on the list are Conductor F A Starks Conductor E M Cox Brakeman G R Snyder in jured finger Brakeman M A VanHorn Brakeman C A Deloy Brakeman C H Downey injured Brakeman R E Lee injured First Choice We have had large wall paper stocks before but this year we have gotten so far beyond compe tion that we have gone to compet ing with ourselves The variety novelty beauty and richness is greater than ever before Come early and have this whole world of papers to pick from L W McConnell The members of Saint John com mandery No 16 Knights Templer of our city will attend divine service in the Congregational church next Sunday Easter morning at 11 oclock Six colors of plain cashmere for chil drens dresses at 16Jc yard at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The best carpet warp made is sold at 18c pound for white and 20c for colors on spools by The Thompson Dry Goods Co One price plain figures cash only Sjtu i nwWylll hHr rtbtme McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 3 1903 Junior Normal Bill Becomes a Law Now that tho bill establishing Junior Normal school has become a law and one being located at McCook will wo have the ambition to make it a success Tho law establishing these schools in tho western part of tho stato is under stood to bo somewhat experimental A good many of tho educators in tho west ern part of tho state have felt that if normal schools held during the summer could be established a great many of tho teachers would avail themsolvos of tho opportunity to secure normal school training In tho opinion of the writer it is going to depend greatly on the citizens resid ing where these schools aro locatod whether they will be permanent and grow in benefits or whether thoy will die at birth as has been tho caso with a number of enterprises in our territory It does seem as though wo should keep this new offspring alive long enough to seo how it looks May bo if wo nurse it through the colic croup whooping cough and other diseases of iufancy after a while we may like it and bo glad that wo gavo it the necessary parental care For this Junior Normal to bo success ful it will be necessary to advertiso it thoroughly lotting all tho teachers- and everyone else interested in this branch of education know that the law is passed and that this school will bo hold hero this summer This advertisement should be so persistontly placed before the public that everyone will hear of it talk of it and3a largo number attend This will make it a success On tho part of tho people in McCook it will be necessary to make some pro vision for taking care of and making it comfortable and to some extent enter tain those in attendance Our hotol and boarding house accommodations aro not sufficient to take care of nearly so many people as should attend this school We are told by members of the library board that a good many books of refer ence and books on educational lines are not in our library and the pride that the McCook citizens take in the library will make it almost necessary that these books be procured and the library kept open all day and evening during tho time the school is in sevjO The management of the school will be under the state educational department and doubtless there will be a number of good lectures during the session and our citizens will have the privilege of hear ing them and the advantage will be partially on our side Some money has been subscribed for assisting a summer school and this added to what should be raised by some means tho committee on normal schools may devise should bo placed in the hands of some person to bo used in advertising this school and in making the first session a success If a large attendance can be secured and interest is taKen in tno scnool by our citizens and the first term can be made success ful we shall have taken the first step toward securing a state normal school for McCook A Barnett Pros Southwest Neb Industrial Assn McCook Nebraska April 3 1903 Card to the Public Understanding that I have been ruled out of business by certain interested parties and that I cannot get imple ments I wish to ask the farmers when in want of any tools to kindly call on Uncle George before they make their purchases He does not believe in snide goods nor is he playing pao bah to any capitalistic mikado but he thinks he can get all the implements he wants for cash or otherwise and by divine assist ance and Doctor Beach he means to do it Respy George J Burgess Agent for Champion binders mowers A Few Improvements Trainmaster Kenyon is completing an addition to his residence Engineer Ellis Ford expects soon to begin a two story residence on North Main street William Lewis will add to the front of his residence this month Congressman Norris Dr Welles W C Bullard and Conductor Frank Rank have Colorado redstone on the ground for new sidewalks in front of their resi dences This will include the entire east side of block 10 1st addition Splendid Ranch For Sale A fine ranch property of 600 acres Over 100 acres alfalfa land Part of same in alfalfa 100 head of stock Good running water and plenty of timber Will sell on long time and easy terms Call on or write to 4-3-4 J J Osburn Osburn Neb Handsome new white waists from 75c to 175 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos For Champion goods see your Uncle George NUMBER 46 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Savo money on drugs at McMillen s You can get tho famous Japa lac at Cono Bros McMillen s cough euro will stop your cough Try it Tho finest lino of combs you ovor saw at McConnoH8 A carload of now buggies just received at W T Colemans For discs harrows and riding plows seo your Undo George Youths 3 pieco suits at 300 and 350 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Job lot of ladies shoos worth 225 and 250 Special prico 8129 DeGroff Have you seen tho latest patterns in wall papers Cone Bros show them Tho now games Flinch and Des peration at tho postoffieo news depot Mrs E M Sly has 4 room houso on North Manchester street for rent 3 20t Buy varnish stains enamels and hard oil of Cone Bros Thoy keep the best Single comb White Leghorn eggs100 for 15 D C Benedict Culbertson Nebraska It required 1128 copies of The Trib une to meet tho demand for tho paper last week For Sale -A Durham milk cow JE OConnors West Dennison street Mc Cook Neb Boys knee pant suits at 85c 125 1G5 and 200 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos There was a dance nt tho homo of T N Saunders in East McCook last Sat urday night Thero is but ono best paint tho rieaui it Milligan Cono Bros You can buy it at For Champion binders and mowers and other farm implements see Undo George Burgess A largo invoice of Lincoln mixed paints tho very best just received at McMillen s drug store Beet land for rent near McCook Can bo had for cash or share in beets Call at McMillens drug store Mens Suits at 350 450 500 650 750 and up to 1250 at Tho Tnompson Dry Goods Cos For Sale Fivo room cottage oppo site Congregational church Price 81 200 L W Stayner AH tho new and artistic wall paper designs are now being shown at Mc Connells Let us give you somo prices For rent IGO acre farm 6 miles north east of McCook 90 acres under cultiva tion 3 0 tf J C Ball McCook Full size wrappers with ruined flounce and finishing braid for 75c Others up to 200 Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co The cheapest easiest quickest and best way to smoko meat is to use Mc Connells Condensed Smoko In 25 cent bottles Albert McMillen has rented the Syl vester Evans farm out in tho Perry neighborhood and will plant 30 acres of tho same in sugar beets Cream received at W T Colemans from any centrifugal separator any day in tho week at the highest market price He pays twice a month too A game of baseball will be played at Athletic park Saturday afternoon at 4 oclock between the High school and Shop teams No admission A Bergeron is in the city All persons having piano tuning or repairing should leave word or seo him at II P Suttons All work guaranteed satisfactory 2500 invested will start you in a good paying business 15 to 25 a week easily made Particulars on request D C Miller Hastings Nebraska People who bought their garden seeds of W T Coleman last year are in buy ing early while the assortment is com plete They know good seeds when they have tried them Those who have bought tho Ocean Wave washing machine are greatly pleas ed with them If you want the best and none but the best are good enough why buy the Ocean Wave Theres only one thing to do if your blood is out of order Buy a bottle of McConnells Sarsaparilla it does the rest Large bottles 1 L W McConnell The Empire cream separator is caus ing a peaceful revolution in the separa tor business They are easy running have few parts to wash and people who have used them say they are the best Whatever the market offers in season you will find it at Marshs meat market and the price is always right You will receive prompt service and courteous treatment in the bargain which is always due you If you have pimples or boils feel lazy have a headache or similar symp toms your blood is probably out of order and you need McConnells Sar saparilla Take it and youll feel like a new man Sold only by L W Mc Connell There is cane seed aplenty and no lack of Kafir seed but alfalfa seed is both scarce and high priced yet W T Cole man has succeeded in securing a supply of some of the choicest alfalfa in the market There promises to be a great scarcity about seeding time Dont get left BBljWSlMawwiiwiiTMiriiMiiwnimiWMt