The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1903, Image 2

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Departmental Assembly Passes a Reso
PANAMA Representative Lassa De
Levega at Tuesdays session of the de
partmental assembly introduced the
following resolution which was unan
imously adopted
The assembly of this department
considering of transcendental and de
cisive importance to the isthmus and
the republic of Colombia the opening
of the interocanic canal which will
contribute powerfully to the develop
ment of commerce and economic in
terests of the country which are the
true foundation of order and peace
coinmemks to the patriotism and en
lightened judgment of the next con
gress the consideration of this im
portant question
Dr Juan B Perez has been elected
third senator for the department of
Panama The senior senator of the
department is losea Arango and he
and Senator Obaldia who was elected
second senator and Dr Soto are all in
favor of the Panama canal
Slated for a Place
B Clark of Cedar Rapids la presi
dent of the Order of Railway Conduc
tors is slated lor the place of asssist
anl secretary in the department ot
commerce Mr Roosevelt told a call
er recently that he had practically de
cided upon an assistant secretary and
a western source is authority for the
statement that Mr Clark is the man
in vTew
Consols at a Low Point
LONDON Consols touched 90 on
Tuesday the lowest point on record
since the Franco Prussian war The
fall is attributed to the continued
dearness of money and the forthcom
ing Transvaal loan of 150000000
Daily conlerences regarding the loan
are being held between Chancellor ot
trie Exchequer Ritchie and leading
financiers The latter suggest that
the interest be fixed at 2 per cent
and that the price of issue be 95
Ml ilft1
m - -A
3 W
This is the Accusation Against Them
The Cases Dismissed in State
Court for Lack of Jurisdiction but
that Does Not Settle Matter
CHICAGO Ten Indiana coal com
panies and ten Individual operators
were restrained by Judge Kolilsaat In
the United States circuit court Tuesday
from continuing their combination
for the regulation of coal prices and
output The defendants were given
until April G to show cause why the
order ahould not be made permanent
The corporations and individuals en
joined aro the same as were recently
tried in the state court on the charge
of raising the price of coal and re
stricting the output in Illinois thus
causing the coal famine in Chicago
last winter
Judge Chetlain dismissed the case on
the ground that the offense committed
was against the federaal law and not
the statutes of Illinois The defend
ants are The Crescent Coal Mining
company Brullette Creek Coal com
pany Wabash Valley Coal company
Oak Hill Coal Mining company Coal
Bluff Mining company Park County
Coal company Glen Oak Coal Min
ing company Nevins Coal company
Indiana Fuel company McClelian Sons
Co corporation Jane Shirkie Wal
ter S Bogle Hugh Shirkie Max Eich
berg J J Higgins J Smith Talley
Josepii Martin Edward Shirkie H It
McClelian and John Shirkie
The injunction granted will stand
until further orders of the court It
recites that the action of the court is
taken upon the application of United
Stales District Attorney Behea and
upon affidavits of Assistant States
Attorney Albert C Barnes and orders
that the defendants are especially re
strained and enjoined from in any
manner complying with or executing
the terms of a certain contract made
and entered into between you during
the month of March 1902 which by its
terms went into effect April 1 1902
or any similar contract
They are restrained from entering
into any combination among them
selves to ship the bituminous coal
mined and to be mined on their prop
erty in Indiana to the Crescent Coal
and Mining company at Chicago for
uniform sale by that company to con
sumers in carload lots on their sev
eral accounts at prices arbitrarily fixed
by them or their representatives in
bucIi a manner as to destroy competi
tion between themselves as to the sale
o such coal as is O may be the sub
ject of commerce among the several
states and in violation of the Sherman
No opposition was offered in court
to the entering of the order When the
notice was first served upon the de
fendants some days ago the appeaiv
ance of each was entered with the ex
ception of the Wabash Coal company
which was represented in court by its
- w -
- te
Loss IN Internal revenue
Decrease in Everything Except on
ly statement of the collections of in
ternal revenue show that for the
month of February 1903 the total re
ceipts were 1G250409 a loss of 2
407250 as compared with February
The receipts from the several
sources of revenue are given as fol
lows Spirits 9808822 increase
199110 Tobacco 301 9708 de
crease 470301 Fermented liquors
2851082 decrease 1135077 Oleo
margarine 53913 decrease 155
279 Adulterated butter and process
or renovated butter 11837 law not
in force last year Miscellaneous
455043 decrease 911505 For the
last eight months the decrease in the
total receipts as compared with the
corresponding period last year was
Arizona Rough Riders Will Present
One to Him
TUCSON A T Fitty rough riders
ot Bisbee and southern Arizona find
ing Jiat President Roosevelt will con
fine his itinerary to the porthern part
of the territory have arranged an ex
cursion to Grand canyon where they
will greet their former leader
Desiring to give the president some
token or their esteem they have se
cured a large black bear captured in
Sonora and will present it to him
when they meet him in the canyon
They realize that it will be somewhat
awkward lor the president to carry a
live bear around with him but they
have decided that he win get at leasL
one bear on his western trip
Bad Orthography and Thick Paper
Points for Detection
service dvision of the treasury depart
ment has received a new counterfeit
2 silver certificate series 1899 check
letter C Lyons register Roberts
The counterfeit seems to have been
printed from photo etched plates on
two pieces of stiff paper with silk
threads between On the back of the
note the word certificate is spelled
certifiecate public is spelled pur
lic when wdn and May Mayl
The thickness of the paper should at
tract attention
Coal Barons Again in Court
were served Monday on eight Indiana
coal companies ordering them to ap
pear in the United States district court
at Chicago tomorrow to answer an ap
plication for a restraining order filed
by United States District Attorney Be
They are the same companies that
were indicted at Chicago for conspiring
to raise the price of coal during the
famine last winter when Judge Chet
lai decided that the state courts had
no jurisdiction
New Black Hills Railroad
CHEYENNE Wyo Articles of in
corporation were filed Tuesday of the
Wyoming Black Hills Railroad com
pany to operate in South Dakota and
Wyoming with 2000000 capital
Lewis C Twombly will be president
and general manager and the following
Minneapolis capitalists are interested
in the enterprise A E Johnson Phil
lip S Harris Carleton L Wallace Ed
win G Potter and Alpha E Hoyt
The road will be about 100 miles in
length and will open up a vast coal
country It will connect the Burling
ton and Chicago Northwestern sys
Irish Land Bill
LONDON It is understood that the
Irish land bill which the chief secre
tary for Ireland Mr Windham will
introduce in the house of commons
Wednesday provides tor a grant ot
500u0000 from the imperial excheqer
and the appointment ot three estate
commissioners to arrange for the
transter ot land
Our Uncle Samuels Cash
statement of the treasury balances
shows Available cash balances 222
094017 gold 121722853
Pope is in Good Health
ROME The pope is enjoying better
health and has resumed his private
Work is Not Yet Resumed
PITTSBURG The American Bridge
company has not yet resumed work
on the Wabash bridge with nonunion
men and quiet prevails in the vicin
ity The strikers have established
headquarters in a frame building near
the American Bridge companys south
side plant and just below is the house
boat which is quartering the nonunion
men Cooks have been employed and
cots placed in the house for the strik
i P pwsasssfeii i2
ATED IN 1904
Womans Release in Accordance With
Established English Practice for
Good Conduct Life Prisoners Can
Always Escape with Fifteen Years
LONDON Mrs Florence Maybrick
the American woman who was con
victed at Liverpool in 1889 on the
charge of poisoning her husband
James Maybrick by arsenic and whose
sentence of death was commutted to
penal servitude for life will be re
leased in 1904
The announcement comes from the
home office which authorizes her
Washington lawyers to use the fact of
her release next year as a reason for
securing the postponement of the trial
of the lawsuits bearing on the prison
ers interest in land in Kentucky
Virginia and West Viginia
Mrs Maybricks pending release is in
no sense a pardon being strictly in
conformity with English practice
whereby a good conduct prisoner is
released after serving a stipulated part
of his sentence In the case of life
prisoners this period is placed at fif
teen years and Mrs Maybrick will next
year have been in jail for that time
Those who are in a position to know
say that Home Secretary
has shown great courtesy in con
nection with the suits now pending in
Mrs Maybrick who was Miss Flor
ence Elizabeth Chandler and a mem
ber of a well known and prosperous
southern family was married July 27
1SS1 in St James church Picadilly to
James Maybrick of Liverpool She
was then IS years old vivacious and
beautiful and also a favorite Her
husband was over 40 years old In the
spring of 1889 Mr Maybrick became
ill and in a few days he died His
brothers investigated his death and
charged Mrs Maybrick with the mur
der of her husband A long trial fol
lowed and a number of doctors swore
Mr Maybrick died of arsenical poison
The defense proved that for twenty
years Mr Maybrick had been a con
firmed arsenic eater and that he daily
took doses that would have killed a
dozen ordinary men Mrs Maybrick
was eventually sentenced to death by
the Judge Sir Fitzjames Stephens who
spoke for two days in charging the
jury and who said it was impossible
for them to find ner not guilty in the
face of the medical evidence He died
some time later in a madhouse
From the time of Mrs Maybricks
conviction her mother the Baroness
von Roques has been unremitting in
her attempts to obtain the prisoners
release in which she has been aided
by influential friends on both sides of
the Atlantic In 1900 after the death
of Lord Russell of Killoween chief
justice of England a letter Avritten to
Mrs Maybrick in 1895 was discovered
It showed that the eminent lawyer was
convinced that she ought never to have
been convicted and it has been gen
erally understood that all the recent
American ambassadors to the court of
St James have done everything pos
sible to obtain Mrs Maybricks pardon
Could Only Enter Cars Having Double
Sliding Doors
CHICAGO 111 James II Mahler
the biggest man in Chicago if not in
the United States is dead He
weighed 480 pounds although his
height was only five feet ten inches
Mr Mahler was the president of a
medical concern and descendant of a
noble German family He was so
broad that he could not use th ele
vated i ailway nor the Illinois Central
suburban trains because of his ina
bility to pass through the turnstiles
Only surface cars having double slid
ing doors could accommodate him
All his wearing apparel had to be
made to order as nothing in stock
sizes was large enough
President Rejects Escort
CHEYENNE Wyo Senator War
ren wired the committee at Laramie
that President Roosevelt desired to
make his horseback ride over Sher
man mountain practically alone
Senator Warren Otto Cramm of
Laramie and perhaps two others will
accompany him but he wants no body
guard either of troops or cowboys
Ex President Dies Poor
MAZATLAN Mexico Carlos Ecta
ex president of the republic of Salva
dor has died here in exile poor and
almost friendless Governor Canedo
paid the expenses of his burial
Earthquakes in Mexico
was a sharp earthquake shock ac
companied by subterranean noises at
La Union Sunday afternoon An
earthquake shock also was felt at
x H
The Governor of the State Issues a
Governor Mickey has Issued the
following Arbor day proclamation
The recurring spring season is again
at hand bringing with it that holiday
which is distinctively of Nebraska
origin and which has here received
its most complete recognition
The observance of nearly all public
festivals is actuated by motives of
sentiment but Arbor day is commem
orated because of the practical value
and utility of the acts which emanate
from it Through its beneficent influ
ence Nebraskas treeless plains have
been dotted over with beautiful
groves affording grateful shade dur
ing the heat of summer protection
from the blasts of winter fuel for
home consumption and which have
also had a marked effect in making
the climatic conditions more favora
ble for agricultural pursuits The
denuding of the natural forests for
lumbering purposes has occasioned
physical disturbances a study of the
effects of which are more or less ag
itating the scientific world but it is
certain that any resultant Injury can
be neutralized by the systematic con
servation of remaining forests and
tho planting of trees in harmony with
that progressive spirit of the times
which takes into consideration the
needs of tne future as well as of the
By virtue of the authority vested in
me by law I do hereby proclaim and
designate Wednesday April 22 1903
as Arbor day and I earnestly urge
every citizen of the state and espe
cially the pupils of public and private
schools to observe the day by the
general planting of trees and the beau
tifying of lawns and premises The
occasion to obserce the day by the
because of the death since last Arbor
day of Hon J Sterling Morton the
originator of the day and one of Ne
braskas most honored eitizons I
suggest that an extra tree be planted
in memory of him who did so much
for the state and whose practical
ideas concerning forestry are proving
of especial value
Points to a Bright Future for the Mine
HAZELTON Pa President William
Dettrey of district No 7 United Mine
Workers of America made the follow
ing statement regarding the award of
the strike commission
The award of the commission as
based on the demands of the United
Mine Workers is very good The rec
ommendation for settling the troubles
will in my opinion in the near future
bring an additional increase of wages
to the class of workmen who are en
titled to better financial conditions
Judging it as a whole I think the re
port of the commission points to a
bright future for the United Mine
Storing Anthracite East
in the hard coal traffic is enabling the
Reacting company to fill the hins at
Landlngville Pa and other storage
yards The coal shipments over the
Reading main line have been reduced
from 10000 to 7000 cars weekly and
large quantities of chestnut pea and
buckwheat have been recently stored
There is a heavy demand for anthra
cite in the west which is being regu
larly supplied
An Iowa Aopointee
WASHINGTON It is understood
that E E Clark of Cedar Rapids la
has been chosen by the president to
be assistant secretary of the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor Mr
Clark is well known in railway circles
being president of the Order of Rail
way Conductors He will also be re
membered as a member of the anthra
cite coal strike commission Mr Clark
was strongly recommended to the pres
ident by Justice Gray and Senator J
P Dolliver of Iowa
Warned to Keep Sober
MILWAUKEE Wis Members of
the Federated Trades union have been
warned to stay sober
Frank J Weber business agent of
that organization at its meeting Wed
nesday night served notice on all
its members that hereafter he would
refuse to consider grievances present
ed by men who are under the influence
of liquor
Pedestrian Makes Long Journey
GUAYAQUIL Ecuador Guillermo
Koppel the Mexican pedestrian who
left Argentina about a year ago on his
way to -St Louis has arrived here
Sultan Calls Revolt Over
LONDON The Times correspond
ent at Tangiers says the sultan of Mo
rocco is disbanding his irregular
troops and has announced officially
that the rebellion is ended The cor
respondent adds however that the
situation is inexplicable as the pre
tender Bu Hamarajt has not been
captured and the government troops
have failed to recapture Taza and
never attempted to punish the rebel
lious tribes
President Believes the Treaty Should
Be Put Into Effect Before Market
ing of the Sugar Crop Session
Probably Be Called in October
is fully determined to call con
gress together in extra session on or
before Ocfober 1 All sorts of pres
sure has been brought to bear upon
him in the hope of inducing him to
abandon this project But the presi
dent has decided that it is essential
that legislation must be enacted to
put the Cuban treaty into effect be
fore the marketing of tne sugar crop
of the island for this year The pres
ident has told those who have called
upon him to protest that in his opin
ion the necessary work can be ac
complished within two or three weeks
and that nothing need prevent an
adjournment in ample time to allow
senators and members to take part in
the fall campaigns in their respective
stat es
There is no doubt that if the presi
dents plan should be carried into ef
fect with the leaden in both houses
in harmony with him the desired
joint resolution could be disposed of
within a week But congress is not
in the habit of acquiescing in the
wishes of the president in matters of
this kind Within an hour after the
formal election of Mr Cannon as
speaker the bill box will contain sev
eral hundred bills the authors of
which will push their favorite meas
ures with their utmost vigor The
so called Aldrich financial bill is one
which will cause prompt discussion
It was not because they opposed the
principles laid down in the bill that
the democratic members of the house
refused to allow it to be discussed dur
ing the last few days of the last ses
sion but they argued with a great
deal of force that so radical a depart
ure from existing law should not be
forced through the house under whip
and spur during the last hours of a
dying congress especially as the bill
had not been printed more than twen
ty four hours when the attempt was
made to pass it
The fact that under the Panama
canal treaty something like 150000
000 in 2 per cent bonds will be put
upon the market within the next few
years may have an important bear
ing upon the fate of the Aldrich bill
Heretofore United States bonds even
when bearing the lowest rate of in
terest have always commanded a pre
mium This is due in part to the fact
that such bonds are the basis of na
tional bank circulation and are also
required as a guaranty that United
States funds deposited in banks will
be repaid when needed The Aldrich
bill as it is well known provides for
the substitution of state municipal
and other bonds for such purposes
and it is believed that should that
bill become a law and the outstanding
indebtedness of the United States be
increased as it must be as soon as
active work begins on the canal the
result will be the depreciation in val
ue of government bonds But that
the Aldrich bill or some similar meas
ure will be put through congress at
the next session is a foregone con
clusion and that an attempt will be
made to have it enacted into law just
as soon as congress resassembles
whether it be in August or Decem
ber is equally certain
Think It Is a Mere Feint
LONDON The morning papers
hardly discuss President Castros res
ignation probably because they re
gard it as a mere feint This is the
view expressed by one or two papers
which comment on it The Daily
Chronicle gives as its opinion that
the apparent unwillingness of uie
powers to submit the question of pref
erential treatment to The Hague ar
bitration tribunal induced President
Castro to endeavor to show the world
trat Venezuela is behind him
Will Remove Havana Wrecks
HAVANA The secretary of the
treasury has received a proposition
to remove the wreck of the battleship
Maine It came from an American
whose name the secretary declines to
disclose The proposition does not
call for payment either ray Pending
its acceptance it has been decided to
include the Maine in advertisements
for bids for the removal of various
Forty Welts for Laziness
NASHVILLE Ind Twelve -white
caps took Henry Mathis from his cab
in Thursday night tied him to a fence
post and beat him unmercifully After
the whipping he was warned to keep
quiet or the mob would return and
whip him again Half an hour later
his wife found him cut the ropes and
took him home The white caps told
their victim that they whipped him
because he was too lazy to work
Mathis has forty eight ugly welts on
his back
Imperfections Tend to Measures In
W 1HINGTON D C Acting Sec
retary of State Loomis and Mr
Queenan the Cuban minister after
discussing the prospects of tho ratifi
cation of the Cuban treaty within the
time limit on Friday decided to cable
President Palma requesting him to
call the Cuban congress Into extraor
dinary session immediately for this
purpose as that body otherwise would
not meet until April 7 seven days af
ter the expiration of the legal timo
limit for the exchange of ratifica
From such Imperfect readings of tho
treaty as can be had at this stage tho
state department officials have some
doubt as to their ability to do anything
whnfpvw with the convention Tho
amendments made by the senate par
ticularly that added to the ratifying
article though probably not so intend
ed my result in the complete loss of
the treaty There are conflicting
clauses which it may not be possible
to reconcile Article II provided orig
inally that the present convention
shall be ratified by the authorities of
the respective countries and the ratifi
cations shall be exchanged at Wash
ington D C as soon as may be be
before January 31 1903 and the con
vention shall go into effect an the
tenth day after the exchange of rati
fications and shall continue In force
for tho term of five years from tho
date of going Into effect and from year
tO year thereafter until the expiration
of one year from the day when either
of the contracting parties shall give
notice to the other of its intention to
terminate the same
Usually it is provided that a treaty
shall go into effect as soon as the rat
ifications are exchanged and with the
slight change in this respect the orig
inal ratifying clause of the Cuban trea
ty was in the usual form 2nd would
not have led to complications The
date of January 31 was changed by
both governments before the United
States senate acted to March 31 and
that is how the article stood when tho
senate added this sentence
This treaty shall not take effect un
til the same shall have been approved
by the congress
This led to complications which aro
now vexing the departments here
where two different dates are fixed in
the same article for the taking effect
of the treaty The weight of opinion
inclines to the belief that following
tho common law principle the last stip
ulation should govern which would de
fer the operation of the treaty until
after the congress acted But a more
serious difficulty s pointed out as fol
It is hardly regarded as feasible and
is certainly In violation of precedent
to exchange ratifications of a docu
ment which is not a treaty as this
Cuban convention will not be in the
opinion of some of the state depart
ment people until the congress has
set Its approval upon it If this view
is correct then the exchange of rat
ifications will have to be deferred un
til next winter at the earliest and this
delay it is thought would cause the
failure of the treaty in its present
form because of the inability of the
negotiators to meet the requirement
of article 11 which demands that the
exchange take place before March 31
La Soufriere in Eruption
KINGSTOWN St Vincent The
eruption of La Soufriere which began
Sunday continues and increased in
activity during the night until it be
came most violent at 7 oclock Monday
morning At S30 its violence was un
abated and the spectacle was awe
inspiring The crater is belching forth
dense black olouds which rise heaven
ward accompanied by loud roaring
and flashes which rend the spreading
pall of smoke which now envelops the
entire island in darkness Electrical
discharges occurred at intervals during
the night while stupendous volcanic
clouds produced exceedingly beautiful
Politics Cuts a Figure
WASHINGTON In connection with
the appointment of Mr Person as post
master at Wilson N C the postofiice
department has issuec the following
statement After a careful investiga
tion the department came to the con
elusion that Senator Pritchard was
right in the statement that Mr Vick
had not supported the republican tick
et and consequently had forfeited his
claim to party recognition
Fourteen Natives Killed
PORT OF SPAIN island of Trinidad
Fourteen natives were killed and for
ty were wounded
during Tuesdays
oting Quiet has been restored
Senate Confirms Appointments
has confirmed the nomination of the
members of the court of private land
claims who were
terday and also the following
tions Assistant Treasurer of the
United States at New York Hamilton
Fish New York quartermaster gen
eral with rank of brigadier general
for a period of four years Colonel
Charles F Humphrey
- V