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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1903)
lJ v r v Ji ljrjl tvv r 6T4t f K i ysrjsgraapsaesMMi he TWENTY FIRST YEAR Republican City Ticket Mayor C E Eldred Clerk C I Hall Treasurer A 0 Ebort City Engineer C II Meeker Councilman First ward J E Kelloy Councilman Second ward R M Osborn Members Board of Education W S Perry and C W Barnes Above is briefly and succinctly stated the result of the Republican city pri mary last Saturday evening in the city hall as per call F M Rathburn was chairman of the caucus and C W Barnes secretary It was perhaps the briefest city cau cus over held in the city of McCook and one of the most harmonious In less than ton minutes it was all over The nominations wore almost all ro uominations The exceptions were J E Kolley for V S Perry as councilman for the First ward Mr Perry going on the school board with C W Barnes The old city central committeo was reelected A Harnett C B Gray V T Coleman C I Hall The election of the ticket which is a good strong one is assured The caucus is practically an endorse ment of the city administration of the past year which has been admittedly good and conservative Mrs A B Hull Passes On A life of sweet helpfulness and bene diction passed into the spirit land this week when the calm and confident soul of Mrs A B Hull went to greet its maker Anna Barbara IIighshew was born May 22nd 1825 in Millersburg Ohio Was united in marriage with Wilson IIull January 5th 1S49 United with the Congregational church of Mount Vernon Ohio in 1851 Removed to Pon tiac Illinois in 1S53 Her husband died in November 1858 She came to Mc Cook Nebraska with her daughter Mrs Sylvester Cordeal in 1S85 where she has lived most of the time since that time Died early Monday morningMarch 16th 1903 after a brief illness and was bur ied Wednesday afteroon March 18th in Longview cemetery of this city Deceased is survived by all of her children Mrs Sylvester Cordeal of this city Mr C W Hull of Grand Rapids Michigan and Dr H J IIull of Now York City all oT whom were present at the funeral Services were conducted at the resi dence of Sylvester Cordeal by Rev Frank W Dean of the Congregational church School Entertainment Pupils from all the grades of the pub lic schools will give an entertainment at the Court Room Thursday and Friday nights March 26 and 27 The proceeds are to be used for framing the pictures purchased last winter Among the pleas ing features to be presented will be a cantata by the primary children in the West ward entitled Strange Visitors being a charming contrast of the beau ties of our flag with those of other na tions High school students also appear in a cantata which is bright and stir ring The program will be completed with songs dialogues and drills and promises to be attractive An admission fee of fifteen cents will be charged Death of a Pioneer Merchant Louis Lowman passed away Thurs day afternoon the 19th instant between three and four oclock having been in declining health for some time The remains were shipped to Brownville Nebraska this morning on No 12 for burial in their former home and being accompanied by Mrs Lowman Miss Sarah Lowman and E E Lowman of Brownville who arrived in the city shortly before the death of his father The deceased is well known to the people of McCook and this section of Nebraska and The Tribune hopes nest week to offer its readers a more extended obituary notice R A Cole Seriously 111 R A Colo the aged West Dennison street tailor is seriously ill with chances against his recovery A daughter is here from York this state taking care of the failing father Notice to the Public All debts made by J A Calvert from this date March 16th will not be set tled by me 1 Mr C C Calvert S5 styles and colors of sun bonnets at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Dainty ruffled muslin and bobinet lace curtains just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos For Sale Fivo room cottage oppo site Congregational church Price 1 200 3 204ts L W Stayner People who bought their garden seeds of W T Coleman last year are in buy ing early while the assortment is com plete They know good seeds when they have tried them MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE M J Hkafy was a Lincoln visitor first of tho week Clare Nksiht went down to Sutton close of week past- Miss Edna Yarokr entertained the Awl Os Tuesday evening Mrs J E Kelley went up to Denver on No 13 Tuesday on a visit Representative Perry of Cambridge attended district court Monday Mrs A P Thomson arrived homo from Omaha Saturday evening on 5 S W Clark of Bartloy attended tho meeting of county assessors Tuesday George T Smith has joined tho Mc Cook colony at Fort Morgan Colorado J G Schohel and family were guests of Mrs Schobels parents in Minden Sunday Mrs F M Kimmell returned Satur day night on 3 from her visit C H Nichols assessor for Lebanon precinct attended tho assessors meet ing on Tuesday George Burgess of Alraena Kansas arrived in tho city on 5 Saturday night on a visit home Miss Maud Carson of Red Oak Iowa is in charge of Mrs Delhuntys trimming department Mrs Matella Gordon arrived home Monday morning from an absence in Denver of a few weeks C If Beaumont tho Madrid Perkins county banker came in on No 5 Sun day night on business Ernest Cordeal arrived home on 1 Tuesday to attend the funeral of his grandmother Mrs Hull Roy Smith came down from Denver on 6 Saturday night visiting the family and friends here over Sunday George Wacker and family have returned from Loveland Colorado and will work in tho beet field this season Mrs Nellie Guild returned to Om aha Tuesday after a visit of two or three weeks with Agent Thomson and family Mrs C A Jarvis came up from Holdrege close of the week gone and is the guest of her sister Mrs W L Egbert Rev S J Medlin of Cambridge oc cupied tho Methodist pulpit here last Sunday evening profitably to his hearers Miss Eva Feeney of Hastings arrived in the city Saturday last on No 1 and is now in her old position in Lowraans millinery department Mrs C L Fahnestock spent closing days of last week with Lincoln relatives The doctor spent Sunday in tho state capital and they returned home together on No 3 Miss Lena Stoner arrived from Weep ing Water Nebraska Tuesday night and will be the guess of brother W M of the storehouse clerical force for a few weeks Martin Mattson of Marshs meat market was called to Stromsburg Ne braska by the death of a sister The remains were taken to their home over in Iowa for burial John F Rowell arrived in the city Tuesday night from Eldora Colorado and will remain a while canvassing for stock sales in the United States Gold Corporation of Eldora F N Merwin of the Beaver City Tribune arrived in tho city Monday night on 5 on business of his private secretaryship to Congressman Norris leaving for home on 2 Wednesday morning Mrs J M Hughes birthday was fittingly observed Monday evening by her neighbors and friends who tendered her a surprise party The evening passed pleasantly and all too quickly with games music and refreshments Mrs Frank L Brown Miss Amy and Master Edgar departed yester day for the Black Hills where they will continue their visit before returning to their home in Menominee Wisconsin Their visit here has been a mutual joy H H Berry went down to E N A Hens ranch near Cambridge last Sat urday to attend his White Face sale which was indefinitely postponed on account of the high water and the ab sence of bridges over the Republican We want you to know that we are always glad to show our wall paper whether you buy or not Our new papers are here and are well worth see ing Some of tho prettiest patterns must be seen here to be seen at all L W McConnell Jlf IClWWli State Congregational Meeting Tho pastors and interested members of Nebraska Congregational churches aro summoned to a convention to be held in the Frst Congregational church Lincoln Monday March 23rd Tho call is signed by Rev John E Tuttlo Rev M A Bullock S IIIanford and H Bross and states that for some time there has been a profound conviction that tho church was not making such progress in religious work as should bo expected and there was an evident need of increased devotion bet ter planned and executed effort and closer fellowship Tho convention is called to strengthen the church enthuse its members and to devise means to supply tho vacant pulpits of pastorless charges- Tho day and evening program prom ises to bo instructive and enthusing Rev William Hardcastle of Cambridge will lead the Endeavor prayer meeting in the morning at eight Rev Frank W Dean of McCook will bo among those who will discuss a papor on practi cal methods in Christian work in tho afternoon session Two Farewell Events After tho regular business session last evening the Lady Maccabees gave Mrs J A Gunn tho lady commander of tho of the hive who is soon to remove to DesMoines Iowa a surprise in the form of a social affair of such happy particu lars as tue Lady Maccanees nave a record of offering Refreshments were served and Mrs Gunn will carry to her Iowa home a pretty souvenir of the occasion The same evening at the Gunn resi dence the Awl Os surprised Miss Nello most happily and completely Inform ally pop corn taffy candy etc were consumed A pretty souvenir and a shower of job lots were tendered Miss Nelle Both events wore but marred by the nature of the celebration A Victim of Scarlet Fever Scarlet fever claimed the year old daughter of Mr and Mrs James Shep herd last Saturday Rev Betts of the Baptist church conducted brief services at tho home in the afternoon after which tho little remains were interred in Riverview cemetery The bereaved par ents have much sympathy from neigh bors and friends in their loss Second Quarter Water Tax Water tax for the second quarter of 1903 becomes due April 1st Ten per cent will be added to all taxes not paid before oclock p m Wednesday April 15th 1903 Office hours 9 to 12 a m and 2 to 5 p m Central time C II Meeker Supt A Butchering Difference is tho difference between our way and other ways the difference between good meat and poor meat and our customers gain by the difference in methods We are careful in selecting and killing our meats and in selling aim to please our patrons Marsh Meat Market We Are Ready to Show You the latest in wall papers Will be pleased to show you our papers whether you buy or not Look elsewhere and then come in and compare qualities and prices Yours for business A McMillen For Sale Folding bed At a bargain L W McConnell New Arabian lace curtains just re ceived at The Thompson Dry Goods Co One case of smallpox makes as big an epidemic as one swallow makes a sum mer See A large invoice of Lincoln mixed paints tho very best just received at McMillens drug store All lovers of fine perfumes should try the California odors made where the flowers grow for sale at Cone Bros New table damasks including tho handsome new open work borders just received The Thompson Dry Goods Co Teeth kept clean and free from germs dont decay Manordino kills the germ Made and sold by McConnell druggist Latest pearl shirt waist sets and pearl trimming buttons in white and tints just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Very attractive new wash fabrics just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos including oxfords ducks welts and mercerized ginghams The Royal Neighbors join The Trib unes lodge and order directory this week This is a great convenience to members and at a very small cost 25 cents per month Whatever the market offers in season you will find it at Marshs meat market and the price is always right You will receive prompt service and courteous treatment in the bargain which is always due you RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS C F Dann of Walkers gang resigned JVlonday Conductor William Washburn has way car No 16G Jack Wentz ofPaulMillorsgangquit first of tho week A B Thorgrimson visited Walter in Lincoln Monday Rudolph Johnson is a new boilor washer this week Engine 1 went to tho Southern divis ion Sunday on 61 A son was born to Fireman and Mrs W L Egbert Sunday W E Wells has been hero part of the week inspecting boilers A F Anderson is a now wiper in the round house this week S M Cawthra is a new employe in tho train service brakoman Robert E Leo has entered tho Bur lington employ as brake man O R Amick and family left on 2 Tuesday morning for Hastings No 1 was nine hours late last Friday caused by a serious washout over in Iowa Fireman I F Wolfe was visiting his parents at Red Cloud fore part of the week II M Snider of Egans gang returned to woik Monday after a two weeks illness Albert Thorgrimson departed close of last week for tho northwest coast via Lincoln Conductor William Cropp has returned to duty Conductor II C Kiser was re lieving him Auditor W P Foreman was at head quarters Wednesday evening and Thurs day morning L E Hill formerly switchman at Ak ron has been reemployed and is braking out of McCook Machinist George WVanNortwick re signed first of the week and has gone to his family at Eustis Conductors J F Utter and T II Ma len and Brakeman C II Downey aro counted with the sick Switchman C A Garner was down from Akron Tuesday and joined the B of R T at a special meeting Fireman A C Simmons resigned Monday and will leave for Omaha Sat urday where he expects to get work Conductor Quigley of the Republican Oberliu run was returned to duty and Conductor Buntinghas returned to head quarters Fireman W C Rathjen resigned Monday and is visiting his parents at Red Cloud He will also go to Omaha to get work Brakeman O R Leach has resigned from tho service and will go to Sedalia Missouri to play in their ball team as will also C E Jones Brakeman M A VanHorn has gone to Des Moines Iowa after his aged mother who was called there by the death of her mother some time since L A Hurlbut was released from quar antine Thursday morning and on Thurs day afternoon went out to Roggen in charge of the pile driver Engineer F W Bosworth and Con ductor W W ebster returned home Monday from taking the purchasing agents special over the Western division last week Conductor F M Washburn has Con ductor Bransons car temporarily while the Bronson IIegenberger transfer is be ing made and Conductor W W Webster has been in charge of Washburns car Conductor C W Bronson has beeii transferred to the Southern division and will make his headquarters at St Joe His runs will be from McCook to St Joe Oxford to St Joe Lincoln to St Joe Conductor negenberger has re turned to McCook and will have Con ductor Bransons run on the main line out of McCook 2000 Packages of choice flower seed put up ex pressly for us by one of the largest seed firms in the country The varieties which have been sold for 5c 10c and 15c per package we will sell this year at 3c each Sweet peas and nasturtium in bulk The Bee Hive Cream received at W T Colemans from any centrifugal separator any day in the week at the highest market price He pays twice a month too ical Society nbttit McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 20 1903 Close Call For His Life Tuesday afternoon No 12 ran into tho rear of an extra freight about four miles west of Minden causing an ugly wreck Traveling Engineer C A Dixon was in tho cupalo of the caboose and sustained sovoro but happily not serious injuries his left hip was dislocated hands and feet badly burned and face and head cut Ho was pinioned in the wreck and narrowly escaped death by burning being rescued by Brakeman C S McElherron at a time when it looked as though his fato was sealed It is just possiblo that tho dislocated hip was sustained in tho strenuous and heroic effort mado in his rescue Tho engine behind and the flat car ahead of tho cabooso made kindling wood of tho caboose which with tho flat car was entirely consumed by firo Conductor E F Caffrey and Brake man II P saw tho danger in timo to jump and thug escaped injury Had Traveling Engineer Dixon been down in the body of tho way car ho doubtless would have been killed by the telescoping flat car Engine No 210 Ainsworth Monks at tho throttle was pretty badly mashed The passenger train was pulled into Minden with the freight train about three hours lato and Mr Dixon was transferred to No 5 and brought homo arriving about nine oclock Ho was at onco convoyed to the homo of his daugh ter Mrs K M Stangland and received medical attention At this writing ho is progressing favorably The B of R T Ball and Banquet The annual ball and banquet of the Brotherhood o f Ruilroad Trainmen Tuesday evening St Patricks evening called out tho usual large and pleased attendance and tho guests of tho order on this as on all other occasions of the kind were shown a big time The ball was given in the opera house which was filled with a gay and happy company which enjoyed a full measure of pleasure from opening grand march to closing good night waltz The grand march was led by Mr and Mrs Mose Golfer The hall was tastefully and elaborate ly decorated for tho occasion in national colors and with tho order designs and insignia lanterns in colors headlights etc making a very attractive effect The banquet was served at the B M eating house which is tantamount to saying that it was finor than silk in keeping with the rest of the affair and a credit to the chef The Pythian orchestra rendered a pro gram of its rarest vintage County Assessors Meet The assessors of the county met in the court house Tuesday as required by law and decided upon the basis of assessment for this year Of the 20 assessor all but two were present or rep resented It was determined to assess all pro perty at one fifth true value horses to bo assessed at an average of at least 86 May Lose Use of One Eye William Hammell fell while using some mortar first of the week and a quantity of the morter was thrown up into his eyes Medical assistance was secured as soon as possible but it is feared ho may lose the use of one eye and the doctor is making a strong effort to save the other It is to be hoped that the case may be less gloomy than pres ent conditions indicate District Court Judge Orr presided at a term of dis trict court here this week Monday Thursday Full proceedings next issue The jurors were dismissed Tuesday hence some important cases go over to next term of court Dwelling House For Sale Five room dwelling new 62 feet front Inquire of 2ts Frank Dobson New things in fiction at McConnell s Wall Paper Buy it this month of Cone Bros and save 50 per cent Stop that cough Cure that cold McConnells Balsam will do it 10 yards very fine cambric muslin for 63c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The Dorcas society will meet with Mrs F M Kimmell next Thursday after noon at 230 oclock Dress skirts and walking skirts in large varieties ready-to-wear or to your measure from 8250 up at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos One price plain figures cash only We will receive early next week a large shipment of best quality carpet warp on spools in white black red brown green orange and lemon Our prices will be as heretofore 18 cents for white 20 cents for colors Merchants orders not solicited The Thompson Dry Goods Co NUMBER 44 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Savo money on drugs at McMillens McMillens cough euro will stop your cough Try it The paper hangers and painters aro going some now Tho addition to J G SchoboIH resi dence is under way First class moats of all kindH at tho B M meat market Now laco collars just received at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos White Pino and Tar Tho best for coughs Buy it at Cono Bros Tho B M meat market soils tho best of overything in their lino Another shipment of new books has just been received by Cono Bros Job lot of ladies shoos worth 8225 and 250 Special prico 8129 DeGroff Gunthers candies always fresh L W McConnell Never mind tho mud you will have dust enough boforo tho summer closes Tho new games Flinch and Des peration at tho postollieo news depot Mrs E M Sly has 4 rooin houso on North Manchester street for rent 3 20t Liquid Koal and National Dip for sale by James Cain Kill tho germ of Texas Itch You want tho best at a right prico You will get it at the B fc M meat market Tho carpenters are busy now on W B Mills now dwelling houso on North Marshall St Patricks day was but mildly ob served Tuesday There was littlo wear ing of the greeu The O R Aniick dwelling has been purchased by Earl Murray who moved into tho same on Monday - Ladies pure linen hemstitched hand kerchiefs for eight cents ouch at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Sugar beets alfalfa and tho cream separator are a trio of profit for South western Nebraska hard to equal Use Sherwin Williams paint this year and you wont have to paint so often L W McConnell All the new and artistic wall paper designs are now being shown at Mc Connells Let us give you some prices Tho rasp of the saw and whack of tho hammer are familiar and musical sounds since the opening of moderate weather For rent 160 acre farm 6 miles north east of McCook 90 acres under cultiva tion J C Ball McCook Wanted A single man to work by month or farm on shares See or writo W N Cratty McCook Neb The cheapest easiest quickest and best way to smoko meat is to uso Mc Connells Condensed Smoke InJ25 cent bottles Cards with envelopes to match for at homes receptions etc for sale at Trir une office Same neatly printed rea sonable if desired Tho Cash Bargain House McCooks leading mart of merchandise calls spec ial attention to its opening of the latent spring goods in all lines Buy while the line is new and complete Those who have bought the Ocean Wave washing machine are greatly pleas ed with them If you want the best and none but the best are good enough why buy the OceanJWave Thunder and lightning and rain aro not common in early March but this is not a common winter and spring There was a little of both at this place about two oclock Monday morning Seward Neb Dec 9 1901 To whom it may concern Liquid Koal is just what it is recommended to be a preventive of hog cholera and a cure I have given it a thorough trial and saved my hogs Howard Lamphere It is said that fifty Russian families are expected to arrive from the old country to work in the sugar beet fields in southwestern Nebraska this season Besides quite a number are expected to return here from Colorado The wet or dry question is not bother ing McCook much althoughjthe propo sition is and will be debatedzin many Nebraska towns at the spring election For the present McCooksJmind is set tled upon going it wet andthere are not many indications of a change of heart There is cane seed aplenty and no lack of Kafir seed but alfalfa seed is both scarce and high priced yetjW T Cole man has succeeded in securing a supply of some of the choicest alfalfain the market There promises to bea great scarcity about seeding time Dont get left