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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1903)
SN tu rV tZSS7Z2li 8fl aw iflr ITtffTT he TWENTY FIRST YEAR Death Claims a Young Life Saturday night after months of suf fering Archio Tylors young spirit took leavo of its wasted earthly tenement and winged in its flight to its giver thus oarly closing a promising careor ending bright expectations finishing lifes book with its opening chapter OIIITUAKY Akchik Tylkk was born in the city of Chicago Illinois August 1st 1881 coming to McCook with his parents when about four years of ago With the exception of a short residence in Orleans and Oxford this has been his continuous home ever since Ho was graduated from the McCook high school with the class of 1001 after which he was employed in the Burlington ma chino shop hero for a short time He afterwards studied strenography and typewriting It was his constant ambi tion to become an electrical engineer and all his spare time at homo was ab sorbed with the study Almost a year since his lungs wore weakened with a severe cold and during the close of last October he was taken with a severe at tack of typhoid pneumonia from which ho never recovered The last five months of Ins life were months of in tense suffering Through all the long months of anguish ho was hopeful and cheerful Tho world was beautiful to him and appealed to his young life but tho beckoning hand found him willing and ready His young life was an open book fair clean and beautiful and worthy emulation Funeral services were conducted in tho Congregational church by Rev Frank W Dean Tuesday afternoon many former schoolmates and adults at tending and paying a last tribute to tho memory of a young brother who has gone on before unafraid triumphant The church was decorated with many flowers palms etc and the casket was covered with a lovely profusion of floral offerings A pillow from the class of 1001 was especially handsome Members the class of 1001 and other schoolmates were pall bearers Tho remains were interred in Long view cemetery Mr and Mrs Tyler havo the very tenderest and deepest sympathy of this community in this great sorrow which has come into their hearts and home CARD OF THANKS We most sincerely thank all the kind friends and neighbors for their sympa thy and assistance during the long ill ness and after the death of our son Archie Mk and Mrs H M Tyler Her Intense Suffering Ended Death came to Mrs James M Ham monds relief Tuesday evening early this week after many months of in tensest and continuous suffering with cancer of the breast Mirelda E Hammond nee Gaston was born July 13th 1855 in Jefferson county Pennsylvania At 6 years of age her parents removed to Indiana county Pennsylvania where she resided until she was married to J M Hammond on February 18th 1875 They then lived in Armstrong county Pennsyl vania until the spring of 1886 They emigrated to Rowlins county Kansas and lived there until the spring of 1805 when they moved to the Driftwood Redwillow county Nebraska Of this union there was born six child ren two sons and four daughters Five children are living and at home Mrs Hammond joined the United Presbytesian church at the age of 14 and was a member in good standing until she came west and united with the Methodist church in Rawlins county When she came here to live she brought her membership to Prospect Park Her age was 47 years 8 months and 11 days Funeral services were held at the farm home southwest of the city in Driftwood precinct Thursday morning at eleven oclock Rev L H Shumate conducting the same after which the remains were brought to McCook and buried in River view cemetery Services at the grave were in charge of tho Degree of Honor to which deceased belonged The bereaved family is remembered by many friends and neighbors in great sympathy The Public School Entertainment The court room was filled to overflow ing last evening to enjoy the entertain ment given by the pupils of the public school Considering the inclemency of the evening the attendance was in itself complimentary The program fully realized the expectations of all showing a deal of painstaking hard work in pre paration of parts and in costuming Pupils and teachers will receive their full mead of praise They deserve it If you werent out last night go tonight You cant fail of enjoyment We Are Ready to Show You the latest in wall papers Will be pleased to show you our papers whether you buy or not Look elsewhere and then come in and compare qualities and prices Tours for business A McMillen For Sale Five room cottage oppo site Congregational church Price 1 200 L W Stayner We sell best indigo dyed dres3 prints for oc per yard Who do you think we are One price plain figures cash only We sell American A 2 bushel seam less grain bags for IGJc each Who do you think we are One price plain figures cash only People who bought their garden seeds of W T Coleman last year are in buy ing early while the assortment is com plete They know good seeds when they have tried them We make dress skirts to measure and for stock 50 kept made up To meas ure at same price Also show handsome line factory skirts Golf skirts 150 up Who do you think we are One price plain figures cash only MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE A G Keys has been visiting his son Charles F N Merwin of Beaver City was with us Tuesday officially W George Sheppard was up from Cambridge first of the week Mrs E M Dawson left Saturday to visit her parents near Curtis J B Fickes was an Omaha visitor part of tho week on business R A Cole tho West Dennison street tailor is said to bo some better Miss Carrie Kimball of Grand Is land is a guest of J H Stephens Mrs J F Custer joined her husband in Blue Springs last of past week Miss Emma Park of Niwot Colorado is a guest of J II Moore and family W II Anderson a brother of Mrs C L Fahnestock is here from Lincoln J B Meserve came up from Lincoln Tuesday night on a short business trip Mrs Celeste Douglass was in the city fore part of the week on matters of business Mrs E N Allen is hero from Colo rado City eruest of her parents Mr and Mrs M Thorgrimson General Irving Hale of Denver western agent of the General Electric Co was in the city on business last Saturday F D Burgess and son George went in to Omaha Thursday night on 6 George will undergo a minor surgical operation while away Martin Mattson of Marshs meat market returned early in the week from Iowa where ho attended the burial of a sister who recently died in Stromsburg this state J n Hudson a proof reader of the Chicago Chronicle was a guest of WW Archibald first of the week Ho was en route to Denver where he expects to locate He went west on No 3 Tuesday night Rev Frank W Dean and T B Campbell represented the McCook Con gregational church in the state meeting in Lincoln Monday returning home on No 3 same night Mr and Mrs J A Anderson of Bertrand Nebraska are visiting in the city guests of her parents Mr and Mrs W L Zint for a few days on their way to California on a trip Mr and Mrs II P Sutton enter tained the S K B P H C M card club last Friday evening Military- euchre was the game of the evening and Fort Monroe was the prize winner Z O Holcomb and family have moved from Loveland Colorado to Ft Collins Colorado They report netting along nicely since leaving McCook having had work at good wages right along Mrs and Miss Lowman arrived home Monday morning from Brownville where they paid the last tribute of re spect to an honored and beloved hus band and father The profound sym pathy of all true hearts are theirs in this sorrow and bereavement Rev and Mrs C R Betts and four children arrived from Minnesota Wed nesday on 1 to make their home with us Until the Baptist bretheren pro vide a new parsonage the family will be domiciled in Mrs Viola Ballews dwell ing on Madison street Welcome C A Dixons Injuries Prove Fatal Traveling Engineer C ADixon whose severe injuries in the wreck near Mm den last week Tuesday were fully chronicled in last weeks Tribune suc cumbed to his many injuries about one oclock Thursday morning after a heroic struggle for life against great odds for over a week During the first few days after the accident hopes for the injured mans recovery were entertained giving away the closing days of his illness to despair nevertheless every resource was exhausted to prolong life and restore health C A Dixon was born in Rochester N Y June 10 1843 He began rail roading as a newsboy at tho age of 14 years His father was an engineer on the same trains He entered the service of the New York Central railroad as fireman at the age of IS Was united in marriage with Emma Beckner in Michigan City Indiana in 186S While here he was in the employ of the Michi gan Central railroad He came to the Burlington at Plattsmouth in 1876 and was over overseer of all engines while the line was being built west from Ken esaw Was for years a passenger engi neer out or jjenver being appointed traveling engineer for the Western divi sion in 1S92 holding that position at the time of his death He is survived by his wife and three children Mrs K M Stangland Harry and Roy Dixon Brief services were held at the resi dence of the daughter Mrs K M Stangland Friday afternoon at two o clock conducted by Rev Frank W Dean after which the remains were in terred in Longview cemetery Besides the members of the immediate families Charles Dixon of Kansas City Missouri a brother attended the fun eral arriving here but shortly before death The members of the family and the friends all have the deepest sympathy of the community in this sad and tragic death Wall Paper Buy it this month of Cone Bros and save 50 per cent Stop that cough Cure McConnells Balsam will do that it Said the lady Give me one of those 10 yd cuts of fine Cambric muslin for 63c all my neighbors have had one and they aro all talking about it Guess who the lady was addressing One price plain figures cash only You can always get choice butter ft at The Bee Hive i w Stco0k Christian Science Ably Presented The court room was filled Monday ovening by an intelligent audience of McCook citizen to hoar Mr Carol Nor ton C S D lecture on one of the ab sorbing questions of the day Christian Science Mr Norton is an able and eloquent and earnest disciple of the faith and he was accorded close attention For tho most part the lecture was unex ceptionable to all religionists while oven the distinctive tenets and teachings of the faith were presented with commend able fairness and frankness and in a liberal spirit Mr Norton said in part Christendom has passed through the doorway of tho twentieth century The ideals of Christ ianity are rapidly becoming universal Tho English language is fast becoming the language of humanity and hand in hand with this lan guage go tho truths of the teachings of Jesus Christian Scionco is tho most-thought-of aspect of the Christian religion of these early hours of tho now century It is truly twentieth century Christianit What has Christian Science ac complished What is it at tho present timo doing What has tho race a right to expect from its practical operation during the days that aro to bo These aro iertinont questions to bo calmly considered dispassionately dis cussed and prayerfully investigated Blind prejudice is solf imposed ignorance A dog matic sense of religion is mental stolidity A one sided or prejudiced point of view is a posi tion without view or vista Fixed ignorance of either religious or scientific truth is inadmissi ble in this ago of enlightenment and impartial investigation Wrong traditional influences aro no part of a progressive mentality and thinking minds aro always open to tho light whonceso over it cometh JESUS IN LTGIIT OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The religion of Jesus has within itself the elements of universality It is a gospel of brotherhood fraternity social scienco and co operative progress Jesus kingdom of right eous dominion is for this world but partakes not o f its worldliness According to Christian Scienco Jesus Christ is at once son of God and son of man His divinity or immortal selfhood is one with tho divino nature that wo call God His humanity is one with universal man i c God made manifest in tho flesh This humanly divino manifestation is neither earthly nor sensual but illustrates the symmetrical proportions of sinless humanhood Such char acter constitutes the eternal normality of Gods man Christian Scienco looks upon Jesus as the central figure of present and future relig ious history and spiritual conquest Far above the plane and action of a mere wonder worker it places the deeds and words of Jesus Refer ring to the works of Jesus especially his heal ing of sickness through mental or spiritual processes Matthew Arnold writes This ac tion of Jesus however it may bo amplfiied in tho reports was real but it is not therefore as popular religion fancies thaumaturgy wonder working It is not what people call the super natural but what is better called the non natural It is on the contrary like tho grace of Raphael or the grand stylo of Phidias emi nently natural but is above common low pitched nature it is a line of nature not jet mastered or followed out Is Christian Science evangelical in its atti tude toward our Lord and Master It recog nizes iu Jesus tho fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies and hopes of the Hebrew people It teaches his immaculate conception spiritual incarnation baptism and his reception of the descent of tho Holy Spirit It accepts the records of his power over the elements tho genuineness of his divinely natural deeds mis called miracles his work of healing regenera tion and divinely compassionate forgiveness of sinners It accepts his atonement as a revela tion of the divine process of with God It bows in humility before his Gethso mane struggle and sees in the tragedy of Cal vary tho great climax in the drama of atoning love It believes in tho truth of his Easter morning resurrection and teaches that he re stored himself healing his wounds and remov ing the winding sheet from his own body and tho napkin from his head in tho tomb It accepts the story of his poso resurrection words and acts as recorded in the Gospels and sees in his final ascension above matter the scientific fulfillment of his own prophecies and tho possi bility of individual immortality demonstrated Therefore Christian Scienco accepts Jesus Christ as the wayshower and in this accept ance lays legitimate claim to being evangelical in its attitude toward the personality individu ality and work of tho Savior Does Christian Science take a liberal view of the life and character of Jesus Christian Science reiterates the ancient Hebrew state ment as to tho nature of God Hear O Israel Tho Lord our God is one Lord and therefore it reaffirms the words of Jesus My Father is greater than I Christian Science sees in Jesus and his sinless ascending lifo a perspec tive ideal of our own possibilities Jesus prayed that all men might be one with the father even as he is one Ho commanded men to be as perfect as God was perfect and as if to comfort them with the possibility of this mar velous attainment said Ye shall know tho Truth and tho Truth shall make you free Christian Science therefore teaches that God is one as Spirit Mind or Truth Super personal yet personal as supreme individual Being to each and everj one of his creatures According to the philosophy of Christian Science the lifo of Jesus Christ and the power that his career manifested over sin physical disease and death expresses an illustration of man in tune with tho infinite harmony called God Christian Science illustrates tho divinely designed possi bility of spiritual manhood Jesus is our elder brother of Nazareth as humanitys greatest friend and Savior in the light of Christian Science steps forth from tho tomb in which he has been placed by the deification of his per sonality and again as the healer and reformer of Galilee walks in spirit and in truth in our midst a regenerator of the depraved a healer of the sick and a joy bringer to all who sit in darkness Finally Christian Scienco believes literallv as cold J well as spirtually because of its i ble power to heal disease that Christ meant what he said when ho gave his great promise to all ages The works that I do shall ye do also and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my Father EELIGION Religion according to Science is honesty chastity and purity of thonght and act unsel fishness philanthropy a literal and spiritual tation of the lifo of Jesus Christ as the high est mnnifes tation in relitrions historv rf n Onrl envernsd man Christian Science recnrnizpci nil Conductor Arthur Lyman RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Roy Zint is out on tho road again E LRhodes shopclork spent Sundav in Minden Machinist helper Tom Hayden resign ed Monday A Brunswick was in Haiglor Sunday and Monday Claude Hixon is a now man in tho car repairing gang Engineer L P Neilson is on tho sick list this week W 11 Morrell is out with tho pile driver this week James Williams boilormaker resigned on Saturday last Fireman R V Walls is on tho Bur lingtons voluntary Blacksmith helper C O tho relief this week H II Hammel of tho ment is on the relief Doing is on paint depart- was up from Oxford Tuesday A Ferrite is a new machinist in tho baekshop since Saturday W II Anderson is a new man in C L Walkers gang this week D F Buckskin Shaw was a head quarters visitor Tuesday Dan Tirrill is a new member of the coach cleaning department Fireman R E French was among tho ailing ones first of the week Boss Boilerwasher Paul Miller hunted near Wray Colorado yesterday C S Bricker tho general piecework inspector was here Wednesday W A Richardson boilormaker ap prentice is listed with the B V R William Stout joined the machine shop force Wednesday as a helper Fireman Jacob Schlagel is visiting relatives near Culbertson this week Louis Herstrom of tho machine shop spent Sunday with his parents in Denver The paint gang has been further aug mented by the employment of Helper A Paulson Engine 3310 one more of tho big class D4 engines arrived on Wednesday from the shop Grant Smith west end foreman has resigned and will farm near Kenesaw this season The coach cleaners number ono more since the addition of H Mullen to the force this week Frank Fitch of the Lincoln freight- house crew is laid up with a mashed foot A casting fell on it John Stevens wife and son of Denver are visiting in town came down on No 2 Thursday morning Henry Henkel is the new clinkerpit man vice Conrad Bauer transferred to the car repairers force Engine 3311 another new class D4 ar rived here Sunday morning for service on the Western division W II Radcliffe fireman left on No2 Thursday am on a ten days visit to his brother in Concordia Kansas Dispatcher T B Campbell went up to Denver Saturday night on a short visit to relatives returning on G Sunday night Dr Livingston of Plattsmouth came up on 3 Tuesday night to see C A Dixon returning home on 12 Wednesday morning Switchman M M Fisk was up near Wray Colorado first of the week hunt ing being relieved on the west end by Tom Smith Tho navelock shops use over 35000 gallons of oils of all kinds annually and proud of their record for economy in the line of lubricants Roy Dixon arrived Tuesday on No 13 from Salida Missouri to see his father whose severo injury was de scribed in last weeks paper Stuart McLean arrived on No 1 Wed nesday from Wisconsin where he was summoned home a few weeks since by the tragic death of a brother Conductor Frank Rank is entertaining his father W J Rank of Dover Minn and sister and daughter Mrs J H Hall and Ruth late of Fairbury this state Conductor Eph Benjamin departed on 6 Monday night for Chicago to con tinue his work on the grievance com mittee which has been in session for several months and will continue for some time longer He arrived from Chicago Saturday night to make the family a short visit The management of the Union Pacific closed a contract with a Chicago com pany for the construction of twenty five water purifying plants to be constructed on that system between Omaha and Salt Lake City The order is the largest of the kind ever given in this or any other country and contemplates the expendi ture of at least Sl500000 Work is to b begun at once The officials of the Uiiion Pacific are satisfied that it has solved the question of pure water for lo comotives It is estimated that the average life of locomotives will be more than doubled The engine expert for the Baldwin locomotive works is in Havelock to superintend the setting up of the new class D4 engines which are arriving from the works in installments of two and three Fifteen of these monster freight engines will be given their fin ishing touches at Havelock and sent to the Western division for heavy hauling The Baldwin locomotive works is one of the largest if not the largest in the United States Of the 3200 engines manufactured in this country last year by nine companies this company made 1520 or one engine for every four hours work The shops cover sixteen acres of territory most of the building being from four to seven stories in height and 1300 men are constantly employed The average size of the engines turned out was 137 tons and of the total num ber 424 were compound type twenty one that is true and beauitful in tho great religious m Iuei ana seventy iour electric The concluded on last page Jjincom ciar TTZT rxZ X w Jmisf lNlhl i ulltUty District Court Proceedings Following cases wero disposed of at the session of district court held iJ this city last week Only cases acted upon aro mentioned Frederick Plasmyero vs Julia A Allen and Frank P Allen continued to Octo ber 1st Paul Perronoud vs John T Helm dismissed at plaintiffs cost judgment for 810 and costs William Byfield vs John T Helm settled defendant to pay costs Tho Stato of Nebraska vs W F Everist dismissed at states roquest Mrs Ella I Benjamin vs John R Brown settled The Stato of Nebraska vs R II Law orance dropped from docket J E Kelley vs George P Smith confirmed Carl G Cavis vs Albert W Corey ot al confirmed and deed ordered William T Wootton vs Samuel N Troth et al confirmed McKinley Lanning L and T Co vs Olivia Enyeart et al confirmed Kate Carroll vs Edwin N Benjamin et al continued and deed ordered William F Miller et al vs Peter J Byersct al confirmed and deed ordered Jesse Tnplett et al vs Clarkson S Triplett et al confirmed and deed ordered The Western Land Co vs Goorgo W Castle et al decree of foreclosure The Western Land Co vs John W Smith et al decree of foreclosure Tho Western Land Co vs James A Mitchell et al confirmed and deed ordered The Western Land Co vs Edwin McUandlass et al decree of foreclosure Joseph B Bisbee vs Hannah E Lam born et al confirmed W S Perry vs William Duborka et al decree of foreclosure AnnaBlattvs Phillip Blatt divorce granted each pay own costs alimony 63755 in payments of 10 per month and lion on city property son Frank to be in fathers care and three other child ren in mothers custody Fred P Stone vs Mary Ann Jacobs et al confirmed John W Little vs Thomas Franklin verdict for plaintiff judgment of lower court sustained Richard H Polk vs Lena Polk di vorce granted Frederick Plasmyero vs Julia A Allen and Frank P Allen et al con tinued for thirty days The Western Land Company vs F P Nicholson et al order to secure service by publication on unknown heirs B Uowles vs Henry Ambler et al decree of foreclosure Advance Thresher Co vs Edward Curlee judgment in lower court reversed and verdict for plaintiff in error Thomas C Kelley vs Viola Kelley dismissed each to pay own costs Susie M Gammill vs Aaron E Ganimill divorce granted each to pay own costs MSEmberling vs James McAdams same vs JEKelley same vs John II Grannis same vs James AEmberling judgment of lower court reversed and verdict for plaintiff George W Dillon vs Maggie Dillon divorce granted Walter L Duffey et al judgment for plamtitl lor ol72bUo and 7 per cent interest Samuel C King vs Richard M Williams et al decree of foreclosure Adela A Jordan vs Edward D Jordan divorce granted Does This Interest You The killing and dressing of first class beef by different butchers does not change the quality of the meatbut we do claim that to be able to select good beef on foot one has to be a judge -In this I claim to be par excellence My entire business comes under my own personal supervision I have no assistant Give me a trial and if my goods are not as good as the best if my prices are not as low as tho lowest if my way of doing business is not entirely satisfactory stop dealing with me My business is neither the oldest nor the largest in the city and a customer lost or gained means more to me than to my competitors this is why I am willing to do a good deal to secure a new customer or to hold an old ono Dont forget the original Blue Trading stamp I give them Yours for bus iness Paul Anton Dr Herring- on Home Missions Dr Herring of the first Congregational church of Omaha delivered a home mis sions address in the Congregational church of our city Wednesday evening The meeting was in the nature of an echo of the state meeting held in Lincoln Monday The address was chock full of earnestness and interest and was strongly appealing to the subject It is regrettable that more did not have the pleasure of hearing the doctor Revs Halberslaben of Indianola and Axtell of Trenton were present the purpose being to have a district gathering Ill With Heart Trouble August Droll of Perry precinct was severely stricken with an attack of heart trouble Tuesday afternoon while in town and for a while his life was de spaired of Later he recovered suffic iently to be taken home and we learn has quite recovered his usual health We want you to know that we are always glad to show our wall paper whether you buy or not Our new papers are here and are well worth see ing Some of the prettiest patterns must be seen here to be seen at all L W McConnell Over 60 styles of new ginghams at 84 and 12ioC yd Large assortment of mer cerized wash fabrics a3 handsome as silks Beautiful new oxfords and welts for shirt waists and suits at The Thomp son Dry Goods Cos We sell best table oil cloth for 15c per yard including plain white and marbled white Who do you think we are One price plain figures cash only to rtbtme McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 27 I9Q3 NUMBER 45 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Anothor snowfall yesterday Millinery displays April 2nd Save money on drugs at McMillons McMillen s cough cure cough Try it A largo invoice of paints tho very best McMillens drug store will stop your Tho finest lino of combs you over saw at McConnells Undo Tom had an overflowing house last Friday evening First class meats of all kinds at tho B M meat market Fifty styles of sun bonnets at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos White Pine and Tar Tho best for coughs Buy it at Cono Bros Tho B M meat markot soils tho best of overy thing in their lino Anothor shipment of now books has just been received by Cono Bros Job lot of ladies shoes worth S225 unci 250 Special prico 8129 DeGroff Tho new games Flinch and Des peration at the postollico news depot Mrs E M Sly has 4 room house on North Manchester street for rent 3 20t New milled muslin bobinot and laco curtains at Tho Thompson Drv Goods Cos You want the best at a You will got it at tho B right M prico meat- market Single comb White Leghorn eggs100 for 15 D C Benedict Culbertson Nebraska New silk gloves laco gloves kid gloves and silk mitts at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Lincoln mixed just received at New white shirt waists just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Ono price plain figures cash only There aro rumors that a partial city ticket will bo placed in the field in oppo sition to tho Republican ticket All lovers of fine porfumes should trv the California odors mado where tho flowers grow for sale at Cono Bros Use Sherwin Williams paint this year and you wont have to paint so often L W McConnell All the new and artistic wall paper designs aro now being shown at Mc Connells Let us give you some prices Fou rENT IGO acre farm 0 miles north east of McCook 00 acres under cultiva tion J C Ball McCook Teeth kept clean and free from germs dont decay Manordine kills the germ Made and sold by McConnell druggist Wanted A single man to work by month or farm on shares See or write W N Crattv McCook Neb Tho cheapest easiest quickest and best way to smoke meat is to uso Mc Connells Condensed Smoke In 25 cent bottles Cards with envelopes to match for at homes receptions etc for sale at Tnin une office Same neatly printed rea sonable if desired The readers attontion is directed to the millinery display announcement of Miss Lowman in this issue Observe the date after April 1st New trimming buttons pearl sets pendants medalions escurials appli ques laces and embroideries at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Those who have bought tho Ocean Wave washing machine are greatly pleas ed with them If you want the best and none but the best are good enough why buy the Ocean Wave Theres only one thing to do if 3 our blood is out of order Buy a bottle of McConnells Sarsaparilla it does the rest Large bottles 1 L W McConnell Carpet warp in stock now in white black red brown blue grfen orange and lemon 13c lb for white 20c for the colors On spooK Merchants orders not solicited The Thompson D G Co Seward Neb Dec 9 1901 To whom it may concern Liquid Koal is just what it is recommended to be a preventive of hog cholera and a cure I have given it a thorough trial and saved my hogs Howard Lamphere Whatever the market offers in season you will find it at Marshs meat market and the price is always right You will receive prompt service and courteous treatment in the bargain which 13 always due you Mens suits at 350 450 500 000 and up to 1250 Boys knee pants suits oc to S32o Boys 3 piece suits at 300 and 350 Mens corduroy pants 200 Boys stout cotton worsted knee pant3 25c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos One price plain figures cash only There seems to be a disposition on the part of some citizens of McCook who are opposed to cruelty to animals to make the delivery boys drive their ani mals more humanely if they have to prosecute some of the young scamps who are guilty of unnecessary and inexcus able cruelty There is cane seed aplenty and no lack of Kafir seed but alfalfa seed is both scarce and high priced yet W T Cole man has succeeded in securing a supply of some of the choicest alfalfa in the market There promises to be a great scarcitv about seeding time Dont get left