The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 13, 1903, Image 3

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    V Mi
Cured Him
GREAT many remedies to tempor
A arily relieve catarrh have been devised
from time to time such as sprays
scuffs creams and other local applications
but as a rule the medical profession has
little or no enthusiasm in the treatment
of catarrh
It is generally pronounced by them to be
It therefore created a great sensation in
medical circles when Dr Hartman an
nounced that he had devised a compound
which would cure catarrh permanently
The remedy was named Peruna and in a
short time became known to thousands of
catarrh sufferers north south east and west
Letters testifying to the fact that Peruna
is a radical cure for catarrh began to pour
in from all directions
Thousands of such letters are on file in
the office of The Peruna Medicine Co
Rev E Stubenvoll Pella Wis writes
I feel obliged to extendyou my personal
thanks for my complete restoration All
through the winter I suffered from throat
and lung trouble but recovered my entire
health by the use of your excellent remedy
The following letter from a prominent
gentleman of Los Angeles is a case in point
Mr J W Fuller President of the
Jewelers Association of Los Angeles Cal
has been in business in that city for seven
teen years out of the forty five that he has
been engaged in business Concerning his
experience with Peruua he says
Ii attracting more attention than any other ciUtrlct
In the world
The Gnntry of the World Tho land cf Bun
shine The Natural Feeding Ground for Stock
Area under crop id 1502 1987330 aorei
Xield 1902 117922751 bushels
Abundance of Water Fuel
Plentiful Building Slaterial
Cheap Good Grass for pasture
and hay a fertile soil a suffi
cient rainfall and a climate giving
an assured and adequate
season of growth
the only charge for -which is 10 for making entry
Close to Churches Schools etc Kallwayf tap all
settled district Send for Atlas and other literature
to SupeTlntendenfof Immigration Ottawa Canada
orto WVBennett 801 NewTork LlfeBldOmaha
Neb the authorized Canadian Government Agent
who will supply you with certificate giving you re
duced railway rates etc
gSl Thompsons Eya Water
W N U Omaha
No 111903
FtWiJt TryMil I Ill MH
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good use P3
In time Sold by dropplsU
Threatened With Loss of Hearing Smell
and Sight From
the Ravages of
SV far Z mi i i Ln l n vfijW ft Xifc amuftll 11
1 w r Feel
HH Young
Si mMHIflHi mm H
HI Fuller if
was troubled with catarrh 0 the
head for many years It affected my
sense of smell bearing and sight I
spent lots of money with doctors and
the use of local applications to relieve
me but to no purpose until my atten
tion was called to the wonderful effects 1
must say that I met with most
surprising and satisfactory results
Peruna took hold of the complaint and
drove It entirely out of my system
Although well along toward the
allotted span of mans life I am pleased
as a child over the results and feel
like a young man again J W
Such letters as the above are not used for
publication except by the written per
mission of the writer
A pamphlet filled with such letters will
be sent to any address free This book
should be read by all who doubt the
curability of catarrh
If you do not receive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of TPeruna write
at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
IHuIPs Grafs Tonic Oisrs Constipation
When the bowels move irregularly the entire
bodily system must suffer Constipation more
frequently occurs among women and it mani
fests itself in provoking profusa leucorrhea
and other Berious female diseases Kegular
bowels will result in a complete cure when von
use Mulls Grape Tonic Unlike pills and
ordinary cathartics this remedy is a mild
Sentle laxative in addition to being a greater
esh builder blood maker and strength giver
than cod liver oil or any other preparation
recommended for that purpose Mulls Grape
Tonic will permanently cure the most obstin
atecase of constipation and the numerous
afflictions that invariably follow in its wake
No matter if it is piles liver complaint kidney
disorder vertigo palpitation of the heart
diarrhea or the seff noisonino which fnllnwH
when the undigested food remains in the bowels where it putrefies and
empties highly diseased germs into the blood such as typhoid and
malaria MiuTs Grape Tonic will positively cure Large sample bottle
will be sent free to any address on receipt of 10 cents to cover postage
by the Lightning Medicine Co Bock Island 111 Send name of your I
feuruggisw Aii uruggists sen onuus urape xomc at u cents a Dottle A
Even the crustiest old bachelor
wants to know whether its a gin of
a boy the minute he sees the baby
Use the best Thats why they buy Red
Cross Ball Blue At leading grocers 5 cents
With a great many people honor
runs a close race with profit
Slother Grays Sweet Powder for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse
in the Childrens Home in New York cure
Constipation Feverishness Bad Stomach
Teething Disorders move and regulate the
Bowels and Destroy Worms Oyer 80000 tes
timonials At all druggists 25c Sample
FREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
People who are good simply to Keep
from disgracing their children should
put in extra time praying to be led
not into temptation
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of Defi
ance Starch is fast taking place of
all other brands Others say they
cannot sell any other starch
wnti yigpiiijMriyiyMWwaMlwyi
Amusing Editorial Squibs
This amusing excuse was given by
living before they get home and leave
their families breadless
Only Open in Summer
A sense of humor is not a very
strong characteristic of the English
clergy but occasionally some of them
possess its saving grace says the
London Tatler
Canon Knox Little tells a story of
being asked once to preach in the
country and being in the neighbor-
hood went to inspect the Church in
question beforehand
He arrived at a side door over
which was carved in stone This is
the Gate of Heaven but underneath
was written This door is only open
n summer
-- i T
Revival of Foppism
It may have been only one of lifes
little ironies says the London Ex
press that when Mr Beerbohm Tree
was giving a picture at His Majestys
of The Last of the Dandies there
should have been a revival of foopism
all over London Carefully corseted
young men may be seen daily swag
gering down Piccadilly elaborately at
tired with tight trousers gorgeous
waistcoats and slender waisted frock
coats and invariably a crook stick
swinging in one arm The eye glass
which hangs by a slender cord or is
the editor of Indian vernacular
an Latet
from South Omaha
paper wuicu was priuitu wiui iu
columns left blank on the most im
portant page says the London Ex
We had reserved this space fop
an exceptionally powerful article on a
subject of universal interest to our
readers but at the last moment we
find the article cannot be compressed
into the two columns reserved for It
The article will make its appearance
next week
Another Hindu editor who wanted
a holiday published this editorial
As we are beginning to feel the
physical and metal effects of a years
unremitting devotion to the interests
of our readers we feel it due to them
that we should take a rest which our
labors in their behalf demand and de
serve and as a natural consequence
beg to notify that this paper will
cease to appear for the space of four
and Ksnsas City
south omaiia
CATTLTS Tlie receipts of cattlo were
about normal and the market showed no
great changes About the usual- propor
tion ot tho receipts consisted of beef
steers nnd buyers took hold fairly well
and paid just about steady prices for
everything offered The better the qual
ity the easier the cattle were to dispose
of but still even the half fat stuff sold
to about aB good advantage as It did
yesterday Tho cow market seemed to
be rather uneven Some salesmen were
yell satisfied with the market and were
quoting It steady while others thought
they did not do quite as well as yester
day Taking the average there was
very little change from yesterday In the
prices paid Bulls veal calves and stags
also sold without material change the
demand apparently being fully equal to
1 tho supply Stockers and feeders were
He Despised Offlceseekcrs scarce and as speculators carried over
President Roosevelt was telling a j very few from yesterday anything at
friend about his mail which averages all desirable sold at just about steady
500 or 600 a day One of the most Orfces Common kinds though were
remarkable letters I ever received I slow sale as not much demand from
he said arrived on the morning the i the country was expected for the re
first full accounts of the Martinique malnder of this week
disaster were printed in the news 1 HOGS There was not an excessive
papers The writer said he saw that j supply of hogs but as all other mnr
the American consul at Martinique fes were quoted lower prices here also
had been burned to death He applied took a tumble The decline amounted
for the place and wound up with this I to Just abot CtftlOc Trading was not
assertion I make this early J exacy brisk but still the bulk of the
cation so as to get in ahead of those offerings were disposed of in good sea
loathsome creatures the Office seek I Ron- Good heavy hogs sold largely from
ers j IM to 710 and prime heavyweights
I sold up to JTIT1 The medium weights
went larpel from 6 05to 7 00 d the
wM e11 n at AirtM I
Bnt gtuff from jC95 down Tne nsi
Colonel J D Shires of Marion
end of the market was if anything a
ty Ky seems to be rather radical in j shade easier as packers filled their more
his ideas I am in favor he says j urgent orders and were not as anx
of putting up all county offices for irm for supplies
sale to the highest bidder Let the J SHEEP Quotations Choice lambs
auctioneer run each office to the high- 65ys6K fair to good lambs 35M2G23
est notch then knock It Off The J choice Colorado lambs 650S67o choice
money thus obtained Should be usedi lightweight yearlings toGolieQO choice
for building and bettering roads As it heavy yearlings JWffSG fair to good
is worked now candidates with money yearlings 500g550 choice wethers 52Ti
behind them buy the offices from float- 5M fair to good 5475325 choice
ers who spend the money in riotous j ewes 4005510 fair to good ewes 400
1450 feeder lambs J475g323 feeder
yearlings 423475 feeder wethers 100
S4G5 feeder ewes 300cJ350
CATTLE Best corn cattle steady oth
ers 10g20c lower than best prices of
week cows and heifers steady bulls
weak choice export and dressed beef
steers 4505540 fair to good 300i450
stockers and feeders 2O0t440 western
fed steers 2S5500 Texas and Indian
steers 323440 Texas cows J190S425
native cows 200425 native heifers
300450 caners S100S250 bulls 275
400 calves J300S700
HOGS Market 5gl0c lower top 730
bulk of sales 715 723 heavy 707
730 mixed packers 690727 light
G75f 71214 yorkers 705712 pigs
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steady
native lambs 165S500 western lambs
S450S690 fed ewes S300S600 native
wethers S375S575 western wethers 360
S570 stockers and feeders S230S3S0
Drives Goods from Market and Sends
Clerks to Competitive Stores
BERLIN Export a trade paper de
voted to extending German foreign
trade publishes a series of articles on
kept in a special small pocket is by tne methods by which American goods
no means an assistance to sight and are supplanting German goods in for
though happily is is no longer the 1 eign markets The articles consist
custom 10 imuve up vast sums ui larfi1v nf ottora frnrn namtnvta
money are spent in soaps and shav
ing creams hair lotions and even fine
face powder A mans dressing case
today has quite as many appointments
ing in Mexico Venezuela Brazil and
The writers explain that German
as a ladys and can cost quite as
houses are bei beaten bec n
much I
I are unwilling to guarantee agents
Bridesmaids Who Are Paid j fixed salaries as Americans do and
The profession of bridesmaid seems 1 also because they depend upon send
to be growing in New York For 1 out catalogues whereas Americans
some time it nas oeen tne naoit at
weddings in that city to pay brides-
keep stocks of goods in established
maids At a recent wedding there 1 agencies where buyers are able to
were no fewer than fifteen brides
maids who were all punctually paid
Besides the beautiful dresess given by
the brides father they each received
25 apiece for appearing in the wed
ding trap There are young ladies
who accept so much as 100 for their
office of honor One girl who is much
sought after for her beauty has ap
peared as bridesmaid at more than
200 weddings and has in a short time
emassed quite a goodly sum besides
receiving many costly presents
purchase after seeing the goods Ger
man agents it is added are largely
taking service with American houses
because of the better terms offered
Export urges the German manufac
turers to abandon their penny wise
pound foolish policy and give their
agents decent fixed salaries so as to
enable them to withstand the flatter
ing offers of the American competi
tors adding
This is all the more important since
An Inquiry Changed a Mans Whole American competition in the worlds
Life market will evidently grow keener
When you get a man to recognize j during the next ten years
that his bad feelings come from
proper food and that he can get well I
f 5 Injunction Judge Denounced
by using scientific food the battle Is
Paducah At the western
half won One of New Yorks business Ky ien
men says I tuck district miners convention W
I was troubled for a long time with F Farley of Birmingham Ala de
indigestion headache and stomach i nounced Judge Adams of St Louis
trouble and had taken various 1 for granting an injunction to prevent
cines but with no good results I con- j the Wabash emploves striking He
eluded to see how a change of food
said Jud Adams was wihJn the
would affect me I never cared
law American workmen were in a
ularlv for cereals of anv kind but ate
meat and pastry continually and drank worse condition of slavery than the
coffee negroes beiore the civil war
I found on inquiring that Grape-
Nuts were highly spoken of and de 1 TOPEKA Kan The state senate
cided to give them a trial To say I passed resolutions providing that a
was surprised at the result would not 1500 silver service should be purchas
begin to do justice to my feelings My
ed for a new battleship Kansas
headaches left me my brain became
The house Tl11 concur m the resolu
clearer and active my attacks of
gestion grew fewer and fewer until turn
they ceased entirely and where 1 once
went home tired fagged out and in j Earthquakes in Saxony
disposed to any exertion whatever I Berlin Earthquake shocks have
now found a different state of affairs Deen fejt for two days in the district
My color was good my muscles of VoIgtlaild Saxony in the Erzebirge
strong and firm and fully equal to
mountainss Yesterdays shack
anything I asked of them instead of
Dut those of vi
today were
soft and flabby I live two miles
from my business and walk it daily Ient Tne inhabitants of Grazlitz left
back and forth if the weather per- their houses and passed the day in the
mits I am 55 year old and feel as streets The tremors vere felt so far
well and strong as when I was 30 and as Plouan Reichenbach and Zekicka
can ride 70 miles a day on a bicycle Houses at Unter Sachsenburg and at
without feeling bad results -
any Ascn shook for seTeral seconds Ex
Name given by the Postum Co Bat 1
citement prevails in the district
tie Creek Mich
A Vast Number of Kidney Suffering People Cured by Doans Kidney PHIs
say but for the Free Trial they -would still be in Agony This means
Golden Merit at your Command to Test
Columbus City Lv Feb 10 1903 I
received tho sample package of Doans
Kidney Pills and took them according to
directions They did mo bo much good
I procured a 00 cent box at the drug store
and have been greatly benefited I had
the backache so bad I could hardly walk
also had urinary troubles that caused rac
to get up two and three times of a night
I am all right now Long may Doans
Pills prosper Yours truly A C Sive
Severe and long standing cases should
takcadvantage of free Medical Advice
GnAinj Rapid Mien Feb 17 1903
I received the trial package of Doans Kid
ney Pills promptly and can truly say they
are all and even more than recommended
I suffered continually with a severe pain
in the back which the pills entirely over
came and I am able to work which would
not have been possible but for Doans
Kidney Pills Mns J A Schlajib 955
Buchanan St Grand Rapids Mich
Aching backs arc cased Hip back andl
loin pains overcome Swelling of the
limbs and dropBy signs vanish
They correct urine with brick dust eedlJ
ment high colored pain in passing drib-
bling frequency bed wetting Doans
Kidney Pills rctuovo calculi and gravel
Relievo heart palpitation sleeplessness
headache nervousness dizziness
riease send mo by mail without charge
trial box Dooiib Kldnoy 1111a
Name -
Post onlce
Cut out coupon on dotted llnri And mall to
Foiter Mllburn Co Buffalo N Y
Medical Advice Free Strictly Confidential
of the Skii and
Should Begin NOW
HUMOURS Skin Humours Scalp Humours Baby
Humours and every kind of Humour from Pimples to
Scrofula with Premature Loss of Hair may now be speedily
permanently and economically cured by Cuticura Resolvent greatest
of Blood and Skin Purifiers assisted by the external use of Cuticura
Ointment and Cuticura Soap j
Thousands of the worlds best people have found instant relief
and speedy cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent Ointment and
Soap in the most torturing and disfiguring of ITCHING BURN-
Thousands of Tired Fretted Mothers of Skin Tortured and
Disfigured Babies of all ages and conditions have certified to almost
miraculous cures by the Cuticura Remedies when the best medical
skill has failed to relieve much less cure
1 Cuticura Treatment is local and constitutional complete andj
perfect pure sweet and wholesome Bathe the affected surfaces
with Cuticura Soap and Hot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and I
Scales and Soften the Thickened Cuticle dry without hard rubbing
and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay Itching Irritation and
Inflammation and Soothe and Heal and lastly take Cuticura
Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood and put every function in
a state of healthy activity
To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humour3
of the Blood Skin and Scalp and who have lost faith in doctors
medicines and all things human Cuticura Remedies appeal with a
force hardly to be realized Every hope every expectation awakened
by them has been more than fulfilled More great cures of Simple
Scrofulous and Hereditary Humours are daily made by them than
by all other Blocd and Skin Remedies combined a single set being
often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails
CUTICURA REMEDIES are sold throcchout the civilized world PRICES Cutlccra BoI
Tcrt BOc per bottle In the form of Chocolate Coated Pills 25c pr Tlal Of 60
Cutlenra Ointment 50c per box and Outlcura Soap 23c per cake Snd for the great
work Humours of the Blood SLin and Scalp and How to Cure Them 64 Paices 300 Dis
eases with Illustrations Testimonials and Directions In all languages including Japanese
and Chinese British Depot 27 28 Charterhouse Sq London E C French Depot 6 Rua
de la Palx Parla Australian Depot R Towns it Co Sydney POTTER DRUG ANI CHHM
ICAX CORPORATION Sole Proprietors Boston U S A
Simplicity of character is the nat
ural result of profound thouglit Wil
liam Hazlett
Ask Your Dealer For Allens Foot Ease
A powder It rests the feet Cures Corns
Bunions SwollenSoreHotCallousAching
Sweating feet and Ingrowing Kails Allens
Foot Ease makes new or tight shoes easy At
all Druggists and Shoe stores 25 cents Ac
cept no substitute Sample mailed Free
Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
Do not wait for extraordinary cir
cumstances to do good actions try
to use ordinary situatons Kicnter
Use Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them
white as snow All grocers oc a package
The shortest life is long enough if
it lead to a better and the longest
life is too short if it do not Colton
Mrs Wlnslows SootTilng Syrup
ffff fMrn cnMn fha mint Im
uwwh wig rwvua hut uuc cuuCO X
I Cammatlon allays pain cures wind colic 23c a bottle
To prove the noalinf and
cleansing power of Paztlno
Toilet Antiseptlo we will
mail a large trial package
with book of instructfon
absolutely free This is noS
a tiny sample but a laro
package enough to con
vince anyone of its value
Women all over the country
are praising Paxtlne for what
it has done in local treat
ment nf famaTn flfa tnrinr
all inflammation and discharges wonderful as n
cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat Dasal
catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth Send today a postal can
will do
tfolil by drngglntg or gent pontpnld by tin ac
cent large box Satisfaction guaranteed
214 Colnmba Ave
PnTTTnPR V l n ynT Ponltry
er egj TeaL hides ato
Quick retnrna and thahlgbestprlcet toatlooalloo
facilities and experience can grre Wrlta for tag
and prices BOBBRT PURVIS
JKntabllHhed 18TO Omaha Xeb
ILyirAVl 1 qnlckrellef and cores worst
aaee Book of testimonials and 10 OATS treatment