The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 13, 1903, Image 4

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fh Mffo
Rv F M
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican City Convention
McCook Nob March 10th 1903
Tho Republican electors of the city
of McCook aro hereby culled to meot in
contention at tho city hall at 8 oclock
p m on Saturday March 14 1903 for
tho purposo of plncing in nomination
candidates for the various city oflices to
bo filled at the city election to be held
on April 7tb 1903 as follows Mayor
clerk treasurer city engineer 2 mem
bers board of education one member of
tho council from First ward and one
member of tho council from tho Second
ward To select a central committee
and to transact such other business as
may como before tho convention
A Baknett
C IB Guay
Committee f W T Coleman
J C I JIall
Fi ETCHErc Meuwin is kept busy these
early spring dayBin printing complimen
tary notices of his appointment as Con
gressman Norris private secretary Well
Fletcher deserved it May his hyphen
never disappear
Hinky Dink besides being an alfalfa
expert and a sugar beet novice is a sure
enough humorist A recent issue of the
Independent contains a column article
on Tho Nowspaper Tho Pharisee
appreciates the humor of it and tho tra
gedy thereof is apparent to anyone Even
Hinkys prince albert must feel tho pa
thos of it
Fraternal Insurance order Cards
R C f P A -Lodge No 012 meets first and
third Thursdays of onch month McCounells
hall 830 p m E B Hubeb President W S
Guteh Socretary f
lodge No 307 meots on f ocnnd and fourth Mon
day evenings of each montli at eight oclock in
McUonnoIl hall JJ W Drvok Illuttnous Pro
tcctor J C Mitchell Socretari
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Sunday school at ten o
clock Devotional services 11 Preach
ing in the evening at eight subject
Jonahs by Rev F D Hills
Baptist Preaching 11 and 8 oclock
Bible school at 945 B Y P U at 7
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
at 8 Cordial welcome to all who may
come C Richard Betts Pastor
Methodist Regular services for the
Sabbath Rev S J Medlin of Camb
ridge will preach at 8 The sacrament
of the Lords supper will follow the morn
ing sermon L II Shumate Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 10
Sermon Tho Forgotten Bov at 11
Y P S C E at 7 Sermon Crowns
of Righteousness at 8 Prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening at 8 All are
welcome F W Dean Pastor
Christian Science Yourself and
friends are cordially invited to attend a
public lecture on Christian Science by
Carol Norton C S D New Yoik a
member of the board of lectureship of
the First Church of Christ Scientist
Boston Massachusets to be given by
the students of Christian Science of
McCook Monday evening March 23rd
1903 in the court room commencing at
8 oclock Admission free no collection
A Street Carnival
At a meeting of business men in the
city hall last night it was decided to
hold a street carnival in McCook in
August or September A committee of
ten Messrs James Roonev G B Berry
T J Smith C H Meeker William Zint
W P Bross Harry Barbazetr C J
Ryan II P Sutton and W V Gage
was named to consult and contract with
a representative of the Collins Carnival
Co as to details and terms
Notice to the Public
Mahala J Dunn my wife having left
my bed and board without provocation
all persons are hereby notified that I
will not pay any bills contracted by her
William F Dunn
Dated March 10th 1903 3 13 4ts
Working Overtime
Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless
little workers Dr Kings Now Life Pills Mill
ions are alwajs at work night and day curing
indigestion biliousues constipation sick head
ache and all Stomach Liver and Bowel troubles
Easy pleasant safe suro Only 2c at McCon
nels drug store
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn S 40
Wheat 53
Oats 40
Rye 33
Hogs G
Eggs 12i
Butter 15
It Saved His Lefj
P A Danforth of LaG range Ga suffered for
six months with a frightful running sore on his
leg but writes that Bucklens Arnica salve
wholly cured it in five dajs Forulcerswounds
piles its tho best salve in the world Cure
guaranteed Only 23 cts Sold by L Mc
Connell druggist
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in
one day No cure no pay Prico 23 cents
Indigestion Causes
Catarrn of tne
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the Juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrhof the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Ours
relieves all lniiammauon oi tne mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodo Digests What You Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles cnly Reeular size 5 1 00 holdlne 2H times
the trial size which sells for 50 cents
Prepared by E O Do WITT CO Chicago III
- TWtf1
Absolutely Pure
0rleans St Francis Branch
Orleans Neb
March 5 1903
Special to McCook Tribune
The last week has been series of snow
storms on this branch Since December
the ground has been well covered West
of Atwood it snows every day and the
plains are carpeted a foot deep on the
level Friday and Saturday last week
the towns on the line in Atwood county
endurod a blockade Master Mechanic
Archibald of McCook and Roadmaster
Rosander of Orleans went up Saturday
with a double header snow plow and
cleared the cuts between Bird City and
St Francis which were from 2 to 14 feet
William Pexton agent at Bird City
accommodates the traveling public and
railroad men with breakfast and supper
at popular prices MrsPexton is a good
cook and tho table is well provided with
a menu that delights the inner man
Two long trains of stock were shipped
Wednesday Tho branch can show
trumps with any 134 miles of the Burl
ington in the production of live stock
Deroy Danielson of St Francis is at
Herndon shipping broom corn east
Broom corn is piled along the track in
ricks waiting for cars
St Francis is negotiating fora system
of telephone connecting atHaiglerNeb
Goodland Kans Bird City McDonald
and Atwood Soon a complete connec
tion will be had from Orleans to St
Francis and tapping the Rock Island and
Burlington main lines as well as the
Oberlin branch
Tho snow that has covered the ground
all winter and been replenished with fre
quent layers from storms has benefited
the winter wheat and the large acreage
is in prime condition The soil is satu
rated with moisture many feet beneath
tho snow A crop of wheat is a certain
ty and the outlook foi other crops is very
Henry Rice of Wilsonville died of can
cer and was buried Wednesday Mr
Rice was an old soldier and an old set
tler popular and Avell known In the
old days he was at the head of a bank at
Wilsonville and one of the largest stock
raisers and farmers of the country He
was a familiar figure and will be greatly
Orleans has now an excellent telephone
system about 40 new phones have been
put in about town and several in the
country and new phones are being put
in residences daily Nearly every one in
town has a wire and the rest are getting
one as fast as Judge Kuester can accom
modate them
The Royal Neighbors gave a sump-
tious dinner to the children of the
members at the Woodman hall at Or
leans recently and the hall was
crowded with youngsters who enjoyed
the delicacies
The Lady Maccabees of Orleans will
entertain Mrs Marks of the grand lodge
with a banquet this week Mesdames
Erven Fairchild and VanCycle are the
reception committee
The literary club of Orleans is a great
success Prof Bentley of the city
schools and Mr and Mrs Beresford are
a few of tho leading lights The club
meets at the residences and are enter
tained with vocal and instrumental
music literary productions reading
recitations and discussions of popular
authors Some of the best people of the
town are members and the benefits de
rived cannot be overestimated There
is a literary awakening books are being
purchased and libraries replenished and
intellectuality is in tho ascendency
M VNilsson of Marion Nebraska
took first prize at Denver Colorado on
the best carload of hogs on exhibition
Marion is one of the best swine and
stock countries in the United States and
Mr Nilsson appreciates tho honor
highly Ho complimented train 17Ss
crew with a box of cigars in honor of the
Mike Manning of Orleans Nebraska
came to that locality in 1871 when a
stockade was standing two miles west of
r i x i
vjnuaiis near ino river near tne sue ot
Old Melroseto protect the pioneers from
the savage Pawnees and blood thirsty
Sioux Mike was playing a game of
chance with Pawnee warriors over 30
years ago and won 14 buffalo robes all
the money and trinkets of the dusky
gamesters when about 3 a m ho looked
and saw three tier deep of painted
savages in their war regalia encircl
ing him Mike became suddenly very
sick and his hair turned completely
gray with fright The Indians wero on
the warpath and at Republican City a
large band of Sioux were camped
r TPrp
Floyd Berry was a pilgrim in Lincoln
E O Scott saw tho folks in Liucoln
William F Dunn has returned to
Freedom Frontier county
Engine 310 was put into service this
week after an overhauling
E J Kates of tho storehouse force was
a visitor of Lincoln friends
L P Forsman of tho flue department
is on tho list of sick this week
Switchman R A Byrnes is still off
duty on account of his wifes illness
Oscar Sampson returned Wednesday
morning from a short visit to the folks
at home Oxford
Charles Johnson of the car repairing
force distributed cigars Wednesday on
the advent ofaboy at his home
Master Mpchanic Archibald has been
out on the road part of tho week with
the Campbell Josselyn special
The west end goat 32 was turned
out of tho backshop first of the week
and the boys parted with the 279 with
out regret
The flue cleaner is being repaired this
week and will be lengthened four feet
during the process to accommodate tho
longer flues now coming into use
Dee Best formerly operator of this
city but who is now holding a position
as dispatcher on tho Union Pacific is
visiting at the home of his parents Mr
and Mrs J Best Red Cloud Argus
Water ran over the grade in 37 differ
ent places between Holbrook and Cam
bridge Monday afternoon and night
but there was practically no damage to
the roadbed on account of the heavy
Conductors William Cropp F M
Washburn and E F Caffrey and Brake
man W II Stark are listed with the
sick Conductor J F Utter has Wash-
burns car
No 150 Conductor
is in charge of
H C Riser
No 36 and
is relieving
J M Holder for past 17 years agent
at Orleans was in the city Wednesday
resigning from the service while at head
quarters He has been in the Burling
ton service over 20 years and now ex
pects to go onto his farm near Hastings
no was the guest of Rev Shumate while
Robert C Cole and wife returned from
Denver Sunday night on 14 Bob has
quite recovered from his recent rare oper
ation in a Denver hospital and feels finer
than silk looking hale and hearty He
is one of the only two men in America
who have lived after such an operation
He will soon be able to go on the road
No 2 was delayed eight or nine hours
Thursday by a big washout just east of
Roggen Colorado The train had to be
spnt back and como east again over tho
Union Pacific line touching the Burl
ington again at Brush Colorado The
washout was about 125 feet long and
from ten to twelve feet deep and was
caused by the melting of a large body
of snow in the neighboring sandhills
Hupp was a business visitor this
R W Devoe of McCook visited his
parents here Saturday and Sunday
William Eifert and William Miller of
Danbury attended the Eifert sale here
Mrs W J
visiting Mrs
this week
Mallery of willsonville was
F F West a few days
William Holsey took a car of hogs and
one of cattle to Kansas City Wednes
day morning
Judge Redmond and family arrived
from Colorado Tuesday and is visiting
his son-in-law D A McCarty
Clarence Bonhom and family moved
from the Lomax farm east of town into
the Turner house Wednesday
Elmer Wedner will make a sale March
16 after which he expects to go to Colo
rado to grow up with the country
Mrs W H Schofield and the child
ren accompanied Rev Schofield to
Wilsonville Saturday returning Mon
J B Cumming arrived from Omaha
Monday where he had been with a load
of hogs W hile there he visited his
father and sister
Extra Agent Jack Edwards and his
dog Bill were attending to the railroad
business a t this place this week
Agent Sweeney is absent looking up a
a more desirable location
Rev L P Huntsinger and wife re
turned home last Thursday The elder
has been holding meetings in the east
ern part of the state and also in Kansas
and Iowa She visited their son J H
in Wichita Kansas
F G Westland reports unsolicited do
nations for the Swedish Norweigan relief
as follows A McMillen 81 Mrs L Low
man 81 R R Archibald SI
Asthma I
uj vyTa iTTamgiltr8KCT
One of my daughters had a
terrible case of asthma We tried
almost everything but without re
lief We then tried Ayers Cherry
Pectoral and three and one half
bottles cured her Emma Jane
Entsminger Langsville O
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
certainly curesmany cases
of asthma
And it cures bronchitis
hoarseness weak lungs
whooping cough croup
winter coughs night
coughs and hard colds
Three sizes 25c 50c I All druggists
Consult voiir doctor If lie says tako It
then iio as lio says If lie tells you not
to take it tnen uoirc thkb ii lie unons
Leave It with luni Wo are willing
J C AIEB CO Lowell Mass
After the Minnows
Comes the Whale
m j Hifv
McCook Opera House
One Night Only
Friday Mar 20
40 PEOPLE 40
Ponies Donkeys
A Pack of Blood Hounds
A carload of Special
Scenery Traveling
their own two Pull
man cars
Grand Parade at 12 M
Seats Now on Sale at Usual Place
Clark Hedges has accepted a posi
tion in Chicago
Mrs V H Solliday visited her Ox
ford sister Mrs Anthony Clark over
Mrs W II Brown and Winnie re
terned home on 3 Sunday night from
visiting Hastings relatives
Mrs R J Moore visited Oxford rela
tives Sunday going from there to Macon
to visit members ofhis family
Rev C P Betts spent part of the
week in Stratton He expects to leave
Monday for Minnesota after the family
C B Sawyer has purchased Engineer
A J Chambers residence and in due
time will occupy the same Dr H J
Pratt the new dentist will occupy the
Sawyer home
L L Williams arrived from Eau
Claire Wis Tuesday evening and is the
guest of his daughter Mrs A P Bonno
who will accompany him back to Wis
consin on a visit next Tuesday
A Barnett went in to Omaha Wed
nesday night to look up the matter of
purchasing lumber with which to re
build river bridges damaged Monday
Happily he was successful and the re
pairs will proceed at once
Mrs Dennis Cullen Maggie and tho
youngest son will go to Omaha next
week to remain a number of months at
least Dennis and son Arthur will re
main here The move is to secure the
services of an aurist
Mr and Mrs J F Kenyon enter
tained theSKBPHCM card club
very cleverly Wednesday evening at
military euchre The house and table
decorations were patriotic in nature
Each table was a fort which was de
fended by the original couples one
couple defending and one couple going
on the skirmish line Fortress Monroe
won the most flags Mrs J E Kelley
and Mrs H A Beale and Messrs J W
Hupp and A M Knowland being its
defenders The plan was unique and
the game was played with much zest
Saturday was a very busy day in the
library 117 books loaned and 103 visitors
Some of our country visitors tako out
six books to one neighborhood The
books from the juvenile case are out
most of the time so many are loaned
that it will be necessary to add more
new 6ooks to the list The Last Word
is more popular than any other novel
Lovely Mary a new book by the
author of Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage
Patch was published February 28th
and is now in the library The sale of
Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
was larger than any other book publish
ed last year At the present time the
average is 10000 per day These two
together form the basis for a new drama
The Pooles indec will be used in con
nection with the magazines and will be
of great value as a work of reference
The magazines are being bound and the
following numbers of McClure are needed
to complete the years
1897 JanuaryFebruaryMarch April
May June July September October
November December
189S January March April May
June July August September October
November December
1899 January February May July
August September October
1900 January FebruaryMarchApril
May June Julj August
1S02 January
William Breman passed this way yes
terday enroute to friends in Gerver
Fred Wesch reports a large number of
cattle lost by the storm southwest of
them in Kansas
Mrs W H Hartman and Mrs John
Stevens of Wray Colorado were visitors
at Banksville Saturday last
There will be a basket supper at the
Pleasant Prairie school house March
20th to raise funds for library purposes
The report of the Banksville corres
pondent to the Republican that Benja
min Bros lost several head of cattle in
the last storm was not correct Their
loss was only one cow
tat nirrTfyT
Given Fr
A Dainty Tea Pot or -
A Beautiful Work Basket
With every two pound purchase
of our celebrated -
A Remarkable Case
Ono of the most remarkable caes of a cold
deep seated on the Inns causing pneumonia
is that of Mrs Gertrude E Former Marion
IikI who was entirely cured bj the use of One
Minute CoiiRh Cure Slic ajb The coughing
and straining so weakened me that I run down
in weight from 118 to ffi pounds I tried a num
ber of remedies to no avail until I ued Ono
Minute CoukIi Cure Four bottles of this won
derful remedy cured me entirely of the cough
strengthened inj lungs and restored me to my
normal weight and strength
Tho best pill neath tho stars and stripest
It cleanses the sjstem and neer gripes
Littlo Early Risers of worldlj repute
Ak for DeWitts and take no ubttitut
A small pill easj to buj en y to take and
easy to actbut never failing in results De Witts
Littlo Earlj Risers ironco the secretions and
act as a tonic to the lher curing permanently
Whats In A Name
Everj thing is in tho name when it comes to
Witch Hazol Salve E C DoWitt Co oT Chi
cago discovered some years ago how to make
a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for
piles For blind bleeding itching and protrud
ing piles eczema cuts burns braises and all
fckiu diseaes DoWittV Saho has no equal
This has given rise to numerous worthless coun
terfeits Ask for De Witts the genuine
If its a bilious attack take Chemberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery
is certain For sale by L W McConnolI
MlSa iTYlS A1
A vegetable liquid for governing or
Equalizing the flow of womens menses
which occur once in every lunar month
Female Reg ulator
is the essential quality of powerful herbs I
It is a concentrated essence best adapted
for womens delicate organism and put iu
such form that it is alwavs properly
assimilated and taken into the system j
Stoppages suppression painful or other
irregularity of the menses and sickly flows J
are corrected and cured by the regular i
use of this superior emmenagogue
Menstruation or periodic flows i
sitate a breaking down of cells lining the
mucous membrane and a reconstruction
after every sickness which is accompa
nied with marked
blood Such changes
ree I
ns h 5C
11 1 k q
Defiance Sun Dried Japan tea
It comes in half pound packages and is absolutely the
purest and strongest tea on the market
HONEST JOHN is headquar
ters for GROCERIES
Spring Ties and Ladies Belts
Have you seen our new line of BEUTIFUL SPRING
TIES Step in and look at them
We have just received a handsome line of LADIES
BELTS Also an up-to-date assortment of
Pocket Books Sash Pins
Waist Bags Chatelain Bags
Waist Sets Back Combs etc
Ask to see those new Ogee Combs
J H Grannis
Phone 16
flcCook Neb
J S Ferrior is in Benkelman this
M C Reynolds was in the city last
Miss Pearl Roberts of Beverly visited
in this city Thursday
Henry Young moved in the Jim Crews
residence Wednesday
Mrs Gibson visited her daughter
Jessie in McCook Tuesday
Ed Wilson and son 11 ugh were down
from Stratton Wednesday
John P Trimpy is driving the mail
route for Jerry Bahn this week
Misses Viola and Mary Ferrier wero
enrolled on the sick list this wefk
Mrs Mary Cress of Oxford is here
visiting her son and family P W Duree
Quito a numberof our citizens attend
ed Plummers sale near McCook Thurs
George Shaurman was taken to the
Lincoln hospital for treatment Tuesday
A L Taylor of the Trenton Leader
was in town in the interests of his paper
Miss Carrie Trimpy closed a very suc
cessful term of school in Swedburg dis
trict Friday
Rev TJ Ashby of Riverton came
in Saturday morning to hold a series of
revival meetings
C E Moxan went down to Grand
Island Tuesday nierht to sph hi fhi
dren who are having the measles
Rev H G Schnasse returned from
Harvard Nebraska Tuesday where ho
attended the funeral of his brother
Bruce Vastine returned from Calla
way Nebraska Tuesday evening where
he has been clerking in a drug store
Miss Lou McKillip of Thornburg
Nebraska visited with Mrs Boyle at
this place a few days first of the week
Ralph E Johnson State Deputy
Head Gouncil of the Modern Woodman
of Lincoln was a business visitor Wed
Miss Maggie Hill had an attack of the
grippe Monday and Tuesday and was
unable to attend her duties at the store
Miss Belle Turner filled the vacancy
WGDickey and EII Jones agents
forLncle Toms Cabin were in town
Wednesday making arrangements for
the play here next ednesdavMarch 18
Well Agraln
The many friends of John Blunt w ill ho pleas-
iai no lias entirely recovered fr
in- attack pi rheumatism Chamberlain- Pain
tmn Mono n In li 5 ln P
Thr vr ir lV WTe relief
-- t iii inn i iiiin ti iiiai
m nt affords Rlono worth many tlmeit2
For sale bj L W McConnelJ cost
Scale books for sale
at The Tribune
congestion and loss of constipated Tongue coated
are very apt to pro- TfQ vnnr ir wr i r ii
rinnt rhrnntp Mtnrrh I pnrnrrhM nr i
and restores to perfect health the patient
who suffered the debilitating losses
Buy of druggists ioo per bottle
Our illustrated hook mailed free
Perfect Heath for Women
Sick Headache
Food doesnt digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
-- w 5 JTlilS
Whites is the result of these irritating are liver pills they CUTe dvs
charges Regulator cures these troubles j TCk lcr Ut
25c All druggists
Won vn
ujmiuuuaialiiior beard a twfi
brown or rich black Then use Beautiful
S0CT30rDUCoT8g R p Hll t Co -
VeL i